This page shows you how to disable the insecure kubelet read-only port in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to the kubelet, and how to migrate applications to a more secure port.
In Kubernetes clusters, including GKE, the kubelet
running on nodes serves a read-only API using the insecure port 10255
Kubernetes doesn't perform any authentication or authorization checks on this
port. The kubelet serves the same endpoints on the more secure, authenticated
port 10250
Disable the kubelet read-only port and switch any workloads that use port
to use the more secure port 10250
Before you begin
Before you start, make sure you have performed the following tasks:
- Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API. Enable Google Kubernetes Engine API
- If you want to use the Google Cloud CLI for this task,
install and then
initialize the
gcloud CLI. If you previously installed the gcloud CLI, get the latest
version by running
gcloud components update
- You can only disable the insecure kubelet read-only port in GKE version 1.26.4-gke.500 or later.
Check for insecure port usage and migrate applications
Before you disable the insecure read-only port, migrate any of your running applications that use the port to the more secure read-only port. Workloads that might need migration include custom metrics pipelines and workloads that access kubelet endpoints.
- For workloads that need access to the information served by the kubelet API
on the node, like metrics, use port
. - For workloads that get Kubernetes information using the kubelet API on the node, like listing Pods on the node, use the Kubernetes API instead.
Check whether applications use the insecure kubelet read-only port
This section shows you how to check for insecure port usage in your cluster.
Check for port usage on Autopilot mode
To check for port usage in an Autopilot cluster, ensure that you have at least one workload that isn't a DaemonSet running in the cluster. If you perform the following steps on an empty Autopilot cluster, the results might be invalid.
Save the following manifest as
:apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: node-metrics-printer-namespace --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: node-metrics-printer-role rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes/metrics verbs: - get --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: node-metrics-printer-binding roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: node-metrics-printer-role subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: node-metrics-printer-sa namespace: node-metrics-printer-namespace --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: name: node-metrics-printer-sa namespace: node-metrics-printer-namespace --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: node-metrics-printer namespace: node-metrics-printer-namespace spec: selector: matchLabels: app: node-metrics-printer template: metadata: labels: app: node-metrics-printer spec: serviceAccountName: node-metrics-printer-sa containers: - name: metrics-printer image: command: ["sh", "-c"] args: - 'while true; do curl -s --cacert "${CA_CERT}" -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat ${TOKEN_FILE})" "https://${NODE_ADDRESS}:10250/metrics"|grep kubelet_http_requests_total; sleep 20; done' env: - name: CA_CERT value: /var/run/secrets/ - name: TOKEN_FILE value: /var/run/secrets/ - name: NODE_ADDRESS valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP
This manifest does the following:
- Creates a namespace and sets up RBAC roles to allow reading node metrics.
- Deploys a DaemonSet that checks the kubelet metrics for the insecure read-only port.
Deploy the manifest:
kubectl create -f read-only-port-metrics.yaml
Check the DaemonSet logs:
kubectl logs --namespace=node-metrics-printer-namespace \ --all-containers --prefix \ --selector=app=node-metrics-printer
If the output has any results that contain the string
, an application is using the insecure read-only port.
Check for port usage on Standard mode
Run the following command on at least one node in every node pool in your cluster:
kubectl get --raw /api/v1/nodes/NODE_NAME /proxy/metrics | grep http_requests_total | grep readonly
with the name of the node.
If the output contains entries with the server_type="readonly"
string, then the following scenarios can occur:
- Workloads on the node use the insecure kubelet read-only port.
- After disabling the insecure port, the command still returns the
string. This is because thekubelet_http_requests_total
metric represents the cumulative number of HTTP requests received by the kubelet server since its last restart. This number is not reset when the insecure port is disabled. This number is reset after GKE restarts the kubelet server, such as during a node upgrade. To learn more, see Kubernetes Metrics Reference.
If the output is empty, no workloads on that node use the insecure read-only port.
Identify the workloads that are using the insecure kubelet read-only port
To identify the workloads that are using the insecure port, check the workload's configuration files such as ConfigMaps and Pods.
Run the following commands:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep 10255
kubectl get configmaps --all-namespaces -o yaml | grep 10255
If the output of the command is not empty, use the following script to identify the names of the ConfigMaps or Pods that are using the insecure port:
# This function checks if a Kubernetes resource is using the insecure port 10255.
# Arguments:
# $1 - Resource type (e.g., pod, configmap, )
# $2 - Resource name
# $3 - Namespace
# Output:
# Prints a message indicating whether the resource is using the insecure port.
isUsingInsecurePort() {
config=$(kubectl get $resource_type $resource_name -n $namespace -o yaml)
# Check if kubectl output is empty
if [[ -z "$config" ]]; then
echo "No configuration file detected for $resource_type: $resource_name (Namespace: $namespace)"
if echo "$config" | grep -q "10255"; then
echo "Warning: The configuration file ($resource_type: $namespace/$resource_name) is using insecure port 10255. It is recommended to migrate to port 10250 for enhanced security."
echo "Info: The configuration file ($resource_type: $namespace/$resource_name) is not using insecure port 10255."
# Get the list of ConfigMaps with their namespaces
configmaps=$(kubectl get configmaps -A -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace, | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1"/"$2}')
# Iterate over each ConfigMap
for configmap in $configmaps; do
namespace=$(echo $configmap | cut -d/ -f1)
configmap_name=$(echo $configmap | cut -d/ -f2)
isUsingInsecurePort "configmap" "$configmap_name" "$namespace"
# Get the list of Pods with their namespaces
pods=$(kubectl get pods -A -o custom-columns=NAMESPACE:.metadata.namespace, | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1"/"$2}')
# Iterate over each Pod
for pod in $pods; do
namespace=$(echo $pod | cut -d/ -f1)
pod_name=$(echo $pod | cut -d/ -f2)
isUsingInsecurePort "pod" "$pod_name" "$namespace"
Once you've identified the relevant workloads, migrate them to use the secure port 10250 by completing the steps in the following section.
Migrate from the insecure kubelet read-only port
Typically, migrating an application to the secure port involves the following steps:
Update URLs or endpoints that refer to the insecure read-only port to use the secure read-only port instead. For example, change
.Set the certificate authority (CA) certificate of the HTTP client to the cluster CA certificate. To find this certificate, run the following command:
gcloud container clusters describe
CLUSTER_NAME \ --location=LOCATION \ --format="value(masterAuth.clusterCaCertificate)"Replace the following:
: the name of your cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your cluster.
The authenticated port 10250
requires that you grant appropriate RBAC
roles to the subject to access the specific resources. For details, in the
Kubernetes documentation, see
kubelet authorization.
endpoint on the insecure kubelet read-only
port, you need to grant the nodes/proxy
RBAC permission to access the endpoint
on the secure kubelet port. nodes/proxy
is a powerful permission that you
can't grant in GKE Autopilot clusters and that you
shouldn't grant in GKE Standard clusters. Use the
Kubernetes API with a fieldSelector
for the node name instead.
If you use third-party applications that depend on the insecure kubelet
read-only port, check with the application vendor for instructions to migrate
to secure port 10250
Example migration
Consider a Pod that queries metrics from the insecure kubelet read-only port.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kubelet-readonly-example
restartPolicy: Never
- name: kubelet-readonly-example
- curl
- http://$(NODE_ADDRESS):10255/metrics
fieldPath: status.hostIP
This application does the following:
- Uses the
ServiceAccount in thedefault
namespace - Runs the
command against the/metrics
endpoint on the node.
To update this Pod to use the secure port 10250
, do the following steps:
Create a ClusterRole with access to get node metrics:
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: curl-authenticated-role rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes/metrics verbs: - get
Bind the ClusterRole to your application's identity:
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: curl-authenticated-role-binding roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: curl-authenticated-role subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: default namespace: default
Update the
command to use the secure port endpoint with the corresponding authorization headers:apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: kubelet-authenticated-example spec: restartPolicy: Never containers: - name: kubelet-readonly-example image: env: - name: NODE_ADDRESS valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP command: - sh - -c - 'curl -s --cacert /var/run/secrets/ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/" https://${NODE_ADDRESS}:10250/metrics'
Modify VPC firewall rules
If you update workloads to use port 10250
, create firewall rules so that Pods
in the cluster can reach the port in your node IP address ranges. The firewall
rules should do the following:
- Allow incoming traffic to TCP port
on your node IP address ranges from internal Pod IP address ranges - Deny incoming traffic to TCP port
on your node IP address ranges from the public internet.
You can use the following default GKE firewall rules as a template for the parameters to specify in your new rules.:
Disable the insecure read-only port on Autopilot clusters
You can disable the insecure kubelet read-only port for new and existing Autopilot clusters.
Disable the insecure read-only port on new Autopilot clusters
To disable the insecure kubelet read-only port when you create a new
Autopilot cluster, use the
flag, like in the
following command:
gcloud container clusters create-auto CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
Replace the following:
: the name of your new Autopilot cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your new Autopilot cluster.
Disable the insecure read-only port on existing Autopilot clusters
To disable the insecure kubelet read-only port on an existing Autopilot
cluster, use the
flag, like in the
following command. All new and existing nodes in the cluster stop using the
gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
Replace the following:
: the name of your existing cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your existing cluster.
Disable the insecure read-only port on Standard clusters
You can disable the insecure kubelet read-only port for entire Standard clusters or for individual node pools. We recommend that you disable the port for the entire cluster.
If you use node auto-provisioning, automatically provisioned node pools inherit the port setting that you specify at the cluster level. You can optionally specify a different setting for auto-provisioned node pools, but we recommend that you disable the port across all nodes in your cluster.
You can also use a node system configuration file to declaratively disable the insecure kubelet read-only port. If you use this file, you can't use the commands in the following sections to control the kubelet setting.
Disable the insecure read-only port on new Standard clusters
To disable the insecure kubelet read-only port on a new Standard
cluster, use the --no-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port
flag like in the
following command:
gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
Replace the following:
: the name of your new Standard cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your new Standard cluster.
You can optionally add the
flag to separately
control the node auto-provisioning setting, but we don't recommend this approach.
This flag starts a rolling update of your auto-provisioned node pools, which
might cause disruptions to your running workloads.
Disable the insecure read-only port on existing Standard clusters
To disable the insecure kubelet read-only port on an existing Standard
cluster, use the --no-enable-insecure-kubelet-readonly-port
flag like in the
following command. Any new node pools won't use the insecure port.
GKE doesn't update existing node pools automatically.
gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
Replace the following:
: the name of your existing Standard cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your existing Standard cluster.
Disable the insecure read-only port on Standard node pools
We recommend that you set the read-only port setting at the cluster level in all cases. If you disabled the read-only port on an existing cluster that already had running node pools, use the following command to disable the port on those node pools.
gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
Replace the following:
: the name of your node pool.CLUSTER_NAME
: the name of the cluster.LOCATION
: the location of the cluster.
Verify that the port is disabled
To verify that the insecure kubelet read-only port is disabled, describe the GKE resource.
Check the port status in Autopilot clusters
Run the following command:
gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
--flatten=nodePoolAutoConfig \
Replace the following:
: the name of your Autopilot cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your Autopilot cluster.
If the port is disabled, the output is the following:
insecureKubeletReadonlyPortEnabled: false
Check the port status in Standard clusters
The port status is available in the
field when you describe
your cluster using the GKE API.
In Standard clusters, you'll also see a nodeConfig
field that sets a
value for the kubelet read-only port status. The nodeConfig
field is
deprecated and applies only to the default node pool that GKE
creates when you create a new Standard mode cluster. The status of the
port in the deprecated nodeConfig
field doesn't apply to other node pools
in the cluster.
Run the following command:
gcloud container clusters describe CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
--flatten=nodePoolDefaults.nodeConfigDefaults \
Replace the following:
: the name of your Standard cluster.LOCATION
: the location of your Standard cluster.
If the port is disabled, the output is the following:
insecureKubeletReadonlyPortEnabled: false
Check the port status in Standard node pools
Run the following command:
gcloud container node-pools describe NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
--location=LOCATION \
--flatten=config \
Replace the following:
: the name of your node pool.CLUSTER_NAME
: the name of the cluster.LOCATION
: the location of the cluster.
If the port is disabled, the output is the following:
insecureKubeletReadonlyPortEnabled: false