收集 Cisco ASA 防火墙日志


本文档介绍了如何通过配置 Cisco 自适应安全设备 (ASA) 防火墙和 Google 安全运营转发器来收集 Cisco ASA 防火墙日志。本次 文档还列出了支持的日志类型和支持的 Cisco ASA 版本。

如需了解详情,请参阅将数据注入到 Google Security Operations 中


以下部署架构图显示了 Cisco ASA 防火墙 设备已配置为向 Google Security Operations 发送日志。每个客户 Deployment 可能会与此表示形式不同,并且可能更复杂。



  • Cisco ASA 设备。如需配置远程日志记录,请在每个 Cisco ASA 设备上安装 Cisco ASDM。思科 ASA 设备通过 VPN 连接到中央思科 ASA 设备。

  • 中央思科 ASA 设备。为了从每台思科 ASA 设备收集日志,Syslog 。中央 Cisco ASA 设备会将收集的日志转发到 Google Security Operations 转发器。

  • Google Security Operations 转发器。Google Security Operations 转发器是一个 支持 syslog 的软件组件部署在客户的网络中。 Google Security Operations 转发器会将日志转发到 Google Security Operations。

  • Google Security Operations。Google Security Operations 会保留和分析 Cisco ASA 设备生成的日志。

提取标签用于标识将原始日志数据标准化为结构化 UDM 格式的解析器。本文档中的信息适用于具有 CISCO_ASA_FIREWALL 注入标签的解析器。


  • 确保您使用的是 Google 安全运营解析器支持的 Cisco ASA 软件版本。Google Security Operations 解析器支持 Cisco ASA 软件版本 9.16(1)。

  • 验证 Google Security Operations 解析器支持的 Cisco ASA 消息 ID。 如需了解 Google Security Operations 解析器支持的消息 ID 列表,请参阅 Cisco ASA 消息 ID

  • 确保已配置部署架构中的所有系统 (采用 UTC 时区)。

  • 在使用思科 ASA 防火墙解析器之前,请查看 旧版解析器和当前 Cisco ASA 防火墙解析器之间的字段映射更改。在迁移过程中 确保依赖于以下各项的规则、搜索、信息中心或其他流程: 原始字段将使用更新后的字段。

    例如,在之前的解析器中,对于消息 ID 605005target_service 字段会映射到 network.application_protocol UDM 字段。在当前的 Cisco ASA 防火墙解析器中,target_service 字段会映射到 target.application UDM 字段。如果 您需要迁移到当前的 Cisco ASA 防火墙解析器,并在规则中使用 target_service 字段, 您需要修改规则以使用当前解析器的 target.application UDM 字段。

配置 Cisco ASA 和 Google Security Operations 转发器

如需配置 Cisco ASA 和 Google 安全运营转发器,请执行以下操作:

  1. 使用思科自适应安全设备管理器 (ASDM) 来配置远程日志记录。 如需了解详情,请参阅使用 ASDM 进行配置

    配置远程配置时,如需根据日志的严重级别过滤日志, 请确保您指定以下严重级别:

    • 严重级别 1 - 提醒消息
    • 严重级别 2 - 关键消息
    • 严重级别 3 - 错误消息
    • 严重程度 4 - 警告消息
    • 严重程度 5 - 通知消息
    • 严重级别 6 - 信息性消息
    • 严重性 7 - 调试消息
  2. 配置 Google Security Operations 转发器,以将日志发送到 Google Security Operations。如需了解详情,请参阅在 Linux 上安装和配置转发器。 以下是 Google Security Operations 转发器配置的示例:

      - syslog:
            enabled: true
            data_type: CISCO_ASA_FIREWALL
            batch_n_seconds: 10
            batch_n_bytes: 1048576
          connection_timeout_sec: 60


本部分介绍解析器如何应用 Grok 模式将 Cisco ASA 防火墙消息 ID 映射到 Google 安全运营 UDM 字段。您可以使用 grok 模式,除了正则表达式之外,还可创建预定义模式 来匹配日志消息,并将值从日志消息中提取到令牌中。


下表列出了用于确定某些常用字段的 UDM 字段的映射条件,以及日志示例:

Common log fields Mapping conditions Examples
src_ip if src_ip holds hostname then it is mapped to 'principal.hostname',


"principal.ip" is set to "src_ip"

{'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 3124260595 for trans-vrf:xyzhost/40297 ( to qat-vrf: (','tagCountry':'US'}
dst_ip if dst_ip holds hostname then it is mapped to 'target.hostname',


"target.ip" is set to "dst_ip"

{'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 3124210259 for trans-vrf: to qat-vrf: duration 0:00:29 bytes 9190 TCP FINs','tagCountry':'US'}"
direction if 'src_interface_name' != 'dst_interface_name' and

if [src_interface_name] == "OUTSIDE" or [dst_interface_name] in ["INSIDE", "DMZ"] then, "event.idm.read_only_udm.network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

else if [src_interface_name] in ["INSIDE", "DMZ"] or [dst_interface_name] == "OUTSIDE" then, "event.idm.read_only_udm.network.direction" is set to "OUTBOUND"

else if [src_interface_name] =~ "INT" or [dst_interface_name] =~ "EXT" then, "event.idm. read_only_udm.network.direction" is set to "OUTBOUND"

else if [src_interface_name] =~ "EXT" or [dst_interface_name] =~ "INT" then, "event.idm. read_only_udm.network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

if [cisco_message_number] == "302021" then, "event.idm.read_only_udm.network.direction" is set to "OUTBOUND"

if [cisco_message_number] in ["106016", "106017", "106021", "402116"] then, "event.idm.read_only_udm.network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

{'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 ecnp01094fe03 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src Outside: dst Inside: by access-group "OutsideToInside" [0x0, 0x0]','tagCountry':'US'}"

Here, direction is INBOUND.

src_mapped_ip if [src_mapped_ip] != [src_ip] then, merge "principal.ip" is set to "src_mapped_ip" {'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 3124260595 for trans-vrf:xyzhost/40297 ( to qat-vrf: (','tagCountry':'US'}
dst_mapped_ip if [dst_mapped_ip] != [dst_ip] then, merge "target.ip" is set to "dst_mapped_ip" {'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 3124260595 for trans-vrf:xyzhost/40297 ( to qat-vrf: (','tagCountry':'US'}
category if [category] == "Clustering" then "target.resource.resource_type" is set to "CLUSTER" None
security_description if [cisco_message_number] in ["212001","212002"] and

if error_code is 1, then "security_description" is set to "1 - ASA cannot open the SNMP transport for the interface."

if [cisco_message_number] == "212003" and

if error_code is 1, then "security_description" is set to "1 - ASA cannot find a supported transport type for the interface.",

if error_code is 5, then "security_description" is set to "5 - ASA received no data from the UDP channel for the interface.",

if error_code is 7, then "security_description" is set to "7 - ASA received an incoming request that exceeded the supported buffer size.",

if error_code is 14, then "security_description" is set to "14 - ASA cannot determine the source IP address from the UDP channel.",

if error_code is 22, then "security_description" is set to "22 - ASA received an invalid parameter."

if [cisco_message_number] == "212004" and

if error_code is 1, then "security_description" is set to "1 - ASA cannot find a supported transport type for the interface.",

if error_code is 2, then "security_description" is set to "2 - ASA sent an invalid parameter.",

if error_code is 3, then "security_description" is set to "3 - ASA was unable to set the destination IP address in the UDP channel.",

if error_code is 4, then "security_description" is set to "4 - ASA sent a PDU length that exceeded the supported UDP segment size.",

if error_code is 5, then "security_description" is set to "5 - ASA was unable to allocate a system block to construct the PDU."

src_fwuser if [src_username] == "" and [src_fwuser] != "", then mapped "src_fwuser" with "principal.user.userid" <174>Dec 21 2021 23:52:18: %ASA-6-602303: IPSEC: An outbound LAN-to-LAN SA (SPI= 0x20211643) between and has been created.
dst_fwuser if [user_name] == "" and [dst_fwuser] != "", then mapped "dst_fwuser" with "target.user.userid" <166>Dec 22 01:56:14 enal-fw1 : %ASA-6-315011: SSH session from on interface inside for user "*****" disconnected by SSH server, reason: "Internal error"(0x00)
src_port "src_port" is set to "principal.port" {'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 3124260595 for trans-vrf:xyzhost/40297 ( to qat-vrf: (','tagCountry':'US'}
action if [action] =~ "(built|permitted|succeeded|accept|successful|created|received|passed| est-allowed|up|granted)" then "security_result.action" is set to "ALLOW"

else if [action] =~ "(deny|denied|denied by acl|shunned|dropped|rejected|no matching connection |invalid|terminated|terminating|deleted|discarded|rejecting|deleting|rejected|reset|dropping| teardown|down|restricted)" then "security_result.action" is set to "BLOCK"

else if [action] =~ "(failure|failed)" then "security_result.action" is set to "FAIL"

{'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 3124260595 for trans-vrf:xyzhost/40297 ( to qat-vrf: (','tagCountry':'US'}
target_platform if [target_platform] =~ /(?i)win/, then "target.platform" is set to "WINDOWS"

else if [target_platform] =~ /(?i)linux/, then "target.platform" is set to "LINUX"

else if [target_platform] =~ /(?i)mac/ or [target_platform] =~ /(?i)osx/, then "target.platform" is set to "MAC"

protocol For protocol enum value mapping we have used @include["parse_ip_protocol.include"] {'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 3124210259 for trans-vrf: to qat-vrf: duration 0:00:29 bytes 9190 TCP FINs','tagCountry':'US'}"
application_protocol For application_protocol enum value mapping we have used @include["parse_app_protocol.include"] <162>%ASA-2-106007: Deny inbound UDP from to due to DNS Query
dst_port "dst_port" is set to "target.port" {'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 3124210259 for trans-vrf: to qat-vrf: duration 0:00:29 bytes 9190 TCP FINs','tagCountry':'US'}"
cisco_severity if [cisco_severity] == "1"

"security_result.severity" is set to "INFORMATIONAL"

"security_result.severity_details" is set to "Immediate action needed"

else if [cisco_severity] == "2"

"security_result.severity" is set to "HIGH"

"security_result.severity_details" is set to "Critical condition"

else if [cisco_severity] == "3" {

"security_result.severity" is set to "ERROR"

"security_result.severity_details" is set to "Error condition"

else if [cisco_severity] == "4" {

"security_result.severity" is set to "INFORMATIONAL"

"security_result.severity_details" is set to "Warning condition"

else if [cisco_severity] == "5" {

"security_result.severity" is set to "INFORMATIONAL"

"security_result.severity_details" is set to "Normal but significant condition"

else if [cisco_severity] == "6" {

"security_result.severity" is set to "INFORMATIONAL"

"security_result.severity_details" is set to "Informational message only"

{'Message':'2021-12-21T23:50:49-08:00 QAT : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 3124210259 for trans-vrf: to qat-vrf: duration 0:00:29 bytes 9190 TCP FINs','tagCountry':'US'}"
asa_device_ip "asa_device_ip" is set to "observer.ip" <163> %ASA-3-202010: PAT pool exhausted. Unable to create UDP connection from to

字段映射参考信息:Cisco ASA 防火墙事件 ID 到 UDM 字段

下表列出了消息 ID、grok 格式和相应的 UDM 字段:

Message IDs Grok pattern UDM field
103001 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) No response from other firewall (reason code = {reason_code}) reason_code is set to about.labels.key/value
103002, 103003 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Other firewall network interface {interface_number} <message_text> interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value
103004 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Other firewall reports this firewall failed. Reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
103005 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Other firewall reporting failure. Reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
103006, 103007 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Mate version {target_version_num} is not <message_text> with ours {principal_version_num} target_version_num is set to target.labels.key/value, principal_version_num is set to principal.labels.key/value
104001, 104002, 104500, 104501

((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Switching to {role} (cause: {summary})

((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Switching to {role} - {cause}

role is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
105003, 105004 (<message_text>) Monitoring on interface {interface_name} <message_text> interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105005 (<message_text>) Lost Failover communications with mate on interface {interface_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105006, 105007 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Link status <message_text> on interface {interface_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105008 (<message_text>) Testing interface {interface_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105009 (<message_text>) Testing on interface {interface_name} <message_text> interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105021 ({failover_unit}) Standby unit failed to sync due to a locked {context_name} config. Lock held by {lock_owner_name} failover_unit is set to about.labels.key/value, context_name is set to about.labels.key/value, lock_owner_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105044 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Mate operational mode {target_mode} is not compatible with my mode {principal_mode} target_mode is set to target.labels.key/value, principal_mode is set to principal.labels.key/value
105045 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Mate license ({target_license}) is not compatible with my license ({principal_license}) target_license is set to target.labels.key/value, principal_license is set to principal.labels.key/value
105047 Mate has a {target_io_card_name} card in slot {slot_number} which is different from my {principal_io_card_name} target_io_card_name is set to target.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, principal_io_card_name is set to principal.labels.key/value
105048 ({unit_name}) Mate's service module ({target_service}) is different from mine ({src_service}) unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, src_service is set to principal.application
105502 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Restarting Cloud HA on this unit, reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
105503 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Internal state change from {previous_state} to {new_state} previous_state is set to about.labels.key/value, new_state is set to about.labels.key/value
105504 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Connected to peer {dst_ip}:{dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
105505 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Failed to connect to peer unit {dst_ip}:{dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
105506, 105507 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Unable to <message_text> socket on port {dst_port} for <message_text>, error: {error} dst_port is set to target.port, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105508 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error creating failover connection socket on port {dst_port} dst_port is set to target.port
105509 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error sending {message_name} message to peer unit {dst_ip}, error: {error} message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105510 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error receiving message from peer unit {dst_ip}, error: {error} dst_ip is set to target.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105511 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Incomplete read of message header of message from peer unit {dst_ip}: bytes {received_bytes} read of expected {header_length} <message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, header_length is set to about.labels.key/value
105512 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error receiving message body of message from peer unit {dst_ip}, error: {error} dst_ip is set to target.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105513 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Incomplete read of message body of message from peer unit {dst_ip}: bytes {received_bytes} read of expected {message_length} <message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, message_length is set to about.labels.key/value
105514 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error occurred when responding to {message_name} message received from peer unit {dst_ip}, error: {error} message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105515 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error receiving {message_name} message from peer unit {dst_ip}, error: {error} message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105516 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Incomplete read of message header of {message_name} message from peer unit {dst_ip}: bytes {received_bytes} read of expected {header_length} <message_text> message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, header_length is set to about.labels.key/value
105517 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error receiving message body of {message_name} message from peer unit {dst_ip}, error: {error} message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
105518 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Incomplete read of message body of {message_name} message from peer unit {dst_ip}: bytes {received_bytes} read of expected {message_length} <message_text> message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, message_length is set to about.labels.key/value
105519 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Invalid response to {message_name} message received from peer unit {dst_ip}: type {message_type}, version {message_version}, length {message_length} message_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, message_version is set to about.labels.key/value, message_length is set to about.labels.key/value
105522 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Updating route {route_table_name} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105523 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Updated route {route_table_name} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105526 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Unexpected status in response to access token request: {status} status is set to about.labels.key/value
105531 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Failed to obtain route-table information needed for change request for route-table {route_table_name} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105532 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Unexpected status in response to route-table change request for route-table {route_table_name}: {status} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value, status is set to about.labels.key/value
105533 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Failure reading response to route-table change request for route-table {route_table_name} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105534 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) No provisioning state in response to route-table change request route-table {route_table_name} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105535 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) No response to route-table change request for route-table {route_table_name} from route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105536 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Failed to obtain Azure authentication header for route status request for route {route_name} route_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105537 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Unexpected status in response to route state request for route {route_name}: {status} route_name is set to about.labels.key/value, status is set to about.labels.key/value
105538 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Failure reading response to route state request for route {route_name} route_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105539 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) No response to route state request for route {route_name} from <message_text> route_name is set to about.labels.key/value
105541 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Failed to update route-table {route_table_name}, provisioning state: {state_string} route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value, state_string is set to about.labels.key/value
105545 ((Primary|Secondary|ASA)) Error starting load balancer probe socket on port {src_port}, error code: {internal_error_code} src_port is set to principal.port, internal_error_code is set to about.labels.key/value
106001 (?P<direction>Inbound) (?P<protocol>TCP) connection {action} from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} flags {flag} on interface {interface_name} direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, flag is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
106002 {protocol} Connection {action} by {direction} list {acl_id} src {src_ip} dest {dst_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
106006 (?P<action>Deny) (?P<direction>inbound) (?P<protocol>UDP) from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
106007 (?P<action>Deny) (?P<direction>inbound) (?P<protocol>UDP) from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} due to {application_protocol} (?P<tag>Query|Response) action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, , src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol
106010 (?P<action>Deny) (?P<direction>inbound) {protocol}<message_text>src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
106011 (?P<action>Deny) (?P<direction>inbound) <message_text> protocol src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
106012 (?P<action>Deny) IP from {src_ip} to {dst_ip}, IP options{ip_options} action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, ip_options is set to about.labels.key/value
106013 (?P<action>Dropping) echo request from {src_ip} to PAT address {dst_ip} action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
106014 (?P<action>Deny) (?P<direction>inbound) (?P<protocol>ICMP|icmp) src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}<message_text>dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}<message_text>(type {icmp_type}, code {icmp_code}) action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value
106015 (?P<action>Deny) (?P<protocol>TCP) <message_text> from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} flags {tcp_flags} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, tcp_flags is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
106016 (?P<action>Deny) IP spoof from ({src_ip}) to {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value

"security_result.category" is set to "NETWORK_SUSPICIOUS"

"network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

106017 (?P<action>Deny) IP due to Land Attack from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip

"security_result.category" is set to "NETWORK_SUSPICIOUS"

"network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

106018 (?P<protocol>ICMP|icmp) packet type {icmp_type} denied by outbound list {acl_id} src {src_ip} dest {dst_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
106020 (?P<action>Deny) IP teardrop fragment (size={received_bytes}, offset={offset}) from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} action is set to security_result.action, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, offset is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
106021 (?P<action>Deny) {protocol} reverse path check from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value

"security_result.category" is set to "NETWORK_SUSPICIOUS"

"network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

106022 (?P<action>Deny) {protocol} connection spoof from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
106023 (?P<action>Deny) (protocol )?{protocol} src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})?<message_text>dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}((/|.){dst_port})?( (type {icmp_type}, code {icmp_code}))?<message_text>by access-group \?{policy_id}\"? {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}]" action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value, policy_id is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
106025, 106026 Failed to determine the security context for the packet:<message_text>:{src_ip} {dst_ip} {src_port} {dst_port} protocol src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_port is set to target.port
106027 {acl_id}: (?P<action>Deny) src {src_ip} dst {dst_ip} by access-group \{access_list_entry}\"" action is set to security_result.action, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, access_list_entry is set to about.labels.key/value
106027 (?P<action>Deny)<message_text>src<message_text>:{src_ip} dst<message_text>:{dst_ip} by access-group \{access_list_entry}\"" action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, access_list_entry is set to about.labels.key/value
106102 access-list {acl_id} (?P<action>permitted|denied) {protocol} for user {user_name} {src_interface_name}/{src_ip}({src_port})<message_text> -> {dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip}({dst_port})<message_text>hit-cnt {hit_count} (?P<tag>first hit|<message_text>-second interval) {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}] action is set to security_result.action, , acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
106102 access-list {acl_id} (?P<action>permitted|denied) {protocol} for user {user_name} {src_interface_name}/{src_ip}({src_port})<message_text>{dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip}({dst_port})<message_text>hit-cnt {hit_count} (?P<tag>first hit|<message_text>-second interval) {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}] action is set to security_result.action, , acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
106100 access-list {acl_id} (?P<action>permitted|denied|est-allowed) {protocol} {src_interface_name}/{src_ip}({src_port})<message_text> -> {dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip}({dst_port})<message_text>hit-cnt {hit_count} (?P<tag>first hit|<message_text>-second interval) {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}] action is set to security_result.action, , acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
106100 access-list {acl_id} (?P<action>permitted|denied|est-allowed) {protocol} {src_interface_name}/{src_ip}({src_port})<message_text>{dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip}({dst_port})<message_text>hit-cnt {hit_count} (?P<tag>first hit|<message_text>-second interval) {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}] action is set to security_result.action, , acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
106101 Number of cached deny-flows for ACL log has reached limit ({limit}) limit is set to about.labels.key/value
106103 access-list {acl_id} (?P<action>denied) {protocol} for user {user_name} {src_interface_name}/{src_ip}({src_port})<message_text> -> {dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip}({dst_port})<message_text>hit-cnt {hit_count} {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}] action is set to security_result.action, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
106103 access-list {acl_id} (?P<action>denied) {protocol} for user {user_name} {src_interface_name}/{src_ip}({src_port})<message_text>{dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip}({dst_port})<message_text>hit-cnt {hit_count} {hashcode1}, {hashcode2}] action is set to security_result.action, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode1 is set to about.labels.key/value, hashcode2 is set to about.labels.key/value
107001 (?P<application_protocol>RIP) auth failed from {dst_ip}: version={version_number}, type={type}, mode={mode}, sequence={sequence_number} on interface {interface_name} application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, type is set to about.labels.key/value, mode is set to about.labels.key/value, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
107002 (?P<application_protocol>RIP) pkt failed from {dst_ip}: version={version_number} on interface {interface_name} application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
108002 (?P<application_protocol>SMTP) replaced string: out {src_ip} in {dst_ip} data: {summary} application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
108003 Terminating ESMTP/SMTP connection; malicious pattern detected in the mail address from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}. Data:{summary} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
108004 {action_class}: {action} ESMTP <message_text> from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip};{summary} action_class is set to about.labels.key/value, action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
108005 {action_class}: Received ESMTP <message_text> from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip};{summary} action_class is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
108007 TLS started on ESMTP session between client {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? and server {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
109001 Auth start for user {user_name} from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
109002 Auth from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} failed (server {src_ip} failed) on interface {interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109003 Auth from {src_ip} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} failed (all servers failed) on interface {interface_name}, so marking all servers ACTIVE again src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109005, 109006, 109007 Authentication (?P<action>succeeded|failed|permitted|denied) for user {user_name} from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109007 Authorization (?P<action>permitted) for user {user_name} from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109008 Authorization (?P<action>denied) for user {user_name} from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109010 Auth from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} failed (too many pending auths) on interface {interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109011 Authen Session Start: user {user_name}, sid {sid} user_name is set to target.user.userid, sid is set to about.labels.key/value
109012 Authen Session End: user {user_name}, sid {sid}, elapsed {elapsed_number_seconds} seconds user_name is set to target.user.userid, sid is set to about.labels.key/value, elapsed_number_seconds is set to about.labels.key/value
109016 Can't find authorization ACL {acl_id} for user {user_name} acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
109017 User at {dst_ip} exceeded auth proxy connection limit dst_ip is set to target.ip
109018 Downloaded ACL {acl_id} is empty acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
109019 Downloaded ACL {acl_id} has parsing error; ACE acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
109023 User from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} must authenticate before using this service src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
109024 Authorization (?P<action>denied) from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} (not authenticated) on interface {interface_name} using {protocol} action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
109025 Authorization (?P<action>denied) (acl={acl_id}) for user {user_name} from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} using {protocol} action is set to security_result.action, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
109027 Unable to decipher response message Server = {dst_ip}, User = {user_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
109028 aaa bypassed for same-security traffic from {ingress_interface}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {egress_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ingress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, egress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
109029 Parsing downloaded ACL: {error} error is set to about.labels.key/value
109030 Autodetect ACL convert wildcard did not convert ACL {access_list} {src_ip}|{dst_ip} netmask {subnet_mask} access_list is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value
109031 NT Domain Authentication Failed: rejecting guest login for {user_name} user_name is set to target.user.userid
109032 Unable to install ACL {access_list}, downloaded for user {user_name}; Error in ACE: {access_list_entry} access_list is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, access_list_entry is set to about.labels.key/value
109033 Authentication {action} for admin user {user_name} from {dst_ip}. Interactive challenge processing is not supported for {protocol} connections action is set to security_result.action, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
109034 Authentication {action} for network user {user_name} from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port}. Interactive challenge processing is not supported for {protocol} connections action is set to security_result.action, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
109035 Exceeded maximum number ({max_num}) of DAP attribute instances for user {user_name} max_num is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
109036, 109037 Exceeded <message_text> attribute values for the {attribute_name} attribute for user {user_name} attribute_name is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
109038 Attribute {attribute_name} value {string_from_server} from AAA server could not be parsed as a {type} attribute_name is set to about.labels.key/value, string_from_server is set to about.labels.key/value, type is set to about.labels.key/value
109039 AAA Authentication:Dropping an unsupported <message_text> packet from {ingress_interface}:{src_ip} to {egress_interface}:{dst_ip} ingress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, egress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
109040 User at {src_ip} exceeded auth proxy rate limit of 10 connections/sec src_ip is set to principal.ip
109100 Received CoA update from {dst_ip} for user {user_name}, with session ID(:)? {session_id}, changing authorization attributes dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, session_id is set to network.session_id
109101 Received CoA disconnect request from {dst_ip} for user {user_name}, with audit-session-id: {session_id} dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, session_id is set to network.session_id
109102 Received CoA {action_details} from {dst_ip}, but cannot find named session {session_id} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, session_id is set to network.session_id
109103 CoA {action_details} from {dst_ip} failed for user {user_name}, with session ID: {session_id} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, session_id is set to network.session_id
109104 CoA {action_details} from {dst_ip} failed for user {user_name}, session ID: {session_id}. Action not supported action_details is set to security_result.action_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, session_id is set to network.session_id
109105 Failed to determine the egress interface for locally generated traffic destined to <{protocol}><{dst_ip}>:<{dst_port}> protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
110002 Failed to locate egress interface for( <message_text>-)?{protocol} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
110003 Routing failed to locate next hop for {protocol} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
110004 Egress interface changed from {old_interface_name} to {new_interface_name} on {protocol} connection {session_id} for <message_text> :{dst_ip}/{dst_port} (<message_text>) to <message_text> :{src_ip}/{src_port} (<message_text>) old_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, new_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
111001 Begin configuration: {dst_ip} writing to <message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip
111002, 111007 Begin configuration: {dst_ip} reading from <message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip
111003 {dst_ip} Erase configuration dst_ip is set to target.ip
111004, 111005 {dst_ip} end configuration: dst_ip is set to target.ip
111008 User {user_name} executed the {command} command user_name is set to target.user.userid, command is set to target.process.command_line
111010 User {user_name}, running {target_service} from IP {src_ip}, executed {command} user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_service is set to target.application, src_ip is set to principal.ip, command is set to target.process.command_line

"target.resource.resource_type" is set to "SETTING"

113003 AAA group policy for user {user_name} is being set to {policy_name} user_name is set to target.user.userid, policy_name is set to target.resource.name
113004 AAA user <message_text> {action} : server ={dst_ip}<message_text>user = {user_name} action is set to security_result.action, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
113005 AAA user (authorization|authentication) {action} : reason = {summary} : server = {src_ip}: user = {user_name}(: user IP = {dst_ip})? action is set to security_result.action, summary is set to security_result.summary, src_ip is set to principal.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113006 User {user_name} locked out on exceeding {failed_attempts} successive failed authentication attempts user_name is set to target.user.userid, failed_attempts is set to about.labels.key/value
113007 User {user_name} unlocked by {administrator} user_name is set to target.user.userid, administrator is set to about.labels.key/value
113008 AAA transaction status ACCEPT: user = {user_name} user_name is set to target.user.userid

"auth_type" is set to "VPN"

113009 AAA retrieved default group policy {group_policy} for user {user_name} group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
113010 AAA challenge received for user {user_name} from server {src_ip} user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip
113011 AAA retrieved user specific group policy {group_policy} for user {user_name} group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
113012 AAA user authentication Successful: local database: user = {user_name} user_name is set to target.user.userid
113013 AAA unable to complete the request Error: reason = {summary}: user = {user_name} summary is set to security_result.summary, user_name is set to target.user.userid
113014 AAA (authorization|authentication) server not accessible: server ={src_ip}: user = {user_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
113015 AAA user authentication Rejected: reason = {summary}: local database: user = {user_name}(: user IP = {dst_ip})? summary is set to security_result.summary, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113016 AAA credentials rejected: reason = {summary}: server = {src_ip}: user = {user_name}(: user IP = {dst_ip})? summary is set to security_result.summary, src_ip is set to principal.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113017 AAA credentials rejected: reason = {summary}: local database: user = {user_name}(: user IP = {dst_ip})? summary is set to security_result.summary, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113018 User: {user_name}, Unsupported downloaded ACL Entry: {acl_entry} , Action: {action} user_name is set to target.user.userid, acl_entry is set to about.labels.key/value, action is set to security_result.action
113019 Group = {group_name}, Username = {user_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, Session disconnected. Session Type: {session_type}, Duration: {duration}, Bytes xmt: {sent_bytes}, Bytes rcv: {received_bytes}, Reason: {summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, session_type is set to about.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, sent_bytes is set to network.sent_bytes, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
113020 Kerberos error: Clock skew with server {src_ip} greater than 300 seconds src_ip is set to principal.ip
113021 Attempted console login failed(.)? (user|User) {user_name} did NOT have appropriate Admin Rights user_name is set to target.user.userid
113022 AAA Marking {protocol}(.)? server {dst_ip} in aaa-server group {group_name} as FAILED protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
113023 AAA Marking {protocol}(.)? server {dst_ip} in (aaa-|)server group {group_name} as ACTIVE protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
113024 Group {group_name}: Authenticating {connection} connection from {dst_ip} with username, {user_name}, from client certificate group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, connection is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
113025 Group {group_name}: {dn_fields} Could not authenticate {connection} connection from {dst_ip} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dn_fields is set to about.labels.key/value, connection is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113026 Error {summary} while executing Lua script for group {group_name} summary is set to security_result.summary, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
113029 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Session could not be established: session limit of {limit} reached group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, limit is set to about.labels.key/value
113030 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} User ACL {acl_id} from AAA doesn't exist on the device, (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
113031 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AnyConnect vpn-filter {vpn_filter} is an IPv6 ACL; ACL not applied group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, vpn_filter is set to about.labels.key/value
113032 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AnyConnect ipv6-vpn-filter {vpn_filter} is an IPv4 ACL; ACL not applied group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, vpn_filter is set to about.labels.key/value
113033 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AnyConnect session not allowed. ACL parse error group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113034 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} User ACL {acl_id} from AAA ignored, AV-PAIR ACL used instead group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
113035 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Session terminated: AnyConnect not enabled or invalid AnyConnect image on the ASA group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113036 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AAA parameter {parameter_name} value invalid group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, parameter_name is set to about.labels.key/value
113038 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Unable to create AnyConnect parent session group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113039 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AnyConnect parent session started group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
113040 Terminating the VPN connection attempt from {attempted_group}. Reason: This connection is group locked to {locked_group} attempted_group is set to about.labels.key/value, locked_group is set to about.labels.key/value
113041 Redirect ACL configured for {dst_ip} does not exist on the device dst_ip is set to target.ip
113042 Non-HTTP connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}( for user username at {dst_ip1})? (?P<summary>(?P<action>denied) by redirect filter; only HTTP connections are supported for redirection) summary is set to security_result.summary, action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
113045 AAA SDI server {src_ip} in aaa-server group {group_name}: status changed from {previous_state} to {current_state} src_ip is set to principal.ip, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, previous_state is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value
114001 Failed to initialize 4GE SSM I/O card (error {summary}) summary is set to security_result.summary
114002 Failed to initialize SFP in 4GE SSM I/O card (error {summary}) summary is set to security_result.summary
114003 Failed to run cached commands in 4GE SSM I/O card (error {summary}) summary is set to security_result.summary
114006, 114007, 114009, 114010, 114011, 114012, 114013, 114014, 114015, 114016, 114017, 114018, 114019 Failed to (?P<tag>set mac address table|get port statistics|get current msr|set multicast address|set multicast hardware address|delete multicast address|delete multicast hardware address|set mac address|set mode|set multicast mode|get link status|set port speed|set media type) in 4GE SSM I/O card (error {error}) , error is set to about.labels.key/value
114021, 114022, 114023 Failed to (?P<tag>set multicast address table|pass broadcast traffic|cache/flush mac table) in 4GE SSM I/O card due to {error} , error is set to about.labels.key/value
115000 Critical assertion in process: {target_process_name} fiber: {fiber_name} , component: {component_name} , subcomponent: {subcomponent_name} , file: {target_file_full_path} , line: {line_number} , cond: {condition} target_process_name is set to target.process.pid, fiber_name is set to about.labels.key/value, component_name is set to about.labels.key/value, subcomponent_name is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value, condition is set to about.labels.key/value
115001 Error in process: {target_process_name} fiber: {fiber_name} , component: {component_name} , subcomponent: {subcomponent_name} , file: {target_file_full_path} , line: {line_number} , cond: {condition} target_process_name is set to target.process.pid, fiber_name is set to about.labels.key/value, component_name is set to about.labels.key/value, subcomponent_name is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value, condition is set to about.labels.key/value
115002 Warning in process: {target_process_name} fiber: {fiber_name} , component: {component_name} , subcomponent: {subcomponent_name} , file: {target_file_full_path} , line: {line_number} , cond: {condition} target_process_name is set to target.process.pid, fiber_name is set to about.labels.key/value, component_name is set to about.labels.key/value, subcomponent_name is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value, condition is set to about.labels.key/value
120003 Process event {event_group} {event_title} event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, event_title is set to about.labels.key/value
120003 {event_group} is processing <message_text> event {event_title} event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, event_title is set to about.labels.key/value
120004 Event {event_group} {event_title} is dropped. Reason {summary} event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, event_title is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
120005 Message {event_group} to (?P<destination_email>) is dropped. Reason {summary} destination_email is set to security_result.about.email, event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
120005 Message {event_group} to {redirect_url} is dropped. Reason {summary} event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, redirect_url is set to target.url, summary is set to security_result.summary
120006 Delivering message {event_group} to (?P<destination_email>) failed. Reason {summary} destination_email is set to security_result.about.email, event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
120006 Delivering message {event_group} to {redirect_url} failed. Reason {summary} event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, redirect_url is set to target.url, summary is set to security_result.summary
120007 Message {event_group} to (?P<destination_email>) delivered destination_email is set to security_result.about.email, event_group is set to about.labels.key/value
120007 Message {event_group} to {redirect_url} delivered event_group is set to about.labels.key/value, redirect_url is set to target.url
120008 SCH client {client_name} is activated client_name is set to about.labels.key/value
120009 SCH client {client_name} is deactivated client_name is set to about.labels.key/value
120010 Notify command {action_details} to SCH client {client_name} failed. Reason {summary} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, client_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
120012 User {user_name} chose to {choice} call-home anonymous reporting at the prompt user_name is set to target.user.userid, choice is set to about.labels.key/value
121001 msgId {message_id}. Telemetry support on the chassis: {status} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, status is set to about.labels.key/value
121002 Telemetry support on the blade: {status} status is set to about.labels.key/value
121003 msgId {message_id}. Telemetry request from the chassis received. SSE connector status: {connector_status}. Telemetry config on the blade: {blade_status}. Telemetry data {data_status} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, connector_status is set to about.labels.key/value, blade_status is set to about.labels.key/value, data_status is set to about.labels.key/value
199001 Reload command executed from Telnet (remote {dst_ip}) dst_ip is set to target.ip
199011 Close on bad channel in <message_text> {process_or_fiber}, channel ID {channel_id} , channel state {channel_state} <message_text> name of the process/fiber that caused the bad channel close operation process_or_fiber is set to about.labels.key/value, channel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, channel_state is set to about.labels.key/value
199012 Stack smash during {new_stack_call} in <message_text> {process_or_fiber}, call target {call_target}, stack size {stack_size}, new_stack_call is set to about.labels.key/value, process_or_fiber is set to about.labels.key/value, call_target is set to target.labels.key/value, stack_size is set to about.labels.key/value
199020 System memory utilization has reached {memory_utilization}%. System will reload if memory usage reaches the configured trigger level of {trigger_level}% memory_utilization is set to about.labels.key/value, trigger_level is set to about.labels.key/value
199021 System memory utilization has reached the configured watchdog trigger level of {trigger_level}%. System will now reload trigger_level is set to about.labels.key/value
199027 Restore operation was aborted at {time} time is set to about.labels.key/value
201002 Too many {protocol} connections on <message_text> {dst_ip} ! {max_embryonic_conn} {max_conn} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, max_embryonic_conn is set to about.labels.key/value, max_conn is set to about.labels.key/value
201003 Embryonic limit exceeded {max_embryonic_conn}/{max_conn} for {dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({dst_ip1}) {dst_ip2}/{dst_port} on {interface_number} {interface_name} max_embryonic_conn is set to about.labels.key/value, max_conn is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, dst_ip2 is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
201004 Too many {protocol} connections on <message_text> {dst_ip}!{max_udp_conn} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, max_udp_conn is set to about.labels.key/value
201005 {protocol} data connection failed for {dst_ip} {dst_ip1} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
201006 {protocol} backconnection failed for {dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
201009 {protocol} connection limit of {max_conn} for host {dst_ip} on {interface_name} exceeded protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, max_conn is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
201010 Embryonic connection limit exceeded {embryonic_conn}/{max_conn} for {direction} packet from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} embryonic_conn is set to about.labels.key/value, max_conn is set to about.labels.key/value, direction is set to network.direction, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
201011 Connection limit exceeded {cur_conn_count}/{conf_conn_count} for {direction} packet from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} cur_conn_count is set to about.labels.key/value, conf_conn_count is set to about.labels.key/value, direction is set to network.direction, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
201012 Per-client embryonic connection limit exceeded {cur_num}/{conf_limit} for (input|output) packet from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} cur_num is set to about.labels.key/value, conf_limit is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
201013 Per-client connection limit exceeded {cur_num}/{conf_limit} for (input|output) packet from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} on interface {interface_name} cur_num is set to about.labels.key/value, conf_limit is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
202005 Non-embryonic in embryonic list {dst_ip}/{dst_port} {src_ip}/{src_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
202010 <message_text> pool exhausted( for {pool_name})?.*:{src_ip}/{src_port}.*:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? pool_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
208005 ({function}:{line_number}) {summary} function is set to about.labels.key/value, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
209003 Fragment database limit of number exceeded: src = {src_ip} , dest = {dst_ip} , proto = {protocol} , id = <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
209004 Invalid IP fragment, size = {bytes_exceed} maximum size = {max_bytes} : src = {src_ip} , dest = {dst_ip} , proto = {protocol} , id = <message_text> bytes_exceed is set to about.labels.key/value, max_bytes is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
209006 Fragment queue threshold exceeded, dropped {protocol}.*{src_ip}/{src_port} to (IP )?{dst_ip}/{dst_port}( on {dst_interface_name})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
210001 LU <message_text> error = {error_number} error_number is set to about.labels.key/value
210005 LU allocate .* protocol {protocol} connection from ingress interface {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to egress interface {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
210005 LU allocate connection failed for {protocol} connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
210006 LU look NAT for {dst_ip} failed dst_ip is set to target.ip
210007 LU allocate xlate failed for {protocol} translation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port}) ({src_ip1}/{src_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({dst_ip1}/{dst_port}) src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
210008 LU no xlate for {src_ip}(/{src_port})? {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
210010 LU make {protocol} connection for {dst_ip}:{dst_port} {src_ip}:{src_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
210020 LU PAT port {dst_port} reserve failed dst_port is set to target.port
210021 LU create static xlate {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
211004 WARNING: Minimum Memory Requirement for ASA version {image_version} not met for ASA image. <message_text> MB required, <message_text> MB found image_version is set to about.labels.key/value
212001, 212002 Unable to open {protocol} (trap )?channel ({protocol} port {dst_port}) on interface {interface_number} , error code = {error_code} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value, error_code is set to security_result.description
212003 Unable to receive an {protocol} request on interface {interface_number} , error code = {error_code} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value, error_code is set to security_result.description
212004 Unable to send an {protocol} response to IP (a|A)ddress {dst_ip}Port {dst_port}(I|i)nterface {interface_name}, error code = (-)?{error_code} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, error_code is set to security_result.description
212005 incoming {protocol} request ({received_bytes} bytes) (from IP address {src_ip} Port {src_port})?(on)? (i|I)nterface (")?%{interface_name}(")? exceeds protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, received_bytes is mapped to network.received_bytes, src_ip is mapped to principal.ip, src_port is mapped to principal.port
212006 Dropping {protocol} request from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to ifc :{dst_ip1}/{dst_port} because: {summary} {user_name} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary, user_name is set to target.user.userid
212009 Configuration request for {protocol} group {group_name} failed. User {user_name} ,{summary} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
212010 Configuration request for {protocol} user {user_name} failed. Host {target_hostname} {summary} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_hostname is set to target.hostname, summary is set to security_result.summary
212011 {protocol} engineBoots is set to maximum value. Reason: {summary} User intervention necessary protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, summary is set to security_result.summary
213001 PPTP control daemon socket io {io_string}, errno = {error_string} io_string is set to about.labels.key/value, error_string is set to about.labels.key/value
213002 PPTP tunnel hashtable insert failed, peer = {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
213003 PPP virtual interface {interface_number} isn't opened interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value
213004 PPP virtual interface {interface_number} client ip allocation failed interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value
213007 L2TP: Failed to install Redirect URL:{redirect_url} Redirect ACL: non_exist for {dst_ip} redirect_url is set to target.url, dst_ip is set to target.ip
214001 Terminating manager session from {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name}. Reason: {summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
215001 Bad route_compress() call, sdb = {sdb} sdb is set to about.labels.key/value
216001 internal error in: {function}: {summary} function is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
216002 Unexpected event (major: {major_id}, minor: {minor_id}) received by {task_string} in {function} at line: {line_number} major_id is set to about.labels.key/value, minor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, task_string is set to about.labels.key/value, function is set to about.labels.key/value, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value
216003 Unrecognized timer {timer_pointer}, {timer_id} received by {task_string} in {function} at line: {line_number} timer_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, timer_id is set to about.labels.key/value, task_string is set to about.labels.key/value, function is set to about.labels.key/value, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value
216004 prevented: {error} in {function} at <message_text> - {stack_trace} error is set to about.labels.key/value, function is set to about.labels.key/value, stack_trace is set to about.labels.key/value
216005 ERROR: Duplex-mismatch on {interface_name} resulted in transmitter lockup. A soft reset of the switch was performed interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
218002 Module ({slot}) is a registered proto-type for Cisco Lab use only, and not certified for live network operation slot is set to about.labels.key/value
218003 Module Version in {slot} is obsolete. The module in slot = <message_text> is obsolete and must be returned via RMA to Cisco Manufacturing. If it is a lab unit, it must be returned to Proto Services for upgrade slot is set to about.labels.key/value
219002 {api_name} error, slot = {slot_number}, device = {device_number}, address = {address}, byte count = {count}. Reason: {summary} api_name is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, device_number is set to about.labels.key/value, address is set to about.labels.key/value, count is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
302003 Built H245 connection for (foreign_address|faddr) {src_ip}(/{src_port})? (local_address|laddr) {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
302004 Pre-allocate H323 (?P<protocol>UDP) backconnection for (foreign_address|faddr) {src_ip}(/{src_port} )?to (local_address|laddr) {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
302010 {connections_in_use} in use, {connections_most_used} most used connections_in_use is set to about.labels.key/value, connections_most_used is set to about.labels.key/value
302012 Pre-allocate H225 Call Signalling Connection for faddr {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to laddr {dst_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip
302013 (?P<action>Built)(?: (?P<direction>Inbound|inbound|Outbound|outbound))? (?P<protocol>TCP)( connection)? {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( ({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}))?(?:({src_fwuser}))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}( ({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}))?(({dst_fwuser}))?<message_text> action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_fwuser is set to target.user.userid/target.labels.key/value
302014, 302015, 302016 (?P<action>Built|Teardown)(?: (?P<direction>Inbound|inbound|Outbound|outbound))? {protocol} connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}(:| ){src_ip}/{src_port}( ({src_mapped_interface}?{src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}))?(?:({src_fwuser}))? to {dst_interface_name}(:| ){dst_ip}/{dst_port}( ({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}))?(({dst_fwuser}))?(?: duration {duration} bytes {sent_bytes})?<message_text> action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_interface is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_fwuser is set to target.user.userid/target.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, sent_bytes is set to network.sent_bytes
302017 Built (?P<direction>inbound|outbound) (?P<protocol>GRE) connection {session_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} ({src_translated_address}) (?:({src_fwuser}))?to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{real_cid} ({dst_translated_address}/{translated_cid})(?:({dst_fwuser}))?<message_text> direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_translated_address is set to principal.nat_ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, real_cid is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_translated_address is set to target.nat_ip, translated_cid is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_fwuser is set to target.user.userid/target.labels.key/value
302018 Teardown (?P<protocol>GRE) connection {session_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} ({src_translated_address}) (?:({src_fwuser}) )?to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{real_cid} ({dst_translated_address}/{translated_cid})(?:({dst_fwuser}))? duration {duration} bytes {bytes_transferred}<message_text> protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_translated_address is set to principal.nat_ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, real_cid is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_translated_address is set to target.nat_ip, translated_cid is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_fwuser is set to target.user.userid/target.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, bytes_transferred is set to about.labels.key/value
302019 H.323 {library_name} ASN Library failed to initialize, error {error_code} library_name is set to about.labels.key/value, error_code is set to security_result.description
302020, 302021 (?P<action>Built|Teardown)((?P<direction>Inbound|inbound|Outbound|outbound))?{protocol} connection for faddr {dst_ip}/{icmp_seq_num}(?:({fwuser}))? gaddr {src_xlated_ip}/{icmp_code_xlated} laddr {src_ip}/{icmp_code_laddr}(?: type {icmp_type} code {icmp_code})? action is set to security_result.action, direction is set to network.direction, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, icmp_seq_num is set to about.labels.key/value, fwuser is set to about.labels.key/value, src_xlated_ip is set to principal.labels.key/value, icmp_code_xlated is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, icmp_code_laddr is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value
302022, 302023, 302024, 302025, 302027 (?P<action>Built|Teardown)(?: <message_text>)?( stub)? {protocol} connection for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}(?: ({src_mapped_ip}(?:/{src_mapped_port})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}(?: ({dst_mapped_ip}(?:/{dst_mapped_port})?))?(?: duration {duration} forwarded bytes {sent_bytes} )?{summary} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, sent_bytes is set to network.sent_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302022, 302023, 302024, 302025, 302027 (?P<action>Built|Teardown)(?: <message_text>)?( stub)? {protocol} connection for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}(?: ({src_mapped_ip}(?:({src_mapped_port})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}(?: ({dst_mapped_ip}(?:/{dst_mapped_port})?))?(?: duration {duration} forwarded bytes {sent_bytes} )?{summary} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, sent_bytes is set to network.sent_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302026 (?P<action>Built|Teardown)(?: <message_text>)? stub (?P<protocol>ICMP) connection for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}(?: ({src_mapped_ip} ))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}(?: ({dst_mapped_ip} ))? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip
302033 Pre-allocated H323 GUP Connection for faddr {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to laddr {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
302034 Unable to pre-allocate H323 GUP Connection for faddr {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to laddr {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
302035 Built (?P<direction>inbound|outbound) SCTP connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? ({mapped_outside_ip}/{mapped_outside_port})(((?:{outside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{outside_sg_info})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({mapped_inside_ip}/{mapped_inside_port})(((?:{inside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{inside_sg_info})?))? direction is set to network.direction, session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, mapped_outside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_outside_port is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, mapped_inside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_inside_port is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value
302035 Built (?P<direction>inbound|outbound) SCTP connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? ({mapped_outside_ip}/{mapped_outside_port})<message_text> to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({mapped_inside_ip}/{mapped_inside_port}) direction is set to network.direction, session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, mapped_outside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_outside_port is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, mapped_inside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_inside_port is set to about.labels.key/value
302036 Teardown SCTP connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? (((?:{outside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{outside_sg_info})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} (((?:{inside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{inside_sg_info})?))? duration {duration} bytes {received_bytes} {summary} session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, outside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, inside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302036 Teardown SCTP connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? <message_text> to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} <message_text> duration {duration} bytes {received_bytes} {summary} session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, duration is set to network.session_duration, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302302 ACL = (?P<action>deny); no <message_text> created action is set to security_result.action
302303 Built TCP state-bypass connection {session_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? <message_text> to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} <message_text> session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
302304 Teardown TCP state-bypass connection {session_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})?((<message_text>))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} duration {duration} bytes {received_bytes} {summary} session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, duration is set to network.session_duration, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302305 Built SCTP state-bypass connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? ({mapped_outside_ip}/{mapped_outside_port})(((?:{outside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{outside_sg_info})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({mapped_inside_ip}/{mapped_inside_port})(((?:{inside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{inside_sg_info})?))? session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, mapped_outside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_outside_port is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, mapped_inside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_inside_port is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value
302305 Built SCTP state-bypass connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? ({mapped_outside_ip}/{mapped_outside_port})<message_text> to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({mapped_inside_ip}/{mapped_inside_port}) session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, mapped_outside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_outside_port is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, mapped_inside_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, mapped_inside_port is set to about.labels.key/value
302306 Teardown SCTP state-bypass connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? (((?:{outside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{outside_sg_info})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} (((?:{inside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{inside_sg_info})?))? duration {duration} bytes {received_bytes} {summary} session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, outside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, inside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, duration is set to network.session_duration, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302306 Teardown SCTP state-bypass connection {session_id} for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? <message_text>to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} <message_text> duration {duration} bytes {received_bytes} {summary} session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, duration is set to network.session_duration, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, summary is set to security_result.summary
302311 Failed to create a new {protocol} connection from {ingress_interface}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {egress_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} due to application cache memory allocation failure. The app-cache memory threshold level is {threshold}% and threshold check is protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, ingress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, egress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, threshold is set to about.labels.key/value
303002 (?P<application_protocol>FTP) connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, user ({user_name} )?(Stored|Retrieved) file {filename} application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, filename is set to about.labels.key/value
303004 (?P<application_protocol>FTP) {cmd} command unsupported - failed strict inspection, (?P<action>terminating) connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, action is set to security_result.action, cmd is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
303005 Strict (?P<application_protocol>FTP) inspection matched {match_string} in policy-map {policy_name}, {action_details} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, match_string is set to about.labels.key/value, policy_name is set to target.resource.name, action_details is set to security_result.action_details, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
304001 {src_ip}(({idfw_user}))? Accessed( JAVA)? URL {dst_ip}:{redirect_url} src_ip is set to principal.ip, idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, redirect_url is set to target.url
304002 Access (?P<action>denied) URL {redirect_url} SRC {src_ip}(({idfw_user}))? DEST {dst_ip} action is set to security_result.action, redirect_url is set to target.url, src_ip is set to principal.ip, idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
304003, 304004 URL Server {dst_ip} <message_text> <message_text> URL {redirect_url} dst_ip is set to target.ip, redirect_url is set to target.url
304006, 304007 URL Server {dst_ip} not responding dst_ip is set to target.ip
305005 No translation group found for {protocol} src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})?(({idfw_user}))? dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
305006 (?P<tag>outbound static|identity|portmap|regular) translation creation failed for {protocol} src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})?(({idfw_user}) )?dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})?((type {icmp_type}, code {icmp_code}))? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value
305007 addrpool_free(): Orphan IP {dst_ip} on interface {interface_number} dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value
305009 ^(?P<action>Built) (dynamic|static) translation from (?P<src_interface_name>^:]*)(({acl_name}))?:{src_ip}(({src_fwuser}))? to (?P<dst_interface_name>[^:]*):{dst_ip} action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, acl_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
305010 ^(?P<action>Teardown) (dynamic|static) translation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(({src_fwuser}))?to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip} duration {duration} action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, duration is set to network.session_duration
305011 ^(?P<action>|Built) (dynamic|static) {protocol} translation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}(({src_fwuser}))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
305012 (?P<action>Teardown) (dynamic|static) (?P<protocol>TCP|UDP|ICMP|SCTP) translation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_fwuser})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} duration {duration} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, duration is set to network.session_duration
305013 Asymmetric NAT rules matched for forward and reverse flows; Connection (for )?{protocol} src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})?({src_fwuser})? dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})?<message_text>(?P<summary>(?P<action>denied) due to NAT reverse path failure) summary is set to security_result.summary, action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
305014 Allocated block of ports for translation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
305016 Unable to create protocol connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} due to {summary} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
305017 Pba-interim-logging: Active (?P<protocol>ICMP) block of ports for translation from {src_ip} to {dst_ip}/<message_text> protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
305018 MAP translation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}-{dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} to {src_translated_interface}:{src_translated_address}/{src_translated_port}-{dst_translated_interface}:{dst_translated_address}/{dst_translated_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_translated_interface is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_translated_address is set to principal.nat_ip, src_translated_port is set to principal.nat_port, dst_translated_interface is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_translated_address is set to target.nat_ip, dst_translated_port is set to target.nat_port
305019 MAP node address {dst_ip}/{dst_port} has inconsistent Port Set ID encoding dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
305020 MAP node with address {dst_ip} is not allowed to use port {dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
308001 (Console|console) enable password incorrect for {incorrect_password_attempts} tries (from {dst_ip}) incorrect_password_attempts is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
308001 (Console|console) enable password incorrect for {incorrect_password_attempts} tries (from ssh (remote {dst_ip})) incorrect_password_attempts is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
308002 static {static_global_address} {static_inside_address} netmask <message_text> overlapped with {global_address} {inside_address} static_global_address is set to about.labels.key/value, static_inside_address is set to about.labels.key/value, global_address is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_address is set to about.labels.key/value
312001 RIP hdr failed from {dst_ip}: cmd={cmd}, version={version} domain={target_hostname} on interface {interface_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, cmd is set to about.labels.key/value, version is set to about.labels.key/value, target_hostname is set to target.hostname, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
313001, 313004 (?P<action>Denied) (?P<protocol>ICMP|icmp) type={icmp_type}, code={icmp_code} from {src_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name}( to {dst_ip})? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
313004 (?P<action>Denied) {protocol} type={icmp_type}, from laddr {src_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name} to {dst_ip}: no matching session action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
313005 No matching connection for (?P<protocol>ICMP|icmp) error message: icmp src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(({src_fwuser}))? dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip} (type {icmp_type}, code {icmp_code}) on {src_interface_name} interface.s+ Original IP payload: <message_text> src {ori_src_ip}(/{src_port})? dst {ori_dst_ip}(/{dst_port})?<message_text>, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, ori_src_ip is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_port is set to principal.port, ori_dst_ip is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_port is set to target.port, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value
313008 (?P<action>Denied) IPv6-ICMP type={icmp_type}, code={icmp_code} from {src_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name}( to {dst_ip})? action is set to security_result.action, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
313009 (?P<action>Denied) invalid {protocol} code {icmp_code}, for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} ({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port})({user}])?(({user}))?, ICMP id {icmp_id}, ICMP type {icmp_type} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, user is set to about.labels.key/value, user is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_id is set to network.session_id, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value
314001 Pre-(allocated|allocate) RTSP (?P<protocol>UDP) backconnection for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
314002 RTSP failed to allocate (?P<protocol>UDP) media connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}: {summary} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
314003 Dropped RTSP traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} due to: {summary} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
314004 RTSP client {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} accessed RTSP URL {rtsp_url} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, rtsp_url is set to about.labels.key/value
314005 RTSP client {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} denied access to URL {rtsp_url} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, rtsp_url is set to about.labels.key/value
314006 RTSP client {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} exceeds configured rate limit of {rate} for {request_method} messages src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, rate is set to about.labels.key/value, request_method is set to about.labels.key/value
315011 (?P<application_protocol>SSH) session from {src_ip} on interface {src_interface_name} for user {dst_fwuser}( disconnected by SSH server, reason:)? {summary} application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_fwuser is set to target.user.userid/target.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
315012 Weak SSH cipher ({cipher_name}) provided from client {dst_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name}. Connection failed. Not FIPS 140-2 compliant cipher_name is set to network.tls.cipher, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
315012 Weak SSH MAC ({mac_address}) provided from client {dst_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name}. Connection failed. Not FIPS 140-2 compliant mac_address is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
315013 SSH session from {dst_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name} for user {user_name} rekeyed successfully dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
316001 Denied new tunnel to {dst_ip}. VPN peer limit ({platform_vpn_peer_limit}) exceeded dst_ip is set to target.ip, platform_vpn_peer_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
316002 VPN Handle error: protocol={protocol}, src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}, dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
317002 Bad path index of number for {src_ip}, {max_num} max src_ip is set to principal.ip, max_num is set to about.labels.key/value
317003 IP routing table creation failure -{summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
317005 IP routing table limit exceeded -{summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
317006 Pdb index error {pdb}, {pdb_index}, {pdb_type} pdb is set to about.labels.key/value, pdb_index is set to about.labels.key/value, pdb_type is set to about.labels.key/value
317007 Added {route_type} route {dst_ip} {netmask} via {gateway_address} <message_text> on {interface_name} {route_type} route_type is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, gateway_address is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, route_type is set to about.labels.key/value
317008 Community list check with bad list {list_number} list_number is set to about.labels.key/value
317012 Interface IP route counter negative - {interface_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
318004 area <message_text> lsid {src_ip} mask {netmask} adv {dst_ip} type <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
318005, 318105 lsid {src_ip} adv {dst_ip}<message_text>gateway {gateway_address}<message_text> network {network_address} mask {netmask}<message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, gateway_address is set to about.labels.key/value, network_address is set to about.labels.key/value, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
318007 OSPF is enabled on {interface_name} during idb initialization interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
318008, 613011 OSPF process {process_number} is changing router-id. Reconfigure virtual link neighbors with our new router-id process_number is set to about.labels.key/value
318009 OSPF: Attempted reference of stale data encountered in {function}, line: {line_number} function is set to about.labels.key/value, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value
318012 Process {target_process_name} (re-originates|flushes) LSA ID {src_ip} type-<message_text>adv-rtr {dst_ip}<message_text> target_process_name is set to target.process.pid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
318107 OSPF is enabled on {interface_name} during idb initialization interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
318108 OSPF process {process_number} is changing router-id. Reconfigure virtual link neighbors with our new router-id process_number is set to about.labels.key/value
318110 Invalid encrypted key {encrypted_key} encrypted_key is set to about.labels.key/value
318111 SPI {spi} is already in use with ospf process {process_number} spi is set to about.labels.key/value, process_number is set to about.labels.key/value
318112 SPI {spi} is already in use by a process other than ospf process {process_number} spi is set to about.labels.key/value, process_number is set to about.labels.key/value
318113 s {interface_name} is already configured with SPI {spi} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, spi is set to about.labels.key/value
318114 The key length used with SPI {spi} is not valid spi is set to about.labels.key/value
318115, 318118 {error} (error )?occurred when attempting to <message_text> <message_text> (IPsec|IPSec) policy <message_text> SPI {spi} error is set to about.labels.key/value, spi is set to about.labels.key/value
318116 SPI {spi} is not being used by ospf process {process_number} spi is set to about.labels.key/value, process_number is set to about.labels.key/value
318117 The policy for SPI {spi} could not be removed because it is in use spi is set to about.labels.key/value
318119 Unable to close secure socket with SPI {spi} on interface {interface_name} spi is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
318121 IPsec reported a GENERAL ERROR: message {summary}, count {total_msgs} summary is set to security_result.summary, total_msgs is set to about.labels.key/value
318122 IPsec sent a {specified_message_} message {specified_message} to OSPFv3 for interface {specified_interface}. Recovery attempt {recovery_attempts} specified_message_ is set to about.labels.key/value, specified_message is set to about.labels.key/value, specified_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, recovery_attempts is set to about.labels.key/value
318123 IPsec sent a {specified_message_} message {specified_message} to OSPFv3 for interface {interface_name}. Recovery aborted specified_message_ is set to about.labels.key/value, specified_message is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
318125 Init failed for interface {interface_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
318126 Interface {interface_name} is attached to more than one area interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
319001, 319002 Acknowledge for <message_text> update for IP address {dst_ip} not received<message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip
319003 Arp update for IP address {dst_ip} to NP<message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip
319004 Route update for IP address {dst_ip} failed<message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip
321001, 321002 Resource {resource} (rate )?limit of {resource_limit} reached resource is set to target.resource.name, resource_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
321003, 321004 Resource {resource} (rate )?log level of {log_level} reached resource is set to target.resource.name, log_level is set to about.labels.key/value
321005 System CPU utilization reached {utilization}% utilization is set to about.labels.key/value
321006 System (M|m)emory usage reached {utilization}\s*% utilization is set to about.labels.key/value
321007 System is low on free memory blocks of size {block_size} ({free_blocks} CNT out of {max_blocks} MAX) block_size is set to about.labels.key/value, free_blocks is set to about.labels.key/value, max_blocks is set to about.labels.key/value
322001 (?P<action>Deny) MAC address {src_mac}, possible spoof attempt on interface {interface_name} action is set to security_result.action, src_mac is set to principal.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
322002 ARP inspection check failed for arp {action_details} received from host {src_mac} on interface {interface_name}. This host is advertising MAC Address {mac_address_1} for IP Address {dst_ip} , which is <message_text> bound to MAC Address {mac_address_2} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, src_mac is set to principal.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, mac_address_1 is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, mac_address_2 is set to about.labels.key/value
322003 ARP inspection check failed for arp {action_details} received from host {src_mac} on interface {interface_name}\s*. This host is advertising MAC Address {mac_address_1} for IP Address {dst_ip} , which is not bound to any MAC Address action_details is set to security_result.action_details, src_mac is set to principal.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, mac_address_1 is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
322004 No management IP address configured for transparent firewall. Dropping protocol {protocol} packet from {input_interface}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {output_interface}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, output_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
323001 Module {module_id} experienced a control channel communication(s)? failure module_id is set to about.labels.key/value
323001 Module in slot {slot_number} experienced a control channel communication(s)? failure slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
323002 Module {module_id} is not able to shut down, shut down request not answered module_id is set to about.labels.key/value
323002 Module in slot {slot_number} is not able to shut down, shut down request not answered slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
323003 Module {module_id} is not able to reload, reload request not answered module_id is set to about.labels.key/value
323003 Module in slot {slot_number} is not able to reload, reload request not answered slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
323004 Module {info} failed to write software {new_version_number} (currently {current_version_number}), {summary}. Hw-module reset is required before further use info is set to about.labels.key/value, new_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, current_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
323005 Module {module_id} (?P<tag>cannot|can not) be started completely module_id is set to about.labels.key/value
323005 Module in slot {slot_number} cannot be started completely slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
324000 Drop GTPv {version} message {msg_type} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} Reason: {summary} version is set to about.labels.key/value, msg_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
324001 GTPv0 packet parsing error from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, TID: {tid_value}, Reason: {summary} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, tid_value is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
324002 No PDPMCB] exists to process GTPv0 {msg_type} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, TID: {tid_value} msg_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, tid_value is set to about.labels.key/value
324003 No matching request to process GTPv {version} {msg_type} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? version is set to about.labels.key/value, msg_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
324004 GTP packet with version{version} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? is not supported version is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
324005 Unable to create tunnel from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
324006 GSN {dst_ip} tunnel limit {tunnel_limit} exceeded, PDP Context TID {tid_value} failed dst_ip is set to target.ip, tunnel_limit is set to about.labels.key/value, tid_value is set to about.labels.key/value
324007 Unable to create GTP connection for response from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
324010 Subscriber {imsi} PDP Context activated on network MCC/MNC {mccmnc} (<message_text>)( CellID {cell_id})? imsi is set to about.labels.key/value, mccmnc is set to about.labels.key/value, cell_id is set to about.labels.key/value
324300 Radius Accounting Request from {dst_ip} has an incorrect request authenticator dst_ip is set to target.ip
324301 Radius Accounting Request has a bad header length {header_length}, packet length {packet_length} header_length is set to about.labels.key/value, packet_length is set to about.labels.key/value
325001 Router {ipv6_address} on {interface_name} has conflicting ND (Neighbor Discovery) settings ipv6_address is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
325002 Duplicate address {ipv6_address}/{src_mac} on {interface_name} ipv6_address is set to about.labels.key/value, src_mac is set to principal.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
325003 <message_text>source address check failed.{action} packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? with source MAC address {src_mac} action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_mac is set to principal.mac
325004 IPv6 Extension Header {header_type} action configuration. {protocol} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? header_type is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
325006 IPv6 Extension Header not in order: Type {header_type} occurs after Type <message_text>\s*. (?P<protocol>TCP) <message_text> from inside {src_interface_name}\s*:{src_ip}\s*/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}\s*:{dst_ip}\s*/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, header_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
326001 Unexpected error in the timer library: {error} error is set to about.labels.key/value
326005 Mrib notification failed for ({dst_ip}, {dst_ip1}) dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
326006, 326007 Entry-(?P<tag>creation|update) failed for ({dst_ip}, {dst_ip1}) dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
326012 Initialization of {functionality} functionality failed functionality is set to about.labels.key/value
326014 Initialization failed: error_message {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
326015 Communication error: error_message {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
326016 Failed to set un-numbered interface for {interface_name} ({info}) interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, info is set to about.labels.key/value
326026 Server unexpected error: {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
326027 Corrupted update: {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
326028 Asynchronous error: {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
328001 Attempt made to overwrite a set stub function in {function} function is set to about.labels.key/value
328002 Attempt made in {register_key} to register with out of bounds key register_key is set to about.labels.key/value
329001 The <message_text> subblock named {sub_block_name} was not removed sub_block_name is set to about.labels.key/value
331001 Dynamic DNS Update for '{target_hostname}'= {dst_ip} failed target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip
331002 Dynamic DNS {type} RR for ('{target_hostname}' - {dst_ip}|{dst_ip}- '{target_hostname}') successfully updated in DNS server {dst_ip} type is set to about.labels.key/value, target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip
332003, 332004 Web Cache {dst_ip}/{service_id} <message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip, service_id is set to about.labels.key/value
333001, 333003 {protocol} association <message_text>- context:{session_id} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id
333002 Timeout waiting for EAP response- context:{session_id} session_id is set to network.session_id
333009, 333010 {protocol}-SQ response .* - context:{session_id} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id
334001, 334002, 334003 EAPoUDP association .* - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
334004 Authentication request for NAC Clientless host - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
334005 Host put into NAC Hold state - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
334006 {response} failed to get a response from host - {dst_ip} response is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
334007 {response} association terminated - {dst_ip} response is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
334008 <message_text> EAP association initiated - {dst_ip} , EAP context: {session_id} dst_ip is set to target.ip, session_id is set to network.session_id
334009 Audit request for <message_text> Clientless host - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
335001 NAC session initialized - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
335002 Host is on the NAC Exception List - {dst_ip} , OS: {target_platform} dst_ip is set to target.ip, target_platform is set to target.platform
335003 NAC Default ACL applied, ACL:{acl_name} - {dst_ip} acl_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
335004 NAC is disabled for host - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
335005 NAC Downloaded ACL parse failure - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
335006 NAC Applying ACL: {acl_name} - {dst_ip} acl_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
335008 NAC (IPsec|IPSec) terminate from dynamic ACL:{acl_name} - {dst_ip} acl_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
335009 NAC Revalidate request by administrative action - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
335010 NAC Revalidate All request by administrative action - {num_of_sessions} sessions num_of_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value
335011 NAC Revalidate Group request by administrative action for {group_name} group - {num_of_sessions} sessions group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, num_of_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value
335012 NAC Initialize request by administrative action - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
335013 NAC Initialize All request by administrative action - {num_of_sessions} sessions num_of_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value
335014 NAC Initialize Group request by administrative action for {group_name} group - {num_of_sessions} sessions group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, num_of_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value
336001 Route {route_name} stuck-in-active state in EIGRP-{dst_ip} {eigrp_router}. Cleaning up route_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, eigrp_router is set to about.labels.key/value
336002 Handle {handle_id} is not allocated in pool handle_id is set to about.labels.key/value
336003 No buffers available for {no_of_bytes} byte packet no_of_bytes is set to about.labels.key/value
336004 Negative refcount in pakdesc {packet_identifier} packet_identifier is set to about.labels.key/value
336005 Flow control error, {error_message} , on {interface_name} error_message is set to security_result.description, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
336006 {no_of_peers} peers exist on IIDB {interface_name} no_of_peers is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
336008 Lingering DRDB deleting IIDB, dest {dst_ip}, {next_hop_address} ({interface_name}), origin {origin_str} dst_ip is set to target.ip, next_hop_address is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, origin_str is set to about.labels.key/value
336009 {pdm_name} {autonomous_system_id}: Internal Error pdm_name is set to about.labels.key/value, autonomous_system_id is set to about.labels.key/value
336010 {protocol}-<message_text> {table_id} {autonomous_system_id}: Neighbor {neighbor_address} (<message_text>) is {event_msg}: {security_description} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, table_id is set to about.labels.key/value, autonomous_system_id is set to about.labels.key/value, neighbor_address is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, event_msg is set to about.labels.key/value, security_description is set to security_result.description
336012 Interface {interface_name} going down and {neighbor_links} links exist interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, neighbor_links is set to about.labels.key/value
336013 Route iproute, {iproute_successors} successors, {db_successors} rdbs iproute_successors is set to about.labels.key/value, db_successors is set to about.labels.key/value
336015 Unable to open socket for AS {as_number} as_number is set to about.labels.key/value
336016 Unknown timer type {timer_type} expiration timer_type is set to about.labels.key/value
336019 {target_file_full_path} {as_number}: {prefix_source} threshold prefix level ({prefix_threshold}) reached target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, as_number is set to about.labels.key/value, prefix_source is set to about.labels.key/value, prefix_threshold is set to about.labels.key/value
337000 Created BFD session with local discriminator <{id}> on <{real_interface}> with neighbor <{dst_ip} id is set to about.labels.key/value, real_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
337001 Terminated BFD session with local discriminator <{id}> on <{real_interface}> with neighbor <{dst_ip}> due to <{summary}> id is set to about.labels.key/value, real_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
337005 Phone Proxy SRTP: Media session not found for media_term_ip/media_term_port for packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
338001 Dynamic filter monitored blacklisted protocol traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} , (<message_text>), source malicious address resolved from local or dynamic list: domain name, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338003 Dynamic filter monitored blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} , (<message_text>), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {ip_address}/{subnet_mask}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338004 Dynamic (Filter|filter) (permitted|monitored) blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {ip_address}/{subnet_mask}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338005 Dynamic filter dropped blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338006 Dynamic filter dropped blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338007 Dynamic filter dropped blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {ip_address}/{subnet_mask}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338008 Dynamic (Filter|filter) dropped blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {ip_address}/{subnet_mask}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338103 Dynamic filter {filter_action} whitelisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, (<message_text>), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {ip_address}/{subnet_mask} filter_action is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value
338101 Dynamic filter {filter_action} whitelisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, (<message_text>), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name} filter_action is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
338102 Dynamic filter {filter_action} whitelisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name} filter_action is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
338104 Dynamic filter {filter_action} whitelisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {ip_address}/{subnet_mask} filter_action is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value
338201 Dynamic filter monitored greylisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, (<message_text>), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338202 Dynamic filter monitored greylisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338203 Dynamic filter dropped greylisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), source {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338204 Dynamic (Filter|filter) dropped greylisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination ({malicious_address}|malicious address) resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}, threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338002 Dynamic (Filter|filter) (permitted|monitored) blacklisted {protocol} traffic from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}({src_mapped_ip}/{src_mapped_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}({dst_mapped_ip}/{dst_mapped_port}), destination {malicious_address} resolved from (local|dynamic) list: {domain_name}( threat-level: {threat_level}, category: {category})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_mapped_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mapped_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_mapped_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mapped_port is set to target.labels.key/value, malicious_address is set to about.labels.key/value, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, threat_level is set to about.labels.key/value, category is set to security_result.category_details
338301 Intercepted DNS reply for domain {domain_name} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} , matched {administrator_list} domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, administrator_list is set to about.labels.key/value
338302 Address {dst_ip} discovered for domain {domain_name} from {administrator_list} , Adding rule dst_ip is set to target.ip, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, administrator_list is set to about.labels.key/value
338303 Address {dst_ip} ({domain_name}) timed out(.|,) Removing rule dst_ip is set to target.ip, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
338304 Successfully downloaded dynamic filter data file from updater server {redirect_url} redirect_url is set to target.url
338305 Failed to download dynamic filter data file from updater server {redirect_url} redirect_url is set to target.url
338306 Failed to authenticate with dynamic filter updater server {redirect_url} redirect_url is set to target.url
338308 Dynamic filter updater server dynamically changed from {src_hostname} : {src_port} to {target_hostname} : {dst_port} src_hostname is set to principal.hostname, src_port is set to principal.port, target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_port is set to target.port
338310 Failed to update from dynamic filter updater server {redirect_url}, reason: {summary} redirect_url is set to target.url, summary is set to security_result.summary
339001 <message_text> certificate update failed for <{num_tries}> num_tries is set to about.labels.key/value
339002 Umbrella device registration failed with error code <{error_code}> error_code is set to security_result.description
339005 Umbrella device registration failed after <{num_tries}> retries num_tries is set to about.labels.key/value
339006 Umbrella resolver {current_resolver} {dst_ip} is reachable, resuming Umbrella redirect current_resolver is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
339007 Umbrella resolver {current_resolver} {dst_ip} is unreachable, moving to fail-open. Starting probe to resolver current_resolver is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
339008 Umbrella resolver {current_resolver} {dst_ip} is unreachable, moving to fail-close current_resolver is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
340001 Loopback-proxy error: {summary} context id {context_id} , context type = {version_protocol}/{request_type}/{address_type} client socket (internal)= {src_ip}/{src_port} server socket (internal)= {server_address_internal} /{server_port_internal} server socket (external)= {server_address_external} /{server_port_external} remote socket (external)= {dst_ip}/{dst_port} summary is set to security_result.summary, context_id is set to about.labels.key/value, version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, request_type is set to about.labels.key/value, address_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, server_address_internal is set to about.labels.key/value, server_port_internal is set to about.labels.key/value, server_address_external is set to about.labels.key/value, server_port_external is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
340002 Loopback-proxy info: {summary} context id {context_id} , context type = {version_protocol}/{request_type}/{address_type} client socket (internal)= {src_ip}/{src_port} server socket (internal)= {server_address_internal}/{server_port_internal} server socket (external)= {server_address_external}/{server_port_external} remote socket (external)= {dst_ip}/{dst_port} summary is set to security_result.summary, context_id is set to about.labels.key/value, version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, request_type is set to about.labels.key/value, address_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, server_address_internal is set to about.labels.key/value, server_port_internal is set to about.labels.key/value, server_address_external is set to about.labels.key/value, server_port_external is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
341001, 341002 Policy Agent (started|stopped) successfully for {dst_service} {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
341003 Policy Agent failed to start for {dst_service} {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
341004 Storage device not available: Attempt to shutdown module {software_module_name} failed software_module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
341005 Storage device not available. Shutdown issued for module {software_module_name} software_module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
341006 Storage device not available. Failed to stop recovery of module {software_module_name} software_module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
341007 Storage device not available. Further recovery of module {software_module_name} was stopped.* software_module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
341008 Storage device not found. Auto-boot of module {software_module_name} cancelled.* software_module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
341010 Storage device with serial number {serial_number} (inserted into|removed from) bay {bay_no} serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value, bay_no is set to about.labels.key/value
341011 Storage device with serial number {serial_number} in bay {bay_no} faulty serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value, bay_no is set to about.labels.key/value
342002 REST API Agent failed, reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
342006, 342008 Failed to (install|uninstall) REST API image, reason: <{summary}> summary is set to security_result.summary
400000 to 400050 {label} {protocol} (?P<summary><message_text>) from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name} summary is set to security_result.summary, label is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
400000 to 400050 {label} (?P<summary><message_text>) from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} on interface {dst_interface_name} summary is set to security_result.summary, label is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
401002 Shun added: IP_address {src_ip} port {src_port} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
401003 Shun deleted: {src_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip
401004 Shunned packet:<message_text>= {src_ip} on interface {src_interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value
401004 Shunned packet:{src_ip} {pkg_direction} {dst_ip} on interface {dst_interface} src_ip is set to principal.ip, pkg_direction is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_interface is set to about.labels.key/value
401005 Shun add failed: unable to allocate resources for<message_text> {src_ip} port {src_port} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
402114 IPSEC: Received an {protocol} packet (SPI={spi} , sequence number={seq_number}) from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} with an invalid SPI protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
402115 IPSEC: Received a packet from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} containing {received_protocol} data instead of {expected_protocol} data src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_protocol is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_protocol is set to about.labels.key/value
402116 IPSEC: Received an {protocol} packet (SPI={spi}, sequence number={seq_number}) from {src_ip} ({src_username}) to {dst_ip}. The decapsulated inner packet doesn't match the negotiated policy in the SA. The packet specifies its destination as {dst_ip1}, its source as {src_ip1}, and its protocol as tcp. The SA specifies its local proxy as {src_ip2}/{local_proxy_port} and its remote_proxy as {dst_ip2}/{remote_proxy_subnetmask}/{remote_transport_protocol}/{remote_proxy_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip, src_ip2 is set to principal.ip, local_proxy_subnetmask is set to about.labels.key/value, local_transport_protocol is set to about.labels.key/value, local_proxy_port is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip2 is set to target.ip, remote_proxy_subnetmask is set to about.labels.key/value, remote_transport_protocol is set to about.labels.key/value, remote_proxy_port is set to about.labels.key/value

"security_result.category" is set to "NETWORK_SUSPICIOUS"

"network.direction" is set to "INBOUND"

402117 IPSEC: Received a non-IPsec ({protocol}) packet from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
402118 IPSEC: Received an {protocol} packet (SPI={spi}, sequence number={seq_number}) from {src_ip} ({src_username}) to {dst_ip} containing an illegal IP fragment of length {frag_len} with offset {frag_offset} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, frag_len is set to about.labels.key/value, frag_offset is set to about.labels.key/value
402119 IPSEC: Received an {protocol} packet (SPI={spi}, sequence number={seq_number}) from {src_ip} ({src_username}) to {dst_ip} that failed anti-replay checking protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
402120 IPSEC: Received an {protocol} packet (SPI={spi} , sequence number={seq_number}) from {src_ip} ({src_username}) to {dst_ip} that failed authentication protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
402121 IPSEC: Received an {protocol} packet (SPI={spi} , sequence number={seq_number}) from {src_ip} ({src_username}) to {dst_ip} that was dropped by (IPsec|IPSec) ({summary}) protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
402122 Received a cleartext packet from {src_ip} to {dst_ip} that was to be encapsulated in (IPsec|IPSec) that was dropped by (IPsec|IPSec) ({summary}) src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
402123 {category}: The {accel_type} hardware accelerator encountered an error (code={error_message}) while executing crypto command {command} category is set to security_result.category_details, accel_type is set to about.labels.key/value, error_message is set to security_result.description, command is set to target.process.command_line
402124 {category}: The ASA hardware accelerator encountered an error (HWErrAddr= {hardware_error_address}, Core= {crypto_core}, HwErrCode= {hardware_error_code}, IstatReg= 0x8, PciErrReg= 0x0, CoreErrStat= 0x41, CoreErrAddr={core_error_address},<message_text>) category is set to security_result.category_details, hardware_error_address is set to about.labels.key/value, crypto_core is set to about.labels.key/value, hardware_error_code is set to about.labels.key/value, core_error_address is set to about.labels.key/value
402125 The ASA hardware accelerator {ring} timed out ({parameters}) ring is set to about.labels.key/value, parameters is set to about.labels.key/value
402126 {category}: The ASA created Crypto Archive File {target_file_full_path} as a Soft Reset was necessary category is set to security_result.category_details, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
402127 {category}: The ASA is skipping the writing of latest Crypto Archive File as the maximum # of files, {max_num}, allowed have been written to {target_file_full_path}. Please {summary} if you want more Crypto Archive Files saved category is set to security_result.category_details, max_num is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, summary is set to security_result.summary
402128 {category}: An attempt to allocate a large memory block failed, size: {block_size}, limit: {limit} category is set to security_result.category_details, block_size is set to about.labels.key/value, limit is set to about.labels.key/value
402129 {category}: An attempt to release a DMA memory block failed, location: {address} category is set to security_result.category_details, address is set to about.labels.key/value
402130 {category}: Received an ESP packet (SPI = {spi}, sequence number={sequence_number}) from {src_ip} (user={user_name}) to {dst_ip} with incorrect (IPsec|IPSec) padding category is set to security_result.category_details, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
402131 {category}: {summary} changing the {accel_instance} hardware accelerator's configuration bias from {old_config_bias} to {new_config_bias} category is set to security_result.category_details, summary is set to security_result.summary, accel_instance is set to about.labels.key/value, old_config_bias is set to about.labels.key/value, new_config_bias is set to about.labels.key/value
402140 {category}: {summary}: modulus len {length} category is set to security_result.category_details, summary is set to security_result.summary, length is set to about.labels.key/value
402141 {category}: {summary}: key set {crypto_type}, reason {error_message} category is set to security_result.category_details, summary is set to security_result.summary, crypto_type is set to about.labels.key/value, error_message is set to security_result.description
402142 {category}: {summary}: algorithm {algorithm}, mode {mode} category is set to security_result.category_details, summary is set to security_result.summary, algorithm is set to about.labels.key/value, mode is set to about.labels.key/value
402144 {category}: Digital signature error: signature algorithm {signature} , hash algorithm {algo_hash} category is set to security_result.category_details, signature is set to about.labels.key/value, algo_hash is set to about.labels.key/value
402146 {category}: Keyed hash generation error: algorithm {algo_hash}, key len {length} category is set to security_result.category_details, algo_hash is set to about.labels.key/value, length is set to about.labels.key/value
402145 {category}: Hash generation error: algorithm {algo_hash} category is set to security_result.category_details, algo_hash is set to about.labels.key/value
402147 {category}: HMAC generation error: algorithm {algorithm} category is set to security_result.category_details, algorithm is set to about.labels.key/value
402149 {category}: weak {encryption_type} ({length}). Operation disallowed. Not FIPS 140-2 compliant category is set to security_result.category_details, encryption_type is set to about.labels.key/value, length is set to about.labels.key/value
402150 {category}: Deprecated hash algorithm used for RSA {operation} ({algo_hash}). Operation disallowed. Not FIPS 140-2 compliant category is set to security_result.category_details, operation is set to about.labels.key/value, algo_hash is set to about.labels.key/value
403101 PPTP session state not established, but received an X{protocol} packet, tunnel_id={tunnel_id}, session_id={session_id} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, session_id is set to network.session_id
403102 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} rcvd pkt with invalid protocol: {protocol}, reason: {summary} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, summary is set to security_result.summary
403104 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} requires mschap for MPPE interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403106 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} requires RADIUS for MPPE interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403107 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} missing aaa server group info interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403108 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} missing client ip address option interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403109 Rec'd packet not an PPTP packet. ({dst_ip}) dest_address={dst_ip}, src_addr={src_ip}, data:.* dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip is set to principal.ip
403110 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} , user: {src_username} missing MPPE key from {resource} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, resource is set to target.resource.name
403500 PPPoE - Service name 'any' not received in PADO. {interface_name} AC:{ac_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, ac_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403501 PPPoE - Bad host-unique in PADO - packet dropped. {interface_name} AC:{ac_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, ac_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403502 PPPoE - Bad host-unique in PADS - dropping packet. {interface_name} AC:{ac_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, ac_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403503 PPPoE:PPP link down:{summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
403504 PPPoE:No 'vpdn group {group_name}' for PPPoE is created group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
403505 PPPoE:PPP - Unable to set default route to {dst_ip} at {interface_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403506 PPPoE:failed to assign PPP {dst_ip} netmask {subnet_mask} at {interface_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
403507 PPPoE:PPPoE client on interface {interface_name} failed to locate PPPoE vpdn group {group_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
405001 Received ARP {action_details} collision from {dst_ip}/{dst_mac} on interface {interface_name} with existing ARP entry {src_ip}/{src_mac} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mac is set to target.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mac is set to principal.mac
405002 Received mac mismatch collision from {dst_ip}/{dst_mac} for authenticated host dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_mac is set to target.mac
405003 IP address collision detected between host {src_ip} at {src_mac} and interface {interface_name}, {dst_mac} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_mac is set to principal.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_mac is set to target.mac
405101 Unable to Pre-allocate H225 Call Signalling Connection for (foreign_address|faddr) {dst_ip} /{dst_port}] to (local_address|laddr) {src_ip} [/{src_port}] dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
405102 Unable to Pre-allocate H245 Connection for (foreign_address|faddr) {dst_ip} /{dst_port}] to (local_address|laddr) {src_ip} [/{src_port}] dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
405103 H225 message from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} contains bad protocol discriminator {hex} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hex is set to about.labels.key/value
405104 H225 message<message_text>received from {dst_ip}/{dst_port} to {src_ip}/{src_port} before SETUP dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
405105 H323 RAS message AdmissionConfirm received from {dst_ip}/{dst_port} to {src_ip}/{src_port} without an AdmissionRequest dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
405106 H323 {channel_number} channel is not created from <message_text> channel_number is set to about.labels.key/value
405201 ILS {ILS_message_type} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:/{dst_ip} has wrong embedded address {embedded_ip_address} ILS_message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, embedded_ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value
405300 Radius Accounting Request received from {dst_ip} is not allowed dst_ip is set to target.ip
405301 Attribute {attribute_number} does not match for user {dst_ip} attribute_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
406001 FTP port command low port: {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
406002 FTP port command different address: IP_address({src_ip}) to {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
407001 Deny traffic for local-host {interface_name}:{dst_ip} , license limit of {license_limit_number} exceeded interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, license_limit_number is set to about.labels.key/value
407002 Embryonic limit {nconns}/{elimit} for through connections exceeded.{dst_ip}/{dst_port} to {global_address} ({src_ip})/{src_port} on interface {interface_name} nconns is set to about.labels.key/value, elimit is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, global_address is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
408001 IP route counter negative - {summary}, {dst_ip} Attempt: {attempt_number} summary is set to security_result.summary, dst_ip is set to target.ip, attempt_number is set to about.labels.key/value
408002 ospf process {route_id} {route_name} {route_type} update {address1} {netmask1} {distance1}/{metric1}] via source {src_ip} :{interface1} {address2} {netmask2} [{distance2}/{metric2}] {interface2} route_id is set to about.labels.key/value, route_name is set to about.labels.key/value, route_type is set to about.labels.key/value, address1 is set to about.labels.key/value, netmask1 is set to about.labels.key/value, distance1 is set to about.labels.key/value, metric1 is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, interface1 is set to about.labels.key/value, address2 is set to about.labels.key/value, netmask2 is set to about.labels.key/value, distance2 is set to about.labels.key/value, metric2 is set to about.labels.key/value, interface2 is set to about.labels.key/value
408003 can't track this type of object {hex} hex is set to about.labels.key/value
408101 KEYMAN : Type {encrption_type} encryption unknown. Interpreting keystring as literal encrption_type is set to about.labels.key/value
408102 KEYMAN : Bad encrypted keystring for {encrypted_key} id {encrypted_key_id} encrypted_key is set to about.labels.key/value, encrypted_key_id is set to about.labels.key/value
409002 db_free: external LSA {dst_ip} {subnet_mask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value
409003 Received invalid packet: {summary} from {dst_ip} , {interface_name} summary is set to security_result.summary, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409004 Received reason from unknown neighbor {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
409005 Invalid length number in OSPF packet from {dst_ip} (ID {src_ip}), {interface_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip is set to principal.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409006 Invalid lsa: {summary} Type {lsa_number} , LSID <message_text> from {dst_ip} , <message_text> , {interface_name} summary is set to security_result.summary, lsa_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409007 Found LSA with the same host bit set but using different mask LSA ID {src_ip} {src_netmask} New: Destination {dst_ip} {dst_netmask} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_netmask is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_netmask is set to target.labels.key/value
409008, 409106 Found generating default LSA with non-zero mask LSA type: {lsa_number} Mask: {netmask} metric: {metric_number} area: {area} lsa_number is set to about.labels.key/value, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, metric_number is set to about.labels.key/value, area is set to about.labels.key/value
409010, 409108 Virtual link information found in non-backbone area: {area} area is set to about.labels.key/value
409011 OSPF detected duplicate router-id {duplicate_ip} from {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} duplicate_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409012 Detected router with duplicate router ID {dst_ip} in area {area} dst_ip is set to target.ip, area is set to about.labels.key/value
409013 Detected router with duplicate router ID {duplicate_ip} in Type-4 LSA advertised by {dst_ip} duplicate_ip is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
409014 No valid authentication send {authentication_key} is available on interface {interface_name} authentication_key is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409015 Key ID {key_id} received on interface {interface_name} key_id is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409016 Key chain name {key_chain_name} on {interface_name} is invalid key_chain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409017 Key ID {key_id} in key chain {key_chain_name} is invalid key_id is set to about.labels.key/value, key_chain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409023 Attempting AAA Fallback method {method_name} for {request_type} request for user {user_name} :{auth_server} group {server_tag} unreachable method_name is set to about.labels.key/value, request_type is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, auth_server is set to about.labels.key/value, server_
409101 Received invalid packet: {packet} from {sender} , <message_text> packet is set to about.labels.key/value, sender is set to about.labels.key/value
409102 Received packet with incorrect area from {sender} , {packet} , area {interface_area_id_str} , packet area {packet_area_id_str} sender is set to about.labels.key/value, packet is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value, packet_area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value
409103 Received {packet} from unknown neighbor {neighbor} packet is set to about.labels.key/value, neighbor is set to about.labels.key/value
409104 Invalid length {packet_length} in OSPF packet type {packet_type} from {sender} (ID {packet_id}), {packet} packet_length is set to about.labels.key/value, packet_type is set to about.labels.key/value, sender is set to about.labels.key/value, packet_id is set to about.labels.key/value, packet is set to about.labels.key/value
409105 Invalid lsa: {lsa_name} : Type 0x {lsa_type} , Length 0x {lsa_length} , LSID {lsid} from {sender} lsa_name is set to about.labels.key/value, lsa_type is set to about.labels.key/value, lsa_length is set to about.labels.key/value, lsid is set to about.labels.key/value, sender is set to about.labels.key/value
409107 OSPFv3 process {target_process_name} could not pick a router-id, please configure manually target_process_name is set to target.process.pid
409109 OSPF detected duplicate router-id {router_id} from <message_text> on interface {interface_name} router_id is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409110 Detected router with duplicate router ID {router_id} in area {area_id_str} router_id is set to about.labels.key/value, area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value
409111 Multiple interfaces ({interface_name}) on a single link detected interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409114 Doubly linked list prev linkage is NULL {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
409115 Unrecognized timer {timer} in OSPF {ofps} timer is set to about.labels.key/value, ofps is set to about.labels.key/value
409116 Error for timer {timer} in OSPF process {target_process_name} timer is set to about.labels.key/value, target_process_name is set to target.process.pid
409117 Can't find LSA database type {database_type}, area {area_id_str}, interface {interface_name} database_type is set to about.labels.key/value, area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
409120, 613029 Router-ID {router_id} is in use by ospf process {ospf_process} router_id is set to about.labels.key/value, ospf_process is set to about.labels.key/value
409128 OSPFv3<message_text>Area {area_id_str}: Router {router} originating invalid<message_text>, ID {id}, Metric {metric_number} on Link ID {link_id} Link Type {link_type} area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value, router is set to about.labels.key/value, id is set to about.labels.key/value, metric_number is set to about.labels.key/value, link_id is set to about.labels.key/value, link_type is set to about.labels.key/value
410001 ({action} )?(?P<protocol>UDP) DNS <message_text> from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port};<message_text>length <message_text> bytes exceeds (remaining packet length|protocol|configured)( limit of)? <message_text> bytes protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
410002 (?P<action>Dropped) {dropped_requests} (?P<protocol>DNS) responses with mis-matched id in the past {seconds}<message_text> from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dropped_requests is set to about.labels.key/value, seconds is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
410003, 410004 {action_class}:{action} DNS (query|response) from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} action_class is set to about.labels.key/value, action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
411001, 411002 Line protocol on (interface|Interface) {interface_name} changed state to <message_text> interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
411005 Interface {interface_name} experienced a hardware transmit hang. The interface has been reset interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
412001 MAC {src_mac} moved from {src_interface_name} to {dst_interface_name} src_mac is set to principal.mac, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
412002 Detected bridge table full while inserting MAC {src_mac} on interface {src_interface_name}. Number of entries = {no_of_fields} src_mac is set to principal.mac, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, no_of_fields is set to about.labels.key/value
413001, 413002 Module {module_id} is not able to (shut down|reload). Module Error: {summary} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
413003 Module {module_name} one is not a recognized type module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
413004 Module {module_name} one failed to write software {new_version_number} (currently {current_version_number}), {summary}. Trying again module_name is set to about.labels.key/value, new_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, current_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
413005 Module {product_id} in slot {slot_number}, application is not supported {target_service} version {app_version} type {app_type} product_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, app_version is set to about.labels.key/value, app_type is set to about.labels.key/value
413005 Module {module_id}, application is not supported {target_service} version {app_version} type {app_type} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, app_version is set to about.labels.key/value, app_type is set to about.labels.key/value
413006 {product_id} Module software version mismatch; slot {slot_number} is<message_text>version {running_version}. Slot <message_text>requires {required_version} product_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, running_version is set to about.labels.key/value, required_version is set to about.labels.key/value
413007 An unsupported ASA and IPS configuration is installed. {mpc_description} with {ips_description} is not supported mpc_description is set to about.labels.key/value, ips_description is set to about.labels.key/value
414001 Failed to save logging buffer using file name {src_file_full_path} to FTP server {src_ip} on interface {interface_name}: {summary} src_file_full_path is set to src.file.full_path, src_ip is set to principal.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
414002 Failed to save logging buffer to flash:/syslog directory using file name: {src_file_full_path}: {summary} src_file_full_path is set to src.file.full_path, summary is set to security_result.summary
414003 (?P<protocol>TCP) Syslog Server {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} not responding, New connections are (?P<action>permitted|denied) based on logging permit-hostdown policy protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
414004 (?P<protocol>TCP) Syslog Server {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}- Connection restored protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
414005 (?P<protocol>TCP) Syslog Server {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} connected, New connections are permitted based on logging permit-hostdown policy protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
415001, 415002 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, header field <message_text> exceeded {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415003, 415005, 415018 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, <message_text> length exceeded {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415004 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, content-type verification failed {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415006, 415007, 415008, 415009 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, <message_text> matched {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415010 matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, transfer encoding matched {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415011 HTTP - policy-map {map_name} :Protocol violation {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415012 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, (Unknown|unknown) mime-type {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415013 HTTP - policy-map {map_name}:(Malformed|malformed) chunked encoding {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415014 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, Mime-type in response wasn't found in the accept-types of the request {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415015 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, transfer-encoding unknown {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415017 HTTP - {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, <message_text> matched {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415016 policy-map {policy_name}:Maximum number of unanswered HTTP requests exceeded {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} policy_name is set to target.resource.name, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415019 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, status line matched {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
415020 HTTP - matched {matched_string} in policy-map {map_name}, a non-ASCII character was matched {connection_action} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} matched_string is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_action is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
416001 (?P<action>Dropped) (?P<protocol>UDP) SNMP packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}; version ({version_protocol}) is not allowed (through|thru) the firewall action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol
417004 Filter violation error: conn {modified_attribute_number} <message_text> modified_attribute_number is set to about.labels.key/value
417006 No memory for {operation} ) in {dst_operation}. Handling: {another_mechanism} operation is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_operation is set to about.labels.key/value, another_mechanism is set to about.labels.key/value
418001 Through-the-device packet to/from management-only network is denied: {protocol} src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}

Through-the-device packet to/from management-only network is denied: {protocol} from {src_interface_name} {src_ip} ({src_port}) ([<message_text>], {src_sg_info} )] to {dst_interface_name} {dst_ip} ({dst_port}) [(<message_text> ), {dst_sg_info} ]

protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_sg_info is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_sg_info is set to target.labels.key/value
418018 neighbor {dst_ip} IPv4 Unicast topology base removed from session {summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
418018 neighbor {dst_ip} (Down|Up){summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
418019 (sent to|received from) neighbor {dst_ip}, Reason: {summary}, Bytes: {bytes_transferred} dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary, bytes_transferred is set to about.labels.key/value
418019 (sent to|received from) neighbor {dst_ip}<message_text>bytes {bytes_transferred} dst_ip is set to target.ip, bytes_transferred is set to about.labels.key/value
418019 (received from|sent to) neighbor {dst_ip}<message_text>{bytes_transferred} bytes dst_ip is set to target.ip, bytes_transferred is set to about.labels.key/value
419001 Dropping {protocol} packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} , {summary} : MSS exceeded, MSS {mss_size} , data {data_size} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary, mss_size is set to about.labels.key/value, data_size is set to about.labels.key/value
419002 (Received )?(duplicate|Duplicate) TCP SYN from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} with different initial sequence number src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
419003 Cleared {protocol} urgent flag from {dst_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {src_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
419004 TCP connection {connection_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} is probed by DCD connection_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
419005 TCP connection {connection_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} duration {duration} data {bytes_transferred}, is kept open by DCD as valid connection connection_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, duration is set to network.session_duration, bytes_transferred is set to about.labels.key/value
419006 TCP connection {connection_id} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} duration{duration} data {bytes_transferred}, DCD probe was not responded from (client|server) interface {interface_name} connection_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, duration is set to network.session_duration, bytes_transferred is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
420001 IPS card not up and fail-close mode used, dropping ICMP packet {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip} (type {icmp_type}, code {icmp_code} ) src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value
420002 IPS requested to drop {protocol} packet(s)?( from)? {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})?( (type {icmp_type}, code {icmp_code} ))? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, icmp_type is set to about.labels.key/value, icmp_code is set to about.labels.key/value
420003 IPS requested to reset TCP connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
420004 Virtual Sensor {sensor_name} was added on the AIP SSM sensor_name is set to about.labels.key/value
420005 Virtual Sensor {sensor_name} was deleted on the AIP SSM sensor_name is set to about.labels.key/value
420006 Virtual Sensor not present and fail-close mode used, dropping {protocol} packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
420007 {target_service} cannot be enabled for the module in slot {slot_id}. The module's current software version does not support this feature. Upgrade the software on the module in slot slot_id to support this feature. Received backplane header version {version_number}, required backplane header version version_number or higher. target_service is set to target.application, slot_id is set to about.labels.key/value, version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
421001 (TCP|UDP) flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} is dropped because {target_service} has failed src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, target_service is set to target.application
421002 (TCP|UDP) flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} bypassed {target_service} checking because the protocol is not supported src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, target_service is set to target.application
421005 {interface_name} :{dst_ip} is counted as a user of {target_service} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, target_service is set to target.application
421006 There are {no_of_users} users of {target_service} accounted during the past 24 hours no_of_users is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application
421007 {protocol} flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} is skipped because {target_service} has failed protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, target_service is set to target.application
422004 IP SLA Monitor {sla_operation_number}: Duplicate event received. Event number {sla_operation_event_id} sla_operation_number is set to about.labels.key/value, sla_operation_event_id is set to about.labels.key/value
422006 IP SLA Monitor Probe {sla_id}:{summary} sla_id is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
423001, 423002 (?P<action>Allowed|Dropped) (invalid|mismatched) NBNS {pkt_type_name} with {summary} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} action is set to security_result.action, pkt_type_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
423003, 423004 (?P<action>Allowed|Dropped) (invalid|mismatched) NBDGM {pkt_type_name} with {summary} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} action is set to security_result.action, pkt_type_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
423005 (?P<action>Allowed|Dropped) NBDGM {pkt_type_name} fragment with {summary} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} action is set to security_result.action, pkt_type_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
424001 Packet (?P<action>denied) {protocol} {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( ({src_fwuser}))? {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}( ({dst_fwuser}))?. (Ingress|Egress) interface is in a backup state action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, dst_fwuser is set to target.user.userid/target.labels.key/value
424002 Connection to the backup interface is (?P<action>denied): {protocol} {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
425003, 425004 Interface {src_interface_name} (added|removed) (into|from) redundant interface {dst_interface_name} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
425001, 425002 Redundant interface {src_interface_name} (removed|created) src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value
425005 Interface {src_interface_name} become active in redundant interface {dst_interface_name} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
425006 Redundant interface {dst_interface_name} switch active member to {src_interface_name} failed dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value
426001, 426002 PORT-CHANNEL:Interface {src_interface_name} <message_text> <message_text> EtherChannel interface Port-channel {port_channel} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, port_channel is set to about.labels.key/value
426003 PORT-CHANNEL:Interface {src_interface_name} has become standby in EtherChannel interface Port-channel {port_channel} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, port_channel is set to about.labels.key/value
426004 PORT-CHANNEL: Interface {src_interface_name} is not compatible with {dst_interface_name} and will be suspended <message_text> src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
426101, 426102 PORT-CHANNEL:Interface {src_interface_name} is <message_text> to <message_text> <message_text> EtherChannel interface {port_channel} by CLACP src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, port_channel is set to about.labels.key/value
426103 PORT-CHANNEL:Interface {src_interface_name} is selected to move from standby to bundle in EtherChannel interface {port_channel} by CLACP src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, port_channel is set to about.labels.key/value
426104 PORT-CHANNEL:Interface {src_interface_name} is unselected in EtherChannel interface {port_channel} by CLACP src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, port_channel is set to about.labels.key/value
428002 WAAS confirmed from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, inspection services bypassed on this connection src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
429001 CXSC card not up and fail-close mode used. (?P<action>Dropping) {protocol} packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
429002, 429003 CXSC service card requested to (?P<action>drop|reset) {protocol} (packet|connection) from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
429004 Unable to set up authentication-proxy rule for the cx action on interface {src_interface_name} for {policy_type} service-policy src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
429005 Set up authentication-proxy {protocol} rule for the CXSC action on interface {dst_interface_name} for traffic destined to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} for {policy_type} service-policy protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
429006 Cleaned up authentication-proxy rule for the CXSC action on interface {dst_interface_name} for traffic destined to {dst_ip} for {policy_type} service-policy dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
429007 CXSC redirect will override Scansafe redirect for flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} with {user_name} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
429008 Unable to respond to VPN query from CX for session {session_id}. Reason {summary} session_id is set to network.session_id, summary is set to security_result.summary
4302310 SCTP packet received from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} contains unsupported<message_text> src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
431001, 431002 <message_text> conformance: (?P<action>Dropping) <message_text> packet from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, Drop reason: {summary} action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
434001 SFR card not up and fail-close mode used, (?P<action>dropping) {protocol} packet from ingress {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to egress {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
434002, 434003 SFR requested to (?P<action>drop|reset) {protocol} (packet|connection) from (ingress )?{src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to (egress )?{dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
434004 SFR requested <message_text> to bypass further packet redirection and process<message_text>flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} locally src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
434007 SFR redirect will override Scansafe redirect for flow from ingress {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to egress {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} ({user_name}) src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
444004 Temporary license key {temporary_key} has expired. Applying permanent license key {permanent_key} temporary_key is set to about.labels.key/value, permanent_key is set to about.labels.key/value
444005 Timebased activation key {activation_key} will expire in {days_left} days activation_key is set to about.labels.key/value, days_left is set to about.labels.key/value
444007 Timebased activation key {activation_key} has expired. Reverting to (permanent|timebased) license key. The following features will be affected: {feature_affected} activation_key is set to about.labels.key/value, feature_affected is set to about.labels.key/value
444008 {target_license} license has expired, and the system is scheduled to reload in {days_left} days. Apply a new activation key to enable <message_text> license and prevent the automatic reload target_license is set to target.labels.key/value, days_left is set to about.labels.key/value
444009 {target_license} license has expired 30 days ago. The system will now reload target_license is set to target.labels.key/value
444100 Shared {request} request failed. Reason: {summary} request is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
444101 Shared license service is active. License server address:{dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
444103 Shared {license_type} license usage is over 90% capacity license_type is set to about.labels.key/value
444104 Shared {license_type} license availability: {license_availability} license_type is set to about.labels.key/value, license_availability is set to about.labels.key/value
444105 Released {license_availability} shared {license_type} license<message_text>License server has been unreachable for 24 hours license_availability is set to about.labels.key/value, license_type is set to about.labels.key/value
444106 Shared license backup server {dst_ip} is not available dst_ip is set to target.ip
444107 Shared license service {status} on interface {dst_interface_name} status is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
444108 Shared license {status} client id {user_name} status is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
444109 Shared license backup server role changed to {status} status is set to about.labels.key/value
444110 Shared license server backup has {days_left} remaining as active license server days_left is set to about.labels.key/value
444111 Shared license backup service has been terminated due to the primary license server {dst_ip} being unavailable for more than {days_left} days. The license server needs to be brought back online to continue using shared licensing dst_ip is set to target.ip, days_left is set to about.labels.key/value
446001 Maximum TLS Proxy session limit of {max_session} reached max_session is set to about.labels.key/value
446003 (?P<action>Denied) TLS Proxy session from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, UC-IME license is disabled action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
447001 ASP DP to CP {queue_name} was full. Queue length {queue_length}, limit {queue_limit} queue_name is set to about.labels.key/value, queue_length is set to about.labels.key/value, queue_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
448001 (?P<action>Denied) SRTP crypto session setup on flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, licensed K8 SRTP crypto session of {k8_limit} exceeded action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, k8_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
450001 Deny traffic for protocol {protocol_id} src {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? dst {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, licensed host limit of {maximum_host} exceeded protocol_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, maximum_host is set to about.labels.key/value
500001 ActiveX content in java script is modified: src {src_ip} dest {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
500002 Java content in java script is modified: src {src_ip} dest {dst_ip} on interface {interface_name} src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
500003 Bad {protocol} hdr length (hdrlen={hdr_len}, pktlen={pkt_len}) from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port}, flags: {tcp_flags}, on interface {interface_name} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, hdr_len is set to about.labels.key/value, pkt_len is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, tcp_flags is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
500004 Invalid transport field for protocol={protocol}, from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
500005 connection terminated for {protocol} from {input_interface} :{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {output_interface} :{dst_ip}/{dst_port} due to invalid combination of inspections on same flow. Inspect {inspect_name} is not compatible with filter {filter_name} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, output_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, inspect_name is set to about.labels.key/value, filter_name is set to about.labels.key/value
502101 New user added to local dbase: Uname: {user_name} Priv: {privilege_level} Encpass: {encrypted_pass} user_name is set to target.user.userid, privilege_level is set to about.labels.key/value, encrypted_pass is set to about.labels.key/value
502102 User deleted from local dbase: Uname: {user_name} Priv: {privilege_level} Encpass: {encrypted_pass} user_name is set to target.user.userid, privilege_level is set to about.labels.key/value, encrypted_pass is set to about.labels.key/value
502103 User priv level changed: Uname: {user_name} From: {old_privilege_level} To: {new_privilege_level} user_name is set to target.user.userid, old_privilege_level is set to about.labels.key/value, new_privilege_level is set to about.labels.key/value
502111 New group policy added: name: {group_policy} Type: {policy_type} group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
502112 Group policy deleted: name: {group_policy} Type: {policy_type} group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
503001, 503101 Process {process_number}, Nbr {src_ip} on {interface_name} from .*, {summary} process_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
503002 The last key has expired for interface {interface_name}, packets sent using last valid key interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
503003 Packet <message_text> on interface {interface_name} with expired Key ID {key_id} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, key_id is set to about.labels.key/value
503004 Key ID {key_id} in key chain {key_chain_name} does not have a key key_id is set to about.labels.key/value, key_chain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
503005 Key ID {key_id} in key chain {key_chain_name} does not have a cryptographic algorithm key_id is set to about.labels.key/value, key_chain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
504001 Security context {context_name} was added to the system context_name is set to about.labels.key/value
504002 Security context {context_name} was removed from the system context_name is set to about.labels.key/value
505002 Module {ips_description} is reloading. Please wait ips_description is set to about.labels.key/value
505005 Module {module_name} is initializing control communication.* module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
505007 Module {prod_id} in slot {slot_number} is recovering. Please wait.* prod_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
505007 Module {module_id} is recovering.* module_id is set to about.labels.key/value
505008 Module {module_id} in slot {slot_number} software is being updated to {newver} (currently {version}) module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, newver is set to about.labels.key/value, version is set to about.labels.key/value
505008 Module {module_id} software is being updated to {newver} (currently {version}) module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, newver is set to about.labels.key/value, version is set to about.labels.key/value
505009 Module {modual} one software was updated to {new_version_number} modual is set to about.labels.key/value, new_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
505010 Module in slot {slot_number} removed slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
505011 Module {module_name}(,)? data channel communication is UP module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
505016 Module {prod_id} in slot {slot_number} application changed from: {src_service} version {src_application_version} state {src_application_state} to: {target_service} {dst_application_version} state {dst_application_state} prod_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_service is set to principal.application, src_application_version is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_application_state is set to principal.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, dst_application_version is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_application_state is set to target.labels.key/value
505016 Module {module_id} application changed from: {src_service} version {src_application_version} state {src_application_state} to: {target_service} {dst_application_version} state {dst_application_state} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_service is set to principal.application, src_application_version is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_application_state is set to principal.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, dst_application_version is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_application_state is set to target.labels.key/value
505012 Module {prod_id} in slot {slot_number}, application stopped {target_service}, version {version} prod_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value
505012 Module {module_id}, application stopped {target_service}, version {version} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value
505013 Module {prod_id} in slot {slot_number}(,)? application (changed from:)?(reloading)? {src_service}(,)? version {version}( to: {target_service} version {new_version_number})? prod_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_service is set to principal.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, new_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
505013 Module {module_id} application changed from: {src_service} version {version} to: {target_service} version {new_version_number} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_service is set to principal.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, new_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
505014 Module {prod_id} in slot {slot_number}, application down {target_service}, version {version} {summary} prod_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
505014 Module {module_id}, application down {target_service}, version {version} {summary} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
505015 Module {prod_id} in slot {slot_number}, application up {target_application}, version {version} prod_id is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, version is set to about.labels.key/value
505015 Module {module_id}, application up {target_service}, version {version} module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, version is set to about.labels.key/value
507001 (?P<action>Terminating) (?P<protocol>TCP)-Proxy connection from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}- reassembly limit of {limit} bytes exceeded action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, limit is set to about.labels.key/value
507003 The flow of type {protocol} from the originating interface:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} (?P<action>terminated) by inspection engine, {summary} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
507003 {protocol} flow from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} (?P<action>terminated) by inspection engine, {summary} action is set to security_result.action, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
508001 DCERPC {message_type} non-standard {version_type} version {version_number} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, version_type is set to about.labels.key/value, version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
508002 DCERPC response has low endpoint port {port_number} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, port_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
509001 Connection attempt from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( ((?:{outside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{outside_sg_info})?))? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}( ((?:{inside_idfw_user})?(,)?(?:{inside_sg_info})?))? was prevented by no forward" command" src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, outside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, outside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, inside_idfw_user is set to about.labels.key/value, inside_sg_info is set to about.labels.key/value
520003 bad id in {summary} (id:<message_text>) summary is set to security_result.summary
520010 Bad queue elem – {queue_pointer}: flink {forward_pointer}, blink {backward_pointer}, flink-blink {flink_blink_ptr}, blink-flink {blink_flink_ptr} queue_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, forward_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, backward_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, flink_blink_ptr is set to about.labels.key/value, blink_flink_ptr is set to about.labels.key/value
520013 Regular expression access check with bad list {acl_id} acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
520021 Error deleting trie entry, {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
520022 Error adding mask entry, {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
520023 Invalid pointer to head of tree, 0x {radix_node_ptr} radix_node_ptr is set to about.labels.key/value
520024 Orphaned mask {orphaned_mask}, refcount= {radix_mask_ptrs} ref count at {radix_node_address}, next= {radix_node_nxt} orphaned_mask is set to about.labels.key/value, radix_mask_ptrs is set to about.labels.key/value, radix_node_address is set to about.labels.key/value, radix_node_nxt is set to about.labels.key/value
520025 No memory for radix initialization: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
602101 PMTU-D packet {no_of_bytes} bytes greater than effective mtu {mtu_number}(,)? dest_addr={dst_ip}, src_addr={src_ip}, prot={protocol} no_of_bytes is set to about.labels.key/value, mtu_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip is set to principal.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
602103 (?P<category>IPSEC): Received an {protocol} Destination Unreachable from {src_ip} with suggested PMTU of {rcvd_mtu}; PMTU updated for SA with peer {dst_ip}, SPI {spi}, tunnel name {user_name}, old PMTU {old_mtu}, new PMTU {new_mtu} category is set to security_result.category_details, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, rcvd_mtu is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, old_mtu is set to about.labels.key/value, new_mtu is set to about.labels.key/value
602104 (?P<category>IPSEC): Received an {protocol} Destination Unreachable from {src_ip}, PMTU is unchanged because suggested PMTU of {rcvd_mtu} is equal to or greater than the current PMTU of {curr_mtu}, for SA with peer {dst_ip}, SPI {spi}, tunnel name {user_name} category is set to security_result.category_details, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, rcvd_mtu is set to about.labels.key/value, curr_mtu is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
602303, 602304 (?P<category>IPSEC): An (?P<direction>inbound|outbound|INBOUND|OUTBOUND|Inbound|Outbound) {tunnel_type} SA (SPI={spi}) between {src_ip} and {dst_ip} ({src_fwuser}) has been (?P<action_details>created|deleted) category is set to security_result.category_details, direction is set to network.direction, action_details is set to security_result.action_details, tunnel_type is set to about.labels.key/value, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value
602305 (?P<category>IPSEC): SA creation error, source {src_ip}, destination {dst_ip}, reason {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
602306 (?P<category>IPSEC): SA change peer IP error, SPI: <message_text>, (src {src_ip}, dest {dst_ip} is set to src {src_ip1}, dest: {dst_ip1}), reason {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
602306 %(?P<category>IPSEC): SA change peer IP error, SPI: <message_text>, (src {old_src_port}, dest {old_dst_port} is set to src {src_port}, dest: {dst_port}), reason {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, old_src_port is set to principal.labels.key/value, old_dst_port is set to target.labels.key/value, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
603101 PPTP received out of seq or duplicate pkt, tnl_id={tunnel_id}, sess_id={session_id}, seq={sequence_number} tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, session_id is set to network.session_id, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
603102 PPP virtual interface {interface_name} - user: {user_name} aaa authentication {status} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, status is set to about.labels.key/value
603104 PPTP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is {tunnel_id}, remote_peer_ip is {dst_ip}, ppp_virtual_interface_id is {ppp_virtual_interface_id}, client_dynamic_ip is {dst_ip1}, username is {user_name}, MPPE_key_strength is {mppe_key_strength} tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, ppp_virtual_interface_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, mppe_key_strength is set to about.labels.key/value
603105 PPTP Tunnel deleted, tunnel_id = {tunnel_id}, remote_peer_ip= {dst_ip} tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
603106 L2TP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is {tunnel_id}, remote_peer_ip is {dst_ip}, ppp_virtual_interface_id is {ppp_virtual_interface_id}, client_dynamic_ip is {dst_ip1}, username is {user_name} tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, ppp_virtual_interface_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
603107 L2TP Tunnel deleted, tunnel_id = {tunnel_id}, remote_peer_ip = {dst_ip} tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
603108 Built PPTP Tunnel at {interface_name}, tunnel-id = {tunnel_id}, remote-peer = {dst_ip}, virtual-interface = {virtual_interface_number}, client-dynamic-ip = {dst_ip1}, username = {user_name}, MPPE-key-strength = {mppe_key_strength} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, virtual_interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, mppe_key_strength is set to about.labels.key/value
603109 Teardown PPPOE Tunnel at {interface_name}, tunnel-id = {tunnel_id}, remote-peer = {dst_ip} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
603110 Failed to establish L2TP session, tunnel_id = {tunnel_id}, remote_peer_ip ={dst_ip}, user = {user_name}. Multiple sessions per tunnel are not supported tunnel_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
604101 DHCP client interface {interface_name}: Allocated ip = {dst_ip}, mask = {netmask}, gw = {gateway_address} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, gateway_address is set to about.labels.key/value
604102 DHCP client interface {interface_name}: address released interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
604103 DHCP daemon interface {interface_name}: address granted {dst_mac} ({dst_ip}) interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_mac is set to target.mac, dst_ip is set to target.ip
604104 DHCP daemon interface {interface_name}: address released {build_number} ({dst_ip}) interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, build_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
604105 {category}: Unable to send DHCP reply to client {dst_mac} on interface {interface_name}. Reply exceeds options field size ({options_field_size}) by {number_of_octets} octets category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_mac is set to target.mac, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, options_field_size is set to about.labels.key/value, number_of_octets is set to about.labels.key/value
604201 DHCPv6 PD client on interface {interface_name} received delegated prefix {prefix} from DHCPv6 PD server {sname} with preferred lifetime {preferred_lifetime} seconds and valid lifetime (<|){lease_time_seconds}(|>) seconds interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, prefix is set to about.labels.key/value, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname, preferred_lifetime is set to about.labels.key/value, lease_time_seconds is set to network.dhcp.lease_time_seconds

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604202 DHCPv6 PD client on interface {interface_name} releasing delegated prefix {prefix} received from DHCPv6 PD server {sname} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, prefix is set to about.labels.key/value, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604203 DHCPv6 PD client on interface {interface_name} renewed delegated prefix {prefix} from DHCPv6 PD server {sname} with preferred lifetime {preferred_lifetime} seconds and valid lifetime (<|){lease_time_seconds}(|>) seconds interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, prefix is set to about.labels.key/value, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname, preferred_lifetime is set to about.labels.key/value, lease_time_seconds is set to network.dhcp.lease_time_seconds

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604204 DHCPv6 delegated prefix {prefix} got expired on interface {interface_name}, received from DHCPv6 PD server {sname} prefix is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604205 DHCPv6 client on interface {interface_name} allocated address (<|){dst_ip}(|>) from DHCPv6 server {sname} with preferred lifetime {preferred_lifetime} seconds and valid lifetime (<|){lease_time_seconds}(|>) seconds interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname, preferred_lifetime is set to about.labels.key/value, lease_time_seconds is set to network.dhcp.lease_time_seconds

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604206 DHCPv6 client on interface {interface_name} releasing address (<|){dst_ip}(|>) received from DHCPv6 server {sname} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604207 DHCPv6 client on interface {interface_name} renewed address (<|){dst_ip}(|>) from DHCPv6 server {sname} with preferred lifetime {preferred_lifetime} seconds and valid lifetime (<|){lease_time_seconds}(|>) seconds interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname, preferred_lifetime is set to about.labels.key/value, lease_time_seconds is set to network.dhcp.lease_time_secondsif ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

604208 DHCPv6 client address (<|){dst_ip}(|>) got expired on interface {interface_name}, received from DHCPv6 server {sname} dst_ip is set to target.ip, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, sname is set to network.dhcp.sname

if ([sysloghost] != "" or ![is_not_src_ip]) then,

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DHCP"

605004, 605005 Login (?P<action>denied|permitted) from {src_ip}(/{src_port})? to ({interface_name}:)?{dst_ip}(/{target_service})? for user {user_name} action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, target_service is set to target.application, user_name is set to target.user.userid

if [dst_port] == "ssh", then "dst_port" is set to "22"

else if [dst_port] == "https", then "dst_port" is set to "443"

606001, 606002 ASDM session number {session_id} from {dst_ip} (started|ended) session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
606003 ASDM logging session number {session_id} from {dst_ip} started( <message_text> session ID assigned)? session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
606004 ASDM logging session number {session_id} from {dst_ip} ended session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
607001 Pre-allocate (?P<application_protocol>SIP) {connection_type} secondary channel for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip} from <message_text> message application_protocol is set to network.application_protocol, connection_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
607002 {action_class}: (?P<action_details>Dropped|Dropped connection for|Reset connection for|Masked header flags for) SIP {req_resp} {info} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}; {summary} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, action_class is set to about.labels.key/value, req_resp is set to about.labels.key/value, info is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
607003 {action_class}: Received SIP {req_resp} {info} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}; {summary} action_class is set to about.labels.key/value, req_resp is set to about.labels.key/value, info is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
607004 Phone Proxy: (?P<action>Dropping) SIP message from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} with source MAC {src_mac} due to secure phone database mismatch action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_mac is set to principal.mac
608001 Pre-allocate Skinny {connection_type} secondary channel for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? from {summary} connection_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
608002, 608003 Dropping Skinny message for {input_interface}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {output_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, SCCP Prefix length {prefix_length} too (small|large) input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, output_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
608004 Dropping Skinny message for {input_interface}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {output_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, message id {message_id} not allowed input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, output_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
608005 Dropping Skinny message for {input_interface}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {output_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port}, message id {message_id} registration not complete input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, output_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
610001 NTP daemon interface {interface_name}: Packet (?P<action>denied) from {dst_ip} action is set to security_result.action, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
610002 NTP daemon interface {interface_name}: Authentication failed for packet from {dst_ip} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
610,101 Authorization failed: Cmd: {command} Cmdtype: {command_modifier} command is set to target.process.command_line, command_modifier is set to about.labels.key/value
611101 User authentication (?P<action>succeeded): IP( address)?(,|:) {dst_ip}(,|:) Uname: {user_name} action is set to security_result.action, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
611102 User authentication (?P<action>failed): IP( address)?(=|:) {dst_ip}, Uname: {user_name} action is set to security_result.action, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
611103 User logged out: Uname: {user_name} user_name is set to target.user.userid
611301 (?P<category>VPNClient): NAT configured for Client Mode with no split tunneling: NAT address: {mapped_address} category is set to security_result.category_details, mapped_address is set to about.labels.key/value
611303 (?P<category>VPNClient): NAT configured for Client Mode with split tunneling: NAT address: {mapped_address} Split Tunnel Networks: {dst_ip}/{netmask} category is set to security_result.category_details, mapped_address is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
611304 (?P<category>VPNClient): NAT exemption configured for Network Extension Mode with split tunneling: Split Tunnel Networks: {dst_ip}/{netmask} category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
611305 (?P<category>VPNClient): DHCP Policy installed: Primary DNS: {dst_ip} Secondary DNS: {dst_ip1} Primary WINS: {src_ip} Secondary WINS: {src_ip1} category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip
611307 (?P<category>VPNClient): Head end: {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip
611309 (?P<category>VPNClient): Disconnecting from head end and uninstalling previously downloaded policy: Head End: {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip
611310, 611311 (?P<category>VPNClient): XAUTH (?P<action>Succeeded|Failed): Peer: {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, action is set to security_result.action, dst_ip is set to target.ip
611312 (?P<category>VPNClient): Backup Server List: {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, summary is set to security_result.summary
611313 (?P<category>VPNClient): Backup Server List Error: {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, summary is set to security_result.summary
611314 (?P<category>VPNClient): Load Balancing Cluster with Virtual IP: {dst_ip} has redirected the to server {dst_ip1} category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
611315 (?P<category>VPNClient): Disconnecting from Load Balancing Cluster member {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip
611318 VPNClient: User Authentication Enabled: Auth Server IP: {dst_ip} Auth Server Port: {dst_port} Idle Timeout: {idle_timeout} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, idle_timeout is set to about.labels.key/value
612001 Auto Update succeeded:{target_file_full_path}, version:{version} target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, version is set to about.labels.key/value
612002 Auto Update failed:{target_file_full_path}, version:{version}, reason:{summary} target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, version is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
612003 Auto Update failed to contact:{redirect_url}, reason:{summary} redirect_url is set to target.url, summary is set to security_result.summary
613001 Checksum Failure in database in area {area} Link State Id {dst_ip} Old Checksum {old_checksum} New Checksum {new_checksum} area is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, old_checksum is set to about.labels.key/value, new_checksum is set to about.labels.key/value
613002, 613102 interface {dst_interface_name} has zero bandwidth dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
613003 {dst_ip} {netmask} changed from area {src_area} to area {dst_area} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, src_area is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_area is set to target.labels.key/value
613007 area {area} lsid {src_ip} mask {netmask} type<message_text> area is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
613013 OSPF LSID {src_ip} adv {dst_ip}<message_text>gateway {gateway_address}<message_text>{dst_ip1}/{netmask}<message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, gateway_address is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
613014 Base topology enabled on interface {dst_interface_name} attached to MTR compatible mode area {area} dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, area is set to about.labels.key/value
613015 Process 1 flushes LSA ID {src_ip} type-<message_text>adv-rtr {dst_ip}<message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
613016 Area {area} router-LSA of length {sent_bytes} bytes plus update overhead bytes is too large to flood area is set to about.labels.key/value, sent_bytes is set to network.sent_bytes
613017 Bad LSA mask:<message_text>LSID {src_ip} Mask {netmask} from {dst_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
613025 Invalid build flag number for LSA {src_ip},<message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip
613027 OSPF process {process_number} removed from interface {dst_interface_name} process_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
613028 Unrecognized virtual interface {dst_interface_name}. Treat it as loopback stub route dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
613034 Neighbor {dst_ip} not configured dst_ip is set to target.ip
613035 Could not allocate or find neighbor {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
613040 OSPF-1 Area {area}: Router {dst_ip} originating invalid type number LSA, ID {src_ip}, Metric {metric1} on Link ID {dst_ip1} Link Type {link_type} area is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip is set to principal.ip, metric1 is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, link_type is set to about.labels.key/value
613041 OSPF-100 Areav {area}: LSA ID {src_ip}, Type {type}, Adv-rtr {dst_ip}, LSA counter DoNotAge area is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, type is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
613042 OSPF process {process_number} lacks forwarding address for type 7 LSA {src_ip} in NSSA <message_text> process_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
613101 Checksum Failure in database in area {area} Link State Id {state_id} Old Checksum {old_checksum} New Checksum {new_checksum} area is set to about.labels.key/value, state_id is set to about.labels.key/value, old_checksum is set to about.labels.key/value, new_checksum is set to about.labels.key/value
613103 <message_text> changed from area {old_area_id_str} to area {new_area_id_str} old_area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value, new_area_id_str is set to about.labels.key/value
613104 Unrecognized virtual interface {interface_name} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
614001 Split DNS: request patched from server: {dst_ip} to server: {dst_ip1} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
614002 Split DNS: reply from server:{dst_ip} reverse patched back to original server:{dst_ip1} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
616001 Pre-allocate MGCP {data_channel} connection for {input_interface}:{src_ip} to {output_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} from {message_type} message data_channel is set to about.labels.key/value, input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, output_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value
617001 GTPv version {message_type} from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} not accepted by {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
617002 Removing v1 PDP Context with TID {tid_value} from GGSN {ggsn_ip_address} and SGSN {sgsn_ip_address}, Reason: {summary} or Removing v1 primary PDP Context with TID tid from GGSN {ggsn_ip_address_} and SGSN {sgsn_ip_address_}, Reason: <message_text> tid_value is set to about.labels.key/value, ggsn_ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, sgsn_ip_address is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary, ggsn_ip_address_ is set to about.labels.key/value, sgsn_ip_address_ is set to about.labels.key/value
617003 GTP Tunnel created from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
617004 GTP connection created for response from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
617100 Teardown {num_conns} connection(s|) for user {dst_ip} num_conns is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
618001 Denied STUN packet {message_type} from (<|){ingress_interface}(|>):(<|){src_ip}(|>)/(<|){src_port}(|>) to (<|){egress_interface}(|>):(<|){dst_ip}(|>)/(<|){dst_port}(|>) for connection (<|){session_id}(>|), {summary} message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, ingress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, egress_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, session_id is set to network.session_id, summary is set to security_result.summary
620001 Pre-allocate CTIQBE (RTP|RTCP) secondary channel for {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? to {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? from {summary} dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
620002 Unsupported CTIQBE version: hex: from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
621001, 621002 Interface {interface_name} does not support multicast, not enabled interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
621006 Mrib disconnected, ({dst_ip},{dst_ip1}) event cancelled dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
621007 Bad register from {interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_ip} for <message_text> interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
622001 (?P<action_details>Adding|Removing) tracked route <message_text>, distance {distance1}, table {route_table_name}, on interface {interface_name} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, distance1 is set to about.labels.key/value, route_table_name is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
622101 Starting regex table compilation for {match_command}; table entries = {table_entries} entries match_command is set to about.labels.key/value, table_entries is set to about.labels.key/value
622102 Completed regex table compilation for {match_command}; table size = {table_size} bytes match_command is set to about.labels.key/value, table_size is set to about.labels.key/value
702305 (?P<category>IPSEC): An (?P<direction>inbound|outbound|INBOUND|OUTBOUND|Inbound|Outbound) {tunnel_type} SA (SPI={spi}) between {src_ip} and {dst_ip} ({src_fwuser}) is rekeying due to sequence number rollover category is set to security_result.category_details, direction is set to network.direction, tunnel_type is set to about.labels.key/value, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value
709008 (Primary|Secondary) Configuration sync in progress. Command: {command} executed from <message_text> will not be replicated to or executed by the standby unit command is set to target.process.command_line
710003 (?P<protocol>TCP|UDP) access denied by ACL from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
711002 Task ran for {elapsed_time} msec(s)?, (P|p)rocess = {target_process_name}, PC = {instruction_pointer}(,)? Trace(be|)back ={traceback} elapsed_time is set to about.labels.key/value, target_process_name is set to target.process.pid, instruction_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, traceback is set to about.labels.key/value
711004 Task ran for {elapsed_time} msec, Process = {target_process_name}, PC = {instruction_pointer}, Call stack = {stack_call} elapsed_time is set to about.labels.key/value, target_process_name is set to target.process.pid, instruction_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, stack_call is set to about.labels.key/value
713004 device scheduled for reboot or shutdown, IKE key acquire message on interface {interface_number}, for Peer {dst_ip} ignored interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713201 Duplicate Phase {phase} packet detected. {action_details} phase is set to about.labels.key/value, action_details is set to security_result.action_details
713202 Duplicate {dst_ip} packet detected dst_ip is set to target.ip
713006 Failed to obtain state for message Id {message_id}, Peer Address: {dst_ip} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713010 IKE area: failed to find centry for message Id {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713012 Unknown protocol ({protocol}). Not adding SA w/spi=SPI {spi} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, spi is set to about.labels.key/value
713014 Unknown Domain of Interpretation (DOI): {domain_of_interpretation} domain_of_interpretation is set to about.labels.key/value
713016 (Group = {g_ip}, IP = {src_ip}, )?Unknown identification type, Phase (1 or )?2, Type {id_type} id_type is set to about.labels.key/value, g_ip is mapped to principal.nat_ip, src_ip is mapped to principal.ip
713017 Identification type not supported, Phase 1 or 2, Type {id_type} id_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713018 Unknown ID type during find of group name for certs, Type {id_type} id_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713022 No Group found matching {peer_id} or {dst_ip} for Pre-shared key peer {dst_ip1} peer_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
713032, 713033 Received invalid (remote|local) Proxy Range {dst_ip}-{dst_ip1} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
713041 IKE Initiator:<message_text>Intf {dst_interface_name}, IKE Peer {dst_ip}local Proxy Address {local_proxy_addr}, remote Proxy Address {remote_proxy_addr},Crypto map ({crypto_map_tag}) dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, local_proxy_addr is set to principal.ip, remote_proxy_addr is set to target.ip, crypto_map_
713042 IKE Initiator unable to find policy: Intf {dst_interface_name}, Src: {src_ip}, Dst: {dst_ip} dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713043 <message_text>address {dst_ip} session already in progress dst_ip is set to target.ip
713048 Error processing payload: Payload ID: {payload_id} payload_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713049 (Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, )?Security negotiation complete for {tunnel_type} (Group )?({group_name})s+(Initiator|Responder), Inbound SPI= {initiator_spi}, Outbound SPI= {responder_spi} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, tunnel_type is set to about.labels.key/value, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, initiator_spi is set to about.labels.key/value, responder_spi is set to about.labels.key/value
713050 Connection terminated for peer {dst_ip}. Reason: termination reason Remote Proxy {remote_proxy_addr}, Local Proxy {local_proxy_addr} dst_ip is set to target.ip, remote_proxy_addr is set to target.ip, local_proxy_addr is set to principal.ip
713056 Tunnel rejected: SA ({sa_name}) not found for group ({group_name})! sa_name is set to about.labels.key/value, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713060 Tunnel Rejected: User ({user_name}) not member of group ({group_name}), group-lock check failed user_name is set to target.user.userid, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713061 Tunnel rejected: Crypto Map Policy not found for Src:{src_ip}, Dst: {dst_ip}! src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713062 IKE Peer address same as our interface address {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
713063 IKE Peer address not configured for destination {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
713065 IKE Remote Peer did not negotiate the following: {proposal_attribute} proposal_attribute is set to about.labels.key/value
713068 Received non-routine Notify message: {notify_type}({notify_value}) notify_type is set to about.labels.key/value, notify_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713072 Password for user ({user_name}) too long, truncating to {truncated_length} characters user_name is set to target.user.userid, truncated_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713073 (Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, )?Responder forcing change of <message_text> rekeying duration from {end_time} to {start_time} seconds group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, end_time is set to about.labels.key/value, start_time is set to about.labels.key/value
713074 (Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, )?Responder forcing change of (IPsec|IPSec) rekeying duration from {end_time} to {start_time} Kbs group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, end_time is set to about.labels.key/value, start_time is set to about.labels.key/value
713075, 713076 (Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, )?Overriding Initiator()?'s (IPsec|IPSec) rekeying duration from {end_time} to {start_time} (seconds|Kbs) group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, end_time is set to about.labels.key/value, start_time is set to about.labels.key/value
713078 Temp buffer for building mode config attributes exceeded: bufsize {available_size}, used {used_value} available_size is set to about.labels.key/value, used_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713081 Unsupported certificate encoding type {encoding_type} encoding_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713084 Received invalid phase 1 port value ({dst_port}) in ID payload dst_port is set to target.port
713085 Received invalid phase 1 protocol ({protocol}) in ID payload protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
713088 Set Cert filehandle failure: no (IPsec|IPSec) SA in group {group_name} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713098 Aborting: No identity cert specified in (IPsec|IPSec) SA ({sa_name})! sa_name is set to about.labels.key/value
713102 Phase 1 ID Data length {packet_length} too long - reject tunnel! packet_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713107 {dst_ip} request attempt failed! dst_ip is set to target.ip
713112 Failed to process CONNECTED notify (SPI {spi_value})! spi_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713118 Detected invalid Diffie-Helmann {group_name}, in IKE area group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713119 Group {group_name} IP {dst_ip} PHASE 1 COMPLETED group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713119 Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, PHASE 1 COMPLETED group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713120 PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid={message_id}) message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713122 (IP = {dst_ip}, )?Keep-alives configured {keepalive_type} but peer( {dst_ip})?( does not)? support keep-alives<message_text> dst_ip is set to target.ip, keepalive_type is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713123 IKE lost contact with remote peer, deleting connection (keepalive type: {keepalive_type}) keepalive_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713124 Received DPD sequence number {rcv_sequence} in {summary} rcv_sequence is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
713128 Connection attempt to VCPIP redirected to VCA peer {dst_ip} via load balancing dst_ip is set to target.ip
713129 Received unexpected Transaction Exchange payload type: {payload_id} payload_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713130 Received unsupported transaction mode attribute: {attribute_id} attribute_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713131 Received unknown transaction mode attribute: {attribute_id} attribute_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713132 Cannot obtain an {dst_ip} for remote peer dst_ip is set to target.ip
713133 Mismatch: Overriding phase 2 DH Group(DH group {group_name}) with phase 1 group(DH group {group_number}())? group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, group_number is set to about.labels.key/value
713135 message received, redirecting tunnel to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
713136 IKE session establishment timed out( {ike_state_name})?, aborting! ike_state_name is set to about.labels.key/value
713137 Reaper overriding refCnt( {ref_count})? and tunnelCnt( {tunnel_count})? -- deleting SA! ref_count is set to about.labels.key/value, tunnel_count is set to about.labels.key/value
713138 Group {group_name} not found and BASE GROUP default preshared key not configured group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713139 {group_name} not found, using BASE GROUP default preshared key group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713141 Client-reported firewall does not match configured firewall: {action} tunnel. Received -- Vendor: {vendor_id}, Product {product_id}, Caps: {capability_value}. Expected -- Vendor: {expected_vendor_id}, Product: {expected_product_id}, Caps: {expected_capability_value} action is set to security_result.action, vendor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, product_id is set to about.labels.key/value, capability_value is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_vendor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_product_id is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_capability_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713142 Client did not report firewall in use, but there is a configured firewall: {action} tunnel. Expected -- Vendor: {expected_vendor_id}, Product {expected_product_id}, Caps: {expected_capability_value} action is set to security_result.action, expected_vendor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_product_id is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_capability_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713144 Ignoring received malformed firewall record; reason -{summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
713269 Detected Hardware Client in network extension mode, adding static route for address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713145 Detected Hardware Client in network extension mode, adding static route for address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713270 Could not add route for Hardware Client in network extension mode, address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713271 Terminating tunnel to Hardware Client in network extension mode, deleting static route for address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713272 Terminating tunnel to Hardware Client in network extension mode, unable to delete static route for address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713146 Could not add route for Hardware Client in network extension mode, address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713147 Terminating tunnel to Hardware Client in network extension mode, deleting static route for address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713148 Terminating tunnel to Hardware Client in network extension mode, unable to delete static route for address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713149 Hardware client security attribute {attribute_name} was enabled but not requested attribute_name is set to about.labels.key/value
713152 Unable to obtain any rules from filter {acl_id} to send to client for CPP, (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713154 DNS lookup for {peer_description} Server {server_name} failed! peer_description is set to about.labels.key/value, server_name is set to about.labels.key/value
713155 DNS lookup for Primary VPN Server {server_name} successfully resolved after a previous failure. Resetting any Backup Server init server_name is set to about.labels.key/value
713156 Initializing Backup Server {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
713157 Timed out on initial contact to server {dst_ip} Tunnel could not be established dst_ip is set to target.ip
713161 Remote user (session Id -{session_id}) network access has been (?P<action>restricted) by the Firewall Server action is set to security_result.action, session_id is set to network.session_id
713162, 713163 Remote user (session Id -{session_id}) has been (?P<action>rejected|terminated) by the Firewall Server action is set to security_result.action, session_id is set to network.session_id
713176 {device_type} memory resources are critical, IKE key acquire message on interface {interface_number}, for Peer {dst_ip} ignored device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_number is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713177 Received remote Proxy Host FQDN in ID Payload: Host Name: {target_hostname} Address {dst_ip}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713179 IKE AM Initiator received a packet from its peer without a {payload_type} payload payload_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713184 Client Type: {client_type} Client Application Version: {version} client_type is set to about.labels.key/value, version is set to about.labels.key/value
713186 Invalid secondary domain name list received from the authentication server. List Received: {list_text} Character {index} ({value}) is illegal list_text is set to about.labels.key/value, index is set to about.labels.key/value, value is set to about.labels.key/value
713189 Attempted to assign network or broadcast {src_ip}, removing ({dst_ip}) from pool src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713193 Received packet with missing payload, Expected payload: {payload_id} payload_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713194 Sending (IKE|IPsec) Delete With Reason message: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
713196 Remote L2L Peer {dst_ip} initiated a tunnel with same outer and inner addresses. Peer could be Originate Only - Possible misconfiguration! dst_ip is set to target.ip
713197 The configured Confidence Interval of {interval} seconds is invalid for this {tunnel_type} connection. Enforcing the second default interval is set to about.labels.key/value, tunnel_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713198 User Authorization failed: {user_name} User authorization failed. Username could not be found in the certificate user_name is set to target.user.userid
713199 Reaper corrected an SA that has not decremented the concurrent IKE negotiations counter ({counter_value})! counter_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713205 Could not add static route for client address: {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
713208 Cannot create dynamic rule for Backup L2L entry rule {rule_id} rule_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713265 Adding static route for L2L peer coming in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713266 Could not add route for L2L peer coming in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713267 Deleting static route for L2L peer that came in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713268 Could not delete route for L2L peer that came in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask:/{prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713211 Adding static route for L2L peer coming in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713212 Could not add route for L2L peer coming in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713213 Deleting static route for L2L peer that came in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713214 Could not delete route for L2L peer that came in on a dynamic map. address: {dst_ip}, mask: {netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713215 No match against Client Type and Version rules. Client: {client_type} is( not)? allowed by default client_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713216 Rule: {action} Client type]: {version} Client: {client_type} not allowed action is set to security_result.action, version is set to about.labels.key/value, client_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713216 Rule: {action} Client type]: {version} Client: {client_type} allowed action is set to security_result.action, version is set to about.labels.key/value, client_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713217 Skipping unrecognized rule: action: {action} client type: {client_type} client version: {version} action is set to security_result.action, client_type is set to about.labels.key/value, version is set to about.labels.key/value
713226 Connection failed with peer {dst_ip}, no trust-point defined in tunnel-group {tunnel_group} dst_ip is set to target.ip, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
713227 Rejecting new (IPsec|IPSec) SA negotiation for peer {dst_ip}. A negotiation was already in progress for local Proxy {local_proxy_addr}/{local_netmask}, remote Proxy {remote_proxy_addr}/{remote_netmask} dst_ip is set to target.ip, local_proxy_addr is set to principal.ip, local_netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, remote_proxy_addr is set to target.ip, remote_netmask is set to about.labels.key/value
713228 Group = {group_name}, Username = {user_name}, IP = {dst_ip}(,)? Assigned private IP address {dst_ip1} to remote user group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
713229 Auto Update - Notification to client {dst_ip} of update string: {summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
713230 Internal Error, ike_lock trying to lock bit that is already locked for type {semaphore} semaphore is set to about.labels.key/value
713231 Internal Error, ike_lock trying to unlock bit that is not locked for type {semaphore} semaphore is set to about.labels.key/value
713232 SA lock refCnt = {sa_lock_value}, bitmask = {bitmask_hex}, p1_decrypt_cb = {p1_decrypt_cb}, qm_decrypt_cb = {qm_decrypt_cb}, qm_hash_cb = {qm_hash_cb}, qm_spi_ok_cb = {qm_spi_ok_cb}, qm_dh_cb = {qm_dh_cb}, qm_secret_key_cb = {qm_secret_key_cb}, qm_encrypt_cb = {qm_encrypt_cb} sa_lock_value is set to about.labels.key/value, bitmask_hex is set to about.labels.key/value, p1_decrypt_cb is set to about.labels.key/value, qm_decrypt_cb is set to about.labels.key/value, qm_hash_cb is set to about.labels.key/value, qm_spi_ok_cb is set to about.labels.key/value, qm_dh_cb is set to about.labels.key/value, qm_secret_key_cb is set to about.labels.key/value, qm_encrypt_cb is set to about.labels.key/value
713237 ACL update ({access_list}) received during re-key re-authentication will not be applied to the tunnel access_list is set to about.labels.key/value
713239 {dst_ip}: Tunnel Rejected: The maximum tunnel count allowed has been reached dst_ip is set to target.ip
713240 Received DH key with bad length: received length={message_length} expected length={expected_msg_length} message_length is set to about.labels.key/value, expected_msg_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713241 IE Browser Proxy Method {setting_number} is Invalid setting_number is set to about.labels.key/value
713243 {summary} Unable to find the requested certificate summary is set to security_result.summary
713244 {summary} Received Legacy Authentication Method(LAM) type {lam_type} is different from the last type received {last_lam_type} summary is set to security_result.summary, lam_type is set to about.labels.key/value, last_lam_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713245 {summary} Unknown Legacy Authentication Method(LAM) type {lam_type} received summary is set to security_result.summary, lam_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713246 {summary} Unknown Legacy Authentication Method(LAM) attribute type {lam_type} received summary is set to security_result.summary, lam_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713247 {summary} Unexpected error: in Next Card Code mode while not doing SDI summary is set to security_result.summary
713248 {summary} Rekey initiation is being disabled during CRACK authentication summary is set to security_result.summary
713249 <message_text> Received unsupported authentication results: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
713250 {summary} Received unknown Internal Address attribute: {attribute} summary is set to security_result.summary, attribute is set to about.labels.key/value
713251 {summary} Received authentication failure message summary is set to security_result.summary
713252 Group = {group_name}, Username = {user_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, Integrity Firewall Server is not available. VPN Tunnel creation rejected for client group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713253 Group = {group_name}, Username = {user_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, Integrity Firewall Server is not available. Entering ALLOW mode. VPN Tunnel created for client group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713254 Group = {group_name}, Username = {user_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, Invalid {protocol} port = {dst_port}, valid range is {port_range} , except port 4500, which is reserved for <message_text> group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port, port_range is set to about.labels.key/value
713255 IP = {dst_ip}, Received ISAKMP Aggressive Mode message 1 with unknown tunnel group name {group_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
713256 IP = {dst_ip}, Sending spoofed ISAKMP Aggressive Mode message 2 due to receipt of unknown tunnel group. Aborting connection dst_ip is set to target.ip
713257 Phase {mismatch_phase} failure:Mismatched attribute types for class {attribute_class}:Rcv'd: {attribute_received} Cfg'd: {attribute_configured} mismatch_phase is set to about.labels.key/value, attribute_class is set to about.labels.key/value, attribute_received is set to about.labels.key/value, attribute_configured is set to about.labels.key/value
713258 IP = {dst_ip}, Attempting to establish a phase2 tunnel on {src_interface_name} interface but phase1 tunnel is on {dst_interface_name} interface. Tearing down old phase1 tunnel due to a potential routing change dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
713259 Group = {group_name}, Username = {user_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, Session is being torn down. Reason: {summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
713260 Output interface {dst_interface_name} to peer was not found dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
713261 IPV6 address on output interface {dst_interface_name} was not found dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value
713262 Rejecting new IPSec SA negotiation for peer {dst_ip}. A negotiation was already in progress for local Proxy {local_proxy_addr}/{local_prefix_length}, remote Proxy {remote_proxy_addr}/{remote_prefix_length} dst_ip is set to target.ip, local_proxy_addr is set to principal.ip, local_prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value, remote_proxy_addr is set to target.ip, remote_prefix_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713274 (Deleting|Could not delete) static route for client address: {dst_ip} {dst_ip1} address of client whose route is being removed dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
713275 IKEv1 Unsupported certificate keytype {keytype} found at trustpoint {trustpoint} keytype is set to about.labels.key/value, trustpoint is set to about.labels.key/value
713276 Dropping new negotiation - IKEv1 in-negotiation context limit of {limit} reached limit is set to about.labels.key/value
716001 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} WebVPN session started group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716002 Group {group_policy} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} WebVPN session terminated: User requested group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716003 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP ip WebVPN access "(?P<action>GRANTED): {redirect_url}" action is set to security_result.action, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, redirect_url is set to target.url
716004 Group {group_name} User {user_name} WebVPN access (?P<action>DENIED) to specified location: {redirect_url} action is set to security_result.action, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, redirect_url is set to target.url
716005 Group {group_name} User {user_name} WebVPN ACL Parse Error: {summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
716006 Group {group_name} User {user_name} WebVPN session terminated. Idle timeout group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid
716007 Group {group_name} User {user_name} WebVPN Unable to create session group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid
716009 Group {group_name} User {user_name} WebVPN session not allowed. WebVPN ACL parse error group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid
716022 Unable to connect to proxy server {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
716023 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Session could not be established: session limit of {maximum_sessions} reached group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, maximum_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value
716038 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Authentication: successful, Session Type: WebVPN group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716039 Authentication: rejected, group = {group_name} user = {user_name}, Session Type: {session_type} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, session_type is set to about.labels.key/value
716039 Group <{group_name}> User {user_name} IP <{dst_ip}> Authentication: rejected, Session Type: {session_type} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, session_type is set to about.labels.key/value
716040 Reboot pending, new sessions disabled. (?P<action>Denied) {user_name} login action is set to security_result.action, user_name is set to target.user.userid
716041 access-list {acl_id} action url {redirect_url} hit_cnt {hit_count} acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, redirect_url is set to target.url, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value
716042 access-list {acl_id} action (?P<protocol>tcp) {src_interface_name}/{src_ip} ({src_port}) - {dst_interface_name}/{dst_ip} ({dst_port}) hit-cnt {hit_count} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, hit_count is set to about.labels.key/value
716043 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}: WebVPN Port Forwarding Java applet started. Created new hosts file mappings group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716044 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AAA parameter {parameter_name} value {parameter_value} out of range group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, parameter_name is set to about.labels.key/value, parameter_value is set to about.labels.key/value
716045 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AAA parameter {parameter_name} value invalid group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, parameter_name is set to about.labels.key/value
716046 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} User ACL {access_list_entry} from AAA doesn't exist on the device, terminating connection group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, access_list_entry is set to about.labels.key/value
716047 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} User ACL {access_list_entry} from AAA ignored, AV-PAIR ACL used instead group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, access_list_entry is set to about.labels.key/value
716048 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} No memory to parse ACL group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716049 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Empty SVC ACL group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716050 Error adding to ACL: {ace_command_line} ace_command_line is set to about.labels.key/value
716051 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Error adding dynamic ACL for user group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716052 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Pending session terminated group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716053, 716054 SSO Server (added|deleted): name: {server_name} Type: {server_type} server_name is set to about.labels.key/value, server_type is set to about.labels.key/value
716055 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Authentication to SSO server name: {server_name} type {server_type} succeeded group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, server_name is set to about.labels.key/value, server_type is set to about.labels.key/value
716056 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Authentication to SSO server name: {server_name} type {server_type} failed reason: {summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, server_name is set to about.labels.key/value, server_type is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
716057 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Session terminated, no {license_type} license available group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, license_type is set to about.labels.key/value
716058 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AnyConnect session lost connection. Waiting to resume group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716059 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} AnyConnect session resumed. Connection from {src_ip} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip is set to principal.ip
716060 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Terminated AnyConnect session in inactive state to accept a new connection. License limit reached group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716061 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} IPv6 User Filter {dst_ip1} configured for AnyConnect. This setting has been deprecated, terminating connection group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
716500, 716501 internal error in: {function}: Fiber library cannot (attach|locate) AK47 instance function is set to about.labels.key/value
716502 internal error in: {function}: Fiber library cannot allocate default arena function is set to about.labels.key/value
716503, 716504 internal error in: {function}: Fiber library cannot allocate fiber (stacks|descriptors) pool function is set to about.labels.key/value
716505 internal error in: {function}: Fiber has joined fiber in unfinished state function is set to about.labels.key/value
716508, 716509, 716510 internal error in: {function}: Fiber scheduler is scheduling (finished|alien|rotten) fiber. Cannot (continue|continuing) terminating function is set to about.labels.key/value
716512 internal error in: {function}: Fiber has joined fiber waited upon by someone else function is set to about.labels.key/value
716513 internal error in: {function}: Fiber in callback blocked on other channel function is set to about.labels.key/value
716515 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM failed to allocate memory for AK47 instance function is set to about.labels.key/value
716516 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM has corrupted ROL array. Cannot continue terminating function is set to about.labels.key/value
716517 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM cached block has no associated arena function is set to about.labels.key/value
716518 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM pool has no associated arena function is set to about.labels.key/value
716519 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM has corrupted pool list. Cannot continue terminating function is set to about.labels.key/value
716520 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM pool has no block list function is set to about.labels.key/value
716521 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM no realloc allowed in named pool function is set to about.labels.key/value
716522 internal error in: {function}: OCCAM corrupted standalone block function is set to about.labels.key/value
716600 Rejected {received_kb}KB Hostscan data from IP (<)?{src_ip}(>)?. Hostscan results exceed (default|configured) limit of {configured_kb}KB received_kb is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, configured_kb is set to about.labels.key/value
716601 Rejected {received_kb} KB Hostscan data from IP {src_ip}. System-wide limit on the amount of Hostscan data stored on FTD exceeds the limit of {configured_kb} KB received_kb is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, configured_kb is set to about.labels.key/value
716602 Memory allocation error. Rejected {received_kb} KB Hostscan data from IP {src_ip} received_kb is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
717002 Certificate enrollment failed for trustpoint {trustpoint_name}. Reason:{summary} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
717003 Certificate received from Certificate Authority for trustpoint {trustpoint_name} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717004, 717006 PKCS #12 (import|export) failed for trustpoint {trustpoint_name} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717005, 717007 PKCS #12 (import|export) succeeded for trustpoint {trustpoint_name} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717008 Insufficient memory to {target_process_name} target_process_name is set to target.process.pid
717009 Certificate validation failed. Reason:{summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
717010 CRL polling failed for trustpoint {trustpoint_name} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717012 Failed to refresh CRL cache entry from the server for trustpoint {trustpoint_name} at {time_of_failure} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, time_of_failure is set to about.labels.key/value
717013 Removing a cached CRL to accommodate an incoming CRL. Issuer: {issuer} issuer is set to about.labels.key/value
717014 Unable to cache a CRL received from <message_text> due to size limitations (CRL size = {crl_size}, available cache space = {cache_space}) crl_size is set to about.labels.key/value, cache_space is set to about.labels.key/value
717015 CRL received from {issuer} is too large to process (CRL size = {crl_size}, maximum CRL size = {max_crl_size}) issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, crl_size is set to about.labels.key/value, max_crl_size is set to about.labels.key/value
717016 Removing expired CRL from the CRL cache. Issuer: {issuer} issuer is set to about.labels.key/value
717017 Failed to query CA certificate for trustpoint {trustpoint_name} from {enrollment_url} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, enrollment_url is set to about.labels.key/value
717018 CRL received from {issuer} has too many entries to process (number of entries = {number_of_entries}, maximum number allowed = {max_allowed}) issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, number_of_entries is set to about.labels.key/value, max_allowed is set to about.labels.key/value
717019 Failed to insert CRL for trustpoint {trustpoint_name}. Reason: {summary} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
717020 Failed to install device certificate for trustpoint {label}. Reason: {summary} label is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
717021 Certificate data could not be verified. Locate Reason:{summary} serial number: {serial_number}, subject name: {subject_name}, key length {length} bits summary is set to security_result.summary, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, length is set to about.labels.key/value
717022 Certificate was successfully validated. {certificate_identifiers} certificate_identifiers is set to about.labels.key/value
717023 SSL failed to set device certificate for trustpoint {trustpoint_name}. Reason: {summary} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
717024 Checking CRL from trustpoint: {trustpoint_name} for {summary} trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
717025 Validating certificate chain containing {number_of_certs} certificate number_of_certs is set to about.labels.key/value
717026 Name lookup failed for hostname {target_hostname} during PKI operation target_hostname is set to target.hostname
717027 Certificate chain failed validation. {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
717028 Certificate chain was successfully validated {info} info is set to about.labels.key/value
717029 Identified client certificate within certificate chain. serial number: {serial_number}, subject name: {subject_name} serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717030 Found a suitable trustpoint {trustpoint_name} to validate certificate trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717031 Failed to find a suitable trustpoint for the issuer: {issuer} Reason: {summary} issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
717035 OCSP status is being checked for certificate. {certificate_identifiers} certificate_identifiers is set to about.labels.key/value
717036 Looking for a tunnel group match based on certificate maps for peer certificate with {certificate_identifiers} certificate_identifiers is set to about.labels.key/value
717037 Tunnel group search using certificate maps failed for peer certificate: {certificate_identifiers} certificate_identifiers is set to about.labels.key/value
717038 Tunnel group match found. Tunnel Group: {tunnel_group},Peer certificate: {certificate_identifiers} tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name, certificate_identifiers is set to about.labels.key/value
717039 Local CA Server internal error detected: {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
717040 Local CA Server has failed and is being disabled. Reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
717041 Local CA Server event: {info} info is set to about.labels.key/value
717042 Failed to enable Local CA Server.Reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
717043 Local CA Server certificate enrollment related info for user: {user_name}. Info: {info} user_name is set to target.user.userid, info is set to about.labels.key/value
717044 Local CA server certificate enrollment related error for user: {user_name}. Error: {error_message} user_name is set to target.user.userid, error_message is set to security_result.description
717045 Local CA Server CRL info: {info} info is set to about.labels.key/value
717046 Local CA Server CRL error: {error_message} error_message is set to security_result.description
717047 (Revoked|Unrevoked) certificate issued to user: {user_name}, with serial number {serial_number} user_name is set to target.user.userid, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value
717049 Local CA Server certificate is due to expire in {days_left} days and a replacement certificate is available for export days_left is set to about.labels.key/value
717050 SCEP Proxy: Processed request type {request_type} from IP {src_ip}, User {user_name}, TunnelGroup {tunnel_group}, GroupPolicy {group_name} to CA IP {dst_ip} request_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip
717051 SCEP Proxy: Denied processing the request type {request_type} received from IP {src_ip}, User {user_name}, TunnelGroup {tunnel_group}, GroupPolicy {group_name} to CA {dst_ip}. Reason: {summary} request_type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
717052 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Session disconnected due to periodic certificate authentication failure. Subject Name {subject_name} Issuer Name {issuer} Serial Number {serial_number} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value
717053 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Periodic certificate authentication succeeded. Subject Name {subject_name} Issuer Name {issuer} Serial Number {serial_number} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value
717054 The {type} certificate in the trustpoint {trustpoint_name} is due to expire in {days_left} days. Expiration {expiration} Subject Name {subject_name} Issuer Name {issuer} Serial Number {serial_number} type is set to about.labels.key/value, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, days_left is set to about.labels.key/value, expiration is set to about.labels.key/value, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value
717055 The {type} certificate in the trustpoint {trustpoint_name} has expired. Expiration {expiration} Subject Name {subject_name} Issuer Name {issuer}( Serial Number {serial_number})? type is set to about.labels.key/value, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, expiration is set to about.labels.key/value, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value
717056 Attempting {type} revocation check from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} using {protocol} type is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
717059 Peer certificate with serial number: (<|){serial_number}(>|), subject: (<|){subject_name}(>|), issuer: (<|){issuer}(>|) matched the configured certificate map {map_name} serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717060 Peer certificate with serial number: (<|){serial_number}(>|), subject: (<|){subject_name}(>|), issuer: (<|){issuer}(>|) failed to match the configured certificate map {map_name} serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, map_name is set to about.labels.key/value
717061 Starting {protocol} certificate enrollment for the trustpoint {trustpoint_name} with the CA {dst_ip}. Request Type {request_type} Mode {mode} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, request_type is set to about.labels.key/value, mode is set to about.labels.key/value
717062 {protocol} Certificate enrollment succeeded for the trustpoint {trustpoint_name} with the CA {dst_ip}. Received a new certificate with Subject Name {subject_name} Issuer Name {issuer} Serial Number {serial_number} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, subject_name is set to about.labels.key/value, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number is set to about.labels.key/value
717063 {protocol} Certificate enrollment failed for the trustpoint {trustpoint_name} with the CA {dst_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
717064 Keypair {key_name} in the trustpoint {trustpoint_name} is regenerated for {mode} {protocol} certificate renewal key_name is set to about.labels.key/value, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value, mode is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
718001 Internal interprocess communication queue send failure: code {error_code} error_code is set to security_result.description
718002 Create peer {dst_ip} failure, already at maximum of {no_of_peers} dst_ip is set to target.ip, no_of_peers is set to about.labels.key/value
718003 Got unknown peer message {message_id} from {dst_ip}, local version {local_version_number}, remote version {remote_version_number} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, local_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, remote_version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
718004 Got unknown internal message {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718005 Fail to send to {dst_ip}, port {dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
718006 Invalid load balancing state transition cur={current_state}][event={message_id}] current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718007, 718008 Socket (bind|open) failure {error_code}]:{summary} error_code is set to security_result.description, summary is set to security_result.summary
718009, 718011 Send HELLO (request|response) failure to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718010, 718012 Sent HELLO (request|response) to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718013 Peer {dst_ip} is not answering HELLO dst_ip is set to target.ip
718014 Primary peer {dst_ip} is not answering HELLO dst_ip is set to target.ip
718015, 718016 Received HELLO (request|response) from {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718017 Got timeout for unknown peer {src_ip} msg type {message_type} src_ip is set to principal.ip, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value
718018 Send KEEPALIVE request failure to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718019 Sent KEEPALIVE request to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718020 Send KEEPALIVE response failure to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718021 Sent KEEPALIVE response to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718022 Received KEEPALIVE request from {src_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip
718023 Received KEEPALIVE response from {src_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip
718025 Sent CFG UPDATE to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718026 Received CFG UPDATE from {src_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip
718029 Sent OOS indicator to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718034 Sent TOPOLOGY indicator to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718035 Received TOPOLOGY indicator from {src_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip
718036 Process timeout for req-type {type_value}, exid {exchange_id}, peer {src_ip} type_value is set to about.labels.key/value, exchange_id is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
718024 Send CFG UPDATE failure to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718027 Received unexpected KEEPALIVE request from {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718028 Send OOS indicator failure to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718030 Received planned OOS from {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718031 Received OOS obituary for {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718032 Received OOS indicator from {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718033 Send TOPOLOGY indicator failure to {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718037 Primary processed {number_of_timeouts} timeouts number_of_timeouts is set to about.labels.key/value
718038 Secondary processed {number_of_timeouts} timeouts number_of_timeouts is set to about.labels.key/value
718039 Process dead peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718040 Timed-out exchange ID {exchange_id} not found exchange_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718041 Timeout msgType={message_type}] processed with no callback message_type is set to about.labels.key/value
718042 Unable to ARP for {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718043 (Updating|Removing) duplicate peer entry {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718044, 718045 (Deleted|Created) peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718047 Fail to create group policy {policy_name} policy_name is set to target.resource.name
718046 Create group policy {policy_name} policy_name is set to target.resource.name
718048, 718050 (Create|Delete) of secure tunnel failure for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718051, 718049 (Deleted|Created) secure tunnel to peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718052 Received GRAT-ARP from duplicate primary {dst_mac} dst_mac is set to target.mac
718053 Detected duplicate primary, mastership stolen {dst_mac} dst_mac is set to target.mac
718054 Detected duplicate primary {dst_mac} and going to secondary dst_mac is set to target.mac
718055 Detected duplicate primary {dst_mac} and staying PRIMARY dst_mac is set to target.mac
718056 Deleted primary peer, IP {src_ip} src_ip is set to principal.ip
718057 Queue send failure from ISR, msg type {error_code} error_code is set to security_result.description
718058 State machine return code: {action_routine},{return_code} action_routine is set to about.labels.key/value, return_code is set to security_result.description
718059 State machine function trace: state={state_name}, event={event_name}, func={action_routine} state_name is set to about.labels.key/value, event_name is set to about.labels.key/value, action_routine is set to about.labels.key/value
718060 Inbound socket select fail: context={context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718061 Inbound socket read fail: context={context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718062 Inbound thread is awake (context={context_id}) context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718063 Interface {interface_name} is down interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
718064 Admin. interface {interface_name} is down interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
718065 Cannot continue to run (public=(up|down), private=(up|down), enable={lb_state}, master={dst_ip}, session=(Enable|Disable)) lb_state is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
718066 Cannot add secondary address to interface {interface_name}, ip {dst_ip} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
718067 Cannot delete secondary address to interface {interface_name}, ip {dst_ip} interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
718068 Start VPN Load Balancing in context {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718069 Stop VPN Load Balancing in context {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718070 Reset VPN Load Balancing in context {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718071 Terminate VPN Load Balancing in context {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718072 Becoming primary of Load Balancing in context {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718073 Becoming secondary of Load Balancing in context {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718074 Fail to create access list for peer {context_id} context_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718075 Peer {dst_ip} access list not set dst_ip is set to target.ip
718076 Fail to create tunnel group for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718077 Fail to delete tunnel group for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718078 Fail to create crypto map for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718079 Fail to delete crypto map for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718080 Fail to create crypto policy for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718081 Fail to delete crypto policy for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718082 Fail to create crypto ipsec for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718083 Fail to delete crypto ipsec for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
718084 (Public|cluster|Cluster) IP not on the same subnet: public {dst_ip}, mask {netmask}, cluster {dst_ip1} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
718085 Interface {interface_name} has no IP address defined interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
718086 Fail to install LB NP rules: type {rule_type}, dst {interface_name}, port {dst_port} rule_type is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_port is set to target.port
718087 Fail to delete LB NP rules: type {rule_type}, rule {rule_id} rule_type is set to about.labels.key/value, rule_id is set to about.labels.key/value
718088 Possible VPN LB misconfiguration. Offending device MAC {mac_address} mac_address is set to about.labels.key/value
719001 Email Proxy session could not be established: session limit of {maximum_sessions} has been reached maximum_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value
719002 Email Proxy session {session_pointer} from {src_ip} has been terminated due to {summary} error session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
719003 Email Proxy session {session_pointer} resources have been freed for {src_ip} session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
719004 Email Proxy session {session_pointer} has been successfully established for {src_ip} session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
719005 FSM <message_text> has been created using {protocol} for session {session_pointer} from {src_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
719006 Email Proxy session {session_pointer} has timed out for {src_ip} because of network congestion session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
719007 Email Proxy session {session_pointer} cannot be found for {src_ip} session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
719010 {protocol} Email Proxy feature is disabled on interface {interface_name} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
719011 {protocol} Email Proxy feature is enabled on interface {interface_name} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
719012 Email Proxy server listening on port {dst_port} for mail protocol {protocol} dst_port is set to target.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
719013 Email Proxy server closing port {dst_port} for mail protocol {protocol} dst_port is set to target.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
719014 Email Proxy is changing listen port from {old_dst_port} to {dst_port} for mail protocol {protocol} old_dst_port is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_port is set to target.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
719015 Parsed emailproxy session {session_pointer} from {src_ip} username: mailuser = {mail_user}, vpnuser = {vpn_user}, mailserver = {mail_server} session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, mail_user is set to about.labels.key/value, vpn_user is set to about.labels.key/value, mail_server is set to about.labels.key/value
719016 Parsed emailproxy session {session_pointer} from {src_ip} password: mailpass = {mail_password}, vpnpass= {vpn_password} session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, mail_password is set to about.labels.key/value, vpn_password is set to about.labels.key/value
719017 WebVPN user: {user_name} invalid dynamic ACL user_name is set to target.user.userid
719018 WebVPN user: {user_name} ACL ID {acl_id} not found user_name is set to target.user.userid, acl_id is set to about.labels.key/value
719019 WebVPN user: {user_name} authorization failed user_name is set to target.user.userid
719020 WebVPN user {user_name} authorization completed successfully user_name is set to target.user.userid
719021 WebVPN user: {user_name} is not checked against ACL user_name is set to target.user.userid
719022 WebVPN user {user_name} has been authenticated user_name is set to target.user.userid
719023 WebVPN user {user_name} has not been successfully authenticated. Access denied user_name is set to target.user.userid
719024 Email Proxy piggyback auth fail: session = {session_pointer} user={user_name} addr={src_ip} session_pointer is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip
719025 Email Proxy DNS name resolution failed for {target_hostname} target_hostname is set to target.hostname
719026 Email Proxy DNS name {target_hostname} resolved to {dst_ip} target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip
720014 (VPN-(Primary|Secondary)) Phase 2 connection entry (msg_id={message_id}, my cookie={my_cookie}, his cookie={his_cookie}) contains no SA list message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, my_cookie is set to about.labels.key/value, his_cookie is set to about.labels.key/value
720015 (VPN-(Primary|Secondary)) Cannot found Phase 1 SA for Phase 2 connection entry (msg_id={message_id},my cookie={my_cookie}, his cookie={his_cookie}) message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, my_cookie is set to about.labels.key/value, his_cookie is set to about.labels.key/value
720016 (VPN-(Primary|Secondary)) Failed to initialize default timer {index} index is set to about.labels.key/value
720018 (VPN-(Primary|Secondary)) Failed to get a buffer from the underlying core high availability subsystem. Error code {error_code} error_code is set to security_result.description
720021 (VPN-(Primary|Secondary)) HA non-block send failed for peer msg {message_id}. HA error {error_code} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value, error_code is set to security_result.description
720022 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Cannot find trustpoint {trustpoint_name} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, trustpoint_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720023 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Peer is (not )?present unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720024 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Control channel is {status} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, status is set to about.labels.key/value
720025 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Data channel is {status} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, status is set to about.labels.key/value
720026 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Current progression is being aborted unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720027 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: My state {current_state} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value
720028 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Peer state {current_state} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value
720029 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Start VPN bulk sync state unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720030 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Stop bulk sync state unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720031 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: Invalid event received. event={event_id} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, event_id is set to about.labels.key/value
720032 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA status callback: id={id}, seq={sequence_number}, grp={group_number}, event={current_event}, op={operand}, my={current_state}, peer={peer_state} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, id is set to about.labels.key/value, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value, group_number is set to about.labels.key/value, current_event is set to about.labels.key/value, operand is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, peer_state is set to about.labels.key/value
720033 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to queue add to message queue unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720034 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Invalid type ({message_type}) for message handler unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value
720035 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Fail to look up CTCP flow handle unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720036 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to process state update message from( the active)? peer unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720037 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) HA progression callback: id={id},seq={sequence_number},grp={group_number},event={current_event},op={operand},my={current_state},peer={peer_state} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, id is set to about.labels.key/value, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value, group_number is set to about.labels.key/value, current_event is set to about.labels.key/value, operand is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, peer_state is set to about.labels.key/value
720038 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Corrupted( peer)? message (from active unit|buffer) unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720039 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN failover client is transitioning to active state unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720040 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN failover client is transitioning to standby state unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720041 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Sending {message_type} message {message_id} to standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
720042 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Receiving {message_type} message {message_id} from active unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
720043 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to send {message_type} message id to standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value
720044 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to receive message from active unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720045 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Start bulk syncing of state information on standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720046 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) End bulk syncing of state information on standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720047 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to sync SDI node secret file for server {dst_ip} on the standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
720048 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) FSM action trace begin: state={current_state}, last event={event_name}, func={function} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, event_name is set to about.labels.key/value, function is set to about.labels.key/value
720049 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) FSM action trace end: state={current_state}, last event={event_name}, return={return_code}, func={function} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, event_name is set to about.labels.key/value, return_code is set to security_result.description, function is set to about.labels.key/value
720050 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to remove timer. ID = {message_id} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
720051 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to add new SDI node secret file for server {dst_ip} on the standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
720052 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to delete SDI node secret file for server {dst_ip} on the standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
720053 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to add cTCP IKE rule during bulk sync, peer={dst_ip}, port={dst_port} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
720054 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to add new cTCP record, peer={dst_ip}, port={dst_port} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
720055 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover can only be run in single/non-transparent mode unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720056 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover Message Thread is being disabled unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720057 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover Message Thread is enabled unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720058 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover Timer Thread is disabled unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720059 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover Timer Thread is enabled unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720060 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover Sync Thread is disabled unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720061 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) VPN Stateful failover Sync Thread is enabled unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720062 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Active unit started bulk sync of state information to( the)? standby unit unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720063 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Active unit completed bulk sync of state information to standby unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720064 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to update cTCP database record for peer={dst_ip}, port={dst_port} during bulk sync unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
720065 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to add new cTCP IKE rule, peer={dst_ip}, port={dst_port} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
720066 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to activate IKE database unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720067 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to deactivate IKE database unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720068 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to parse peer message unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720069 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to activate cTCP database unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720070 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to deactivate cTCP database unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720071 (VPN-(?P<unit_name>Primary|Secondary)) Failed to update cTCP dynamic data unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
720072 Timeout waiting for Integrity Firewall Server {dst_interface_name},{dst_ip}] to become available dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
720073 VPN Session failed to replicate - ACL {acl_name} not found acl_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721001 ({device_type}) WebVPN Failover SubSystem started successfully.({device_type}) either WebVPN-primary or WebVPN-secondary device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, device_type is set to about.labels.key/value
721002 ({device_type}) HA status change: event {current_event}, my state {current_state}, peer state {peer_state} device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, current_event is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, peer_state is set to about.labels.key/value
721003 ({device_type}) HA progression change: event {current_event}, my state {current_state}, peer state {peer_state} device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, current_event is set to about.labels.key/value, current_state is set to about.labels.key/value, peer_state is set to about.labels.key/value
721004 ({device_type}) Create access list {access_list_name} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721005 ({device_type}) Fail to create access list {access_list_name} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721006 ({device_type}) Update access list {access_list_name} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721007 ({device_type}) Fail to update access list {access_list_name} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721008 ({device_type}) Delete access list {access_list_name} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721009 ({device_type}) Fail to delete access list {access_list_name} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value
721010 ({device_type}) Add access list rule {access_list_name}, line {line_number} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value
721011 ({device_type}) Fail to add access list rule {access_list_name}, line {line_number} on standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, access_list_name is set to about.labels.key/value, line_number is set to about.labels.key/value
721012 ({device_type}) Enable APCF XML file {target_file_full_path} on the standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
721013 ({device_type}) Fail to enable APCF XML file {target_file_full_path} on the standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
721014 ({device_type}) Disable APCF XML file {target_file_full_path} on the standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
721015 ({device_type}) Fail to disable APCF XML file {target_file_full_path} on the standby unit device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
721016 ({device_type}) WebVPN session for client user {user_name}, IP {dst_ip} has been created device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
721017 ({device_type}) Fail to create WebVPN session for user {user_name}, IP {dst_ip} device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
721018 ({device_type}) WebVPN session for client user {user_name}, IP(v4)? {dst_ip} has been deleted device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
721019 ({device_type}) Fail to delete WebVPN session for client user {user_name}, IP {dst_ip} device_type is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
722006 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Invalid address {invalid_ip} assigned to SVC connection group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, invalid_ip is set to about.labels.key/value
722015 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Unknown SVC frame type: {frame_type} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, frame_type is set to about.labels.key/value
722016 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Bad SVC frame length: {frame_length} expected: {frame_expected_length} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, frame_length is set to about.labels.key/value, frame_expected_length is set to about.labels.key/value
722018 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Bad SVC protocol version: {svc_version}, expected: {svc_expected_version} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, svc_version is set to about.labels.key/value, svc_expected_version is set to about.labels.key/value
722020, 722041 TunnelGroup {tunnel_group} GroupPolicy {group_policy} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} {summary} tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name, group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
722022 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} {protocol} connection established <message_text> compression group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
722035, 722036 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} <message_text> large packet {received_bytes}(threshold {threshold}) group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, threshold is set to about.labels.key/value
722044 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Unable to request {ip_version} address for SSL tunnel group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, ip_version is set to about.labels.key/value
722051 Group (<)?{group_name}(>)? User (<)?{user_name}(>)? IP (<)?{dst_ip}(>)? IPv4 Address (<)?{src_ip1}(>)? IPv6 address (<)?{src_ip2}(>)? assigned to session group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to principal.ip, dst_ip2 is set to principal.ip
722053 Group {group_policy} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Unknown client {user_agent} connection group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_agent is set to network.http.user_agent
722054 Group {group_policy} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} SVC (?P<action>terminating) connection: Failed to install Redirect URL: {redirect_url} Redirect ACL: non_exist for {dst_ip1} action is set to security_result.action, group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, redirect_url is set to target.url, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
722055 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} Client Type: {user_agent} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_agent is set to network.http.user_agent
722056 Unsupported AnyConnect client connection rejected from {dst_ip}. Client info: {user_agent}. Reason: {summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_agent is set to network.http.user_agent, summary is set to security_result.summary
723001, 723002 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}: WebVPN Citrix ICA connection {session_id} is (?P<action>up|down) action is set to security_result.action, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, session_id is set to network.session_id
723014 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}: WebVPN Citrix {protocol} connection {session_id} to server {server_identifier} on channel {channel_id} initiated group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, server_identifier is set to about.labels.key/value, channel_id is set to about.labels.key/value
725001 Starting SSL handshake with <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} for {protocol} session interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
725001 Starting SSL handshake with <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} for {protocol} session interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
725002 Device completed SSL handshake with <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} for {version_protocol} session interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol
725002 Device completed SSL handshake with <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( for {version_protocol} session)? interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol
725003, 725005 SSL <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( to {dst_ip}/{dst_port})? request<message_text> interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
725004 Device requesting certificate from SSL <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} for authentication interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
725006 Device failed SSL handshake with <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( to {dst_ip}/{dst_port})? interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
725007 SSL session with <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port}( to {dst_ip}/{dst_port})? terminated interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
725008 SSL <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port}<message_text> interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
725009 Device proposes the following <message_text> cipher((s))?( to)? <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
725016 Device selects trust-point {trust_point} for <message_text> {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? trust_point is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
726001 Inspected (?P<im_protocol>MSN IM|YAHOO IM) {target_service} Session between Client {user_name} and {user_name_} Packet flow from {src_interface_name}:/{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:/{dst_ip}/{dst_port} Action: {action} Matched Class {class_map_id} {class_map_name} im_protocol is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, user_name is set to target.user.userid, user_name_ is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, action is set to security_result.action, class_map_id is set to about.labels.key/value, class_map_name is set to about.labels.key/value
730004 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {src_ip} VLAN ID {vlan_id} from AAA ignored group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, vlan_id is set to about.labels.key/value
730005 Group {group_name} User {user_name} {src_ip} VLAN Mapping error. VLAN {vlan_id} may be out of range, unassigned to any interface or assigned to multiple interfaces group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, vlan_id is set to about.labels.key/value
730008 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}, VLAN MAPPING timeout waiting NACApp group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
730009 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}, CAS {src_ip1}, capacity exceeded, (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip
731001, 731002 NAC policy <message_text>: name:{policy_name} Type:{policy_type} policy_name is set to target.resource.name, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
731003 nac-policy <message_text>: name:{policy_name} Type:{policy_type} policy_name is set to target.resource.name, policy_type is set to about.labels.key/value
732001 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}, Fail to parse NAC-SETTINGS {nac_settings_id} , (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, nac_settings_id is set to about.labels.key/value
732002 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}, NAC-SETTINGS {nac_settings_id} from AAA ignored, existing NAC-SETTINGS {settingsid_in_use} used instead group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, nac_settings_id is set to about.labels.key/value, settingsid_in_use is set to about.labels.key/value
732003 Group {group_name}, User {user_name}, IP {dst_ip}, NAC-SETTINGS {nac_settings_id} from AAA is invalid, {action} connection group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, nac_settings_id is set to about.labels.key/value, action is set to security_result.action
733100 <message_text> drop rate(-)?{rate_id} exceeded. Current burst rate is {current_burst_rate} per second, max configured rate is {max_burst_rate}; Current average rate is {current_average_rate} per second, max configured rate is {max_average_val}; Cumulative total count is {total_cnt} rate_id is set to about.labels.key/value, current_burst_rate is set to about.labels.key/value, max_burst_rate is set to about.labels.key/value, current_average_rate is set to about.labels.key/value, max_average_val is set to about.labels.key/value, total_cnt is set to about.labels.key/value
733101 <message_text> {dst_ip} (?P<tag>is targeted|is attacking). Current burst rate is {current_burst_rate} per second, max configured rate is {max_burst_rate}; Current average rate is {current_average_rate} per second, max configured rate is {max_average_val}; Cumulative total count is {total_cnt} , dst_ip is set to target.ip, current_burst_rate is set to about.labels.key/value, max_burst_rate is set to about.labels.key/value, current_average_rate is set to about.labels.key/value, max_average_val is set to about.labels.key/value, total_cnt is set to about.labels.key/value
733102, 733103 Threat-detection <message_text> host {target_hostname} <message_text> shun list target_hostname is set to target.hostname
734001 {category}: User {src_username}, Addr {src_ip}, Connection {connection} : The following DAP records were selected for this connection: {record_names} category is set to security_result.category_details, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, connection is set to about.labels.key/value, record_names is set to about.labels.key/value
734002 {category}: User {src_username}, Addr {src_ip}: Connection (?P<action>terminated) by the following DAP records: {record_names} action is set to security_result.action, category is set to security_result.category_details, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, record_names is set to about.labels.key/value
734003 {category}: User {src_username}, Addr {src_ip}: Session Attribute: {attribute} category is set to security_result.category_details, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, src_ip is set to principal.ip, attribute is set to about.labels.key/value
734004 {category}: Processing error: {internal_error_code} category is set to security_result.category_details, internal_error_code is set to about.labels.key/value
735001, 735002 {category}: Cooling Fan {device_number_markings}: {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, device_number_markings is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735003, 735004 {category}: Power Supply {device_number_markings}: {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, device_number_markings is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735007 {category}: CPU {device_number_markings} : Temp: {temperature_value} {units}, {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, device_number_markings is set to about.labels.key/value, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735008 {category}: Chassis Ambient {device_number_markings} : Temp: {temperature_value} {units}, {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, device_number_markings is set to about.labels.key/value, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735014 and 735013 Voltage Channel {voltage_channel_number}: {summary} voltage_channel_number is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735016 Chassis Ambient {chassis_sensor_number} : Temp: {temperature_value} {units}, <message_text> chassis_sensor_number is set to about.labels.key/value, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value
735019, 735018 and 735017 Power Supply {power_supply_number} : Temp: {temperature_value} {units}, {summary} power_supply_number is set to about.labels.key/value, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735012 and 735011 Power Supply {voltage_channel_number}: {summary} voltage_channel_number is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735015 and 735020 CPU {cpu_number}: Temp: {temperature_value} {units}(,|) {summary} cpu_number is set to target.asset.hardware.serial_number, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735021 Chassis {chassis_sensor_number}: Temp: {temperature_value} {units} {summary} chassis_sensor_number is set to about.labels.key/value, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735026, 735025 and 735024 IO Hub {io_hub_number} : Temp: {temperature_value} {units}, {summary} io_hub_number is set to about.labels.key/value, temperature_value is set to about.labels.key/value, units is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
735027 CPU {cpu_number} Voltage Regulator is running beyond the max thermal operating temperature and the device will be shutting down immediately. The chassis and CPU need to be inspected immediately for ventilation issues cpu_number is set to target.asset.hardware.serial_number
737002 {category}: Session= {session_id},Received unknown message {num} variables category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, num is set to about.labels.key/value
737005, 737003 and 737004 {category}: Session= {session_id}, DHCP configured,<message_text>tunnel-group {tunnel_group} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
737006, 737007 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Local pool request <message_text> for tunnel-group {tunnel_group} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
737008 {category}: Session= {session_id}, '{tunnel_group}' not found category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
737009, 737010 {category}: Session= {session_id}, AAA assigned address {dst_ip}, request <message_text> category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737011 {category}: Session= {session_id}, AAA assigned {dst_ip}, not permitted, retrying category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737012 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Address assignment failed category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id
737013 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Error freeing address {dst_ip}, not found category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737014, 737015 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Freeing <message_text> address {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737016 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Freeing local pool {pool_name} address {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, pool_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737017 {category}: Session= {session_id}, DHCP request attempt {num} <message_text> category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, num is set to about.labels.key/value
737019 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Unable to get address from group-policy or tunnel-group local pools category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id
737023 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Unable to allocate memory to store local pool address {dst_ip} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737024 {category}: Session= {session_id}, Client requested address {dst_ip}, already in use, retrying category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
73702 {category}:Session= {session_id}, Duplicate local pool address found, {dst_ip} in quarantine category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737026 {category}:Session= {session_id}, Client assigned {dst_ip} from local pool {pool_name} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip, pool_name is set to about.labels.key/value
737027 {category}:Session= {session_id}, No data for address request category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id
737028, 737030, 737032 {category}:Session= {session_id}, Unable to <message_text> {dst_ip} <message_text> standby: {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
737029, 737031 {category}:Session= {session_id}, <message_text> {dst_ip} <message_text> standby category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737033 {category}:Session= {session_id}, Unable to assign {addr_allocator} provided IP address {dst_ip} to client. This IP address has already been assigned by {previous_addr_allocator} category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, addr_allocator is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, previous_addr_allocator is set to about.labels.key/value
737038 {category}:Session={session_id}, specified address {dst_ip} was in-use, trying to get another category is set to security_result.category_details, session_id is set to network.session_id, dst_ip is set to target.ip
737402 {category}:Pool={pool_name}, Failed to return {dst_ip} to pool <message_text>. Reason: {summary} category is set to security_result.category_details, pool_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
741000 Coredump filesystem image created on {created_directory} -size {file_size_mb} MB created_directory is set to about.labels.key/value, file_size_mb is set to about.labels.key/value
741001 Coredump filesystem image on {created_directory} - resized from variable {previous_file_size_mb} MB to variable {file_size_mb} MB created_directory is set to about.labels.key/value, previous_file_size_mb is set to about.labels.key/value, file_size_mb is set to about.labels.key/value
741002 Coredump log and filesystem contents cleared on {created_directory} created_directory is set to about.labels.key/value
741003 Coredump filesystem and its contents removed on {created_directory} created_directory is set to about.labels.key/value
741006 Unable to write Coredump Helper configuration, reason {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
742003, 742004 failed to <message_text> primary key for password encryption, reason {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
742005 cipher text {encrypted_pass} is not compatible with the configured primary key or the cipher text has been tampered with encrypted_pass is set to about.labels.key/value
742008 password {encrypted_pass} decryption failed due to decoding error encrypted_pass is set to about.labels.key/value
742010 encrypted password {encrypted_pass} is not well formed encrypted_pass is set to about.labels.key/value
743000 The PCI device with vendor ID: {vendor_id} device ID: {device_id} located at <message_text> vendor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, device_id is set to target.resource.product_object_id

"target.resource.resource_type" is set to "DEVICE"

"device_id" is set to "target.resource.product_object_id"

743004 System is not fully operational - PCI device with vendor ID {vendor_id}({vendor_name}), device ID {device_id}({device_name}) not found vendor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, vendor_name is set to about.labels.key/value, device_id is set to target.resource.product_object_id, device_name is set to about.labels.key/value

"target.resource.resource_type" is set to "DEVICE"

"device_id" is set to "target.resource.product_object_id"

743010 EOBC RPC server failed to start for client module {user_name} user_name is set to target.user.userid
743011 EOBC RPC call failed, return code {return_code} string return_code is set to security_result.description
746004 <message_text>: Total number of activated user groups exceeds the {max_groups} groups for this platform max_groups is set to about.labels.key/value
747029 <message_text>: Unit {unit_name} is quitting due to Cluster Control Link down unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
746005 <message_text>: The AD Agent<message_text>{dst_ip} cannot be reached - {summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
746007 <message_text>: NetBIOS response failed from User {user_name} at {dst_ip} user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
746011 Total number of users created exceeds the maximum number of {max_users} for this platform max_users is set to about.labels.key/value
746012, 746013 <message_text>: <message_text> IP-User mapping {dst_ip} - {src_fwuser}\{user_name} -{summary} dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
746014 <message_text>: FQDN] {target_hostname} address {dst_ip} obsolete target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip

if [target_hostname] != "" and [sysloghost] != "" then

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DNS"

"network.dns.questions.name" is set to "%{target_hostname}"

746015 <message_text>: FQDN] {target_hostname} resolved {dst_ip} target_hostname is set to target.hostname, dst_ip is set to target.ip

if [target_hostname] != "" and [sysloghost] != "" then

"event.idm.read_only_udm.network.application_protocol" is set to "DNS"

"network.dns.questions.name" is set to "%{target_hostname}""

746016 <message_text>: DNS lookup failed, reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
746018 <message_text>: Update import-user {src_fwuser}{group_name} done src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
746017 <message_text>: Update import-user {src_fwuser}<message_text>{group_name} src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers
746010 <message_text>: update import-user {src_fwuser} {group_name} -{summary} src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, summary is set to security_result.summary
746019 <message_text>:<message_text> mapping {dst_ip} - {src_fwuser}\{user_name} failed dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid
747001 <message_text>: Recovered from state machine event queue depleted. Event ({event_id},<message_text>) dropped. Current state {state_name}<message_text> event_id is set to about.labels.key/value, state_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747003 <message_text>: Recovered from state machine failure to process event ({event_id},<message_text>) at {state_name} event_id is set to about.labels.key/value, state_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747004 <message_text>: state machine changed from state {state_name} to {final_state_name} state_name is set to about.labels.key/value, final_state_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747008 <message_text>: New cluster member {member_name} with serial number {serial_number_a} rejected due to name conflict with existing unit with serial number {serial_number_b} member_name is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number_a is set to about.labels.key/value, serial_number_b is set to about.labels.key/value
747009 <message_text>: Fatal error due to failure to create RPC server for module {module_name} module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747010 <message_text>: RPC call failed, message {summary}, return code {return_code} summary is set to security_result.summary, return_code is set to security_result.description
747012, 747013 <message_text>: Failed to <message_text> global object id {hex_id} in domain {target_hostname} <message_text> peer {unit_name}, continuing operation hex_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_hostname is set to target.hostname, unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747014 <message_text>: Failed to <message_text> global object id {hex_id} in domain {target_hostname}, continuing operation hex_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_hostname is set to target.hostname
747015 <message_text>: Forcing stray member {unit_name} to leave the cluster unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747016 <message_text>: Found a split cluster with both {unit_name_a} and {unit_name_b} as primary units. Primary role retained by {unit_name_a_}, {unit_name_b_} will leave, then join as a secondary unit_name_a is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_name_b is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_name_a_ is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_name_b_ is set to about.labels.key/value
747017 <message_text>: Failed to enroll unit {unit_name} due to maximum member limit {limit_value} reached unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, limit_value is set to about.labels.key/value
747018 <message_text>: State progression failed due to timeout in module {module_name} module_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747019 <message_text>: New cluster member {member_name} rejected due to Cluster Control Link IP subnet mismatch ({dst_ip}/<message_text> on new unit, {dst_ip1}/<message_text> on local unit) member_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
747020 <message_text>: New cluster member {unit_name} rejected due to encryption license mismatch unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747021 <message_text>: Primary unit {unit_name} is quitting due to interface health check failure on {interface_name} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747022 <message_text>: Asking secondary unit {unit_name} to quit because it failed interface health check <message_text> times, rejoin will be attempted after <message_text> min. Failed interface: {interface_name} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747025 <message_text>: New cluster member {unit_name} rejected due to firewall mode mismatch unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747026 <message_text>: New cluster member {unit_name} rejected due to cluster interface name mismatch ({new_interface_name} on new unit, {old_interface_name} on local unit) unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, new_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, old_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747027 <message_text>: Failed to enroll unit {unit_name} due to insufficient size of cluster pool {pool_name} in {context_name} unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, pool_name is set to about.labels.key/value, context_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747028 <message_text>: New cluster member {unit_name} rejected due to interface mode mismatch ({new_mode_name} on new unit, {old_mode_name} on local unit) unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, new_mode_name is set to about.labels.key/value, old_mode_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747030 <message_text>: Asking secondary unit {unit_name} to quit because it failed interface health check <message_text> times (last failure on {interface_name}), Clustering must be manually enabled on the unit to re-join unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747031 <message_text>: Platform mismatch between cluster primary ({cluster_platform}) and joining unit {unit_name} ({unit_platform})<message_text> cluster_platform is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_platform is set to about.labels.key/value
747032 <message_text>: Service module mismatch between cluster primary ({cluster_platform}) and joining unit {unit_name} ({unit_platform})in slot {slot_number}<message_text> cluster_platform is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, unit_platform is set to about.labels.key/value, slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value
747033 <message_text>: Interface mismatch between cluster primary and joining unit {unit_name}<message_text> unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747034, 747035 Unit {unit_name} is quitting due to Cluster Control Link down<message_text> unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value
747037 Asking secondary Unit {unit_name} to quit due to its Security Service Module health check failure {number_of_health_check_failure} times, and its Security Service Module state is <message_text> unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, number_of_health_check_failure is set to about.labels.key/value
747038 Asking secondary Unit {unit_name} to quit due to Security Service Module health check failure {number_of_health_check_failure} times, and its Security Service Card Module is <message_text> unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, number_of_health_check_failure is set to about.labels.key/value
747040, 747039 Unit {unit_name} is quitting due to system failure for {number_of_health_check_failure}<message_text> unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, number_of_health_check_failure is set to about.labels.key/value
747041 Primary Unit {unit_name} is quitting due to interface health check failure on {number_of_health_check_failure}<message_text> unit_name is set to about.labels.key/value, number_of_health_check_failure is set to about.labels.key/value
747042 <message_text>: Primary received the config hash string request message from an unknown member with id {cluster_member_id} cluster_member_id is set to about.labels.key/value
747043 <message_text>: Get config hash string from primary error: ret_code {return_code}, string_len {string_len} if [return_code] == "0" then "security_result.description" is set to "OK"

else if [return_code] == "1" then "security_result.description" is set to "Failed",

string_len is set to about.labels.key/value

747044 Configuration Hash string verification {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
748001 Module {slot_number} in chassis {chassis_number} is leaving the cluster due to a chassis configuration change slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value
748004, 748003 Module {slot_number} in chassis {chassis_number} is <message_text> the cluster due to a chassis slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value
748005 Failed to bundle the ports for module {slot_number} in chassis {chassis_number}; clustering is disabled slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value
748006 Asking module {slot_number} in chassis {chassis_number} to leave the cluster due to a port bundling failure slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value
748007 Failed to de-bundle the ports for module {slot_number} in chassis {chassis_number}; traffic may be black holed slot_number is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value
748100 {target_service} application status is changed from {old_status} to {new_status} target_service is set to target.application, old_status is set to about.labels.key/value, new_status is set to about.labels.key/value
748101 Peer unit (<|){unit_id}(>|) reported its {target_service} application status is {status} unit_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, status is set to about.labels.key/value
748102 Primary unit (<|){unit_id}(>|) is quitting due to {target_service} Application health check failure, and primary's application state is {status} unit_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, status is set to about.labels.key/value
748103 Asking secondary unit (<|){unit_id}(>|) to quit due to {target_service} Application health check failure, and secondary's application state is {status} unit_id is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, status is set to about.labels.key/value
748201 {target_service} application on module {module_id} in chassis {chassis_number} is {status} target_service is set to target.application, module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value, status is set to about.labels.key/value
748202 Module {module_id} in chassis {chassis_number} is leaving the cluster due to {target_service} application failure module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application
748203 Module {module_id} in chassis {chassis_number} is re-joining the cluster due to a service chain application recovery module_id is set to about.labels.key/value, chassis_number is set to about.labels.key/value
750001 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} Received request to <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid
750002 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username}( IKEv2)? Received a IKE_INIT_SA request src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid
750003 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} Negotiation aborted due to ERROR:{summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
750004 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} Sending COOKIE challenge to throttle possible DoS src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid
750005 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} (IPsec|IPSec) rekey collision detected. I am lowest nonce initiator, deleting SA with inbound SPI {spi} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, spi is set to about.labels.key/value
750006 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} SA UP. Reason:{summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
750007 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} SA DOWN. Reason:{summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
750008 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} SA rejected due to system resource low src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid
750009 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{src_username} SA request rejected due to CAC limit reached: Rejection reason:{summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
750010 Local:{src_ip}(:{src_port})? Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{src_username} IKEv2 (L|l)?ocal throttle-request queue depth threshold of {threshold} reached;<message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_username is set to principal.user.userid, threshold is set to about.labels.key/value
750011 Tunnel Rejected: Selected IKEv2 encryption algorithm \({ikev2_encry_algo}\) is not strong enough to secure proposed (IPsec|IPSEC) encryption algorithm \({ipsec_encry_algo}\) ikev2_encry_algo is set to about.labels.key/value, ipsec_encry_algo is set to about.labels.key/value
750012 (Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} IKEv2 )?Selected IKEv2 encryption algorithm ({ikev2_encry_algo}) is not strong enough to secure proposed (IPsec|IPSEC) encryption algorithm ({ipsec_encry_algo}) src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, ikev2_encry_algo is set to about.labels.key/value, ipsec_encry_algo is set to about.labels.key/value
750013 IKEv2 SA (iSPI <{initiator_spi}> rRSP <{responder_spi}>) Peer Moved: Previous <{dst_ip}>:<{prev_remote_port}>/<{src_ip}>:<{prev_local_port}>. Updated <{dst_ip1}>:<{dst_port}>/<{src_ip1}>:<{src_port}> initiator_spi is set to about.labels.key/value, responder_spi is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, prev_remote_port is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, prev_local_port is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port
750014 Local:<{src_ip}>:<{src_port}> Remote:<{dst_ip}>(:<{dst_port}>)? Username:<{user_name}> IKEv2 Session aborted. Reason: <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
750015 Local:<{src_ip}>:<{src_port}> Remote:<{dst_ip}>(:<{dst_port}>)? Username:<{user_name}> IKEv2 deleting IPSec SA. Reason: invalid SPI notification received for SPI <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751001 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Failed to complete Diffie-Hellman operation. Error: {summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
751002 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name}( IKEv2)? No pre(-)?shared key or trustpoint configured for self in tunnel group {tunnel_group} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
751004 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} No remote authentication method configured for peer in tunnel group {tunnel_group} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
751005 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} AnyConnect client reconnect authentication failed. Session ID: {session_id}, Error: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, session_id is set to network.session_id, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751006 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Certificate authentication failed. Error: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751007 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Configured attribute not supported for IKEv2. Attribute: {attribute} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, attribute is set to about.labels.key/value
751008 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Group={tunnel_group}, Tunnel rejected: IKEv2 not enabled in group policy src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, tunnel_group is set to target.group.group_display_name
751009 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Unable to find tunnel group for peer src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751010 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Unable to determine (self-authentication|self auth) method. No crypto map setting or tunnel group found src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751011 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Failed user authentication. Error: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751012 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Failure occurred during Configuration Mode processing. Error: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751013 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Failed to process Configuration Payload request for attribute {attribute_id}. Error: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, attribute_id is set to about.labels.key/value, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751014 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote {dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Warning Configuration Payload request for attribute {attribute_id} could not be processed. Error: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, attribute_id is set to about.labels.key/value, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751015 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote {dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} SA request rejected by CAC. Reason: {summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
751016 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote {dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} L2L peer initiated a tunnel with the same outer and inner addresses. <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751017 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote {dst_ip}(:{dst_port})? Username:{user_name} Configuration Error {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, error is set to about.labels.key/value
751018 Terminating the (?P<target_service>VPN) connection attempt from {attempted_group}. Reason: This connection is group locked to {locked_group} target_service is set to target.application, attempted_group is set to about.labels.key/value, locked_group is set to about.labels.key/value
751019 Local:{src_ip} Remote:{dst_ip} Username:{user_name} Failed to obtain an {license_type} license. Maximum license limit {limit} exceeded src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid, license_type is set to about.labels.key/value, limit is set to about.labels.key/value
751020 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{user_name} An <message_text> remote access connection failed. <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751021 Local:{src_ip} :{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip} :{dst_port} Username:{user_name} (?P<version_protocol>IKEv1|IKEv2) with {encryption_type} encryption is not supported with this version of the AnyConnect Client. Please upgrade to the latest Anyconnect Client version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, encryption_type is set to about.labels.key/value
751022 Local: {src_ip} Remote: {dst_ip} Username:{user_name} Tunnel rejected: Crypto Map Policy not found for remote traffic selector <message_text> src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751023 Local {src_ip} :{src_port} Remote: {dst_ip} :{dst_port} Username:{user_name} Unknown client connection src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751024 Local:{src_ip} Remote:{dst_ip} Username:{user_name} IKEv2 IPv6 User Filter tempipv6 configured. This setting has been deprecated, (?P<action>terminating) connection action is set to security_result.action, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, user_name is set to target.user.userid
751025 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{user_name} Group:{group_policy} IPv4 Address={assigned_IPv4_addr} IPv6 address={assigned_IPv6_addr} assigned to session src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, group_policy is set to about.labels.key/value, assigned_IPv4_addr is set to about.labels.key/value, assigned_IPv6_addr is set to about.labels.key/value
751026 Local: {src_ip}:{src_port} Remote: {dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username: {user_name} IKEv2 Client OS: {target_platform} Client: {client_name} {client_version} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_platform is set to target.platform, client_name is set to about.labels.key/value, client_version is set to about.labels.key/value
751027 Local:{src_ip}:{src_port} Remote:{dst_ip}:{dst_port} Username:{user_name} IKEv2 Received INVALID_SELECTORS Notification from peer. Peer received a packet (SPI={spi} ). The decapsulated inner packet <message_text> match the negotiated policy in the SA. Packet destination {dst_ip1}, port <message_text>, source {src_ip1}, port <message_text>, protocol {protocol} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol
751028 Local:<{src_ip}:{src_port}> Remote:<{dst_ip}:{dst_port}> Username:<{user_name}> IKEv2 Overriding configured keepalive values of threshold:<{config_threshold}>/retry:<{config_retry}> to threshold:<{applied_threshold}>/retry:<{applied_retry}> src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, user_name is set to target.user.userid, config_threshold is set to about.labels.key/value, config_retry is set to about.labels.key/value, applied_threshold is set to about.labels.key/value, applied_retry is set to about.labels.key/value
752003, 752004 Tunnel Manager dispatching a KEY_ACQUIRE message to (?P<version_protocol>IKEv1|IKEv2).Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752005 Tunnel Manager failed to dispatch a KEY_ACQUIRE message. Memory may be low.Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752006 Tunnel Manager failed to dispatch a KEY_ACQUIRE message.Probable mis-configuration of the crypto map or tunnel-group.Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number}(, SRC Addr: {src_ip} port: {src_port} Dst Addr: {dst_ip} port: {dst_port})? map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
752007 Tunnel Manager failed to dispatch a KEY_ACQUIRE message. Entry already in Tunnel Manager.Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752012 (?P<version_protocol>IKEv1|IKEv2) was unsuccessful at setting up a tunnel.Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752013, 752014 Tunnel Manager dispatching a KEY_ACQUIRE message to (?P<version_protocol>IKEv1|IKEv2) after a failed attempt.(.)?Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752015 Tunnel Manager has failed to establish an L2L SA.All configured IKE versions failed to establish the tunnel.Map Tag= {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752016 {version_protocol} was successful at setting up a tunnel.Map Tag = {map_tag}.Map Sequence Number = {sequence_number} version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, map_, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
752017 IKEv2 Backup L2L tunnel initiation denied on interface {interface_name} matching crypto map {crypto_map_name}, sequence number {sequence_number}. Unsupported configuration interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, crypto_map_name is set to about.labels.key/value, sequence_number is set to about.labels.key/value
753001 Unexpected (?P<version_protocol>IKEv2) packet received from <{dst_ip}>:<{dst_port}>. Error: <{summary}> version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
767001 {inspect_name}: Dropping an unsupported <message_text> from {src_interface_name}:IP {src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:IP {dst_ip} (fail-close) inspect_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
768001 QUOTA: {resource} utilization is high: requested {number_requested}, current {current_number}, warning level {warning_level} resource is set to target.resource.name, number_requested is set to about.labels.key/value, current_number is set to about.labels.key/value, warning_level is set to about.labels.key/value
768002 QUOTA: {resource} quota exceeded: requested {number_requested}, current {current_number}, limit {resource_limit} resource is set to target.resource.name, number_requested is set to about.labels.key/value, current_number is set to about.labels.key/value, resource_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
768003 QUOTA: management session quota exceeded for user {user_name}: {current_number} 3, user {resource_limit} 3 user_name is set to target.user.userid, current_number is set to about.labels.key/value, resource_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
768004 QUOTA: management session quota exceeded for ssh/telnet/http protocol: {current_number} 2, protocol {resource_limit} 2 current_number is set to about.labels.key/value, resource_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
769001 UPDATE: ASA image {src_file_full_path} was added to system boot list src_file_full_path is set to src.file.full_path
769002, 769003 UPDATE: ASA image {src_file_full_path} was <message_text> to {target_file_full_path} src_file_full_path is set to src.file.full_path, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
769004 UPDATE: ASA image {src_file_full_path} failed verification, reason: {summary} src_file_full_path is set to src.file.full_path, summary is set to security_result.summary
769005 UPDATE: ASA image {target_file_full_path} passed image verification target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
769006 UPDATE: ASA boot system image {image_name} was not found on disk image_name is set to about.labels.key/value
769007 UPDATE: Image version is {version_number} version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
769009 UPDATE: Image booted {image_name} is different from boot images image_name is set to about.labels.key/value
770001 {resource} resource allocation is more than the permitted list of {limit} for this platform. If this condition persists, the ASA will be rebooted resource is set to target.resource.name, limit is set to about.labels.key/value
770002 {resource} resource allocation is more than the permitted {limit} for this platform. ASA will be rebooted resource is set to target.resource.name, limit is set to about.labels.key/value
770003 {resource} resource allocation is less than the minimum requirement of {value} for this platform. If this condition persists, performance will be lower than normal resource is set to target.resource.name, value is set to about.labels.key/value
771002 CLOCK: System clock set, source: {source} , IP {dst_ip} , before: {before_time} , after: {after_time} source is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, before_time is set to about.labels.key/value, after_time is set to about.labels.key/value
771001 CLOCK: System clock set, source: {source} , before: {before_time} , after: {after_time} source is set to about.labels.key/value, before_time is set to about.labels.key/value, after_time is set to about.labels.key/value
772002 PASSWORD: console login warning, user {user_name} , cause: {summary} user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
772003, 772004 PASSWORD: {session_type} login failed, user {user_name} , IP {dst_ip} , cause: {summary} session_type is set to about.labels.key/value, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
772005, 772006 {action_details}: user {user_name} {action} authentication action_details is set to security_result.action_details, user_name is set to target.user.userid, action is set to security_result.action
774002 POST: error {error}, func {function} , engine {target_service} , algorithm {algorithm} , mode {mode} , dir {dir} , key len {length} error is set to about.labels.key/value, function is set to about.labels.key/value, target_service is set to target.application, algorithm is set to about.labels.key/value, mode is set to about.labels.key/value, dir is set to about.labels.key/value, length is set to about.labels.key/value
775001 (?P<target_service>Scansafe): {protocol} connection {session_id} from {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? (idfw_user )] to {interface_name_}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} redirected to {primary_server_interface_name} :{dst_ip1} target_service is set to target.application, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, interface_name_ is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, primary_server_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
775002 Reason - {protocol} connection {session_id} from {interface_name}:{src_ip}(/{src_port})? (idfw_user )] to {interface_name_}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} is action locally protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, interface_name_ is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
775003 (?P<target_service>Scansafe):{protocol} connection {session_id} from {interface_name} :{src_ip}(/{src_port})? (idfw_user )] to {interface_name_} :{dst_ip}/{dst_port} is whitelisted target_service is set to target.application, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, interface_name_ is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
775004, 775005 (?P<target_service>Scansafe): Primary server {dst_ip} is <message_text> target_service is set to target.application, dst_ip is set to target.ip
775006 Primary server {primary_server_interface_name} :{dst_ip} is not reachable and backup server {backup_server_interface_name} :{dst_ip1} <message_text> primary_server_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, backup_server_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
775007 (?P<target_service>Scansafe): Primary {primary_server_interface_name} :{dst_ip} and backup {backup_server_interface_name} :{dst_ip1} <message_text> target_service is set to target.application, primary_server_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, backup_server_interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
776001 CTS SXP: Configured source IP {src_ip} {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
776002 CTS SXP: Invalid message from peer {src_ip} : {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
776003 CTS SXP: Connection with peer {src_ip} failed: {error} src_ip is set to principal.ip, error is set to about.labels.key/value
776005 CTS SXP: Binding {dst_ip} - {sg_name} from {src_ip} instance {connection_instance_num}{error} dst_ip is set to target.ip, sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, connection_instance_num is set to about.labels.key/value, error is set to about.labels.key/value
776006 CTS SXP: Internal error: {error} error is set to about.labels.key/value
776007 CTS SXP: Connection with peer {src_ip} (instance {connection_instance_num}) state changed from {original_state} to {final_state} src_ip is set to principal.ip, connection_instance_num is set to about.labels.key/value, original_state is set to about.labels.key/value, final_state is set to about.labels.key/value
776008 CTS SXP: Connection with {src_ip} (instance {connection_instance_num}) state changed from {original_state} to {final_state} src_ip is set to principal.ip, connection_instance_num is set to about.labels.key/value, original_state is set to about.labels.key/value, final_state is set to about.labels.key/value
776010 CTS SXP: SXP default source IP is changed {src_ip} {src_ip1} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip
776020 CTS SXP: Unable to locate egress interface to peer {dst_ip}, dst_ip is set to target.ip
776201 CTS PAC: CTS PAC for Server {dst_ip}, A-ID {issuer} will expire in {days_left} days dst_ip is set to target.ip, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value, days_left is set to about.labels.key/value
776202 CTS PAC for Server {dst_ip}, A-ID {issuer} has expired dst_ip is set to target.ip, issuer is set to about.labels.key/value
776203 Unable to retrieve CTS Environment data due to: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
776251 CTS SGT-MAP: Binding {dst_ip} - {sg_name} from {source_name} added to binding manager dst_ip is set to target.ip, sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, source_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776252 CTS SGT-MAP: CTS SGT-MAP: Binding {dst_ip} - {sg_name} from {source_name} deleted from binding manager. dst_ip is set to target.ip, sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, source_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776253 CTS SGT-MAP: Binding {dst_ip} - {new_sg_name} from {source_name} changed from old sgt: {old_sg_name} from old source {old_source_name} dst_ip is set to target.ip, new_sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, source_name is set to about.labels.key/value, old_sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, old_source_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776254 CTS SGT-MAP: Binding manager unable to {action_details} Binding {dst_ip} - {sg_name} from {source_name} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, dst_ip is set to target.ip, sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, source_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776301 CTS Policy: Security-group tag {sgt} is mapped to security-group name {sg_name} sgt is set to about.labels.key/value, sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776302 CTS Policy: Unknown security-group tag {sgt} referenced in policies sgt is set to about.labels.key/value
776303 CTS Policy: Security-group name {sg_name} is resolved to security-group tag {sgt} sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, sgt is set to about.labels.key/value
776304 CTS Policy: Unresolved security-group name {sg_name} referenced, policies based on this name will be inactive sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776307 CTS Policy: Security-group name for security-group tag {sgt} renamed from {old_sg_name} to {new_sg_name} sgt is set to about.labels.key/value, old_sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, new_sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776308 CTS Policy: Previously unknown security-group tag {sgt} is now mapped to security-group name {sg_name} sgt is set to about.labels.key/value, sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776309 CTS Policy: Previously known security-group tag {sgt} is now unknown sgt is set to about.labels.key/value
776310 CTS Policy: Security-group name {sg_name} remapped from security-group tag {old_sgt} to {new_sgt} sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, old_sgt is set to about.labels.key/value, new_sgt is set to about.labels.key/value
776311 CTS Policy: Previously unresolved security-group name {sg_name} is now resolved to security-group tag {sgt} sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, sgt is set to about.labels.key/value
776312 CTS Policy: Previously resolved security-group name {sg_name} is now unresolved, policies based on this name will be deactivated sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value
776313 CTS Policy: Failure to update policies for security-group {sg_name}-{sgt} sg_name is set to about.labels.key/value, sgt is set to about.labels.key/value
778001 VXLAN: Invalid VXLAN segment-id {segment_id} for {protocol} from {src_interface_name}:({src_ip}/{src_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:({dst_ip}/{dst_port}) segment_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
778002 VXLAN: There is no VNI interface for segment-id {segment_id} segment_id is set to about.labels.key/value
778003 VXLAN: Invalid VXLAN segment-id {segment_id} for {protocol} from {src_interface_name}:({src_ip}//{src_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:({dst_ip}//{dst_port}) in FP segment_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
778004 VXLAN: Invalid VXLAN header for {protocol} from {src_interface_name}:({src_ip}/{src_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:({dst_ip}/{dst_port}) in FP protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
778005 VXLAN: Packet with VXLAN segment-id {segment_id} from {interface_name} is denied by FP L2 check segment_id is set to about.labels.key/value, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value
778006 VXLAN: Invalid VXLAN UDP checksum from {src_interface_name}:({src_ip}/{src_port}) to {dst_interface_name}:({dst_ip}/{dst_port}) in FP src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
778007 VXLAN: Packet from {interface_name} :{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} was discarded due to invalid NVE peer interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
779001 STS: Out-tag lookup failed for in-tag {segment_id} of {protocol} from {interface_name} :{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? segment_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
779002 STS: STS and NAT locate different egress interface for segment-id {segment_id}, {protocol} from {interface_name} :{src_ip}(/{src_port})? to {dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? segment_id is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, interface_name is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
779003, 779004 STS: Failed to <message_text> tag-switching table - {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
779005 STS: Failed to parse tag-switching request from http - {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
779006 STS: Failed to save tag-switching table to flash - {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
779007 STS: Failed to replicate tag-switching table to peer - {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
780001, 780002, 780003, 780004 RULE ENGINE: <message_text> compilation for <message_text> transaction - {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
785001 Clustering: Ownership for existing flow from (<|){src_interface_name}(>|):(<|){src_ip}(>|)/(<|){src_port}(>|) to (<|){dst_interface_name}(>|):(<|){dst_ip}(>|)/(<|){dst_port}(>|) moved from unit (<|){old_owner_unit_id}(>|) at site (<|){old_site_id}(>|) to (<|){new_owner_unit_id}(>|) at site <message_text> due to {summary} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, old_owner_unit_id is set to about.labels.key/value, old_site_id is set to about.labels.key/value, new_owner_unit_id is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
802005 IP {src_ip} Received MDM request {summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
802006 IP {src_ip} MDM request details has been rejected: {summary} src_ip is set to principal.ip, summary is set to security_result.summary
805001 Flow offloaded: connection {session_id} {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} (<message_text>) {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} <message_text> session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
805,002,805,003 Flow is no longer offloaded: connection {session_id} {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} (<message_text>) {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} <message_text> session_id is set to network.session_id, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
840001 Failed to create the backup for an IKEv2 session (<|){src_ip}(>|), (<|){dst_ip}(>|) src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
850001 SNORT ID ({instance_or_process_id}) Automatic-Application-Bypass due to delay of (<|){timeout_delay}(>|)ms (threshold (<|){threshold}(>|)ms) with {info} instance_or_process_id is set to about.labels.key/value, timeout_delay is set to about.labels.key/value, threshold is set to about.labels.key/value, info is set to about.labels.key/value
850002 SNORT ID ({instance_or_process_id}) Automatic-Application-Bypass due to SNORT not responding to traffics for (<|){delay}(>|)ms(threshold (<|){threshold}(>|)ms) instance_or_process_id is set to about.labels.key/value, delay is set to about.labels.key/value, threshold is set to about.labels.key/value
8300001 VPN session redistribution {action_details} action_details is set to security_result.action_details
8300002 Moved (<|){active_sessions}(>|) sessions to {member_name} active_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value, member_name is set to about.labels.key/value
8300003 Failed to send session redistribution message to {member_name} member_name is set to about.labels.key/value
8300004 (<|){action_details}(>|) request to move (<|){active_sessions}(>|) sessions from (<|){member_name}(>|) to {member_name_2} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, active_sessions is set to about.labels.key/value, member_name is set to about.labels.key/value, member_name_2 is set to about.labels.key/value
8300005 Failed to receive session move response from {member_name} member_name is set to about.labels.key/value
108006 Detected ESMTP size violation from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}(|{src_port})? to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(|{dst_port})?;{summary} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, summary is set to security_result.summary
111009 User {user_name} executed cmd:{command} user_name is set to target.user.userid, command is set to target.process.command_line
113028 Extraction of username from VPN client certificate has {status}. Request {request_id}] status is set to about.labels.key/value, request_id is set to about.labels.key/value
304005 URL Server {dst_ip} <message_text> <message_text> URL {url} dst_ip is set to target.ip, url is set to about.labels.key/value
333004, 333005, 333006, 333007, 333008 {protocol}-SQ response .* - context:{session_id} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, session_id is set to network.session_id
335007 NAC Default ACL not configured - {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
419003 Cleared {protocol} urgent flag from {dst_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {src_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
421004 Failed to inject {protocol} packet from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
609001, 609002 (?P<action>Built|Teardown) local-host {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}( duration {duration})? action is set to security_result.action, src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, duration is set to network.session_duration
702307 (?P<category>IPSEC): An (?P<direction>inbound|outbound|INBOUND|OUTBOUND|Inbound|Outbound) {tunnel_type} SA (SPI={spi}) between {src_ip} and {dst_ip} ({src_fwuser}) is rekeying due to data rollover category is set to security_result.category_details, direction is set to network.direction, tunnel_type is set to about.labels.key/value, spi is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, src_fwuser is set to principal.user.userid/principal.labels.key/value
703001 H.225 message received from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} is using an unsupported {version_number} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, version_number is set to about.labels.key/value
703002 Received H.225 Release Complete with newConnectionNeeded for {src_interface_name}:{src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
703008 Allowing early-message:<message_text>from {src_interface_name}:{src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_interface_name is set to principal.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
709001 FO replication failed: cmd={command} returned={return_code} command is set to target.process.command_line, return_code is set to security_result.description
709002 FO unreplicable: cmd={command} command is set to target.process.command_line
710001 (?P<protocol>TCP) access requested from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
710002 (?P<protocol>TCP|UDP) access permitted from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}(/{dst_port})? protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
710004 (?P<protocol>TCP) connection limit exceeded from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {input_interface}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} (current connections/connection limit = {current_connections}/{connection_limit}) protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, input_interface is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port, current_connections is set to about.labels.key/value, connection_limit is set to about.labels.key/value
710005 (?P<protocol>TCP|UDP|SCTP) request discarded from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
710006 {protocol} request discarded from {src_ip} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip} protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
710007 NAT-T keepalive received from {src_ip}/{src_port} to {dst_interface_name}:{dst_ip}/{dst_port} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_port is set to principal.port, dst_interface_name is set to target.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_port is set to target.port
711003 Unknown/Invalid interface identifier({vpifnum}) detected vpifnum is set to about.labels.key/value
711006 CPU profiling has started for {number_of_sample} samples. Reason: {summary} number_of_sample is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
713024 Group {group_name}, IP {src_ip}, Received local Proxy Host data in ID Payload: Address {dst_ip}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713025 Received remote Proxy Host data in ID Payload: Address {dst_ip}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713028 Received local Proxy Range data in ID Payload: Addresses {dst_ip}- {dst_ip1}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713029 Received remote Proxy Range data in ID Payload: Addresses {dst_ip}-{dst_ip}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713034 Received local IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address {dst_ip}, Mask {netmask}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713035 Group {group_name} IP {dst_ip} Received remote IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address {dst_ip1}, Mask {netmask}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {dst_port} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_port is set to target.port
713039 Send failure: Bytes ({sent_bytes}), Peer: {dst_ip} sent_bytes is set to network.sent_bytes, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713040 Could not find connection entry and can not encrypt: msgid {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713052 User ({user_name}) authenticated. user_name is set to target.user.userid
713066 IKE Remote Peer configured for SA: {sa_name} sa_name is set to about.labels.key/value
713099 Tunnel Rejected: Received NONCE length {nonce_length} is out of range! nonce_length is set to about.labels.key/value
713104 Attempt to get Phase 1 ID data failed while {hash_computation} hash_computation is set to about.labels.key/value
713113 Deleting IKE SA with associated (IPsec|IPSec) connection entries. IKE peer: {dst_ip}, SA address: {internal_sa_address}, tunnel count: {tunnel_count} dst_ip is set to target.ip, internal_sa_address is set to about.labels.key/value, tunnel_count is set to about.labels.key/value
713114 Connection entry ({src_ip}) points to IKE SA ({src_ip1}) for peer {dst_ip}, but cookies don't match src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713117 Received Invalid SPI notify (SPI {spi_value})! spi_value is set to about.labels.key/value
713121 Keep-alive type for this connection: {keepalive_type} keepalive_type is set to about.labels.key/value
713143 Processing firewall record. Vendor: {vendor_id}, Product: {product_id}, Caps: {capability_value}, Version Number: {version_number}, Version String: {version_text} vendor_id is set to about.labels.key/value, product_id is set to about.labels.key/value, capability_value is set to about.labels.key/value, version_number is set to about.labels.key/value, version_text is set to about.labels.key/value
713160 Remote user (session Id -{session_id}) has been granted access by the Firewall Server session_id is set to network.session_id
713169 IKE Received delete for rekeyed SA IKE peer: {dst_ip}, SA address: {internal_sa_address}, tunnelCnt: {tunnel_count} dst_ip is set to target.ip, internal_sa_address is set to about.labels.key/value, tunnel_count is set to about.labels.key/value
713170 Group {group_name} IP {dst_ip} IKE Received delete for rekeyed centry IKE peer: {dst_ip1}, centry address: {internal_address}, msgid: {message_id} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, internal_address is set to about.labels.key/value, message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
713187 Tunnel Rejected: IKE peer does not match remote peer as defined in L2L policy IKE peer address: {dst_ip}, Remote peer address: {dst_ip1} dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
713190 Got bad refCnt ({ref_count_value}) assigning {dst_ip1} ({dst_ip}) ref_count_value is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713204 Adding static route for client address: {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
713221 Static Crypto Map check, checking map = {crypto_map_tag}, seq = {seq_number}.* crypto_map_, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value
713222 Group( =)? {group_name}(,)?( Username( =)? {user_name}(,)?)? IP( =)? {dst_ip1}(,)? Static Crypto Map check, map = {crypto_map_tag}, seq = {seq_number}, ACL does not match proxy IDs src:{src_ip} dst:{dst_ip} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip, crypto_map_, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip, dst_ip is set to target.ip
713223 Static Crypto Map check, map = {crypto_map_tag}, seq = {seq_number}, no ACL configured crypto_map_, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value
713225 (Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}, )?(IKEv1], )?Static Crypto Map check, map {crypto_map_tag}, seq = {seq_number} is a successful match group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, crypto_map_, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value
713233 (VPN-<message_text>) Remote network ({dst_ip}) validated for network extension mode dst_ip is set to target.ip
713234 (VPN-<message_text>) Remote network ({dst_ip}) from network extension mode client mismatches AAA configuration ({aaa_ip}) dst_ip is set to target.ip, aaa_ip is set to about.labels.key/value
713263 Received local IP Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address {dst_ip}, Mask/{netmask}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, port is set to about.labels.key/value
713264 Received (local IP|remote IP) Proxy Subnet data in ID Payload: Address {dst_ip}, Mask/{netmask}, Protocol {protocol}, Port {port} dst_ip is set to target.ip, netmask is set to about.labels.key/value, protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, port is set to about.labels.key/value
713273 (Deleting|Could not delete) static route for client address: {dst_ip} {dst_ip1} address of client whose route is being removed dst_ip is set to target.ip, dst_ip1 is set to target.ip
714002 IKE Initiator starting QM: msg id = {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
714003 IKE Responder starting QM: msg id = {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
714006 IKE Initiator sending <message_text> QM pkt: msg id = {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
714005 IKE Responder sending 2nd QM pkt: msg id = {message_id} message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
715004 subroutine {subroutine_name} Send failure: RetCode ({return_code}) subroutine_name is set to about.labels.key/value, return_code is set to security_result.description
715005 subroutine {subroutine_name} Bad message code: Code ({return_code}) subroutine_name is set to about.labels.key/value, return_code is set to security_result.description
715006 IKE got SPI from key engine: SPI ={spi_value} spi_value is set to about.labels.key/value
715007 IKE got a KEY_ADD msg for SA: SPI ={spi_value} spi_value is set to about.labels.key/value
715008 Could not delete SA {internal_sa_address}, refCnt = {ref_cnt}, caller = {calling_subroutine_address} internal_sa_address is set to about.labels.key/value, ref_cnt is set to about.labels.key/value, calling_subroutine_address is set to about.labels.key/value
715009 IKE Deleting SA: Remote Proxy {src_ip}, Local Proxy {src_ip1} src_ip is set to principal.ip, src_ip1 is set to principal.ip
715013 Tunnel negotiation in progress for destination {dst_ip}, discarding data dst_ip is set to target.ip
715018 IP Range type id was loaded: Direction {ipsec_direction}, From: {from}, Through: {through} ipsec_direction is set to about.labels.key/value, from is set to about.labels.key/value, through is set to about.labels.key/value
715019 Group {group_name} Username {user_name} IP {dst_ip} IKEGetUserAttributes: Attribute name ={attribute_name} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, attribute_name is set to about.labels.key/value
715020 construct_cfg_set: Attribute name ={attribute_name} attribute_name is set to about.labels.key/value
715027, 715028 (IP = {dst_ip},)?<message_text>SA Proposal {chosen_proposal}, Transform {chosen_transform} acceptableMatches global <message_text> entry {crypto_map_index} dst_ip is set to target.ip, chosen_proposal is set to about.labels.key/value, chosen_transform is set to about.labels.key/value, crypto_map_index is set to about.labels.key/value
715031 Obtained IP addr ({src_ip}) prior to initiating Mode Cfg (XAuth {x_auth}) src_ip is set to principal.ip, x_auth is set to about.labels.key/value
715032 Sending subnet mask ({subnet_mask}) to remote client subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value
715033 Processing CONNECTED notify (MsgId {message_id}) message_id is set to about.labels.key/value
715035 Starting IOS keepalive monitor: seconds {seconds} seconds is set to about.labels.key/value
715036 Sending keep-alive of type {notify_type} (seq number {seq_number}) notify_type is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value
715037 Unknown IOS Vendor ID version: {cisco_ios_version} cisco_ios_version is set to about.labels.key/value
715038 {spoof_action} {spoofing_info} Vendor ID payload (version: {cisco_ios_version}, capabilities: {capabilities}) spoof_action is set to about.labels.key/value, spoofing_info is set to about.labels.key/value, cisco_ios_version is set to about.labels.key/value, capabilities is set to about.labels.key/value
715040 Deleting active auth handle during SA deletion: handle = {internal_authentication_handle} internal_authentication_handle is set to about.labels.key/value
715041 Received keep-alive of type {keepalive_type}, not the negotiated type keepalive_type is set to about.labels.key/value
715042 IKE received response of type {failure_type} to a request from the {dst_ip} utility failure_type is set to about.labels.key/value, dst_ip is set to target.ip
715046 (Group = {group_name},)?(Username = {user_name},)?IP = {dst_ip}, constructing {payload_description} payload group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, payload_description is set to about.labels.key/value
715047 processing {payload_description} payload payload_description is set to about.labels.key/value
715051 Received unexpected TLV type {tlv_type} while processing FWTYPE ModeCfg Reply tlv_type is set to about.labels.key/value
715053 MODE_CFG: Received request for {info} info is set to about.labels.key/value
715054 MODE_CFG: Received {attribute_name} reply: {summary} attribute_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
715060 Dropped received IKE fragment. Reason: {summary} summary is set to security_result.summary
715064 IKE Peer included IKE fragmentation capability flags: Main Mode: {main_mode} Aggressive Mode: {aggressive_mode} main_mode is set to about.labels.key/value, aggressive_mode is set to about.labels.key/value
715065 IKE {state_machine} {subtype} FSM error history (struct {data_structure_address}) {state_name}, state_machine is set to about.labels.key/value, subtype is set to about.labels.key/value, data_structure_address is set to about.labels.key/value, state_name is set to about.labels.key/value
715068 QM IsRekeyed: duplicate sa found by {address}, deleting old sa address is set to about.labels.key/value
715069 Invalid ESP SPI size of {spi_size} spi_size is set to about.labels.key/value
715070 Invalid IPComp SPI size of {spi_size} spi_size is set to about.labels.key/value
715072 Received proposal with unknown protocol ID {version_protocol} version_protocol is set to network.tls.version_protocol
715074 Could not retrieve authentication attributes for peer {dst_ip} dst_ip is set to target.ip
715075 Group = {group_name}, IP = {dst_ip}(,)? Received keep-alive of type {message_type}(seq number {seq_number}) group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, dst_ip is set to target.ip, message_type is set to about.labels.key/value, seq_number is set to about.labels.key/value
715078 Received {attribute} LAM attribute attribute is set to about.labels.key/value
716010 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Browse network group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid
716011 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Browse domain {domain_name} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value
716012, 716019, 716020 Group {group_name} User {user_name} (Create|Remove|Browse) directory {directory} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, directory is set to about.labels.key/value
716013, 716014 Group {group_name} User {user_name} (Close|View|Remove) file {target_file_full_path} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
716016 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Rename file {old_filename} to {new_filename} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, old_filename is set to about.labels.key/value, new_filename is set to about.labels.key/value
716017, 716018 Group {group_name} User {user_name} (Create|Modify) file {target_file_full_path} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
716021 File access (?P<action>DENIED), {target_file_full_path} action is set to security_result.action, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
716024 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to browse the network.Error:{summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, summary is set to security_result.summary
716025 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to browse domain {domain_name}. Error:{summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, domain_name is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
716026 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to browse directory {directory}. Error:{summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, directory is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
716027, 716028, 716029, 716030 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to (?P<action_details>view|remove|rename|modify|create) file {target_file_full_path}. Error:{summary} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, summary is set to security_result.summary
716031 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to (?P<action_details>view|remove|rename|modify|create) file {target_file_full_path}. Error:{summary} action_details is set to security_result.action_details, group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path, summary is set to security_result.summary
716032 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to (create|remove) folder {folder}. Error:{summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, folder is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
716033 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to (create|remove) folder {folder}. Error:{summary} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, folder is set to about.labels.key/value, summary is set to security_result.summary
716034 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to (write to|read) file {target_file_full_path} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
716035 Group {group_name} User {user_name} Unable to (write to|read) file {target_file_full_path} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, target_file_full_path is set to target.file.full_path
716036 Group {group_name} User <message_text> File Access: User {user_name} logged into the {dst_ip} server group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716037 Group {group_name} User <message_text> File Access: User {user_name} failed to login into the {dst_ip} server group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip
716603 Received {received_kb} KB Hostscan data from IP (<)?{src_ip}(>)? received_kb is set to about.labels.key/value, src_ip is set to principal.ip
722029 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} SVC Session Termination: Conns: {number_of_connections}, DPD Conns: {dpd_conns}, Comp resets: {compression_resets}, Dcmp resets: {decompression_resets} group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, number_of_connections is set to about.labels.key/value, dpd_conns is set to about.labels.key/value, compression_resets is set to about.labels.key/value, decompression_resets is set to about.labels.key/value
722030, 722031 Group {group_name} User {user_name} IP {dst_ip} SVC Session Termination: <message_text>: {received_bytes}(+{ctrl_bytes}) bytes, {data_pkts}(+{ctrl_pkts}) packets, {drop_pkts} drops group_name is set to target.user.group_identifiers, user_name is set to target.user.userid, dst_ip is set to target.ip, received_bytes is set to network.received_bytes, ctrl_bytesis set to about.labels.key/value, data_pkts is set to about.labels.key/value, drop_pkts is set to about.labels.key/value
317078 (Deleted|Added) {protocol} route {dst_ip} {subnet_mask} via {gateway_address} <message_text> on <message_text> protocol is set to network.ip_protocol, dst_ip is set to target.ip, gateway_address is set to about.labels.key/value, subnet_mask is set to about.labels.key/value

字段映射参考信息:消息 ID 到 UDM 事件类型

下表列出了 Cisco 消息 ID 和对应的 UDM 事件类型:

Message IDs UDM event type
"722053", "725001", "725002", "725003", "725004", "725005", "725007", "725016", "726001", "750001", "750002", "750003", "750004", "750005", "750006", "750007", "750008", "750009", "750010", "750014", "750015", "751001", "751002", "751004", "751005", "751006", "751007", "751008", "751009", "751010", "751011", "751012", "751013", "751014", "751015", "751016", "751017", "751020", "751021", "751022", "751023", "751024", "751025", "751026", "751027", "751028", "753001", "775001", "775002", "775003", "106001", "106002", "106006", "106007", "106010", "106011", "106012", "106013", "106014", "106015", "106016", "106017", "106018", "106020", "106021", "106022", "106023", "106025", "106026", "106027", "106100", "106102", "108002", "108004", "108007", "109001", "109002", "109003", "109005", "109007", "109008", "109010", "109023", "109024", "109025", "109028", "109034", "109039", "110002", "110003", "110004", "113042", "201003", "201010", "201011", "201012", "202005", "202010", "210005", "210007", "210008", "210010", "212004", "212006", "302003", "302004", "302012", "302017", "302018", "302020", "302021", "302022", "302024", "302026", "302027", "302033", "302034", "302035", "302036", "302303", "302305", "302306", "302311", "313004", "304001", "304002", "305005", "305006", "305009", "305010", "305011", "305012", "305013", "305014", "305016", "305017", "305018", "313005", "313008", "313009", "314001", "314002", "322004", "324000", "324001", "324002", "324003", "324004", "324005", "324007", "331001", "331002", "332003", "334001", "334002", "334003", "334004", "334005", "334006", "334007", "334008", "334009", "335001", "335002", "335003", "335004", "335005", "335006", "335008", "335009", "335012", "337000", "337001", "337005", "338001", "338002", "338003", "338004", "338005", "338006", "338007", "338008", "338101", "338102", "338103", "338104", "338201", "338202", "338203", "338204", "338301", "340001", "340002", "400000", "400001", "400002", "400003", "400004", "400005", "400006", "400007", "400008", "400009", "400010", "400011", "400012", "400013", "400014", "400015", "400016", "400017", "400018", "400019", "400020", "400021", "400022", "400023", "400024", "400025", "400026", "400027", "400028", "400029", "400030", "400031", "400032", "400033", "400034", "400035", "400036", "400037", "400038", "400039", "400040", "400041", "400042", "400043", "400044", "400045", "400046", "400047", "400048", "400049", "400050", "401004", "402114", "402115", "402116", "402117", "402118", "402119", "402120", "402121", "402122", "402130", "403109", "405001", "405101", "405102", "405103", "405104", "405105", "405201", "406002", "407001", "407002", "407003", "409005", "409007", "410001", "410002", "410003", "410004", "415001", "415002", "415003", "415004", "415005", "415006", "415007", "415008", "415009", "415010", "415011", "415012", "415013", "415014", "415015", "415016", "415017", "415018", "415019", "415020", "416001", "418001", "419001", "419002", "419003", "419004", "419006", "420001", "420002", "420003", "420006", "421001", "421002", "421007", "423001", "423002", "423003", "423004", "423005", "424001", "424002", "428002", "429001", "429002", "429003", "429005", "429006", "429007", "4302310", "431001", "431002", "434001", "434002", "434003", "434004", "434007", "446003", "447001", "448001", "450001", "507001", "507003", "508001", "508002", "509001", "602303", "602304", "602305", "602306", "607001", "607002", "607003", "607004", "608001", "608002", "608003", "608004", "608005", "613013", "616001", "617001", "617003", "617004", "618001", "620001", "620002", "710003", "713032", "713033", "302013", "302015", "778001", "778003", "778004", "778006", "778007", "779001", "779002", "805001", "805002", "805003" NETWORK_CONNECTION
"722053", "725001", "725002", "725003", "725004", "725005", "725007", "725016", "726001", "750001", "750002", "750003", "750004", "750005", "750006", "750007", "750008", "750009", "750010", "750014", "750015", "751001", "751002", "751004", "751005", "751006", "751007", "751008", "751009", "751010", "751011", "751012", "751013", "751014", "751015", "751016", "751017", "751020", "751021", "751022", "751023", "751024", "751025", "751026", "751027", "751028", "753001", "775001", "775002", "775003", "106001", "106002", "106006", "106007", "106010", "106011", "106012", "106013", "106014", "106015", "106016", "106017", "106018", "106020", "106021", "106022", "106023", "106025", "106026", "106027", "106100", "106102", "108002", "108004", "108007", "109007", "109008", "109010", "109023", "109024", "109025", "109028", "109034", "109039", "110002", "110003", "110004", "113042", "201003", "201010", "201011", "201012", "202005", "202010", "210005", "210007", "210008", "210010", "212004", "212006", "302003", "302004", "302012", "302017", "302018", "302020", "302021", "302022", "302024", "302026", "302027", "302033", "302034", "302035", "302036", "302303", "302305", "302306", "302311", "313004", "304001", "304002", "305005", "305006", "305009", "305010", "305011", "305012", "305013", "305014", "305016", "305017", "305018", "313005", "313008", "313009", "314001", "314002", "322004", "324000", "324001", "324002", "324003", "324004", "324005", "324007", "331001", "331002", "332003", "334001", "334002", "334003", "334004", "334005", "334006", "334007", "334008", "334009", "335001", "335002", "335003", "335004", "335005", "335006", "335008", "335009", "335012", "337000", "337001", "337005", "338001", "338002", "338003", "338004", "338005", "338006", "338007", "338008", "338101", "338102", "338103", "338104", "338201", "338202", "338203", "338204", "338301", "340001", "340002", "400000", "400001", "400002", "400003", "400004", "400005", "400006", "400007", "400008", "400009", "400010", "400011", "400012", "400013", "400014", "400015", "400016", "400017", "400018", "400019", "400020", "400021", "400022", "400023", "400024", "400025", "400026", "400027", "400028", "400029", "400030", "400031", "400032", "400033", "400034", "400035", "400036", "400037", "400038", "400039", "400040", "400041", "400042", "400043", "400044", "400045", "400046", "400047", "400048", "400049", "400050", "401004", "402114", "402115", "402116", "402117", "402118", "402119", "402120", "402121", "402122", "402130", "403109", "405001", "405101", "405102", "405103", "405104", "405105", "405201", "406002", "407001", "407002", "407003", "409005", "409007", "410001", "410002", "410003", "410004", "415001", "415002", "415003", "415004", "415005", "415006", "415007", "415008", "415009", "415010", "415011", "415012", "415013", "415014", "415015", "415016", "415017", "415018", "415019", "415020", "416001", "418001", "419001", "419002", "419003", "419004", "419006", "420001", "420002", "420003", "420006", "421001", "421002", "421007", "423001", "423002", "423003", "423004", "423005", "424001", "424002", "428002", "429001", "429002", "429003", "429005", "429006", "429007", "4302310", "431001", "431002", "434001", "434002", "434003", "434004", "434007", "446003", "447001", "448001", "450001", "507001", "507003", "508001", "508002", "509001", "602303", "602304", "602305", "602306", "607001", "607002", "607003", "607004", "608001", "608002", "608003", "608004", "608005", "613013", "616001", "617001", "617003", "617004", "618001", "620001", "620002", "710003", "713032", "713033", "302013", "302015", "778001", "778003", "778004", "778006", "778007", "779001", "779002", "805001", "805002", "805003", "106103", "108003", "317078" NETWORK_UNCATEGORIZED
"101001", "101002", "101003", "101004", "101005", "103001", "103002", "103003", "103004", "103005", "103006", "103007", "103008", "104001", "104002", "104003", "104004", "104500", "104501", "104502", "105001", "105002", "105003", "105004", "105005", "105007", "105008", "105009", "105010", "105011", "105020", "105021", "105031", "105032", "105033", "105034", "105035", "105036", "105037", "105038", "105039", "105040", "105041", "105042", "105043", "105044", "105045", "105046", "105047", "105048", "105050", "105500", "105501", "105502", "105503", "105506", "105507", "105508", "105520", "105521", "105522", "105523", "105524", "105524", "105525", "105526", "105527", "105528", "105529", "105530", "105531", "105532", "105533", "105534", "105535", "105536", "105537", "109012", "109013", "109016", "109018", "109019", "109020", "109022", "109026", "109029", "109031", "109032", "109035", "109036", "109037", "109038", "109040", "111001", "111002", "111003", "111004", "111005", "111007", "111111", "112001", "113001", "114006", "114007", "114008", "114009", "114010", "114011", "114012", "114013", "114014", "114015", "114016", "114017", "114018", "114019", "114020", "114021", "114022", "114023", "115000", "115001", "115002", "120001", "120002", "120003", "120004", "120005", "120006", "120007", "120008", "120009", "120010", "120011", "120012", "121001", "121002", "121003", "199001", "199002", "199003", "199005", "199010", "199011", "199012", "199020", "199021", "199027", "210020", "210021", "211003", "211004", "212001", "212002", "212003", "212005", "212009", "212010", "212011", "213001", "213002", "213003", "213004", "213007", "214001", "215001", "216001", "216002", "216003", "216004", "216005", "218001", "218002", "218003", "218004", "218005", "219002", "216002", "216003", "216004", "216005", "218001", "218002", "218003", "218004", "218005", "219002", "722016", "722017", "722018", "722019", "722020", "722021", "722039", "722040", "722043", "722044", "722055", "730004", "730005", "730008", "730009", "732001", "732002", "732003", "733100", "733101", "733102", "733103", "735001", "735002", "735003", "735004", "735005", "735006", "735007", "735008", "735009", "735010", "735011", "735012", "735013", "735014", "735015", "735016", "735017", "735018", "735019", "735020", "735021", "735022", "735023", "735024", "735025", "735026", "735027", "735028", "735029", "736001", "737002", "737003", "737004", "737005", "737006", "737007", "737008", "737012", "737017", "737018", "737019", "737027", "737034", "741005", "741006", "742001", "742002", "742003", "742004", "742005", "742006", "742007", "742008", "742009", "742010", "746016", "747007", "747008", "747009", "747010", "747011", "747012", "747013", "747014", "747015", "747016", "747017", "747018", "747020", "747021", "747022", "747023", "747024", "747025", "747026", "747027", "747028", "747029", "747030", "747031", "747032", "747033", "747034", "747035", "747036", "747037", "747038", "747039", "747040", "747041", "747042", 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"321006", "321007", "322001", "323001", "323002", "323003", "323004", "323005", "323006", "323007", "324008", "324010", "324011", "324301", "325001", "325002", "325004", "325005", "325006", "326001", "326002", "326004", "326008", "326009", "326010", "326011", "326012", "326013", "326014", "326015", "326016", "326026", "326027", "326028", "328001", "328002", "329001", "333001", "333002", "333003", "333009", "333010", "335010", "335011", "335013", "335014", "336001", "336002", "336003", "336004", "336005", "336006", "336007", "336008", "336009", "336010", "336011", "336012", "336013", "336014", "336015", "336016", "336019", "338304", "338305", "338306", "338307", "338310", "339001", "339002", "339005", "341001", "341002", "341003", "341004", "341005", "341006", "341007", "341008", "341010", "341011", "342002", "342006", "342008", "401002", "401003", "401005", "402123", "402124", "402125", "402126", "402127", "402128", "402129", "402140", "402141", "402142", "402143", "402144", "402145", "402146", "402147", "402149", "402150", "403101", "403102", "403104", "403106", "403107", "403108", "403110", "403500", "403501", "403502", "403503", "403507", "405106", "406001", "408002", "408003", "408101", "408102", "409001", "409008", "409014", "409015", "409016", "409017", "409023", "409101", "409102", "409103", "409104", "409105", "409106", "409107", "409108", "409109", "409110", "409111", "409112", "409113", "409114", "409115", "409116", "409117", "409128", "411001", "411002", "411003", "411004", "411005", "412002", "413001", "413002", "413003", "413004", "413005", "413005", "413006", "413007", "413008", "414001", "414002", "414006", "414007", "414008", "417004", "417006", "418018", "420007", "421006", "422004", "422005", "425001", "425002", "425003", "425004", "425005", "425006", "426001", "426002", "426003", "426004", "426101", "426102", "426103", "426104", "429004", "429008", "444004", "444005", "444007", "444008", "444009", "444100", "444101", "444102", "444103", "444104", "444105", "444106", "444107", "444108", "444109", "444110", "444111", "444302", "444303", "444304", "444305", "444306", "446001", "500001", "500002", "502101", "502102", "502111", "502112", "503001", "503002", "503003", "503004", "503005", "503101", "504001", "504002", "505007", "505007", "505008", "505008", "505009", "505010", "505011", "505012", "505012", "505013", "505013", "505014", "505014", "505015", "505015", "505016", "505016", "506001", "507002", "603101", "603102", "603103", "604105", "606001", "606002", "606003", "606004", "610001", "610002", "610101", "611104", "611301", "611302", "611303", "611304", "611305", "611306", "611307", "611308", "611309", "611310", "611311", "611312", "611313", "611314", "611315", "611316", "611317", "611318", "611319", "611320", "611321", "611322", "611323", "612001", "612002", "612003", "613001", "613002", "613004", "613005", "613006", "613011", "613014", "613017", "613018", "613019", "613027", "613028", "613030", "613032", "613035", "613036", "613037", "613038", "613039", "613101", "613103", "615001", "615002", "617002", "622001", "622101", "622102", "709007", "709008", "711002", "711004", "711005", "713004", "713201", "713202", "713008", "713009", "713010", "713012", "713014", "713016", "713017", "713018", "713020", "713048", "713049", "713056", "713060", "713061", "713065", "713068", "713072", "713073", "713074", "713075", "713076", "713078", "713081", "713084", "713085", "713086", "713088", "713092", "713098", "713102", "713105", "713107", "713109", "713112", "713115", "713118", "713119", "713120", "713122", "713124", "713127", "713128", "713129", "713131", "713133", "713134", "713136", "713137", "713138", "713139", "713140", "713141", "713142", "713144", "713149", "713152", "713159", "713161", "713162", "713163", "713165", "713166", "713167", "713168", "713172", "713179", "713184", "713186", "713193", "713194", "713195", "713197", "713198", "713199", "713206", "713207", "713208", "713209", "713210", "713215", "713216", "713217", "713219", "713220", "713230", "713231", "713232", "713235", "713237", "713238", "713240", "713241", "713242", "713243", "713244", "713245", "713246", "713247", "713248", "713249", "713250", "713251", "713257", "713260", "713130", "713275", "713276", "713900", "713901", "713902", "713903", "713904", "713905", "716005", "716009", "716022", "716023", "716041", "716043", "716048", "716049", "716050", "716053", "716054", "716055", "716057", "716058", "716059", "716060", "716061", "716500", "716501", "716502", "716503", "716504", "716505", "716506", "716507", "716508", "716509", "716510", "716512", "716513", "716515", "716516", "716517", "716518", "716519", "716520", "716521", "716522", "716525", "716526", "716527", "716528", "716600", "716601", "716602", "717001", "717002", "717003", "717004", "717005", "717006", "717007", "717008", "717009", "717010", "717011", "717012", "717013", "717014", "717015", "717016", "717017", "717018", "717019", "717020", "717021", "717022", "717023", "717026", "717027", "717028", "717031", "717033", "717035", "717037", "717039", "717040", "717042", "717043", "717044", "717046", "717047", "717048", "717049", "717054", "717055", "717057", "717058", "717059", "717060", "717061", "717062", "717063", "717064", "720022", "720023", "720024", "720025", "720026", "720027", "720028", "720029", "720030", "720032", "720033", "720035", "720036", "720037", "720038", "720039", "720040", "720043", "720044", "720045", "720046", "720055", "720056", "720057", "720058", "720059", "720060", "720061", "720062", "720063", "720065", "720066", "720067", "720068", "720069", "720070", "720071", "720072", "720073", "721001", "721002", "721003", "721004", "721005", "721006", "721007", "721008", "721009", "721010", "721011", "721012", "721013", "721014", "721015", "718004", "718005", "718006", "718007", "718008", "718037", "718038", "718039", "718040", "718057", "718060", "718061", "718062", "718063", "718064", "718068", "718069", "718070", "718071", "718072", "718073", "718074", "718075", "718085", "718086", "718087", "719001", "719002", "719003", "719004", "719008", "719010", "719011", "719012", "719013", "719014", "719017", "719018", "719019", "719020", "719021", "719022", "719023", "719024", "719025", "719026", "720001", "720002", "720003", "720004", "720005", "720006", "720007", "720008", "720009", "720010", "720011", "720012", "720013", "720014", "720015", "720016", "720017", "720018", "720019", "720020", "720021", "722026", "722027", "722046", "722047", "722048", "722049", "722050", "747004", "748100", "748101", "748102", "748103", "748201", "769001", "769002", "769003", "769004", "769005", "769006", "402131", "403504", "420004", "420005", "502103", "776201", "776202", "776203", "776204", "776303", "776304", "776309", "776310", "776311", "776312", "776313", "802005", "802006", "850001", "850002", "8300002", "8300003", "8300004", "8300005" STATUS_UPDATE
"113019", "315011", "611103", "716002", "722012", "722023", "722028" USER_LOGOUT
"113023", "713121", "715036", "715075" STATUS_HEARTBEAT
"113004", "113005", "113010", "113011", "113039", "605005", "605004", "611101", "611102", "716039", "722022", "716040" USER_LOGIN
"111009", "111008", "113003", "113008", "113009", "713130", "725006", "746012", "746013", "746017", "746018", "746019" USER_UNCATEGORIZED
"303002", "303004", "303005" NETWORK_FTP
"746014", "746015" NETWORK_DNS
"604201", "604202", "604203", "604204", "604205", "604206", "604207", "604208" NETWORK_DHCP
The other Cisco message IDs that are not listed in this table are set to GENERIC_EVENT. Also, if a mandatory field is missing for a message ID, it is set to GENERIC_EVENT. GENERIC_EVENT
