Manage charts in Preview Dashboards

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A dashboard is composed of charts that are populated with data using YARA-L. Charts on dashboards simplify complex data, revealing trends and patterns through visuals. The chart type used depends on the data and required insights.

Add a chart

To add a chart to your dashboard, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click Add chart.

  2. In the query editor, enter a YARA-L query to explore and transform your data. You can also view and use previous queries from History, your saved search, or queries that have been shared with you earlier.

  3. Select an Absolute or Relative time range.

  4. After you have entered the query, click Run Search. The results are displayed in a tabular format, which is the default chart type.

  5. In the Chart details, enter a name for the chart.

  6. To change the format of your tabulated search results, click Chart type and then select a chart type.

  7. Change the settings of the chart as per your requirements.

  8. Review the results and then click Add to Dashboard.

Edit a chart

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click the icon on a chart to edit it.

  2. In the query editor, modify the YARA-L query to explore and transform your data. You can also view and use previous queries from history, your saved searches, or shared with you.

  3. Modify the time range as required, and then click Run Query.

  4. Change the settings of the chart as per your requirements.

  5. Review the results and then click Save to save the changes to the chart.

Add a button

You can add buttons on a dashboards. Buttons can be used to open a link. For example, you can add a button that contains a link to a third-party ticketing system.

To add a button, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click Add > Button.

  2. In the Create Button dialog, in the Button label box type a name for the button.

  3. Enter a link which will be opened when you click the button. Only http:// and https:// links are supported.

  4. Optional: Select the Open the link in new tab checkbox to open the link in a new tab.

  5. In the Description box, enter text to describe the button.

  6. Select Button style and Button color.

  7. Click Save to save the button. The button is displayed on the dashboard.

Edit a button

To edit an existing button, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click the icon on the button.

  2. On the Edit button dialog, make the required changes.

  3. Click Save to save the button. The button is displayed on the dashboard.

Delete a button

To delete an existing button, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click the icon on the button.

  2. On the Edit Button dialog, click Remove and then click Confirm to delete the button.

Make a copy of a button

To make a copy of a button, do the following:

  • On the Edit Dashboard page, click the icon to make a copy of the button.

Delete a chart

To delete a chart, do the following:

  1. On the Edit Dashboard page, click Menu on a chart you want to delete, and then click Delete.

  2. Click Confirm to delete the chart.

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