Gemini documentation summaries

Supported in:

You can use Gemini to answer questions about Google SecOps based on the documentation. Enter a prompt in the Gemini pane to request information about any aspect of how to use Google SecOps. Gemini generates a summary based on relevant documentation.

The following are some example prompts that can return documentation summaries:

  • How do I configure the forwarder

  • How do I create a rule

  • How do I investigate user logins

Gemini always provides replies with a summary and might also include links to related documentation pages.

Delete a chat session

You can delete your chat conversation session or delete all chat sessions. Gemini maintains all user conversation histories privately and adheres to Google Cloud's responsible AI practices. User history is never used to train models.

  1. In the Gemini pane, select Delete chat from the menu at the top right.
  2. Click Delete chat at the bottom right to delete the current chat session.
  3. (Optional) To delete all chat sessions, select Delete all chat sessions and then click Delete all chats.

Provide feedback

You can provide feedback to responses generated by the Gemini AI investigation assistance. Your feedback helps Google improve the feature and the output generated by Gemini.

  1. In the Gemini pane, select the thumbs up or thumbs down icon.
  2. (Optional) If you select thumbs down, you can add additional feedback about why you chose the rating.
  3. Click Send feedback.

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