Disable soft delete

Overview Usage

This page describes how to disable the soft delete feature on new and existing buckets across your organization.

Soft delete is enabled on new buckets by default to prevent data loss. If needed, you can disable soft delete for existing buckets by modifying the soft delete policy, and you can disable soft delete by default for new buckets by setting an organization-wide default tag. Note that once you disable soft delete, your deleted data cannot be recovered, including accidental or malicious deletions.

Required roles

To get the permissions that you need to disable soft delete, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on the organization level:

These predefined roles contain the permissions required to disable soft delete. To see the exact permissions that are required, expand the Required permissions section:

Required permissions

The following permissions are required to disable soft delete:

  • storage.buckets.get
  • storage.buckets.update
  • storage.buckets.list (this permission is only required if you plan to use the Google Cloud console to perform the instructions on this page)

    For required permissions that are included as part of the Tag Admin(roles/resourcemanager.tagAdmin) role, seeRequired permissions for administering tags.

For information about granting roles, see Use IAM with buckets or Manage access to projects.

Disable soft delete for a specific bucket

Before you begin, consider the following:

  • If you disable a soft delete policy from your bucket that has soft-deleted objects in it during the time of disablement, the existing soft-deleted objects are retained until the previously applied retention duration expires.

  • After disabling a soft delete policy on your bucket, Cloud Storage doesn't retain newly deleted objects.

Use the following instructions to disable soft delete for a specific bucket:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. In the list of buckets, click the name of the bucket whose soft delete policy you want to disable.

  3. Click the Protection tab.

  4. In the Soft delete policy section, click Disable to disable the soft delete policy.

  5. Click Confirm.

To learn how to get detailed error information about failed Cloud Storage operations in the Google Cloud console, see Troubleshooting.

Command line

Run the gcloud storage buckets update command with the --clear-soft-delete flag:

gcloud storage buckets update --clear-soft-delete gs://BUCKET_NAME


  • BUCKET_NAME is the name of the bucket. For example, my-bucket.



  1. Have gcloud CLI installed and initialized, which lets you generate an access token for the Authorization header.

  2. Create a JSON file that contains the following information:

      "softDeletePolicy": {
        "retentionDurationSeconds": "0"
  3. Use cURL to call the JSON API with a PATCH Bucket request:

    curl -X PATCH --data-binary @JSON_FILE_NAME \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \


    • JSON_FILE_NAME is the path for the JSON file that you created in Step 2.
    • BUCKET_NAME is the name of the relevant bucket. For example, my-bucket.

Disable soft delete for the 100 largest buckets in a project

Using the Google Cloud console you can disable soft delete for up to 100 buckets at once, with buckets sorted by the most soft-deleted bytes or the highest ratio of soft-deleted bytes to live bytes, allowing you to manage buckets with the greatest impact to your soft delete costs.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. In the Cloud Storage page, click Settings.

  3. Click the Soft delete tab.

  4. From the Top buckets by deleted bytes list, select the buckets you want to disable soft delete for.

  5. Click Turn off soft delete.

    Soft delete is disabled on the buckets you selected.

Disable soft delete for multiple or all buckets within a project

Using the Google Cloud CLI, run the gcloud storage buckets update command with the --project flag and the * wildcard to bulk disable soft delete for multiple or all buckets within a project:

gcloud storage buckets update --project=PROJECT_ID --clear-soft-delete gs://*


  • PROJECT_ID is the ID of the project. For example, my-project.

Disable soft delete across all buckets within a folder

Using the Google Cloud CLI, run the gcloud projects list and gcloud storage buckets update commands to disable soft delete on buckets across all the projects in a specified folder.

Run the gcloud projects list and gcloud storage buckets update commands to list all the buckets under a specified folder and then disable soft delete for all buckets within the folder:

gcloud projects list --filter="parent.id: FOLDER_ID" --format="value(projectId)" | while read project
  gcloud storage buckets update --project=$project --clear-soft-delete gs://*


  • FOLDER_ID is the name of the folder. For example, 123456.

Disable soft delete at the organization level

Using the Google Cloud CLI, run the gcloud storage buckets update command with the --clear-soft-delete flag and the * wildcard to disable soft delete at the organization level:

Run the gcloud storage buckets update command with the --clear-soft-delete flag and the * wildcard to disable soft delete for all buckets within your organization:

gcloud projects list --format="value(projectId)" | while read project
  gcloud storage buckets update --project=$project --clear-soft-delete gs://*

Cloud Storage disables soft delete on existing buckets. Objects that have already been soft deleted will remain in the buckets until their soft delete retention duration completes, after which, they are permanently deleted.

Disable soft delete for new buckets

While soft delete is enabled by default on new buckets, you can prevent soft delete from default enablement using tags. Tags use the storage.defaultSoftDeletePolicy key to apply a 0d (zero days) soft delete policy at the organization level, which disables the feature and prevents future retention of deleted data.

Use the following instructions to disable soft delete by default when you create new buckets. Note that the following instructions aren't equivalent to setting an organization policy that mandates a particular soft delete policy, meaning you can still enable soft delete on specific buckets by specifying a policy if needed.

  1. Using the Google Cloud CLI, create the storage.defaultSoftDeletePolicy tag which is used to change the default soft delete retention duration on new buckets. Note that only the storage.defaultSoftDeletePolicy tag name updates the default soft delete retention duration.

    Create a tag key using the gcloud resource-manager tags keys create command:

    gcloud resource-manager tags keys create storage.defaultSoftDeletePolicy \
     --parent=organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID \
     --description="Configures the default softDeletePolicy for new Storage buckets."


    • ORGANIZATION_ID is the numeric ID of the organization you want to set a default soft delete retention duration for. For example, 12345678901. To learn how to find the organization ID, see Getting your organization resource ID.
  2. Create a tag value for 0d (zero days) to disable the soft delete retention period by default on new buckets using the gcloud resource-manager tags values create command:

    gcloud resource-manager tags values create 0d \
      --parent=ORGANIZATION_ID/storage.defaultSoftDeletePolicy \
      --description="Disables soft delete for new Storage buckets."


    • ORGANIZATION_ID is the numeric ID of the organization you want to set the default soft delete retention duration for. For example, 12345678901.
  3. Attach the tag to your resource using the gcloud resource-manager tags bindings create command:

    gcloud resource-manager tags bindings create \
     --tag-value=ORGANIZATION_ID/storage.defaultSoftDeletePolicy/0d \


    • ORGANIZATION_ID is the numeric ID of the organization under which the tag was created. For example, 12345678901.

    • RESOURCE_ID is the full name of the organization you want to create the tag binding for. For example, to attach a tag to organizations/7890123456, enter //cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/organizations/7890123456.

Disable soft delete for buckets that exceed a specified cost threshold

Using the Cloud Client Libraries for Python, you can disable soft delete for buckets that exceed a specified relative cost threshold with a Python client library sample. The sample does the following:

  1. Calculates the relative cost of storage for each storage class.

  2. Assesses the soft delete cost accumulated by your buckets.

  3. Sets a cost threshold for soft delete usage and lists the buckets that exceed the threshold you set and lets you disable soft delete for the buckets that exceed the threshold.

To learn more about setting up the Python client library and using the sample, see the Cloud Storage soft delete cost analyzer README.md page.

The following sample disables soft delete for buckets that exceed a specified cost threshold:

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import json
import google.cloud.monitoring_v3 as monitoring_client

def get_relative_cost(storage_class: str) -> float:
    """Retrieves the relative cost for a given storage class and location.

        storage_class: The storage class (e.g., 'standard', 'nearline').

        The price per GB from the https://cloud.google.com/storage/pricing,
        divided by the standard storage class.
    relative_cost = {
        "STANDARD": 0.023 / 0.023,
        "NEARLINE": 0.013 / 0.023,
        "COLDLINE": 0.007 / 0.023,
        "ARCHIVE": 0.0025 / 0.023,

    return relative_cost.get(storage_class, 1.0)

def get_soft_delete_cost(
    project_name: str,
    soft_delete_window: float,
    agg_days: int,
    lookback_days: int,
) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, float]]]:
    """Calculates soft delete costs for buckets in a Google Cloud project.

        project_name: The name of the Google Cloud project.
        soft_delete_window: The time window in seconds for considering
          soft-deleted objects (default is 7 days).
        agg_days: Aggregate results over a time period, defaults to 30-day period
        lookback_days: Look back up to upto days, defaults to 360 days

        A dictionary with bucket names as keys and cost data for each bucket,
        broken down by storage class.

    query_client = monitoring_client.QueryServiceClient()

    # Step 1: Get storage class ratios for each bucket.
    storage_ratios_by_bucket = get_storage_class_ratio(
        project_name, query_client, agg_days, lookback_days

    # Step 2: Fetch soft-deleted bytes and calculate costs using Monitoring API.
    soft_deleted_costs = calculate_soft_delete_costs(

    return soft_deleted_costs

def calculate_soft_delete_costs(
    project_name: str,
    query_client: monitoring_client.QueryServiceClient,
    soft_delete_window: float,
    storage_ratios_by_bucket: dict[str, float],
    agg_days: int,
    lookback_days: int,
) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, float]]]:
    """Calculates the relative cost of enabling soft delete for each bucket in a
       project for certain time frame in secs.

        project_name: The name of the Google Cloud project.
        query_client: A Monitoring API query client.
        soft_delete_window: The time window in seconds for considering
          soft-deleted objects (default is 7 days).
        storage_ratios_by_bucket: A dictionary of storage class ratios per bucket.
        agg_days: Aggregate results over a time period, defaults to 30-day period
        lookback_days: Look back up to upto days, defaults to 360 days

        A dictionary with bucket names as keys and a list of cost data
        for each bucket, broken down by storage class.
    soft_deleted_bytes_time = query_client.query_time_series(
                    {{  # Fetch 1: Soft-deleted (bytes seconds)
                        fetch gcs_bucket :: storage.googleapis.com/storage/v2/deleted_bytes
                        | value val(0) * {soft_delete_window}\'s\'  # Multiply by soft delete window
                        | group_by [resource.bucket_name, metric.storage_class], window(), .sum;

                        # Fetch 2: Total byte-seconds (active objects)
                        fetch gcs_bucket :: storage.googleapis.com/storage/v2/total_byte_seconds
                        | filter metric.type != 'soft-deleted-object'
                        | group_by [resource.bucket_name, metric.storage_class], window(1d), .mean  # Daily average
                        | group_by [resource.bucket_name, metric.storage_class], window(), .sum  # Total over window

                    }}  # End query definition
                    | every {agg_days}d  # Aggregate over larger time intervals
                    | within {lookback_days}d  # Limit data range for analysis
                    | ratio  # Calculate ratio (soft-deleted (bytes seconds)/ total (bytes seconds))

    buckets: dict[str, list[dict[str, float]]] = {}
    missing_distribution_storage_class = []
    for data_point in soft_deleted_bytes_time.time_series_data:
        bucket_name = data_point.label_values[0].string_value
        storage_class = data_point.label_values[1].string_value
        # To include location-based cost analysis:
        # 1. Uncomment the line below:
        # location = data_point.label_values[2].string_value
        # 2. Update how you calculate 'relative_storage_class_cost' to factor in location
        soft_delete_ratio = data_point.point_data[0].values[0].double_value
        distribution_storage_class = bucket_name + " - " + storage_class
        storage_class_ratio = storage_ratios_by_bucket.get(
        if storage_class_ratio is None:
        buckets.setdefault(bucket_name, []).append({
            # Include storage class and location data for additional plotting dimensions.
            # "storage_class": storage_class,
            # 'location': location,
            "soft_delete_ratio": soft_delete_ratio,
            "storage_class_ratio": storage_class_ratio,
            "relative_storage_class_cost": get_relative_cost(storage_class),

    if missing_distribution_storage_class:
            "Missing storage class for following buckets:",
        raise ValueError("Cannot proceed with missing storage class ratios.")

    return buckets

def get_storage_class_ratio(
    project_name: str,
    query_client: monitoring_client.QueryServiceClient,
    agg_days: int,
    lookback_days: int,
) -> dict[str, float]:
    """Calculates storage class ratios for each bucket in a project.

    This information helps determine the relative cost contribution of each
    storage class to the overall soft-delete cost.

        project_name: The Google Cloud project name.
        query_client: Google Cloud's Monitoring Client's QueryServiceClient.
        agg_days: Aggregate results over a time period, defaults to 30-day period
        lookback_days: Look back up to upto days, defaults to 360 days

        Ratio of Storage classes within a bucket.
    request = monitoring_client.QueryTimeSeriesRequest(
            # Fetch total byte-seconds for each bucket and storage class
            fetch gcs_bucket :: storage.googleapis.com/storage/v2/total_byte_seconds
            | group_by [resource.bucket_name, metric.storage_class], window(), .sum;
            # Fetch total byte-seconds for each bucket (regardless of class)
            fetch gcs_bucket :: storage.googleapis.com/storage/v2/total_byte_seconds
            | group_by [resource.bucket_name], window(), .sum
            | ratio  # Calculate ratios of storage class size to total size
            | every {agg_days}d
            | within {lookback_days}d

    storage_class_ratio = query_client.query_time_series(request)

    storage_ratios_by_bucket = {}
    for time_series in storage_class_ratio.time_series_data:
        bucket_name = time_series.label_values[0].string_value
        storage_class = time_series.label_values[1].string_value
        ratio = time_series.point_data[0].values[0].double_value

        # Create a descriptive key for the dictionary
        key = f"{bucket_name} - {storage_class}"
        storage_ratios_by_bucket[key] = ratio

    return storage_ratios_by_bucket

def soft_delete_relative_cost_analyzer(
    project_name: str,
    cost_threshold: float = 0.0,
    soft_delete_window: float = 604800,
    agg_days: int = 30,
    lookback_days: int = 360,
    list_buckets: bool = False,
    ) -> str | dict[str, float]: # Note potential string output
    """Identifies buckets exceeding the relative cost threshold for enabling soft delete.

        project_name: The Google Cloud project name.
        cost_threshold: Threshold above which to consider removing soft delete.
        soft_delete_window: Time window for calculating soft-delete costs (in
        agg_days: Aggregate results over this time period (in days).
        lookback_days: Look back up to this many days.
        list_buckets: Return a list of bucket names (True) or JSON (False,

        JSON formatted results of buckets exceeding the threshold and costs
        *or* a space-separated string of bucket names.

    buckets: dict[str, float] = {}
    for bucket_name, storage_sources in get_soft_delete_cost(
        project_name, soft_delete_window, agg_days, lookback_days
        bucket_cost = 0.0
        for storage_source in storage_sources:
            bucket_cost += (
                * storage_source["storage_class_ratio"]
                * storage_source["relative_storage_class_cost"]
        if bucket_cost > cost_threshold:
            buckets[bucket_name] = round(bucket_cost, 4)

    if list_buckets:
        return " ".join(buckets.keys())  # Space-separated bucket names
        return json.dumps(buckets, indent=2)  # JSON output

def soft_delete_relative_cost_analyzer_main() -> None:
    # Sample run: python storage_soft_delete_relative_cost_analyzer.py <Project Name>
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Analyze and manage Google Cloud Storage soft-delete costs."
        "project_name", help="The name of the Google Cloud project to analyze."
        help="Relative Cost threshold.",
        help="Time window (in seconds) for considering soft-deleted objects.",
            "Time window (in days) for aggregating results over a time period,"
            " defaults to 30-day period"
            "Time window (in days) for considering the how old the bucket to be."
        help="Return the list of bucketnames seperated by space.",

    args = parser.parse_args()

    response = soft_delete_relative_cost_analyzer(
    if not args.list:
            "To remove soft-delete policy from the listed buckets run:\n"
            # Capture output
            "python storage_soft_delete_relative_cost_analyzer.py"
            " [your-project-name] --[OTHER_OPTIONS] --list > list_of_buckets.txt \n"
            "cat list_of_buckets.txt | gcloud storage buckets update -I "

if __name__ == "__main__":

What's next