Create a manual backup

This page describes how to manually create a backup for VM workloads in Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped.

When a backup plan is created, backups are automatically created according to the schdeule defined on the backup plan. You can also manually create a VM backups at any time time, even if it is outside of the schedule you define.

Before you begin

To create manual VM backups, you must have the following:

Create a manual VM backup

Create a VirtualMachineBackupRequest resource using the API:

  kind: VirtualMachineBackupRequest
    namespace: PROJECT_NAME
    virtualMachineBackupPlan: VM_BACKUP_PLAN
    virtualMachineBackupName: VM_BACKUP_NAME

Replace the following:

  • BACKUP_REQUEST_NAME: the name to give the backup request that is being initiated.
  • PROJECT_NAME: the name of the GDC project.
  • VM_BACKUP_PLAN: the name of the VirtualMachineBackupPlan resource to use for configuration of the backup.
  • VM_BACKUP_NAME: the name of the backup to create.

What's next