Coletar registros do sensor Corelight

Compatível com:

Este documento descreve como coletar registros do Corelight Sensor configurando esse sensor e um serviço encaminhador. Este documento também lista os tipos de registro aceitos gerados pelo sensor Corelight e as versões compatíveis do Corelight.

Para mais informações, consulte Ingestão de dados para as Operações de segurança do Google.

O diagrama de arquitetura de implantação a seguir mostra como um sensor do Corelight é configurado para enviar registros ao Google Security Operations. Cada implantação do cliente pode ser diferente dessa representação e ser mais complexa.

Arquitetura de implantação

O diagrama da arquitetura mostra os seguintes componentes:

  • Sensor Corelight: o sistema que executa o sensor Corelight.

  • Exportador do sensor Corelight: o exportador do sensor Corelight coleta dados de registro do sensor e os encaminha para o forwarder das Operações de segurança do Google.

  • Encaminhador de Operações de segurança do Google: o encaminhador de Operações de segurança do Google é um componente de software, implantado na rede do cliente, que suporta o syslog. O encaminhador das Operações de segurança do Google encaminha os registros para as Operações de segurança do Google.

  • Google Security Operations: as Operações de segurança do Google retém e analisa os registros de Sensor Corelight.

Um rótulo de ingestão identifica o analisador que normaliza dados de registro brutos ao formato UDM estruturado. As informações neste documento se aplicam ao analisador com o rótulo de ingestão CORELIGHT.

Antes de começar

  • Verifique a versão do sensor Corelight. O analisador Corelight do Google SecOps foi projetado para a versão 27.4 e anteriores. As versões mais recentes do sensor Corelight podem ter registros adicionais que o analisador não reconhece, e esses registros podem receber uma análise de campo limitada ou nenhuma. No entanto, o conteúdo do registro ainda estará disponível no formato de registro bruto no Google SecOps.
  • Verifique se todos os sistemas na arquitetura de implantação estão configurados com o fuso horário UTC.

Tipos de registro do Corelight com suporte

O analisador Corelight oferece suporte aos seguintes tipos de registro gerados pelo sensor Corelight:

Log Type

  • conn
  • conn_long
  • conn_red
  • dce_rpc
  • dns
  • dns_red
  • files
  • files_red
  • http
  • http2
  • http_red
  • intel
  • irc
  • notice
  • rdp
  • sip
  • smb_files
  • smb_mapping
  • smtp
  • smtp_links
  • ssh
  • ssl
  • ssl_red
  • suricata_corelight
  • bacnet
  • cip
  • corelight_burst
  • corelight_overall_capture_loss
  • corelight_profiling
  • datared
  • dga
  • dhcp
  • dnp3
  • dpd
  • encrypted_dns
  • enip
  • enip_debug
  • enip_list_identity
  • etc_viz
  • ftp
  • generic_dns_tunnels
  • generic_icmp_tunnels
  • icmp_specific_tunnels
  • ipsec
  • iso_cotp
  • kerberos
  • known_certs
  • known_devices
  • known_domains
  • known_hosts
  • known_names
  • known_remotes
  • known_services
  • known_users
  • ldap
  • ldap_search
  • local_subnets
  • local_subnets_dj
  • local_subnets_graphs
  • log4shell
  • modbus
  • mqtt_connect
  • mqtt_publish
  • mqtt_subscribe
  • mysql
  • napatech_shunting
  • ntlm
  • ntp
  • pe
  • profinet
  • profinet_dce_rpc
  • profinet_debug
  • radius
  • reporter
  • rfb
  • s7comm
  • smartpcap
  • snmp
  • socks
  • software
  • specific_dns_tunnels
  • stepping
  • stun
  • stun_nat
  • suricata_eve
  • suricata_stats
  • syslog
  • tds
  • tds_rpc
  • tds_sql_batch
  • traceroute
  • tunnel
  • unknown-smartpcap
  • vpn
  • weird
  • weird_red
  • wireguard
  • x509
  • x509_red

Configurar o encaminhador do Google Security Operations

Para configurar o encaminhador de operações de segurança do Google, faça o seguinte:

  1. Configure um encaminhador do Google Security Operations. Consulte Instalar e configurar o encaminhador no Linux.

  2. Configure o encaminhador das Operações de segurança do Google para enviar registros às Operações de segurança do Google.

        - syslog:
              enabled: true
              data_type:  CORELIGHT
              batch_n_seconds: 10
              batch_n_bytes: 1048576
            tcp_address: <Chronicle forwarder listening IP:Port>
            tcp_buffer_size: 524288
            udp_address: <Chronicle forwarder listening IP:Port>
            connection_timeout_sec: 60

Configurar o exportador do sensor Corelight

  1. Faça login no Corelight Sensor como administrador.
  2. Selecione a guia Exportar.
  3. Encontre e ative a opção EXPORT TO SYSLOG.
  4. Em EXPORTAR PARA SYSLOG, configure os seguintes campos:

    • SYSLOG SERVER: especifique o endereço IP e a porta do listener syslog do encaminhador das Operações de segurança do Google.
    • Acesse Configurações avançadas &gt; FORMATO SYSLOG e mude a configuração para Legado.

    Configuração do sensor Corelight

  5. Clique em Aplicar mudanças.

Referência de mapeamento de campo

Esta seção explica como o analisador das Operações de segurança do Google mapeia os campos do Corelight para os campos do Modelo de dados unificado (UDM, na sigla em inglês) das Operações de segurança do Google.

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - Campos comuns

A tabela a seguir lista campos comuns do registro CORELIGHT e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.vendor_name The metadata.vendor_name UDM field is set to Corelight.
_path (string) metadata.product_event_type
_system_name (string) observer.hostname
ts (time) metadata.event_timestamp
uid (string) about.labels [uid]
id.orig_h (string - addr) principal.ip
id.orig_p (integer - port) principal.port
id.resp_h (string - addr) target.ip
id.resp_p (integer - port) target.port

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - conn, conn_red, conn_long

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro conn, conn_red, conn_long e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
service (string) network.application_protocol
duration (number - interval) network.session_duration
orig_bytes (integer - count) network.sent_bytes
resp_bytes (integer - count) network.received_bytes
conn_state (string) metadata.description If the conn_state log field value is equal to S0, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to S0: Connection attempt seen, no reply.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to S1, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to S1: Connection established, not terminated.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to S2, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to S2: Connection established and close attempt by originator seen (but no reply from responder).

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to S3, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to S3: Connection established and close attempt by responder seen (but no reply from originator).

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to SF, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to SF: Normal SYN/FIN completion.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to REJ, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to REJ: Connection attempt rejected.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to RSTO, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to RSTO: Connection established, originator aborted (sent a RST).

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to RSTOS0, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to RSTOS0: Originator sent a SYN followed by a RST, we never saw a SYN-ACK from the responder.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to RSTOSH, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to RSTOSH: Responder sent a SYN ACK followed by a RST, we never saw a SYN from the (purported) originator.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to RSTR, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to RSTR: Established, responder aborted.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to SH, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to SH: Originator sent a SYN followed by a FIN, we never saw a SYN ACK from the responder (hence the connection was "half" open).

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to SHR, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to SHR: Responder sent a SYN ACK followed by a FIN, we never saw a SYN from the originator.

Else, if the conn_state log field value is equal to OTH, then the metadata.description UDM field is set to OTH: No SYN seen, just midstream traffic (a partial connection that was not later closed).
local_orig (boolean - bool) about.labels [local_orig]
local_resp (boolean - bool) about.labels [local_resp]
missed_bytes (integer - count) about.labels [missed_bytes]
history (string) about.labels [history]
orig_pkts (integer - count) network.sent_packets
orig_ip_bytes (integer - count) principal.labels [orig_ip_bytes]
resp_pkts (integer - count) network.received_packets
resp_ip_bytes (integer - count) target.labels [resp_ip_bytes]
tunnel_parents (array[string] - set[string]) intermediary.labels [tunnel_parent]
orig_cc (string) principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
resp_cc (string) target.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region
suri_ids (array[string] - set[string]) security_result.rule_id
spcap.url (string) security_result.url_back_to_product
spcap.rule (integer - count) security_result.rule_labels [spcap_rule]
spcap.trigger (string) security_result.detection_fields [spcap_trigger]
app (array[string] - vector of string) about.application
corelight_shunted (boolean - bool) about.labels [corelight_shunted]
orig_shunted_pkts (integer - count) principal.labels [orig_shunted_pkts]
orig_shunted_bytes (integer - count) principal.labels [orig_shunted_bytes]
resp_shunted_pkts (integer - count) target.labels [resp_shunted_pkts]
resp_shunted_bytes (integer - count) target.labels [resp_shunted_bytes]
orig_l2_addr (string) principal.mac
resp_l2_addr (string) target.mac
id_orig_h_n.src (string) principal.labels [id_orig_h_n_src]
id_orig_h_n.vals (array[string] - set[string]) principal.labels [id_orig_h_n_val]
id_resp_h_n.src (string) target.labels [id_resp_h_n_src]
id_resp_h_n.vals (array[string] - set[string]) target.labels [id_resp_h_n_val]
vlan (integer - int) intermediary.labels [vlan]
inner_vlan (integer - int) intermediary.labels [inner_vlan]
community_id (string) network.community_id
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - dce_rpc

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro dce_rpc e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
rtt (number - interval) network.session_duration
named_pipe (string)
intermediary.resource.resource_type If the named_pipe log field value is not empty, then the intermediary.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to PIPE.
endpoint (string) target.labels [endpoint]
operation (string) target.labels [operation]
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DCERPC.
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
operation, endpoint, named_pipe (string) metadata.description The metadata.description UDM field is set with operation, endpoint, named_pipe log fields as "operation operation on endpoint using named pipe named_pipe".
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - dns, dns_red

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro dns, dns_red e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_DNS.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
trans_id (integer - count)
rtt (number - interval) network.session_duration
query (string)
qclass (integer - count) network.dns.questions.class
qclass_name (string) about.labels [qclass_name]
qtype (integer - count) network.dns.questions.type
qtype_name (string) about.labels [qtype_name]
rcode (integer - count) network.dns.response_code
rcode (integer - count) network.dns.response If the rcode log field value is not empty, then the network.dns.response UDM field is set to true.
rcode_name (string) about.labels [rcode_name]
AA (boolean - bool) network.dns.authoritative
TC (boolean - bool) network.dns.truncated
RD (boolean - bool) network.dns.recursion_desired
RA (boolean - bool) network.dns.recursion_available
Z (integer - count) about.labels [Z]
answers (array[string] - vector of string)
TTLs (array[number] - vector of interval) network.dns.answers.ttl
rejected (boolean - bool) about.labels [rejected]
is_trusted_domain (string) about.labels [is_trusted_domain]
icann_host_subdomain (string) about.labels [icann_host_subdomain]
icann_domain (string) network.dns_domain
icann_tld (string) about.labels [icann_tld]
num (integer - count) security_result.detection_fields [num]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - http, http_red, http2

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro http, http_red, http2 e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_HTTP.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
trans_depth (integer - count) about.labels [trans_depth]
method (string) network.http.method
host (string) target.hostname
uri (string) target.url
referrer (string) network.http.referral_url
version (string) network.application_protocol_version
user_agent (string) network.http.user_agent
origin (string) principal.hostname
request_body_len (integer - count) network.sent_bytes
response_body_len (integer - count) network.received_bytes
status_code (integer - count) network.http.response_code
status_msg (string) about.labels [status_msg]
info_code (integer - count) about.labels [info_code]
info_msg (string) about.labels [info_msg]
tags (array[string] - set[enum]) about.labels [tags]
username (string) principal.user.user_display_name
password (string) extensions.auth.auth_details
proxied (array[string] - set[string]) intermediary.hostname
orig_fuids (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [orig_fuid]
orig_filenames (array[string] - vector of string) src.file.names The orig_filenames log field is mapped to src.file.names UDM field when index value in orig_filenames is equal to 0.

For every other index value, orig_filenames log field is mapped to the about.file.names.
orig_mime_types (array[string] - vector of string) src.file.mime_type The orig_mime_types log field is mapped to src.file.mime_type UDM field when index value in orig_mime_types is equal to 0.

For every other index value, orig_mime_types log field is mapped to the about.file.mime_type.
resp_fuids (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [resp_fuid]
resp_filenames (array[string] - vector of string) target.file.names The resp_filenames log field is mapped to target.file.names UDM field when index value in resp_filenames is equal to 0.

For every other index value, resp_filenames log field is mapped to the about.file.names.
resp_mime_types (array[string] - vector of string) target.file.mime_type The resp_mime_types log field is mapped to target.file.mime_type UDM field when index value in resp_mime_types is equal to 0.

For every other index value, resp_mime_types log field is mapped to the about.file.mime_type.
post_body (string) about.labels [post_body]
stream_id (integer - count) about.labels [stream_id]
encoding (string) about.labels [encoding]
push (boolean - bool) about.labels [push]

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo smtp_links e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_SMTP.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SMTP.
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]
link (string) about.url
domain (string)

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - irc

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro irc e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
nick (string) principal.user.user_display_name
user (string) principal.user.userid If the user log field value is less than or equal to 255, then the user log field is mapped to the principal.user.userid UDM field.

Else, the user log field is mapped to the about.labels UDM field.
command, value, addl principal.process.command_line
dcc_file_name (string) src.file.names
dcc_file_size (integer - count) src.file.size
dcc_mime_type (string) src.file.mime_type
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - arquivos, files_red

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo files, files_red e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]
tx_hosts (array[string] - set[addr]) principal.ip
rx_hosts (array[string] - set[addr]) target.ip
conn_uids (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [conn_uid]
source (string) about.labels [source]
depth (integer - count) about.labels [depth]
analyzers (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [analyzer]
mime_type (string) about.file.mime_type
filename (string) about.file.names
duration (number - interval) about.labels [duration]
local_orig (boolean - bool) about.labels [local_orig]
is_orig (boolean - bool) about.labels [is_orig]
seen_bytes (integer - count) about.file.size
total_bytes (integer - count) about.labels [total_bytes]
missing_bytes (integer - count) about.labels [missing_bytes]
overflow_bytes (integer - count) about.labels [overflow_bytes]
timedout (boolean - bool) about.labels [timedout]
parent_fuid (string) about.labels [parent_fuid]
md5 (string) about.file.md5
sha1 (string) about.file.sha1
sha256 (string) about.file.sha256
md5 (string) network.tls.client.certificate.md5 If the source log field value is equal to ssl and the mime_type log field value is equal to application/x-x509-user-cert and the _path log field value is equal to files, then the network.tls.client.certificate.md5 UDM field is set to md5.
sha1 (string) network.tls.client.certificate.sha1 If the source log field value is equal to ssl and the mime_type log field value is equal to application/x-x509-user-cert and the _path log field value is equal to files, then the network.tls.client.certificate.sha1 UDM field is set to sha1.
sha256 (string) network.tls.client.certificate.sha256 If the source log field value is equal to ssl and the mime_type log field value is equal to application/x-x509-user-cert and the _path log field value is equal to files, then the network.tls.client.certificate.sha256 UDM field is set to sha256.
md5 (string) network.tls.server.certificate.md5 If the source log field value is equal to ssl and the mime_type log field value is equal to application/x-x509-ca-cert and the _path log field value is equal to files, then the network.tls.server.certificate.md5 UDM field is set to md5.
sha1 (string) network.tls.server.certificate.sha1 If the source log field value is equal to ssl and the mime_type log field value is equal to application/x-x509-ca-cert and the _path log field value is equal to files, then the network.tls.server.certificate.sha1 UDM field is set to sha1.
sha256 (string) network.tls.server.certificate.sha256 If the source log field value is equal to ssl and the mime_type log field value is equal to application/x-x509-ca-cert and the _path log field value is equal to files, then the network.tls.server.certificate.sha256 UDM field is set to sha256.
extracted (array[string] - set[string]) about.file.names
extracted_cutoff (boolean - bool) about.labels [extracted_cutoff]
extracted_size (integer - count) about.labels [extracted_size]
num (integer - count) about.labels [num]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT (aviso)

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo notice e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]
file_mime_type (string) target.file.mime_type
file_desc (string) about.labels [file_desc]
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
note (string - enum) security_result.description
msg (string) metadata.description
sub (string) about.labels [sub]
src (string - addr) principal.ip
dst (string - addr) target.ip
p (integer - port) about.port
n (integer - count) about.labels [n]
peer_descr (string) about.labels [peer_descr]
security_result.action The security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
actions (array[string] - set[enum]) security_result.action_details
suppress_for (number - interval) about.labels [suppress_for]
remote_location.country_code (string) about.location.country_or_region The about.location.country_or_region UDM field is set with remote_location.country_code, remote_location.region log fields as "remote_location.country_code: remote_location.region".
remote_location.region (string) about.location.country_or_region The about.location.country_or_region UDM field is set with remote_location.country_code, remote_location.region log fields as "remote_location.country_code: remote_location.region". (string)
remote_location.latitude (number - double) about.location.region_coordinates.latitude
remote_location.longitude (number - double) about.location.region_coordinates.longitude
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - smb_files

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro smb_files e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type If the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_READ, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_READ.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_WRITE, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_MODIFICATION.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_OPEN, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_OPEN.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_CLOSE, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_DELETE, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_DELETION.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_RENAME, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_MOVE.

Else, if the action log field value is equal to SMB::FILE_SET_ATTRIBUTE, then the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED.

Else, the metadata.event_type UDM field is set to FILE_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SMB.
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.
action, name metadata.description The metadata.description UDM field is set with action, name log fields as "action: action on: name".
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
security_result.action The security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]
action (string - enum) target.labels [action]
path (string) target.file.full_path
name (string) target.file.names
size (integer - count) target.file.size
prev_name (string) src.file.names
times.modified (time) target.file.last_modification_time
times.accessed (time) target.file.last_seen_time
times.created (time) target.file.first_seen_time
times.changed (time) target.labels [times_changed]
data_offset_req (integer - count) target.labels [data_offset_req]
data_len_req (integer - count) target.labels [data_len_req]
data_len_rsp (integer - count) target.labels [data_len_rsp]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - smb_mapping

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro smb_mapping e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SMB.
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
security_result.action The security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
path (string) target.resource.attribute.labels [path]
service (string) target.application
native_file_system (string) target.resource.attribute.labels [native_file_system]
share_type (string) target.resource.resource_type If the share_type log field value is equal to DISK, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to STORAGE_OBJECT.

Else, if the share_type log field value is equal to PIPE, then the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to PIPE.

Else, the target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to UNSPECIFIED.
share_type (string) target.resource.resource_subtype

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ssl, ssl_red

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro ssl, ssl_red e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to HTTPS.
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.
security_result.action The security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.
version (string) network.tls.version
cipher (string) network.tls.cipher
curve (string) network.tls.curve
server_name (string) network.tls.client.server_name
resumed (boolean - bool) network.tls.resumed
last_alert (string) security_result.description
next_protocol (string) network.tls.next_protocol
established (boolean - bool) network.tls.established
ssl_history (string) about.labels [ssl_history]
cert_chain_fps (array[string] - vector of string) target.labels [cert_chain_fps]
client_cert_chain_fps (array[string] - vector of string) principal.labels [client_cert_chain_fps]
sni_matches_cert (boolean - bool) about.labels [sni_matches_cert]
validation_status (string) security_result.detection_fields [validation_status]
ja3 (string) network.tls.client.ja3
ja3s (string) network.tls.server.ja3s

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - rdp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro rdp e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
cookie (string) about.labels [cookie]
result (string) about.labels [result]
security_protocol (string) target.labels [security_protocol]
client_channels (array[string] - vector of string) intermediary.labels [client_channels]
keyboard_layout (string) principal.labels [keyboard_layout]
client_build (string) principal.labels [client_build]
client_name (string) principal.hostname
client_dig_product_id (string) principal.labels [client_dig_product_id ]
desktop_width (integer - count) principal.labels [desktop_width]
desktop_height (integer - count) principal.labels [desktop_height]
requested_color_depth (string) principal.labels [requested_color_depth]
cert_type (string) about.labels [cert_type]
cert_count (integer - count) about.labels [cert_count]
cert_permanent (boolean - bool) about.labels [cert_permanent ]
encryption_level (string) about.labels [encryption_level]
encryption_method (string) about.labels [encryption_method]
auth_success (boolean - bool) about.labels [auth_success]
channels_joined (integer - int) intermediary.labels [channels_joined]
inferences (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [inferences]
rdpeudp_uid (string) about.labels [rdpeudp_uid]
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to TCP.
rdfp_string (string) principal.labels [rdfp_string]
rdfp_hash (string) principal.labels [rdfp_hash]
result, security_protocol security_result.description The security_result.description UDM field is set with result, security_protocol log fields as "result connection with security protocol security_protocol".
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - sip

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro sip e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SIP.
trans_depth (integer - count) about.labels [trans_depth]
method (string) about.labels [method]
uri (string) target.url
date (string) about.labels [date]
request_from (string) principal.labels [request_from]
request_to (string) target.labels [request_to]
response_from principal.labels [response_from]
response_to (string) target.labels [response_to]
reply_to (string) about.labels [reply_to]
call_id (string) network.session_id
seq (string) about.labels [seq]
subject (string) about.labels [subject]
request_path (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [request_path]
response_path (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [response_path]
user_agent (string) about.labels [user_agent]
status_code (integer - count) about.labels [status_code]
status_msg (string) security_result.description
warning (string) security_result.summary
request_body_len (integer - count) network.sent_bytes
response_body_len (integer - count) network.received_bytes
content_type (string) about.labels [content_type]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - intel

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro intel e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_NETWORK.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
seen.indicator_type (string - enum) entity.metadata.entity_type If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::ADDR, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to IP_ADDRESS.

Else, if the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::SUBNET or Intel::SOFTWARE or Intel::CERT_HASH or Intel::PUBKEY_HASH, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.

Else, if the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::URL, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to URL.

Else, if the indicator.type log field value is equal to the Intel::EMAIL or Intel::USER_NAME, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to USER.

Else, if the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::DOMAIN, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to DOMAIN_NAME.

Else, if the indicator.type log field value is equal to the Intel::FILE_HASH or Intel::FILE_NAME, then the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to FILE.

Else, the metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.
seen.indicator (string) entity.ip If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::ADDR, then the seen.indicator log field is mapped to the entity.ip UDM field.
seen.indicator (string) entity.url If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::URL, then the seen.indicator log field is mapped to the entity.url UDM field.
seen.indicator (string) If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::DOMAIN, then the seen.indicator log field is mapped to the UDM field.
seen.indicator (string) entity.user.email_address If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::USER_NAME or Intel::EMAIL, then the seen.indicator log field is mapped to the entity.user.email_address UDM field.
seen.indicator (string) entity.file.names If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::FILE_HASH or Intel::FILE_NAME, then the seen.indicator log field is mapped to the entity.file.full_path UDM field.
seen.indicator (string) If the metadata.entity_type log field value is equal to RESOURCE, then the seen.indicatior log field is mapped to the UDM field.
entity.resource.resource_type If the indicator.type log field value is equal to Intel::SUBNET, then the entity.resource.resource_name UDM field is set to VPC_NETWORK.
seen.indicator_type (string - enum) entity.resource.resource_sub_type If the metadata.entity_type log field value is equal to RESOURCE, then the seen.indicatior_type log field is mapped to the entity.resource.resource_sub_type UDM field.
seen.where (string - enum) entity.metadata.source_labels [seen_where]
matched (array[string] - set[enum]) entity.labels [matched]
sources (array[string] - set[string]) entity.metadata.source_labels [source]
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]
file_mime_type (string) entity.file.mime_type
file_desc (string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [file_desc]
desc (array[string] - set[string]) ioc.description The desc log field is mapped to ioc.description UDM field when index value in desc is equal to 0.

For every other index value, entity.labels.key UDM field is set to desc and desc log field is mapped to the entity.labels.value.
url (array[string] - set[string]) metadata.threat.url_back_to_product
confidence (array[number] - set[double]) ioc.confidence_score The confidence log field is mapped to ioc.confidence_score UDM field when index value in confidence is equal to 0.

For every other index value, entity.labels.key UDM field is set to confidence and confidence log field is mapped to the entity.labels.value.
firstseen (array[string] - set[string]) ioc.active_timerange.start The firstseen log field is mapped to ioc.active_timerange.start UDM field when index value in firstseen is equal to 0.

For every other index value, entity.labels.key UDM field is set to firstseen and firstseen log field is mapped to the entity.labels.value.
lastseen (array[string] - set[string]) ioc.active_timerange.end The lastseen log field is mapped to ioc.active_timerange.end UDM field when index value in lastseen is equal to 0.

For every other index value, entity.labels.key UDM field is set to lastseen and lastseen log field is mapped to the entity.labels.value.
associated (array[string] - set[string]) entity.labels [associated]
category (array[string] - set[string]) ioc.categorization The category log field is mapped to ioc.categorization UDM field when index value in category is equal to 0.

For every other index value, entity.labels.key UDM field is set to category and category log field is mapped to the entity.labels.value.
campaigns (array[string] - set[string]) entity.labels [campaign]
reports (array[string] - set[string]) entity.labels [report]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - smtp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo smtp e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_SMTP.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SMTP.
trans_depth (integer - count) about.labels [trans_depth]
helo (string)
mailfrom (string) network.smtp.mail_from
rcptto (array[string] - set[string]) network.smtp.rcpt_to
date (string) about.labels [date]
from (string)
to (array[string] - set[string])
cc (array[string] - set[string])
reply_to (string)
msg_id (string)
in_reply_to (string) about.labels [in_reply_to]
subject (string)
x_originating_ip (string - addr) principal.ip
first_received (string) about.labels [first_received]
second_received (string) about.labels [second_received]
last_reply (string) network.smtp.server_response
path (array[string] - vector of addr) intermediary.ip
user_agent (string) about.labels [user_agent]
tls (boolean - bool) network.smtp.is_tls
fuids (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [fuid]
is_webmail (boolean - bool) network.smtp.is_webmail
urls (array[string] - set[string]) about.url
domains (array[string] - set[string])

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ssh

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo ssh e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to SSH.
version (integer - count) network.application_protocol_version The network.application_protocol_version UDM field is set with version log field as "SSH version".
auth_success (boolean - bool) security_result.action_details
auth_success (boolean - bool) security_result.action If the auth_success log field value is not equal to true, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.

Else, the security_result.action UDM field is set to BLOCK.
auth_attempts (integer - count) extensions.auth.auth_details The extensions.auth.auth_details UDM field is set with auth_attempts log field as "auth_attempts: auth_attempts".
direction (string - enum) network.direction If the direction log field value is equal to INBOUND, then the network.direction UDM field is set to INBOUND.

Else, if the direction log field value is equal to OUTBOUND, then the network.direction UDM field is set to OUTBOUND.
client (string) principal.application
server (string) target.application
cipher_alg (string) network.tls.cipher
mac_alg (string) security_result.detection_fields [mac_alg]
compression_alg (string) security_result.detection_fields [compression_alg]
kex_alg (string) security_result.detection_fields [kex_alg]
host_key_alg (string) security_result.detection_fields [host_key_alg]
host_key (string) security_result.detection_fields [host_key]
remote_location.country_code (string) target.location.country_or_region
remote_location.region (string) target.location.country_or_region (string)
remote_location.latitude (number - double) target.location.region_coordinates.latitude
remote_location.longitude (number - double) target.location.region_coordinates.longitude
hasshVersion (string) about.labels [hassh_version]
hassh (string) principal.labels [hassh]
hasshServer (string) target.labels [hassh_server]
cshka (string) about.labels [cshka]
hasshAlgorithms (string) about.labels [hassh_algorithms]
sshka (string) about.labels [sshka]
hasshServerAlgorithms (string) about.labels [hassh_server_algorithms]
inferences (array[string] - set[string]) security_result.summary, security_result.description If the inferences log field value is equal to ABP, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client Authentication Bypass and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A client wasn't adhering to expectations of SSH either through server exploit or by the client and server switching to a protocol other than SSH after enctyption begins.

If the inferences log field value is equal to AFR, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to SSH Agent Forwarding Requested and the security_result.description UDM field is set to Agent Forwarding is requested by tge Client.

If the inferences log field value is equal to APWA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Automated Password Authentication and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client authenticated with an automated password tool (like sshpass).

If the inferences log field value is equal to AUTO, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Automated Interaction and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client is a script automated utility and not driven by a user.

If the inferences log field value is equal to BAN, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Server Banner and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The server sent the client a pre-authentication banner, likely for legal reasons.

If the inferences log field value is equal to BF, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client Brute Force Guessing and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A client made a number of authentication attempts that exceeded some configured, pre-connection threshold.

If the inferences log field value is equal to BFS, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client Brute Force Success and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A client made a number of authentication attempts that exceeded some configured, pre-connection threshold.

If the inferences log field value is equal to CTS, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client Trusted Server and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client already has an entry in its known_hosts file for this server.

If the inferences log field value is equal to CUS, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Client Untrusted Server and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client did not have an entry in its known_hosts file for this server.

If the inferences log field value is equal to IPWA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Interactive Password Authentication and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client interactively typed their password to authenticate.

If the inferences log field value is equal to KS, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Keystrokes and the security_result.description UDM field is set to An interactive session occurred in which the client set user-driven keystrokes to the server.

If the inferences log field value is equal to LFD, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Large Client File Donwload and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A file transfer occurred in which the server sent a sequence of bytes to the client.

If the inferences log field value is equal to LFU, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Large Client File Upload and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A file transfer occurred in which the client sent a sequence of bytes to the server. Large file are identified dynamically based on trains of MTU-sized packets.

If the inferences log field value is equal to MFA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Multifactor Authentication and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The server required a second form of authentication (a code) after password or public key was accepted, and the client successfully provided it.

If the inferences log field value is equal to NA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to None Authentication and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client successfully authenticated using the None method.

If the inferences log field value is equal to NRC, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to No Remote Command and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The -N flag was used in SSH authentication.

If the inferences log field value is equal to PKA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Public Key Authentication and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client automatically authenticated using pubkey authentication.

If the inferences log field value is equal to RSI, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Reverse SSH Initiated and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The Reverse session is initiated from the server back to the client.

If the inferences log field value is equal to RSIA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Reverse SSH Initiated Automated and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The inititation of the Reverse session happened very early in the packet stream, indicating automation.

If the inferences log field value is equal to RSK, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Reverse SSH Keystrokes and the security_result.description UDM field is set to Keystrokes are detected within the Reverse tunnel.

If the inferences log field value is equal to RSL, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Reverse SSH Logged In and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The Reverse Tunnel login has succeeded.

If the inferences log field value is equal to RSP, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Reverse SSH Providioned and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client connected with -R flag, which provisions the port to be used for a Reverse Session set up at any future time.

If the inferences log field value is equal to SA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Authentication Scanning and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client scanned authentication method with the server and then disconnected.

If the inferences log field value is equal to SC, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Capabilities Scanning and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The client exchanged capabilities with the server and then disconnected.

If the inferences log field value is equal to SFD, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Small Client File Download and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A file transfer occurred in which the server sent a sequence of bytes to the client.

If the inferences log field value is equal to SFU, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Small Client File Upload and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A file transfer occurred in which the client sent a sequence of bytes to the server.

If the inferences log field value is equal to SP, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Other Scanning and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A client and server didn't exchange encrypted packets but the client wasn't a version or capabilities scanner.

If the inferences log field value is equal to SV, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Version Scanning and the security_result.description UDM field is set to A client exchanged version strings with the server and than disconnected.

If the inferences log field value is equal to UA, then the security_result.summary UDM field is set to Unknown Authentication and the security_result.description UDM field is set to The authentication method is not determinated or is unknown.

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - suricata_corelight

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro suricata_corelight e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_NETWORK.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Suricata.
id.vlan (integer - count) intermediary.labels [id_vlan]
id.vlan_inner (integer - count) intermediary.labels [id_vlan_inner]
icmp_type (integer - count) about.labels [icmp_type]
icmp_code (integer - count) about.labels [icmp_code]
suri_id (string) metadata.product_log_id
service (string) network.application_protocol
flow_id (integer - count) network.session_id
tx_id (integer - count) about.labels [tx_id]
pcap_cnt (integer - count) about.labels [pcap_cnt]
alert.action (string) security_result.action_details
alert.gid (integer - count) security_result.detection_fields [alert_gid]
alert.signature_id (integer - count) security_result.rule_id
alert.rev (integer - count) security_result.detection_fields [alert_rev]
alert.signature (string) security_result.summary
alert.signature (string) security_result.rule_name
alert.category (string) security_result.category_details
alert.severity (integer - count) security_result.severity_details
alert.metadata (array[string] - vector of string) security_result.detection_fields [alert_metadata]
community_id (string) network.community_id
payload (string) about.labels [payload]
payload (string) about.labels [payload_decoded]
packet (string) about.labels [packet]
packet (string) about.labels [packet_decoded]
metadata (array[string] - vector of string) security_result.detection_fields [metadata]
orig_cve (string) extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id
resp_cve (string) extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id
idm.is_alert The idm.is_alert UDM field is set to true.
idm.is_significant The idm.is_significant UDM field is set to true.
security_result.severity The security_result.severity UDM field is set to INFORMATIONAL.

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - bacnet

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro bacnet e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
bvlc_function (string) about.labels [bvlc_function]
bvlc_len (integer - count) about.labels [bvlc_len]
apdu_type (string) about.labels [apdu_type]
service_choice (string) about.labels [service_choice]
data (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [data]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - cip

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo cip e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
service (string) about.labels [service]
status (string) about.labels [status]
tags (string) about.labels [tag]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - corelight_burst

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro corelight_burst e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_NETWORK.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
orig_size (integer - count) network.sent_bytes
resp_size (integer - count) network.received_bytes
mbps (number - double) about.labels [mbps]
age_of_conn (number - interval) about.labels [age_of_conn]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - corelight_overall_capture_loss

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro corelight_overall_capture_loss e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
gaps (number - double) security_result.detection_fields [gaps]
acks (number - double) security_result.detection_fields [acks]
percent_lost (number - double) security_result.detection_fields [percent_lost]
metadata.description The metadata.description UDM field is set with _system_name, percent_lost, ts. log fields as "node _system_name experienced percent_lost% packet loss at ts.".

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - corelight_profiling

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro corelight_profiling e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_NETWORK.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
node (string) principal.hostname
prof.core_stack (string) about.labels [prof_core_stack]
prof.script_stack (string) about.labels [prof_script_stack]
prof.sched_wait_ns (integer - count) about.labels [prof_sched_wait_ns]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - datared

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro datared e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
conn_red (integer - count) about.labels [conn_red]
conn_total (integer - count) about.labels [conn_total]
dns_red (integer - count) about.labels [dns_red]
dns_total (integer - count) about.labels [dns_total]
dns_coal_miss (integer - count) about.labels [dns_coal_miss]
files_red (integer - count) about.labels [files_red]
files_total (integer - count) about.labels [files_total]
files_coal_miss (integer - count) about.labels [files_coal_miss]
http_red (integer - count) about.labels [http_red]
http_total (integer - count) about.labels [http_total]
ssl_red (integer - count) about.labels [ssl_red]
ssl_total (integer - count) about.labels [ssl_total]
ssl_coal_miss (integer - count) about.labels [ssl_coal_miss]
weird_red (integer - count) about.labels [weird_red]
weird_total (integer - count) about.labels [weird_total]
x509_red (integer - count) about.labels [x509_red]
x509_total (integer - count) about.labels [x509_total]
x509_coal_miss (integer - count) about.labels [x509_coal_miss]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - dhcp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro dhcp e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_DHCP.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DHCP.
uids (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [uid]
client_addr (string - addr) network.dhcp.ciaddr
server_addr (string - addr) network.dhcp.siaddr
mac (string) network.dhcp.chaddr
host_name (string) network.dhcp.client_hostname
client_fqdn (string)
domain (string)
requested_addr (string - addr) network.dhcp.requested_address
assigned_addr (string - addr) network.dhcp.yiaddr
lease_time (number - interval) network.dhcp.lease_time_seconds
client_message (string) security_result.description
server_message (string) security_result.description
msg_types (array[string] - vector of string) network.dhcp.type The msg_types log field is mapped to network.dhcp.type UDM field when index value in msg_types is equal to 0.

For every other index value, about.labels.key UDM field is set to msg_types and msg_types log field is mapped to the about.labels.value.
duration (number - interval) about.labels [duration]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - dga

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro dga e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_DNS.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS.
query (string)
family (string) about.labels [family]
qtype_name (string) about.labels [qtype_name]
rcode (integer - count) network.dns.response_code
is_collision_heavy (boolean - bool) security_result.detection_fields [is_collision_heavy]
ruse (boolean - bool) about.labels [ruse]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - dnp3

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro dnp3 e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
fc_request (string) about.labels [fc_request]
fc_reply (string) about.labels [fc_reply]
iin (integer - count) about.labels [iin]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - iso_cotp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo iso_cotp e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
pdu_type (string) about.labels [pdu_type]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - kerberos

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro kerberos e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to KRB5.
request_type (string) principal.application
client (string) principal.hostname
service (string) target.application
success (boolean - bool) security_result.action If the success log field value is equal to true, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.

Else, the security_result.action UDM field is set to FAIL.
error_msg (string) security_result.action_details
from (time) about.labels [from]
till (time) about.labels [till]
cipher (string) about.labels [cipher]
forwardable (boolean - bool) about.labels [forwardable]
renewable (boolean - bool) about.labels [renewable]
client_cert_subject (string) about.labels [client_cert_subject]
client_cert_fuid (string) about.labels [client_cert_fuid]
server_cert_subject (string) about.labels [server_cert_subject]
server_cert_fuid (string) about.labels [server_cert_fuid]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ldap

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro ldap e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to LDAP.
proto (string) about.labels [proto]
message_id (integer - int) about.labels [message_id]
version (integer - int) network.application_protocol_version
opcode (array[string] - set[string]) security_result.detection_fields [opcode]
result (array[string] - set[string]) security_result.detection_fields [result]
diagnostic_message (array[string] - vector of string) security_result.description
object (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [object]
argument (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [argument]

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro ldap_search e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to LDAP.
proto (string) about.labels [proto]
message_id (integer - int) about.labels [message_id]
scope (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [scope]
deref (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [deref]
base_object (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [base_object]
result_count (integer - count) security_result.detection_fields [result_count]
result (array[string] - set[string]) security_result.detection_fields [result]
diagnostic_message (array[string] - vector of string) security_result.description
filter (string) about.labels [filter]
attributes (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [attributes]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - local_subnets

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro local_subnets e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
round (integer - count) about.labels [round]
ip_version (integer - count) about.labels [ip_version]
subnets (array[string] - set[subnet]) about.labels [subnet]
component_ids (array[integer] - set[count]) about.labels [component_id]
size_of_component (integer - count) about.labels [size_of_component]
bipartite (boolean - bool) about.labels [bipartite]
inferred_site (boolean - bool) about.labels [inferred_site]
other_ips (array[string] - set[addr]) about.ip

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - local_subnets_dj

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro local_subnets_dj e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
ip_version (integer - count) about.labels [ip_version]
v (string - addr) about.ip
side (string) about.labels [side]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - local_subnets_graphs

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro local_subnets_graphs e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
ip_version (integer - count) about.labels [ip_version]
v1 (string - addr) about.ip
v2 (string - addr) about.ip

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - syslog

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro syslog e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
facility (string) about.labels [facility]
severity (string) about.labels [severity]
message (string) metadata.description

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - tds

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo tds e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
command (string) principal.process.command_line

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - tds_rpc

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro tds_rpc e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
procedure_name (string) about.labels [procedure_name]
parameters (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [parameter]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - tds_sql_batch

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro tds_sql_batch e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE.
target.resource.resource_type The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to DATABASE.
header_type (string) target.resource.attribute.labels [header_type]
query (string) target.resource.attribute.labels [query]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - traceroute

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro traceroute e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
src (string - addr) principal.ip
dst (string - addr) target.ip
proto (string) network.ip_protocol

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - túnel

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro tunnel e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
tunnel_type (string - enum) intermediary.labels [tunnel_type]
action (string - enum) security_result.action_details
security_result.description The security_result.description UDM field is set with action, tunnel_type log fields as "action action on tunnel type tunnel_type".

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - estranha, estranha_vermelha

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro weird, weird_red e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
name (string) about.labels [name]
addl (string) about.labels [addl]
notice (boolean - bool) about.labels [notice]
source (string) about.labels [source]
peer (string) about.labels [peer]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - wireguard

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro wireguard e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
established (boolean - bool) about.labels [established]
initiations (integer - count) about.labels [initiations]
responses (integer - count) about.labels [responses]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - vpn

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro vpn e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
vpn_type (string - enum) about.labels [vpn_type]
service (string) target.application
inferences (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [inference]
server_name (string) network.tls.client.server_name
client_info (string) principal.labels [client_info]
duration (number - interval) network.session_duration
orig_bytes (integer - count) network.sent_bytes
resp_bytes (integer - count) network.received_bytes
orig_cc (string) principal.location.country_or_region
orig_region (string) principal.location.country_or_region
orig_city (string)
resp_cc (string) target.location.country_or_region
resp_region (string) target.location.country_or_region
resp_city (string)
subject (string) network.tls.client.certificate.subject
issuer (string) network.tls.client.certificate.issuer
ja3 (string) network.tls.client.ja3
ja3s (string) network.tls.server.ja3s

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - x509, x509_red

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo x509, x509_red e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
fingerprint (string) about.labels [fingerprint]
certificate.version (integer - count) network.tls.server.certificate.version
certificate.serial (string) network.tls.server.certificate.serial
certificate.subject (string) network.tls.server.certificate.subject
certificate.issuer (string) network.tls.server.certificate.issuer
certificate.not_valid_before (time) network.tls.server.certificate.not_before
certificate.not_valid_after (time) network.tls.server.certificate.not_after
certificate.key_alg (string) about.labels [certificate_key_alg]
certificate.sig_alg (string) about.labels [certificate_sig_alg]
certificate.key_type (string) about.labels [certificate_key_type]
certificate.key_length (integer - count) about.labels [certificate_key_length]
certificate.exponent (string) about.labels [certificate_exponent]
certificate.curve (string) network.tls.curve
san.dns (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [san_dns]
san.uri (array[string] - vector of string) about.url (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [san_email]
san.ip (array[string] - vector of addr) about.ip (boolean - bool) about.labels [basic_constraints_ca]
basic_constraints.path_len (integer - count) about.labels [basic_constraints_path_len]
host_cert (boolean - bool) about.labels [host_cert]
client_cert (boolean - bool) about.labels [client_cert]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT -unknown-smartpcap

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro unknown-smartpcap e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Smartpcap.
tid (string) about.labels [tid]
pkts (integer - count) about.labels [pkts]
url (string) security_result.url_back_to_product

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - mysql

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo mysql e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_RESOURCE_ACCESS.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
cmd (string) target.resource.attribute.labels [cmd]
arg (string) principal.process.command_line
success (boolean - bool) target.resource.attribute.labels [success]
rows (integer - count) target.resource.attribute.labels [rows]
response (string) target.resource.attribute.labels [response]
target.resource.resource_type The target.resource.resource_type UDM field is set to DATABASE.

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - napatech_shunting

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro napatech_shunting e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
peer (string) about.labels [peer]
terminated_flows (integer - count) about.labels [terminated_flows]
shunted_flows (integer - count) security_result.detection_fields [shunted_flows]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ntlm

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro ntlm e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_LOGIN.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
username (string) target.user.userid
hostname (string) principal.hostname
domainname (string)
server_nb_computer_name (string) target.hostname
server_dns_computer_name (string)
server_tree_name (string) target.labels [server_tree_name]
success (boolean - bool) extensions.auth.auth_details If the success log field value is equal to true, then the extensions.auth.auth_details UDM field is set to Authentication successful.

Else, the extensions.auth.auth_details UDM field is set to Authentication failed.

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - pe

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro pe e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
id (string) about.labels [id]
machine (string) target.labels [machine]
compile_ts (time) about.labels [compile_ts]
os (string) target.platform If the os log field value is equal to windows, then the target.platform UDM field is set to WINDOWS.

Else, if is equal to linux, then the target.platform UDM field is set to LINUX.

Else, if the os log field value is equal to mac or the os log field value is equal to osx, then the target.platform UDM field is set to MAC.
subsystem (string) target.application
is_exe (boolean - bool) about.file.file_type If the is_exe log field value is equal to true, then the about.file.file_type UDM field is set to FILE_TYPE_PE_EXE.
is_64bit (boolean - bool) about.labels [is_64bit]
uses_aslr (boolean - bool) about.labels [uses_aslr]
uses_dep (boolean - bool) about.labels [uses_dep]
uses_code_integrity (boolean - bool) about.labels [uses_code_integrity]
uses_seh (boolean - bool) about.labels [uses_seh ]
has_import_table (boolean - bool) about.labels [has_import_table]
has_export_table (boolean - bool) about.labels [has_export_table]
has_cert_table (boolean - bool) about.labels [has_cert_table]
has_debug_data (boolean - bool) about.labels [has_debug_data]
section_names (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [section_names]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ntp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo ntp e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to NTP.
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to UDP.
version (integer - count) network.application_protocol_version
mode (integer - count) about.labels [mode]
stratum (integer - count) about.labels [stratum]
poll (number - interval) about.labels [poll]
precision (number - interval) about.labels [precision]
root_delay (number - interval) about.labels [root_delay]
root_disp (number - interval) about.labels [root_disp]
ref_id (string) target.ip If the ref_idlog field value is matched with regex of IP, then the ref_idlog field is mapped to the target.ip UDM field.

Else, the ref_idlog field is mapped to the target.labels UDM field.
ref_id (string) target.labels [ref_id] If the ref_idlog field value is matched with regex of IP, then the ref_idlog field is mapped to the target.ip UDM field.

Else, the ref_idlog field is mapped to the target.labels UDM field.
ref_time (time) about.labels [ref_time]
org_time (time) about.labels [org_time]
rec_time (time) about.labels [rec_time]
xmt_time (time) about.labels [rec_time]
num_exts (integer - count) about.labels [num_exts]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - raio

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro radius e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to USER_LOGIN.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
username (string) target.user.userid
mac (string) principal.mac
framed_addr (string - addr) intermediary.ip
tunnel_client (string) intermediary.ip If the tunnel_client log field value is matched with regex of IP, then the tunnel_client log field is mapped to the intermediary.ip UDM field.

Else, the tunnel_client log field is mapped to the UDM field.
tunnel_client (string) If the tunnel_client log field value is matched with regex of IP, then the tunnel_client log field is mapped to the intermediary.ip UDM field.

Else, the tunnel_client log field is mapped to the UDM field.
connect_info (string) about.labels [connect_info]
reply_msg (string) about.labels [reply_msg]
result (string) extensions.auth.auth_details
ttl (number - interval) network.session_duration

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT – informante

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro reporter e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
level (string - enum) security_result.severity If the level log field value is equal to CRITICAL or ERROR or HIGH or INFORMATIONAL or LOW or MEDIUM, then the level log field is mapped to the security_result.severity UDM field.
level (string - enum) security_result.severity_details
message (string) security_result.description
location (string) about.labels [location]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - log4shell

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro log4shell e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to SCAN_HOST.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id The extensions.vulns.vulnerabilities.cve_id UDM field is set to CVE-2021-44228.
http_uri (string) about.labels [http_uri]
uri (string) target.url
stem (string) target.labels [stem]
target_host (string) target.hostname
target_port (string) target.port
method (string) network.http.method
is_orig (boolean - bool) about.labels [is_orig]
name (string) about.labels.key
value (string) about.labels.value
matched_name (boolean - bool) about.labels [matched_name]
matched_value (boolean - bool) about.labels [matched_value]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - modbus

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro modbus e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to MODBUS.
func (string) about.labels [func]
exception (string) security_result.description

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - mqtt_connect

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro mqtt_connect e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to MQTT.
proto_name (string) about.labels [proto_name]
proto_version (string) network.application_protocol_version
client_id (string) principal.labels [client_id]
connect_status (string) security_result.description
will_topic (string) about.labels [will_topic]
will_payload (string) about.labels [will_payload]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - mqtt_publish

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro mqtt_publish e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to MQTT.
from_client (boolean - bool) about.labels [from_client]
retain (boolean - bool) target.labels [retain]
qos (string) about.labels [qos]
status (string) security_result.description
topic (string) about.labels [topic]
payload (string) about.labels [payload]
payload_len (integer - count) about.labels [payload_len]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - mqtt_subscribe

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro mqtt_subscribe e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to MQTT.
action (string - enum) security_result.action_details
topics (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [topics]
qos_levels (array[integer] - vector of count) about.labels [qos_levels]
granted_qos_level (integer - count) about.labels [granted_qos_level]
ack (boolean - bool) security_result.detection_fields [ack]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - dpd

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro dpd e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
analyzer (string) about.labels [analyzer]
failure_reason (string) about.labels [failure_reason]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - encryption_dns

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo encrypted_dns e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS.
resp_h (string - addr) target.ip (string) about.labels [cert_cn]
cert.sans (array[string] - set[string]) about.labels [cert_sans]
sni (string) network.tls.client.server_name
match (string) about.labels [match]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - enip

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo enip e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
command (string) principal.process.command_line
length (integer - count) about.labels [length]
session_handle (string) network.session_id
status (string) about.labels [status]
sender_context (string) about.labels [sender_context]
options (string) about.labels [options]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - enip_debug

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo enip_debug e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to STATUS_UPDATE.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
raw_data (string) about.labels [raw_data]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - enip_list_identity

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro enip_list_identity e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
device_type (string) target.asset.attribute.labels [device_type]
vendor (string) target.asset.hardware.manufacturer
product_name (string) target.asset.attribute.labels [product_name]
serial_number (string) target.asset.asset_id The target.asset.asset_id UDM field is set with serial_number log fields as "CORELIGHT: serial_number".
product_code (integer - count) target.asset.attribute.labels [product_code]
revision (number - double) target.asset.attribute.labels [revision]
status (string) about.labels [status]
state (string) target.asset.attribute.labels [state]
device_ip (string - addr) target.asset.ip

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - etc_viz

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro etc_viz e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
server_a (string - addr) target.ip
server_p (integer - port) target.port
service (array[string] - set[string]) target.application The service log field is mapped to target.application UDM field when index value in service is equal to 0.

For every other index value, target.labels.key UDM field is set to service and service log field is mapped to the target.labels.value.
viz_stat (string) about.labels [viz_stat]
c2s_viz.size (integer - count) about.labels [c2s_viz_size]
c2s_viz.enc_dev (number - double) about.labels [c2s_viz_enc_dev]
c2s_viz.enc_frac (number - double) about.labels [c2s_viz_enc_frac]
c2s_viz.pdu1_enc (boolean - bool) about.labels [c2s_viz_pdu1_enc]
c2s_viz.clr_frac (number - double) about.labels [c2s_viz_clr_frac]
c2s_viz.clr_ex (string) about.labels [c2s_viz_clr_ex]
s2c_viz.size (integer - count) about.labels [s2c_viz_size]
s2c_viz.enc_dev (number - double) about.labels [s2c_viz_enc_dev]
s2c_viz.enc_frac (number - double) about.labels [s2c_viz_enc_frac]
s2c_viz.pdu1_enc (boolean - bool) about.labels [s2c_viz_pdu1_enc]
s2c_viz.clr_frac (number - double) about.labels [s2c_viz_clr_frac]
s2c_viz.clr_ex (string) about.labels [s2c_viz_clr_ex]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ftp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro ftp e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_FTP.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
user (string) principal.user.user_display_name
password (string) extensions.auth.auth_details
command (string), arg (string) network.ftp.command The network.ftp.command UDM field is set with command, arg log fields as "command arg".
mime_type (string) target.file.mime_type
file_size (integer - count) target.file.size
reply_code (integer - count) about.labels [reply_code]
reply_msg (string) about.labels [reply_msg]
data_channel.passive (boolean - bool) about.labels [data_channel_passive]
data_channel.orig_h (string - addr) principal.ip
data_channel.resp_h (string - addr) target.ip
data_channel.resp_p (integer - port) target.labels [data_channel_resp_p]
fuid (string) about.labels [fuid]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - general_dns_tunnels

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro generic_dns_tunnels e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_DNS.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS.
dns_client (string - addr) principal.ip
domain (string) network.dns_domain
domain (string)
bytes (integer - int) about.labels [bytes]
capture_secs (number - interval) about.labels [capture_secs]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - generic_icmp_tunnels

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro generic_icmp_tunnels e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP.
detection (string) security_result.detection_fields [detection]
orig (string - addr) principal.ip
resp (string - addr) target.ip
id (integer - count) about.labels [id]
seq (integer - count) about.labels [seq]
bytes (integer - count) about.labels [bytes]
payload_len (integer - count) about.labels [payload_len]
payload (string) about.labels [payload]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - icmp_specific_tunnels

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro icmp_specific_tunnels e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.ip_protocol The network.ip_protocol UDM field is set to ICMP.
start_time (time) about.labels [start_time]
duration (number - interval) network.session_duration
tunnel (string) intermediary.labels [tunnel]
seq (integer - count) about.labels [seq]
icmp_id (integer - count) about.labels [icmp_id]
payload (string) about.labels [payload]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - ipsec

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro ipsec e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
initiator_spi (string) principal.labels [initiator_spi]
responder_spi (string) target.labels [responder_spi]
maj_ver (integer - count) about.labels [maj_ver]
min_ver (integer - count) about.labels [min_ver]
exchange_type (integer - count) about.labels [exchange_type]
flag_e (boolean - bool) about.labels [flag_e]
flag_c (boolean - bool) about.labels [flag_c]
flag_a (boolean - bool) about.labels [flag_a]
flag_i (boolean - bool) about.labels [flag_i]
flag_v (boolean - bool) about.labels [flag_v]
flag_r (boolean - bool) about.labels [flag_r]
message_id (integer - count) about.labels [message_id]
vendor_ids (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [vendor_id]
notify_messages (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [notify_message]
transforms (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [transform]
ke_dh_groups (array[integer] - vector of count) about.labels [ke_dh_group]
proposals (array[integer] - vector of count) about.labels [proposal]
protocol_id (integer - count) about.labels [protocol_id]
certificates (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [certificate]
transform_attributes (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [transform_attribute]
length (integer - count) about.labels [length]
hash (string) about.labels [hash]
doi (integer - count) about.labels [doi]
situation (string) about.labels [situation]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - profinet

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro profinet e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
operation_type (string) about.labels [operation_type]
block_version (string) about.labels [block_version]
slot_number (integer - count) about.labels [slot_number]
subslot_number (integer - count) about.labels [subslot_number]
index (string) about.labels [index]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - profinet_dce_rpc

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro profinet_dce_rpc e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DCERPC.
version (integer - count) about.labels [version]
packet_type (integer - count) about.labels [packet_type]
object_uuid (string) about.labels [object_uuid]
interface_uuid (string) about.labels [interface_uuid]
activity_uuid (string) about.labels [activity_uuid]
server_boot_time (integer - count) about.labels [server_boot_time]
operation (string) about.labels [operation]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - profinet_debug

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro profinet_debug e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
raw_data (string) about.labels [raw_data]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - rfb

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro rfb e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
client_major_version (string) principal.labels [client_major_version]
client_minor_version (string) principal.labels [client_minor_version]
server_major_version (string) target.labels [server_major_version]
server_minor_version (string) target.labels [server_minor_version]
authentication_method (string) extension.auth.mechanism If the authentication_method log field value is equal to VNC, then the extension.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to REMOTE_INTERACTIVE.

Else, the extensions.auth.mechanism UDM field is set to MECHANISM_OTHER.
authentication_method (string) extension.auth.auth_details
auth (boolean - bool) security_result.action If the auth log field value is equal to true, then the security_result.action UDM field is set to ALLOW.

Else, the security_result.action UDM field is set to FAIL.
share_flag (boolean - bool) about.labels [share_flag]
desktop_name (string) principal.labels [desktop_name]
width (integer - count) principal.labels [width]
height (integer - count) principal.labels [height]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_certs

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro known_certs e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.
entity.resource.resource_subtype The entity.resource.resource_subtype UDM field is set to CERTIFICATE.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
hash (string) entity.resource.attribute.labels [hash]
port (integer - port) entity.port
protocol (string - enum) entity.labels [protocol]
serial (string) entity.resource.attribute.labels [serial]
subject (string) entity.resource.attribute.labels [subject]
issuer_subject (string) entity.resource.attribute.labels [issuer_subject]
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_devices

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro known_devices e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
ts (time) entity.asset.first_seen_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.asset.ip
mac (string) entity.asset.mac
vendor_mac (string) entity.asset.hardware.manufacturer
protocols (array[string] - set[string]) entity.labels [protocol]
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_domains

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo known_domains e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to DOMAIN_NAME.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
ts (time) entity.domain.first_seen_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
domain (string)
protocols (array[string] - set[string]) entity.labels [protocol]
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_hosts

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro known_hosts e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to IP_ADDRESS.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
conns_opened (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [conns_opened]
conns_closed (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [conns_closed]
conns_pending (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [conns_pending]
long_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [long_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_names

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro known_names e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
hostname (string) entity.hostname
protocols (array[string] - set[string]) entity.labels [protocol]
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_remotes

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo known_remotes e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to IP_ADDRESS.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_services

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro known_services e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
port (integer - port) entity.port
protocol (string - enum) entity.labels [protocol]
service (array[string] - vector of string) entity.labels [service]
software (array[string] - set[string])
app (array[string] - set[string]) entity.application The app log field is mapped to entity.application UDM field when index value in app is equal to 0.

For every other index value, entity.labels.key UDM field is set to app and app log field is mapped to the entity.labels.value.
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - known_users

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro known_users e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
metadata.entity_type The metadata.entity_type UDM field is set to RESOURCE.
ts (time) metadata.interval.start_time
duration (number - interval) entity.labels [duration]
kuid (string) entity.labels [kuid]
host_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
remote_ip (string - addr) entity.ip
user (string) entity.user.user_display_name
protocol (string) entity.labels [protocol]
num_conns (integer - count) metadata.threat.detection_fields [num_conns]
annotations (array[string] - vector of string) metadata.threat.detection_fields [annotations]
last_active_session (string) entity.labels [last_active_session]
last_active_interval (number - interval) entity.labels [last_active_interval]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - s7comm

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro s7comm e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Zeek.
rosctr (string) about.labels [rosctr]
parameter (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [parameter]
item_count (integer - count) about.labels [item_count]
data_info (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels [data_info]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - smartpcap

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro smartpcap e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Smartpcap.
logstr (string) metadata.description

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - snmp

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro snmp e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
duration (number - interval) network.session_duration
version (string) network.application_protocol_version
community (string) about.labels [community]
get_requests (integer - count) about.labels [get_requests]
get_bulk_requests (integer - count) about.labels [get_bulk_requests]
get_responses (integer - count) about.labels [get_responses]
set_requests (integer - count) about.labels [set_requests]
display_string (string) about.labels [display_string]
up_since (time) about.labels [up_since]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - meias

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro socks e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
version (integer - count) about.labels [version]
user (string) principal.user.userid
password (string) extensions.auth.auth_details
status (string) about.labels [status] (string - addr) target.ip (string) target.hostname
request_p (integer - port) target.labels [request_p] (string - addr) intermediary.ip (string) intermediary.hostname
bound_p (integer - port) intermediary.port

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT – software

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro software e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
host (string - addr) target.asset.ip
host_p (integer - port) target.port
software_type (string - enum)
name (string)
version.major (integer - count)
version.minor (integer - count) target.asset.attribute.labels [version_minor]
version.minor2 (integer - count) target.asset.attribute.labels [version_minor2]
version.minor3 (integer - count) target.asset.attribute.labels [version_minor3]
version.addl (string) target.asset.attribute.labels [version_addl]
unparsed_version (string) target.asset.attribute.labels [unparsed_version]

Referência do mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - specific_dns_tunnels

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro specific_dns_tunnels e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_DNS.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
network.application_protocol The network.application_protocol UDM field is set to DNS.
trans_id (integer - count)
dns_client (string - addr) principal.ip
resolver (string - addr) target.ip
query (string)
program (string - enum) principal.application
session_id (integer - count) network.session_id
detection (string) security_result.detection_fields [detection]
sods_id (integer - count) about.labels [sods_id]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - caminhada

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro stepping e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
dt (number - interval) about.labels [dt]
uid1 (string) about.labels [uid1]
uid2 (string) about.labels [uid2]
direct (boolean - bool) about.labels [direct]
client1_h (string - addr) principal.ip
client1_p (integer - port) principal.port
server1_h (string - addr) target.ip
server1_p (integer - port) target.port
client2_h (string - addr) principal.ip
client2_p (integer - port) principal.labels [client2_p]
server2_h (string - addr) target.labels [server2_h]
server2_p (integer - port) target.labels [server2_p]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - stun

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro stun e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
is_orig (boolean - bool) about.labels [is_orig]
trans_id (string) network.session_id
method (string) about.labels [method]
class (string) about.labels [class]
attr_types (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels.key
attr_vals (array[string] - vector of string) about.labels.value

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - stun_nat

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro stun_nat e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to NETWORK_CONNECTION.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to zeek.
proto (string - enum) network.ip_protocol
is_orig (boolean - bool) about.labels [is_orig]
wan_addrs (array[string] - vector of addr) principal.nat_ip
wan_ports (array[integer] - vector of count) principal.nat_port The wan_ports log field is mapped to principal.nat_port UDM field when index value in wan_ports is equal to 0.

For every other index value, principal.labels.key UDM field is set to wan_port and wan_ports log field is mapped to the principal.labels.value.
lan_addrs (array[string] - vector of addr) principal.ip

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - suricata_stats

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo de registro suricata_stats e os campos de UDM correspondentes.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
metadata.product_name The metadata.product_name UDM field is set to Suricata.
raw_mgmt about.labels [raw_mgmt]
timestamp(time) metadata.event_timestamp
event_type(string) about.labels [event_type]
stats.uptime(integer) about.labels [stats_uptime]
stats.napa_total.pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_total_pkts]
stats.napa_total.byte(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_total_byte]
stats.napa_total.overflow_drop_pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_total_overflow_drop_pkts]
stats.napa_total.overflow_drop_byte(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_total_overflow_drop_byte]
stats.napa_dispatch_host.pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_dispatch_host_pkts]
stats.napa_dispatch_host.byte(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_dispatch_host_byte]
stats.napa_dispatch_drop.pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_dispatch_drop_pkts]
stats.napa_dispatch_drop.byte(integer) about.labels [stats_napa_dispatch_drop_byte]
stats.decoder.pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_pkts]
stats.decoder.bytes(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_bytes]
stats.decoder.invalid(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_invalid]
stats.decoder.ipv4(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ipv4]
stats.decoder.ipv6(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ipv6]
stats.decoder.ethernet(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ethernet]
stats.decoder.chdlc(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_chdlc]
stats.decoder.raw(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_raw]
stats.decoder.null(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_null]
stats.decoder.sll(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_sll]
stats.decoder.tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_tcp]
stats.decoder.udp(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_udp]
stats.decoder.sctp(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_sctp]
stats.decoder.icmpv4(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_icmpv4]
stats.decoder.icmpv6(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_icmpv6]
stats.decoder.ppp(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ppp]
stats.decoder.pppoe(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_pppoe]
stats.decoder.geneve(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_geneve]
stats.decoder.gre(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_gre]
stats.decoder.vlan(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_vlan]
stats.decoder.vlan_qinq(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_vlan_qinq]
stats.decoder.vxlan(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_vxlan]
stats.decoder.vntag(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_vntag]
stats.decoder.ieee8021ah(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ieee8021ah]
stats.decoder.teredo(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_teredo]
stats.decoder.ipv4_in_ipv6(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ipv4_in_ipv6]
stats.decoder.ipv6_in_ipv6(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_ipv6_in_ipv6]
stats.decoder.mpls(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_mpls]
stats.decoder.avg_pkt_size(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_avg_pkt_size]
stats.decoder.max_pkt_size(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_max_pkt_size]
stats.decoder.max_mac_addrs_src(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_max_mac_addrs_src]
stats.decoder.max_mac_addrs_dst(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_max_mac_addrs_dst]
stats.decoder.erspan(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_erspan]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.hlen_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_hlen_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.iplen_smaller_than_hlen(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_iplen_smaller_than_hlen]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.trunc_pkt(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_trunc_pkt]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_invalid(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_invalid]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_invalid_len(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_invalid_len]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_malformed(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_malformed]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_pad_required(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_pad_required]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_eol_required(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_eol_required]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_duplicate(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_duplicate]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.opt_unknown(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_opt_unknown]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.wrong_ip_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_wrong_ip_version]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.icmpv6(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_icmpv6]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.frag_pkt_too_large(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_frag_pkt_too_large]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.frag_overlap(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_frag_overlap]
stats.decoder.event.ipv4.frag_ignored(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv4_frag_ignored]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv4.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv4_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv4.unknown_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv4_unknown_type]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv4.unknown_code(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv4_unknown_code]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv4.ipv4_trunc_pkt(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv4_ipv4_trunc_pkt]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv4.ipv4_unknown_ver(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv4_ipv4_unknown_ver]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.unknown_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_unknown_type]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.unknown_code(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_unknown_code]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.ipv6_unknown_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_ipv6_unknown_version]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.ipv6_trunc_pkt(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_ipv6_trunc_pkt]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.mld_message_with_invalid_hl(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_mld_message_with_invalid_hl]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.unassigned_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_unassigned_type]
stats.decoder.event.icmpv6.experimentation_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_icmpv6_experimentation_type]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.trunc_pkt(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_trunc_pkt]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.trunc_exthdr(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_trunc_exthdr]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_dupl_fh(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_dupl_fh]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_useless_fh(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_useless_fh]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_dupl_rh(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_dupl_rh]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_dupl_hh(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_dupl_hh]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_dupl_dh(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_dupl_dh]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_dupl_ah(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_dupl_ah]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_dupl_eh(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_dupl_eh]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_invalid_optlen(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_invalid_optlen]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.wrong_ip_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_wrong_ip_version]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.exthdr_ah_res_not_null(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_exthdr_ah_res_not_null]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.hopopts_unknown_opt(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_hopopts_unknown_opt]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.hopopts_only_padding(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_hopopts_only_padding]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.dstopts_unknown_opt(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_dstopts_unknown_opt]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.dstopts_only_padding(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_dstopts_only_padding]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.rh_type_0(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_rh_type_0]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.zero_len_padn(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_zero_len_padn]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.fh_non_zero_reserved_field(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_fh_non_zero_reserved_field]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.data_after_none_header(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_data_after_none_header]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.unknown_next_header(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_unknown_next_header]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.icmpv4(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_icmpv4]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.frag_pkt_too_large(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_frag_pkt_too_large]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.frag_overlap(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_frag_overlap]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.frag_invalid_length(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_frag_invalid_length]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.frag_ignored(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_frag_ignored]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.ipv4_in_ipv6_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_ipv4_in_ipv6_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.ipv4_in_ipv6_wrong_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_ipv4_in_ipv6_wrong_version]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.ipv6_in_ipv6_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_ipv6_in_ipv6_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ipv6.ipv6_in_ipv6_wrong_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipv6_ipv6_in_ipv6_wrong_version]
stats.decoder.event.tcp.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_tcp_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.tcp.hlen_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_tcp_hlen_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.tcp.invalid_optlen(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_tcp_invalid_optlen]
stats.decoder.event.tcp.opt_invalid_len(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_tcp_opt_invalid_len]
stats.decoder.event.tcp.opt_duplicate(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_tcp_opt_duplicate]
stats.decoder.event.udp.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_udp_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.udp.hlen_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_udp_hlen_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.udp.hlen_invalid(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_udp_hlen_invalid]
stats.decoder.event.udp.len_invalid(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_udp_len_invalid]
stats.decoder.event.sll.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_sll_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ethernet.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ethernet_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ppp.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ppp_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ppp.vju_pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ppp_vju_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ppp.ip4_pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ppp_ip4_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ppp.ip6_pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ppp_ip6_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ppp.wrong_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ppp_wrong_type]
stats.decoder.event.ppp.unsup_proto(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ppp_unsup_proto]
stats.decoder.event.pppoe.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_pppoe_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.pppoe.wrong_code(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_pppoe_wrong_code]
stats.decoder.event.pppoe.malformed_tags(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_pppoe_malformed_tags]
stats.decoder.event.gre.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.gre.wrong_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_wrong_version]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version0_recur(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version0_recur]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version0_flags(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version0_flags]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version0_hdr_too_big(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version0_hdr_too_big]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version0_malformed_sre_hdr(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version0_malformed_sre_hdr]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_chksum(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_chksum]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_route(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_route]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_ssr(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_ssr]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_recur(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_recur]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_flags(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_flags]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_no_key(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_no_key]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_wrong_protocol(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_wrong_protocol]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_malformed_sre_hdr(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_malformed_sre_hdr]
stats.decoder.event.gre.version1_hdr_too_big(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_gre_version1_hdr_too_big]
stats.decoder.event.vlan.header_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_vlan_header_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.vlan.unknown_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_vlan_unknown_type]
stats.decoder.event.vlan.too_many_layers(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_vlan_too_many_layers]
stats.decoder.event.ieee8021ah.header_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ieee8021ah_header_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.vntag.header_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_vntag_header_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.vntag.unknown_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_vntag_unknown_type]
stats.decoder.event.ipraw.invalid_ip_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ipraw_invalid_ip_version]
stats.decoder.event.ltnull.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ltnull_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.ltnull.unsupported_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_ltnull_unsupported_type]
stats.decoder.event.sctp.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_sctp_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.mpls.header_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_mpls_header_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.mpls.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_mpls_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.mpls.bad_label_router_alert(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_mpls_bad_label_router_alert]
stats.decoder.event.mpls.bad_label_implicit_null(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_mpls_bad_label_implicit_null]
stats.decoder.event.mpls.bad_label_reserved(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_mpls_bad_label_reserved]
stats.decoder.event.mpls.unknown_payload_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_mpls_unknown_payload_type]
stats.decoder.event.vxlan.unknown_payload_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_vxlan_unknown_payload_type]
stats.decoder.event.geneve.unknown_payload_type(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_geneve_unknown_payload_type]
stats.decoder.event.erspan.header_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_erspan_header_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.erspan.unsupported_version(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_erspan_unsupported_version]
stats.decoder.event.erspan.too_many_vlan_layers(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_erspan_too_many_vlan_layers]
stats.decoder.event.dce.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_dce_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.event.chdlc.pkt_too_small(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_event_chdlc_pkt_too_small]
stats.decoder.too_many_layers(integer) about.labels [stats_decoder_too_many_layers]
stats.flow.memcap(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_memcap]
stats.flow.tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_tcp]
stats.flow.udp(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_udp]
stats.flow.icmpv4(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_icmpv4]
stats.flow.icmpv6(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_icmpv6]
stats.flow.tcp_reuse(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_tcp_reuse]
stats.flow.get_used(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_get_used]
stats.flow.get_used_eval(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_get_used_eval]
stats.flow.get_used_eval_reject(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_get_used_eval_reject]
stats.flow.get_used_eval_busy(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_get_used_eval_busy]
stats.flow.get_used_failed(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_get_used_failed]
stats.flow.wrk.spare_sync_avg(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_spare_sync_avg]
stats.flow.wrk.spare_sync(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_spare_sync]
stats.flow.wrk.spare_sync_incomplete(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_spare_sync_incomplete]
stats.flow.wrk.spare_sync_empty(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_spare_sync_empty]
stats.flow.wrk.flows_evicted_needs_work(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_flows_evicted_needs_work]
stats.flow.wrk.flows_evicted_pkt_inject(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_flows_evicted_pkt_inject]
stats.flow.wrk.flows_evicted(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_flows_evicted]
stats.flow.wrk.flows_injected(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_wrk_flows_injected]
stats.flow.mgr.full_hash_pass(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_full_hash_pass]
stats.flow.mgr.closed_pruned(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_closed_pruned]
stats.flow.mgr.new_pruned(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_new_pruned]
stats.flow.mgr.est_pruned(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_est_pruned]
stats.flow.mgr.bypassed_pruned(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_bypassed_pruned]
stats.flow.mgr.rows_maxlen(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_rows_maxlen]
stats.flow.mgr.flows_checked(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_flows_checked]
stats.flow.mgr.flows_notimeout(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_flows_notimeout]
stats.flow.mgr.flows_timeout(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_flows_timeout]
stats.flow.mgr.flows_timeout_inuse(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_flows_timeout_inuse]
stats.flow.mgr.flows_evicted(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_flows_evicted]
stats.flow.mgr.flows_evicted_needs_work(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_mgr_flows_evicted_needs_work]
stats.flow.spare(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_spare]
stats.flow.emerg_mode_entered(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_emerg_mode_entered]
stats.flow.emerg_mode_over(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_emerg_mode_over]
stats.flow.memuse(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_memuse]
stats.defrag.ipv4.fragments(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_ipv4_fragments]
stats.defrag.ipv4.reassembled(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_ipv4_reassembled]
stats.defrag.ipv4.timeouts(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_ipv4_timeouts]
stats.defrag.ipv6.fragments(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_ipv6_fragments]
stats.defrag.ipv6.reassembled(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_ipv6_reassembled]
stats.defrag.ipv6.timeouts(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_ipv6_timeouts]
stats.defrag.max_frag_hits(integer) about.labels [stats_defrag_max_frag_hits]
stats.flow_bypassed.local_pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_local_pkts]
stats.flow_bypassed.local_bytes(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_local_bytes]
stats.flow_bypassed.local_capture_pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_local_capture_pkts]
stats.flow_bypassed.local_capture_bytes(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_local_capture_bytes]
stats.flow_bypassed.closed(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_closed]
stats.flow_bypassed.pkts(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_pkts]
stats.flow_bypassed.bytes(integer) about.labels [stats_flow_bypassed_bytes]
stats.tcp.sessions(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_sessions]
stats.tcp.ssn_memcap_drop(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_ssn_memcap_drop]
stats.tcp.pseudo(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_pseudo]
stats.tcp.pseudo_failed(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_pseudo_failed]
stats.tcp.invalid_checksum(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_invalid_checksum]
stats.tcp.no_flow(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_no_flow]
stats.tcp.syn(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_syn]
stats.tcp.synack(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_synack]
stats.tcp.rst(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_rst]
stats.tcp.midstream_pickups(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_midstream_pickups]
stats.tcp.pkt_on_wrong_thread(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_pkt_on_wrong_thread]
stats.tcp.segment_memcap_drop(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_segment_memcap_drop]
stats.tcp.stream_depth_reached(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_stream_depth_reached]
stats.tcp.reassembly_gap(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_reassembly_gap]
stats.tcp.overlap(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_overlap]
stats.tcp.overlap_diff_data(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_overlap_diff_data]
stats.tcp.insert_data_normal_fail(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_insert_data_normal_fail]
stats.tcp.insert_data_overlap_fail(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_insert_data_overlap_fail]
stats.tcp.insert_list_fail(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_insert_list_fail]
stats.tcp.memuse(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_memuse]
stats.tcp.reassembly_memuse(integer) about.labels [stats_tcp_reassembly_memuse] about.labels [stats_detect_engines_id]
stats.detect.engines.last_reload(array) about.labels [stats_detect_engines_last_reload]
stats.detect.engines.rules_loaded(array) about.labels [stats_detect_engines_rules_loaded]
stats.detect.engines.rules_failed(array) about.labels [stats_detect_engines_rules_failed]
stats.detect.alert(integer) about.labels [stats_detect_alert]
stats.detect.alert_queue_overflow(integer) about.labels [stats_detect_alert_queue_overflow]
stats.detect.alerts_suppressed(integer) about.labels [stats_detect_alerts_suppressed]
stats.app_layer.flow.http(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_http]
stats.app_layer.flow.ftp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_ftp]
stats.app_layer.flow.smtp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_smtp]
stats.app_layer.flow.tls(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_tls]
stats.app_layer.flow.ssh(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_ssh]
stats.app_layer.flow.imap(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_imap]
stats.app_layer.flow.smb(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_smb]
stats.app_layer.flow.dcerpc_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_dcerpc_tcp]
stats.app_layer.flow.dns_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_dns_tcp]
stats.app_layer.flow.nfs_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_nfs_tcp]
stats.app_layer.flow.ntp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_ntp]
stats.app_layer.flow.ftp-data(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_ftp-data]
stats.app_layer.flow.tftp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_tftp]
stats.app_layer.flow.ikev2(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_ikev2]
stats.app_layer.flow.krb5_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_krb5_tcp]
stats.app_layer.flow.dhcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_dhcp]
stats.app_layer.flow.rfb(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_rfb]
stats.app_layer.flow.rdp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_rdp]
stats.app_layer.flow.failed_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_failed_tcp]
stats.app_layer.flow.dcerpc_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_dcerpc_udp]
stats.app_layer.flow.dns_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_dns_udp]
stats.app_layer.flow.nfs_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_nfs_udp]
stats.app_layer.flow.krb5_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_krb5_udp]
stats.app_layer.flow.failed_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_flow_failed_udp]
stats.app_layer.tx.http(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_http]
stats.app_layer.tx.ftp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_ftp]
stats.app_layer.tx.smtp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_smtp]
stats.app_layer.tx.tls(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_tls]
stats.app_layer.tx.ssh(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_ssh]
stats.app_layer.tx.imap(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_imap]
stats.app_layer.tx.smb(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_smb]
stats.app_layer.tx.dcerpc_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_dcerpc_tcp]
stats.app_layer.tx.dns_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_dns_tcp]
stats.app_layer.tx.nfs_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_nfs_tcp]
stats.app_layer.tx.ntp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_ntp]
stats.app_layer.tx.ftp-data(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_ftp-data]
stats.app_layer.tx.tftp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_tftp]
stats.app_layer.tx.ikev2(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_ikev2]
stats.app_layer.tx.krb5_tcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_krb5_tcp]
stats.app_layer.tx.dhcp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_dhcp]
stats.app_layer.tx.rfb(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_rfb]
stats.app_layer.tx.rdp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_rdp]
stats.app_layer.tx.dcerpc_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_dcerpc_udp]
stats.app_layer.tx.dns_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_dns_udp]
stats.app_layer.tx.nfs_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_nfs_udp]
stats.app_layer.tx.krb5_udp(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_tx_krb5_udp]
stats.app_layer.expectations(integer) about.labels [stats_app_layer_expectations]
stats.http.memuse(integer) about.labels [stats_http_memuse]
stats.http.memcap(integer) about.labels [stats_http_memcap]
stats.ftp.memuse(integer) about.labels [stats_ftp_memuse]
stats.ftp.memcap(integer) about.labels [stats_ftp_memcap]

Referência de mapeamento de campo: CORELIGHT - logschema

A tabela a seguir lista os campos de registro do tipo logschema e os campos correspondentes do UDM.

Log field UDM mapping Logic
metadata.event_type The metadata.event_type UDM field is set to GENERIC_EVENT.
name(string) about.labels [name]
text(string) about.labels [text]
schema(string) about.labels [schema]
avro(string) about.labels [avro]

A seguir