This page describes how to use the Bucket Lock feature, including working with retention policies and permanently locking them on buckets.
Before you begin
Before you can use the Bucket Lock feature, make sure the steps in the following sections have been completed.
Get required roles
To get the permissions that you need to use Bucket Lock, ask your
administrator to grant you the Storage Admin (roles/storage.admin
) role on the
bucket. This predefined role contains the permissions required to use
Bucket Lock. To see the exact permissions required, expand the
Required permissions section:
Required permissions
- This permission is only required if you plan on using the Google Cloud console to perform the instructions on this page.
You might also be able to get these permissions with custom roles.
For information about granting roles on buckets, see Use IAM with buckets.
Set a retention policy on a bucket
To add, modify, or remove a retention policy on a bucket:
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.
In the list of buckets, click the name of the bucket whose retention policy you want to change.
Select the Protection tab near the top of the page.
In the Retention policy section, set your retention policy:
If no retention policy currently applies to the bucket, click the add_box Set Retention Policy link. Choose a unit of time and a length of time for your retention period.
If a retention policy currently applies to a bucket, it appears in the section. Click Edit to modify the retention time or Delete to remove the retention policy entirely.
See Retention periods for information about how the Google Cloud console converts between different units of time.
To learn how to get detailed error information about failed Cloud Storage operations in the Google Cloud console, see Troubleshooting.
Command line
Use the gcloud storage buckets update
command with the
appropriate flag:
gcloud storage buckets update gs://BUCKET_NAME FLAG
is the name of the relevant bucket. For example,my-bucket
is the desired setting for the bucket's retention period. Use one of the following formats:--retention-period
and a retention period, if you want to add or change a retention policy. For example,--retention-period=1d43200s
, if you want to remove the retention policy on the bucket.
If successful, the response looks like:
Updating gs://my-bucket/... Completed 1
Client libraries
For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
The following sample sets a retention policy on a bucket:
The following sample removes the retention policy from a bucket:
Have gcloud CLI installed and initialized, which lets you generate an access token for the
header.Create a JSON file that contains the following information:
{ "retentionPolicy": { "retentionPeriod": "TIME_IN_SECONDS" } }
is the amount of time in seconds that objects in the bucket must be retained. For example,2678400
. See Retention periods for information about how different units of time are measured using seconds.To remove the retention policy from a bucket, use the following in the JSON file:
{ "retentionPolicy": null }
to call the JSON API with aPATCH
Bucket request:curl -X PATCH --data-binary @JSON_FILE_NAME \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ ""
is the path for the JSON file that you created in Step 2.BUCKET_NAME
is the name of the relevant bucket. For example,my-bucket
The XML API cannot be used to set or remove a retention policy on an existing bucket. It can only be used to include a retention policy with a new bucket.
Lock a bucket
To lock a bucket and permanently restrict edits to the bucket's retention policy:
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.
In the list of buckets, click the name of the bucket that you want to lock the retention policy for.
Select the Protection tab near the top of the page.
In the Retention policy section, click the Lock button.
The Lock retention policy? dialog box appears.
Read the Permanent notice.
In the Bucket name text box, type in the name of your bucket.
Click Lock policy.
To learn how to get detailed error information about failed Cloud Storage operations in the Google Cloud console, see Troubleshooting.
Command line
Use the gcloud storage buckets update
command with the
gcloud storage buckets update gs://BUCKET_NAME --lock-retention-period
is the name of the relevant
bucket. For example, my-bucket
If successful, the response looks similar to the following example:
Updating gs://my-bucket/... Completed 1
Client libraries
For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
Have gcloud CLI installed and initialized, which lets you generate an access token for the
to call the JSON API with aPOST
Bucket request:curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ ""
is the name of the relevant bucket. For example,my-bucket
is the metageneration value for the bucket. For example,8
. You can find the metageneration value for your bucket by calling the JSON API with aGET
Bucket request.
The XML API cannot be used to lock a bucket. Use one of the other Cloud Storage tools, such as the Google Cloud console, instead.
View a bucket's retention policy and lock status
To view what, if any, retention policy is set on a bucket and whether that retention policy is locked:
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.
Click the name of the bucket whose status you want to view.
If a bucket has a retention policy, the retention period is displayed in the Protection field for the bucket. If the retention policy is not locked, a lock icon appears next to the retention period in an unlocked state. If the retention policy is locked, a lock icon appears next to the retention period in a locked state.
Command line
Use the gcloud storage buckets describe
command with the
gcloud storage buckets describe gs://BUCKET_NAME --format="default(retention_policy)"
is the name of the bucket
whose retention policy you want to view. For example, my-bucket
If successful and a retention policy exists for the bucket, the response is similar to the following:
retention_policy: effectiveTime: '2022-10-04T18:51:22.161000+00:00' retentionPeriod: '129600'
If successful and a retention policy does not exist for the bucket, the response is similar to the following:
Client libraries
For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.
To authenticate to Cloud Storage, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for client libraries.
Have gcloud CLI installed and initialized, which lets you generate an access token for the
to call the JSON API with aGET
Bucket request that includes the desiredfields
:curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ ""
is the name of the relevant bucket. For example,my-bucket
.If the bucket has a retention policy set on it, the response looks like the following example:
{ "retentionPolicy": { "retentionPeriod": "TIME_IN_SECONDS", "effectiveTime": "DATETIME", "isLocked": "BOOLEAN" }, }
The XML API cannot be used to view the retention policy on a bucket. Use one of the other Cloud Storage tools, such as the Google Cloud console, instead.
What's next
- Learn more about retention policies.
- Learn how to use object holds.
- Learn about Object Lifecycle Management, which can automatically delete files once they reach their retention period.