Parser extension examples

Supported in:

This document provides examples of parser extension creation in different scenarios. To learn more about parser extensions, see Create parser extensions.

Parser extension examples

Use the following attribute tables to quickly find the sample code you need.

No-code examples

Log source format Example title Description Parser concepts in this example
(Log type: GCP_IDS)
Extract fields Extract fields from a log in JSON format. No-code
Extract fields with Precondition Value Extract fields from a log in JSON format and normalize it into a repeated UDM field, with a precondition.

Code snippet examples

Log source format Example title Description Parser concepts in this example
(Log type: GCP_IDS)
Adding HTTP User Agent
  • Extract the Network HTTP Parser User Agent and create a target hostname from the requestUrl.
  • Assign a Namespace to ensure Asset based aliasing and enrichment is performed.
(Log type: MISP_IOC)
Arbitrary fields extraction into the additional UDM object Extracts fields into UDM > Entity > additional UDM Object > key-value-pair additional UDM object
(Log type: POWERSHELL)
Extracting Priority and Severity from Syslog Extract the Syslog Facility and Severity values into the UDM Security Result Priority and Severity fields. Grok based
JSON with a Syslog header
Decoration based on a conditional statement
  • Adds decoration (contextual information) into the metadata.description field based on a conditional statement and understanding the data types within code snippets.
  • When using an extraction filter, the original data type may be preserved.
  • A Grok conditional statement should use the original data type to evaluate the field.
  • Grok based
  • Grok conditional statement
  • The original data type of an extracted field may be preserved.
  • A Grok conditional statement should use the original data type to evaluate the field.
JSON with a Syslog header
Convert data types
  • Convert data types within a parser extension using the convert function.
  • Use on_error statements to ensure proper error handling and avoid parser extension failures caused by errors.
  • Grok based
  • Convert data types
  • Use on_error statements to provide error handling.
JSON with a Syslog header
Temporary variable names for readability You can use temporary variable names in code snippets, and later rename them to match the final output UDM Event object name. This can help with overall readability.
  • Grok based
  • Use temporary variable names, and later rename them to the final output UDM names.
JSON with a Syslog header
Repeated fields Use caution when working with repeated fields in code snippets, for example, the security_result field.
Arbitrary field extraction into the additional object
  • Extract and store the Platform Version value, for example, to be able to report on and search for outdated platform versions.
  • In this example there is no suitable standard UDM field, so the additional object is used to store the information as a custom key-value pair.
The additional object is used to store the information as a custom key-value pair.
Arbitrary field extraction into Principal Hostname
  • Extract Hostname from a FQDN.
  • Conditional processing is used to determine if the principal.hostname field should be overwritten.
  • Grok statement uses a regular expression (regex) to extract the hostname field. The regex itself uses a named capture group, which means, whatever is matched inside the parentheses will be stored in the field named hostname, matching one or more characters until it encounters a dot. This will only capture the hostname within a FQDN.
Grok overwrite statement
  • However, when running the PREVIEW UDM OUTPUT, an error is returned: "LOG_PARSING_CBN_ERROR: Field hostname already exists in data and is not overwritable".
  • Within a Grok statement a named capture group cannot overwrite an existing variable, unless explicitly specified using the overwrite statement. In this scenario we could either use a different variable name for the named capture group in the Grok statement, or (as shown in this example), use the overwrite statement to explicitly overwrite the existing hostname variable.
  • Grok based
  • Conditional processing is used to determine if a field should be overwritten.
  • Grok statement using regular expressions (regex).
  • Grok overwrite statement

JSON Examples

The following examples show how to create a parser extension where the log source is in JSON format.

No-code - Extract fields

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: JSON
  • Data mapping approach: no-code
  • Log type: GCP_IDS
  • Parser extension purpose: Extract fields.
  • Description:

    Several network related fields are not being extracted. As this log sample is a structured log in JSON format we can use the no-code (Map data fields) approach to create the parser extension.

    The original fields we want to extract are:

    • total_packets (string)
    • elapsed_time (string)
    • total_bytes (string)

    This is the sample raw log entry:

    "insertId": "625a41542d64c124e7db097ae0906ccb-1@a3",
    "jsonPayload": {
      "destination_port": "80",
      "application": "incomplete",
      "ip_protocol": "tcp",
      "network": "projects/prj-p-shared-base/global/networks/shared-vpc-production",
      "start_time": "2024-10-29T21:14:59Z",
      "source_port": "41936",
      "source_ip_address": "",
      "total_packets": "6",
      "elapsed_time": "0",
      "destination_ip_address": "",
      "total_bytes": "412",
      "repeat_count": "1",
      "session_id": "1289742"
    "resource": {
      "type": "",
      "labels": {
        "resource_container": "projects/12345678910",
        "location": "europe-west4-a",
        "id": "p-europe-west4"
    "timestamp": "2024-10-29T21:15:21Z",
    "logName": "projects/prj-p-shared-base/logs/",
    "receiveTimestamp": "2024-10-29T21:15:24.051990717Z"

    The example uses the no-code approach to create a parser extension using the following data field mapping:

    Precondition Path Precondition Operator Precondition Value Raw Data Path Destination Field*
    jsonPayload.total_bytes NOT_EQUALS "" jsonPayload.total_bytes
    jsonPayload.elapsed_time NOT_EQUALS "" jsonPayload.elapsed_time
    jsonPayload.total_packets NOT_EQUALS "" jsonPayload.total_packets

    Running the parser extension successfully adds the three extracted fields into the object.

    metadata.product_log_id = "625a41542d64c124e7db097ae0906ccb-1@a3"
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-29T21:14:59Z"
    metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud"
    metadata.product_name = "IDS"
    metadata.ingestion_labels[0].key = "label"
    metadata.ingestion_labels[0].value = "GCP_IDS"
    metadata.log_type = "GCP_IDS"
    principal.ip[0] = ""
    principal.port = 41936 = 412 = "0s" = 6
    target.ip[0] = ""
    target.port = 80
    target.application = "incomplete"
    observer.location.country_or_region = "EUROPE" = "europe-west4-a" = "projects/12345678910"
    observer.resource.resource_type = "CLOUD_PROJECT" = "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM"
    observer.resource.product_object_id = "p-europe-west4"
    network.ip_protocol = "TCP"
    network.session_id = "1289742"

No-code - Extract fields with Precondition Value

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: JSON
  • Data mapping approach: no-code
  • Parser extension purpose: Extract fields with Precondition Value.
  • Description:

    The original parser does not extract the email address of the primary user affected by a DLP (Data Loss Prevention) alert.

    This example uses a no-code parser extension to extract the email address and normalize it into a repeated UDM field, with a precondition.

    When working with repeated fields in a no-code parser extension you must indicate if you want to:

    • replace (override all values of repeated fields in the existing UDM object), or
    • append (append extracted values to repeated fields).

    For more details, see the Repeated fields section.

    This example replaces any existing Email Addresses in the normalized principal.user.email_address field.

    Preconditions enable you to perform conditional checks ahead of performing an extraction operation. In most cases the Precondition Field will be the same field as the Raw Data Field you want to extract, with a Precondition Operator of not Null, for example, foo != "".

    However, sometimes, as in our example, the Raw Data Field value that you want to extract is not present in all log entries. In that case you can use another Precondition Field to filter the extraction operation. In our example, the raw triggeringUserEmail field that you want to extract is only present in logs where the type = Data Loss Prevention.

    These are the example values to be entered into the no-code parser extension fields:

    Precondition Path Precondition Operator Precondition Value Raw Data Path Destination Field*
    type EQUALS Data Loss Prevention data.ruleViolationInfo.triggeringUserEmail udm.principal.user.email_addresses

    The following example shows the no-code parser extension fields populated with the example values:


    Running the parser extension successfully adds the email_address into the principal.user object.

    metadata.product_log_id = "Ug71LGqBr6Q="
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2022-12-18T12:17:35.154368Z"
    metadata.event_type = "USER_UNCATEGORIZED"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Google Workspace"
    metadata.product_name = "Google Workspace Alerts"
    metadata.product_event_type = "DlpRuleViolation"
    metadata.log_type = "WORKSPACE_ALERTS"
    additional.fields["resource_title"] = "bq-results-20221215-112933-1671103787123.csv"
    principal.user.email_addresses[0] = "" = "DRIVE"
    target.resource.resource_type = "STORAGE_OBJECT"
    target.resource.product_object_id = "1wLteoF3VHljS_8_ABCD_VVbhFTfcTQplJ5k1k7cL4r8"
    target.labels[0].key = "resource_title"
    target.labels[0].value = "bq-results-20221321-112933-1671103787697.csv"
    about[0].resource.resource_type = "CLOUD_ORGANIZATION"
    about[0].resource.product_object_id = "C01abcde2"
    security_result[0] = "ODU2NjEwZTItMWE2YS0xMjM0LWJjYzAtZTJlMWU2YWQzNzE3"
    security_result[0].category_details[0] = "Data Loss Prevention"
    security_result[0].rule_name = "Sensitive Projects Match"
    security_result[0].summary = "Data Loss Prevention"
    security_result[0].action[0] = "ALLOW"
    security_result[0].severity = "MEDIUM"
    security_result[0].rule_id = "rules/00abcdxs183abcd"
    security_result[0].action_details = "ALERT, DRIVE_WARN_ON_EXTERNAL_SHARING"
    security_result[0].alert_state = "ALERTING"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[0].key = "start_time"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[0].value = "2022-12-18T12:17:35.154368Z"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[1].key = "status"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[1].value = "NOT_STARTED"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[2].key = "trigger"
    security_result[0].detection_fields[2].value = "DRIVE_SHARE"
    security_result[0].rule_labels[0].key = "detector_name"
    security_result[0].rule_labels[0].value = "EMAIL_ADDRESS"[0] = ""

Code Snippet - Adding HTTP User Agent

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: JSON
  • Data mapping approach: code snippet
  • Log type: GCP_IDS
  • Parser extension purpose: Adding HTTP User Agent.
  • Description:

    This is an example of a non-standard UDM object type that is not supported by the no-code approach and therefore requires using a code snippet. The default parser does not extract the Network HTTP Parser User Agent analysis. In addition, for consistency:

    1. A Target Hostname will be created from the requestUrl.
    2. A Namespace will be assigned to ensure Asset based aliasing and enrichment is performed.
    # owner: @owner
    # updated: 2022-12-23
    # Custom parser extension that:
    # 1) adds consistent Namespace 
    # 2) adds Parsed User Agent Object 
    filter {
        # Initialize placeholder
        mutate {
            replace => {
                "httpRequest.userAgent" => ""
                "httpRequest.requestUrl" => ""
        json {
            on_error => "not_json"
            source => "message"
            array_function => "split_columns"
        if ![not_json] {
          #1 - Override Namespaces
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.principal.namespace" => "TMO"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "" => "TMO"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.src.namespace" => "TMO"
            #2 - Parsed User Agent
            if [httpRequest][requestUrl]!= "" {
                grok {
                    match => {
                        "httpRequest.requestUrl" => ["\/\/(?P<_hostname>.*?)\/"]
                    on_error => "_grok_hostname_failed"
                if ![_grok_hostname_failed] {
                    mutate {
                        replace => {
                            "" => "%{_hostname}"
            if [httpRequest][userAgent] != "" {
                mutate {
                    convert => {
                        "httpRequest.userAgent" => "parseduseragent"
                #Map the converted "user_agent" to the new UDM field "http.parsed_user_agent".
                mutate {
                    rename => {
                        "httpRequest.userAgent" => ""
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event1"

CSV Example

The following example shows how to create a parser extension where the log source is in CSV format.

Code Snippet - Arbitrary fields extraction into the additional object

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: CSV
  • Data mapping approach: code snippet
  • Log type: MISP_IOC
  • Parser extension purpose: Arbitrary fields extraction into the additional object.
  • Description:

    In this example the MISP_IOC UDM Entity Context integration is used. The additional key-value-pair UDM Object will be used to capture contextual information not extracted by the default parser, and to add per organization specific fields. For example, a URL back to their specific MISP instance.

    This is the CSV based log source for this example:

    1 9d66d38a-14e1-407f-a4d1-90b82aa1d59f
    2 3908
    3 Network activity
    4 ip-dst
    8 1687894564
    14 DigitalSide Malware report\: MD5\: 59ce0baba11893f90527fc951ac69912
    15 ORGNAME
    17 0
    18 Medium
    19 0
    20 2023-06-23
    21 tlp:white,type:OSINT,source:DigitalSide.IT,
    22 1698036218


    # MISP_IOC
    # owner: @owner
    # updated: 2024-06-21
    # Custom parser extension that:
    # 1) adds a link back to internal MISP tenant 
    # 2) extracts missing fields into UDM > Entity > Additional fields
    filter {
        # Set the base URL for MISP. Remember to replace this placeholder!
        mutate {
            replace => {
                "misp_base_url" => "https://<YOUR_MISP_URL>"
        # Parse the CSV data from the 'message' field. Uses a comma as the separator.
        # The 'on_error' option handles lines that are not properly formatted CSV.
        csv {
            source => "message"
            separator => ","
            on_error => "broken_csv"
        # If the CSV parsing was successful...
        if ![broken_csv] {
            # Rename the CSV columns to more descriptive names.
            mutate {
                rename => {
                    "column2" => "event_id"
                    "column8" => "object_timestamp"
                    "column16" => "event_source_org"
                    "column17" => "event_distribution"
                    "column19" => "event_analysis"
                    "column22" => "attribute_timestamp"
        # Add a link to view the event in MISP, if an event ID is available.
        # "column2" => "event_id"
        if [event_id] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_url.key" => "view_in_misp"
                    "additional_url.value.string_value" => "%{misp_base_url}/events/view/%{event_id}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_url"
        # Add the object timestamp as an additional field, if available.
        # "column8" => "object_timestamp"
        if [object_timestamp] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_object_timestamp.key" => "object_timestamp"
                    "additional_object_timestamp.value.string_value" => "%{object_timestamp}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_object_timestamp"
        # Add the event source organization as an additional field, if available.
        # "column16" => "event_source_org"
        if [event_source_org] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_event_source_org.key" => "event_source_org"
                    "additional_event_source_org.value.string_value" => "%{event_source_org}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_event_source_org"
        # Add the event distribution level as an additional field, if available.
        # Maps numerical values to descriptive strings.
        # "column17" => "event_distribution"
        if [event_distribution] != "" {
            if [event_distribution] == "0" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ONLY"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "1" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "THIS_COMMUNITY_ONLY"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "2" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "CONNECTED_COMMUNITIES"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "3" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "ALL_COMMUNITIES"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "4" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "SHARING_GROUP"
            } else if [event_distribution] == "5" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_distribution.value.string_value" => "INHERIT_EVENT"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_event_distribution.key" => "event_distribution"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_event_distribution"
        # Add the event analysis level as an additional field, if available.
        # Maps numerical values to descriptive strings.
        # "column19" => "event_analysis"
        if [event_analysis] != "" {
            if [event_analysis] == "0" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_analysis.value.string_value" => "INITIAL"
            } else if [event_analysis] == "1" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_analysis.value.string_value" => "ONGOING"
            } else if [event_analysis] == "2" {
                mutate {
                    replace => {
                        "additional_event_analysis.value.string_value" => "COMPLETE"
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_event_analysis.key" => "event_analysis"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_event_analysis"
        # Add the attribute timestamp as an additional field, if available.
        # "column22" => "attribute_timestamp" 
        if [attribute_timestamp] != "" {
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "additional_attribute_timestamp.key" => "attribute_timestamp"
                    "additional_attribute_timestamp.value.string_value" => "%{attribute_timestamp}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "event.idm.entity.additional.fields" => "additional_attribute_timestamp"
        # Finally, merge the 'event' data into the '@output' field.
        mutate {
            merge => {
                "@output" => "event"

    Running the parser extension successfully adds the custom fields from the CSV into the additional object.

    metadata.product_entity_id = "9d66d38a-14e1-407f-a4d1-90b82aa1d59f"
    metadata.collected_timestamp = "2024-10-31T15:16:08Z"
    metadata.vendor_name = "MISP"
    metadata.product_name = "MISP"
    metadata.entity_type = "IP_ADDRESS"
    metadata.description = "ip-dst"
    metadata.interval.start_time = "2023-06-27T19:36:04Z"
    metadata.interval.end_time = "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z"
    metadata.threat[0].category_details[0] = "Network activity"
    metadata.threat[0].description = "tlp:white,type:OSINT,source:DigitalSide.IT, - additional info: DigitalSide Malware report: MD5: 59ce0baba11893f90527fc951ac69912"
    metadata.threat[0].severity_details = "Medium"
    metadata.threat[0].threat_feed_name = "DIGITALSIDE.IT"
    entity.ip[0] = ""
    additional.fields["view_in_misp"] = "https:///events/view/3908"
    additional.fields["object_timestamp"] = "1687894564"
    additional.fields["event_source_org"] = "DIGITALSIDE.IT"
    additional.fields["event_distribution"] = "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_ONLY"
    additional.fields["event_analysis"] = "INITIAL"
    additional.fields["attribute_timestamp"] = "1698036218"

Grok Examples

The following examples show how to create Grok based parser extensions.

Code Snippet (and Grok) - Extracting Priority and Severity

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: Syslog
  • Data mapping approach: code snippet using Grok
  • Log type: POWERSHELL
  • Parser extension purpose: Extracting Priority and Severity.
  • Description:

    In this example a Grok based parser extension is created to extract the Syslog Facility and Severity values into the UDM Security Result Priority and Severity fields.

    filter {
        # Use grok to parse syslog messages. The on_error clause handles messages that don't match the pattern.
        grok {
            match => {
                "message" => [
                    # Extract message with syslog headers.
                    "(<%{POSINT:_syslog_priority}>)%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:datetime} %{DATA:logginghost}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_data}"
            on_error => "not_supported_format"
        # If the grok parsing failed, tag the event as unsupported and drop it.
        if ![not_supported_format] {
            if [_syslog_priority] != "" {
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /0|8|16|24|32|40|48|56|64|72|80|88|96|104|112|120|128|136|144|152|160|168|176|184/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "EMERGENCY" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /1|9|17|25|33|41|49|57|65|73|81|89|97|105|113|121|129|137|145|153|161|169|177|185/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "ALERT" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /2|10|18|26|34|42|50|58|66|74|82|90|98|106|114|122|130|138|146|154|162|170|178|186/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "CRITICAL" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /3|11|19|27|35|43|51|59|67|75|83|91|99|107|115|123|131|139|147|155|163|171|179|187/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "ERROR" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /4|12|20|28|36|44|52|60|68|76|84|92|100|108|116|124|132|140|148|156|164|172|180|188/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "WARNING" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /5|13|21|29|37|45|53|61|69|77|85|93|101|109|117|125|133|141|149|157|165|173|181|189/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "NOTICE" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /6|14|22|30|38|46|54|62|70|78|86|94|102|110|118|126|134|142|150|158|166|174|182|190/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "INFORMATIONAL" } }
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /7|15|23|31|39|47|55|63|71|79|87|95|103|111|119|127|135|143|151|159|167|175|183|191/ {
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.severity_details" => "DEBUG" } }
                # Facilities (mapped to priority)
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "KERNEL" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "USER" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "MAIL" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SYSTEM" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SECURITY" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SYSLOG" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LPD" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /56|57|58|59|60|61|62|63/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "NNTP" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "UUCP" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "TIME" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /80|81|82|83|84|85|86|87/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "SECURITY" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /88|89|90|91|92|93|94|95/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "FTPD" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /96|97|98|99|100|101|102|103/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "NTPD" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /104|105|106|107|108|109|110|111/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOGAUDIT" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /112|113|114|115|116|117|118|119/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOGALERT" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /120|121|122|123|124|125|126|127/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "CLOCK" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /128|129|130|131|132|133|134|135/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL0" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /136|137|138|139|140|141|142|143/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL1" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /144|145|146|147|148|149|150|151/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL2" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /152|153|154|155|156|157|158|159/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL3" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /160|161|162|163|164|165|166|167/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL4" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /168|169|170|171|172|173|174|175/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL5" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /176|177|178|179|180|181|182|183/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL6" } } 
                if [_syslog_priority] =~ /184|185|186|187|188|189|190|191/ { 
                    mutate { replace => { "_security_result.priority_details" => "LOCAL7" } } 
                mutate {
                    merge => {
                        "event.idm.read_only_udm.security_result" => "_security_result"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event"

    Viewing the results from the parser extension shows the human readable format.

    metadata.product_log_id = "6161053"
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-31T15:10:10Z"
    metadata.event_type = "PROCESS_LAUNCH"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Microsoft"
    metadata.product_name = "PowerShell"
    metadata.product_event_type = "600"
    metadata.description = "Info"
    metadata.log_type = "POWERSHELL"
    principal.hostname = "" = "in_powershell"
    principal.resource.resource_subtype = "im_msvistalog"
    principal.asset.hostname = ""
    target.hostname = "Default Host"
    target.process.command_line = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\miiserver.exe"
    target.asset.hostname = "Default Host"
    target.asset.asset_id = "Host ID:bf203e94-72cf-4649-84a5-fc02baedb75f"
    security_result[0].severity_details = "INFORMATIONAL"
    security_result[0].priority_details = "USER"

Code Snippet (and Grok) - Event decoration, temporary variable names, and data type conversion

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: JSON with a Syslog header
  • Data mapping approach: code snippet using Grok
  • Log type: WINDOWS_SYSMON
  • Parser extension purpose: Decorating events, Temporary variable names, and Data types.
  • Description:

    This example shows how to perform the following actions when creating a parser extension:

    Decoration based on a conditional statement

    This example adds (contextual information) explanations of what each event type means in WINDOWS_SYSMON. It uses a conditional statement to check the EventID, and then it adds a Description, for example, EventID 1 is a Process Creation event.

    When using an extraction filter, for example, JSON, the original data type may be preserved.

    In the following example, the EventID value is extracted as an Integer by default. The conditional statement evaluates the EventID value as an Integer not a String.

    if [EventID] == 1 {
      mutate {
        replace => {
          "_description" => "[1] Process creation"

    Data type conversion

    You can convert data types within a parser extension using the convert function.

    mutate {
      convert => {
        "EventID" => "string"
      on_error => "_convert_EventID_already_string"

    Temporary variable names for readability

    You can use temporary variable names in code snippets, and later rename them to match the final output UDM Event object name. This can help with overall readability.

    In the following example, the description variable is renamed event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description:

    mutate {
      rename => {
        "_description" => "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description"

    Repeated fields

    The complete parser extension is as follows:

    filter {
    # initialize variable
    mutate {
      replace => {
        "EventID" => ""
    # Use grok to parse syslog messages.
    # The on_error clause handles messages that don't match the pattern.
    grok {
      match => {
        "message" => [
          "(<%{POSINT:_syslog_priority}>)%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:datetime} %{DATA:logginghost}: %{GREEDYDATA:log_data}"
      on_error => "not_supported_format"
    if ![not_supported_format] {
      json {
        source => "log_data"
        on_error => "not_json"
      if ![not_json] {
        if [EventID] == 1 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[1] Process creation"
        if [EventID] == 2 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[2] A process changed a file creation time"
        if [EventID] == 3 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[3] Network connection"
        if [EventID] == 4 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[4] Sysmon service state changed"
        if [EventID] == 5 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[5] Process terminated"
        if [EventID] == 6 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[6] Driver loaded"
        if [EventID] == 7 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[7] Image loaded"
        if [EventID] == 8 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[8] CreateRemoteThread"
        if [EventID] == 9 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[9] RawAccessRead"
        if [EventID] == 10 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[10] ProcessAccess"
        if [EventID] == 11 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[11] FileCreate"
        if [EventID] == 12 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[12] RegistryEvent (Object create and delete)"
        if [EventID] == 13 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[13] RegistryEvent (Value Set)"
        if [EventID] == 14 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[14] RegistryEvent (Key and Value Rename)"
        if [EventID] == 15 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[15] FileCreateStreamHash"
        if [EventID] == 16 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[16] ServiceConfigurationChange"
        if [EventID] == 17 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[17] PipeEvent (Pipe Created)"
        if [EventID] == 18 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[18] PipeEvent (Pipe Connected)"
        if [EventID] == 19 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[19] WmiEvent (WmiEventFilter activity detected)"
        if [EventID] == 20 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[20] WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumer activity detected)"
        if [EventID] == 21 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[21] WmiEvent (WmiEventConsumerToFilter activity detected)"
        if [EventID] == 22 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[22] DNSEvent (DNS query)"
        if [EventID] == 23 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[23] FileDelete (File Delete archived)"
        if [EventID] == 24 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[24] ClipboardChange (New content in the clipboard)"
        if [EventID] == 25 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[25] ProcessTampering (Process image change)"
        if [EventID] == 26 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[26] FileDeleteDetected (File Delete logged)"
        if [EventID] == 255 {
          mutate {
            replace => {
              "_description" => "[255] Error"
        mutate {
          rename => {
            "_description" => "event.idm.read_only_udm.metadata.description"
        mutate {
          merge => {
            "@output" => "event"

    Running the parser extension successfully adds the decoration into the metadata.description field.

    metadata.product_log_id = "6008459"
    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-31T14:41:53.442Z"
    metadata.event_type = "REGISTRY_CREATION"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Microsoft"
    metadata.product_name = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
    metadata.product_event_type = "12"
    metadata.description = "[12] RegistryEvent (Object create and delete)"
    metadata.log_type = "WINDOWS_SYSMON"
    additional.fields["thread_id"] = "3972"
    additional.fields["channel"] = "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"
    additional.fields["Keywords"] = "-9223372036854776000"
    additional.fields["Opcode"] = "Info"
    additional.fields["ThreadID"] = "3972"
    principal.hostname = ""
    principal.user.userid = "tim.smith_admin"
    principal.user.windows_sid = "S-1-5-18" = "6856"
    principal.process.file.full_path = "C:\Windows\system32\wsmprovhost.exe"
    principal.process.product_specific_process_id = "SYSMON:{927d35bf-a374-6495-f348-000000002900}"
    principal.administrative_domain = "LUNARSTIIINESS"
    principal.asset.hostname = ""
    target.registry.registry_key = "HKU\S-1-5-21-3263964631-4121654051-1417071188-1116\Software\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\CA\Certificates"
    observer.asset_id = "5770385F:C22A:43E0:BF4C:06F5698FFBD9" = "2556"
    about[0].labels[0].key = "Category ID"
    about[0].labels[0].value = "RegistryEvent"
    security_result[0].rule_name = "technique_id=T1553.004,technique_name=Install Root Certificate"
    security_result[0].summary = "Registry object added or deleted"
    security_result[0].severity = "INFORMATIONAL"
    security_result[1].rule_name = "EventID: 12"
    security_result[2].summary = "12"

XML Examples

The following examples show how to create a parser extension where the log source is in XML format.

Code Snippet - Arbitrary field extraction into the additional object

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: XML
  • Data mapping approach: code snippet
  • Parser extension purpose: Arbitrary field extraction into the additional object
  • Description:

    The goal of this example is to extract and store the Platform Version value, for example, to be able to report on and search for outdated platform versions.

    After reviewing the important UDM Fields document, no suitable standard UDM field was identified. Therefore, this example will use the additional object to store this information as a custom key-value pair.

    # Parser Extension for WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV
    # 2024-10-29: cmmartin: Extracting 'Platform Version' into Additional
    filter {
        # Uses XPath to target the specific element(s)
        xml {
            source => "message"
                xpath => {
                    "/Event/EventData/Data[@Name='Platform version']" => "platform_version"
            on_error => "_xml_error"
        # Conditional processing: Only proceed if XML parsing was successful
        if ![_xml_error] {
            # Prepare the additional field structure using a temporary variable
                replace => {
                    "additional_platform_version.key" => "Platform Version"
                    "additional_platform_version.value.string_value" => "%{platform_version}"
                on_error => "no_platform_version"
            # Merge the additional field into the event1 structure.
            if ![no_platform_version] {
                mutate {
                    merge => {
                        "event1.idm.read_only_udm.additional.fields" => "additional_platform_version"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event1"

    Running the PREVIEW UDM OUTPUT shows the new field has been successfully added.

    metadata.event_timestamp = "2024-10-29T14:08:52Z"
    metadata.event_type = "STATUS_HEARTBEAT"
    metadata.vendor_name = "Microsoft"
    metadata.product_name = "Windows Defender AV"
    metadata.product_event_type = "MALWAREPROTECTION_SERVICE_HEALTH_REPORT"
    metadata.description = "Endpoint Protection client health report (time in UTC)."
    metadata.log_type = "WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV"
    additional.fields["Platform Version"] = "4.18.24080.9"
    principal.hostname = ""
    security_result[0].description = "EventID: 1151"
    security_result[0].action[0] = "ALLOW"
    security_result[0].severity = "LOW"

Code Snippet (and Grok) - Arbitrary field extraction into Principal Hostname

Example attributes:

  • Log source format: XML
  • Data mapping approach: code snippet using Grok
  • Parser extension purpose: Arbitrary field extraction into Principal Hostname
  • Description:

    The goal of this example is to extract the Hostname from a FQDN and overwrite the principal.hostname field.

    This example checks if the raw log Computer name field includes a FQDN. If so, it extracts only the Hostname part, and overwrites the UDM Principal Hostname field.

    After reviewing the Parser and the important UDM Fields document, it is clear that the principal.hostname field should be used.

    # Parser Extension for WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV
    # 2024-10-29: Extract Hostname from FQDN and overwrite principal.hostname
    filter {
        # Uses XPath to target the specific element(s)
        xml {
            source => "message"
                xpath => {
                    "/Event/System/Computer" => "hostname"
            on_error => "_xml_error"
        # Conditional processing: Only proceed if XML parsing was successful
        if ![_xml_error] {
      # Extract all characters before the first dot in the hostname variable
            grok {
                match => { "hostname" => "(?<hostname>[^.]+)" }
            mutate {
                replace => {
                    "event1.idm.read_only_udm.principal.hostname" => "%{hostname}"
            mutate {
                merge => {
                    "@output" => "event1"

    This parser extension uses a Grok statement to run a regular expression (regex) to extract the hostname field. The regex itself uses a named capture group, which means, whatever is matched inside the parentheses will be stored in the field named hostname, matching one or more characters until it encounters a dot. This will only capture the hostname within a FQDN.

    However, when running the PREVIEW UDM OUTPUT an error is returned. Why is this?

    generic::unknown: pipeline.ParseLogEntry failed:
     LOG_PARSING_CBN_ERROR: "generic::internal: pipeline failed: filter grok (2) failed: 
    field\ "hostname\" already exists in data and is not overwritable"

    Grok overwrite statement

    Within a Grok statement a named capture group cannot overwrite an existing variable unless explicitly specified using the overwrite statement. In this scenario we could either use a different variable name for the named capture group in the Grok statement or, as shown in the following code snippet example, use the overwrite statement to explicitly overwrite the existing hostname variable.

    # Parser Extension for WINDOWS_DEFENDER_AV
    # 2024-10-29: cmmartin: Overwriting principal Hostname
    filter {
      xml {
        source => "message"
          xpath => {
            "/Event/System/Computer" => "hostname"
        on_error => "_xml_error"
      if ![_xml_error] {
        grok {
          match => { "hostname" => "(?<hostname>[^.]+)" }
          overwrite => ["hostname"]
          on_error => "_grok_hostname_error"
        mutate {
          replace => {
            "event1.idm.read_only_udm.principal.hostname" => "%{hostname}"
        mutate {
          merge => {
            "@output" => "event1"

    Running the PREVIEW UDM OUTPUT again shows the new field has been added, after extracting the hostname from the FQDN.

    metadata.product_name"Windows Defender AV"
    metadata.description"Endpoint Protection client health report (time in UTC)."
    security_result[0].description"EventID: 1151"

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