Collecter les journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing
Ce document explique comment collecter les journaux d'équilibrage de charge Google Cloud en activant l' Google Cloud ingestion de la télémétrie dans Google Security Operations, et comment les champs de journal se mappent sur les champs du modèle de données unifié (UDM) de Google Security Operations. Ce document indique également la version de Cloud Load Balancing compatible.
Pour en savoir plus, consultez Ingestion de données dans Google Security Operations.
Un déploiement typique consiste à activer l'ingestion des journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing dans Google Security Operations. Chaque déploiement client peut différer de cette représentation et être plus complexe.
Le déploiement contient les composants suivants:
Google Cloud: Google Cloud services et produits à partir desquels vous collectez des journaux.
Journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing: journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing activés pour l'ingestion dans Google Security Operations.
Google Security Operations: Google Security Operations conserve et analyse les journaux de Google Cloud Load Balancing.
Un libellé d'ingestion identifie l'analyseur qui normalise les données de journal brutes au format UDM structuré. Les informations de ce document s'appliquent à l'analyseur avec le libellé d'ingestion GCP_LOADBALANCING
Avant de commencer
Assurez-vous d'utiliser la version 1 de Google Cloud Load Balancing.
Assurez-vous que tous les systèmes de l'architecture de déploiement sont configurés dans le fuseau horaire UTC.
Configurer Google Cloud pour ingérer les journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing
Pour insérer les journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing dans Google Security Operations, suivez la procédure décrite sur la page Ingestion des journaux Google Cloud dans Google Security Operations.
Si vous rencontrez des problèmes lors de l'ingestion des journaux Google Cloud Load Balancing, contactez l'assistance Google Security Operations.
Référence de mappage de champ
Cette section explique comment l'analyseur Google Security Operations mappe les champs d'équilibrage de charge Google Cloud aux champs du modèle de données unifié (UDM) de Google Security Operations.
Référence de mappage de champs: champs de journal GCP_LOADBALANCING vers les champs UDM
Le tableau suivant répertorie les champs de journal du type de journal GCP_LOADBALANCING
et les champs UDM correspondants.
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
receiveTimestamp |
metadata.collected_timestamp |
timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
metadata.event_type |
If the following values are not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION .
Else, if the following values are not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED .
Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT . |
logName |
metadata.product_event_type |
insertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
metadata.vendor_name |
The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Google Cloud Platform . |
httpRequest.protocol |
network.application_protocol |
If the httpRequest.requestUrl log field value matches the regular expression https or the httpRequest.protocol log field value matches the regular expression HTTPS , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTPS .Else, if the httpRequest.requestUrl log field value matches the regular expression http or the httpRequest.protocol log field value matches the regular expression HTTP , then the network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTP . |
jsonPayload.clientLocation.asn |
network.asn |
httpRequest.requestMethod |
network.http.method |
httpRequest.referer |
network.http.referral_url |
httpRequest.status |
network.http.response_code |
httpRequest.userAgent |
network.http.user_agent |
jsonPayload.connection.protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
If the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 0 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UNKNOWN_IP_PROTOCOL .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 1 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 2 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IGMP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 6 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 17 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 41 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IP6IN4 .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 47 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to GRE .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 50 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ESP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 58 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP6 .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 88 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to EIGRP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 97 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ETHERIP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 103 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to PIM .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 112 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to VRRP .Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 132 , then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to SCTP . |
httpRequest.responseSize |
network.received_bytes |
jsonPayload.bytesReceived |
network.received_bytes |
jsonPayload.packetsReceived |
network.received_packets |
httpRequest.requestSize |
network.sent_bytes |
jsonPayload.packetsSent |
network.sent_packets |
jsonPayload.bytesSent |
network.sent_packets |
jsonPayload.rtt |
network.session_duration.seconds |
Grok: Extracted sec from the log field jsonPayload.rtt and mapped it to the network.session_duration.seconds UDM field. |
jsonPayload.rtt |
network.session_duration.nanos |
Grok: Extracted nano from the log field jsonPayload.rtt and mapped it to the network.session_duration.nanos UDM field. |
jsonPayload.tls.cipher |
network.tls.cipher |
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.tlsJa3Fingerprint |
network.tls.client.ja3 |
jsonPayload.tls.protocol |
network.tls.next_protocol |
httpRequest.remoteIp |
principal.ip |
If the httpRequest.remoteIp log field value is not empty, then Grok: Extracted ip and port from the log field httpRequest.remoteIp and mapped it to the principal.ip and principal.port UDM field respectively.
jsonPayload.remoteIp |
principal.ip |
If the jsonPayload.remoteIp log field value is not empty, then Grok: Extracted ip and port from the log field jsonPayload.remoteIp and mapped it to the principal.ip and principal.port UDM field respectively.
jsonPayload.connection.clientIp |
principal.ip |
clientInstance.vmIp |
principal.ip |
| | |
jsonPayload.clientLocation.regionCode |
principal.location.country_or_region |
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.remoteIpInfo.regionCode | |
jsonPayload.clientLocation.subRegion |
principal.location.state |
jsonPayload.connection.clientPort |
principal.port |
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.cluster.clusterLocation | |
jsonPayload.clientVpc.projectId | |
jsonPayload.clientVpc.vpc | |
jsonPayload.clientVpc.subnetwork | |
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.cluster.cluster | |
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.pod | |
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.service | |
jsonPayload.clientInstance.projectId |
principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype |
If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.projectId log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientVpc_projectId .If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.vpc log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientVpc_vpc .If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.subnetwork log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientVpc_subnetwork .If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientGkeDetails_cluster .If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientGkeDetails_pod .If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to clientGkeDetails_service . |
principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type |
If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.projectId log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK .If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.vpc log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE .If the jsonPayload.clientVpc.subnetwork log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE .If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER .If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE .If the jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to BACKEND_SERVICE . | | |
jsonPayload.clientInstance.vm | |
principal.resource.resource_subtype |
If the jsonPayload.clientInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to client_instance_vm . |
principal.resource.resource_type |
If the jsonPayload.clientInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE . |
security_result.action |
If the jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .Else, if the jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .If the jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .Else, if the jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .If the jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .Else, if the jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .If the jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to DENY , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK .Else, if the jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction log field value is equal to ALLOW , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW . |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.configuredAction |
security_result.action_details |
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.configuredAction |
security_result.action_details |
jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction |
security_result.action_details |
jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.configuredAction |
security_result.action_details |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.outcome |
security_result.outcomes[jsonpayload_enforcedsecuritypolicy_outcome] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.priority |
security_result.priority_details |
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.priority |
security_result.priority_details |
jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.priority |
security_result.priority_details |
jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.priority |
security_result.priority_details |
| |
security_result.rule_name |
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaActionToken.score |
security_result.risk_score |
If the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaActionToken.score log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaActionToken.score log field is mapped to the security_result.risk_score UDM field. |
jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaSessionToken.score |
security_result.risk_score |
If the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaSessionToken.score log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.securityPolicyRequestData.recaptchaSessionToken.score log field is mapped to the security_result.risk_score UDM field. | |
security_result.rule_name |
| |
security_result.rule_name |
| |
security_result.rule_name |
security_result.severity |
If the severity log field value matches the regular expression DEFAULT or DEBUG or INFO or NOTICE , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW .Else, if the severity log field value matches the regular expression WARNING or ERROR , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM .Else, if the severity log field value matches the regular expression CRITICAL or ALERT or EMERGENCY , then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH . |
severity |
security_result.severity_details |
jsonPayload.statusDetails |
security_result.summary |
jsonPayload.proxyStatus |
security_result.summary |
resource.labels.backend_service_name |
target.application |
resource.labels.backend_name | |
resource.labels.backend_group_name | |
httpRequest.serverIp |
target.ip |
jsonPayload.connection.serverIp |
target.ip |
serverInstance.vmIp |
target.ip |
jsonPayload.connection.serverPort |
target.port |
resource.labels.backend_scope | |
If the resource.labels.backend_target_name log field value is not empty, then the resource.labels.backend_scope log field is mapped to the UDM field. | | |
If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.clusterLocation | |
If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.clusterLocation log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
resource.labels.backend_zone | |
If the resource.labels.backend_zone log field value is not empty, then the resource.labels.backend_zone log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
resource.labels.backend_target_name | |
jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm | |
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster | |
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.pod | |
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.service | |
resource.labels.network_name | |
resource.labels.project_id |
target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
jsonPayload.serverInstance.projectId |
target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the jsonPayload.serverInstance.projectId log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field. |
resource.labels.project |
target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
resource.labels.backend_target_type |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype |
If the resource.labels.backend_target_name log field value is not empty, then the resource.labels.backend_target_type log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field.If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverInstance_vm .If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverGkeDetails_cluster .If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverGkeDetails_pod .If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to serverGkeDetails_service .If the resource.labels.network_name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field is set to network_name . |
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type |
If the resource.labels.backend_target_name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to BACKEND_SERVICE .If the jsonPayload.serverInstance.vm log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE .If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.cluster.cluster log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER .If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.pod log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE .If the jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.service log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to BACKEND_SERVICE .If the resource.labels.network_name log field value is not empty, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK . |
resource.labels.region | |
resource.labels.endpoint_zone | |
| | |
| |
The UDM field is set to GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM . |
resource.labels.load_balancer_name | |
resource.type |
target.resource.resource_subtype |
target.resource.resource_type |
The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to DEVICE . |
httpRequest.requestUrl |
target.url |
jsonPayload.backendTargetProjectNumber |
about.labels[backend_target_project_number] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.backendTargetProjectNumber |
additional.fields[backend_target_project_number] |
jsonPayload.cacheDecision |
about.labels[cache_decision] |
jsonPayload.cacheId |
about.labels[cache_id] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.cacheId |
additional.fields[cache_id] |
jsonPayload.endTime |
about.labels[end_time] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.endTime |
additional.fields[end_time] |
jsonPayload.@type |
about.labels[metadata_type] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.@type |
additional.fields[metadata_type] |
spanId |
about.labels[span_id] (deprecated) |
spanId |
additional.fields[span_id] |
jsonPayload.startTime |
about.labels[start_time] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.startTime |
additional.fields[start_time] |
traceSampled |
about.labels[trace_sampled] (deprecated) |
traceSampled |
additional.fields[trace_sampled] |
trace |
about.labels[trace] (deprecated) |
trace |
additional.fields[trace] |
jsonPayload.clientLocation.continent |
principal.labels[client_loacation_continent] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.clientLocation.continent |
additional.fields[client_loacation_continent] |
jsonPayload.networkTier.networkTier |
principal.labels[network_tier] (deprecated) |
jsonPayload.networkTier.networkTier |
additional.fields[network_tier] |
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.pod.podNamespace |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[pod_namespace] |
jsonPayload.clientGkeDetails.service.serviceNamespace |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[service_namespace] |
jsonPayload.clientInstance.region |
principal.resource.attribute.labels[client_instance_region] |
resource.labels.forwarding_rule_name |
security_result.rule_labels[forwarding_rule_name] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedFieldName |
security_result.rule_labels[matched_field_name] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedFieldType |
security_result.rule_labels[matched_field_type] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedFieldValue |
security_result.rule_labels[matched_field_value] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.matchedLength |
security_result.rule_labels[matched_length] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.preconfiguredExprIds |
security_result.rule_labels[preconfigured_expr_ids] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.threatIntelligence.categories |
security_result.rule_labels[threat_intelligence_category] |
resource.labels.backend_group_scope |[backend_group_scope] |
resource.labels.backend_group_type |[backend_group_type] |
resource.labels.backend_type |[backend_type] |
resource.labels.forwarding_rule_network_tier |
target.labels[forwarding_rule_network_tier] (deprecated)` |
resource.labels.forwarding_rule_network_tier |
additional.fields[forwarding_rule_network_tier] |
httpRequest.cacheFillBytes |
target.labels[http_request_cache_fill_bytes] (deprecated) |
httpRequest.cacheFillBytes |
additional.fields[http_request_cache_fill_bytes] |
httpRequest.cacheHit |
target.labels[http_request_cache_hit] (deprecated) |
httpRequest.cacheHit |
additional.fields[http_request_cache_hit] |
httpRequest.cacheLookup |
target.labels[http_request_cache_lookup] (deprecated) |
httpRequest.cacheLookup |
additional.fields[http_request_cache_lookup] |
httpRequest.cacheValidatedWithOriginServer |
target.labels[http_request_cache_validated_with_origin_server] (deprecated) |
httpRequest.cacheValidatedWithOriginServer |
additional.fields[http_request_cache_validated_with_origin_server] |
httpRequest.latency |
target.labels[http_request_latency] (deprecated) |
httpRequest.latency |
additional.fields[http_request_latency] |
resource.labels.primary_target_pool |
target.labels[primary_target_pool] (deprecated) |
resource.labels.primary_target_pool |
additional.fields[primary_target_pool] |
resource.labels.target_pool |
target.labels[target_pool] (deprecated) |
resource.labels.target_pool |
additional.fields[target_pool] |
resource.labels.target_proxy_name |
target.labels[target_proxy_name] (deprecated) |
resource.labels.target_proxy_name |
additional.fields[target_proxy_name] |
resource.labels.url_map_name |
target.labels[url_map_name] (deprecated) |
resource.labels.url_map_name |
additional.fields[url_map_name] |
resource.labels.backend_failover_configuration |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_failover_configuration] |
resource.labels.backend_network_name |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_network_name] |
resource.labels.backend_scope_type |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_scope_type] |
resource.labels.backend_subnetwork_name |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[backend_subnetwork_name] |
jsonPayload.serverInstance.region |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[client_instance_region] |
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.pod.podNamespace |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[pod_namespace] |
jsonPayload.serverGkeDetails.service.serviceNamespace |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels[service_namespace] |
resource.labels.matched_url_path_rule |
target.resource.attribute.labels[matched_url_path_rule] |
resource.labels.loadbalancing_scheme_name |
target.resource.attribute.labels[loadbalancing_scheme_name] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.key |
security_result.rule_labels[enforcedsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_key] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.outcome |
security_result.rule_labels[enforcedsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_outcome] |
jsonPayload.enforcedSecurityPolicy.adaptiveProtection.autoDeployAlertId |
security_result.rule_labels[adaptiveprotection_autodeployalertid] |
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.key |
security_result.rule_labels[previewsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_key] |
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.rateLimitAction.outcome |
security_result.rule_labels[previewsecuritypolicy_ratelimitaction_outcome] |
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.outcome |
security_result.outcomes[previewsecuritypolicy_outcome] |
jsonPayload.previewSecurityPolicy.preconfiguredExprIds |
security_result.rule_labels[previewsecuritypolicy_preconfigured_expr_ids] |
jsonPayload.enforcedEdgeSecurityPolicy.outcome |
security_result.outcomes[enforcededgesecuritypolicy_outcome] |
jsonPayload.previewEdgeSecurityPolicy.outcome |
security_result.outcomes[previewedgesecuritypolicy_outcome] |
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