Usage logs & storage logs

This document discusses how to download and review usage logs and storage information for your Cloud Storage buckets, and analyze the logs using Google BigQuery.


Cloud Storage offers usage logs and storage logs in the form of CSV files that you can download and view. Usage logs provide information for all of the requests made on a specified bucket and are created hourly. Storage logs provide information about the storage consumption of that bucket for the last day and are created daily.

Once set up, both usage logs and storage logs are automatically generated for the specified bucket and stored as new objects in a bucket that you specify.

Usage logs and storage logs are subject to the same pricing as other objects stored in Cloud Storage.

Should you use usage logs or Cloud Audit Logs?

In most cases, Cloud Audit Logs is the recommended method for generating logs that track API operations performed in Cloud Storage:

  • Cloud Audit Logs tracks access on a continuous basis, with delivery of events within seconds of their occurrence.
  • Cloud Audit Logs produces logs that are easier to work with.
  • Cloud Audit Logs can monitor many of your Google Cloud services, not just Cloud Storage.
  • Cloud Audit Logs can, optionally, log detailed request and response information.

In some cases, you might want to use usage logs instead of or in addition to using Cloud Audit Logs. You most likely want to use usage logs if:

  • You want to track access that occurs because a resource has allUsers or allAuthenticatedUsers in its access control settings, such as access to assets in a bucket that you've configured to be a static website.
  • You want to track changes made by the Object Lifecycle Management or Autoclass features.
  • You intend to use authenticated browser downloads to access objects in the bucket.
  • You want your logs to include latency information, the request and response size of individual HTTP requests, or the full URL path and every query parameter.
  • You want to track access to only certain buckets in your project and so do not want to enable Data Access audit logs, which tracks access to all buckets in your project.

Note that usage logs are only generated hourly and can be delayed, particularly when reporting on buckets that experience high request rates.

Should you use storage logs or Monitoring?

Generally, you should not use storage logs. The recommended tool for measuring storage consumption is Monitoring, which provides visualization tools as well as additional metrics related to storage consumption that storage logs do not. See the Console tab for determining a bucket's size for step-by-step instructions on using Monitoring.

Set up log delivery

Before setting up log delivery, you must have a bucket for storing logs. This bucket must meet the following requirements, or else logging fails:

  • The bucket storing the logs must exist within the same organization as the bucket being logged.

    • If the bucket being logged is not contained in any organization, the bucket storing the logs must exist within the same project as the bucket being logged.
  • If you use or enable VPC Service Controls, the bucket storing the logs must reside within the same security perimeter as the bucket being logged.

If you don't already have a bucket that meets these requirements, create the bucket.

The following steps describe how to set up log delivery for a bucket:

Command line

  1. Grant Cloud Storage the roles/storage.objectCreator role for the bucket:

    gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://example-logs-bucket --role=roles/storage.objectCreator

    The role gives Cloud Storage, in the form of the group, permission to create and store your logs as new objects.

    Log objects have the default object acl of the log bucket, unless uniform bucket-level access is enabled on the bucket.

  2. Enable logging for your bucket using the --log-bucket flag:

    gcloud storage buckets update gs://example-bucket --log-bucket=gs://example-logs-bucket [--log-object-prefix=log_object_prefix]

    Optionally, you can set an object prefix for your log objects by using the --log-object-prefix flag. The object prefix forms the beginning of the log object name. It can be at most 900 characters and must be a valid object name. By default, the object prefix is the name of the bucket for which the logs are enabled.



  1. Grant Cloud Storage the roles/storage.objectCreator role for the bucket. If there are additional bucket-level IAM bindings for the bucket, be sure to include them in the request.

    POST /storage/v1/b/example-logs-bucket/iam
          "role": "roles/storage.objectCreator",

    The role gives Cloud Storage, in the form of the group, permission to create and store your logs as new objects.

    Log objects have the default object acl of the log bucket, unless uniform bucket-level access is enabled on the bucket.

  2. Enable logging for your bucket using the following request:

    PATCH /storage/v1/b/example-bucket
     "logging": {
      "logBucket": "example-logs-bucket",
      "logObjectPrefix": "log_object_prefix"


  1. Set permissions to allow Cloud Storage WRITE permission to the bucket in order to create and store your logs as new objects. You must add an ACL entry for the bucket that grants the group write access. Be sure to include all existing ACLs for the bucket, in addition to the new ACL, in the request.

    PUT /example-logs-bucket?acl HTTP/1.1
          <Scope type="GroupByEmail">
        <!-- include other existing ACL entries here-->
  2. Enable logging for your bucket using the logging query parameter:

    PUT /example-bucket?logging HTTP/1.1

Check logging status

Command line

Check logging by using the buckets describe command with the --format flag:

gcloud storage buckets describe gs://example-bucket --format="default(logging_config)"

You can also save the logging configurations to a file:

gcloud storage buckets describe gs://example-bucket > your_logging_configuration_file --format="default(logging_config)"

If logging is enabled, the server returns the logging configuration in the response:

  logBucket: example-logs-bucket
  logObjectPrefix: log_object_prefix

If logging is not enabled, the following is returned:




Send a GET request for the bucket's logging configuration as shown in the following example:

GET /storage/v1/b/example-bucket?fields=logging

If logging is enabled, the server sends the configuration in the response. A response might look similar to the following:

 "logging": {
  "logBucket": "example-logs-bucket",
  "logObjectPrefix": "log_object_prefix"

If logging is not enabled, an empty configuration is returned:



Send a GET Bucket request for the bucket's logging configuration as shown in the following example:

GET /example-bucket?logging HTTP/1.1

If logging is enabled, the server sends the configuration in the response. A response might look similar to the following:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

If logging is not enabled, an empty configuration is returned:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Download logs

Storage logs are generated once a day and contain the amount of storage used for the previous day. They are typically created before 10:00 am PST.

Usage logs are generated hourly when there is activity to report in the monitored bucket. Usage logs are typically created 15 minutes after the end of the hour.

The easiest way to download your usage logs and storage logs from the bucket in which they are stored is either through the Google Cloud console or the gcloud storage CLI. Your usage logs are in CSV format and have the following naming convention:


Similarly, storage logs are named using the following convention:


For example, the following is the name of a usage log object that uses the default object prefix, reports usage for the bucket named example-bucket, and was created on June 18, 2022 at 14:00 UTC:


Similarly, the following is the name of the storage log object that uses the default object prefix and was created on June 18, 2022 for the same bucket:


To download logs:


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Buckets page.

    Go to Buckets

  2. Select the bucket in which your logs are stored.

  3. Download or view your logs by clicking on the appropriate log object.

Command line

Run the following command:



  • BUCKET_NAME is the name of the bucket in which the logs are stored. For example, example-logs-bucket.

  • LOGS_OBJECT is the name of the usage log or storage log that you are downloading. For example, example-bucket_usage_2022_06_18_14_00_00_1702e6_v0.

  • DESTINATION is the location to which the log is being downloaded. For example, Desktop/Logs.

Analyze logs in BigQuery

To query your Cloud Storage usage and storage logs, you can use Google BigQuery which enables fast, SQL-like queries against append-only tables. The BigQuery Command-Line Tool, bq, is a Python-based tool that allows you to access BigQuery from the command line. For information about downloading and using bq, see the bq Command-Line Tool reference page.

Load logs into BigQuery

  1. Select a default project.

    For details about selecting a project, see Working With Projects.

  2. Create a new dataset.

    $ bq mk storageanalysis
    Dataset 'storageanalysis' successfully created.
  3. List the datasets in the project:

    $ bq ls
  4. Save the usage and storage schemas to your local computer for use in the load command.

    You can find the schemas to use at these locations: cloud_storage_usage_schema_v0 and cloud_storage_storage_schema_v0. The schemas are also described in the section Usage and Storage Logs Format.

  5. Load the usage logs into the dataset.

    $ bq load --skip_leading_rows=1 storageanalysis.usage \
          gs://example-logs-bucket/example-bucket_usage_2014_01_15_14_00_00_1702e6_v0 \
    $ bq load --skip_leading_rows=1 \
          gs://example-logs-bucket/example-bucket_storage_2014_01_05_14_00_00_091c5f_v0 \

    These commands do the following:

    • Load usage and storage logs from the bucket example-logs-bucket.
    • Create tables usage and storage in the dataset storageanalysis.
    • Read schema data (.json file) from the same directory where the bq command runs.
    • Skip the first row of each log file because it contains column descriptions.

    Because this was the first time you ran the load command in the example here, the tables usage and storage were created. You could continue to append to these tables with subsequent load commands with different usage log file names or using wildcards. For example, the following command appends data from all logs that start with "bucket_usuage_2014", to the storage table:

    $ bq load --skip_leading_rows=1 storageanalysis.usage \
          gs://example-logs-bucket/bucket_usage_2014* \

    When using wildcards, you might want to move logs already uploaded to BigQuery to another directory (e.g., gs://example-logs-bucket/processed) to avoid uploading data from a log more than once.

BigQuery functionality can also be accessed through the BigQuery Browser Tool. With the browser tool, you can load data through the create table process.

For additional information about loading data from Cloud Storage, including programmatically loading data, see Loading data from Cloud Storage.

Modify the usage log schema

In some scenarios, you may find it useful to pre-process usage logs before loading into BigQuery. For example, you can add additional information to the usage logs to make your query analysis easier in BigQuery. In this section, we'll show how you can add the file name of each storage usage log to the log. This requires modifying the existing schema and each log file.

  1. Modify the existing schema, cloud_storage_storage_schema_v0, to add file name as shown below. Give the new schema a new name, for example, cloud_storage_storage_schema_custom.json, to distinguish from the original.

    [  {"name": "bucket", "type": "string", "mode": "REQUIRED"},
    {"name": "storage_byte_hours","type": "integer","mode": "REQUIRED"},
    {"name": "filename","type": "string","mode": "REQUIRED"}
  2. Pre-process storage usage log files based on the new schema, before loading them into BigQuery.

    For example, the following commands can be used in a Linux, macOS, or Windows (Cygwin) environment:

    gcloud storage cp gs://example-logs-bucket/example-bucket_storage\* .
    for f in example-bucket_storage\*; do sed -i -e "1s/$/,\"filename\"/" -e "2s/$/,\""$f"\"/" $f; done

    The gcloud storage command copies the files into your working directory. The second command loops through the log files and adds "filename" to the description row (first row) and the actual file name to the data row (second row). Here's an example of a modified log file:

  3. When you load the storage usage logs into BigQuery, load your locally modified logs and use the customized schema.

    for f in example-bucket_storage\*; \
    do ./ load --skip_leading_rows=1 $f ./cloud_storage_storage_schema_custom.json; done

Query logs in BigQuery

Once your logs are loaded into BigQuery, you can query your usage logs to return information about your logged bucket(s). The following example shows you how to use the bq tool in a scenario where you have usage logs for a bucket over several days and you have loaded the logs as shown in Loading usage logs into BigQuery. You can also execute the queries below using the BigQuery Browser Tool.

  1. In the bq tool, enter the interactive mode.

    $ bq shell
  2. Run a query against the storage log table.

    For example, the following query shows how the storage of a logged bucket changes in time. It assumes that you modified the storage usage logs as described in Modifying the usage log schema and that the log files are named "logstorage*".

    project-name>SELECT SUBSTRING(filename, 13, 10) as day, storage_byte_hours/24 as size FROM [] ORDER BY filename LIMIT 100

    Example output from the query:

    Waiting on bqjob_r36fbf5c164a966e8_0000014379bc199c_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
    |    day     |         size         |
    | 2014_01_05 | 2.3052008408333334E8 |
    | 2014_01_06 | 2.3012297245833334E8 |
    | 2014_01_07 | 3.3477797120833334E8 |
    | 2014_01_08 | 4.4183686058333334E8 |

    If you did not modify the schema and are using the default schema, you can run the following query:

    project-name>SELECT storage_byte_hours FROM [] LIMIT 100
  3. Run a query against the usage log table.

    For example, the following query shows how to summarize the request methods that clients use to access resources in the logged bucket.

    project-name>SELECT cs_method, COUNT(*) AS count FROM [storageanalysis.usage] GROUP BY cs_method

    Example output from the query:

    Waiting on bqjob_r1a6b4596bd9c29fb_000001437d6f8a52_1 ... (0s) Current status: DONE
    | cs_method | count |
    | PUT       |  8002 |
    | GET       | 12631 |
    | POST      |  2737 |
    | HEAD      |  2173 |
    | DELETE    |  7290 |
  4. Quit the interactive shell of the bq tool.

    project-name> quit

Disable logging

Command line

Disable logging with the --clear-log-bucket flag in the buckets update command:

gcloud storage buckets update gs://example-bucket --clear-log-bucket

To check that logging was successfully disabled, use the buckets describe command:

gcloud storage buckets describe gs://example-bucket --format="default(logging_config)"

If logging is disabled, the following is returned:




Disable logging by sending a PATCH request to the bucket's logging configuration as shown in the following example.

PATCH /example-bucket?logging HTTP/1.1

 "logging": null


Disable logging by sending a PUT request to the bucket's logging configuration as shown in the following example:

PUT /example-bucket?logging HTTP/1.1


Usage and storage log format

The usage logs and storage logs can provide an overwhelming amount of information. You can use the following tables to help you identify all the information provided in these logs.

Usage log fields:

Field Type Description
time_micros integer The time that the request was completed, in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
c_ip string The IP address from which the request was made. The "c" prefix indicates that this is information about the client.
c_ip_type integer The type of IP in the c_ip field:
  • A value of 1 indicates an IPV4 address.
  • A value of 2 indicates an IPV6 address.
c_ip_region string Reserved for future use.
cs_method string The HTTP method of this request. The "cs" prefix indicates that this information was sent from the client to the server.
cs_uri string The URI of the request.
sc_status integer The HTTP status code the server sent in response. The "sc" prefix indicates that this information was sent from the server to the client.
cs_bytes integer The number of bytes sent in the request.
sc_bytes integer The number of bytes sent in the response.
time_taken_micros integer The time it took to serve the request in microseconds, measured from when the first byte is received to when the response is sent. Note that for resumable uploads, the ending point is determined by the response to the final upload request that was part of the resumable upload.
cs_host string The host in the original request.
cs_referer string The HTTP referrer for the request.
cs_user_agent string The User-Agent of the request. The value is GCS Lifecycle Management for requests made by lifecycle management.
s_request_id string The request identifier.
cs_operation string The Cloud Storage operation e.g. GET_Object. This can be null.
cs_bucket string The bucket specified in the request.
cs_object string The object specified in this request. This can be null.

Storage log fields:

Field Type Description
bucket string The name of the bucket.
storage_byte_hours integer Average size in byte-hours over a 24 hour period of the bucket. To get the total size of the bucket, divide byte-hours by 24.