
Supported in:


A set of math and data manipulation actions to power up playbook capabilities.


Convert Time Format


Converts a datetime value from one format to another.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Input String N/A Yes Specify the input datetime value that will be converted.
From Format String N/A Yes Specify the datetime format the input string is in.
To Format String YYYY/MM/DD Yes Specify the desired time format of the output. Use arrow time format.
Time Delta In Seconds Integer 0 Yes Specify the number of seconds you want to shift the output to. Use positive value for future time/date and negative value for the past.
Timezone String N/A No Specify the output timezone.


In this scenario, a datetime input of 11/23/2002 07:23:09 with an arrow time format of MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss is converted to a time only, going back 5 seconds and using UTC timezone.

Action Configurations

Parameter Type
Entities All entities
Input 11/23/2002 07:23:09
From Format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss
To Format HH:mm:ss
Time Delta In Seconds -5
Timezone EST

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult Time Result 07:23:04

Create Thumbnail


Converts a Base64 thumbnail of an image.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Base64 Image String N/A No Specify the Base64 string of the image.
Thumbnail Size String 250,250 Yes Specify the size of the thumbnail comma separated (W,L).
Input JSON JSON N/A No Specify the JSON input. Example: {“image” :”<base64 of image>”}
Image Key Path String N/A No If using Input JSON, specify the key path for the image field.


In this scenario we are creating a 500x500 thumbnail from a Base64 input.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Thumbnail Size 500x500
Input JSON Blank
Image Key Path Blank

Action Results

  • JSON Result
    "Thumbnail" : "<base 64 string>"

IP to Integer


Converts an IP Address or a list of IP addresses to integers.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
IP Addresses String N/A Yes Specify list of IP addresses separated by comma to be converted to integers.


In this scenario, IP addresses of and are converted to their integer form.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
IP Addresses,

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult Integer values 16843009,33686018
  • JSON Result
    "" : 16843009, 
    "" : 33686018

Math Arithmetic


A set of built in math operators:

Plus - returns a result for the sum of 2 arguments

Sub - returns a result for 1 argument minus the other

Multi - returns a result for 1 argument multiplied by the other

Div - returns a result for 1 argument divided by the other

Mod - returns the result of the percentage between 2 arguments


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Function Dropdown Plus Yes Specify the function you would like to run on two given arguments.
Arg 2 Integer N/A Yes Specify the second argument
Arg 1 Integer N/A Yes Specify the first argument

Example 1: Plus

In this scenario, 200 + 100 resulting in 300.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Plus
Arg 2 100
Arg 1 200

Example 2: Sub

In this scenario, 1000 - 300 resulting in 700.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Sub
Arg 2 300
Arg 1 1000

Example 3: Multi

In this scenario, 30 x 20 resulting in 600.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Multi
Arg 2 20
Arg 1 30

Example 4: Div

In this scenario, 500 / 5 resulting in 100.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Div
Arg 2 5
Arg 1 500

Example 5: Mod

In this scenario , 100 % 23 resulting in 8.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Mod
Arg 2 23
Arg 1 100

Action Result

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult Calculated result 300

Math Functions


A set of built-in Python functions:

Abs - returns the absolute value of a number

Float - returns a floating point number

Display - converts the number to include commas where needed

Hex - converts a number into a hexadecimal value

Int - returns an integer number

Max - returns the largest item in an iterable

Min - returns the smallest item in an iterable

Round - rounds a number

Sort - returns a sorted number

Sum - sums the items of an iterator


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Function Dropdown Max Yes Specify the Math function you would like to run on the numbers.
Numbers Integer N/A Yes Specify the numbers you would like to run the math function on separated by comma.

Example 1: Max

In this scenario, the max value out of the numbers: 13.5, -90, 556, 11.32 results in 556.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Max
Numbers 13.5,-90,566,11.32

Example 2: Min

In this scenario, the min value out of the numbers: 13.5, -90, 556, 11.32 results in -90.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Min
Numbers 13.5,-90,566,11.32

Example 3: Round

In this scenario, 57.63 is rounded and resulting in 58.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Round
Numbers 57.63

Example 4: Sort

In this scenario, numbers [13.5, -90.0, 556.0, 11.32] are sorted in ascending order to [-90.0, 11.32, 13.5, 556.0].

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Sort
Numbers 13.5,-90,566,11.32

Example 5: Sum

In this scenario, the sum of the following numbers [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] is 150.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Sum
Numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50

Example 6: Float

In this scenario, numbers [100,200] are converted to float values of [100.0, 200.0].

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Float
Numbers 100,200

Example 6: Hex

In this scenario, numbers [100,200] are converted to hexadecimal values of ['0x64', '0xc8'].

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Hex
Numbers 100,200

Example 7: Int

In this scenario, a float value of 100.23 is converted to an inter of 100.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Int
Numbers 100.23

Example 8: Abs

In this scenario, a negative integer of -53 is converted to an absolute value of 53.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Abs
Numbers -53

Example 9: Display

In this scenario, a value of 10000 is converted to include commas resulting in a value of 10,000.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Function Display
Numbers 10000

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult Calculated result -90

Run JSONPath Query


Runs a JSONPath Query on a given json and extracts values according to the expression.

View for more information on JSONPath.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
JSON Dropdown JSON Yes Specify the JSON input.
JSONPath Expression String N/A Yes JSON path expressions always refer to a JSON structure in the same way as XPath expressions are used in combination with an XML document.


In this scenario, company name is extracted from the json sample input.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Editor { "company": { "name": "Cyber Secure", "employees": 1000, "founded": "2005", "headquarters": { "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "country": "USA" }, "security": { "firewall": true, "vpn": true, "intrusion_detection": true, "encryption": true, "two_factor_authentication": true } }, "products": [ { "name": "CyberShield", "type": "firewall", "price": 499, "description": "A state-of-the-art firewall for maximum protection against cyber attacks." }, { "name": "SecureVPN", "type": "VPN", "price": 99, "description": "A fast and secure VPN service for safe browsing and online privacy." }, { "name": "IntrusionAlert", "type": "intrusion detection", "price": 299, "description": "An advanced intrusion detection system that monitors your network and alerts you to potential threats." } ] }
JSONPath Expression $

Action Results

  • JSON Result
    "matches" : {"0" : "Cyber Secure"}



Given a fragment of HTML, this action will parse it according to the HTML5 parsing algorithm and sanitize any disallowed tags or attributes. This algorithm also handles wrong syntax such as unclosed and (some) misnested tags.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Tags String N/A No Tags is the allowed set of HTML tags. Comma separated list. HTML tags not in this list will be escaped or stripped.
Attributes String {‘a’ : [‘href’, ‘title’], ‘abbr’: [‘title’]} No Attributes lets you specify which attributes are allowed. Value should be a comma separated list
Styles String N/A No If you allow the style attribute, specify the allowed style set, for example color and background-color. Value should be comma separated.
Allow All Attributes Checkbox Unchecked No Set true to allow all attributes
Input HTML String N/A Yes Specify the HTML fragment that will be sanitized.


In this scenario, the Input HTML contains a tag not listed in the Tags section resulting in a sanitized output of “<script>evil()</script>” .

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Tags a,abbr,acronym,b,blockquote,code,em,i,li,ol,strong,ul,table,tr,td,th,h1,h2,h3,body,tbody,thead,div,footer,head,header,html,img,option,p,section,span,strong,svg
Attributes Blank
Styles Blank
Allow All Attributes Unchecked
Input HTML <script>evil()<</script>

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult Sanitized Result <script>evil()</script>”

String Functions


Includes basic Pythonic string functions:

Lower: Converts a string into lower case.

Upper: Converts a string into upper case.

Count: Returns the number of times a specified value occurs in a string.

Find: Searches the string for a specified value and returns the position of where it was found.

IsAlpha: Returns "True" if all characters in the string are in the alphabet.

IsDigit: Returns "True" if all characters in the string are digits.

Replace: Returns a string where a specified value is replaced with a specified value.

Strip: Returns a trimmed version of the string.

Title: Converts the first character of each word to uppercase.

Regex Replace: Replaces a regular expression match

JSON Serialize: converts a json object to a serialized string.

Regex: Find a match based on regular expression.

Split: Splits the input string into a list using Param 1 as the separator. Defaults to comma.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Param2 String N/A No Specify the second parameter.
Param1 String N/A No Specify the first parameter.
Input String N/A Yes Specify the input for the function.
Function Dropdown Lower Yes Specify the function you want to run.

Example 1: Lower

In this scenario, input “SAMPLE INPUT” is converted to “sample input”.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Function Lower

Example 2: Upper

In this scenario, input “sample input” is converted to “SAMPLE INPUT”.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Input sample input
Function Upper

Example 3: Count

In this scenario, it's counting the number of times the word “sample” occurs in the input string, which results in 2. Note, param value is case sensitive.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 sample
Input sample sentence containing sample information.
Function Count

Example 4: Find 

In this scenario, it’s finding the index where the word “containing” starts in the input string resulting in a value of 13.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 containing
Input sample sentence containing sample information.
Function Find

Example 5: isAlpha

In this scenario, it’s checking if all characters in the input string are alphanumeric, resulting in a False return value.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Input %sample sentence containing sample information.
Function isAlpha

Example 6: isDigit

In this scenario, it’s checking if all characters in the input string are digits, resulting in a False return value.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Input 100000001
Function isDigit

Example 7: Replace

In this scenario, it’s replacing the word “information” with “info” resulting in an output of “sample input containing sample info”.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 info
Param1 information
Input sample sentence containing sample information.
Function Replace

Example 8: Strip 

In this scenario, it’s removing spaces in the beginning and end of the input string resulting of an output of “sample input containing sample information”.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Input sample sentence containing sample information.
Function Strip

Example 9: Title

In this scenario, it’s converting the first character of each word in the input string to a capital character resulting in a output of “Sample Input Containing Sample Information”.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Input sample sentence containing sample information.
Function Title

Example 10: Regex Replace

In this scenario, we’re searching for “The” using regex and replacing it with “a”.

In this scenario, we're searching for "The" using regex and replacing it with "a".

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 A
Param1 \bThe\b
Input The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Function Regex Replace

Example 11: JSON Serialize

In this scenario, it’s converting the json input to a serialized string resulting in a output of "{\"key\" :\"value\"}".

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 Blank
Input {"ip" : ""}
Function JSON Serialize

Example 12: Regex

In this scenario, we’re trying to use a regex to pull the value in the input JSON.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 (?<="resource":").*?(?=")
Input {"resource":"host001"}
Function Regex

Example 13: Split

In this scenario, input is converted to a list using comma as a delimiter resulting in an output of [100,200,300,400,500].

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Param2 Blank
Param1 ,
Input 100,200,300,400,500
Function Split

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult Result value based on the function 23

Time Duration Calculator


Calculates the difference between two date times.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Input DateTime 1 String N/A Yes Specify the first datetime input value. Supports either strftime format or “now” for the current time.
Input DateTime 1 Format String %Y-%d-%m'T'%H:%M:%S Yes Specify the strftime format of “Datetime 1” string. For more info, visit
Input DateTime 2 String now Yes Specify the second datetime input value. Supports either strftime format or “now” for the current time.
Input DateTime 2 Format String %Y-%d-%m'T'%h:%m:%s Yes Specify the strftime format of “Datetime 2” string. For more info, visit


In this scenario, it calculates the difference between 2022-13-03'T'04:13:01 and now’s date time resulting in an output of: 0 years, 200 days, 10 hours, 51 minutes and 20 seconds.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Input DateTime 1 2022-13-03'T'04:13:01
Input DateTime 1 Format %Y-%d-%m'T'%H:%M:%S
Input Datetime 2 now
Input DateTime 2 Format %Y-%d-%m'T'%h:%m:%s

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    Seconds Calculated time in seconds 17319080
  • JSON Result
         "years": 0, "days": 200,
         "hours": 4810, 
         "minutes": 288651, 
         "seconds": 17319080, 
         "duration": "Time between dates: 0 years, 200 days, 10 hours, 51 minutes and 20     



Converts XML formatted input to its JSON representation.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
XML String N/A Yes Specify XML to convert to JSON.


In this scenario, we’re converting a sample xml string to a JSON object.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
xml <threats> <threat> <name>Malware</name> <description>Malware is malicious software that is designed to harm computer systems, steal sensitive data, or take control of a network.</description> <prevention> <tip>Install anti-malware software and keep it up-to-date.</tip> <tip>Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.</tip> <tip>Regularly backup important data.</tip> </prevention> <mitigation> <tip>Disconnect the infected computer from the network to prevent further spread of the malware.</tip> <tip>Use anti-malware software to remove the malware.</tip> <tip>Restore any lost or corrupted data from backups.</tip> </mitigation> </threat> </threats> <best-practices> <practice> <name>Access Control</name> <description>Access control is the process of managing who has access to what information or resources within a network.</description> <tip>Implement strong authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication, to verify user identities.</tip> <tip>Use role-based access control to assign permissions based on job responsibilities.</tip> <tip>Monitor and audit user activity to detect any unauthorized access attempts.</tip> </practice> </best-practices>

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    ScriptResult True/False True
  • JSON Result
    "cybersecurity": {"threat": [{"name": "Malware", "description": "A type of software designed to harm computer systems.", "severity": "High", "prevention": {"software": "Antivirus", "policy": "Regular software updates and patches"}}, {"name": "Phishing", "description": "A fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information by impersonating a trustworthy entity.", "severity": "High", "prevention": {"software": "Firewalls and intrusion detection systems", "policy": "Limiting access to network resources to only authorized personnel"}}]}

Detect Hash Type


This action detects the most likely hash type of entities. Supported types are SHA256, MD5, SHA1, SHA-512.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
Hashes String N/A Yes Specify hash value. Supports comma separated list.


In this scenario, we’re identifying hash types for two hashes resulting in MD5 and SHA256.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
Hashes b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7aceZefcde9,ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    IsSuccess True/False True
  • JSON Result
    "Hash": "b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9", "HashType": "SHA-256"}, {"Hash": "ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c", "HashType": "MD5"

Detect IP Type


Checks if an IP is an IPv4 or IPv6 address. IP Address entities will be enriched with IPType field.


Parameter Type Default Value Is Mandatory Description
IP Addresses String N/A Yes Specify IP value. Supports comma separated list.


In this scenario, we’re checking two different IP Addresses to identify their type.

Action Configurations

Parameter Value
Entities All entities
IP Addresses 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334,

Action Results

  • Script Result
    Script Result Name Value options Example
    IsSuccess True/False True
  • JSON Result
    "Address": "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "IPType": "IPV6"}, {"Address": "", "IPType": "IPV4"}