Vector Search Private Service Connect

Private Service Connect allows private consumption of services across VPC networks that belong to different groups, teams, projects, or organizations. You can publish and consume services using IP addresses that you define and that are internal to your VPC network, and for Vector Search endpoints to perform vector similarity searches.

Enabling Private Service Connect on a Vector Search endpoint is suited for use cases that:

  1. Require low latency and a secure connection to Vector Search serving backends.
  2. Have limited IP space for exclusive VPC peering reservation.
  3. Need to access the serving backends from multiple user VPC networks.

To learn more about setting up Private Service Connect, see the Private Service Connect Overview from the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) documentation.

Create the index endpoint

To create an endpoint with Private Service Connect enabled you must define it when you create the endpoint. This is similar to creating other endpoints in Vertex AI.

  • PROJECT: The service project where you are creating Vertex AI resources.
  • VPC_PROJECT: The project where your client VPC lives. For simple VPC setup, this will be the same as $PROJECT. For shared VPC setup, this will be the VPC host project.
  • PROJECT=<your-service-project>
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer `gcloud auth print-access-token`" \
      https://$VERTEX_ENDPOINT/v1/projects/$PROJECT/locations/$REGION/indexEndpoints \
      -d '{displayName: "<your-index-endpoint-name>", privateServiceConnectConfig:
      { enablePrivateServiceConnect: true, projectAllowlist: ["'$VPC_PROJECT'", "'$PROJECT'"] }}'

    Deploy the index

    Now that the index is ready, in this step, you deploy the index to the endpoint you created with Private Service Connect enabled.


    This example uses the gcloud ai index-endpoints deploy-index command.

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID: The ID of the index endpoint.
    • DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID: A user specified string to uniquely identify the deployed index. It must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers or underscores. See for format guidelines.
    • DEPLOYED_INDEX_ENDPOINT_NAME: Display name of the deployed index endpoint.
    • INDEX_ID: The ID of the index.
    • LOCATION: The region where you are using Vertex AI.
    • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID.

    Execute the following command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud ai index-endpoints deploy-index INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID \
        --deployed-index-id=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID \
        --display-name=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ENDPOINT_NAME \
        --index=INDEX_ID \
        --region=LOCATION \

    Windows (PowerShell)

    gcloud ai index-endpoints deploy-index INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID `
        --deployed-index-id=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID `
        --display-name=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ENDPOINT_NAME `
        --index=INDEX_ID `
        --region=LOCATION `

    Windows (cmd.exe)

    gcloud ai index-endpoints deploy-index INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID ^
        --deployed-index-id=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID ^
        --display-name=DEPLOYED_INDEX_ENDPOINT_NAME ^
        --index=INDEX_ID ^
        --region=LOCATION ^


    Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

    • INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID: The ID of the index endpoint.
    • DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID: A user specified string to uniquely identify the deployed index. It must start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers or underscores. See for format guidelines.
    • DEPLOYED_INDEX_ENDPOINT_NAME: Display name of the deployed index endpoint.
    • INDEX_ID: The ID of the index.
    • LOCATION: The region where you are using Vertex AI.
    • PROJECT_ID: Your Google Cloud project ID.
    • PROJECT_NUMBER: Your project's automatically generated project number.

    HTTP method and URL:


    Request JSON body:

     "deployedIndex": {
       "id": "DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID",
       "index": "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/indexes/INDEX_ID",
       "displayName": "DEPLOYED_INDEX_ENDPOINT_NAME"

    To send your request, expand one of these options:

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

     "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/LOCATION/indexEndpoints/INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID/operations/OPERATION_ID",
     "metadata": {
       "@type": "",
       "genericMetadata": {
         "createTime": "2022-10-19T17:53:16.502088Z",
         "updateTime": "2022-10-19T17:53:16.502088Z"
       "deployedIndexId": "DEPLOYED_INDEX_ID"


    Use these instructions to deploy your index.

    1. In the Vertex AI section of the Google Cloud console, go to the Deploy and Use section. Select Vector Search

      Go to Vector Search

    2. A list of your active indexes is displayed.
    3. Select the name of the index you want to deploy. The index details page opens.
    4. From the index details page, click Deploy to endpoint. The index deployment panel opens.
    5. Enter a display name - this name acts as an ID and can't be updated.
    6. From the Endpoint drop-down, select the endpoint you want to deploy this index to. Note: The endpoint is unavailable if the index is already deployed to it.
    7. Optional: In the Machine type field, select either standard or high-memory.
    8. Optional. Select Enable autoscaling to automatically resize the number of nodes based on the demands of your workloads. The default number of replicas is 2 if autoscaling is disabled.
    9. Click Deploy to deploy your index to the endpoint. Note: It takes around 30 minutes to be deployed.

    Create a forwarding rule in the VPC project

    After index deployment is done, the index endpoint returns a service attachment URI instead of an IP address. You need to create a compute address, as well as a forwarding rule in the VPC project targeting the service attachment using the created compute address. To create a compute address, use the following example:

    gcloud compute addresses create ${ADDRESS_NAME:?} \
        --region=${REGION:?} \
        --subnet=${SUBNET_NAME:?} \

    To create a forwarding rule targeting the service attachment URI using the created compute address, use the following example:

    SERVICE_ATTACHMENT_URI=`gcloud ai index-endpoints describe {INDEX_ENDPOINT_ID}
    gcloud compute forwarding-rules create ${ENDPOINT_NAME:?} \
        --network=${NETWORK_NAME:?} \
        --address=${ADDRESS_NAME:?} \
        --target-service-attachment=${SERVICE_ATTACHMENT_URI:?} \
        --project=${VPC_PROJECT:?} \

    (Optional) Create DNS record for the IP address

    If you want to connect and load without memorizing the actual IP address, you can create a DNS record. This step is optional. # Don't forget the "." in the end.
    gcloud dns managed-zones create ${DNS_ZONE_NAME:?} \
        --dns-name=${DNS_NAME_SUFFIX:?} \
        --visibility=private \
        --project=${VPC_PROJECT:?} \
    gcloud dns record-sets create ${DNS_NAME:?} \
        --rrdatas=${IP_ADDRESS:?} \
        --type=A --ttl=60 \
        --zone=${DNS_ZONE_NAME:?} \
        --project=${VPC_PROJECT:?} \

    Send queries to the index endpoint

    Now that you've created an endpoint with Private Service Connect and created the index, you can begin running queries.

    To query your index, see Query indexes to get nearest neighbors.

    What's next