Remote Agents Overview

The Remote Agents module provides a secure way to connect a local Google Security Operations instance to remote sites. This provides MSSP and enterprise Security Operations Centers with a variety of capabilities:

  • Execute actions and playbooks on remote sites directly from Google Security Operations
  • Pulling alerts and security data from remote sites with remote connectors
  • Connect to separate networks to pull data for incident response purposes

The Remote Agents infrastructure consists of 2 main components:

Google Security Operations Platform
Deployment of Google Security Operations platform to consolidate all security alerts in one place, and orchestrate security and network products with automated workflows. 

Google Security Operations Agent
A remote agent deployed on the remote site. The agent pulls new tasks from Google Security Operations, executes locally (on the remote\separate network) and updates Google Security Operations with the results.
The agent is easily deployed and allows both enterprise and MSSP end customers to deploy it by themselves.
The agent can initiate communication with Google Security Operations to get new commands and to send new alerts and data.