Create a scoped backup plan

This page describes how to create scoped backup plans that back up virtual machine (VM) workloads on a defined schedule in Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped.

Backup plans provide the configuration and location for backups. A backup plan contains a backup configuration including the source VM and the selection of which VM to back up. Backup plans define a regular schedule for which backups of VMs occur. Every VM-based backup plan references the target VM or VM disk resources to be backed up using a label selector defined in a ProtectedApplication resource.

Before you begin

To create VM backup plans, you must have the following:

Create a backup plan

To create VM backups on a defined schedule that have a scope specified, you must create a VirtualMachineBackupPlan resource using the API. This resource specifies the scope of the VM backup and the cron schedule that defines the frequency of backup creation.

Set the scope of the VM backup plan in two ways:

  • Use a list: Specify the virtual machines or virtual machine disks to back up in the form of a list. These backup targets are listed in the fields selectedVirtualMachines and selectedVirtualMachineDisks.
  • Use a label: Provide a label that selects all virtual machines or virtual machine disks that contain that label value. Any matching VMs are backed up by this backup plan.

Create a VM backup plan using a list

To create a VM backup plan using the list method, specify the backup targets in the selectedVirtualMachines and selectedVirtualMachineDisks fields:

kind: VirtualMachineBackupPlan
    virtualMachineBackupPlanTemplate: BACKUP_TEMPLATE_NAME
                - resourceName: VM_NAME
        - resourceName: VM_DISK_NAME
        volumeStrategy: VOLUME_STRATEGY
        cronSchedule: CRON_SCHEDULE
        paused: false

Replace the following:

  • BACKUP_PLAN_NAME: the name of the backup plan.
  • BACKUP_PLAN_NAMESPACE: the namespace containing the backup plan.
  • BACKUP_TEMPLATE_NAME: the virtual machine backup plan template that points to the relevant backup repository created in Create a backup plan.
  • VM_NAME: Specify the VM names as a list in the selectedVirtualMachines field. This list of VMs is backed up by this virtual machine backup plan. If more than one VM is specified, the list must be in the following format:

        - resourceName: "virtualmachine"
        - resourceName: "virtualmachine-2"
        - resourceName: "virtualmachine-n"
  • VM_DISK_NAME: The list of VM disks that is backed up by this virtual machine backup plan. If more than one VM disk is specified, the list must be in the following format:

        - resourceName: "disk-1
        - resourceName: "disk-2"
        - resourceName: "disk-n"
  • VOLUME_STRATEGY: The type of volume backup to perform. For example, LocalSnapshotOnly.

  • CRON_SCHEDULE: the cron expression that defines the chosen backup schedule. For example, a cron value of 0 */12 * * * creates a backup every 12 hours.

Create a VM backup plan using a label

To create a VM backup plan using the label method, specify a label in vmResourceLabelSelector field that matches the target VMs you want to back up:

kind: VirtualMachineBackupPlan
    virtualMachineBackupPlanTemplate: BACKUP_TEMPLATE_NAME
                KEY: VALUE
        volumeStrategy: VOLUME_STRATEGY
        cronSchedule: CRON_SCHEDULE
        paused: false

Replace the following:

  • BACKUP_PLAN_NAME: the name of the backup plan.
  • BACKUP_PLAN_NAMESPACE: the namespace containing the backup plan.
  • BACKUP_TEMPLATE_NAME: the virtual machine backup plan template that points to the relevant backup repository created in Create a backup plan.
  • KEY: VALUE: the label selector that matches the given labels to any VMs that contain that label. Any matching VMs found in the same namespace are backed up by this backup plan. This object must be in the format keys:string, values:string.
  • VOLUME_STRATEGY: The type of volume backup to perform. For example, LocalSnapshotOnly.
  • CRON_SCHEDULE: the cron expression that defines the chosen backup schedule. For example, a cron value of 0 */12 * * * creates a backup every 12 hours.

What's next