About accessing the Vertex AI API

Your applications can connect to APIs in Google's production environment from within Google Cloud or from hybrid (on-premises and multicloud) networks. Google Cloud offers the following public and private access options, which offer global reachability and SSL/TLS security:

  1. Public internet access: Send traffic to REGION-aiplatform.googleapis.com.
  2. Private Google Access for on-premises hosts: Use the IP address subnet range (private.googleapis.com) or (restricted.googleapis.com) to access REGION-aiplatform.googleapis.com.
  3. Private Service Connect endpoints for Google APIs: Use a user-defined internal IP address such as to access REGION-aiplatform.googleapis.com or an assigned DNS name such as aiplatform-genai1.p.googleapis.com.

The following diagram illustrates these access options.

Architectural diagram of accessing Vertex AI API by public and private methods

Some Vertex AI service producers require you to connect to their services through private services access or through Private Service Connect endpoints. These services are listed in the Private access options for Vertex AI table.

Public internet access to the Vertex AI API

If your application uses a Google service listed in the table of supported access methods for Vertex AI, your application can access the API by performing a DNS lookup against the service endpoint (REGION-aiplatform.googleapis.com), which returns publicly routable virtual IP addresses. You can use the API from any location in the world as long as you have an internet connection. However, traffic that is sent from Google Cloud resources to those IP addresses remains within Google's network.

Private access to the Vertex AI API

Private access is an alternative to connecting to Google APIs and services over the internet. It provides higher bandwidth, reliability and consistent performance. Google Cloud supports the following options for accessing Google APIs privately through hybrid networking services such as Cloud Interconnect, Cross-Cloud Interconnect, HA VPN over Cloud Interconnect, and SD-WAN.

Private Google Access for on-premises hosts

Private Google Access for on-premises hosts provides a way for on-premises systems to connect to Google APIs and services by routing traffic through hybrid networking services.

Private Google Access requires you to advertise one of the following subnet IP address ranges as a custom advertised route by using Cloud Router:

  • private.googleapis.com:, 2600:2d00:0002:2000::/64
  • restricted.googleapis.com:, 2600:2d00:0002:1000::/64

For more information, see Configure Private Google Access for on-premises hosts.

Private Service Connect endpoints for the Vertex AI API

With Private Service Connect, you can create private endpoints using global internal IP addresses within your VPC network. You can assign DNS names to these internal IP addresses with meaningful names like aiplatform-genai1.p.googleapis.com and bigtable-adsteam.p.googleapis.com. These names and IP addresses are internal to your VPC network and any on-premises networks that are connected to it through hybrid networking services. You can control which traffic goes to which endpoint, and can demonstrate that traffic stays within Google Cloud.

  • You can create a user-defined global Private Service Connect endpoint IP address (/32). For more information, see IP address requirements.
  • You create the Private Service Connect endpoint in the same VPC network as the Cloud Router.
  • You can assign DNS names to these internal IP addresses with meaningful names like aiplatform-prodpsc.p.googleapis.com. For more information, see About accessing Google APIs through endpoints.

Deployment considerations

Following are some important considerations that affect how you use Private Google Access and Private Service Connect to access the Vertex AI API.

IP advertisement

You must advertise the Private Google Access subnet range or the Private Service Connect endpoint IP address to on-premises and multicloud environments from the Cloud Router as a custom advertised route. For more information, see Advertise custom IP ranges.

Firewall rules

You must ensure that the firewall configuration of on-premises and multicloud environments allows outbound traffic from the IP addresses of Private Google Access or Private Service Connect subnets.

DNS configuration

  • Your on-premises network must have DNS zones and records configured so that a request to REGION-aiplatform.googleapis.com resolves to the Private Google Access subnet or the Private Service Connect endpoint IP address.
  • You can create Cloud DNS managed private zones and use a Cloud DNS inbound server policy, or you can configure on-premises name servers. For example, you can use BIND or Microsoft Active Directory DNS.
  • If your on-premises network is connected to a VPC network, you can use Private Service Connect to access Google APIs and services from on-premises hosts using the internal IP address of the endpoint. For more information, see Access the endpoint from on-premises hosts.