Use context-enriched data in rules

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To enable security analysts during an investigation, Google Security Operations ingests contextual data from different sources, performs analysis on the ingested data, and provides additional context about artifacts in a customer environment. This document provides examples of how analysts can use contextually-enriched data in Detection Engine rules.

For more information about data enrichment, see How Google Security Operations enriches event and entity data.

Use prevalence enriched fields in rules

The following examples demonstrate how to use the prevalence-related enriched fields in Detection Engine. For reference, see the list of prevalence-related enriched fields.

Identify low prevalence domain access

This detection rule generates a detection event, not a detection alert, when a match is found. It is primarily meant as a secondary indicator when investigating an asset. For example, there are other higher severity alerts that triggered an incident.

$enrichment.graph.metadata.entity_type = "FILE"
$enrichment.graph.metadata.product_name = "VirusTotal Relationships"
$enrichment.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "VirusTotal"

See Add an event type filter for more information about adding a filter to improve rule performance.

For information about each enrichment type, see How Google Security Operations enriches event and entity data.

Use prevalence enriched fields in rules

The following examples demonstrate how to use the prevalence-related enriched fields in Detection Engine. For reference, see the list of prevalence-related enriched fields.

Identify access to domains with a low prevalence score

This rule can be used to detect access to domains with a low prevalence score. To be effective, a baseline of prevalence scores for artifacts must exist. The following example uses reference lists to tune the result and applies a threshold prevalence value.

rule network_prevalence_low_prevalence_domain_access {
    author = "Google Security Operations"
    description = "Detects access to a low prevalence domain. Requires baseline of prevalence be in place for effective deployment."
    severity = "LOW"

        $e.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_HTTP"
        $e.principal.ip = $ip

        // filter out URLs with RFC 1918 IP addresses, i.e., internal assets
        not re.regex($, `(127(?:\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$)|(10(?:\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$)|(192\.168(?:\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){2}$)|(172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){2})`)

        // used an explicit exclusion reference list
        not $ in %exclusion_network_prevalence_low_prevalence_domain_access

        // only match valid FQDN, filter out background non-routable noise
        re.regex($, `(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]`)

        $domainName = $

        //join event ($e) to entity graph ($d)
        $ = $

        $d.graph.metadata.entity_type = "DOMAIN_NAME"

        // tune prevalence as fits your results
        $d.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max > 0
        $d.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max <= 10

        $ip over 1h

    $risk_score = max(
        // increment risk score based upon rolling_max prevalence
        if ( $d.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max >= 10, 10) +
        if ( $d.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max >= 2 and $d.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max <= 9 , 20) +
        if ( $d.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max = 1, 30)

    $domain_list = array_distinct($domainName)
    $domain_count = count_distinct($domainName)

    $e and #d > 10

Identify low prevalence domains with an IOC match

This detection rule generates a detection alert and provides a high fidelity match comparing a low prevalence domain that is also a known IOC.

rule network_prevalence_uncommon_domain_ioc_match {

    author = "Google Security Operations"
    description = "Lookup Network DNS queries against Entity Graph for low prevalence domains with a matching IOC entry."
    severity = "MEDIUM"

    $e.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_DNS"
    $ = $hostname

    //only match FQDNs, e.g., exclude chrome dns access tests and other internal hosts
    $ = /(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]/

    //prevalence entity graph lookup
    $p.graph.metadata.entity_type = "DOMAIN_NAME"
    $p.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max > 0
    $p.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max <= 3
    $ = $hostname

    //ioc entity graph lookup
    $i.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "ET_PRO_IOC"
    $i.graph.metadata.entity_type = "DOMAIN_NAME"
    $i.graph.entity.hostname = $hostname

    $hostname over 10m

    $risk_score = max(
        //increment risk score based upon rolling_max prevalence
        if ( $p.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max = 3, 50) +
        if ( $p.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max = 2, 70) +
        if ( $p.graph.entity.domain.prevalence.rolling_max = 1, 90)

    $e and $p and $i

Use an entity's first seen time in a rule

You can write rules that include the first_seen_time or last_seen_time fields from entity records.

The first_seen_time and last_seen_time fields are populated with entities that describe a domain, IP address, and file (hash). For entities that describe a user or asset, only the first_seen_time field is populated. These values are not calculated for entities that describe other types, such as a group or resource.

For a list of UDM fields that are populated, see Calculate the first seen and last seen time of entities.

Here is an example showing how to use the first_seen_time in a rule:

rule first_seen_data_exfil {
        author = "Google Security Operations"
        description = "Example usage first_seen data"
        severity = "LOW"

        $first_access.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_HTTP"
        $ip = $first_access.principal.ip

        // Join first_access event with entity graph to use first/last seen data.
        $ip = $first_last_seen.graph.entity.ip
        $first_last_seen.graph.metadata.entity_type = "IP_ADDRESS"

        // Check that the first_access UDM event is the first_seen occurrence in the enterprise.
        $first_last_seen.graph.entity.artifact.first_seen_time.seconds = $first_access.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds
        $first_last_seen.graph.entity.artifact.first_seen_time.nanos   = $first_access.metadata.event_timestamp.nanos

        // Check for another access event that appears shortly after the first_seen event,
        // where lots of data is being sent.
        $next_access_data_exfil.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
        // Next access event goes to the same IP as the first.
        $next_access_data_exfil.principal.ip = $ip

        // Next access occurs within 60 seconds after first access.
        $next_access_data_exfil.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds > $first_access.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds
        60 > $next_access_data_exfil.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds  - $first_access.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds

        // Lots of data is being sent over the next access event.
        $ > 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 // 10GB

        // Extract hostname of next access event, for match section.
        $hostname = $next_access_data_exfil.principal.hostname

        $hostname over 1h

        $first_access and $next_access_data_exfil and $first_last_seen

Use geolocation-enriched fields in rules

UDM fields that store geolocation-enriched data can be used in Detection Engine rules. For a list of UDM fields that are populated, see Enrich events with geolocation data.

The following example illustrates how to detect if a user entity is authenticating from multiple distinct states.

rule geoip_user_login_multiple_states_within_1d {

    author = "Google Security Operations"
    description = "Detect multiple authentication attempts from multiple distinct locations using geolocation-enriched UDM fields."
    severity = "INFORMATIONAL"

    $geoip.metadata.event_type = "USER_LOGIN"
      $geoip.metadata.vendor_name = "Google Workspace" or
      $geoip.metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud Platform"
    /* optionally, detect distinct locations at a country */
      $geoip.principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region != "" and
      $geoip.principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.country_or_region = $country
      $geoip.principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.state != "" and
      $geoip.principal.ip_geo_artifact.location.state = $state

    $ = $user

    $user over 1d

    $geoip and #state > 1

Use Safe Browsing enriched fields in rules

Google Security Operations ingests data from threat lists related to file hashes. This enriched information is stored as Entities in Google Security Operations.

For a list of UDM fields that are populated, see Enrich entities with information from Safe Browsing threat lists.

You can create Detection Engine rules to identify matches against entities ingested from Safe Browsing. The following is an example Detection Engine rule that queries against this enriched information to build context-aware analytics.

rule safe_browsing_file_execution {
        author = "Google Security Operations"
        description = "Example usage of Safe Browsing data, to detect execution of a file that's been deemed malicious"
        severity = "LOW"

        // find a process launch event, match on hostname
        $execution.metadata.event_type = "PROCESS_LAUNCH"
        $execution.principal.hostname = $hostname

        // join execution event with Safe Browsing graph
        $sb.graph.entity.file.sha256 = $

        // look for files deemed malicious
        $sb.graph.metadata.entity_type = "FILE"
        $sb.graph.metadata.threat.severity = "CRITICAL"
        $sb.graph.metadata.product_name = "Google Safe Browsing"
        $sb.graph.metadata.source_type = "GLOBAL_CONTEXT"

        $hostname over 1h

        $execution and $sb

Use WHOIS enriched fields in a rule

You can write rules that search WHOIS enriched fields in entities that represent a domain. These entities have the entity.metadata.entity_type field set to DOMAIN_NAME. For a list of UDM fields that are populated, see Enrich entities with WHOIS data.

The following is an example rule showing how to do this. This rule includes the following filter fields in the events section to help optimize performance of the rule.

$whois.graph.metadata.entity_type = "DOMAIN_NAME"
$whois.graph.metadata.product_name = "WHOISXMLAPI Simple Whois"
$whois.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "WHOIS"
rule whois_expired_domain_executable_download {
   author = "Google Security Operations"
   description = "Example usage of WHOIS data, detecting an executable file download from a domain that's recently expired"
   severity = "LOW"

        $access.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_HTTP"
        $hostname = $access.principal.hostname

        // join access event to entity graph to use WHOIS data
        $ = $

        // use WHOIS data to look for expired domains
        $whois.graph.metadata.entity_type = "DOMAIN_NAME"
        $whois.graph.metadata.product_name = "WHOISXMLAPI Simple Whois"
        $whois.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "WHOIS"
        $whois.graph.entity.domain.expiration_time.seconds < $access.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds

        // join access event with executable file creation event by principal hostname
        $creation.principal.hostname = $access.principal.hostname
        $creation.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"
        $ = /exe/ nocase

        // file creation comes after expired domain access
        $creation.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds >

       $hostname over 1h

        $access and $whois and $creation

Query Google Cloud Threat Intelligence data

Google Security Operations ingests data from Google Cloud Threat Intelligence (GCTI) data sources that provide you with contextual information you can use when investigating activity in your environment. You can query the following data sources:

  • GCTI Tor Exit Nodes
  • GCTI Benign Binaries
  • GCTI Remote Access Tools

For a description of these threat feeds and all fields populated, see Ingest and store Google Cloud Threat Intelligence data.

In this document, the placeholder <variable_name> represents the unique variable name used in a rule to identify a UDM record.

Query Tor exit node IP addresses

The following example rule returns a detection when a NETWORK_CONNECTION event contains an IP address stored in the target.ip field that is also found in the GCTI Tor Exit Nodes data source. Make sure to include the <variable_name>.graph.metadata.threat.threat_feed_name, <variable_name>.graph.metadata.vendor_name, and <variable_name>.graph.metadata.product_name fields in the rule.

This is a timed data source. Events will match with the snapshot of the data source at that point in time.

rule gcti_tor_exit_nodes {
    author = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
    description = "Alert on known Tor exit nodes."
    severity = "High"

    // Event
    $e.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
    $ = $tor_ip

    // Tor IP search in GCTI Feed
    $tor.graph.entity.artifact.ip = $tor_ip
    $tor.graph.metadata.entity_type = "IP_ADDRESS"
    $tor.graph.metadata.threat.threat_feed_name = "Tor Exit Nodes"
    $tor.graph.metadata.source_type = "GLOBAL_CONTEXT"
    $tor.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
    $tor.graph.metadata.product_name = "GCTI Feed"

    $tor_ip over 1h

    $tor_ips = array_distinct($tor_ip)
    $tor_geoip_country = array_distinct($
    $tor_geoip_state = array_distinct($

    $e and $tor

Query for benign operating system files

The following example rule combines the Benign Binaries and Tor Exit Nodes data sources to return an alert when a benign binary contacts a Tor exit node. The rule calculates a risk score using the geolocation data that Google Security Operations enriched using the target IP address. Make sure to include the <variable_name>.graph.metadata.vendor_name, <variable_name>.graph.metadata.product_name, and <variable_name>.graph.metadata.threat.threat_feed_name for both the Benign Binaries and Tor Exit Nodes data sources in the rule.

This is a timeless data source. Events will always match with the latest snapshot of the data source, regardless of time.

rule gcti_benign_binaries_contacts_tor_exit_node {
   author = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
   description = "Alert on Benign Binary contacting a Tor IP address."
   severity = "High"

   // Event
   $e.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_CONNECTION"
   $e.principal.process.file.sha256 = $benign_hash
   $ = $ip
   $e.principal.hostname = $hostname

   // Benign File search in GCTI Feed
   $benign.graph.entity.file.sha256 = $benign_hash
   $benign.graph.metadata.entity_type = "FILE"
   $benign.graph.metadata.threat.threat_feed_name = "Benign Binaries"
   $benign.graph.metadata.source_type = "GLOBAL_CONTEXT"
   $benign.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
   $benign.graph.metadata.product_name = "GCTI Feed"

   // Tor IP search in GCTI Feed
   $tor.graph.entity.artifact.ip = $ip
   $tor.graph.metadata.entity_type = "IP_ADDRESS"
   $tor.graph.metadata.threat.threat_feed_name = "Tor Exit Nodes"
   $tor.graph.metadata.source_type = "GLOBAL_CONTEXT"
   $tor.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
   $tor.graph.metadata.product_name = "GCTI Feed"

   $hostname over 1h

   $risk_score = max(
       if($tor.graph.metadata.threat.confidence = "HIGH_CONFIDENCE", 70) +
       // Unauthorized target geographies
       if($ = "Cuba", 20) +
       if($ = "Iran", 20) +
       if($ = "North Korea", 20) +
       if($ = "Russia", 20) +
       if($ = "Syria", 20)
   $benign_hashes = array_distinct($benign_hash)
   $benign_files = array_distinct($e.principal.process.file.full_path)
   $tor_ips = array_distinct($ip)
   $tor_geoip_country = array_distinct($
   $tor_geoip_state = array_distinct($

   $e and $benign and $tor

Query data about remote access tools

The following example rule returns a detection when a PROCESS_LAUNCH event type contains a hash that is also found in the Google Cloud Threat Intelligence Remote Access Tools data source.

This is a timeless data source. Events will always match with the latest snapshot of the data source, regardless of time.

rule gcti_remote_access_tools {
   author = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
   description = "Alert on Remote Access Tools."
   severity = "High"

    // find a process launch event
    $e.metadata.event_type = "PROCESS_LAUNCH"
    $ != ""
    $rat_hash = $

    // join graph and event hashes
    $gcti.graph.entity.file.sha256 = $rat_hash

    // look for files identified as likely remote access tools
    $gcti.graph.metadata.entity_type = "FILE"
    $gcti.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
    $gcti.graph.metadata.product_name = "GCTI Feed"
    $gcti.graph.metadata.threat.threat_feed_name = "Remote Access Tools"

    $rat_hash over 5m

   $remote_hash = array_distinct($

    $e and $gcti


Use VirusTotal enriched metadata fields in rules

The following rule detects file creation or process launch of a specific file type, indicating that some watchlisted hashes are on the system. The risk score is set when the files are tagged as exploit using VirusTotal file metadata enrichment.

For a list of all UDM fields that are populated, see Enrich events with VirusTotal file metadata.

rule vt_filemetadata_hash_match_ioc {
   author = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
   description = "Detect file/process events that indicate watchlisted hashes are on a system"
   severity = "High"

   // Process launch or file creation events
   $process.metadata.event_type = "PROCESS_LAUNCH" or $process.metadata.event_type ="FILE_CREATION"
   $process.principal.hostname = $hostname
   $ != ""
   $ = $sha256

   // IOC matching
   $ioc.graph.metadata.product_name = "MISP"
   $ioc.graph.metadata.entity_type = "FILE"
   $ioc.graph.metadata.source_type = "ENTITY_CONTEXT"
   $ioc.graph.entity.file.sha256 = $sha256

   $hostname over 15m

   $risk_score = max(
       // Tag enrichment from VirusTotal file metadata
       if($ = "exploit", 90)
   $file_sha256 = array($
   $host = array($process.principal.hostname)

   $process and $ioc

Use VirusTotal relationship data in rules

Google Security Operations ingests data from VirusTotal related connections. This data provides information about the relation between file hashes and files, domains, IP addresses, and URLs. This enriched information is stored as Entities in Google Security Operations.

You can create Detection Engine rules to identify matches against entities ingested from VirusTotal. The following rule sends an alert on downloading a known file hash from a known IP address with VirusTotal relationships. The risk score is based on file type and tags from VirusTotal file metadata.

This data is only available for certain VirusTotal and Google Security Operations licenses. Check your entitlements with your account manager. For a list of all UDM fields that are populated, see Enrich entities with VirusTotal relationship data.

rule virustotal_file_downloaded_from_url {
    author = "Google Cloud Threat Intelligence"
    description = "Alerts on downloading a known file hash from a known IP with VirusTotal relationships. The risk score is based on file type and tags from VirusTotal file metadata."
    severity = "High"

    // Filter network HTTP events
    $e1.metadata.event_type = "NETWORK_HTTP"
    $e1.principal.user.userid = $userid
    $ = $url

    // Filter file creation events
    $e2.metadata.event_type = "FILE_CREATION"
    $ = $userid
    $ = $file_hash

    // The file creation event timestamp should be equal or greater than the network http event timestamp
    $e1.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds <= $e2.metadata.event_timestamp.seconds

    // Join event file hash with VirusTotal relationships entity graph
    $vt.graph.metadata.entity_type = "FILE"
    $vt.graph.metadata.source_type = "GLOBAL_CONTEXT"
    $vt.graph.metadata.vendor_name = "VirusTotal"
    $vt.graph.metadata.product_name = "VirusTotal Relationships"
    $vt.graph.entity.file.sha256 = $file_hash

    // Join network HTTP target URL with VirusTotal relationships entity graph
    $vt.graph.relations.entity_type = "URL"
    $vt.graph.relations.relationship = "DOWNLOADED_FROM"
    $vt.graph.relations.entity.url = $url

    $userid over 1m

      $risk_score = max(
        // Tag enrichment from VirusTotal file metadata
        if($ = "via-tor" or $ = "malware" or $ = "crypto", 50) +
        // File types enrichment from VirusTotal file metadata
        if($ = "FILE_TYPE_HTML", 5) +
        if($ = "FILE_TYPE_ELF", 10) +
        if($ = "FILE_TYPE_PE_DLL",15) +
        if($ = "FILE_TYPE_PE_EXE", 20)

    $e1 and $e2 and $vt and $risk_score >= 50

What's next

For information about how to use enriched data with other Google Security Operations features, see the following: