Explore your cluster and workload

View and learn about the some of the key workload settings and resources that you deployed in Create a cluster and deploy a workload.

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Before you begin

Follow the steps in Create a cluster and deploy a workload.

View the Deployment specification for your app

All Kubernetes resources describe their desired state in specification files. Following Infrastructure as Code (IaC) practices, you can store these files in a source-code control system and use the files to recreate environments as needed.

To view the specification file for the app you deployed:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Deployment details page for hello-world-app:

    1. Go to the GKE Workloads page.

      Go to Workloads

    2. In the Name column, click the name of the app you deployed, hello-world-app.

  2. Click the YAML tab.

  3. Notice that the second line is kind: Deployment, which means that this is a specification for a deployed app. Other types of Kubernetes resources use different values in the kind: line.

  4. Find the line that starts with spec: in column 1 (no preceding white space).

    All of the subsequent lines in this Deployment specification define the desired state for the app, including replicas:, which specifies the initial number of Pod replicas that the app needs and resources:, which specifies the amount of computing resources that are available to each Pod.

    If the load on your app surpasses the configured compute resources, the horizontal autoscaling Service automatically replicates Pods to handle the increased load. Autopilot mode enables this autoscaling Service by default.

  5. You can edit the YAML directly by clicking Edit.

    Alternatively, any change you make in the Deployment details page will update the YAML.

  6. To download this specification as a file and use it as the basis for other Deployments, click Download.

View Pods

  1. If you aren't already on the Deployment details page:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the GKE Workloads page.

      Go to Workloads

    2. In the Name column, click the name of the app you deployed, hello-world-app.

  2. On the Overview tab, the CPU chart shows the CPU usage from all Pods in the current workload.

  3. In the overview section:

    • Replicas: Summarizes the number of Pod replicas that are currently running in your workload.

    • Pod specification: Lists the version of the Deployment (which you assign in the Deployment specification), and the containers that are running in the workload.

  4. The Managed pods table links to configuration data and performance metrics for each Pod replica that is currently running for the workload.

View Services

When you deployed your workload, you chose to create a load balancing Service that directs external traffic to your workload.

To view your workload's Service:

  1. If you aren't already on the Deployment details page:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the GKE Workloads page.

      Go to Workloads

    2. In the Name column, click the name of the app you deployed, hello-world-app.

  2. The Exposing services table links to the load balancing Service you configured for the workload.

  3. In the Name column of the Exposing services table, click the name of the Service.

  4. On the Service details page, click the YAML tab.

  5. Notice the second line is kind: Service, which defines this file as a specification for a Kubernetes Service resource.

  6. Find the line that starts with spec: (ignore the line that starts with f:spec:).

    All of the subsequent lines in a Service specification configure the load balancer.

    • The cluster IP addresses are the internal addresses that the load balancer sends traffic to. These IP addresses are automatically managed by GKE.

    • The ingress IP address is the external IP address on which the load balancer listens for requests.

  7. As with the Deployment specification, you can edit the Service YAML directly by clicking Edit.

    To download this specification as a file and use it as the basis for other Services, click Download.

This is the end of the cluster tour.

What's next