Configure a third-party identity provider

Supported in:

You can use Cloud Identity, Google Workspace, or a third-party identity provider (such as Okta or Azure AD) to manage users, groups, and authentication.

This page describes how to use a third-party identity provider by configuring workforce identity federation. For information about using Cloud Identity or Google Workspace, see Configure a Google Cloud identity provider.

Google's workforce identity federation lets you grant on-premises or multicloud workloads access to Google Cloud resources, without having to use a service account key. You can use workforce identity federation with any third-party identity provider (IdP) that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), including Microsoft Azure, Okta, or SAML 2.0.

Google Security Operations requires using Google's workforce identity federation as the SSO broker for the following:

  • Customers with FedRAMP High (or higher) compliance requirements.
  • Customers accessing any enterprise-level controls in Google Security Operations that are enabled by Google Cloud, including data and feature role-based access control (RBAC) using Identity and Access Management (IAM).
  • Customers using self-service credential management for programmatic access of the Chronicle API.

Google Security Operations supports Service Provider Initiated (SP-initiated) SAML SSO for users. With this capability, users navigate directly to Google Security Operations. Google Security Operations issues a request through Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) workforce identity federation to the third-party identity provider (IdP).

After the IdP authenticates the user identity, the user is returned to Google Security Operations with an authentication assertion. Google Cloud workforce identity federation acts as an intermediary in the authentication flow.

Communication between Google Security Operations, Google Cloud IAM workforce identity
federation, and IdP

Communication between Google Security Operations, IAM workforce identity federation, and IdP

At a high level, the communication is as follows:

  1. The user navigates to Google Security Operations.
  2. Google Security Operations looks up IdP information in the Google Cloud workforce identity pool.
  3. A request is sent to the IdP.
  4. The SAML assertion is sent to the Google Cloud workforce identity pool.
  5. If authentication is successful, Google Security Operations receives only the SAML attributes defined when you configured the workforce provider in the workforce identity pool.

Google Security Operations administrators create groups in their identity provider, configure the SAML application to pass group membership information in the assertion, and then associate users and groups to Google Security Operations predefined roles in IAM or to custom roles that they created.

IdP initiated login (initiating a login from your IdP dashboard) is not supported. Contact your Google Security Operations representative to request this feature if your organization needs the capability.

This document describes high-level steps to set up authentication through a third-party identity provider (IdP) using Google Cloud workforce identity federation. After performing the steps in this document, you will be able to access Google Security Operations using your third-party IdP and manage access to the Google Security Operations using SAML SSO via workforce identity federation.

Before you begin

The following steps describe how to perform the configuration using gcloud commands. If a step can be performed in the Google Cloud console, a link to the related IAM documentation is provided.

Plan the implementation

The following section describes the decisions you must make and information you define before performing the steps in this document.

Define the workforce identity pool and workforce provider

As part of this process, you will configure Google Cloud workforce identity federation as an intermediary in the authentication flow. To accomplish this, you create the following Google Cloud resources:

  • Workforce pool: A workforce identity pool lets you grant your workforce (e.g. employees) access to Google Security Operations.
  • Workforce provider: A workforce provider is a sub-resource of the workforce identity pool. It stores details about a single IdP.

The relationship between workforce identity pool, workforce providers, and a Google Security Operations instance, identified by a single customer subdomain, is as follows:

  • A workforce identity pool is defined at the organization-level.
  • Each Google Security Operations instance has a workforce identity pool configured and associated with it.
  • A workforce identity pool can have multiple workforce providers.
  • Each workforce provider integrates a third-party IdP with the workforce identity pool.
  • The workforce identity pool you create using these steps must be dedicated to Google SecOps. Although you may manage multiple workforce identity pools for other purposes, the workforce identity pool created for Google SecOps cannot be shared.
  • We recommend that you create the workforce identity pool in the same Google Cloud organization that contains the project bound to Google SecOps.

It helps save time if you predefine information about the workforce identity pool and workforce provider. You use this information when configuring both the IdP SAML application and workforce identity federation.

Choose the values for the following identifiers:

  • Workforce pool ID (WORKFORCE_POOL_ID): select a value that indicates the scope or purpose of the workforce identity pool. The value must meet the following requirements:
    • Must be globally unique.
    • Must use only lowercase characters [a-z], digit [0-9], and dashes [-].
    • Must begin with a lowercase character [a-z].
    • Must end with either a lowercase character [a-z] or digit [0-9].
    • Can be between 4 to 61 characters in length.
  • Workforce pool display name (WORKFORCE_POOL_DISPLAY_NAME): define a user-friendly name. for the workforce identity pool.
  • Workforce pool description (WORKFORCE_POOL_DESCRIPTION): define a detailed description of the workforce identity pool.
  • Workforce provider ID (WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID): choose a value that indicates the IdP it represents. The value must meet the following requirements::
    • Must use only lowercase characters [a-z], digit [0-9], and dash [-].
    • Can be between 4 to 32 characters in length.
  • Workforce provider display name (WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_NAME): define a user-friendly name for the workforce provider. It must be less than 32 characters long.
  • Workforce provider description (WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION): define a detailed description of the workforce provider.

Define user attributes and groups in the IdP

Before you create the SAML application in the IdP, identify which user attributes and groups are needed to configure access to features in Google Security Operations. For more information, see Configure feature access control using IAM and Google Security Operations permissions in IAM.

You need this information during the following phases of this process:

  • When configuring the SAML application, you create the groups defined during planning. You configure the IdP SAML application to pass group memberships in the assertion.

  • When you create the workforce provider, you map assertion attributes and groups to Google Cloud attributes. This information is sent in the assertion claim as part of a user's identity.

  • When setting up role-based access control in Google Security Operations, you use the user attributes and group information to configure access to Google Security Operations features.

    Google Security Operations provides multiple predefined roles that each allow access to specific features. You can map groups defined in the IdP SAML application to these predefined roles.

Make sure to create an IdP group for administrators who configure which users and groups can access SOAR-related features. During the onboarding process, you will provide this group name so users in this group will be able set up access control to SOAR-related features.

Configure the IdP

This section describes only the specific configuration needed in an IdP SAML application to integrate with Google Cloud workforce identity federation and Google Security Operations.

  1. Create a new SAML application in your IdP.

  2. Configure the application with the following Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL, which is also referred to as a single sign-on URL depending on the service provider.

    Replace the following:

    • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the identifier you defined for the workforce identity pool.
    • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID: the identifier you defined for the workforce provider.

      See Plan the implementation for a description of these values.

  3. Configure the application with the following Entity ID (also called, SP Entity ID).

    Replace the following:

    • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the identifier you defined for the workforce identity pool.
    • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID: the identifier you defined for the workforce provider.
  4. Configure the name identifier in your IdP to ensure that the NameID field is returned in the SAML response.

    You can set this to a value that supports your organization policies, such as email address or username. Consult your IdP documentation for information about configuring this value. For more information about this requirement, see Troubleshoot workforce identity federation.

  5. Optionally, create the group attributes in the SAML application. You defined these when you planned the IdP implementation.

  6. Download the application metadata XML file. In the next section, you will upload this file from your local system to your Google Cloud home directory using Cloud Shell.

Configure workforce identity federation

This section describes only the specific steps needed to configure workforce identity federation with the IdP SAML application that you created in the previous section. For more information about managing workforce identity pools, see Manage workforce identity pool providers

  1. Open the Google Cloud console as the user with the required permissions on the Google Security Operations-bound project. You identified or created this user earlier. See the Before you begin section.

  2. Launch a Cloud Shell session.

  3. Set the Google Cloud project that is billed and charged quota for operations performed using the gcloud CLI. Use the following gcloud command as an example:

    gcloud config set billing/quota_project PROJECT_ID

    Replace PROJECT_ID with the project ID of the Google Security Operations-bound project you created in Configure a Google Cloud project for Google Security Operations. See Creating and managing projects for a description of fields that identify a project.

    For information about quotas, see the following documents:

    If you encounter an error, see Quota errors

Create and configure a workforce identity pool

You can configure a workforce identity pool to integrate with an external identity provider (IdP) or with Google Workspace or Cloud Identity.

  1. Create a workforce identity pool.

    • Create a workforce identity pool for a third-party IdP:

      Use the following gcloud command as an example:

      gcloud iam workforce-pools create WORKFORCE_POOL_ID\
        --location="global" \
        --organization="ORGANIZATION_ID" \
        --description="WORKFORCE_POOL_DESCRIPTION" \

      Replace the following:

      • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the identifier you defined for the workforce identity pool.
      • ORGANIZATION_ID: the numeric organization ID.
      • WORKFORCE_POOL_DESCRIPTION: specify a description of the workforce identity pool.
      • WORKFORCE_POOL_DISPLAY_NAME: specify a user-friendly name for the workforce identity pool.

      To perform this configuration using the Google Cloud console, see Create a pool.

      If you want to use Google Workspace or Cloud Identity to sign into Google SecOps, add the flags --allowed-services and --disable-programmatic-signin to the command:

      gcloud iam workforce-pools create WORKFORCE_POOL_ID\
            --location="global" \
            --organization="ORGANIZATION_ID" \
            --description="WORKFORCE_POOL_DESCRIPTION" \
            --display-name="WORKFORCE_POOL_DISPLAY_NAME" \
            --allowed-services \

      This command creates a workforce pool that can't be used to sign into Google Cloud, but you must use these flags to address these scenarios.

  2. If you are prompted at the command line to enable the Chronicle API, type Yes.

Create a workforce identity provider

  1. Upload the SAML application metadata file to your Cloud Shell home directory by clicking More >. Files can only be uploaded to your home directory. For more options to transfer files between Cloud Shell and your local workstation, see Upload and download files and folders from Cloud Shell.

  2. Make a note of the directory path where you uploaded the SAML application metadata XML file in Cloud Shell. You will need this path in the next step.

  3. Create a workforce identity pool provider and specify the IdP details.

    Use the following gcloud command as an example:

    gcloud iam workforce-pools providers create-saml WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID \
      --workforce-pool="WORKFORCE_POOL_ID" \
      --location="global" \
      --display-name="WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_NAME" \
      --idp-metadata-path=PATH_TO_METADATA_XML \

    See Plan the implementation for more information about these values.

    Replace the following:

    • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID: the value you defined for the workforce provider ID.
    • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the value you defined for the workforce identity pool ID.
    • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_NAME: a user-friendly name for the workforce provider. It must be less than 32 characters long.
    • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION: a description of the workforce provider.
    • PATH_TO_METADATA_XML: the Cloud Shell directory location of the application metadata XML file that you uploaded using Cloud Shell, for example: /path/to/sso_metadata.xml.
    • ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS: definition of how to map assertion attributes to Google Cloud attributes. Common Expression Language is used to interpret these mapping. For example:


      The previous example maps the following attributes:

      • assertion.subject to google.subject. This is a minimum requirement.
      •[0] to google.display_name.
      • assertion.attributes.groups to the google.groups attribute.

      If you are performing this configuration for Google Security Operations, which includes Google Security Operations SIEM and Google Security Operations SOAR, you must also map the following attributes required by Google Security Operations SOAR:

      • attribute.first_name
      • attribute.last_name
      • attribute.user_email
      • google.groups

      See more information about provisioning and mapping users for Google Security Operations SOAR.

      By default, Google Security Operations reads group information from the following case-insensitive assertion attribute names: _assertion.attributes.groups_, _assertion.attributes.idpGroup_, and _assertion.attributes.memberOf_.

      When configuring the SAML application to pass group membership information in the assertion, set the group attribute name to either _group_, _idpGroup_, or _memberOf_.

      In the example command, you can replace assertion.attributes.groups with either assertion.attributes.idpGroup or assertion.attributes.memberOf, which represents the name of the group attribute you configured in the IdP SAML application and that contains group membership information in the assertion.

      The following example maps multiple groups to the google.groups attribute:

      google.groups="(has(assertion.attributes.idpGroup) ? assertion.attributes.idpGroup : []) + (has(assertion.attributes.groups) ? assertion.attributes.groups : []) + (has(assertion.attributes.memberof) ? assertion.attributes.memberof : [])"

      The following example maps the group containing special characters to google.groups:


      For more information about mapping attributes, see Attribute Mappings.

      To perform this configuration using Google Cloud console, see Create a SAML provider.

Grant a role to enable sign in to Google Security Operations

The following steps describe how to grant a specific role using IAM so that users can sign in to Google Security Operations. Perform the configuration using the Google Security Operations-bound Google Cloud project you created earlier.

This example uses the gcloud command. To use the Google Cloud console, see Grant a single role.

  1. Grant the Chronicle API Viewer (roles/chronicle.viewer) role to users or groups that should have access to the Google Security Operations application.

    The following example grants the Chronicle API Viewer role to identities managed using the workforce identity pool and workforce provider you created previously.

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
      --role roles/chronicle.viewer \
      --member "principalSet://*"

    Replace the following:

    To grant the Chronicle API Viewer role to a specific group, run the following command:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
      --role roles/chronicle.viewer \
      --member "principalSet://"

    Replace GROUP_ID: a group in the mapped google.groups claim.

  2. Configure additional IAM policies to meet your organization requirements.

Verify or configure Google Security Operations feature access control

If you configured workforce identity federation with attributes or groups mapped to the google.groups attribute, this information is passed to Google Security Operations so that you can configure role-based access control (RBAC) to Google Security Operations features.

If the Google Security Operations instance has an existing RBAC configuration, verify that the original configuration works as expected.

If you have not previously configured access control, see Configure feature access control using IAM for information about controlling access to features.

Modify the workforce identity federation configuration

If you need to update the workforce identity pool or workforce provider, see Manage workforce identity pool providers for information about updating the configuration.

The Key management section in Create a SAML workforce pool provider describes how to update IdP signing keys, and then update the workforce provider configuration with the latest application metadata XML file.

The following is an example gcloud command that updates the workforce provider configuration:

gcloud iam workforce-pools providers update-saml WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID \
  --workforce-pool=WORKFORCE_POOL_ID \
  --location="global" \
  --idp-metadata-path=PATH_TO_METADATA_XML \

Replace the following:

  • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_ID: the value you defined for the workforce provider ID.
  • WORKFORCE_POOL_ID: the value you defined for the workforce identity pool ID.
  • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_NAME: a user-friendly name for the workforce provider. The value must be less than 32 characters.
  • WORKFORCE_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION: the description of the workforce provider.
  • PATH_TO_METADATA_XML: the location of the updated application metadata XML file, for example: /path/to/sso_metadata_updated.xml.
  • ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS: the mapped assertion attributes to Google Cloud attributes. For example:


To ensure that Google SecOps RBAC continues to function as expected, also map the google.groups attribute to all groups used to define roles in Google SecOps.

Troubleshoot issues with configuration

If you encounter errors during this process, review Troubleshoot workforce identity federation to resolve common issues. The following section provides information about common problems encountered when performing the steps in this document.

If you still encounter issues, contact your Google SecOps representative and provide your Chrome Network Logs File.

command not found error when creating a workforce identity pool provider

When creating a workforce identity pool provider and specifying the IdP details, you get the following error:

Error: bash: --attribute-mapping=google.subject=assertion.subject,[0],
google.groups=assertion.attributes.groups: command not found

Check that the PATH_TO_METADATA_XML is the location where you uploaded the SAML application metadata XML file to your Cloud Shell home directory.

The caller does not have permission error

When running the command gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding to grant roles to users or groups, you get the following error:

ERROR: (gcloud.organizations.add-iam-policy-binding) User [ ] does not have
permission to access organizations instance [538073083963:getIamPolicy]
(or it may not exist): The caller does not have permission

Check that you have the required permissions. See Required roles for more information.

What's next

After completing the steps in this document, perform the following: