Coletar registros do Jamf Protect

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Este documento descreve como coletar registros do Jamf Protect configurando uma Operações de segurança do Google feed e como os campos de registro são mapeados para os campos do Modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês) das Operações de segurança do Google. Este documento também lista a versão do Jamf Protect com suporte.

Para mais informações, consulte Ingestão de dados para as Operações de segurança do Google.

Uma implantação típica consiste no Jamf Protect e no feed do Google Security Operations configurado para enviar registros ao Google Security Operations. Cada implantação do cliente pode ser diferente e mais complexa.

A implantação contém os seguintes componentes:

  • Jamf Protect. A plataforma Jamf Protect em que você coleta registros.

  • Feed de Operações de segurança do Google. O feed de Operações de Segurança do Google que busca registros do Jamf Protect e grava registros nas Operações de segurança do Google.

  • Google Security Operations. As Operações de segurança do Google retém e analisa os registros do Jamf Protect.

Um rótulo de ingestão identifica o analisador que normaliza dados de registro brutos ao formato UDM estruturado. As informações neste documento se aplicam ao analisador com o rótulo de transferência JAMF_PROTECT.

Antes de começar

  • Verifique se você está usando o Jamf Protect versão 4.0.0 ou mais recente.
  • Verifique se todos os sistemas na arquitetura de implantação estão configurados com o fuso horário UTC.

Configure um feed nas Operações de segurança do Google para ingerir os registros do Jamf Protect

Você pode usar o Amazon S3 ou um webhook para configurar um feed de transferência no Google Security Operations, mas recomendamos o Amazon S3.

Configurar um feed de ingestão usando o Amazon S3

  1. No menu Google Security Operations, selecione Settings e clique em Feeds.
  2. Clique em Add New.
  3. Selecione Amazon S3 como o Tipo de origem.
  4. Para criar um feed para o Jamf Protect, selecione Alertas do Jamf Protect como Tipo de registro.
  5. Clique em Próxima.
  6. Salve o feed e clique em Enviar.
  7. Copie o ID do feed do nome do feed para usar no Jamf Protect.

Configurar um feed de transferência usando um webhook

  1. No menu Google Security Operations, selecione Settings e clique em Feeds.
  2. clique em Add new;
  3. No campo Nome do feed, insira um nome para o feed.
  4. Na lista Tipo de origem, selecione Webhook.
  5. Para criar um feed para o Jamf Protect, selecione Alertas do Jamf Protect como Tipo de registro.
  6. Clique em Próxima.
  7. Opcional: especifique valores para os seguintes parâmetros de entrada:
    • Delimitador de divisão: o delimitador usado para separar linhas de registro, como \n.
    • Namespace de recursos: o namespace de recursos.
    • Rótulos de ingestão: o rótulo a ser aplicado aos eventos do feed.
  8. Clique em Próxima.
  9. Revise a configuração do novo feed na tela Finalizar e clique em Enviar.
  10. Clique em Gerar chave secreta para gerar uma chave secreta e autenticar esse feed.
  11. Copie e armazene a chave secreta, porque não será possível ver este secret novamente. Você pode gerar uma nova chave secreta novamente, mas a regeneração da chave secreta torna a chave secreta anterior obsoleta.
  12. Na guia Detalhes, copie o URL do endpoint do feed no campo Informações do endpoint. Você precisa especificar o URL do endpoint no aplicativo Jamf Protect Alerts.
  13. Clique em Concluído.
  14. Especifique o URL do endpoint no Jamf Protect.

Para mais informações sobre os feeds do Google Security Operations, consulte a documentação sobre feeds do Google Security Operations. Para informações sobre os requisitos de cada tipo de feed, consulte Configuração de feed por tipo.

Se você tiver problemas ao criar feeds, entre em contato com o suporte da Google Security Operations.

Tipos de registro do Jamf Protect com suporte

A tabela a seguir lista os tipos de registro compatíveis com o analisador do Jamf Protect:

Tipo de evento Nome de exibição
GPClickEvent Eventos de clique sintéticos
GPDownloadEvent Fazer o download dos Eventos
GPFSEvent Eventos do sistema de arquivos
GPGatekeeperEvent Eventos de gatekeeper
GPKeylogRegisterEvent Eventos de keylogger
GPMRTEvent Monitorar eventos
GPPreventedExecutionEvent Eventos de lista de bloqueio personalizados
GPProcessEvent Processar eventos
GPThreatMatchExecEvent Eventos de prevenção de ameaças
GPUSBEvent Eventos USB
GPUnifiedLogEvent Eventos de registro unificados
Montagem de autenticação Eventos de controles do dispositivo

Referência de mapeamento de campo

Esta seção explica como o analisador das Operações de segurança do Google mapeia os campos do Jamf Protect para os campos do Modelo de dados unificado (UDM) das Operações de segurança do Google.

Referência de mapeamento de campo: identificador de evento para tipo de evento

A tabela a seguir lista os tipos de registro JAMF_PROTECT e os tipos de evento de UDM correspondentes.

Event Identifier Event Type
GPDownloadEvent SCAN_FILE
GPPreventedExecutionEvent SCAN_UNCATEGORIZED

Referência de mapeamento de campo: JAMF_PROTECT

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro JAMF_PROTECT e os campos de UDM correspondentes.
Log field UDM mapping Logic
about.platform The about.platform UDM field is set to MAC.
caid about.labels[caid] (deprecated)
caid additional.fields[caid]
certid principal.asset.attribute.labels [certid] principal.user.attribute.permissions.description principal.user.attribute.labels [context_identity_claims_clientid]
input.eventType metadata.product_event_type principal.hostname principal.ip principal.asset.product_object_id principal.asset.hardware.serial_number security_result.outcomes [input_match_actions_name]
input.match.actions.parameters.message security_result.summary If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.match.actions.parameters.message log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.

Else, the input.match.actions.parameters.message log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field.
input.match.actions.parameters.title security_result.description If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.match.actions.parameters.title log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.

Else, the input.match.actions.parameters.title log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field. security_result.detection_fields.key
input.match.context.value security_result.detection_fields.value [Name]
input.match.custom security_result.detection_fields [input_match_custom]
input.match.event.blocked security_result.action If the input.match.event.blocked log field value is not empty, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK., input.match.uuid security_result.url_back_to_product The security_result.url_back_to_product UDM field is set to
input.match.event.category security_result.category_details
input.match.event.clickType principal.labels[input_match_event_click_type] (deprecated) If the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 0, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Other.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 1, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Left Down.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 2, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Left Up.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 3, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Right Down.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 4, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Right Up.
input.match.event.clickType additional.fields[input_match_event_click_type] If the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 0, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - Other.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 1, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Left Down.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 2, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 2 - Left Up.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 3, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 3 - Right Down.

Else, if the input.match.event.clickType log field value is equal to 4, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 4 - Right Up.
input.match.event.composedMessage principal.labels[input_match_event_composed_message] (deprecated)
input.match.event.composedMessage additional.fields[input_match_event_composed_message] principal.labels[input_match_event_dev] (deprecated) additional.fields[input_match_event_dev]
input.match.event.eventID principal.labels[input_match_event_eventID] (deprecated)
input.match.event.eventID additional.fields[input_match_event_eventID]
input.match.event.gid principal.user.group_identifiers
input.match.event.iNode target.file.stat_inode
input.match.event.matchType principal.labels[input_match_event_match_type] (deprecated)
input.match.event.matchType additional.fields[input_match_event_match_type]
input.match.event.matchValue security_result.threat_name If the input.match.event.matchType log field value is not empty, then the input.match.event.matchValue log field is mapped to the security_result.threat_name UDM field. about.labels[input_match_event_name] (deprecated) additional.fields[input_match_event_name] metadata.description If the index value is equal to 0, then the log field is mapped to the metadata.description UDM field.
input.match.event.path target.process.file.full_path
input.match.event.prevFile src.file.full_path If the input.match.event.prevFile log field value is not empty, then the input.match.event.prevFile log field is mapped to the src.file.full_path UDM field.
input.match.event.process principal.process.file.names
input.match.event.process.args target.process.command_line_history
input.match.event.process.gid target.process.file.names
input.match.event.process.path target.process.file.full_path
input.match.event.process.pgid target.labels[input_match_event_processes_pgid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.pgid additional.fields[input_match_event_processes_pgid]
input.match.event.process.ppid target.labels[input_match_event_process_ppid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.ppid additional.fields[input_match_event_process_ppid]
input.match.event.process.responsiblePID target.labels[input_match_event_process_responsible_pid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.responsiblePID additional.fields[input_match_event_process_responsible_pid]
input.match.event.process.rgid target.labels[input_match_event_process_rgid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.rgid additional.fields[input_match_event_process_rgid]
input.match.event.process.ruid target.labels[input_match_event_process_ruid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.ruid additional.fields[input_match_event_process_ruid]
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.appid target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_appid]
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.authorities target.user.attribute.permissions
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.cdhash target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_cdhash]
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.entitlements target.user.attributes.permissions
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.signerType target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_signer_type] If the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0, then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple.

Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1, then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store.

Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2, then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer.

Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3, then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc.

Else, if the input.related.process.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4, then the target.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned.
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.status target.user.attribute.labels [input_match_event_process_sign_status]
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.statusMessage target.labels[input_match_event_process_sign_status_message] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.statusMessage additional.fields[input_match_event_process_sign_status_message]
input.match.event.process.signingInfo.teamid target.user.group_identifiers
input.match.event.process.startTimestamp target.labels[input_match_event_process_start_time_stamp] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.startTimestamp additional.fields[input_match_event_process_start_time_stamp]
input.match.event.process.uid target.labels[input_match_event_process_uid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.process.uid additional.fields[input_match_event_process_uid]
input.match.event.process.uuid target.process.product_specific_process_id The Process Uuid: input.match.event.process.uuid log field is mapped to the target.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field.
input.match.event.processImagePath target.process.file.full_path
input.match.event.rateLimitingSecs principal.labels[input_match_event_rate_limiting_secs] (deprecated)
input.match.event.rateLimitingSecs additional.fields[input_match_event_rate_limiting_secs]
input.match.event.scriptPath principal.labels[input_match_event_script_path] (deprecated)
input.match.event.scriptPath additional.fields[input_match_event_script_path]
input.match.event.sender principal.labels[input_match_event_sender] (deprecated)
input.match.event.sender additional.fields[input_match_event_sender]
input.match.event.senderImagePath principal.labels[input_match_event_sender_image_path] (deprecated)
input.match.event.senderImagePath additional.fields[input_match_event_sender_image_path]
input.match.event.subsystem principal.labels[input_match_event_subsystem] (deprecated)
input.match.event.subsystem additional.fields[input_match_event_subsystem]
input.match.event.subType principal.labels[input_match_event_sub_type] (deprecated) If the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 7, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 7 - Exec.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 2, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Fork.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 1, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Exit.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 23, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 23 - Execve.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 43190, then the principal.labels.value UDM field is set to 43190 - Posix Spawn.
input.match.event.subType additional.fields[input_match_event_sub_type] If the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 7, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 7 - Exec.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 2, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 2 - Fork.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 1, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Exit.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 23, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 23 - Execve.

Else, if the input.match.event.subType log field value is equal to 43190, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 43190 - Posix Spawn.
input.match.event.tags security_result.rule_labels [input_match_event_tags]
input.match.event.timestamp metadata.event_timestamp
input.match.event.type target.labels[input_match_event_type] (deprecated) If the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Created.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Deleted.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 3, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Renamed.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 4, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Modified.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 7, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 7 - Created Dir.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - None.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Create.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 2, then the target.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Exit.
input.match.event.type additional.fields[input_match_event_type] If the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - Created.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Deleted.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 3, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 3 - Renamed.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 4, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 4 - Modified.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPFSEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 7, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 7 - Created Dir.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 0, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - None.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 1, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 1 - Create.

Else, if the input.eventType log field value is equal to GPProcessEvent and the input.match.event.type log field value is equal to 2, then the additional.fields.value.string_value UDM field is set to 0 - Exit.
input.match.event.uid principal.user.userid
input.match.event.uuid about.labels[input_match_event_uuid] (deprecated)
input.match.event.uuid additional.fields[input_match_event_uuid] security_result.action_details If the index value is equal to 0, then the log field is mapped to the security_result.action_details UDM field.

Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_actions_parameters_id]
input.match.facts.actions.parameters.message security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_actions_parameters_message]
input.match.facts.actions.parameters.title security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_actions_parameters_title] security_result.detection_fields.key
input.match.facts.context.value security_result.detection_fields.value [Name]
input.match.facts.human security_result.action If the input.match.facts.human log field value is matched with regex (?i)blocked, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.
input.match.facts.human security_result.description If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.match.facts.human log field is mapped to the security_result.description UDM field.

Else, the input.match.facts.human log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field. security_result.summary If the index value is equal to 0, then the log field is mapped to the security_result.summary UDM field.

Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.detection_fields.value UDM field.
input.match.facts.severity security_result.detection_fields [input_match_facts_severity]
input.match.facts.tags security_result.rule_labels [input_match_facts_tags]
input.match.facts.uuid about.labels [input_match_facts_uuid]
input.match.facts.version about.labels [input_match_facts_version]
input.match.severity security_result.severity If the severity log field value is equal to 0, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to 1, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to LOW.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to 2, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to MEDIUM.

Else, if the severity log field value is equal to 3, then the security_result.severity UDM field is set to HIGH.
input.match.tags security_result.rule_labels [input_match_tags]
input.match.uuid metadata.product_log_id
input.related.binaries.accessed security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_accessed]
input.related.binaries.changed security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_changed]
input.related.binaries.created security_result.about.file.first_seen_time If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.created log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.first_seen_time UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.created log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.fsid security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_fsid]
input.related.binaries.gid security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_gid]
input.related.binaries.inode security_result.about.file.stat_inode If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_inode UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.isAppBundle security_result.about.labels [isAppBundle]
input.related.binaries.isDirectory security_result.about.labels [isDirectory]
input.related.binaries.isDownload security_result.about.labels [isDownload]
input.related.binaries.isScreenShot security_result.about.labels [isScreenShot]
input.related.binaries.mode security_result.about.file.stat_mode If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_mode UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.modified security_result.about.file.last_modification_time If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.last_modification_time UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.path security_result.about.file.full_path If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.full_path UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.sha1hex security_result.about.file.sha1 If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha1 UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.sha256hex security_result.about.file.sha256 If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha256 UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.appid security_result.about.application If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.application UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.authorities security_result.about.user.attribute.permissions
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.cdhash security_result.about.labels [input_related_binaries_sign_cdhash]
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.entitlements security_result.about.user.attribute.permisisons
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_binaries_sign_signer_type] If the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple.

Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store.

Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer.

Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc.

Else, if the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned.
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.status security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_binaries_sign_status]
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.statusMessage security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_status_message]
input.related.binaries.signingInfo.teamid security_result.about.user.group_identifiers If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.group_identifiers UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.size security_result.about.file.size If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.size UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.uid security_result.about.user.userid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.binaries.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.

Else, the input.related.binaries.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.binaries.xattrs security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_binaries_xattrs]
input.related.files.accessed security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_accessed]
input.related.files.changed security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_changed]
input.related.files.created security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_created]
input.related.files.downloadedFrom security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_downloaded_from]
input.related.files.fsid security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_downloaded_fsid]
input.related.files.gid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.gid log field is mapped to the UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.gid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.inode security_result.about.file.stat_inode If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_inode UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.inode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.isAppBundle security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_downloaded_is_app_bundle]
input.related.files.isDirectory security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_is_directory]
input.related.files.isDownload security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_is_download]
input.related.files.isScreenShot security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_is_screenshot]
input.related.files.mode security_result.about.file.stat_mode If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.stat_mode UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.mode log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.modified security_result.about.file.last_modification_time If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.last_modification_time UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.modified log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.path security_result.about.file.full_path If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.full_path UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.sha1hex security_result.about.file.sha1 If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha1 UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.sha1hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.sha256hex security_result.about.file.sha256 If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.sha256 UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.sha256hex log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.signingInfo.appid security_result.about.application If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.application UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.signingInfo.authorities security_result.about.user.attribute.permissions
input.related.files.signingInfo.cdhash security_result.about.labels [[input_related_files_sign_cdhash]
input.related.files.signingInfo.entitlements security_result.about.user.attribute.permissions
input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_files_signing_info_signer_type] If the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple.

Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store.

Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer.

Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc.

Else, if the input.related.files.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned.
input.related.files.signingInfo.status security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_files_signing_info_status]
input.related.files.signingInfo.statusMessage security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_files_signing_info_status_message]
input.related.files.signingInfo.teamid security_result.about.user.group_identifiers If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.group_identifiers UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.size security_result.about.file.size If the index value is equal to 0, then if the input.related.files.size log field value is not equal to 0, then the input.related.files.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.file.size UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.size log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.uid security_result.about.user.userid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.files.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.

Else, the input.related.files.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.files.xattrs security_result.about.labels [input_related_files_xattrs]
input.related.groups.gid [input_related_groups_gid] If the index value is equal to 0, then the log field is mapped to the UDM field.

Else, the log field is mapped to the UDM field.
input.related.groups.uuid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.groups.uuid log field is mapped to the UDM field.

Else, the input.related.groups.uuid log field is mapped to the UDM field.
input.related.processes.appPath security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_app_path]
input.related.processes.args security_result.about.process.command_line_history
input.related.processes.exitCode security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_exit_code]
input.related.processes.gid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.processes.gid log field is mapped to the UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.gid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. security_result.about.process.file.names
input.related.processes.originalParentPID If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.processes.originalParentPID log field is mapped to the UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.originalParentPID log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.processes.path security_result.about.process.file.full_path If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.processes.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.process.file.full_path UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.path log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.processes.pgid security_result.about.labels [input_related_process_pgid] If the index value is equal to 0, then the log field is mapped to the UDM field.

Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.processes.ppid security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_ppid]
input.related.processes.responsiblePID security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_responsible_pid]
input.related.processes.rgid security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_rgid]
input.related.processes.ruid security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_ruid]
input.related.processes.signingInfo.appid security_result.about.application If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.processes.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.application UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.signingInfo.appid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.processes.signingInfo.authorities security_result.about.user.attributes.permission
input.related.processes.signingInfo.cdhash security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_cdhash]
input.related.processes.signingInfo.entitlements security_result.about.user.attributes.permission
input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_signer_type] If the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 0, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Apple.

Else, if the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 1, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - App Store.

Else, if the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 2, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 2 - Developer.

Else, if the input.related.processes.signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 3, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 3 - Ad Hoc.

Else, if the input.related.processes .signingInfo.signerType log field value is equal to 4, then the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 4 - Unsigned.
input.related.processes.signingInfo.status security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_status]
input.related.processes.signingInfo.statusMessage security_result.about.user.attribute.labels [input_related_processes_sign_status_message]
input.related.processes.signingInfo.teamid security_result.about.user.group_identifiers If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.processes.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.group_identifiers UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.signingInfo.teamid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.processes.startTimestamp security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_start_time_stamp]
input.related.processes.tty security_result.about.labels [input_related_processes_tty]
input.related.processes.uid security_result.about.user.userid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.processes.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.processes.uuid security_result.about.process.product_specific_process_id If the index value is equal to 0, then the Process Uuid: input.related.processes.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.process.product_specific_process_id UDM field.

Else, the input.related.processes.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.labels.value UDM field. security_result.about.user.user_display_name If the index value is equal to 0, then the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.user_display_name UDM field.

Else, the log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.users.uid security_result.about.user.userid If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.users.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.userid UDM field.

Else, the input.related.users.uid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
input.related.users.uuid security_result.about.user.product_object_id If the index value is equal to 0, then the input.related.users.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.product_object_id UDM field.

Else, the input.related.users.uuid log field is mapped to the security_result.about.user.attribute.labels.value UDM field.
key about.labels[key] (deprecated)
key additional.fields[key]
path target.file.full_path If the index value is equal to 0, then the path log field is mapped to the target.file.full_path UDM field.

Else, the path log field is mapped to the target.labels.value UDM field.
queue principal.labels[queue] (deprecated)
queue additional.fields[queue]
timestamp metadata.creation_timestamp
topic about.labels[topic] (deprecated)
topic additional.fields[topic]
topicType about.labels[topicType] (deprecated)
topicType additional.fields[topicType]
version metadata.product_version
is_alert The is_alert UDM field is set to TRUE.
is_significant The is_significant UDM field is set to TRUE.
input.eventType metadata.event_type
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to JAMF_PROTECT.
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to JAMF.
principal.resource.resource_type The principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_BUCKET.
target.resource.resource_type The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_BUCKET.
input.match.event.options about.labels[input_match_event_options] (deprecated)
input.match.event.options additional.fields[input_match_event_options]
image.match.event.detection security_result.detection_fields [image_match_event_detection]
input.match.type target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_type] If the input.match.type log field value is equal to 0, then the target.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 0 - Device Inserted.

Else, if the input.match.type log field value is equal to 1, then the target.asset.attribute.labels.value UDM field is set to 1 - Device Removed.
input.match.usbAddress target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_usb_address]
input.match.event.device.mediaPath target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_media_path]
input.match.event.device.protocol target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_protocol]
input.match.event.device.deviceModel target.asset.hardware.model
input.match.event.device.isRemovable target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_removable]
input.match.event.device.mediaName target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_media_name]
input.match.event.device.bsdMinor target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_minor]
input.match.event.device.isWhole target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_whole]
input.match.event.device.unit target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_unit]
input.match.event.device.deviceSubclass target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_subclass]
input.match.event.device.serialNumber target.asset.hardware.serial
input.match.event.device.bsdUnit target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_unit]
input.match.event.device.busPath target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bus_path]
input.match.event.device.isLeaf target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_leaf]
input.match.event.device.isInternal target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_internal]
input.match.event.device.busName target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bus_name]
input.match.event.device.bsdMajor target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_major]
input.match.event.device.isEjectable target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_ejectable]
input.match.event.device.isEncrypted target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_encrypted]
input.match.event.device.isEncryptable target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_encryptable]
input.match.event.device.devicePath target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_path]
input.match.event.device.bsdName target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_bsd_name]
input.match.event.device.vendorId target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_vendor_id]
input.match.event.device.content target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_content]
input.match.event.device.revision target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_revision]
input.match.event.device.size target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_size]
input.match.event.device.isNetworkVolume target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_network_volume]
input.match.event.device.blocksize target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_block_size]
input.match.event.device.productName target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_product_name]
input.match.event.device.mediaKind target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_media_kind]
input.match.event.device.isWritable target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_is_writable]
input.match.event.device.productId target.asset.product_object_id
input.match.event.device.productId target.asset.asset_id The Asset Id: input.match.event.device.productId log field is mapped to the target.asset.asset_id UDM field.
input.match.event.device.deviceClass target.asset.category
input.match.event.device.encryptionDetail target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_device_encryption_detail]
input.match.event.device.volumeKind target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_volume_kind]
input.match.event.device.volumeName target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_volume_name]
input.match.event.device.volumeType target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_volume_type]
input.match.event.device.isMountable target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_is_mountable]
input.match.event.device.encryptionDetail target.asset.attribute.labels [input_match_event_device_encryption_detail]
input.match.event.fsid principal.labels [input_match_event_fsid]
input.match.event.bfree principal.labels[input_match_event_bfree] (deprecated)
input.match.event.bfree additional.fields[input_match_event_bfree]
input.match.event.bsize principal.labels[input_match_event_bsize] (deprecated)
input.match.event.bsize additional.fields[input_match_event_bsize]
input.match.event.ffree principal.labels[input_match_event_ffree] (deprecated)
input.match.event.ffree additional.fields[input_match_event_ffree]
input.match.event.files principal.labels[input_match_event_files] (deprecated)
input.match.event.files additional.fields[input_match_event_files]
input.match.event.flags principal.labels[input_match_event_flags] (deprecated)
input.match.event.flags additional.fields[input_match_event_flags]
input.match.event.owner principal.user.user_display_name
input.match.event.bavail principal.labels[input_match_event_bvail] (deprecated)
input.match.event.bavail additional.fields[input_match_event_bvail]
input.match.event.blocks principal.labels[input_match_event_blocks] (deprecated)
input.match.event.blocks additional.fields[input_match_event_blocks]
input.match.event.iosize principal.labels[input_match_event_iosize] (deprecated)
input.match.event.iosize additional.fields[input_match_event_iosize]
input.match.event.version principal.labels[input_match_event_version] (deprecated)
input.match.event.version additional.fields[input_match_event_version]
input.match.event.deadline principal.labels[input_match_event_deadline] (deprecated)
input.match.event.deadline additional.fields[input_match_event_deadline]
input.match.event.flagsExt principal.labels[input_match_event_flags_ext] (deprecated)
input.match.event.flagsExt additional.fields[input_match_event_flags_ext]
input.match.event.fsSubType principal.labels[input_match_event_fs_subtype] (deprecated)
input.match.event.fsSubType additional.fields[input_match_event_fs_subtype]
input.match.event.mntOnName principal.labels[input_match_event_mnt_on_name] (deprecated)
input.match.event.mntOnName additional.fields[input_match_event_mnt_on_name]
input.match.event.fsTypeName principal.labels[input_match_event_fs_type_name] (deprecated)
input.match.event.fsTypeName additional.fields[input_match_event_fs_type_name]
input.match.event.isReadOnly principal.labels[input_match_event_is_read_only] (deprecated)
input.match.event.isReadOnly additional.fields[input_match_event_is_read_only]
input.match.event.mntFromName principal.labels[input_match_event_mnt_from_name] (deprecated)
input.match.event.mntFromName additional.fields[input_match_event_mnt_from_name]
input.match.event.machTimestamp principal.labels[input_match_event_mach_timestamp] (deprecated)
input.match.event.machTimestamp additional.fields[input_match_event_mach_timestamp]
input.match.event.sequenceNumber principal.labels[input_match_event_seq_number] (deprecated)
input.match.event.sequenceNumber additional.fields[input_match_event_seq_number]
input.match.event.globalSequenceNumber principal.labels[input_match_event_global_seq_number] (deprecated)
input.match.event.globalSequenceNumber additional.fields[input_match_event_global_seq_number]

A seguir