Install and configure the forwarder

Supported in:

This document describes how to install and configure the Google Security Operations forwarder on Linux and Windows systems using Docker.

The forwarder is a software component that you can install on a machine or device, like a server, within your network. It collects log data and forwards that data to your Google SecOps instance.

You can use the forwarder to send logs directly from your environment to Google SecOps, without the need for cloud buckets or third-party APIs for unsupported log types. The forwarder serves as a ready-to-deploy solution, eliminating the need for manual integration with the ingestion API.

Google SecOps provides a Docker container for secure forwarder deployment. You can run and manage the Docker container on either physical or virtual machines.

System requirements

The following are general recommendations. For recommendations specific to your system, contact Google SecOps Support.

Linux system

The forwarder is supported on various Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, and Suse. For optimal performance, it is recommended to use Docker version 20.10.21 or later.

  • RAM: 1 GB RAM is required for each collected data type that Google SecOps accepts for ingestion. For example, if you specify four different collectors, you need 4 GB RAM to collect data for all four.

  • CPU: Two CPUs are sufficient to handle up to 10,000 events per second (EPS) across all data types. If you anticipate your forwarder handling more than 10,000 EPS, allocate four to six CPUs.

  • Disk: 20 GB of disk space is recommended, regardless of how much data the forwarder handles.

Windows system

Forwarder is supported on Microsoft Windows Server 2022. For optimal performance, it is recommended to use Docker version 20.10.21 or later.

  • RAM: 1.5 GB RAM is required for each collected data type that Google SecOps accepts for ingestion. For example, if you specify four different collectors, you need 6 GB RAM to collect data for all four.

  • CPU: Two CPUs are sufficient to handle up to 10,000 events per second (EPS) across all data types. If you anticipate your forwarder handling more than 10,000 EPS, allocate four to six CPUs.

  • Disk: 20 GB of disk space is recommended, regardless of how much data the forwarder handles.

Before you begin

Before starting your forwarder implementation, take the following into consideration.

Google IP address ranges

When configuring the forwarder, you may need to adjust firewall settings that involve specifying IP address ranges. The default domain IP ranges used by Google APIs and services are allocated dynamically and change often. See Obtain Google IP address ranges for more information.

Verify the firewall configuration

If your forwarder container is behind any firewalls or authenticated proxies, you'll need to open access to the following hosts:

Connection Type Destination Port
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443
TCP 443

Plan your implementation

Before you begin configuring the forwarder, plan your implementation. This will help you align your data sources and configuration attributes with your security objectives, infrastructure capabilities, and scalability requirements.

Determine the data to be ingested

Identify the most relevant data sources for your forwarder from the following options:

  • Splunk: Ideal if you already use Splunk for log management.

  • Syslog: Versatile for system and application logs from various devices.

  • File: Flexible for ingesting any log file.

  • Packet: Offers deep network visibility by capturing raw traffic.

  • Kafka: Ideal for high-volume and real-time log aggregation from distributed systems.

  • WebProxy: Ideal for insights into web traffic and user behaviour.


Data feeds have a maximum log line size of 4 MB.

Determine the configuration

Before installing the forwarder, determine the following key attributes to ensure a successful implementation.

Data compression

Data or log compression reduces network bandwidth consumption when transferring logs to Google SecOps. However, it might cause an increase in CPU usage. The optimal balance between bandwidth savings and CPU usage depends on multiple factors like log type, compressibility of the data, available CPU resources, and your network bandwidth constraints.

For example, text-based logs typically compress well and can provide substantial bandwidth savings with low CPU usage, while encrypted or binary data might not compress efficiently and might incur higher CPU usage.

By default, log compression is disabled. Evaluate the trade-off based on your specific environment and the nature of your log data.

Disk buffering

It is recommended to enable disk buffering. Disk buffering lets you buffer backlogged messages to disk instead of memory, safeguarding against data loss in case of forwarder or host crashes. However, enabling disk buffering can impact performance.

If disk buffering is disabled, the forwarder allocates 1 GB of memory (RAM) for each log type (for example, per connector). The maximum allowed memory for disk buffering is 4 GB.

Regular expression filters

Regular expression filters enable you to filter logs by matching patterns against the raw log data. The filters use the RE2 syntax. The filters must include a regular expression and, optionally, define a behavior when there is a match.

Arbitrary labels

Labels are used to attach custom metadata to logs using key-value pairs. You can configure labels for an entire forwarder or within a specific collector of the forwarder. If both are present, collector level labels override forwarder level labels if keys overlap.


You can use namespace labels to identify logs from distinct network segments and to deconflict overlapping IP addresses. You can configure a namespace label for an entire forwarder or within a specific collector of the forwarder. If both are present, collector-level namespace overrides forwarder-level namespace.

Log type

Google SecOps supports a variety of log types. For a comprehensive list, see Supported data sets.

Load balancing and high availability options

Load balancing is supported only for the syslog collection type.

The forwarder can be deployed in environments where a layer 4 load balancer is installed between the data source and forwarder instances. This lets you distribute log collection across multiple forwarders, enhancing reliability by redirecting logs to a different forwarder in case of a failure.

The forwarder has a built-in HTTP server that responds to health checks from load balancers and prevents log loss during startup and shutdown. You can configure the HTTP server, load balancing, and high availability options to specify timeout durations and status codes for health checks. This configuration is compatible with both container-based deployments and load balancers.

Setting Description
Graceful timeout The amount of time for which new connections are accepted after the forwarder returns an unready status in response to a health check. This is also the time to wait between receiving a signal to stop and actually beginning the shutdown of the server itself. This gives the load balancer time to remove the forwarder from the pool.

Valid values are in seconds. For example, to specify 10 seconds, type 10. Decimal values are not allowed.

Default: 15 seconds
Drain timeout The amount of time the forwarder waits for active connections to close on their own before they are closed by the server. For example, to specify 5 seconds, type 5. Decimal values are not allowed.

Default: 10 seconds
Port The port number that the HTTP server listens on for health checks from the load balancer. The value must be between 1,024 to 65,535.

Default: 8080
IP address or hostname The IP address or a hostname that can be resolved to an IP address, that the server should listen to.

Default: (the local system)
Read timeout Used to tune the HTTP server. Typically, does not need to be changed from the default setting. The maximum time allowed to read the entire request, both the header and the body. You can set both the read timeout field and the read header timeout field.

Default: 3 seconds
Read header timeout Used to tune the HTTP server. Typically, does not need to be changed from the default setting. The maximum time allowed to read request headers. The connection's read deadline is reset after reading the header.

Default: 3 seconds
Write timeout Used to tune the HTTP server. Typically, does not need to be changed from the default setting. The maximum time allowed to send a response. It is reset when a new request header is read.

Default: 3 seconds
Idle timeout Used to tune the HTTP server. Typically, does not need to be changed from the default setting. The maximum time to wait for the next request when idle connections are enabled. If the idle timeout field is set to zero, the value of the read timeout field is used. If both are zero, the read header timeout field is used.

Default: 3 seconds
Available status code The status code the forwarder returns when a liveness check is received and the forwarder is available. Container schedulers and orchestrators often send liveness checks.

Default: 204
Ready status code The status code that the forwarder returns when it is ready to accept traffic in either of the following situations:
  • A readiness check is received from a container scheduler or orchestrator.
  • A health check is received from a load balancer.
Default: 204
Unready status code The status code the forwarder returns when it is not ready to accept traffic.

Default: 503

Step 1: Define the forwarder configuration

Each deployed forwarder requires a forwarder configuration file. A forwarder configuration file specifies the settings to transfer the data to your Google SecOps instance. We recommend that you generate a new configuration file for every host to maintain clear distinctions between the collectors associated with each one.

Google Cloud customizes these configuration files with specific metadata for each forwarder instance. You can modify these files to match your specific requirements and incorporate details about the types of logs you want to ingest.

You can generate a forwarder configuration file either through the UI, through the API, or manually.

  • The UI provides a graphical interface for configuring forwarders and is the recommended method for creating a forwarder configuration. This is the easiest way to get started and does not require any programming. To download the configuration file using the Google SecOps user interface, see Manage forwarder configurations through the Google SecOps UI.

  • The API provides a programmatic way to configure forwarders. To download forwarder configuration programmatically, see Forwarder Management API.

  • You can create the configuration file manually and add the configuration options to it. We recommend using the UI method for generating the configuration file to ensure accuracy and minimize potential errors. To generate the file manually, see Manage forwarder configuration file manually.

Step 2: Install Docker

This section describes how to install Docker on your system.

Linux system

Docker is open source and all the necessary documentation is available from the open source Docker community. For instructions on Docker installation, see Install Docker Engine.

To check if Docker is installed properly on your system, execute the following command (requires elevated privileges):

   docker ps

The following response indicates that Docker has been installed properly:


Windows system

Start Windows PowerShell with administrator privileges and check network connectivity to Google Cloud by following these steps:

  1. Click Start.

  2. Type PowerShell and right-click Windows PowerShell.

  3. Click Run as administrator.

  4. Run the following command:

    C:\> test-netconnection <host> -port <port>

    The command output indicates that the TcpTestSucceeded status is true.


    C:\> test-netconnection -port 443
    ComputerName     :
    RemoteAddress    :
    RemotePort       : 443
    InterfaceAlias   : Ethernet
    SourceAddress    :
    TcpTestSucceeded : True

To install Docker, do the following on your Windows server.

  1. Enable the Microsoft Windows container feature:

    Install-WindowsFeature containers -Restart
  2. Execute the following command in PowerShell Administrator mode to install Docker CE:

    Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing "" -o install-docker-ce.ps1
  3. Test the Docker command line interface by running the command docker ps, which returns a list of running containers. If Docker is not installed properly, an error is displayed.

    For more information, see Get started: Prep Windows for containers.

    For enterprise deployments, install Mirantis Container Runtime, also known as Docker EE.

Step 3: Install the forwarder

This section describes how to install the forwarder using a Docker container.

Step 3a: Move configuration files to forwarder directory

The first step in the forwarder installation process involves placing the necessary configuration files within the designated forwarder directory.

Linux system

Place the configuration files in the forwarder directory by following these steps:

  1. Connect to the Linux forwarder host using terminal.

  2. Change directory to the home directory that runs the Docker container.

  3. Create a directory to store the forwarder configuration files.

      mkdir /opt/chronicle/'CONFIG'

    You can replace the directory name, CONFIG with any name of your choice. Ensure that you use the same directory name while running the docker run command.

  4. Change the directory.

      cd /opt/chronicle/config

  5. After the files are transferred, ensure that the configuration files are located in the /opt/chronicle/config directory.

      ls -l

Windows system

Create a C:\config folder and place the configuration files in it. You can replace the folder name, config, with any name of your choice. Ensure that you use the same folder name while running the docker run command.

Step 3b: Run the forwarder

After the configuration files are placed within the designated forwarder directory, you can start the forwarder or upgrade to the latest version of the Google SecOps container.

If you are upgrading the container, clean up any previous Docker runs by executing the following commands.

      docker stop 'cfps'

      docker rm 'cfps'

In the example, the Docker container name is cfps.

To start the forwarder for the first time or to upgrade to the latest version of the Google SecOps container, do the following:

  1. Obtain the latest Docker image from Google Cloud:

    Linux system:

        docker pull

    Windows system:

      docker pull
  2. Start the forwarder from the Docker container:

    Linux system:

      docker run \
        --detach \
        --name cfps \
        --restart=always \
        --log-opt max-size=100m \
        --log-opt max-file=10 \
        --net=host \
        -v /opt/chronicle/config:/opt/chronicle/external \

    Windows system:

      docker run `
        --detach `
        --name cfps `
        --restart=always `
        --log-opt max-size=100m `
        --log-opt max-file=10 `
        -p `
        -v C:\config\:C:/opt/chronicle/external `

The --log-opt options are available since Docker 1.13. These options limit the size of the container log files and must be used as long as the Docker version that you use supports them.

Manage the forwarder

The following sections provide guidance on managing your forwarder.

View forwarder logs

  • To view the forwarder logs, execute the following command:

    docker logs cfps
  • To view the path of the file in which the logs are stored, execute the following command:

    docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' CONTAINER_NAME
  • To view the live running logs, execute the following command:

    docker logs cfps -f
  • To store the logs in a file, execute the following command:

    docker logs cfps &> logs.txt

Uninstall the forwarder

The following Docker commands help you to stop, uninstall, or remove the forwarder.

  • To stop or uninstall the forwarder container, execute the following command:

    docker stop cfps
  • To remove the forwarder container, execute the following command:

    docker rm cfps

Update the forwarder

The forwarder consists of two components, each with an update process as follows:

  • Forwarder Bundle: This component is updated automatically, eliminating the need for a restart.

  • Forwarder Docker image: Updates to this component are performed manually. You'll need to stop the current forwarder instance and start a new one, as described in Step 3b.

Forwarder ingestion guides for specific datasets

To learn how a particular dataset is ingested using forwarders, see the following: