Test integrations in staging mode

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The integrations are located in the Marketplace page in Google Security Operations. When you see information about available updates in the Marketplace, Google recommends that you download the integrations into the IDE staging mode first to test the code before updating them. Integrations can exist in both modes at the same time. The integration in production mode is used by playbooks and manual actions. The integration in staging mode can be worked on for testing purposes. You can upgrade the integration to the latest version, test it in staging, and then push it to production to replace the existing integration.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have All Environments selected in your permission group. For more information, refer to Work with permission groups.

Use the IDE in staging mode

The IDE contains two modes: production (default mode) and staging. The staging mode offers all the basic features of the production default mode of the IDE. For details on all available features, refer to Using the IDE.

Add an integration

There are three ways of adding an integration to the staging mode:

  • Install an integration from the Marketplace
  • Push an integration from production to staging
  • Import an integration

Install the integration from the Marketplace

  1. In the IDE, click the toggle from Production to Staging to enter the staging mode.
  2. Click the Menu icon and select Install from Marketplace.
  3. Choose an integration and click Install.

Push the integration from production to staging

Pushing the integration to staging creates a copy of the production integration, including its version number and all items (certified and custom), in the staging mode.

  1. In the IDE, locate the required integration.
  2. Click more_vert More > Push to staging.
  3. Click the toggle from Production to Staging in order to enter the staging mode and work with this integration.

Import an integration or integration items

You can import an entire package or specific integration items directly into the Staging mode.

  1. Click the menu icon and select Import Package or Import Items. If you are importing individual items, you need to select the integration to import them into.
  2. Locate the package or items and click Import.

Configure the integration instance

You must create an instance for each integration in staging before you can perform any tests on the integration. The integration instance is a specific staging instance and won't appear in the integration configuration page. You can create only one staging instance for each integration. For information on how to configure instances, see Supporting multiple instances.

  1. In the IDE staging mode, locate the required integration. A yellow triangle by this integration indicates that you need to configure a staging instance.
  2. Click more_vert More > Configure instance.

Update integration in IDE staging

When you hold the pointer over the icon of the integration in both staging and production, you can see the version number. The upgrade icon lets you know that there is an update available.

  1. On the integration, click more_vert More > Upgrade Integration. This step upgrades the integration to the latest version.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Review and confirm the override message that describes which items are affected by the upgrade.

Delete an integration

Deleting an integration in the staging mode deletes both the integration and the instance.

  1. On the required integration, click more_vert More > Delete integration.
  2. Click Confirm.

Push an integration from staging to production

After you finish running tests or upgrading the integration, you can push the integration to production, thereby replacing the integration that is currently in production. Google recommends testing an integration in the Testing area first before pushing to production.

  1. On the required integration, click more_vert More > Push to production.
  2. Review and click Confirm on the warning message.
  3. Click the toggle to go back to Production mode if required. The integration now lives in both modes.

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