Create storage buckets

This page shows you how to create Google Distributed Cloud (GDC) air-gapped storage buckets.

Before you begin

A project namespace manages bucket resources in the Management API server. You must have a project to work with buckets and objects.

You must also have the appropriate bucket permissions to perform the following operation. See Grant bucket access.

Storage bucket naming guidelines

Bucket names must adhere to the following naming conventions:

  • Be unique within the project. A project appends a unique prefix to the bucket name, ensuring there aren't clashes within the organization. In the unlikely event of a prefix and bucket name clash across organizations, the bucket creation fails with a "bucket name in use" error.
  • Refrain from including any personally identifiable information (PII).
  • Be DNS-compliant.
  • Have at least 1 and no more than 55 characters.
  • Start with a letter and use only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Create a bucket


  1. In the navigation menu, click Object Storage.
  2. Click Create Bucket.
  3. In the bucket creation flow, assign a name unique across all buckets within the project.
  4. Enter a description.
  5. Optional: Click the toggle_off toggle to set a retention policy and enter your preferred number of days. Contact your IO if you need to exceed retention policy limits.
  6. Click Create. A success message appears and you are directed back to the Buckets page.

To verify that you have successfully created a new bucket, refresh the Buckets page after a few minutes and check that the bucket state updates from Not ready to Ready.


To create a bucket, apply a bucket specification to your project namespace:

kubectl apply -f bucket.yaml

The following is an example of a bucket specification:

kind: Bucket
  namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
  description: DESCRIPTION
  storageClass: Standard
      defaultObjectRetentionDays: RETENTION_DAY_COUNT

The following is an example of a bucket specification with encryption version as v1:

kind: Bucket
  namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
  labels: v1
  description: DESCRIPTION
  storageClass: Standard
      defaultObjectRetentionDays: RETENTION_DAY_COUNT

For more details, see the Bucket API reference.

Once the bucket is created, you can run the following command to confirm and check the details of the bucket:

kubectl describe buckets BUCKET_NAME -n NAMESPACE_NAME

The Status section has two important fields: Encryption (for encryption details) and Fully Qualified Name (which contains the bucketFullyQualifiedName).

Encryption v1

The information is about the AEADKey named as obj-bucketFullyQualifiedName, which serves as a reference to the encryption key employed for encrypting objects stored within the bucket. Here is an example:

    Key Ref:
      Kind: AEADKey
      Name: obj-bucketFullyQualifiedName
      Namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
    Type: CMEK

Encryption v2

The information pertains to the Secret named as kek-ref-bucketFullyQualifiedName, which acts as a reference for active default AEADKeys. Active default AEADKeys are randomly selected from to encrypt objects uploaded to the bucket when specific AEADKey is not specified.

Here is an example:

    Key Ref:
      Kind: Secret
      Name: kek-ref-bucketFullyQualifiedName
      Namespace: NAMESPACE_NAME
    Type: CMEK

You can also run the following command to verify needed AEADKeys are created:

kubectl get aeadkeys -n NAMESPACE_NAME -l

After creating a bucket, you can manage it on behalf of Application Operators (AOs) by creating a policy file when granting bucket access and assign the policy to a bucket.