Use tools and information to help you on your journey to Google Cloud.
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Explore migration in Google Cloud

Read documentation and Cloud Architecture Center articles about migration products, capabilities, and procedures.

Migrate to Google Cloud: get started

Plan, design, and implement the process of migrating your workloads.open_in_new

Training, blog articles, and more

Go to training courses, blog articles, and other related resources.

Migrate to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL using Database Migration Service lab

Study migrating a stand-alone PostgreSQL database to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL using a continuous Database Migration Service job and VPC peering for connectivity.open_in_new

Migrating to Cloud SQL for MySQL from Amazon RDS for MySQL using Database Migration Service lab

Study migrating a MySQL database from an Amazon RDS instance for MySQL to Cloud SQL for MySQL using a one-time Database Migration Service job and an IP allowlist for connectivity.open_in_new

Startup cloud engineer learning path

Study Google Cloud technologies essential to the Startup Cloud Engineer role, including migration.open_in_new

Migration products by use case

Expand sections or use the filter to find products and guides for typical use cases.

Migration tools and services

Tools and information to guide your migration to Google Cloud.

Database Migration Service

Facilitate database migrations to Google Cloud with minimal downtime.

Google Cloud for AWS and Azure users

Compare AWS and Azure services to Google Cloud.

Google Cloud Migration Center

Unified platform that helps you accelerate your end-to-end cloud journey from your current on-premises or cloud environments to Google Cloud.

Migrate to Virtual Machines

Migrate servers and VMs from on-premises or another cloud to Compute Engine. (Formerly Velostrata.)

Migrate to Containers

Migrate VMs from on-premises or other clouds directly into containers in GKE.

Google Cloud NetApp Volumes

A fully managed, cloud-based data storage service that provides advanced data management capabilities and highly scalable performance.

Storage Transfer Service

Transfer data between Cloud Storage services such as AWS S3 and Cloud Storage.

Transfer Appliance

Ship large volumes of data to Google Cloud using rackable storage.

Introduction to migrating to BigQuery

Migrate your data warehouse to BigQuery using free-to-use tools that help you with each phase of migration.


Migrate your Cloud Foundry apps to GKE or GKE Enterprise.