Coletar registros do Google Kubernetes Engine
Este documento descreve como coletar registros do Google Kubernetes Engine configurando um feed do Google SecOps e como os campos de registro são mapeados para campos do modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês) do Google SecOps. Este documento também lista os tipos de registro e de evento com suporte para o Google Kubernetes Engine.
Para mais informações, consulte Ingestão de dados no Google SecOps.
Uma implantação típica consiste no Google Kubernetes Engine e no feed do Google SecOps configurados para enviar registros ao Google SecOps. Cada implantação do cliente pode ser diferente e mais complexa.
A implantação contém os seguintes componentes:
Google Cloud: os Google Cloud serviços e produtos de que você coleta registros.
Google Kubernetes Engine. A plataforma do Google Kubernetes Engine em que você coleta registros.
Google SecOps. O Google SecOps retém e analisa os registros do Google Kubernetes Engine.
Um rótulo de transferência identifica o analisador que normaliza os dados de registro brutos
para o formato estruturado do UDM. As informações neste documento se aplicam ao analisador do Google Kubernetes Engine
com o seguinte rótulo de transferência: KUBERNETES_NODE
Antes de começar
Verifique se você tem uma conta de administrador do Google.
Verifique se você tem as permissões necessárias para realizar as seguintes tarefas:
- Crie ou acesse um Google Cloud projeto.
- Ative o cluster do Google Kubernetes Engine. Para mais informações, consulte Implantar um app em um cluster do GKE.
Verifique se todos os sistemas na arquitetura de implantação estão configurados no fuso horário UTC.
Verifique os tipos de registro compatíveis com o analisador do Google SecOps. Para saber mais sobre os tipos de recursos do Google Kubernetes Engine compatíveis, consulte Tipos de recursos do Google Kubernetes Engine compatíveis.
Configurar Google Cloud para ingestão
Para ingerir os registros do KUBERNETES_NODE no Google SecOps, siga as etapas na página Ingerir Google Cloud dados no Google SecOps.
Se você encontrar problemas ao importar os logs KUBERNETES_NODE, entre em contato com o suporte da Google Security Operations.
Se você tiver problemas ao criar feeds, entre em contato com o suporte da Google Security Operations.
Tipos de recursos do Google Kubernetes Engine com suporte
A tabela a seguir lista os tipos de recursos compatíveis com o analisador do Google Kubernetes Engine:
Tipo de recurso | Nome de exibição |
gke_cluster | Operações de cluster do GKE |
k8s_cluster | Cluster do Kubernetes |
gke_nodepool | Pool de nós do GKE |
K8s_container | Registros de contêiner do GKE |
k8s_node | Registros do pool de nós do GKE |
k8s_pod | Registros de pod do GKE |
k8s_service | Registros de serviço do GKE |
k8s_control_plane_component | Componente do plano de controle do Kubernetes |
audited_resource | Recurso auditado do Kubernetes |
Referência do mapeamento de campo
As seções a seguir explicam como o analisador do Google Security Operations mapeia os campos de registro do Google Kubernetes Engine para os campos do modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês) do Google Security Operations.
Referência de mapeamento de campo: identificador de evento KUBERNETES_NODE para o tipo de evento da UDM
A tabela a seguir lista os identificadores de evento KUBERNETES_NODE
e os tipos de evento do UDM correspondentes. O mapeamento para um tipo de evento do UDM é baseado no campo de registro protopayload.methodname
, que é considerado o identificador do evento.
Event identifier | Event type |
io.k8s.migration.v1alpha1.storagestates.status.update |
io.k8s.get |
google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.CreateCluster |
io.k8s.core.v1.configmaps.patch |
io.k8s.core.v1.endpoints.update |
io.k8s.coordination.v1.leases.update |
google.container.v1beta1.ClusterManager.UpdateCluster |
io.k8s.core.v1.configmaps.update |
google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CreateNodePool |
google.container.v1.ClusterManager.CreateCluster |
google.container.v1.ClusterManager.DeleteCluster |
loginservice.login |
loginservice.govattackwarning |
loginservice.accountdisabled |
loginservice.accountdisabledspammingthroughrelay |
loginservice.suspiciouslogin |
loginservice.suspiciousloginlesssecureapp |
loginservice.suspiciousprogrammaticlogin |
AuthorizeUser |
loginservice.logout |
adminservice.changepassword |
adminservice.create |
adminservice.add |
accesscontextmanager.create |
adminservice.createaccess |
adminservice.enforce |
adminservice.systemdefinedruleupdated |
adminservice.changetwostepverificationfrequency |
adminservice.suspenduser |
adminservice.assignrole |
adminservice.unassignrole |
setiampolicy |
checkinvitationrequired |
setiampermissions |
setorgpolicy |
storage.objects.delete |
storage.objects.update |
attachcloudlink |
jobservice.cancel |
updatebrand |
updateclient |
assignprojecttobillingaccount |
jobservice.insert |
jobservice.jobcompleted |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with clustermanager
followed by any number of characters and ends with setnodepoolmanagement , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with clustermanager
followed by any number of characters and ends with updatecomponentconfig , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with instance
followed by any number of characters and ends with set , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with instance
followed by any number of characters and ends with reset , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with instance
followed by any number of characters and ends with resize , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with iam.admin
followed by any number of characters and ends with create , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_UNCATEGORIZED . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with iam.admin
followed by any number of characters and ends with delete , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_UNCATEGORIZED . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with adminservice ,
membershipsservice , accesscontextmanager , servicemanager ,
serviceusage , services , projects , or clustermanager
followed by any number of characters and ends with update , change , activate ,
deactivate , enable , disable , replace , or set ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains delete or
remove , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains submit or
update or patch or ingest , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_WRITTEN . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with imageannotator.batch ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_WRITTEN . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with scheduledsnapshots ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_WRITTEN . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains compute.disks.insert ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_WRITTEN . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains compute.disks.add ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_WRITTEN . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains compute.disks.setlabels ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_WRITTEN . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains insert or create
or recreate or add , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with compute
followed by any number of characters and ends with migrate , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains get or list
or watch , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with cloudsql
followed by any number of characters and ends with connect , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains create or
Create , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_CREATION . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains get or Get ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field starts with or query , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains list or List ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with watch ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with IngestMessage ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with UpdateAgent ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field contains bigquery and ends with
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with MetricService.CreateTimeSeries ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with update ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE . |
If the protoPayload.methodName log field ends with status.patch ,
then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION . |
A tabela a seguir lista os identificadores de evento KUBERNETES_NODE
e os tipos de evento do UDM correspondentes para mapeamentos que não são baseados no campo de registro protopayload.methodname
Event Identifier | Event Type |
If the daemon log field is equal to smtpd , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to EMAIL_UNCATEGORIZED . |
If the path log field is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_HTTP . |
If the htttpRequest.serverIp or httpRequest.remoteIp log field is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_HTTP . |
If the htttpRequest.requestMethod log field is equal to POST , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_UPDATE_CONTENT . |
If the htttpRequest.requestMethod log field is equal to GET , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS . |
If the htttpRequest.requestMethod log field is equal to DELETE , then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_DELETION . |
Referência de mapeamento de campo: campos comuns do KUBERNETES_NODE
A tabela a seguir lista os campos comuns do tipo de registro KUBERNETES_NODE
e os campos correspondentes do UDM.
Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
insertId |
metadata.product_log_id |
target.resource.resource_type |
The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to CLUSTER . |
resource.type |
target.resource.resource_subtype |
resource.labels.project_id |
target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id |
resource.labels.cluster_name | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_cluster ,
then the resource.labels.cluster_name log field is mapped to the
UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to gke_cluster and protoPayload.resourceName is not empty, then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to gke_cluster , then the resource.labels.cluster_name log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the resource.labels.cluster_name log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
resource.labels.location | |
resource.labels.nodepool_name | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to gke_nodepool and protoPayload.resourceName is not empty, then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to gke_nodepool ,
then the resource.labels.nodepool_name log field is mapped to the
UDM field.Else, the resource.labels.nodepool_name log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
resource.labels.component_location |
target.resource.attribute.labels [component_location] |
resource.labels.component_name |
target.resource_ancestors.labels [component_name] |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_control_plane_component and protoPayload.resourceName is not empty, then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_control_plane_component ,
then the resource.labels.component_name log field is mapped to the
UDM field.Else, the resource.labels.component_name log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.labels.value UDM field. |
resource.labels.pod_name | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_pod and protoPayload.resourceName is not empty, then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_pod ,
then the resource.labels.pod_name log field is mapped to the
UDM field.Else, the resource.labels.pod_name log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
resource.labels.container_name | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_container and protoPayload.resourceName is not empty, then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_container ,
then the resource.labels.container_name log field is mapped to the
UDM field.Else, the resource.labels.container_name log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.labels.value UDM field. |
resource.labels.namespace_name |
target.namespace |
resource.labels.node_name | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_node and protoPayload.resourceName is not empty, then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, if the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_node ,
then the resource.labels.node_name log field is mapped to the
UDM field.Else, the resource.labels.node_name log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
protoPayload.resourceName | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to audited_resource , then the protoPayload.resourceName log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
timestamp |
metadata.event_timestamp |
severity |
security_result.severity |
The security_result.severity UDM field is set to one of the following values:
logName |
metadata.url_back_to_product |
receiveTimestamp |
metadata.collected_timestamp |
httpRequest.latency |
about.labels [httprequest_latency] (deprecated) |
httpRequest.latency |
additional.fields [httprequest_latency] |
httpRequest.protocol |
network.application_protocol |
httpRequest.remoteIp |
principal.ip |
If the x_forwarded_for log field value is empty or the jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for log field array has one value, then the httpRequest.remoteIp log field is mapped to the principal.ip UDM field. |
httpRequest.remoteIp |
intermediary.ip |
If the x_forwarded_for log field value is not empty or the jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for log field array has more than one value, then the httpRequest.remoteIp log field is mapped to the intermediary.ip UDM field. |
httpRequest.remoteIp |
principal.port |
httpRequest.requestMethod |
network.http.method |
httpRequest.requestSize |
network.sent_bytes |
httpRequest.requestUrl |
target.url |
httpRequest.responseSize |
network.received_bytes |
httpRequest.serverIp |
target.ip |
httpRequest.serverIp |
target.port |
httpRequest.status |
network.http.response_code |
httpRequest.userAgent |
network.http.user_agent |
| |
target.user.attribute.labels [subject_name] |
protoPayload.request.subjects.kind |
target.user.attribute.labels [subject_kind] |
textPayload |
principal.ip |
Used a Grok pattern to extract principal_ip from the textPayload log field and mapped to the principal.ip UDM field. |
textPayload |
target.ip |
Used a Grok pattern to extract target_ip from the textPayload log field and mapped to the target.ip UDM field. |
textPayload |
network.http.method |
If the network.http.method UDM field is not empty, then network_method is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, network_method is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the network.http.method UDM field. |
textPayload |
target.url |
If the target.url UDM field is not empty, then target_url is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, target_url is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the target.url UDM field. |
textPayload |
network.application_protocol |
If the network.application_protocol UDM field is not empty, then network_application_protocol is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, network_application_protocol is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the network.application_protocol UDM field. |
textPayload |
network.application_protocol_version |
If the network.application_protocol_version UDM field is not empty, then network_application_protocol_version is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, network_application_protocol_version is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the network.application_protocol_version UDM field. |
textPayload |
network.http.response_code |
If the network.http.response_code UDM field is not empty, then network_http_response_code is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, network_http_response_code is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the network.http.response_code UDM field. |
textPayload |
target.hostname |
If the target.hostname UDM field is not empty, then target_hostname is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, target_hostname is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the target.hostname UDM field. |
textPayload |
network.http.user_agent |
If the network.http.user_agent UDM field is not empty, then network_http_user_agent is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, network_http_user_agent is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the network.http.user_agent UDM field. |
textPayload |
target.port |
If the target.port UDM field is not empty, then target_port is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, target_port is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the target.port UDM field. |
textPayload |
network.session_id |
If the network.session_id UDM field is not empty, then network_session_id is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the additional.fields UDM field.
Else, network_session_id is extracted from the textPayload log field using a Grok pattern and mapped to the network.session_id UDM field. |
jsonPayload.metadata.errorCause |
security_result.detection_fields[metadata_error_cause] |
jsonPayload.metadata.errorMessage |
security_result.detection_fields[metadata_error_message] |
| |
security_result.action_details |
security_result.action |
If the log field value is equal to allow , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW .Else, if the log field value is equal to forbid , then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK . |
Referência de mapeamento de campos: campos de registro KUBERNETES_NODE para campos do UDM
A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo KUBERNETES_NODE
e os campos correspondentes do UDM.
Resource types | Log field | UDM mapping | Logic |
k8s_container |
labels.upstream_host |
about.ip |
k8s_pod |
labels.activity_type_name |
about.labels [activity_type_name] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod |
labels.activity_type_name |
additional.fields [activity_type_name] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.requestAttributes.time |
about.labels [caller_network_request_time] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.requestAttributes.time |
additional.fields [caller_network_request_time] |
duration |
about.labels [duration] (deprecated) |
duration |
additional.fields [duration] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.action |
about.labels [jsonpayload_action] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.action |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_action] |
k8s_cluster, k8s_pod, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.apiVersion |
about.labels [jsonpayload_api_version] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster, k8s_pod, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.apiVersion |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_api_version] |
gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.@type |
about.labels [jsonpayload_at_type] (deprecated) |
gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.@type |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_at_type] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.chartVersion |
about.labels [jsonpayload_chart_version] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.chartVersion |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_chart_version] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.clusterDistribution |
about.labels [jsonpayload_cluster_distribution] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.clusterDistribution |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_cluster_distribution] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.componentName |
about.labels [jsonpayload_component_name] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.componentName |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_component_name] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.componentVersion |
about.labels [jsonpayload_component_version] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.componentVersion |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_component_version] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.coresPerReplica |
about.labels [jsonpayload_cores_per_replica] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.coresPerReplica |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_cores_per_replica] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.eventTime |
about.labels [jsonpayload_event_time] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.eventTime |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_event_time] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.includeUnschedulableNodes |
about.labels [jsonpayload_include_unschedulable_nodes] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.includeUnschedulableNodes |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_include_unschedulable_nodes] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.kind |
about.labels [jsonpayload_kind] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.kind |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_kind] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.log |
about.labels [jsonpayload_log] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.log |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_log] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.logtag |
about.labels [jsonpayload_logtag] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.logtag |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_logtag] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.preventSinglePointFailure |
about.labels [jsonpayload_prevent_single_point_failure] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.preventSinglePointFailure |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_prevent_single_point_failure] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.status.measureTime |
about.labels [jsonpayload_status_measure_time] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.status.measureTime |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_status_measure_time] |
k8s_node |
about.labels [jsonpayload_syslog_facility] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_syslog_facility] |
k8s_node |
about.labels [jsonpayload_syslog_identifier] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_syslog_identifier] |
k8s_node |
about.labels [jsonpayload_syslog_timestamp] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_syslog_timestamp] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.timestamp |
about.labels [jsonpayload_timestamp] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.timestamp |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_timestamp] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node, k8s_container |
jsonPayload.type |
about.labels [jsonpayload_type] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node, k8s_container |
jsonPayload.type |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_type] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.v |
about.labels [jsonpayload_v] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.v |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_v] |
k8s_container |
labels.protocol |
about.labels [labels_protocol] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.lastTimestamp |
about.labels [last_timestamp] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.lastTimestamp |
additional.fields [last_timestamp] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.localTimestamp |
about.labels [local_timestamp] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.localTimestamp |
additional.fields [local_timestamp] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.managedFields.apiVersion |
about.labels [managed_fields_api_version] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.managedFields.apiVersion |
about.labels [managed_fields_api_version] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.managedFields.fieldsType |
about.labels [managed_fields_fields_type] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.managedFields.manager |
about.labels [managed_fields_manager] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.managedFields.operation |
about.labels [managed_fields_operation] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.managedFields.operation |
about.labels [managed_fields_operation] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.managedFields.time |
about.labels [managed_fields_time] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.managedFields.time |
about.labels [managed_fields_time] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.managedFields.time |
additional.fields [managed_fields_time] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.managedFields.fieldsType |
about.labels [managed_fields_type] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node | |
about.labels [metadata_name] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node | |
additional.fields [metadata_name] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.namespace |
about.labels [metadata_namespace] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.namespace |
additional.fields [metadata_namespace] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.resourceVersion |
about.labels [metadata_resourceversion] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.resourceVersion |
additional.fields [metadata_resourceversion] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.nodesPerReplica |
about.labels [nodes_per_replica] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.nodesPerReplica |
additional.fields [nodes_per_replica] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
operation.first |
about.labels [operation_first] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
operation.first |
additional.fields [operation_first] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node | |
about.labels [operation_id] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node | |
additional.fields [operation_id] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
operation.last |
about.labels [operation_last] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
operation.last |
additional.fields [operation_last] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
operation.producer |
about.labels [operation_producer] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
operation.producer |
additional.fields [operation_producer] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.@type |
about.labels [protopayload_at_type] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.@type |
additional.fields [protopayload_at_type] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.acquireTime |
about.labels [protopayload_req_spec_acquire_time] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.acquireTime |
additional.fields [protopayload_req_spec_acquire_time] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.@type |
about.labels [protopayload_request_at_type] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.@type |
additional.fields [protopayload_request_at_type] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.managedFields.fieldsType |
about.labels [protopayload_res_meta_field_type] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.managedFields.fieldsType |
additional.fields [protopayload_res_meta_field_type] |
k8s_cluster | |
about.labels [req_annotations_control_panel_kubernetes_leader] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster | |
additional.fields [req_annotations_control_panel_kubernetes_leader] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.response.startTime |
about.labels [res_start_time] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.response.startTime |
additional.fields [res_start_time] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster | |
about.labels [] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster | |
additional.fields [] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.managedFields.manager |
about.labels [resp_metadata_managedFields_manager] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.managedFields.operation |
about.labels [resp_metadata_managedFields_operation] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.managedFields.time |
about.labels [resp_metadata_managedFields_time] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.managedFields.apiVersion |
about.labels [resp_metadata_managed_api_version] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.acquireTime |
about.labels [resp_spec_acquire_time] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.acquireTime |
additional.fields [resp_spec_acquire_time] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.groups |
about.labels [resp_spec_groups] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.@type |
about.labels [response_type] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.@type |
additional.fields [response_type] |
start_time |
about.labels [start_time] (deprecated) |
start_time |
additional.fields [start_time] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_control_plane_component, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node, k8s_container, k8s_service |
textPayload |
about.labels [textpayload] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_control_plane_component, k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node, k8s_container, k8s_service |
textPayload |
additional.fields [textpayload] |
upstream_service_time |
about.labels [upstream_service_time] (deprecated) |
upstream_service_time |
additional.fields [upstream_service_time] |
x_carbon_log_ext1 |
about.labels [x_carbon_log_ext1] (deprecated) |
x_carbon_log_ext1 |
additional.fields [x_carbon_log_ext1] |
k8s_container |
labels.upstream_host |
about.port |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.reportingInstance | |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.reportingComponent |
about.resource.resource_subtype |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.response.selfLink |
about.url |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.managedFields.manager |
about.user.user_display_name |
x_forwarded_for |
src.ip |
The first value of the x_forwarded_for log field array is mapped to src.ip and principal.ip UDM fields. |
x_forwarded_for |
principal.ip |
The first value of the x_forwarded_for log field array is mapped to src.ip and principal.ip UDM fields. |
x_forwarded_for |
intermediary.ip |
The second and all other successive values of the x_forwarded_for log field array is mapped to the intermediary.ip UDM field. |
jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for |
src.ip |
The first value of the jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for log field array is mapped to src.ip UDM field. |
jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for |
principal.ip |
The second value of the jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for log field array is mapped to principal.ip UDM field. |
jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for |
intermediary.ip |
The third and all other successive values of the jsonPayload.httpRequest.x-forwarded-for log field array is mapped to intermediary.ip UDM field. |
jsonPayload.authority |
principal.administrative_domain |
jsonPayload.path |
target.file.full_path |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node, k8s_container, k8s_control_plane_component |
jsonPayload.message |
metadata.description |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.methodName |
metadata.product_event_type |
request_id |
metadata.product_log_id |
protocol |
network.application_protocol |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.connection.direction |
network.direction |
The network.direction UDM field is set to one of the following values:
k8s_container |
labels.upstream_cluster |
network.direction |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.request_length |
network.received_bytes |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.request_uri |
principal.url |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.request_method |
network.http.method |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.remote_addr |
principal.ip |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.server_protocol |
network.application_protocol |
Extracted application_protocol from jsonPayload.server_protocol log field using Grok pattern and mapped it to the network.application_protocol UDM field. |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.server_protocol |
network.application_protocol_version |
Extracted application_protocol_version from jsonPayload.server_protocol log field using Grok pattern and mapped it to the network.application_protocol_version UDM field. |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.status |
network.http.response_code |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http_host |
principal.hostname |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http_host |
principal.asset.hostname |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http_user_agent |
network.http.user_agent |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.ssl_protocol |
network.tls.version |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.remote_user |
principal.user.userid |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.upstream_addr |
target.ip |
Extracted ip from jsonPayload.upstream_addr log field using Grok pattern and mapped it to the target.ip UDM field. |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.upstream_addr |
target.port |
Extracted port from jsonPayload.upstream_addr log field using Grok pattern and mapped it to the target.port UDM field. |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http_referrer |
network.http.referral_url |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.bytes_sent |
network.sent_bytes |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.server_port |
target.nat_port |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.upstream_response_time |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_upstream_response_time] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.msec |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_msec] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.upstream_connect_time |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_upstream_connect_time] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.body_bytes_sent |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_body_bytes_sent] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.request_time |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_request_time] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http_method |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_http_method] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http_version |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_http_version] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.response_code |
additional.fields[jsonpayload_response_code] |
upstream_cluster |
network.direction |
The network.direction UDM field is set to one of the following values:
labels.upstream_cluster |
network.direction |
The network.direction UDM field is set to one of the following values:
method |
network.http.method |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.nonResourceAttributes.verb |
network.http.method |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http.req.method |
network.http.method |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.http.req.path |
network.http.referral_url |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.nonResourceAttributes.path |
network.http.referral_url |
response_code |
network.http.response_code |
gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.status.code |
network.http.response_code |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerSuppliedUserAgent |
network.http.user_agent |
user_agent |
network.http.user_agent |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.connection.protocol |
network.ip_protocol |
bytes_received |
network.received_bytes |
k8s_container |
duration |
network.received_bytes |
bytes_sent |
network.sent_bytes |
k8s_container |
labels.total_sent_bytes |
network.sent_bytes |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.session |
network.session_id |
k8s_container |
labels.service_authentication_policy |
network.tls.cipher |
authority |
principal.administrative_domain |
k8s_container |
labels.source_principal |
principal.administrative_domain |
k8s_container |
labels.source_app |
principal.application |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.hostname |
principal.hostname |
k8s_container |
labels.source_name |
principal.hostname |
k8s_pod, k8s_node | |
principal.hostname |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerIp |
principal.ip |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.connection.src_ip |
principal.ip |
k8s_container |
labels.source_ip |
principal.ip |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._CAP_EFFECTIVE |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_cap_effective] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._CAP_EFFECTIVE |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_cap_effective] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.currency |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_currency] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.currency |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_currency] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.envTime |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_env_time] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.envTime |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_env_time] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._GID |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_gid] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._GID |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_gid] |
k8s_container | |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_http_req_id] (deprecated) |
k8s_container | |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_http_req_id] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SELINUX_CONTEXT |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_selinux_context] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SELINUX_CONTEXT |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_selinux_context] |
k8s_node |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_source_realtime_timestamp] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_source_realtime_timestamp] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._STREAM_ID |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_stream_id] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._STREAM_ID |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_stream_id] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.traceLevel |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_trace_level] (deprecated) |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.traceLevel |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_trace_level] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._TRANSPORT |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_transport] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._TRANSPORT |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_transport] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._UID |
principal.labels [jsonpayload_uid] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._UID |
additional.fields [jsonpayload_uid] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.filter |
principal.labels [protopayload_request_filter] (deprecated) |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.filter |
additional.fields [protopayload_request_filter] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.requests.features.type |
principal.labels [protopayload_requests_features_type] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.requestAttributes.reason |
principal.labels [request_attributes_reason] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.requestAttributes.reason |
additional.fields [request_attributes_reason] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.source.component |
principal.labels [source_component] (deprecated) |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.source.component |
additional.fields [source_component] |
k8s_container |
labels.source_version |
principal.labels [source_version] |
k8s_container |
labels.source_workload |
principal.labels [source_workload] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.workload_kind |
principal.labels [src_workload_kind] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.workload_kind |
additional.fields [src_workload_kind] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.workload_name |
principal.labels [src_workload_name] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.workload_name |
additional.fields [src_workload_name] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_CGROUP |
principal.labels [systemd_cgroup] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_CGROUP |
additional.fields [systemd_cgroup] |
k8s_node |
principal.labels [systemd_invocation_id] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
additional.fields [systemd_invocation_id] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_SLICE |
principal.labels [systemd_slice] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_SLICE |
additional.fields [systemd_slice] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_UNIT |
principal.labels [systemd_unit ] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._SYSTEMD_UNIT |
additional.fields [systemd_unit ] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerNetwork |
principal.labels [caller_network] (deprecated) |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.requestMetadata.callerNetwork |
additional.fields [caller_network] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.namespace |
principal.namespace |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.pod_namespace |
principal.namespace |
k8s_container |
labels.source_namespace |
principal.namespace |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.connection.src_port |
principal.port |
k8s_container |
labels.source_port |
principal.port |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._CMDLINE |
principal.process.command_line |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._EXE |
principal.process.file.full_path |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._COMM |
principal.process.file.names |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._PID | |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._BOOT_ID |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_boot_id] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.releaseTrain |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [release_train] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.initialClusterVersion |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_cls_initial_cluster_version] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.locations |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_cls_locations] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.location |
principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_cluster_location] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.src.pod_name | |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._HOSTNAME | |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.loggingConfig.componentConfig.enableComponents |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [cluster_loggingConfig_componentConfig_enableComponents] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.monitoringConfig.componentConfig.enableComponents |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [cluster_monitoringConfig_componentConfig_enableComponents] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.count |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_count] |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.region |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_region] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.metadata.creationTimestamp |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [metadata_creation_time_stamp] |
k8s_pod |
protoPayload.metadata.creationTimestamp |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [req_creation_timestamp] |
k8s_container |
labels.source_canonical_revision |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [source_canonical_revision] |
k8s_container |
labels.source_canonical_service |
principal.resource.attribute.labels [source_canonical_service] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload._MACHINE_ID |
principal.resource.product_object_id |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.authorizationInfo.granted |
principal.user.attribute.labels [authorization_granted] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.pageToken |
principal.user.attribute.labels [protopayload_request_page_token] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.pageSize |
principal.user.attribute.labels [req_page_size] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.authorizationInfo.permission | |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail |
principal.user.email_addresses |
If the protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail log field value is matched with regular expression .@. , then the following fields are mapped:
Else, the protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.serviceAccountDelegationInfo.firstPartyPrincipal.principalEmail |
principal.user.email_addresses |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail |
principal.user.userid |
If the protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail log field value is matched with regular expression .@. , then the following fields are mapped:
Else, the protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field. |
k8s_container |
labels.mesh_uid |
principal.user.userid |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.uid |
principal.user.userid |
If the principal.user.userid log field value is not empty, then the protoPayload.request.metadata.uid log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.Else, the protoPayload.request.metadata.uid log field is mapped to the principal.labels UDM field. |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalSubject |
principal.user.userid |
k8s_cluster | |
security_result.action |
k8s_container |
labels.connection_state |
security_result.action |
The security_result.action UDM field is set to one of the following values:
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.disposition |
security_result.action_details |
k8s_cluster | |
security_result.action_details |
gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.status.message |
security_result.description |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.response.status |
security_result.description |
k8s_pod |
labels.logMessage |
security_result.description |
k8s_pod |
labels.errorGroupId |
security_result.detection_fields [error_group_id] |
k8s_pod |
jsonPayload.errorEvent.eventTime |
security_result.detection_fields [jsonpayload_error_event_event_time] |
k8s_pod |
jsonPayload.errorEvent.message |
security_result.detection_fields [jsonpayload_error_event_message] |
k8s_pod |
jsonPayload.errorEvent.serviceContext.service |
security_result.detection_fields [jsonpayload_error_event_service_context_service] |
k8s_pod |
jsonPayload.errorGroup |
security_result.detection_fields [jsonpayload_error_group] |
k8s_pod |
jsonPayload.errorEvent.serviceContext.resourceType |
security_result.detection_fields [jsonpayload_error_service_context_resource_type] |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.resourceName |
security_result.detection_fields [protopayload_resource_name] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.serviceAccountKeyName |
security_result.detection_fields [service_account_key_name] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.PRIORITY |
security_result.priority_details |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.policies.namespace |
security_result.rule_labels [policy_namespace] |
k8s_node | |
security_result.rule_name |
response_flags |
security_result.summary |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.reason |
security_result.summary |
k8s_container |
sourceLocation.function |
src.application |
k8s_node, k8s_container, k8s_control_plane_component |
sourceLocation.file |
src.file.full_path |
k8s_node, k8s_container, k8s_control_plane_component |
sourceLocation.line |
src.labels [source_location_line] (deprecated) |
k8s_node, k8s_container, k8s_control_plane_component |
sourceLocation.line |
additional.fields [source_location_line] |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_principal |
target.administrative_domain |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.serviceName |
target.application |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_app |
target.application |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_canonical_service |
target.application |
audited_resource |
resource.labels.service |
target.application |
x_downstream_host |
target.asset.attribute.labels [x_downstream_host] |
k8s_container |
labels.path |
target.file.full_path |
path |
target.file.full_path |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_service_host |
target.hostname |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.connection.dest_ip |
target.ip |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_ip |
target.ip |
upstream_host |
target.ip |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.dest.workload_name |
target.labels [dest_workload_name] (deprecated) |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.dest.workload_name |
additional.fields [dest_workload_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_name |
target.labels [destination_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_version |
target.labels [destination_version] |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_workload |
target.labels [destination_workload] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.numResponseItems |
target.labels [num_response_items] (deprecated) |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.numResponseItems |
additional.fields [num_response_items] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.update.desiredLoggingConfig.componentConfig.enableComponents |
target.labels [req_update_desiredLoggingConfig_componentConfig_enableComponents] (deprecated) |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.update.desiredLoggingConfig.componentConfig.enableComponents |
additional.fields [req_update_desiredLoggingConfig_componentConfig_enableComponents] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.nonResourceAttributes.path |
target.labels [resp_spec_non_resource_attributes_path] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.nonResourceAttributes.path |
additional.fields [resp_spec_non_resource_attributes_path] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.nonResourceAttributes.verb |
target.labels [resp_spec_non_resource_attributes_verb] (deprecated) |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.nonResourceAttributes.verb |
additional.fields [resp_spec_non_resource_attributes_verb] |
x_b3_parentspanid |
target.labels [x_b3_parent_span_id] (deprecated) |
x_b3_parentspanid |
additional.fields [x_b3_parent_span_id] |
x_b3_sampled |
target.labels [x_b3_sample_d] (deprecated) |
x_b3_sampled |
additional.fields [x_b3_sample_d] |
x_b3_span_id |
target.labels [x_b3_span_id] (deprecated) |
x_b3_span_id |
additional.fields [x_b3_span_id] |
x_b3_trace_id |
target.labels [x_b3_trace_id] (deprecated) |
x_b3_trace_id |
additional.fields [x_b3_trace_id] |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.dest.pod_namespace |
target.namespace |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.dest.namespace |
target.namespace |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_namespace |
target.namespace |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.namespace |
target.namespace |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_ip |
target.port |
upstream_host |
target.port |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.connection.dest_port |
target.port |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_port |
target.port |
k8s_control_plane_component, k8s_node, k8s_container | | |
k8s_pod |
labels.deploymentVersion |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [deployment_version] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/kubernetes_io/cluster-service |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_cluster_service] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/component |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_component] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/controller-revision-hash |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_controller_revision_hash] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/dsName |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_ds_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/ |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_gke_project] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/security_istio_io/tlsMode |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_security_tls_mode] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/service_istio_io/canonical-name |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_service_canonical_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/pod-template-generation |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [pod_template_generation] |
gke_cluster | |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_cls_network] |
gke_cluster | |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_autorepair] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.autoscaling.enabled |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_autoscaling_enabled] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.autoscaling.maxNodeCount |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_autoscaling_max_node_cnt] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.autoscaling.minNodeCount |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_autoscaling_min_node_cnt] |
gke_cluster | |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_autoupgrade] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.config.diskSizeGb |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_config_disksize] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.config.diskType |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_config_diskType] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.config.imageType |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_config_imagetype] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.config.machineType |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_config_machinetype] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.config.metadata.disable-legacy-endpoints |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_config_metadata_disable-legacy-endpoints] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.config.oauthScopes |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_config_oauth_scopes] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.upgradeSettings.maxSurge |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsNodePools_upgradeSettings_maxSurge] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.initialNodeCount |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_clsterNodePools_autoscaling_initial_node_cnt] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.maxPodsConstraint |
target.resource_ancestors.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_name] |
gke_cluster | | |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool, k8s_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.authorizationInfo.resource | |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.dest.workload_kind | |
gke_cluster, audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.parent | |
k8s_container | jsonPayload.nodeName | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_container , then the jsonPayload.nodeName log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
k8s_container |
labels.instance_name | |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.subnetwork | |
k8s_container |
labels.requested_server_name | |
k8s_pod |
labels.deploymentAppId | |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.dest.pod_name | |
k8s_container | | |
gke_cluster, gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.resourceLocation.currentLocations | |
If the index log field value is equal to 0 , then the protoPayload.resourceLocation.currentLocations log field is mapped to the UDM field.Else, the protoPayload.resourceLocation.currentLocations log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.creationTimestamp |
target.resource.attribute.creation_time |
k8s_container |
labels.agent_version |
target.resource.attribute.labels [agent_version] |
k8s_container |
labels.connection_id |
target.resource.attribute.labels [connection_id] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/container-watcher-unique-id |
target.resource.attribute.labels [container_watcher_unique_id] |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_canonical_revision |
target.resource.attribute.labels [destination_canonical_revision] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.involvedObject.apiVersion |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_apiVersion] |
k8s_pod |
jsonPayload.involvedObject.fieldPath |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_field_path] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.involvedObject.kind |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_kind] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_name] |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_cluster , then the log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.labels.value UDM field. |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.involvedObject.namespace |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_namespace] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.involvedObject.resourceVersion |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_resourceVersion] |
k8s_pod, k8s_cluster, k8s_node |
jsonPayload.involvedObject.uid |
target.resource.attribute.labels [jsonpayload_involved_object_uid] |
k8s_container |
labels.destination_service_name |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_destination_service_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/app |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_k8s_pod_app] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/k8s-app |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_k8s_pod_k8s_app] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/name |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_k8s_pod_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/clm_test |
target.resource.attribute.labels [clm_test] |
k8s_container |
labels.log_sampled |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_log_sampled] |
k8s_container |
labels.request_id |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_request_id] |
k8s_container |
labels.response_flag |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_response_flag] |
k8s_container |
labels.x_carbon_log_ext1 |
target.resource.attribute.labels [labels_x_carbon_log_ext1] |
k8s_container | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [log_type] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.metadata.operationType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [metadata_operationType] |
k8s_pod | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [notification_trigger_error_ingestion_time] |
k8s_pod |
labels.notificationType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [notification_type] |
gke_cluster, audited_resource | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [proto_req_name] |
k8s_cluster | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [protopayload_metadata_name] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.metadata.resourceVersion |
target.resource.attribute.labels [protopayload_metadata_resourceversion] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.binaryAuthorization.evaluationMode |
target.resource.attribute.labels [protopayload_request_cluster_binary_auth_eval_mode] |
audited_resource |
protoPayload.request.contentType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [protopayload_request_content_type] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.kind |
target.resource.attribute.labels [protopayload_request_kind] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.addonsConfig.gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig.enabled |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_cls_addonsConfig_gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig_enabled] |
gke_cluster | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_cls_channel] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.enableKubernetesAlpha |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_cls_enableKubernetesAlpha] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.ipAllocationPolicy.stackType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_cls_ipAllocationPolicy_stackType] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.addonsConfig.networkPolicyConfig.disabled |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_cls_policy_config_disabled] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.config.diskSizeGb |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_config_diskSizeGb] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.config.diskType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_config_diskType] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.config.imageType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_config_imageType] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.config.machineType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_config_machineType] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.config.metadata.disable-legacy-endpoints |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_config_metadata_disable_legacy_endpoints] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.config.oauthScopes |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_config_oauth_scopes] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.networkConfig.enablePrivateNodes |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_enable_private_nodes] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.initialNodeCount |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_initial_node_cnt] |
gke_nodepool | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_management_auto_repair] |
gke_nodepool | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_management_auto_upgrade] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.upgradeSettings.maxSurge |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_upgrade_settings_max_surge] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.upgradeSettings.strategy |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_node_pool_upgrade_settings_strategy] |
gke_nodepool |
protoPayload.request.nodePool.version |
target.resource.attribute.labels [req_nodepool_version] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.ipAllocationPolicy.useIpAliases |
target.resource.attribute.labels [requ_cls_ipAllocationPolicy_useIpAliases] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.networkConfig.datapathProvider |
target.resource.attribute.labels [requ_cls_networkConfig_datapathProvider] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.request.cluster.nodePools.upgradeSettings.strategy |
target.resource.attribute.labels [requ_cls_nodePools_upgradeSettings_strategy] |
requested_server_name |
target.resource.attribute.labels [requested_server_name] |
gke_cluster | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [res_name] |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.response.operationType |
target.resource.attribute.labels [res_operation_type] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.apiVersion |
target.resource.attribute.labels [resp_api_version] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.kind |
target.resource.attribute.labels [resp_kind] |
k8s_cluster | |
target.resource.attribute.labels [resp_metadata_name] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.namespace |
target.resource.attribute.labels [resp_metadata_namespace] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.resourceVersion |
target.resource.attribute.labels [resp_metadata_resource_version] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.metadata.uid |
target.resource.attribute.labels [resp_metadata_uid] |
k8s_container |
labels.response_details |
target.resource.attribute.labels [response_details] |
k8s_container |
labels.route_name |
target.resource.attribute.labels [route_name] |
k8s_container |
labels.k8s-pod/pod-template-hash |
target.resource.attribute.labels [template_hash] |
audited_resource |
resource.labels.method |
target.resource.attribute.labels [rc_method] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.status.conditions.reason |
target.resource.attribute.permissions.description |
gke_cluster | | |
k8s_node |
jsonPayload.node_name | |
If the resource.type log field value is equal to k8s_node , then the jsonPayload.node_name log field is mapped to the UDM field. |
k8s_container |
jsonPayload.azureResourceID |
target.resource.product_object_id |
gke_cluster |
protoPayload.response.targetLink |
target.url |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.leaseTransitions |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_lease_transitions] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.holderIdentity |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_holderIdentity] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.renewTime |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_renew_time] |
k8s_cluster | |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_resource_group] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.resourceAttributes.verb |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_resource_verb] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.resourceAttributes.version |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_resource_version] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.resourceAttributes.resource |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_resource] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.uid |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_uid] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.user |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec_user] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.leaseDurationSeconds |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_spec._ease_duration_sec] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.status.allowed |
target.user.attribute.labels [request_status_allowed] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.leaseTransitions |
target.user.attribute.labels [res_lease_transitions] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.holderIdentity |
target.user.attribute.labels [resp_spec_holderIdentity] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.leaseDurationSeconds |
target.user.attribute.labels [resp_spec_lease_duration_sec] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.renewTime |
target.user.attribute.labels [resp_spec_renew_time] |
k8s_cluster | |
target.user.attributes.labels [resp_resource_attributes_group] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.resourceAttributes.resource |
target.user.attributes.labels [resp_resource_attributes_resource] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.resourceAttributes.verb |
target.user.attributes.labels [resp_resource_attributes_verb] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.resourceAttributes.version |
target.user.attributes.labels [resp_resource_attributes_version] |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.request.spec.groups |
target.user.group_identifiers |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.user |
target.user.user_display_name |
k8s_cluster |
protoPayload.response.spec.uid |
target.user.userid |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.cveId |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.cvssScore |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cvss_base_score |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.cvssVector |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cvss_vector |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.description |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.description |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.severity |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.severity |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.severity_details |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.cpeUri |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_cpe_uri] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.fixedCpeUri |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_fixed_cpe_uri] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.relatedUrls |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_related_urls] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.packageName |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_package_name] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.packageType |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_package_type] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.fixedPackage |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_fixed_package] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.fixedPackageVersion |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_fixed_package_version] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.affectedImages |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields [vulnerability_affected_images] |
k8s_cluster |
jsonPayload.vulnerability.affectedPackageVersion |
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.about.security_result.detection_fields[vulnerability_affected_package_version] |
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