Measure how long security analysts take to close or raise a case

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Google Security Operations lets you build processes for cases and measures the time it takes to complete them based on several options such as stage or priority.

The following example demonstrates how to create a dashboard table widget that displays the average case handling times, by case priority, for analysts working in the Default Environment:

  1. Go to SOAR Dashboards.
  2. Click add Add Widget.
  3. In the Widget Settings dialog, enter Case Handling Time in the Title field, and then choose a widget width.
  4. Select Table from the list (Pie Chart is the default setting).
  5. Select the following information from the menus beneath Table:
    • Number of = Cases
    • Calculate field = Handling avg time
    • Axis A = Environment
    • Axis B = Priority
  6. Click Create.
  7. The table widget appears on the dashboard with the average case handling times for analysts working in the Default Environment, based on case priority.

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