Respond to pending actions from Your Workdesk

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Your Workdesk provides a place where you can quickly respond to actions related to a playbook. You can view attached messages before deciding on a response.

To see more information before you respond, click View Case. The Case page opens where you can view the case details, and manually approve or deny the action.

To respond to a pending action, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Your Workdesk > Pending Actions.
  2. Click Respond. The Respond side drawer opens with details regarding the playbook step. If enabled by the administrator, a timer shows how much time you have left to respond.
  3. If you are a standard user, click Execute or Skip.
    • If you click Execute, the action is approved.
    • If you click Skip, the action is skipped and the playbook continues to run.
  4. As a collaborator user, click Approve or Decline, and then click Save.
    • If you click Approve, the status for the pending action is updated to Action Approved.
    • If you click Decline, a dialog opens. Enter the reason for declining the action. This reason is then added to the case wall, and the status for pending action is updated to Action Declined.