Configure metrics collection

This document describes how to configure Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to send metrics to Cloud Monitoring. Metrics in Cloud Monitoring can populate custom dashboards, generate alerts, create service-level objectives, or be fetched by third-party monitoring services using the Cloud Monitoring API.

GKE provides several sources of metrics:

  • System metrics: metrics from essential system components, describing low-level resources such as CPU, memory and storage.
  • Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus: lets you monitor and alert on your workloads, using Prometheus, without having to manually manage and operate Prometheus at scale.
  • Packages of observability metrics:

    • Control plane metrics: metrics exported from certain control plane components such as the API server and scheduler.
    • Kube state metrics: a curated set of metrics exported from the kube state service, used to monitor the state of Kubernetes objects like Pods, Deployments, and more. For the set of included metrics, see Use kube state metrics.

      The kube state package is a managed solution. If you need greater flexibility—for example, if you need to collect additional metrics, or need to manage scrape intervals or to scrape other resources—you can disable the package, if it is enabled, and deploy your own instance of the open source kube state metrics service. For more information, see the Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus exporter documentation for Kube state metrics.

    • cAdvisor/Kubelet: a curated set of cAdvisor and Kubelet metrics. For the set of included metrics, see Use cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics.

      The cAdvisor/Kubelet package is a managed solution. If you need greater flexibility—for example, if you need to collect additional metrics or to manage scrape intervals or to scrape other resources—you can disable the package, if it is enabled, and deploy your own instance of the open source cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics services. For more information, see the Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus documentation for the cAdvisor/Kubelet exporter.

System metrics

When a cluster is created, GKE by default collects certain metrics emitted by system components.

You have a choice whether or not to send metrics from your GKE cluster to Cloud Monitoring. If you choose to send metrics to Cloud Monitoring, you must send system metrics.

All GKE system metrics are ingested into Cloud Monitoring with the prefix


Cloud Monitoring does not charge for the ingestion of GKE system metrics. For more information, see Cloud Monitoring pricing.

Configuring collection of system metrics

To enable system metric collection, pass the SYSTEM value to the --monitoring flag of the gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update commands.

To disable system metric collection, use the NONE value for the --monitoring flag. If system metric collection is disabled, basic information like CPU usage, memory usage, and disk usage are not available for a cluster in the Observability tab or the GKE section of the Google Cloud console.

For GKE Autopilot clusters, you cannot disable the collection of system metrics.

See Observability for GKE for more details about Cloud Monitoring integration with GKE.

To configure the collection of system metrics by using Terraform, see the monitoring_config block in the Terraform registry for google_container_cluster. For general information about using Google Cloud with Terraform, see Terraform with Google Cloud.

List of system metrics

System metrics include metrics from essential system components important for Kubernetes. For a list of these metrics, see GKE system metrics.

Metrics enabled by default in GKE Enterprise

In the following tables, a checkmark () indicates which metrics are enabled by default when you create and register a new cluster in a project with GKE Enterprise enabled:

Metric name Autopilot Standard
API server
Controller Manager
Persistent volume (Storage)

All registered clusters in a project that has GKE Enterprise enabled can use the packages for control plane metrics, kube state metrics, and cAdvisor/kubelet metrics without any additional charges. Otherwise these metrics incur Cloud Monitoring charges.

Troubleshooting system metrics

If system metrics are not available in Cloud Monitoring as expected, see Troubleshoot system metrics.

Package: Control plane metrics

You can configure a GKE cluster to send certain metrics emitted by the Kubernetes API server, Scheduler, and Controller Manager to Cloud Monitoring.


Sending metrics emitted by Kubernetes control plane components to Cloud Monitoring requires GKE control plane version 1.22.13 or later and requires that the collection of system metrics be enabled.

Configuring collection of control plane metrics

To enable Kubernetes control plane metrics in an existing GKE cluster, follow these steps:


You can enable control plane metrics for a cluster either from the Observability tab for the cluster or from Details tab for the cluster. When you use the Observability tab, you can preview the available charts and metrics before you enable the metric package.

To enable control plane metrics from the Observability tab for the cluster, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page:

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click your cluster's name and then select the Observability tab.

  3. Select Control Plane from the list of features.

  4. Click Enable package.

    If the control plane metrics are already enabled, then you see a set of charts for control plane metrics instead.

To enable control plane metrics from the Details tab for the cluster, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page:

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click your cluster's name.

  3. In the Features row labelled Cloud Monitoring, click the Edit icon.

  4. In the Edit Cloud Monitoring dialog that appears, confirm that Enable Cloud Monitoring is selected.

  5. In the Components drop-down menu, select the control plane components from which you would like to collect metrics: API Server, Scheduler, or Controller Manager.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save Changes.


  1. Open a terminal window with Google Cloud SDK and the Google Cloud CLI installed. One way to do this is to use Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  3. Pass one or more of the values API_SERVER, SCHEDULER, or CONTROLLER_MANAGER to the --monitoring flag of the gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update commands.

    For example, to collect metrics from the API server, scheduler, and controller manager, run this command:

    gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
        --location=COMPUTE_LOCATION \


To configure the collection of Kubernetes control plane metrics by using Terraform, see the monitoring_config block in the Terraform registry for google_container_cluster. For general information about using Google Cloud with Terraform, see Terraform with Google Cloud.

Using control plane metrics

See Use control plane metrics for the following:

Dashboards for visualizing control plane metrics available on the the GKE Observability tab in the Google Cloud console. For information about these dashboards, see View observability metrics.

Package: Kube state metrics

You can configure a GKE cluster to send a curated set of kube state metrics in Prometheus format to Cloud Monitoring. This package of kube state metrics includes metrics for Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources, Persistent Volumes, and Persistent Volume Claims.

For GKE Standard clusters starting with version 1.29.2-gke.2000 and GKE Autopilot clusters starting with version 1.27.4-gke.900, the Kube state metrics package is enabled by default.


To collect kube state metrics, your GKE cluster must meet the following requirements:

You can enable system metrics and Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus at the same time that you enable the package of kube state metrics. Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus managed collection is enabled by default on new clusters.

Configuring collection of kube state metrics

To enable kube state metrics in an existing GKE cluster, follow these steps:


You can enable kube state metrics from the Observability tab for either a cluster or a Deployment within a cluster. You can also preview the available charts and metrics before you enable the metric package.

On the Observability tab for a cluster, the set of charts for kube state metrics is divided across two items in the filter menu:

  • Workloads State: includes the metrics for Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources.
  • Storage > Persistent: includes the metrics for Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims.

You can enable either or both sets of metrics.

To enable kube state metrics from the Observability tab for a cluster, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page:

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click your cluster's name and then select the Observability tab.

  3. Select either Workloads State or Storage > Persistent from the list of features.

  4. Click Enable package.

    If the kube state metrics package is already enabled, then you see a set of charts for kube state metrics instead.

To enable kube state metrics from the Observability tab for a Deployment, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Workloads page:

    Go to Workloads

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click the name of your Deployment and then select the Observability tab.

  3. Select Kube State from the list of features.

  4. Click Enable package. The package is enabled for the entire cluster.

    If the kube state metrics package is already enabled, then you see a set of charts for metrics from Pods, Deployments, and Horizontal Pod Autoscalers.

To configure kube state metrics from the Details tab for the cluster, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page:

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click your cluster's name.

  3. In the Features row labelled Cloud Monitoring, click the Edit icon.

  4. In the Edit Cloud Monitoring dialog that appears, confirm that Enable Cloud Monitoring is selected.

  5. In the Components drop-down menu, select the kube state components from which you would like to collect metrics:

    • Persistent Volume (Storage)
    • Pods
    • Deployment
    • StatefulSet
    • DaemonSet
    • Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save Changes.


  1. Open a terminal window with Google Cloud SDK and the Google Cloud CLI installed. One way to do this is to use Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  3. Pass one or more of the following values to the --monitoring flag of the gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update commands:

    • HPA
    • POD
    • STORAGE — this option includes metrics for Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claims

    For example, to collect metrics for Deployments and Pods in an existing cluster, run the following command:

    gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
        --location=COMPUTE_LOCATION \

    The set of values supplied to the --monitoring flag overrides any previous setting. In the preceding example, if the cluster had been previously configured to collect DAEMONSET metrics, the example command turns off collection of those metrics.


To configure the collection of kube state metrics by using Terraform, see the monitoring_config block in the Terraform registry for google_container_cluster. For general information about using Google Cloud with Terraform, see Terraform with Google Cloud.

Using kube state metrics

See Use kube state metrics for the following:

  • Information about querying your kube state metrics.
  • Tables of kube state metrics.

Dashboards for visualizing kube state metrics are available on the the GKE Observability tab in the Google Cloud console. For information about these dashboards, see View observability metrics.

Package: cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics

You can configure a GKE cluster to send a curated set of cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics in Prometheus format to Cloud Monitoring. The curated set of metrics is a subset of the large set of cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics built into every Kubernetes deployment by default. The curated cAdvisor/Kubelet is designed to provide the most useful metrics, reducing ingestion volume and associated costs.


To collect cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics, your GKE cluster must meet the following requirements:

Collection of system metrics, as well as Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus managed collection, are enabled by default when you create a cluster running 1.29.3-gke.1093000. You can enable the cAdvisor and Kubelet metrics when you create the cluster.

If you create a cluster that doesn't collect system metrics or use managed collection, you can enable system metrics and Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus at the same time that you configure the collection of cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics.

Configuring collection of cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics

To enable cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics in an existing GKE cluster, follow these steps:


To configure cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics from the Details tab for the cluster, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page:

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click your cluster's name.

  3. In the Features row labelled Cloud Monitoring, click the Edit icon.

  4. In the Edit Cloud Monitoring dialog that appears, confirm that Enable Cloud Monitoring is selected.

  5. In the Components drop-down menu, select the cAdvisor/Kubelet components from which you would like to collect metrics:

    • cAdvisor
    • Kubelet
  6. Click OK.

  7. Click Save Changes.


  1. Open a terminal window with Google Cloud SDK and the Google Cloud CLI installed. One way to do this is to use Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  3. Pass one or more of the following values to the --monitoring flag of the gcloud container clusters create or gcloud container clusters update commands:


    For example, to collect only the cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics in an existing cluster, run the following command:

    gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
        --location=COMPUTE_LOCATION \
        --enable-managed-prometheus \

    The set of values supplied to the --monitoring flag overrides any previous setting. In the preceding example, if the cluster had been previously configured to collect DAEMONSET metrics from the kube state package, the example command turns off collection of those metrics.


To configure the collection of cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics by using Terraform, see the monitoring_config block in the Terraform registry for google_container_cluster. For general information about using Google Cloud with Terraform, see Terraform with Google Cloud.

Using cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics

See Use cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics for the following:

  • Information about querying your cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics.
  • Tables of cAdvisor/Kubelet metrics.

Disable metric packages

You can disable the use of metric packages in the cluster. You might want to disable certain packages to reduce costs or if you are using an alternate mechanism for collecting the metrics, like Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus and an exporter.


To disable the collection of metrics from the Details tab for the cluster, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Kubernetes clusters page:

    Go to Kubernetes clusters

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Kubernetes Engine.

  2. Click your cluster's name.

  3. In the Features row labelled Cloud Monitoring, click the Edit icon.

  4. In the Components drop-down menu, clear the metric components that you want to disable.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Save Changes.


  1. Open a terminal window with Google Cloud SDK and the Google Cloud CLI installed. One way to do this is to use Cloud Shell.

  2. In the Google Cloud console, activate Cloud Shell.

    Activate Cloud Shell

    At the bottom of the Google Cloud console, a Cloud Shell session starts and displays a command-line prompt. Cloud Shell is a shell environment with the Google Cloud CLI already installed and with values already set for your current project. It can take a few seconds for the session to initialize.

  3. Call the gcloud container clusters update command and pass an updated set of values to the --monitoring flag. The set of values supplied to the --monitoring flag overrides any previous setting.

    For example, to turn off the collection of all metrics except system metrics, run the following command:

    gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
        --location=COMPUTE_LOCATION \
        --enable-managed-prometheus \

    This command disables the collection of any previously configured metric packages.


To configure the collection of metrics by using Terraform, see the monitoring_config block in the Terraform registry for google_container_cluster. For general information about using Google Cloud with Terraform, see Terraform with Google Cloud.

Pricing and quotas for observability packages

The information in this section applies to the following observability packages:

GKE control plane metrics and kube state metrics use Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus to load metrics into Cloud Monitoring. Cloud Monitoring charges for the ingestion of these metrics are based on the number of samples ingested. However, these metrics are free-of-charge for the registered clusters that belong to a project that has GKE Enterprise edition enabled.

For more information, see Cloud Monitoring pricing.

Understanding your Monitoring bill

You can use Cloud Monitoring to identify the control plane or kube state metrics that are writing the largest numbers of samples. These metrics are contributing the most to your costs. After you identify the most expensive metrics, you can modify your scrape configs to filter these metrics appropriately.

The Cloud Monitoring Metrics Management page provides information that can help you control the amount you spend on chargeable metrics without affecting observability. The Metrics Management page reports the following information:

  • Ingestion volumes for both byte- and sample-based billing, across metric domains and for individual metrics.
  • Data about labels and cardinality of metrics.
  • Use of metrics in alerting policies and custom dashboards.
  • Rate of metric-write errors.

To view the Metrics Management page, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. In the toolbar, select your time window. By default, the Metrics Management page displays information about the metrics collected in the previous one day.

For more information about the Metrics Management page, see View and manage metric usage.

To identify which control plane or kube state metrics have the largest number of samples being ingested, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the  Metrics management page:

    Go to Metrics management

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Monitoring.

  2. On the Billable samples ingested scorecard, click View charts.

  3. Locate the Namespace Volume Ingestion chart, and then click  More chart options.

  4. In the Metric field, verify that the following resource and and metric are selected:
    Metric Ingestion Attribution and Samples written by attribution id.

  5. In the Filters page, do the following:

    1. In the Label field, verify that the value is attribution_dimension.

    2. In the Comparison field, verify that the value is = (equals).

    3. In the Value field, select cluster.

  6. Clear the Group by setting.

  7. Optionally, filter for only certain metrics. For example, control plane API server metrics all include "apiserver" as part of the metric name, and kube state Pod metrics all include "kube_pod" as part of the metric name, so you can filter for metrics containing those strings:

    • Click Add Filter.

    • In the Label field, select metric_type.

    • In the Comparison field, select =~ (equals regex).

    • In the Value field, enter .*apiserver.* or .*kube_pod.*.

  8. Optionally, group the number of samples ingested by GKE region or project:

    • Click Group by.

    • Ensure metric_type is selected.

    • To group by GKE region, select location.

    • To group by project, select project_id.

    • Click OK.

  9. Optionally, group the number of samples ingested by GKE cluster name:

    • Click Group by.

    • To group by GKE cluster name, ensure both attribution_dimension and attribution_id are selected.

    • Click OK.

  10. To see the ingestion volume for each of the metrics, in the toggle labeled Chart Table Both, select Both. The table shows the ingested volume for each metric in the Value column.

    Click the Value column header twice to sort the metrics by descending ingestion volume.

These steps show the metrics with the highest rate of samples ingested into Cloud Monitoring. Because the metrics in the observability packages are charged by the number of samples ingested, pay attention to metrics with the greatest rate of samples being ingested.


Control plane metrics and kube state metrics consume the "Time series ingestion requests per minute" quota of the Cloud Monitoring API. Before enabling the metrics packages, check your recent peak usage of that quota. If you have many clusters in the same project or are already approaching that quota's limit, you can request a quota-limit increase before enabling either observability package.

Other metrics

In addition to the system metrics and metric packages described in this document, Istio metrics are also available for GKE clusters. For pricing information, see Cloud Monitoring pricing.

What's next