收集 Google Cloud 防火墙日志


本文档介绍了如何通过启用将 Google Cloud 遥测数据提取到 Google 安全运营中心的功能来收集 Google Cloud Firewall 日志,以及 Google Cloud Firewall 日志的日志字段如何映射到 Google 安全运营中心的 Unified Data Model (UDM) 字段。本文档还列出了受支持的 Google Cloud Firewall 版本。

如需了解详情,请参阅将数据提取到 Google 安全运营中心

典型的部署包含已启用以提取到 Google Security Operations 的 Google Cloud 防火墙日志。每个客户部署可能与此表示形式不同,并且可能更复杂。


  • Google Cloud:您从中收集日志的 Google Cloud 服务和产品。

  • Google Cloud 防火墙日志:已启用以提取到 Google Security Operations 的 Google Cloud 防火墙日志。

  • Google Security Operations:Google Security Operations 会保留和分析来自 Google Cloud Firewall 的日志。

提取标签用于标识将原始日志数据标准化为结构化 UDM 格式的解析器。本文档中的信息适用于解析器 提取值为 GCP_FIREWALL


  • 确保您使用的是 Google Cloud 防火墙版本 1。

  • 确保部署架构中的所有系统都按照 UTC 时区进行配置。

配置 Google Cloud 以提取 Google Cloud 防火墙日志

如需将 Google Cloud 防火墙日志注入 Google Security Operations,请按照将 Google Cloud 日志注入 Google Security Operations 页面上的步骤操作。

如果您在注入 Google Cloud 防火墙日志时遇到问题,请与 Google Security Operations 支持团队联系


下表列出了 GCP_FIREWALL 日志类型的日志字段及其对应的 UDM 字段。

Log field UDM mapping Logic
receiveTimestamp metadata.collected_timestamp
timestamp metadata.event_timestamp
logName metadata.product_event_type
metadata.event_type If the jsonPayload.connection.src_ip log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.connection.dest_ip log field value is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.

Else, if the jsonPayload.connection.src_ip log field value is not empty, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UNCATEGORIZED.

Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
insertId metadata.product_log_id
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to GCP Firewall.
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Google Cloud Platform.
jsonPayload.rule_details.direction network.direction If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND.

Else, if the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the network.direction UDM field is set to INBOUND.
jsonPayload.connection.protocol network.ip_protocol If the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 6, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.

If the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 17, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP.

If the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 1, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP.

If the jsonPayload.connection.protocol log field value is equal to 2, then the network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to IGMP.
jsonPayload.connection.src_ip principal.ip
jsonPayload.remote_location.continent principal.labels[remote_location_continent] (deprecated) If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.continent log field is mapped to the principal.labels.remote_location_continent UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.continent additional.fields[remote_location_continent] If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.continent log field is mapped to the additional.fields.remote_location_continent UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.city principal.location.city If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.city log field is mapped to the principal.location.city UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.country principal.location.country_or_region If the jsonPayload.remote_location.country log field value is not empty or the jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.country jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field is mapped to the principal.location.country_or_region UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.region principal.location.country_or_region If the jsonPayload.remote_location.country log field value is not empty or the jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.country jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field is mapped to the principal.location.country_or_region UDM field.
jsonPayload.instance.region principal.location.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.instance.region log field is mapped to the principal.location.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_instance.region principal.location.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_instance.region log field is mapped to the principal.location.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.connection.src_port principal.port
resource.labels.location principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.cloud.availability_zone If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the resource.labels.location log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.attribute.cloud.availability_zone UDM field.
jsonPayload.vpc.vpc_name principal.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.vpc.vpc_name log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.vpc.subnetwork_name principal.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.vpc.subnetwork_name log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_vpc.vpc_name principal.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.vpc_name log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_vpc.subnetwork_name principal.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.subnetwork_name log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.vpc.project_id principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.vpc.project_id log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_vpc.project_id principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.project_id log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
resource.labels.subnetwork_id principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the resource.labels.subnetwork_id log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
resource.type principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the resource.type log field is mapped to the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype UDM field.
principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type If the jsonPayload.vpc.vpc_name log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.

If the jsonPayload.vpc.project_id log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT.

If the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.vpc_name log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.

If the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.project_id log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the principal.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT.
jsonPayload.instance.zone principal.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.instance.zone log field is mapped to the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_instance.zone principal.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_instance.zone log field is mapped to the principal.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone UDM field.
jsonPayload.instance.vm_name principal.resource.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.instance.vm_name log field is mapped to the principal.resource.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_instance.vm_name principal.resource.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_instance.vm_name log field is mapped to the principal.resource.name UDM field.
principal.resource.resource_type If the jsonPayload.instance.vm_name log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.remote_instance.vm_name log field value is not empty the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the principal.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.
security_result.action If the jsonPayload.rule_details.disposition log field value is equal to ALLOWED, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.

Else, if the jsonPayload.rule_details.disposition log field value is equal to DENIED, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.
jsonPayload.disposition security_result.action_details
jsonPayload.rule_details.reference security_result.description
jsonPayload.rule_details.priority security_result.priority_details
resource.labels.firewall_rule_id security_result.rule_id
jsonPayload.rule_details.action security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_action]
jsonPayload.rule_details.destination_address_groups security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_destination_address_groups]
jsonPayload.rule_details.destination_fqdn security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_destination_fqdn]
jsonPayload.rule_details.destination_range security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_destination_range]
jsonPayload.rule_details.destination_region_code security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_destination_region_code]
jsonPayload.rule_details.destination_threat_intelligence security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_destination_threat_intelligence]
jsonPayload.rule_details.ip_port_info.ip_protocol security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_ip_port_info_ip_protocol]
jsonPayload.rule_details.ip_port_info.port_range security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_ip_port_info_port_range]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_address_groups security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_address_groups]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_fqdn security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_fqdn]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_range security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_range]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_region_code security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_region_code]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_service_account security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_service_account]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_tag security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_tag]
jsonPayload.rule_details.source_threat_intelligence security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_source_threat_intelligence]
jsonPayload.rule_details.target_service_account security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_target_service_account]
jsonPayload.rule_details.target_tag security_result.rule_labels[rule_details_target_tag]
security_result.rule_name Extracted rule_name from jsonPayload.rule_details.reference using Grok pattern and mapped it to the security_result.rule_name UDM field.
jsonPayload.connection.dest_ip target.ip
jsonPayload.remote_location.continent target.labels[remote_location_continent] (deprecated) If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.continent log field is mapped to the target.labels.remote_location_continent UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.continent additional.fields[remote_location_continent] If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.continent log field is mapped to the additional.fields.remote_location_continent UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.city target.location.city If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.city log field is mapped to the target.location.city UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.country target.location.country_or_region If the jsonPayload.remote_location.country log field value is not empty or the jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.country jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field is mapped to the target.location.country_or_region UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_location.region target.location.country_or_region If the jsonPayload.remote_location.country log field value is not empty or the jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_location.country jsonPayload.remote_location.region log field is mapped to the target.location.country_or_region UDM field.
jsonPayload.instance.region target.location.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.instance.region log field is mapped to the target.location.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_instance.region target.location.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_instance.region log field is mapped to the target.location.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.connection.dest_port target.port
resource.labels.location target.resource_ancestors.attribute.cloud.availability_zone If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the resource.labels.location log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.attribute.cloud.availability_zone UDM field.
jsonPayload.vpc.vpc_name target.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.vpc.vpc_name log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.vpc.subnetwork_name target.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.vpc.subnetwork_name log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_vpc.vpc_name target.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.vpc_name log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_vpc.subnetwork_name target.resource_ancestors.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.subnetwork_name log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.name UDM field.
jsonPayload.vpc.project_id target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.vpc.project_id log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_vpc.project_id target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.project_id log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
resource.labels.subnetwork_id target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the resource.labels.subnetwork_id log field is mapped to the target.resource_ancestors.product_object_id UDM field.
resource.type target.resource_ancestors.resource_subtype
target.resource_ancestors.resource_type If the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.vpc_name log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.

If the jsonPayload.remote_vpc.project_id log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT.

If the jsonPayload.vpc.vpc_name log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.

If the jsonPayload.vpc.project_id log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the target.resource_ancestors.resource_type UDM field is set to CLOUD_PROJECT.
jsonPayload.instance.zone target.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.instance.zone log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_instance.zone target.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_instance.zone log field is mapped to the target.resource.attribute.cloud.availability_zone UDM field.
jsonPayload.instance.vm_name target.resource.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the jsonPayload.instance.vm_name log field is mapped to the target.resource.product_object_id UDM field.
jsonPayload.remote_instance.vm_name target.resource.name If the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the jsonPayload.remote_instance.vm_name log field is mapped to the target.resource.name UDM field.
target.resource.resource_type If the jsonPayload.remote_instance.vm_name log field value is not empty and the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to EGRESS, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.

If the jsonPayload.instance.vm_name log field value is not empty the jsonPayload.rule_details.direction log field value is equal to INGRESS, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to VIRTUAL_MACHINE.
