Add a new user to the Google Security Operations SOAR platform

Supported in:

  1. Go to Settings > Organization > User Management.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill out the relevant information. Everything in the fields can be edited after user creation. The Login ID field should contain an email address for internal users. If you edit the Login ID field, the user is in pending status until they sign in again with their new credentials.

Change permission group level

If you select a permission group with edit permissions for All Environments, you will see that selection here. To change this at permission group level, select None for All Environments on the Permissions page. After you make this change, you can select one environment or more for the user to have access to.

  1. Click Add. The new user appears in the list of users, and an email invitation is automatically sent.
  2. For internal users, the status remains as 'Pending' until they accept the invitation to join SOAR and create a password.
    The password link is valid for 3 days. If the user hasn't accepted the invitation by then, the administrator can click Send Invitation on the User Management page to resend the invitation.
    For SAML users the status remains as "Pending" until the first time they login. They can sign in directly to the platform without the need to use the invitation email.
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For information about how to map users with multiple control access parameters, see Map users with multiple control access parameters.

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