Customer-supplied encryption keys


This page discusses customer-supplied encryption keys. For other encryption options, see Data Encryption Options.


As an additional layer on top of standard Cloud Storage encryption, you can choose to provide your own AES-256 encryption key, encoded in standard Base64. This key is known as a customer-supplied encryption key. If you provide a customer-supplied encryption key, Cloud Storage does not permanently store your key in its servers or otherwise manage your key.

Instead, you provide your key for each Cloud Storage operation, and your key is purged from Cloud Storage servers after the operation is complete. Cloud Storage stores only a cryptographic hash of the key so that future requests can be validated against the hash. Your key cannot be recovered from this hash, and the hash cannot be used to decrypt your data.

We recommend you back up each key to a secure location and take precautions to ensure that your keys are not shared with untrusted parties. If any file or machine containing your encryption key is compromised, you should immediately perform key rotation for all objects encrypted with the compromised key.

When is the key used?

When you apply a customer-supplied encryption key to an object, Cloud Storage uses the key when encrypting:

  • The object's data.
  • The object's CRC32C checksum.
  • The object's MD5 hash.

Standard Cloud Storage encryption is used to encrypt the remaining metadata for the object, including the object's name. This lets you read and update general metadata, as well as list, overwrite, and delete objects, without needing the customer-supplied encryption key. However, to perform any of these actions, you must have sufficient permission to do so.

For example, if an object is encrypted with a customer-supplied encryption key, the key must be used to perform operations on the object such as downloading or moving it. If you attempt to read the object's metadata without providing the key, you receive metadata such as the object name and Content-Type, but not the object's CRC32C checksum or MD5 hash. If you do supply your key with the request for the object metadata, the object's CRC32C checksum and MD5 hash are included with the metadata.

Rewrite behavior

If you rewrite an object encrypted with a customer-supplied encryption key without supplying a key for encrypting the rewritten object, the following happens:

HTTPS check

To protect your data as it travels over the Internet during read and write operations, use Transport Layer Security, commonly known as TLS or HTTPS. TLS is required when you provide an encryption key. If you accidentally use your encryption key over an unencrypted (HTTP) connection, it is possible for an attacker to intercept your key. Because of this possibility, the Cloud Storage API returns an error message warning you that your key may be compromised. If this occurs, you should immediately rotate your keys.


The following restrictions apply when using customer-supplied encryption keys:

  • You cannot use the Google Cloud console to download objects that are encrypted with a customer-supplied encryption key. Similarly, when you use the Google Cloud console to upload an object, you cannot encrypt the object with a customer-supplied encryption key.

  • Storage Transfer Service and Cloud Dataflow don't support objects encrypted with customer-supplied encryption keys.

  • You can only set customer-supplied encryption keys on individual objects. You cannot set a default customer-supplied encryption key for a bucket.

  • If you are performing a compose operation on objects encrypted by customer-supplied encryption keys, the component objects must be encrypted by the same key, and you need to provide the key with the compose request. The resulting composite object is encrypted by the same key.

  • When serving an object encrypted by a customer-supplied encryption key, Cloud Storage ignores Cache-Control metadata associated with the object and serves the object with Cache-Control set to private, max-age=0.

Encryption keys with REST APIs

When you use a customer-supplied encryption key and work directly with the JSON or XML API, you must provide both the AES-256 key and a SHA256 hash of the key. You should store both the AES-256 key and the SHA256 hash of the key securely. Cloud Storage stores the SHA256 hash of your key in the object's metadata, where you can retrieve it later. This SHA256 hash cannot be used by Cloud Storage (or anyone else) to decrypt your data. It is stored as a way to uniquely identify the AES-256 key that was used to encrypt a particular object.

Request headers

Include the following HTTP headers in your JSON or XML request:

Header name Value Description
x-goog-encryption-algorithm string The encryption algorithm to use. You must use the value AES256.
x-goog-encryption-key string An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of your AES-256 encryption key.
x-goog-encryption-key-sha256 string An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of the SHA256 hash of your encryption key.

If you are performing a rewrite operation with the JSON API, the headers listed above are used for encrypting the destination object, and the following headers are used for decrypting the source object:

Header name Value Description
x-goog-copy-source-encryption-algorithm string The encryption algorithm to use. You must use the value AES256.
x-goog-copy-source-encryption-key string An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of the source object's AES-256 encryption key.
x-goog-copy-source-encryption-key-sha256 string An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of the SHA256 hash of the source object's encryption key.



When using the JSON API, the metadata for a customer-supplied encryption key is returned in the response body, which includes the following properties:

Property name Value Description
customerEncryption object Information about the encryption used for the request.
customerEncryption.encryptionAlgorithm string The encryption algorithm that was used. Always contains the value AES256.
customerEncryption.keySha256 string An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of the SHA256 hash of your encryption key. You can use this SHA256 hash to uniquely identify the AES-256 encryption key required to decrypt the object, which you must store securely.


When using the XML API, the response includes the following headers:

Header name Value Description
x-goog-encryption-algorithm string The encryption algorithm that was used. Always contains the value AES256.
x-goog-encryption-key-sha256 string An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of the SHA256 hash of your encryption key. You can use this SHA256 hash to uniquely identify the AES-256 encryption key required to decrypt the object, which you must store securely.

You receive an HTTP 400 error in the following cases:

  • You upload an object using a customer-supplied encryption key, and you attempt to perform another operation on the object (other than requesting or updating most metadata or deleting the object) without providing the key.
  • You upload an object using a customer-supplied encryption key, and you attempt to perform another operation on the object with an incorrect key.
  • You upload an object without providing a customer-supplied encryption key, and you attempt to perform another operation on the object with a customer-supplied encryption key.
  • You specify an encryption algorithm, key, or SHA256 hash that is not valid.

Encryption keys with gcloud storage

The Google Cloud CLI supports the use of customer-supplied encryption keys. When using the gcloud CLI with customer-supplied encryption keys, keep in mind the following:

  • The key specified as the encryption key is used in commands as both an encryption key and, when needed, as a decryption key.

  • You can optionally specify up to 100 decryption keys, which are used only to decrypt objects.

  • When decrypting, the SHA256 hash of any supplied encryption and decryption keys is calculated, and the correct key to use for a particular object is selected by matching the SHA256 hash in the object's metadata.

  • When adding or rotating a customer-supplied encryption key for an existing object, the object is rewritten as part of the request. This is true even for the gcloud storage objects update command.

  • List commands that can return the MD5 or CRC32C hash for objects encrypted with a customer-supplied key perform an additional metadata GET request for each such object. These additional requests can make listing substantially slower than listing objects encrypted with standard Cloud Storage encryption.

  • In situations where the encryption key can or does change during a partially-completed write or copy operation, such as when you re-run a cp upload after force quitting or encountering a network timeout, the operation restarts to ensure that the destination object is written with the new key.

Encryption key rotation

If an object is encrypted using a customer-supplied encryption key, you can rotate the object's key by rewriting the object. Rewrites are supported through the JSON API, but not the XML API. See Rotating an encryption key for examples of key rotation.

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