Process a refund for your customer

If you want to refund all or part of one of your customer's Google Cloud Marketplace transactions, you can manage the refund request for your customer.

When Cloud Marketplace issues a refund or credit for your customer, Google computes the portion of those charges that were previously paid to you, and offsets that amount against your future payments. We summarize the adjustment in the Charges and Usage report and Disbursement report for the month when we issued the customer credit. If the offset is such that, based on your recent monthly payout rate, it would take more than four months to pay back, we might request that you wire the funds back to us.

To refund a transaction for a software as a service (SaaS), Kubernetes, or virtual machine (VM) product you must use Partner Support Desk to request the refund. For details, see Submit a refund request by using Partner Support Desk, following on this page.

Submit a refund request by using Partner Support Desk

If you want to refund a transaction for your Marketplace product use Partner Support Desk to request the refund. When you request the refund, provide the following information:

  • One of the following ID numbers, to identify the customer:

    • The offer ID.

    • The entitlement ID.

    • The procurement account ID.

    • The Cloud Billing account ID.

  • The dates for which you want to refund the customer.

  • The expected refund amount, if you know it.

  • Whether the customer requires a refund or if a credit that can be used for other Google Cloud charges is acceptable.

After you've requested the refund, Google verifies what we actually charged your customer for those dates and tells you the credit amount through your Partner Success Desk ticket.