Set up multi-tenant logging

This page explains how to configure multi-tenant logging for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters.

It's common for multiple teams to share a single GKE cluster. Sharing a cluster provides multiple advantages including easier service discovery, simplified security, and it means that cluster administrators have fewer clusters to maintain. Individual application teams often have their own separate project, however. This structure, having a main GKE cluster, but separate namespaces for each application team, is called multi-tenancy. The application team's project is called the tenant.

With Google Cloud, GKE cluster admins can create a system where logs for the cluster remain in the main GKE project, and tenant logs are distributed to tenant projects. To configure your logs this way, use the Log Router. The Log Router gives you control over how logs flow within your Google Cloud project and how logs are routed to supported destinations.

To create tenant-specific logs, the cluster admin creates a sink to route log entries to each tenant's project. In each tenant project, individual teams can control how the logs are stored and used, such as monitoring the logs by configuring log-based metrics and log-based alerts.

We recommend that _Default sinks in main GKE projects include an exclusion filter. The exclusion filter prevents tenant logs from being ingested in both the main GKE project and the tenant project.


Configure multi-tenant logging

You can configure multi-tenant logging by using the Google Cloud CLI or the Google Cloud console.

To configure multi-tenant logging for GKE clusters, complete the following steps:

  1. Set the following environment variables:


    Replace the following:

    • TENANT_NAMESPACE: the name for the tenant project namespace
    • MAIN_PROJECT_ID: the project ID for your main project
    • TENANT_PROJECT_ID: the project ID for your tenant project
  2. Create a namespace in your multi-tenant cluster:

    kubectl create namespace $TENANT_NAMESPACE
  3. Create a log sink in the main GKE project:

    gcloud logging sinks create gke-$TENANT_NAMESPACE-sink \$TENANT_PROJECT \
        --project=$MAIN_PROJECT \
        --log-filter=resource.labels.namespace_name="$TENANT_NAMESPACE" \
        --description="Log sink to $TENANT_PROJECT for $TENANT_NAMESPACE namespace"

    This command creates a log sink that sends all logs that are related to the $TENANT_NAMESPACE namespace to the tenant project.

    You might need to use a more restrictive --log-filter. For example, if your cluster and tenant have the same namespace, then add a cluster filter.

    For more information about these fields, see the gcloud logging sinks create API documentation.

  4. Get the writer identity from the sink in the main project and assign it to an environment variable.

    export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud logging sinks describe gke-$TENANT_NAMESPACE-sink \
        --project=$MAIN_PROJECT \
  5. Grant the Logs Writer (logging.bucketWriter) role to the service account used by the sink. The following command grants the main project permissions to write logs to the tenant project:

     gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $TENANT_PROJECT \
         --member=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role='roles/logging.logWriter' \
         --condition="\"projects/$TENANT_PROJECT\"),title=Log writer for $TENANT_NAMESPACE,description=Grants Logs Writer role to service account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT used by gke-$TENANT_NAMESPACE-sink"

    For more information about these fields, see the gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding API documentation.

  6. Optionally, create an exclusion filter for the sink that routes logs to the _Default bucket of the main project. If you don't create an exclusion filter on the _Default bucket, then the routed logs appear in both the _Default bucket of the main project and the tenant log bucket. To create an exclusion filter, do the following:

    gcloud logging sinks update _Default --project=$MAIN_PROJECT \
        --add-exclusion="name=gke-$TENANT_NAMESPACE-default-exclusion,description=\"Exclusion filter on the _Default bucket for $TENANT_NAMESPACE\",filter=resource.labels.namespace_name=\"$TENANT_NAMESPACE\""

    For more information about these fields, see the gcloud logging sinks update API documentation.

To implement multi-tenant logging for GKE, complete the following steps:

  1. Create the log sink in the main project:

    1. Use the Google Cloud console project picker to select the main GKE project.
    2. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Log Router page:

      Go to Log Router

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

    3. In the Log Router page, click Create sink.
    4. Enter a Name and Description for your sink and then click Next.
    5. In the Select sink service menu, select Other project.
    6. In the Sink destination field, add the following destination:

      Replace TENANT_PROJECT_ID with the project ID of your tenant project.

    7. Click Next.

    8. In the Build inclusion filter add the following filter:


      Replace TENANT_NAMESPACE with the name of your tenant project's namespace.

      You might want a more restrictive inclusion filter. For example, when your cluster and tenant have the same namespace, consider adding a clause to include only log entries for a specific cluster.

    9. Click Create sink. Your new sink appears in the Log Router Sinks list.

  2. Copy the sink's writer identity to your clipboard:

    1. In the Log Router page, locate the log sink.
    2. For that sink, click More, and then select View sink details.
    3. In the Sink details pane, locate the Writer identity field, and then copy the value into your clipboard. Omit serviceAccount: from the copied value.
  3. In the tenant project, grant the Logs Writer (roles/logging.logWriter) role to the service account used by the main project's sink. The main project needs this permission to write logs to the tenant project.

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page:

      Go to IAM

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is IAM & Admin.

    2. Click Grant access.
    3. In the New principals field, add the sink's service account.
    4. From the Select a role drop-down, select Logging and choose Logs Writer.
    5. Click Save.
  4. Optionally, create an exclusion filter in the _Default bucket of the main project to prevent logs that are routed to a tenant project from being written to the _Default log bucket in the main project:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Log Router page:

      Go to Log Router

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

    2. Next to the _Default bucket, click More and select Edit sink.
    3. In the Choose logs to filter out of sink section, click Add exclusion.
    4. Add a filter name.
    5. In the Build an exclusion filter box, add the following:

    6. Click Update sink.

Verify tenant logs

After you have begun using workloads that use TENANT_NAMESPACE, you can verify that the tenant project is receiving tenant-specific logs:

  1. Select the tenant project by using the Google Cloud console project picker.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Explorer page:

    Go to Logs Explorer

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  3. In the query-editor field, run the following query:


    In the Query results pane, you should see tenant-specific logs that were routed from the main project.

Use tenant logs

In the tenant projects, each team can control how the logs are routed, stored, and analyzed. After the logs are routed to the tenant projects, the individual application teams can choose to route their logs to supported destinations like Logging buckets, or to third-party destinations by using Pub/Sub. For information about routing log entries, see Route logs to supported destinations.

Individual application teams can also set up alerts based on the contents of logs, or metrics derived from logs. For more information, see Monitor your logs.

Clean up

You can remove the objects you created for multi-tenant logging by using gcloud or the Google Cloud console.

To remove the objects you created for multi-tenant logging, complete the following steps:

  1. Set variables to simplify the following commands:


    Replace the following:

    • TENANT_NAMESPACE: the name for the tenant project namespace
    • MAIN-PROJECT-ID: the project ID for your main project
    • TENANT-PROJECT-ID: the project ID for your tenant project
  2. Remove the Logs Writer (roles/logging.logWriter) role from the service account in the tenant project:

    export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud logging sinks describe gke-$TENANT_NAMESPACE-sink \
        --project=$MAIN_PROJECT | \
    gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding $TENANT_PROJECT \
        --member=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT \
        --role='roles/logging.logWriter' \
  3. Delete the log sink:

    gcloud logging sinks delete gke-$TENANT_NAMESPACE-sink \
  4. Delete the namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace $TENANT_NAMESPACE
  1. In the tenant project, remove the Logs Writer (roles/logging.logWriter) role from the service account:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page:

      Go to IAM

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is IAM & Admin.

    2. For the service account you want to delete, click Edit principal.
    3. In the Edit access panel, click Delete role next to the Logs Writer role and click Save.
  2. In the main project, delete the log sink:

    1. Use the Google Cloud console project picker to select the tenant GKE project.
    2. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Log Router page:

      Go to Log Router

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

    3. For the sink you want to delete, click More.
    4. Select Delete sink.
    5. In the confirmation panel, click Delete.


Multi-tenant logging has the following limitations:

  • The quota for the number of log sinks per project is 200. If you require more than 200 tenants, request a quota increase by opening a support case.
  • There is a limit of 50 exclusion filters per log bucket. If you intend to have more than 50 tenants, the exclusion filter approach for the _Default bucket needs to be revised. As an alternative, you might do the following:

    • Create a single exclusion filter that excludes all non-system or non-default namespaces using this command:

      gcloud logging sinks update _Default \
      --project=$MAIN_PROJECT \
      --add-exclusion="name=gke-all-tenant-default-exclusion,description=\"Exclusion filter on the _Default bucket for all tenants\",filter=resource.labels.namespace_name !~ \"kube\" AND resource.labels.namespace_name !~ \"system\ AND resource.labels.namespace_name != \"Default\""
    • Duplicate logs between the tenant project and the main project by not creating the exclusion filter.

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