Using dynamic variables in Email HTML templates
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This article covers a really cool way to get the most out of the Email HTML templates when building Playbooks or using templates in other places. Basically, you create the Email HTML template with a fixed subject header and even a title, then use the {Text} as a placeholder for content that the Playbook builder then adds manually when creating a playbook.
Let's take a look at how this works:
- Navigate to Settings > Environments > Email HTML templates.
Add a new template and give it a name. For this example we will call it
Testing Text Option. Make sure to change the title to something that sounds
appropriate and make sure the placeholder {Text} is in there.
- Go to the Playbook you are building and drag in a Send Email action.
- In order to choose the specific template, click the drop-down and select the Testing Text Option.
In the Content field - write down the body of your email - this will be
inserted instead of the {Text} placeholder when the email is sent
Once the alert is ingested into the platform and the Playbook runs, the
following email will be sent to the recipient.
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