Available reports for your Cloud Marketplace products

Depending on the type of products that you offer on Cloud Marketplace, you can receive the following reports:

  • Charges and Usage reports: Details of your software's usage.

  • Disbursements reports: Details about the amount paid to you.

  • Detailed disbursements reports: A detailed breakdown of the amount paid to you, for accounting and financial reconciliation purposes. We strongly recommend that you turn on this report.

  • Customer (incremental) insights reports: Information about who your customers are and how they're using your software, such as the number of virtual machines (VMs) that they've deployed your products on.

  • VM customer tracking reports: Contact information for customers who've purchased your VM products and consented to share this information with you.

  • SKU migration reports: If we migrate your product SKUs to a different Cloud Billing service or structure, this report tells you about the migration so that you can adapt your report ingestion.