Export model artifacts for prediction and explanation

Vertex AI offers prebuilt containers to serve predictions and explanations from models trained using the following machine learning (ML) frameworks:

  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • XGBoost
  • scikit-learn

To use one of these prebuilt containers, you must save your model as one or more model artifacts that comply with the requirements of the prebuilt container. These requirements apply whether or not your model artifacts are created on Vertex AI.

If you want to use a custom container to serve predictions, you don't need to comply with the requirements in this page, but you can still use them as guidelines.

Framework-specific requirements for exporting to prebuilt containers

Depending on which ML framework you plan to use for prediction, you must export model artifacts in different formats. The following sections describe the acceptable model formats for each ML framework.


If you use TensorFlow to train a model, export your model as a TensorFlow SavedModel directory.

There are several ways to export SavedModels from TensorFlow training code. The following list describes a few ways that work for various TensorFlow APIs:

To serve predictions using these artifacts, create a Model with the prebuilt container for prediction matching the version of TensorFlow that you used for training.

TensorFlow for Vertex Explainable AI

If you want to get explanations from a Model that uses a TensorFlow prebuilt container to serve predictions, then read the additional requirements for exporting a TensorFlow model for Vertex Explainable AI.

Enable server-side request batching for Tensorflow

If you want to enable request batching for a Model that uses a TensorFlow prebuilt container to serve predictions, then include config/batching_parameters_config in the same gcs directory as saved_model.pb file. To configure the batching config file, please refer to the Tensorflow's official documentation.


You must package the model artifacts including either a default or custom handler by creating an archive file using Torch model archiver. The prebuilt PyTorch images expect the archive to be named model.mar, so make sure you set the model-name to 'model'.

For information about optimizing the memory usage, latency or throughput of a PyTorch model served with TorchServe, see the PyTorch performance guide.


If you use XGBoost to train a model, you may export the trained model in one of three ways:

  • Use xgboost.Booster's save_model method to export a file named model.bst.
  • Use the joblib library to export a file named model.joblib.
  • Use Python's pickle module to export a file named model.pkl.

Your model artifact's filename must exactly match one of these options.

The following tabbed examples show how to train and export a model in each of the three ways:


import os

from google.cloud import storage
from sklearn import datasets
import xgboost as xgb

digits = datasets.load_digits()
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(digits.data, label=digits.target)
bst = xgb.train({}, dtrain, 20)

artifact_filename = 'model.bst'

# Save model artifact to local filesystem (doesn't persist)
local_path = artifact_filename

# Upload model artifact to Cloud Storage
model_directory = os.environ['AIP_MODEL_DIR']
storage_path = os.path.join(model_directory, artifact_filename)
blob = storage.blob.Blob.from_string(storage_path, client=storage.Client())


import os

from google.cloud import storage
from sklearn import datasets
import joblib
import xgboost as xgb

digits = datasets.load_digits()
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(digits.data, label=digits.target)
bst = xgb.train({}, dtrain, 20)

artifact_filename = 'model.joblib'

# Save model artifact to local filesystem (doesn't persist)
local_path = artifact_filename
joblib.dump(bst, local_path)

# Upload model artifact to Cloud Storage
model_directory = os.environ['AIP_MODEL_DIR']
storage_path = os.path.join(model_directory, artifact_filename)
blob = storage.blob.Blob.from_string(storage_path, client=storage.Client())


import os
import pickle

from google.cloud import storage
from sklearn import datasets
import xgboost as xgb

digits = datasets.load_digits()
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(digits.data, label=digits.target)
bst = xgb.train({}, dtrain, 20)

artifact_filename = 'model.pkl'

# Save model artifact to local filesystem (doesn't persist)
local_path = artifact_filename
with open(local_path, 'wb') as model_file:
  pickle.dump(bst, model_file)

# Upload model artifact to Cloud Storage
model_directory = os.environ['AIP_MODEL_DIR']
storage_path = os.path.join(model_directory, artifact_filename)
blob = storage.blob.Blob.from_string(storage_path, client=storage.Client())

To serve predictions using this artifact, create a Model with the prebuilt container for prediction matching the version of XGBoost that you used for training.


If you use scikit-learn to train a model, you may export it in one of two ways:

  • Use the joblib library to export a file named model.joblib.
  • Use Python's pickle module to export a file named model.pkl.

Your model artifact's filename must exactly match one of these options. You can export standard scikit-learn estimators or scikit-learn pipelines.

The following tabbed examples show how to train and export a model in each of the two ways:


import os

from google.cloud import storage
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import joblib

digits = datasets.load_digits()
classifier = RandomForestClassifier()
classifier.fit(digits.data, digits.target)

artifact_filename = 'model.joblib'

# Save model artifact to local filesystem (doesn't persist)
local_path = artifact_filename
joblib.dump(classifier, local_path)

# Upload model artifact to Cloud Storage
model_directory = os.environ['AIP_MODEL_DIR']
storage_path = os.path.join(model_directory, artifact_filename)
blob = storage.blob.Blob.from_string(storage_path, client=storage.Client())


import os
import pickle

from google.cloud import storage
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

digits = datasets.load_digits()
classifier = RandomForestClassifier()
classifier.fit(digits.data, digits.target)

artifact_filename = 'model.pkl'

# Save model artifact to local filesystem (doesn't persist)
local_path = artifact_filename
with open(local_path, 'wb') as model_file:
  pickle.dump(classifier, model_file)

# Upload model artifact to Cloud Storage
model_directory = os.environ['AIP_MODEL_DIR']
storage_path = os.path.join(model_directory, artifact_filename)
blob = storage.blob.Blob.from_string(storage_path, client=storage.Client())

To serve predictions using this artifact, create a Model with the prebuilt container for prediction matching the version of scikit-learn that you used for training.

What's next