Soft Delete recommender

This page provides information about the soft delete recommender and describes how to enable and use recommendations.


The soft delete recommender provides insights on when it's best to enable or disable soft delete on buckets in your project based on your data usage and assessed impact to Cloud Billing and security. The soft delete recommender provides recommendations based on the following criteria:

  • Recommendations on enabling soft delete: buckets whose soft delete costs would increase by less than 10% of your total Cloud Storage costs.

  • Recommendations on disabling soft delete: buckets whose soft delete costs equate to over 50% of your total Cloud Storage costs. Note that disabling soft delete increases the risk of data loss by accidental or malicious deletion.


For information on Recommender pricing, see the Recommender pricing page.

Before you begin

Before using Recommendation Hub recommendations, complete the following requirements.

Enable the Recommender API

Enable the API

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to view recommendations in the Recommendation Hub, ask your administrator to grant you the Storage Admin (roles/storage.admin) IAM role on the project.

This predefined role contains the permissions required to view recommendations in the Recommendation Hub. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

Required permissions

The following permissions are required to view recommendations in the Recommendation Hub:

  • recommender.storageBucketSoftDeleteInsights.get
  • recommender.storageBucketSoftDeleteInsights.list
  • recommender.storageBucketSoftDeleteInsights.update
  • recommender.storageBucketSoftDeleteRecommendations.get
  • recommender.storageBucketSoftDeleteRecommendations.list
  • recommender.storageBucketSoftDeleteRecommendations.update

View soft delete recommendations

You can view soft delete recommendations using the Recommendation Hub. Cloud Storage provides recommendations to enable soft delete for buckets that don't yet have soft delete enabled, as well as recommendations to disable soft delete for buckets that have soft delete enabled.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Recommendation Hub.

    Go to Recommendations

  2. In the All recommendations menu, click All recommendations.

  3. In the All recommendations page, the Recommendation Hub displays the following soft delete recommendations:

    • Disable Soft delete

    • Enable Soft delete

    Use the instructions in the following sections to disable or enable soft delete on buckets within your project based on Recommender recommendations.

View recommendation to disable soft delete

To view the recommendation for disabling soft delete in the Recommendation Hub, use the following instructions.

  1. In the Recommendation Hub, in the All recommendations page, click Disable Soft delete.

  2. In the Insight page, the recommendation displays the following information:

    • Bucket name: the name of the bucket Recommender recommends disabling soft delete for.

    • Current retention days: the current soft delete retention duration of the bucket's soft delete policy.

    • Recommended retention days: the recommended retention duration to set your soft delete policy to. Any buckets that receive the recommendation to disable soft delete show the recommended retention days as 0 days.

    • Cost savings: the estimated amount of savings per month on your project after disabling soft delete.

  3. To proceed with disabling the soft delete policy based on the Recommender's recommendations, click View soft delete policy.

    The Bucket details page displays.

  4. In the Protection tab, under soft delete policy (for data recovery), click Disable to disable soft delete on the bucket.

    Cloud Storage disables soft delete policy on the bucket. To learn more about how to edit a bucket's soft delete policy, including re-enabling a soft delete policy, see Edit a bucket's soft delete policy.

View recommendation to enable soft delete

To view the Recommender recommendation for enabling soft delete in the Recommendation Hub, use the following instructions:

  1. In the Recommendation Hub, in the All recommendations page, Click Enable Soft delete.

  2. In the Insight page, the recommendation displays the following information:

    • Bucket name: the name of the bucket in your project Recommender recommends enabling soft delete for.

    • Current retention days: the current soft delete retention duration on your bucket. For buckets with soft delete already disabled, the Recommendation Hub displays 0 days.

    • Recommended retention days: the recommended number of days to set your soft delete policy to. For enabling soft delete, Recommender recommends setting your bucket's soft delete policy to the minimum retention duration of 7 days.

    • Additional cost: the projected cost for enabling soft delete, which is adjusted to increase by no more than 10% of your total monthly Cloud Storage costs.

  3. To proceed with enabling the soft delete policy based on the Recommender's recommendations, click View soft delete policy.

    The Bucket details page displays.

  4. In the Protection tab, under soft delete policy (for data recovery), click Edit and enter the recommended soft delete retention duration. Or, if the bucket has never had a soft delete configured before, click Enable soft delete.

    The soft delete policy takes effect on the bucket. To learn more about how to edit a bucket's soft delete policy, including disabling a soft delete policy, see Edit a bucket's soft delete policy.

Opt out of Recommender recommendations

You can opt out of receiving soft delete recommendations if needed. However, opting out of soft delete recommendations impacts all other product-specific recommendations, meaning in addition to no longer receiving soft delete recommendations, you would no longer receive any Cloud Storage-specific recommendations.

To proceed with opting out of soft delete Recommender recommendations, use the Recommender instructions for opting out of data processing and select the Cloud Storage data processing group.

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