Vertex AI for BigQuery users

Use this page to understand the differences between Vertex AI and BigQuery and learn how you can integrate Vertex AI with your existing BigQuery workflows. Vertex AI and BigQuery work together to meet your machine learning and MLOps use cases.

To learn more about model training differences between Vertex AI and BigQuery, see Choose a training method.

Differences between Vertex AI and BigQuery

This section covers the Vertex AI, BigQuery, and BigQuery ML services.

Vertex AI: An end-to-end AI/ML platform

Vertex AI is an AI/ML platform for both model development and governance. You can train your models in three main ways:

  • AutoML: which lets you train models on image, tabular, text, and video datasets without writing code.
  • Custom Training: where you can run custom training code catered to your specific use case.
  • Ray on Vertex AI: which lets you use Ray to scale AI and Python applications like machine learning.

You can register custom-trained models to the Vertex AI Model Registry. You don't need to register AutoML models; they are registered automatically at creation time. You can register BigQuery ML models to Vertex AI Model Registry. You can also import models created outside of Vertex AI and BigQuery ML to Vertex AI Model Registry.

From the registry, you can manage model versions, deploy to endpoints for online predictions, perform model evaluations, monitor deployments with Vertex AI Model Monitoring, and use Vertex Explainable AI.

Available languages:

  • Vertex AI SDK for Python
  • Client library for Java
  • Client library for Node.js

BigQuery: A serverless, multicloud enterprise data warehouse

BigQuery is a fully managed enterprise data warehouse that helps you manage and analyze your data with built-in features like machine learning, geospatial analysis, and business intelligence. BigQuery tables can be queried by SQL, and data scientists who primarily use SQL can run large queries with only a few lines of code.

You can also use BigQuery as a data store that you reference when building tabular and custom models in Vertex AI. To learn more about using BigQuery as a data store, see Overview of BigQuery storage.

Available languages:

To learn more, see BigQuery SQL dialects.

BigQuery ML: Machine learning directly in BigQuery

BigQuery ML is a model development service within BigQuery. With BigQuery ML, SQL users can train ML models directly in BigQuery without needing to move data or worry about the underlying training infrastructure. You can create batch predictions for BigQuery ML models to gain insights from your BigQuery data.

Available language:

  • GoogleSQL

To learn more about the advantages of using BigQuery ML, see What is BigQuery ML?

Benefits of integrating BigQuery ML models in Vertex AI

Integrating BigQuery ML models in Vertex AI provides two main benefits:

  • Online model serving: BigQuery ML only supports batch predictions for your models. To get online predictions, you can train your models in BigQuery ML and deploy them to Vertex AI endpoints through Vertex AI Model Registry.

  • MLOps capabilities: Models are most beneficial when they are kept up to date through continuous training. Vertex AI offers MLOps tools that automate the monitoring and retraining of models to maintain the accuracy of predictions over time. With Vertex AI Pipelines, you can use BigQuery operators to plug any BigQuery jobs (including BigQuery ML) into an ML pipeline. With Vertex AI Model Monitoring, you can monitor your BigQuery ML predictions over time.

An image of Google Cloud products and where they fit in an MLOps workflow

To learn how to register your BigQuery ML models to the Model Registry, see Manage BigQuery ML models with Vertex AI.

What do you want to do? Resource
Use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to train and deploy a custom tabular classification model for online prediction. Training a TensorFlow model on BigQuery data
Use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to train an AutoML model for tabular regression and get online predictions from the model. Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML training tabular regression model for online prediction using BigQuery
Use two Vertex AI Tabular Workflows pipelines to train a AutoML model using different configurations. Tabular Workflow: AutoML Tabular Pipeline
Use the Vertex AI SDK for Python to train an AutoML model for tabular regression and get batch predictions from the model. Vertex AI SDK for Python: AutoML training tabular regression model for batch prediction using BigQuery
Use the Vertex AI SDK to train an AutoML model for tabular forecasting and get batch predictions from the model. Vertex AI SDK: AutoML tabular forecasting model for batch prediction
Train and evaluate a propensity model in BigQuery ML to predict user retention on a mobile game. Churn prediction for game developers using Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery ML
Use BigQuery ML to perform pricing optimization on CDM pricing data. Analysis of pricing optimization on CDM pricing data

What's next