Spanner と PGAdapter を使ってみる


このチュートリアルでは、Spanner PGAdapter ローカル プロキシを使用して PostgreSQL ドライバを実行する手順について説明します。

  • Spanner のインスタンスとデータベースを作成します。
  • データベースのデータに対し、書き込み、読み取り、SQL クエリの実行を行います。
  • データベース スキーマを更新します。
  • 読み取り / 書き込みトランザクションを使用してデータを更新します。
  • セカンダリ インデックスをデータベースに追加します。
  • インデックスを使用して、データの読み込みと SQL クエリの実行を行います。
  • 読み取り専用トランザクションを使用してデータを取得します。


このチュートリアルで使用する Spanner は、Google Cloud の有料コンポーネントです。Spanner を使用する際の料金については、料金をご覧ください。


設定に示されている手順を完了します。この手順では、デフォルトの Google Cloud プロジェクトの作成と設定、課金の有効化、Cloud Spanner API の有効化、Cloud Spanner API の使用に必要な認証情報を取得するための OAuth 2.0 の設定について説明しています。

特に、ローカルの開発環境に認証情報を設定するために、必ず gcloud auth application-default login を実行してください。

ローカルの PGAdapter 環境を準備する

PostgreSQL ドライバを PGAdapter と組み合わせて使用して Spanner に接続することができます。PGAdapter は、PostgreSQL ネットワーク プロトコルを Spanner gRPC プロトコルに変換するローカル プロキシです。

PGAdapter を実行するには Java または Docker が必要です。

  1. 開発マシンに次のものがまだインストールされていない場合は、いずれか 1 つをインストールします。

  2. ローカルマシンにサンプルアプリのリポジトリのクローンを作成します。

    git clone
  3. Spanner のサンプルコードが含まれるディレクトリに移動します。


    cd pgadapter/samples/snippets/psql-snippets


    cd pgadapter/samples/snippets/java-snippets
    mvn package -DskipTests


    cd pgadapter/samples/snippets/golang-snippets


    cd pgadapter/samples/snippets/nodejs-snippets
    npm install


    cd pgadapter/samples/snippets/python-snippets
    python -m venv ./venv
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    cd samples


    cd pgadapter/samples/snippets/dotnet-snippets


Spanner を最初に使用する場合は、インスタンスを作成する必要があります。インスタンスとは、Spanner データベースによって使用されるリソースの割り当てのことです。インスタンスを作成するときは、インスタンス構成を選択してデータの格納場所を指定し、さらに使用するノード数も選択して、インスタンスの配信リソースおよびストレージ リソースの量を決定します。

次のコマンドを実行して、1 ノードの us-central1 リージョンに Spanner インスタンスを作成します。

gcloud spanner instances create test-instance --config=regional-us-central1 \
    --description="Test Instance" --nodes=1


  • インスタンス ID test-instance
  • 表示名 Test Instance
  • インスタンス構成 regional-us-central1(リージョン構成ではデータが単一のリージョンに保存され、マルチリージョン構成ではデータが複数のリージョンに分散されます。詳しくは、インスタンスについてをご覧ください)。
  • ノード数 1(node_count はインスタンスのデータベースで使用可能な配信リソースとストレージ リソースの量に対応します。詳しくは、ノードと処理ユニットをご覧ください)。


Creating instance...done.

サンプル ファイルの確認

サンプルのリポジトリには、Spanner を Java で使用する方法を示すサンプルが含まれています。

samples/snippets ファイルを見ると、Spanner の使用方法を確認できます。このファイルのコードでは、新しいデータベースを作成して使用する方法が示されています。データで使用されているスキーマ例の詳細は、スキーマとデータモデルのページをご覧ください。

PGAdapter を起動する

ローカル開発マシンで PGAdapter を起動し、作成したインスタンスに PGAdapter を向けます。

次のコマンドは、gcloud auth application-default login を実行していることを前提としています。

Java アプリケーション

wget \
    && tar -xzvf pgadapter.tar.gz
java -jar pgadapter.jar -i test-instance


docker pull
docker run \
    --name pgadapter \
    --rm -d -p 5432:5432 \
    -v "$HOME/.config/gcloud":/gcloud:ro \
    --env CLOUDSDK_CONFIG=/gcloud \ \
    -i test-instance -x


docker pull
docker run \
    --name pgadapter-emulator \
    --rm -d \
    -p 5432:5432 \
    -p 9010:9010 \
    -p 9020:9020 \

これにより、組み込みの Spanner エミュレータで PGAdapter が開始されます。この埋め込みエミュレータでは、任意の Spanner インスタンスや接続するデータベースが自動的に作成されます。事前に手動で作成する必要はありません。

PGAdapter は、サイドカー コンテナまたはインプロセス依存関係として本番環境で実行することをおすすめします。PGAdapter を本番環境にデプロイする方法については、PGAdapter を実行する方法を選択するをご覧ください。


コマンドラインで次のコマンドを実行して、test-instance というインスタンスに example-db というデータベースを作成します。

gcloud spanner databases create example-db --instance=test-instance \


Creating database...done.


次のコードは、データベースに 2 つのテーブルを作成します。



# Set the connection variables for psql.
# The following statements use the existing value of the variable if it has
# already been set, and otherwise assigns a default value.
export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Create two tables in one batch.
psql << SQL
-- Create the singers table
CREATE TABLE singers (
  singer_id   bigint not null primary key,
  first_name  character varying(1024),
  last_name   character varying(1024),
  singer_info bytea,
  full_name   character varying(2048) GENERATED ALWAYS
          AS (first_name || ' ' || last_name) STORED

-- Create the albums table. This table is interleaved in the parent table
-- "singers".
  singer_id     bigint not null,
  album_id      bigint not null,
  album_title   character varying(1024),
  primary key (singer_id, album_id)
-- The 'interleave in parent' clause is a Spanner-specific extension to
-- open-source PostgreSQL.

echo "Created Singers & Albums tables in database: [${PGDATABASE}]"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

class CreateTables {
  static void createTables(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
        // Create two tables in one batch.
            "create table singers ("
                + "  singer_id   bigint primary key not null,"
                + "  first_name  varchar(1024),"
                + "  last_name   varchar(1024),"
                + "  singer_info bytea,"
                + "  full_name   varchar(2048) generated always as (\n"
                + "      case when first_name is null then last_name\n"
                + "          when last_name  is null then first_name\n"
                + "          else first_name || ' ' || last_name\n"
                + "      end) stored"
                + ")");
            "create table albums ("
                + "  singer_id     bigint not null,"
                + "  album_id      bigint not null,"
                + "  album_title   varchar,"
                + "  primary key (singer_id, album_id)"
                + ") interleave in parent singers on delete cascade");
        System.out.println("Created Singers & Albums tables in database: [" + database + "]");


import (


func CreateTables(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Create two tables in one batch on Spanner.
	br := conn.SendBatch(ctx, &pgx.Batch{QueuedQueries: []*pgx.QueuedQuery{
		{SQL: "create table singers (" +
			"  singer_id   bigint primary key not null," +
			"  first_name  character varying(1024)," +
			"  last_name   character varying(1024)," +
			"  singer_info bytea," +
			"  full_name   character varying(2048) generated " +
			"  always as (first_name || ' ' || last_name) stored" +
		{SQL: "create table albums (" +
			"  singer_id     bigint not null," +
			"  album_id      bigint not null," +
			"  album_title   character varying(1024)," +
			"  primary key (singer_id, album_id)" +
			") interleave in parent singers on delete cascade"},
	cmd, err := br.Exec()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if cmd.String() != "CREATE" {
		return fmt.Errorf("unexpected command tag: %v", cmd.String())
	if err := br.Close(); err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Created Singers & Albums tables in database: [%s]\n", database)

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function createTables(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  // Connect to Spanner through PGAdapter.
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Create two tables in one batch.
  await connection.query("start batch ddl");
  await connection.query("create table singers (" +
      "  singer_id   bigint primary key not null," +
      "  first_name  character varying(1024)," +
      "  last_name   character varying(1024)," +
      "  singer_info bytea," +
      "  full_name   character varying(2048) generated " +
      "  always as (first_name || ' ' || last_name) stored" +
  await connection.query("create table albums (" +
      "  singer_id     bigint not null," +
      "  album_id      bigint not null," +
      "  album_title   character varying(1024)," +
      "  primary key (singer_id, album_id)" +
      ") interleave in parent singers on delete cascade");
  await connection.query("run batch");
  console.log(`Created Singers & Albums tables in database: [${database}]`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def create_tables(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    # Connect to Cloud Spanner using psycopg3 through PGAdapter.
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} "
                         "dbname={database} "
                         "sslmode=disable".format(host=host, port=port,
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        # Enable autocommit to execute DDL statements, as psycopg otherwise
        # tries to use a read/write transaction.
        conn.autocommit = True

        # Use a pipeline to execute multiple DDL statements in one batch.
        with conn.pipeline():
            conn.execute("create table singers ("
                         + "  singer_id   bigint primary key not null,"
                         + "  first_name  character varying(1024),"
                         + "  last_name   character varying(1024),"
                         + "  singer_info bytea,"
                         + "  full_name   character varying(2048) generated "
                         + "  always as (first_name || ' ' || last_name) stored"
                         + ")")
            conn.execute("create table albums ("
                         + "  singer_id     bigint not null,"
                         + "  album_id      bigint not null,"
                         + "  album_title   character varying(1024),"
                         + "  primary key (singer_id, album_id)"
                         + ") interleave in parent singers on delete cascade")
        print("Created Singers & Albums tables in database: [{database}]"


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class CreateTablesSample
    public static void CreateTables(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Create two tables in one batch.
        var batch = connection.CreateBatch();
        batch.BatchCommands.Add(new NpgsqlBatchCommand(
            "create table singers ("
            + "  singer_id   bigint primary key not null,"
            + "  first_name  varchar(1024),"
            + "  last_name   varchar(1024),"
            + "  singer_info bytea,"
            + "  full_name   varchar(2048) generated always as (\n"
            + "      case when first_name is null then last_name\n"
            + "          when last_name  is null then first_name\n"
            + "          else first_name || ' ' || last_name\n"
            + "      end) stored"
            + ")"));
        batch.BatchCommands.Add(new NpgsqlBatchCommand(
            "create table albums ("
            + "  singer_id     bigint not null,"
            + "  album_id      bigint not null,"
            + "  album_title   varchar,"
            + "  primary key (singer_id, album_id)"
            + ") interleave in parent singers on delete cascade"));
        Console.WriteLine($"Created Singers & Albums tables in database: [{database}]");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./ example-db


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar createtables example-db


go run sample_runner.go createtables example-db


npm start createtables example-db


python example-db


dotnet run createtables example-db



読み取りまたは書き込みを行うには、PGAdapter への接続を作成する必要があります。Spanner とのすべてのやり取りは Connection を介して渡されます。データベース名は接続文字列で指定します。



# Set the connection variables for psql.
# The following statements use the existing value of the variable if it has
# already been set, and otherwise assigns a default value.
export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Connect to Cloud Spanner using psql through PGAdapter
# and execute a simple query.
psql -c "select 'Hello world!' as hello"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class CreateConnection {
  static void createConnection(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      try (ResultSet resultSet =
          connection.createStatement().executeQuery("select 'Hello world!' as hello")) {
        while ( {
          System.out.printf("Greeting from Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL: %s\n", resultSet.getString(1));


import (


func CreateConnection(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	// Connect to Cloud Spanner using pgx through PGAdapter.
	// 'sslmode=disable' is optional, but adding it reduces the connection time,
	// as pgx will then skip first trying to create an SSL connection.
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	row := conn.QueryRow(ctx, "select 'Hello world!' as hello")
	var msg string
	if err := row.Scan(&msg); err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Greeting from Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL: %s\n", msg)

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function createConnection(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  // Connect to Spanner through PGAdapter.
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  const result = await connection.query("select 'Hello world!' as hello");
  console.log(`Greeting from Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL: ${result.rows[0]['hello']}`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def create_connection(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    # Connect to Cloud Spanner using psycopg3 through PGAdapter.
    # 'sslmode=disable' is optional, but adding it reduces the connection time,
    # as psycopg3 will then skip first trying to create an SSL connection.
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("select 'Hello world!' as hello")
            print("Greeting from Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL:", cur.fetchone()[0])


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class CreateConnectionSample
    public static void CreateConnection(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("select 'Hello World!' as hello", connection);
        using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            var greeting = reader.GetString(0);
            Console.WriteLine($"Greeting from Cloud Spanner PostgreSQL: {greeting}");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar createconnection example-db


go run sample_runner.go createconnection example-db


npm start createconnection example-db


python example-db


dotnet run createconnection example-db

DML でのデータの書き込み

読み取り / 書き込みトランザクションでデータ操作言語(DML)を使用してデータを挿入できます。

次のサンプルは、PostgreSQL ドライバを使用して Spanner で DML ステートメントを実行する方法を示しています。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql -c "INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES
                             (12, 'Melissa', 'Garcia'),
                             (13, 'Russel', 'Morales'),
                             (14, 'Jacqueline', 'Long'),
                             (15, 'Dylan', 'Shaw')"

echo "4 records inserted"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

class WriteDataWithDml {
  static class Singer {
    private final long singerId;
    private final String firstName;
    private final String lastName;

    Singer(final long id, final String first, final String last) {
      this.singerId = id;
      this.firstName = first;
      this.lastName = last;

  static void writeDataWithDml(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Add 4 rows in one statement.
      // JDBC always uses '?' as a parameter placeholder.
      try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement =
              "INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES "
                  + "(?, ?, ?), "
                  + "(?, ?, ?), "
                  + "(?, ?, ?), "
                  + "(?, ?, ?)")) {

        final List<Singer> singers =
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 12L, "Melissa", "Garcia"),
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 13L, "Russel", "Morales"),
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 14L, "Jacqueline", "Long"),
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 15L, "Dylan", "Shaw"));

        // Note that JDBC parameters start at index 1.
        int paramIndex = 0;
        for (Singer singer : singers) {
          preparedStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, singer.singerId);
          preparedStatement.setString(++paramIndex, singer.firstName);
          preparedStatement.setString(++paramIndex, singer.lastName);

        int updateCount = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();
        System.out.printf("%d records inserted.\n", updateCount);


import (


func WriteDataWithDml(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	tag, err := conn.Exec(ctx,
		"INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) "+
			"VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), "+
			"       ($7, $8, $9), ($10, $11, $12)",
		12, "Melissa", "Garcia",
		13, "Russel", "Morales",
		14, "Jacqueline", "Long",
		15, "Dylan", "Shaw")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("%v records inserted\n", tag.RowsAffected())

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function writeDataWithDml(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  const result = await connection.query("INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) " +
      "VALUES ($1, $2, $3), ($4, $5, $6), " +
      "       ($7, $8, $9), ($10, $11, $12)",
       [12, "Melissa", "Garcia",
        13, "Russel", "Morales",
        14, "Jacqueline", "Long",
        15, "Dylan", "Shaw"])
  console.log(`${result.rowCount} records inserted`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def write_data_with_dml(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name)"
                        " VALUES (%s, %s, %s), (%s, %s, %s), "
                        "        (%s, %s, %s), (%s, %s, %s)",
                        (12, "Melissa", "Garcia",
                         13, "Russel", "Morales",
                         14, "Jacqueline", "Long",
                         15, "Dylan", "Shaw",))
            print("%d records inserted" % cur.rowcount)


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class WriteDataWithDmlSample
    readonly struct Singer
        public Singer(long singerId, string firstName, string lastName)
            SingerId = singerId;
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;

        public long SingerId { get; }
        public string FirstName { get; }
        public string LastName { get; }

    public static void WriteDataWithDml(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);
        // Add 4 rows in one statement.
        using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES "
                                          + "($1, $2, $3), "
                                          + "($4, $5, $6), "
                                          + "($7, $8, $9), "
                                          + "($10, $11, $12)", connection);
        List<Singer> singers =
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 12L, "Melissa", "Garcia"),
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 13L, "Russel", "Morales"),
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 14L, "Jacqueline", "Long"),
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 15L, "Dylan", "Shaw")
        foreach (var singer in singers)
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = singer.SingerId });
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = singer.FirstName });
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = singer.LastName });
        var updateCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
        Console.WriteLine($"{updateCount} records inserted.");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar writeusingdml example-db


go run sample_runner.go writeusingdml example-db


npm start writeusingdml example-db


python example-db


dotnet run writeusingdml example-db


 4 records inserted.

DML バッチでのデータの書き込み

PGAdapter は DML バッチの実行をサポートしています。1 つのバッチで複数の DML ステートメントを送信すると、Spanner へのラウンドトリップの回数が少なくなり、アプリケーションのパフォーマンスが向上します。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Create a prepared insert statement and execute this prepared
# insert statement three times in one SQL string. The single
# SQL string with three insert statements will be executed as
# a single DML batch on Spanner.
psql -c "PREPARE insert_singer AS
           INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name)
           VALUES (\$1, \$2, \$3)" \
     -c "EXECUTE insert_singer (16, 'Sarah', 'Wilson');
         EXECUTE insert_singer (17, 'Ethan', 'Miller');
         EXECUTE insert_singer (18, 'Maya', 'Patel');"

echo "3 records inserted"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

class WriteDataWithDmlBatch {
  static class Singer {
    private final long singerId;
    private final String firstName;
    private final String lastName;

    Singer(final long id, final String first, final String last) {
      this.singerId = id;
      this.firstName = first;
      this.lastName = last;

  static void writeDataWithDmlBatch(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Add multiple rows in one DML batch.
      // JDBC always uses '?' as a parameter placeholder.
      try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement =
              "INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) {
        final List<Singer> singers =
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 16L, "Sarah", "Wilson"),
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 17L, "Ethan", "Miller"),
                new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 18L, "Maya", "Patel"));

        for (Singer singer : singers) {
          // Note that JDBC parameters start at index 1.
          int paramIndex = 0;
          preparedStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, singer.singerId);
          preparedStatement.setString(++paramIndex, singer.firstName);
          preparedStatement.setString(++paramIndex, singer.lastName);

        int[] updateCounts = preparedStatement.executeBatch();
        System.out.printf("%d records inserted.\n",;


import (


func WriteDataWithDmlBatch(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	sql := "INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) " +
		"VALUES ($1, $2, $3)"
	batch := &pgx.Batch{}
	batch.Queue(sql, 16, "Sarah", "Wilson")
	batch.Queue(sql, 17, "Ethan", "Miller")
	batch.Queue(sql, 18, "Maya", "Patel")
	br := conn.SendBatch(ctx, batch)
	_, err = br.Exec()
	if err := br.Close(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("%v records inserted\n", batch.Len())

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function writeDataWithDmlBatch(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // node-postgres does not support PostgreSQL pipeline mode, so we must use the
  // `start batch dml` / `run batch` statements to execute a DML batch.
  const sql = "INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)";
  await connection.query("start batch dml");
  await connection.query(sql, [16, "Sarah", "Wilson"]);
  await connection.query(sql, [17, "Ethan", "Miller"]);
  await connection.query(sql, [18, "Maya", "Patel"]);
  const result = await connection.query("run batch");
  // RUN BATCH returns the update counts as an array of strings, with one element for each
  // DML statement in the batch. This calculates the total number of affected rows from that array.
  const updateCount = result.rows[0]["UPDATE_COUNTS"]
      .map((s: string) => parseInt(s))
      .reduce((c: number, current: number) => c + current, 0);
  console.log(`${updateCount} records inserted`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def write_data_with_dml_batch(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.executemany("INSERT INTO singers "
                            "(singer_id, first_name, last_name) "
                            "VALUES (%s, %s, %s)",
                            [(16, "Sarah", "Wilson",),
                             (17, "Ethan", "Miller",),
                             (18, "Maya", "Patel",), ])
            print("%d records inserted" % cur.rowcount)


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class WriteDataWithDmlBatchSample
    readonly struct Singer
        public Singer(long singerId, string firstName, string lastName)
            SingerId = singerId;
            FirstName = firstName;
            LastName = lastName;

        public long SingerId { get; }
        public string FirstName { get; }
        public string LastName { get; }

    public static void WriteDataWithDmlBatch(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Add multiple rows in one DML batch.
        const string sql = "INSERT INTO singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)";
        List<Singer> singers =
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 16L, "Sarah", "Wilson"),
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 17L, "Ethan", "Miller"),
            new Singer(/* SingerId = */ 18L, "Maya", "Patel")
        using var batch = new NpgsqlBatch(connection);
        foreach (var singer in singers)
            batch.BatchCommands.Add(new NpgsqlBatchCommand
                CommandText = sql,
                Parameters =
                    new NpgsqlParameter {Value = singer.SingerId},
                    new NpgsqlParameter {Value = singer.FirstName},
                    new NpgsqlParameter {Value = singer.LastName}
        var updateCount = batch.ExecuteNonQuery();
        Console.WriteLine($"{updateCount} records inserted.");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar writeusingdmlbatch example-db


go run sample_runner.go writeusingdmlbatch example-db


npm start writeusingdmlbatch example-db


python example-db


dotnet run writeusingdmlbatch example-db


3 records inserted.



PGAdapter は、PostgreSQL の COPY コマンドをミューテーションに変換します。Spanner データベースの COPY を使用すると、すばやくデータを挿入できます。

COPY オペレーションは、デフォルトではアトミックです。Spanner でのアトミック操作は commit サイズの上限に従います。 詳しくは、CRUD の制限をご覧ください。

次の例は、非アトミックな COPY オペレーションを実行する方法を示しています。これにより、 COPY オペレーションが commit サイズの上限を超えないようにする必要があります。



# Get the source directory of this script.

export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Copy data to Spanner from a tab-separated text file using the COPY command.
psql -c "COPY singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) FROM STDIN" \
  < "${directory}singers_data.txt"
psql -c "COPY albums FROM STDIN" \
  < "${directory}albums_data.txt"

echo "Copied singers and albums"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.postgresql.PGConnection;
import org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager;

class WriteDataWithCopy {

  static void writeDataWithCopy(String host, int port, String database)
      throws SQLException, IOException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Unwrap the PostgreSQL JDBC connection interface to get access to
      // a CopyManager.
      PGConnection pgConnection = connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class);
      CopyManager copyManager = pgConnection.getCopyAPI();

      // Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
      // will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
          .execute("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'");
      long numSingers =
              "COPY singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) FROM STDIN",
      System.out.printf("Copied %d singers\n", numSingers);

      long numAlbums =
              "COPY albums FROM STDIN",
      System.out.printf("Copied %d albums\n", numAlbums);


import (


func WriteDataWithCopy(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
	// will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
	conn.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'")

	file, err := os.Open("samples/singers_data.txt")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tag, err := conn.PgConn().CopyFrom(ctx, file,
		"copy singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) from stdin")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Copied %v singers\n", tag.RowsAffected())

	file, err = os.Open("samples/albums_data.txt")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	tag, err = conn.PgConn().CopyFrom(ctx, file,
		"copy albums from stdin")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Copied %v albums\n", tag.RowsAffected())

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { from as copyFrom } from 'pg-copy-streams'
import path from "path";

async function writeDataWithCopy(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
  // will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
  await connection.query("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'");
  // Copy data from a csv file to Spanner using the COPY command.
  // Note that even though the command says 'from stdin', the actual input comes from a file.
  const copySingersStream = copyFrom('copy singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) from stdin');
  const ingestSingersStream = connection.query(copySingersStream);
  const sourceSingersStream = fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'singers_data.txt'));
  await pipeline(sourceSingersStream, ingestSingersStream);
  console.log(`Copied ${copySingersStream.rowCount} singers`);

  const copyAlbumsStream = copyFrom('copy albums from stdin');
  const ingestAlbumsStream = connection.query(copyAlbumsStream);
  const sourceAlbumsStream = fs.createReadStream(path.join(__dirname, 'albums_data.txt'));
  await pipeline(sourceAlbumsStream, ingestAlbumsStream);
  console.log(`Copied ${copyAlbumsStream.rowCount} albums`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import os
import string
import psycopg

def write_data_with_copy(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:

        script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        singers_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "singers_data.txt")
        albums_file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, "albums_data.txt")

        conn.autocommit = True
        block_size = 1024
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            with open(singers_file_path, "r") as f:
                with cur.copy("COPY singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) "
                              "FROM STDIN") as copy:
                    while data :=
            print("Copied %d singers" % cur.rowcount)

            with open(albums_file_path, "r") as f:
                with cur.copy("COPY albums "
                              "FROM STDIN") as copy:
                    while data :=
            print("Copied %d albums" % cur.rowcount)


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class WriteDataWithCopySample
    public static void WriteDataWithCopy(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
        // will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
        using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'", connection);

        var singerCount = 0;
        using var singerReader = new StreamReader("singers_data.txt");
        using (var singerWriter = connection.BeginTextImport("COPY singers (singer_id, first_name, last_name) FROM STDIN"))
            while (singerReader.ReadLine() is { } line)
        Console.WriteLine($"Copied {singerCount} singers");

        var albumCount = 0;
        using var albumReader = new StreamReader("albums_data.txt");
        using (var albumWriter = connection.BeginTextImport("COPY albums FROM STDIN"))
            while (albumReader.ReadLine() is { } line)
        Console.WriteLine($"Copied {albumCount} albums");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar write example-db


go run sample_runner.go write example-db


npm start write example-db


python example-db


dotnet run write example-db


Copied 5 singers
Copied 5 albums

SQL を使用したデータのクエリ

Spanner では、データの読み取り用に SQL インターフェースがサポートされています。このインターフェースにアクセスするには、コマンドラインで Google Cloud CLI を使用するか、プログラムで PostgreSQL ドライバを使用します。


Albums テーブルのすべての列から値を読み取るには、次の SQL ステートメントを実行します。

gcloud spanner databases execute-sql example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --sql='SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title FROM albums'


SingerId AlbumId AlbumTitle
1        1       Total Junk
1        2       Go, Go, Go
2        1       Green
2        2       Forever Hold Your Peace
2        3       Terrified

PostgreSQL ドライバを使用する

コマンドラインで SQL ステートメントを実行するだけでなく、プログラムから PostgreSQL ドライバを使用して同じ SQL ステートメントを発行することもできます。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql -c "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title
         FROM albums"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class QueryData {
  static void queryData(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      try (ResultSet resultSet =
              .executeQuery("SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title FROM albums")) {
        while ( {
              "%d %d %s\n",


import (


func QueryData(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "+
		"FROM albums")
	defer rows.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for rows.Next() {
		var singerId, albumId int64
		var title string
		err = rows.Scan(&singerId, &albumId, &title)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", singerId, albumId, title)

	return rows.Err()


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function queryData(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  // Connect to Spanner through PGAdapter.
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  const result = await connection.query("SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title " +
      "FROM albums");
  for (const row of result.rows) {
    console.log(`${row["singer_id"]} ${row["album_id"]} ${row["album_title"]}`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def query_data(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "
                        "FROM albums")
            for album in cur:


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class QueryDataSample
    public static void QueryData(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title FROM albums", connection);
        using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            Console.WriteLine($"{reader.GetInt64(0)} {reader.GetInt64(1)} {reader.GetString(2)}");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar query example-db


go run sample_runner.go query example-db


npm start query example-db


python example-db


dotnet run query example-db


1 1 Total Junk
1 2 Go, Go, Go
2 1 Green
2 2 Forever Hold Your Peace
2 3 Terrified

SQL パラメータを使用したクエリ

アプリケーションに頻繁に実行されるクエリがある場合は、対象のクエリをパラメータ化してパフォーマンスを改善できます。パラメータ クエリをキャッシュに保存して再利用できます。これにより、コンパイルのコストを削減できます。詳細については、クエリ パラメータを使用して、頻繁に実行するクエリを高速化するをご覧ください。

ここでは、WHERE 句のパラメータを使用して、LastName の特定の値を含むレコードをクエリします。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Create a prepared statement to use a query parameter.
# Using a prepared statement for executing the same SQL string multiple
# times increases the execution speed of the statement.
psql -c "PREPARE select_singer AS
         SELECT singer_id, first_name, last_name
         FROM singers
         WHERE last_name = \$1" \
     -c "EXECUTE select_singer ('Garcia')"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class QueryDataWithParameter {
  static void queryDataWithParameter(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      try (PreparedStatement statement =
              "SELECT singer_id, first_name, last_name "
                  + "FROM singers "
                  + "WHERE last_name = ?")) {
        statement.setString(1, "Garcia");
        try (ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
          while ( {
                "%d %s %s\n",


import (


func QueryDataWithParameter(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	rows, err := conn.Query(ctx,
		"SELECT singer_id, first_name, last_name "+
			"FROM singers "+
			"WHERE last_name = $1", "Garcia")
	defer rows.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for rows.Next() {
		var singerId int64
		var firstName, lastName string
		err = rows.Scan(&singerId, &firstName, &lastName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", singerId, firstName, lastName)

	return rows.Err()


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function queryWithParameter(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  // Connect to Spanner through PGAdapter.
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  const result = await connection.query(
      "SELECT singer_id, first_name, last_name " +
      "FROM singers " +
      "WHERE last_name = $1", ["Garcia"]);
  for (const row of result.rows) {
    console.log(`${row["singer_id"]} ${row["first_name"]} ${row["last_name"]}`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def query_data_with_parameter(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("SELECT singer_id, first_name, last_name "
                        "FROM singers "
                        "WHERE last_name = %s", ("Garcia",))
            for singer in cur:


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class QueryDataWithParameterSample
    public static void QueryDataWithParameter(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT singer_id, first_name, last_name "
                                          + "FROM singers "
                                          + "WHERE last_name = $1", connection);
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = "Garcia" });
        using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            Console.WriteLine($"{reader["singer_id"]} {reader["first_name"]} {reader["last_name"]}");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar querywithparameter example-db


go run sample_runner.go querywithparameter example-db


npm start querywithparameter example-db


python example-db


dotnet run querywithparameter example-db


12 Melissa Garcia

データベース スキーマの更新

MarketingBudget という列を新たに Albums テーブルに追加する必要があるとします。既存のテーブルに新しい列を追加するには、データベース スキーマの更新が必要です。Spanner は、データベースがトラフィックの処理を継続している間にデータベースのスキーマを更新することをサポートしています。スキーマの更新では、データベースをオフラインにする必要がなく、テーブル全体または列全体をロックすることもありません。スキーマの更新中もデータベースへのデータの書き込みを続けることができます。サポートされるスキーマの更新とスキーマ変更のパフォーマンスの詳細については、スキーマの更新をご覧ください。


コマンドラインで列を追加するには、コマンドラインで Google Cloud CLI を使用するか、プログラムから PostgreSQL ドライブを利用します。


テーブルに新しい列を追加するには、次の ALTER TABLE コマンドを使用します。

gcloud spanner databases ddl update example-db --instance=test-instance \
    --ddl='ALTER TABLE albums ADD COLUMN marketing_budget BIGINT'


Schema updating...done.

PostgreSQL ドライバを使用する

PostgreSQL ドライバを使用して DDL ステートメントを実行し、スキーマを変更します。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql -c "ALTER TABLE albums ADD COLUMN marketing_budget bigint"
echo "Added marketing_budget column"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class AddColumn {
  static void addColumn(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      connection.createStatement().execute("alter table albums add column marketing_budget bigint");
      System.out.println("Added marketing_budget column");


import (


func AddColumn(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	_, err = conn.Exec(ctx,
		"ALTER TABLE albums "+
			"ADD COLUMN marketing_budget bigint")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Println("Added marketing_budget column")

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function addColumn(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  await connection.query(
      "ALTER TABLE albums " +
      "ADD COLUMN marketing_budget bigint");
  console.log("Added marketing_budget column");

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def add_column(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        # DDL can only be executed when autocommit=True.
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("ALTER TABLE albums "
                        "ADD COLUMN marketing_budget bigint")
            print("Added marketing_budget column")


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class AddColumnSample
    public static void AddColumn(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "alter table albums add column marketing_budget bigint";
        Console.WriteLine("Added marketing_budget column");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar addmarketingbudget example-db


go run sample_runner.go addmarketingbudget example-db


npm start addmarketingbudget example-db


python example-db


dotnet run addmarketingbudget example-db


Added marketing_budget column

DDL バッチを実行する

複数のスキーマ変更を 1 つのバッチで実行することをおすすめします。 セミコロン、もしくは START BATCH DDL ステートメントと RUN BATCH ステートメントで区切られた 1つの SQL 文字列としてすべての DDL ステートメントを送信することで、PostfreSQL ドライバの組み込みバッチ処理機能を使用して1つのバッチで複数の DDL ステートメントを実行することができます。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Use a single SQL command to batch multiple statements together.
# Executing multiple DDL statements as one batch is more efficient
# than executing each statement individually.
# Separate the statements with semicolons.
psql << SQL

  venue_id    bigint not null primary key,
  name        varchar(1024),
  description jsonb

CREATE TABLE concerts (
  concert_id bigint not null primary key ,
  venue_id   bigint not null,
  singer_id  bigint not null,
  start_time timestamptz,
  end_time   timestamptz,
  constraint fk_concerts_venues foreign key
    (venue_id) references venues (venue_id),
  constraint fk_concerts_singers foreign key
    (singer_id) references singers (singer_id)


echo "Added venues and concerts tables"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

class DdlBatch {
  static void ddlBatch(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
        // Create two new tables in one batch.
            "CREATE TABLE venues ("
                + "  venue_id    bigint not null primary key,"
                + "  name        varchar(1024),"
                + "  description jsonb"
                + ")");
            "CREATE TABLE concerts ("
                + "  concert_id bigint not null primary key ,"
                + "  venue_id   bigint not null,"
                + "  singer_id  bigint not null,"
                + "  start_time timestamptz,"
                + "  end_time   timestamptz,"
                + "  constraint fk_concerts_venues foreign key"
                + "    (venue_id) references venues (venue_id),"
                + "  constraint fk_concerts_singers foreign key"
                + "    (singer_id) references singers (singer_id)"
                + ")");
      System.out.println("Added venues and concerts tables");


import (


func DdlBatch(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Executing multiple DDL statements as one batch is
	// more efficient than executing each statement
	// individually.
	br := conn.SendBatch(ctx, &pgx.Batch{QueuedQueries: []*pgx.QueuedQuery{
		{SQL: "CREATE TABLE venues (" +
			"  venue_id    bigint not null primary key," +
			"  name        varchar(1024)," +
			"  description jsonb" +
		{SQL: "CREATE TABLE concerts (" +
			"  concert_id bigint not null primary key ," +
			"  venue_id   bigint not null," +
			"  singer_id  bigint not null," +
			"  start_time timestamptz," +
			"  end_time   timestamptz," +
			"  constraint fk_concerts_venues foreign key" +
			"    (venue_id) references venues (venue_id)," +
			"  constraint fk_concerts_singers foreign key" +
			"    (singer_id) references singers (singer_id)" +
	if _, err := br.Exec(); err != nil {
		return err
	if err := br.Close(); err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Println("Added venues and concerts tables")

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function ddlBatch(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Executing multiple DDL statements as one batch is
  // more efficient than executing each statement
  // individually.
  await connection.query("start batch ddl");
  await connection.query("CREATE TABLE venues (" +
      "  venue_id    bigint not null primary key," +
      "  name        varchar(1024)," +
      "  description jsonb" +
  await connection.query("CREATE TABLE concerts (" +
      "  concert_id bigint not null primary key ," +
      "  venue_id   bigint not null," +
      "  singer_id  bigint not null," +
      "  start_time timestamptz," +
      "  end_time   timestamptz," +
      "  constraint fk_concerts_venues foreign key" +
      "    (venue_id) references venues (venue_id)," +
      "  constraint fk_concerts_singers foreign key" +
      "    (singer_id) references singers (singer_id)" +
  await connection.query("run batch");
  console.log("Added venues and concerts tables");

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def ddl_batch(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        # DDL can only be executed when autocommit=True.
        conn.autocommit = True
        # Use a pipeline to batch multiple statements together.
        # Executing multiple DDL statements as one batch is
        # more efficient than executing each statement
        # individually.
        with conn.pipeline():
            # The following statements are buffered on PGAdapter
            # until the pipeline ends.
            conn.execute("CREATE TABLE venues ("
                         "  venue_id    bigint not null primary key,"
                         "  name        varchar(1024),"
                         "  description jsonb"
            conn.execute("CREATE TABLE concerts ("
                         "  concert_id bigint not null primary key ,"
                         "  venue_id   bigint not null,"
                         "  singer_id  bigint not null,"
                         "  start_time timestamptz,"
                         "  end_time   timestamptz,"
                         "  constraint fk_concerts_venues foreign key"
                         "    (venue_id) references venues (venue_id),"
                         "  constraint fk_concerts_singers foreign key"
                         "    (singer_id) references singers (singer_id)"
        print("Added venues and concerts tables")


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class DdlBatchSample
    public static void DdlBatch(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Create two new tables in one batch.
        var batch = connection.CreateBatch();
        batch.BatchCommands.Add(new NpgsqlBatchCommand(
            "CREATE TABLE venues ("
            + "  venue_id    bigint not null primary key,"
            + "  name        varchar(1024),"
            + "  description jsonb"
            + ")"));
        batch.BatchCommands.Add(new NpgsqlBatchCommand(
            "CREATE TABLE concerts ("
            + "  concert_id bigint not null primary key ,"
            + "  venue_id   bigint not null,"
            + "  singer_id  bigint not null,"
            + "  start_time timestamptz,"
            + "  end_time   timestamptz,"
            + "  constraint fk_concerts_venues foreign key"
            + "    (venue_id) references venues (venue_id),"
            + "  constraint fk_concerts_singers foreign key"
            + "    (singer_id) references singers (singer_id)"
            + ")"));
        Console.WriteLine("Added venues and concerts tables");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar ddlbatch example-db


go run sample_runner.go ddlbatch example-db


npm start ddlbatch example-db


python example-db


dotnet run ddlbatch example-db


Added venues and concerts tables


次のコードは、新しい列にデータを書き込みます。MarketingBudget の値を、キーが Albums(1, 1) の行は 100000 に、キーが Albums(2, 2) の行は 500000 に設定します。

PGAdapter は、PostgreSQL の COPY コマンドをミューテーションに変換します。COPY コマンドは、デフォルトで Insert ミューテーションに変換されます。set spanner.copy_upsert=true を実行して、COPY コマンドを InsertOrUpdate ミューテーションに変換します。これを使用して、Spanner 内の既存のデータを更新できます。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Instruct PGAdapter to use insert-or-update for COPY statements.
# This enables us to use COPY to update data.
psql -c "set spanner.copy_upsert=true" \
     -c "COPY albums (singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget) FROM STDIN
         WITH (DELIMITER ';')" \

echo "Copied albums using upsert"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.postgresql.PGConnection;
import org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager;

class UpdateDataWithCopy {

  static void updateDataWithCopy(String host, int port, String database)
      throws SQLException, IOException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Unwrap the PostgreSQL JDBC connection interface to get access to
      // a CopyManager.
      PGConnection pgConnection = connection.unwrap(PGConnection.class);
      CopyManager copyManager = pgConnection.getCopyAPI();

      // Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
      // will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
          .execute("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'");

      // Instruct PGAdapter to use insert-or-update for COPY statements.
      // This enables us to use COPY to update existing data.
      connection.createStatement().execute("set spanner.copy_upsert=true");

      // COPY uses mutations to insert or update existing data in Spanner.
      long numAlbums =
              "COPY albums (singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget) FROM STDIN",
              new StringReader("1\t1\t100000\n" + "2\t2\t500000\n"));
      System.out.printf("Updated %d albums\n", numAlbums);


import (


func UpdateDataWithCopy(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Enable non-atomic mode. This makes the COPY operation non-atomic,
	// and allows it to exceed the Spanner mutation limit.
	if _, err := conn.Exec(ctx,
		"set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'"); err != nil {
		return err
	// Instruct PGAdapter to use insert-or-update for COPY statements.
	// This enables us to use COPY to update data.
	if _, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.copy_upsert=true"); err != nil {
		return err

	// Create a pipe that can be used to write the data manually that we want to copy.
	reader, writer := io.Pipe()
	// Write the data to the pipe using a separate goroutine. This allows us to stream the data
	// to the COPY operation row-by-row.
	go func() error {
		for _, record := range []string{"1\t1\t100000\n", "2\t2\t500000\n"} {
			if _, err := writer.Write([]byte(record)); err != nil {
				return err
		if err := writer.Close(); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
	tag, err := conn.PgConn().CopyFrom(ctx, reader, "COPY albums (singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget) FROM STDIN")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Updated %v albums\n", tag.RowsAffected())

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';
import { pipeline } from 'node:stream/promises'
import { from as copyFrom } from 'pg-copy-streams'
import {Readable} from "stream";

async function updateDataWithCopy(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
  // will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
  await connection.query("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'");

  // Instruct PGAdapter to use insert-or-update for COPY statements.
  // This enables us to use COPY to update existing data.
  await connection.query("set spanner.copy_upsert=true");

  // Copy data to Spanner using the COPY command.
  const copyStream = copyFrom('COPY albums (singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget) FROM STDIN');
  const ingestStream = connection.query(copyStream);

  // Create a source stream and attach the source to the destination.
  const sourceStream = new Readable();
  const operation = pipeline(sourceStream, ingestStream);
  // Manually push data to the source stream to write data to Spanner.
  // Push a 'null' to indicate the end of the stream.
  // Wait for the copy operation to finish.
  await operation;
  console.log(`Updated ${copyStream.rowCount} albums`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def update_data_with_copy(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # Instruct PGAdapter to use insert-or-update for COPY statements.
            # This enables us to use COPY to update data.
            cur.execute("set spanner.copy_upsert=true")

            # COPY uses mutations to insert or update existing data in Spanner.
            with cur.copy("COPY albums (singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget) "
                          "FROM STDIN") as copy:
                copy.write_row((1, 1, 100000))
                copy.write_row((2, 2, 500000))
            print("Updated %d albums" % cur.rowcount)


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class UpdateDataWithCopySample
    public static void UpdateDataWithCopy(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Enable 'partitioned_non_atomic' mode. This ensures that the COPY operation
        // will succeed even if it exceeds Spanner's mutation limit per transaction.
        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'";

        // Instruct PGAdapter to use insert-or-update for COPY statements.
        // This enables us to use COPY to update existing data.
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.copy_upsert=true";

        // COPY uses mutations to insert or update existing data in Spanner.
        using (var albumWriter = connection.BeginTextImport(
                   "COPY albums (singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget) FROM STDIN"))
        Console.WriteLine($"Updated 2 albums");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar update example-db


go run sample_runner.go update example-db


npm start update example-db


python example-db


dotnet run update example-db


Updated 2 albums

さらに、SQL クエリを実行して、書き込んだばかりの値を取得することもできます。




export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql -c "SELECT singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget
         FROM albums
         ORDER BY singer_id, album_id"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class QueryDataWithNewColumn {
  static void queryDataWithNewColumn(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      try (ResultSet resultSet =
                  "SELECT singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget "
                      + "FROM albums "
                      + "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id")) {
        while ( {
              "%d %d %s\n",


import (


func QueryDataWithNewColumn(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, "SELECT singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget "+
		"FROM albums "+
		"ORDER BY singer_id, album_id")
	defer rows.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for rows.Next() {
		var singerId, albumId int64
		var marketingBudget sql.NullString
		err = rows.Scan(&singerId, &albumId, &marketingBudget)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var budget string
		if marketingBudget.Valid {
			budget = marketingBudget.String
		} else {
			budget = "NULL"
		fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", singerId, albumId, budget)

	return rows.Err()


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function queryDataWithNewColumn(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  const result = await connection.query(
      "SELECT singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget "
      + "FROM albums "
      + "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id"
  for (const row of result.rows) {
    console.log(`${row["singer_id"]} ${row["album_id"]} ${row["marketing_budget"]}`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def query_data_with_new_column(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("SELECT singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget "
                        "FROM albums "
                        "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id")
            for album in cur:


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class QueryDataWithNewColumnSample
    public static void QueryWithNewColumnData(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("SELECT singer_id, album_id, marketing_budget "
                                          + "FROM albums "
                                          + "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id", connection);
        using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            Console.WriteLine($"{reader["singer_id"]} {reader["album_id"]} {reader["marketing_budget"]}");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar querymarketingbudget example-db


go run sample_runner.go querymarketingbudget example-db


npm start querymarketingbudget example-db


python example-db


dotnet run querymarketingbudget example-db


1 1 100000
1 2 null
2 1 null
2 2 500000
2 3 null


読み取り / 書き込みトランザクションで DML を使用してデータを更新できます。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql << SQL
  -- Transfer marketing budget from one album to another.
  -- We do it in a transaction to ensure that the transfer is atomic.
  -- Begin a read/write transaction.

  -- Increase the marketing budget of album 1 if album 2 has enough budget.
  -- The condition that album 2 has enough budget is guaranteed for the
  -- duration of the transaction, as read/write transactions in Spanner use
  -- external consistency as the default isolation level.
  update albums set
    marketing_budget = marketing_budget + 200000
  where singer_id = 1
    and  album_id = 1
    and exists (
      select album_id
      from albums
      where singer_id = 2
        and  album_id = 2
        and marketing_budget > 200000

  -- Decrease the marketing budget of album 2.      
  update albums set
    marketing_budget = marketing_budget - 200000
  where singer_id = 2
    and  album_id = 2
    and marketing_budget > 200000;

  -- Commit the transaction to make the changes to both marketing budgets
  -- durably stored in the database and visible to other transactions.

echo "Transferred marketing budget from Album 2 to Album 1"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class UpdateDataWithTransaction {

  static void writeWithTransactionUsingDml(String host, int port, String database)
      throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Set AutoCommit=false to enable transactions.

      // Transfer marketing budget from one album to another. We do it in a
      // transaction to ensure that the transfer is atomic. There is no need
      // to explicitly start the transaction. The first statement on the
      // connection will start a transaction when AutoCommit=false.
      String selectMarketingBudgetSql =
          "SELECT marketing_budget from albums WHERE singer_id = ? and album_id = ?";
      long album2Budget = 0;
      try (PreparedStatement selectMarketingBudgetStatement =
          connection.prepareStatement(selectMarketingBudgetSql)) {
        // Bind the query parameters to SingerId=2 and AlbumId=2.
        selectMarketingBudgetStatement.setLong(1, 2);
        selectMarketingBudgetStatement.setLong(2, 2);
        try (ResultSet resultSet = selectMarketingBudgetStatement.executeQuery()) {
          while ( {
            album2Budget = resultSet.getLong("marketing_budget");
        // The transaction will only be committed if this condition still holds
        // at the time of commit. Otherwise, the transaction will be aborted.
        final long transfer = 200000;
        if (album2Budget >= transfer) {
          long album1Budget = 0;
          // Re-use the existing PreparedStatement for selecting the
          // marketing_budget to get the budget for Album 1.
          // Bind the query parameters to SingerId=1 and AlbumId=1.
          selectMarketingBudgetStatement.setLong(1, 1);
          selectMarketingBudgetStatement.setLong(2, 1);
          try (ResultSet resultSet = selectMarketingBudgetStatement.executeQuery()) {
            while ( {
              album1Budget = resultSet.getLong("marketing_budget");

          // Transfer part of the marketing budget of Album 2 to Album 1.
          album1Budget += transfer;
          album2Budget -= transfer;
          String updateSql =
              "UPDATE albums "
                  + "SET marketing_budget = ? "
                  + "WHERE singer_id = ? and album_id = ?";
          try (PreparedStatement updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement(updateSql)) {
            // Update Album 1.
            int paramIndex = 0;
            updateStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, album1Budget);
            updateStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, 1);
            updateStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, 1);
            // Create a DML batch by calling addBatch
            // on the current PreparedStatement.

            // Update Album 2 in the same DML batch.
            paramIndex = 0;
            updateStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, album2Budget);
            updateStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, 2);
            updateStatement.setLong(++paramIndex, 2);

            // Execute both DML statements in one batch.
      // Commit the current transaction.
      System.out.println("Transferred marketing budget from Album 2 to Album 1");


import (


func WriteWithTransactionUsingDml(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Transfer marketing budget from one album to another. We do it in a
	// transaction to ensure that the transfer is atomic.
	tx, err := conn.Begin(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	const selectSql = "SELECT marketing_budget " +
		"from albums " +
		"WHERE singer_id = $1 and album_id = $2"
	// Get the marketing_budget of singer 2 / album 2.
	row := tx.QueryRow(ctx, selectSql, 2, 2)
	var budget2 int64
	if err := row.Scan(&budget2); err != nil {
		return err
	const transfer = 20000
	// The transaction will only be committed if this condition still holds
	// at the time of commit. Otherwise, the transaction will be aborted.
	if budget2 >= transfer {
		// Get the marketing_budget of singer 1 / album 1.
		row := tx.QueryRow(ctx, selectSql, 1, 1)
		var budget1 int64
		if err := row.Scan(&budget1); err != nil {
			return err
		// Transfer part of the marketing budget of Album 2 to Album 1.
		budget1 += transfer
		budget2 -= transfer
		const updateSql = "UPDATE albums " +
			"SET marketing_budget = $1 " +
			"WHERE singer_id = $2 and album_id = $3"
		// Start a DML batch and execute it as part of the current transaction.
		batch := &pgx.Batch{}
		batch.Queue(updateSql, budget1, 1, 1)
		batch.Queue(updateSql, budget2, 2, 2)
		br := tx.SendBatch(ctx, batch)
		_, err = br.Exec()
		if err := br.Close(); err != nil {
			return err
	// Commit the current transaction.
	fmt.Println("Transferred marketing budget from Album 2 to Album 1")

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function writeWithTransactionUsingDml(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Transfer marketing budget from one album to another. We do it in a
  // transaction to ensure that the transfer is atomic. node-postgres
  // requires you to explicitly start the transaction by executing 'begin'.
  await connection.query("begin");
  const selectMarketingBudgetSql = "SELECT marketing_budget " +
      "from albums " +
      "WHERE singer_id = $1 and album_id = $2";
  // Get the marketing_budget of singer 2 / album 2.
  const album2BudgetResult = await connection.query(selectMarketingBudgetSql, [2, 2]);
  let album2Budget = album2BudgetResult.rows[0]["marketing_budget"];
  const transfer = 200000;
  // The transaction will only be committed if this condition still holds
  // at the time of commit. Otherwise, the transaction will be aborted.
  if (album2Budget >= transfer) {
    // Get the marketing budget of singer 1 / album 1.
    const album1BudgetResult = await connection.query(selectMarketingBudgetSql, [1, 1]);
    let album1Budget = album1BudgetResult.rows[0]["marketing_budget"];
    // Transfer part of the marketing budget of Album 2 to Album 1.
    album1Budget += transfer;
    album2Budget -= transfer;
    const updateSql = "UPDATE albums " +
        "SET marketing_budget = $1 " +
        "WHERE singer_id = $2 and album_id = $3";
    // Start a DML batch. This batch will become part of the current transaction.
    // TODO: Enable when has been merged
    // await connection.query("start batch dml");
    // Update the marketing budget of both albums.
    await connection.query(updateSql, [album1Budget, 1, 1]);
    await connection.query(updateSql, [album2Budget, 2, 2]);
    // TODO: Enable when has been merged
    // await connection.query("run batch");
  // Commit the current transaction.
  await connection.query("commit");
  console.log("Transferred marketing budget from Album 2 to Album 1");

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def update_data_with_transaction(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        # Set autocommit=False to use transactions.
        # The first statement that is executed starts the transaction.
        conn.autocommit = False
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # Transfer marketing budget from one album to another.
            # We do it in a transaction to ensure that the transfer is atomic.
            # There is no need to explicitly start the transaction. The first
            # statement on the connection will start a transaction when
            # AutoCommit=false.
            select_marketing_budget_sql = ("SELECT marketing_budget "
                                           "from albums "
                                           "WHERE singer_id = %s "
                                           "and album_id = %s")
            # Get the marketing budget of Album #2.
            cur.execute(select_marketing_budget_sql, (2, 2))
            album2_budget = cur.fetchone()[0]
            transfer = 200000
            if album2_budget > transfer:
                # Get the marketing budget of Album #1.
                cur.execute(select_marketing_budget_sql, (1, 1))
                album1_budget = cur.fetchone()[0]
                # Transfer the marketing budgets and write the update back
                # to the database.
                album1_budget += transfer
                album2_budget -= transfer
                update_sql = ("update albums "
                              "set marketing_budget = %s "
                              "where singer_id = %s "
                              "and   album_id = %s")
                # Use a pipeline to execute two DML statements in one batch.
                with conn.pipeline():
                    cur.execute(update_sql, (album1_budget, 1, 1,))
                    cur.execute(update_sql, (album2_budget, 2, 2,))
                print("Insufficient budget to transfer")
        # Commit the transaction.
        print("Transferred marketing budget from Album 2 to Album 1")


using Npgsql;
using System.Data;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class TagsSample
    public static void Tags(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Start a transaction with isolation level Serializable.
        // Spanner only supports this isolation level. Trying to use a lower
        // isolation level (including the default isolation level READ COMMITTED),
        // will result in an error.
        var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);

        // Create a command that uses the current transaction.
        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        cmd.Transaction = transaction;

        // Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
        // for the current transaction.
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.transaction_tag='example-tx-tag'";

        // Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
        // that should be included with the next SQL statement.
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget'";

        // Get the marketing_budget of Album (1,1).
        cmd.CommandText = "select marketing_budget from albums where singer_id=$1 and album_id=$2";
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });
        var marketingBudget = (long?)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

        // Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
        if (marketingBudget > 1000L)
            marketingBudget -= (long) (marketingBudget * 0.1);

            // Set the statement tag to use for the update statement.
            cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget'";

            cmd.CommandText = "update albums set marketing_budget=$1 where singer_id=$2 AND album_id=$3";
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = marketingBudget });
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });

        // Commit the current transaction.
        Console.WriteLine("Reduced marketing budget");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar writewithtransactionusingdml example-db


go run sample_runner.go writewithtransactionusingdml example-db


npm start writewithtransactionusingdml example-db


python example-db


dotnet run writewithtransactionusingdml example-db


Transferred marketing budget from Album 2 to Album 1

トランザクション タグとリクエスト タグ

トランザクション タグとリクエストタグを使用して、Spanner でのトランザクションとクエリのトラブルシューティングを行います。SPANNER.TRANSACTION_TAG および SPANNER.STATEMENT_TAG セッション変数を使用すると、トランザクション タグとリクエストタグを設定できます。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql << SQL
  -- Start a transaction.
  -- Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
  -- for the current transaction. This can only be executed at the start
  -- of the transaction.
  set spanner.transaction_TAG='example-tx-tag';

  -- Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
  -- that should be included with the next SQL statement.
  set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget';

  select marketing_budget
  from albums
  where singer_id = 1
    and album_id  = 1;

  -- Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
  -- Set a statement tag for the update statement.
  set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget';

  update albums
    set marketing_budget = marketing_budget - (marketing_budget * 0.1)::bigint
  where singer_id = 1
    and album_id  = 1
    and marketing_budget > 1000;


echo "Reduced marketing budget"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class Tags {

  static void tags(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Set AutoCommit=false to enable transactions.
      // Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
      // for the current transaction.
      connection.createStatement().execute("set spanner.transaction_tag='example-tx-tag'");

      // Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
      // that should be included with the next SQL statement.
      connection.createStatement().execute("set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget'");
      long marketingBudget = 0L;
      long singerId = 1L;
      long albumId = 1L;
      try (PreparedStatement statement =
              "select marketing_budget from albums where singer_id=? and album_id=?")) {
        statement.setLong(1, singerId);
        statement.setLong(2, albumId);
        try (ResultSet albumResultSet = statement.executeQuery()) {
          while ( {
            marketingBudget = albumResultSet.getLong(1);
      // Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
      final long maxMarketingBudget = 1000L;
      final float reduction = 0.1f;
      if (marketingBudget > maxMarketingBudget) {
        marketingBudget -= (long) (marketingBudget * reduction);
        connection.createStatement().execute("set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget'");
        try (PreparedStatement statement =
                "update albums set marketing_budget=? where singer_id=? AND album_id=?")) {
          int paramIndex = 0;
          statement.setLong(++paramIndex, marketingBudget);
          statement.setLong(++paramIndex, singerId);
          statement.setLong(++paramIndex, albumId);

      // Commit the current transaction.
      System.out.println("Reduced marketing budget");


import (


func Tags(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	tx, err := conn.Begin(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
	// for the current transaction.
	_, _ = tx.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.transaction_tag='example-tx-tag'")

	// Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
	// that should be included with the next SQL statement.
	_, _ = tx.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget'")

	row := tx.QueryRow(ctx, "select marketing_budget "+
		"from albums "+
		"where singer_id=$1 and album_id=$2", 1, 1)
	var budget int64
	if err := row.Scan(&budget); err != nil {
		return err

	// Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
	if budget > 1000 {
		budget = int64(float64(budget) - float64(budget)*0.1)
		_, _ = tx.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget'")
		if _, err := tx.Exec(ctx, "update albums set marketing_budget=$1 where singer_id=$2 AND album_id=$3", budget, 1, 1); err != nil {
			return err
	// Commit the current transaction.
	fmt.Println("Reduced marketing budget")

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function tags(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  await connection.query("begin");
  // Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
  // for the current transaction.
  await connection.query("set spanner.transaction_tag='example-tx-tag'");
  // Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
  // that should be included with the next SQL statement.
  await connection.query("set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget'");
  const budgetResult = await connection.query(
      "select marketing_budget " +
      "from albums " +
      "where singer_id=$1 and album_id=$2", [1, 1])
  let budget = budgetResult.rows[0]["marketing_budget"];
  // Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
  if (budget > 1000) {
    budget = budget - budget * 0.1;
    await connection.query("set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget'");
    await connection.query("update albums set marketing_budget=$1 "
        + "where singer_id=$2 AND album_id=$3", [budget, 1, 1]);
  // Commit the current transaction.
  await connection.query("commit");
  console.log("Reduced marketing budget");

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def tags(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        # Set autocommit=False to enable transactions.
        conn.autocommit = False
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
            # for the current transaction.
            cur.execute("set spanner.transaction_TAG='example-tx-tag'")

            # Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
            # that should be included with the next SQL statement.
            cur.execute("set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget'")

            singer_id = 1
            album_id = 1
            cur.execute("select marketing_budget "
                        "from albums "
                        "where singer_id = %s "
                        "  and album_id  = %s",
                        (singer_id, album_id,))
            marketing_budget = cur.fetchone()[0]

            # Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
            max_marketing_budget = 1000
            reduction = 0.1
            if marketing_budget > max_marketing_budget:
                # Make sure the marketing_budget remains an int.
                marketing_budget -= int(marketing_budget * reduction)
                # Set a statement tag for the update statement.
                    "set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget'")
                cur.execute("update albums set marketing_budget = %s "
                            "where singer_id = %s "
                            "  and album_id  = %s",
                            (marketing_budget, singer_id, album_id,))
                print("Marketing budget already less than or equal to 1,000")
        # Commit the transaction.
        print("Reduced marketing budget")


using Npgsql;
using System.Data;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class TagsSample
    public static void Tags(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Start a transaction with isolation level Serializable.
        // Spanner only supports this isolation level. Trying to use a lower
        // isolation level (including the default isolation level READ COMMITTED),
        // will result in an error.
        var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);

        // Create a command that uses the current transaction.
        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        cmd.Transaction = transaction;

        // Set the TRANSACTION_TAG session variable to set a transaction tag
        // for the current transaction.
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.transaction_tag='example-tx-tag'";

        // Set the STATEMENT_TAG session variable to set the request tag
        // that should be included with the next SQL statement.
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.statement_tag='query-marketing-budget'";

        // Get the marketing_budget of Album (1,1).
        cmd.CommandText = "select marketing_budget from albums where singer_id=$1 and album_id=$2";
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });
        cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });
        var marketingBudget = (long?)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

        // Reduce the marketing budget by 10% if it is more than 1,000.
        if (marketingBudget > 1000L)
            marketingBudget -= (long) (marketingBudget * 0.1);

            // Set the statement tag to use for the update statement.
            cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.statement_tag='reduce-marketing-budget'";

            cmd.CommandText = "update albums set marketing_budget=$1 where singer_id=$2 AND album_id=$3";
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = marketingBudget });
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter { Value = 1L });

        // Commit the current transaction.
        Console.WriteLine("Reduced marketing budget");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar tags example-db


go run sample_runner.go tags example-db


npm start tags example-db


python example-db


dotnet run tags example-db


同じタイムスタンプで複数の読み取りを実行する場合について考えます。読み取り専用トランザクションはトランザクションの commit 履歴の整合性のあるプレフィックスを監視しているので、アプリケーションは常に整合性のあるデータを取得できます。接続を読み取り専用に設定するか、SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY SQL ステートメントを使用して読み取り専用トランザクションを実行します。




export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

psql << SQL
  -- Begin a transaction.
  -- Change the current transaction to a read-only transaction.
  -- This statement can only be executed at the start of a transaction.
  set transaction read only;

  -- The following two queries use the same read-only transaction.
  select singer_id, album_id, album_title
  from albums
  order by singer_id, album_id;

  select singer_id, album_id, album_title
  from albums
  order by album_title;

  -- Read-only transactions must also be committed or rolled back to mark
  -- the end of the transaction. There is no semantic difference between
  -- rolling back or committing a read-only transaction.


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class ReadOnlyTransaction {
  static void readOnlyTransaction(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Set AutoCommit=false to enable transactions.
      // This SQL statement instructs the JDBC driver to use
      // a read-only transaction.
      connection.createStatement().execute("set transaction read only");

      try (ResultSet resultSet =
                  "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "
                      + "FROM albums "
                      + "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id")) {
        while ( {
              "%d %d %s\n",
      try (ResultSet resultSet =
                  "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "
                      + "FROM albums "
                      + "ORDER BY album_title")) {
        while ( {
              "%d %d %s\n",
      // End the read-only transaction by calling commit().


import (


func ReadOnlyTransaction(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Start a read-only transaction by supplying additional transaction options.
	tx, err := conn.BeginTx(ctx, pgx.TxOptions{AccessMode: pgx.ReadOnly})

	albumsOrderedById, err := tx.Query(ctx, "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title FROM albums ORDER BY singer_id, album_id")
	defer albumsOrderedById.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for albumsOrderedById.Next() {
		var singerId, albumId int64
		var title string
		err = albumsOrderedById.Scan(&singerId, &albumId, &title)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", singerId, albumId, title)

	albumsOrderedTitle, err := tx.Query(ctx, "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title FROM albums ORDER BY album_title")
	defer albumsOrderedTitle.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for albumsOrderedTitle.Next() {
		var singerId, albumId int64
		var title string
		err = albumsOrderedTitle.Scan(&singerId, &albumId, &title)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", singerId, albumId, title)

	// End the read-only transaction by calling Commit().
	return tx.Commit(ctx)


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function readOnlyTransaction(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Start a transaction.
  await connection.query("begin");
  // This SQL statement instructs the PGAdapter to make it a read-only transaction.
  await connection.query("set transaction read only");

  const albumsOrderById = await connection.query(
      "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "
      + "FROM albums "
      + "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id");
  for (const row of albumsOrderById.rows) {
    console.log(`${row["singer_id"]} ${row["album_id"]} ${row["album_title"]}`);
  const albumsOrderByTitle = await connection.query(
      "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "
      + "FROM albums "
      + "ORDER BY album_title");
  for (const row of albumsOrderByTitle.rows) {
    console.log(`${row["singer_id"]} ${row["album_id"]} ${row["album_title"]}`);
  // End the read-only transaction by executing commit.
  await connection.query("commit");

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def read_only_transaction(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with (psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn):
        # Set autocommit=False to enable transactions.
        conn.autocommit = False

        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # Change the current transaction to a read-only transaction.
            # This statement can only be executed at the start of a transaction.
            cur.execute("set transaction read only")

            # The following two queries use the same read-only transaction.
            cur.execute("select singer_id, album_id, album_title "
                        "from albums "
                        "order by singer_id, album_id")
            for album in cur:

            cur.execute("select singer_id, album_id, album_title "
                        "from albums "
                        "order by album_title")
            for album in cur:

        # Read-only transactions must also be committed or rolled back to mark
        # the end of the transaction. There is no semantic difference between
        # rolling back or committing a read-only transaction.


using Npgsql;
using System.Data;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class ReadOnlyTransactionSample
    public static void ReadOnlyTransaction(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Start a read-only transaction.
        // You must specify Serializable as the isolation level, as the npgsql driver
        // will otherwise automatically set the isolation level to read-committed.
        var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);
        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        cmd.Transaction = transaction;
        // This SQL statement instructs the npgsql driver to use
        // a read-only transaction.
        cmd.CommandText = "set transaction read only";

        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title " +
                          "FROM albums " +
                          "ORDER BY singer_id, album_id";
        using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
            while (reader.Read())
                Console.WriteLine($"{reader["singer_id"]} {reader["album_id"]} {reader["album_title"]}");
        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT singer_id, album_id, album_title "
                          + "FROM albums "
                          + "ORDER BY album_title";
        using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
            while (reader.Read())
                Console.WriteLine($"{reader["singer_id"]} {reader["album_id"]} {reader["album_title"]}");
        // End the read-only transaction by calling commit().



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar readonlytransaction example-db


go run sample_runner.go readonlytransaction example-db


npm start readonlytransaction example-db


python example-db


dotnet run readonlytransaction example-db


    1 1 Total Junk
    1 2 Go, Go, Go
    2 1 Green
    2 2 Forever Hold Your Peace
    2 3 Terrified
    2 2 Forever Hold Your Peace
    1 2 Go, Go, Go
    2 1 Green
    2 3 Terrified
    1 1 Total Junk

パーティション分割クエリと Data Boost

partitionQuery API は、クエリをより小さな部品またはパーティションに分割し、複数のマシンを使用してパーティションを同時にフェッチします。各パーティションはパーティション トークンによって識別されます。PartitionQuery API は、データベース全体のエクスポートやスキャンなどの一括オペレーションのみを目的としているため、標準クエリ API よりもレイテンシが高くなります。

Data Boost を使用すると、プロビジョニングされた Spanner インスタンス上の既存のワークロードへの影響がほぼゼロの状態で、分析クエリとデータ エクスポートを実行できます。 Data Boost はパーティション分割クエリのみをサポートしています。



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# 'set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true' enables Data Boost for
# all partitioned queries on this connection.

# 'run partitioned query' is a shortcut for partitioning the query
# that follows and executing each of the partitions that is returned
# by Spanner.

psql -c "set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true" \
     -c "run partitioned query
         select singer_id, first_name, last_name
         from singers"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class DataBoost {
  static void dataBoost(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // This enables Data Boost for all partitioned queries on this connection.
      connection.createStatement().execute("set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true");

      // Run a partitioned query. This query will use Data Boost.
      try (ResultSet resultSet =
                  "run partitioned query "
                      + "select singer_id, first_name, last_name "
                      + "from singers")) {
        while ( {
              "%d %s %s\n",


import (


func DataBoost(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// This enables Data Boost for all partitioned queries on this connection.
	_, _ = conn.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true")

	// Run a partitioned query. This query will use Data Boost.
	rows, err := conn.Query(ctx, "run partitioned query select singer_id, first_name, last_name from singers")
	defer rows.Close()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for rows.Next() {
		var singerId int64
		var firstName, lastName string
		err = rows.Scan(&singerId, &firstName, &lastName)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Printf("%v %v %v\n", singerId, firstName, lastName)

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function dataBoost(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // This enables Data Boost for all partitioned queries on this connection.
  await connection.query("set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true");

  // Run a partitioned query. This query will use Data Boost.
  const singers = await connection.query(
      "run partitioned query "
      + "select singer_id, first_name, last_name "
      + "from singers");
  for (const row of singers.rows) {
    console.log(`${row["singer_id"]} ${row["first_name"]} ${row["last_name"]}`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def data_boost(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with (psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                   database=database)) as conn):
        # Set autocommit=True so each query uses a separate transaction.
        conn.autocommit = True

        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # This enables Data Boost for all partitioned queries on this
            # connection.
            cur.execute("set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true")

            # Run a partitioned query. This query will use Data Boost.
            cur.execute("run partitioned query "
                        "select singer_id, first_name, last_name "
                        "from singers")
            for singer in cur:


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class DataBoostSample
    public static void DataBoost(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        // This enables Data Boost for all partitioned queries on this connection.
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.data_boost_enabled=true";

        // Run a partitioned query. This query will use Data Boost.
        cmd.CommandText = "run partitioned query "
                          + "select singer_id, first_name, last_name "
                          + "from singers";
        using var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        while (reader.Read())
            Console.WriteLine($"{reader["singer_id"]} {reader["first_name"]} {reader["last_name"]}");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar databoost example-db


go run sample_runner.go databoost example-db


npm start databoost example-db


python example-db


dotnet run databoost example-db

PGAdapter を使用したパーティション分割クエリの実行と Data Boost の使用について、詳しくはData Boost とパーティション分割クエリ ステートメントをご覧ください。

パーティション化された DML


  • 定期的なクリーンアップとガベージ コレクション
  • デフォルト値での新しい列のバックフィリング



export PGHOST="${PGHOST:-localhost}"
export PGPORT="${PGPORT:-5432}"
export PGDATABASE="${PGDATABASE:-example-db}"

# Change the DML mode that is used by this connection to Partitioned
# DML. Partitioned DML is designed for bulk updates and deletes.
# See for more
# information.
psql -c "set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'" \
     -c "update albums
         set marketing_budget=0
         where marketing_budget is null"

echo "Updated albums using Partitioned DML"


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;

class PartitionedDml {

  static void partitionedDml(String host, int port, String database) throws SQLException {
    String connectionUrl = String.format("jdbc:postgresql://%s:%d/%s", host, port, database);
    try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl)) {
      // Enable Partitioned DML on this connection.
          .execute("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'");
      // Back-fill a default value for the MarketingBudget column.
      long lowerBoundUpdateCount =
              .executeUpdate("update albums set marketing_budget=0 where marketing_budget is null");
      System.out.printf("Updated at least %d albums\n", lowerBoundUpdateCount);


import (


func PartitionedDML(host string, port int, database string) error {
	ctx := context.Background()
	connString := fmt.Sprintf(
		host, port, database)
	conn, err := pgx.Connect(ctx, connString)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer conn.Close(ctx)

	// Enable Partitioned DML on this connection.
	if _, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'"); err != nil {
		return err
	// Back-fill a default value for the MarketingBudget column.
	tag, err := conn.Exec(ctx, "update albums set marketing_budget=0 where marketing_budget is null")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Printf("Updated at least %v albums\n", tag.RowsAffected())

	return nil


import { Client } from 'pg';

async function partitionedDml(host: string, port: number, database: string): Promise<void> {
  const connection = new Client({
    host: host,
    port: port,
    database: database,
  await connection.connect();

  // Enable Partitioned DML on this connection.
  await connection.query("set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'");

  // Back-fill a default value for the MarketingBudget column.
  const lowerBoundUpdateCount = await connection.query(
      "update albums " +
      "set marketing_budget=0 " +
      "where marketing_budget is null");
  console.log(`Updated at least ${lowerBoundUpdateCount.rowCount} albums`);

  // Close the connection.
  await connection.end();


import string
import psycopg

def execute_partitioned_dml(host: string, port: int, database: string):
    with psycopg.connect("host={host} port={port} dbname={database} "
                                                  database=database)) as conn:
        conn.autocommit = True
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            # Change the DML mode that is used by this connection to Partitioned
            # DML. Partitioned DML is designed for bulk updates and deletes.
            # See for more
            # information.
                "set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'")

            # The following statement will use Partitioned DML.
            cur.execute("update albums "
                        "set marketing_budget=0 "
                        "where marketing_budget is null")
            print("Updated at least %d albums" % cur.rowcount)


using Npgsql;

namespace dotnet_snippets;

public static class PartitionedDmlSample
    public static void PartitionedDml(string host, int port, string database)
        var connectionString = $"Host={host};Port={port};Database={database};SSL Mode=Disable";
        using var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

        // Enable Partitioned DML on this connection.
        using var cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "set spanner.autocommit_dml_mode='partitioned_non_atomic'";

        // Back-fill a default value for the MarketingBudget column.
        cmd.CommandText = "update albums set marketing_budget=0 where marketing_budget is null";
        var lowerBoundUpdateCount = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

        Console.WriteLine($"Updated at least {lowerBoundUpdateCount} albums");



PGDATABASE=example-db ./


java -jar target/pgadapter-snippets/pgadapter-samples.jar partitioneddml example-db


go run sample_runner.go partitioneddml example-db


npm start partitioneddml example-db


python example-db


dotnet run datpartitioneddmlboost example-db


このチュートリアルで使用したリソースについて Cloud 請求先アカウントに課金されないようにするため、作成したデータベースとインスタンスを削除します。




gcloud spanner databases delete example-db --instance=test-instance

Google Cloud コンソールの使用

  1. Google Cloud コンソールで、[Spanner インスタンス] ページに移動します。

    インスタンス ページに移動

  2. インスタンスをクリックします。

  3. 削除するデータベースをクリックします。

  4. [データベースの詳細] ページで [削除] をクリックします。

  5. データベースを削除することを確認し、[削除] をクリックします。




gcloud spanner instances delete test-instance

Google Cloud コンソールの使用

  1. Google Cloud コンソールで、[Spanner インスタンス] ページに移動します。

    インスタンス ページに移動

  2. インスタンスをクリックします。

  3. [削除] をクリックします。

  4. インスタンスを削除することを確認し、[削除] をクリックします。
