As a platform administrator, you can configure a node upgrade strategy to tune how GKE upgrades the nodes in your Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters. To learn more about node upgrade strategies, see Node upgrade strategies.
Before you begin
Before you start, make sure you have performed the following tasks:
- Enable the Google Kubernetes Engine API. Enable Google Kubernetes Engine API
- If you want to use the Google Cloud CLI for this task,
install and then
initialize the
gcloud CLI. If you previously installed the gcloud CLI, get the latest
version by running
gcloud components update
Configure a node upgrade strategy
When configuring your cluster's node pools, you can select and configure one of the supported node upgrade strategies, namely surge or blue-green. Using these upgrade strategies lets you optimize the node pool upgrade process based on your cluster environment's needs.
Configure surge upgrades
Surge upgrades allow you to change the number of nodes GKE upgrades at one time and the amount of disruption an upgrade makes on your workloads.
and max-unavailable-upgrade
flags are defined for
each node pool. For more information on choosing the right parameters, go to
Optimize your surge upgrade configuration.
You can change these settings when creating or updating a cluster or node pool.
The following variables are used in the commands mentioned below:
: the name of the cluster for the node pool.COMPUTE_ZONE
: the zone for the cluster.NODE_POOL_NAME
: the name of the node pool.NUMBER_NODES
: the number of nodes in the node pool in each of the cluster's zones.SURGE_NODES
: the number of extra (surge) nodes to be created on each upgrade of the node pool.UNAVAILABLE_NODES
: the number of nodes that can be unavailable at the same time on each upgrade of the node pool.
Creating a cluster with specific surge parameters
To create a cluster with specific settings for surge upgrades, use the
and max-unavailable-upgrade
gcloud container clusters createCLUSTER_NAME \ --max-surge-upgrade=SURGE_NODES --max-unavailable-upgrade=UNAVAILABLE_NODES
Creating a cluster with surge upgrade disabled
To create a cluster without surge upgrades, set the value for the max-surge-upgrade
flag to 0
gcloud container clusters createCLUSTER_NAME \ --max-surge-upgrade=0 --max-unavailable-upgrade=1
Creating a node pool with specific surge parameters
To create a node pool in an existing cluster with specific settings for
surge upgrades, use the max-surge-upgrade
gcloud container node-pools createNODE_POOL_NAME \ --num-nodes=NUMBER_NODES --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \ --max-surge-upgrade=SURGE_NODES --max-unavailable-upgrade=UNAVAILABLE_NODES
Change surge upgrade settings for an existing node pool
To update the upgrade settings of an existing node pool, use the max-surge-upgrade
flags. If you set max-surge-upgrade
to greater than
, GKE creates surge nodes. If you set max-surge-upgrade
to 0
, GKE doesn't create surge nodes.
gcloud container node-pools updateNODE_POOL_NAME \ --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \ --max-surge-upgrade=SURGE_NODES --max-unavailable-upgrade=UNAVAILABLE_NODES
Checking if surge upgrades are enabled on a node pool
To see if surge upgrades are enabled on a node pool, use gcloud
to describe
the cluster's parameters:
gcloud container node-pools describeNODE_POOL_NAME \ --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME
If surge upgrades are enabled on the node pool, the strategy listed is SURGE
Configure blue-green upgrades
With blue-green node pool upgrades, you can control:
: the size of batches of nodes that GKE drains at a time, meaning that the Pods are removed from the nodes. Default isBATCH_NODE_COUNT=1
. If either of these settings are set to 0, GKE skips this phase and proceeds to the Soak node pool phase.BATCH_SOAK_DURATION
: the time between each batch of nodes being drained.NODE_POOL_SOAK_DURATION
: the amount of soak time for you to validate your workload on the new node configuration.
To learn more about how the phases of blue-green upgrades work, see The phases of blue-green upgrades.
The following variables are used in the commands listed in the next sections:
: the name of the cluster for the node pool.NODE_POOL_NAME
: the name of the node pool.NUMBER_NODES
: the number of nodes in the node pool in each of the cluster's zones.BATCH_NODE_COUNT
: the number of blue nodes to drain in a batch during the blue pool drain phase. Default is 1. If it is set to 0, the blue pool drain phase will be skipped.BATCH_PERCENT
: the percentage of blue nodes to drain in a batch during the blue pool drain phase, expressed as a decimal between 0 and 1, inclusive. GKE rounds down to the nearest node, to a minimum value of 1 node, if the percentage isn't a whole number of nodes. If it is set to 0 the blue pool drain phase will be skipped.BATCH_SOAK_DURATION
: the duration in seconds to wait after each batch drain. Default is 0.NODE_POOL_SOAK_DURATION
: the duration in seconds to wait after completing drain of all batches. Default is 3600 seconds.
Creating a node pool with blue-green upgrade strategy
Create a node pool with blue-green upgrade default parameters
To create a node pool in an existing cluster with the blue-green upgrade strategy with the default parameters, use the following command:
gcloud container node-pools create NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
Create a node pool with blue-green upgrade using absolute node count batch sizes
To create a node pool with custom blue-green upgrade settings, use the parameter flags with the node pool creation command.
This command creates a node pool with the following customized blue-green configuration, using an absolute node count for the batch drains:
= 600s
gcloud container node-pools create NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
--enable-blue-green-upgrade \
--standard-rollout-policy=batch-node-count=2,batch-soak-duration=10s \
Create a node pool with blue-green upgrade using percentage-based batch sizes
This command creates a node pool with the following customized blue-green configuration, using a percentage for the batch drains:
= 25% (of the node pool size)BATCH_SOAK_DURATION
= 1800s
gcloud container node-pools create NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
--enable-blue-green-upgrade \
--standard-rollout-policy=batch-percent=0.25,batch-soak-duration=10s \
Updating an existing node pool blue-green upgrade strategy
Update a node pool with blue-green upgrade default parameters
To update an existing node pool to the blue-green upgrade strategy, use the following command:
gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
Update a node pool with blue-green upgrade using absolute node count batch sizes
To update an existing node pool to the blue-green upgrade strategy with custom settings, use the parameter flags with the node pool creation command.
This command updates a node pool to use the following customized blue-green configuration, using an absolute node count for the batch drains:
= 600s
gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
--enable-blue-green-upgrade \
--standard-rollout-policy=batch-node-count=2,batch-soak-duration=10s \
Update a node pool with blue-green upgrade using percentage-based batch sizes
This command creates a node pool with the following customized blue-green configuration, using a percentage for the batch drains:
= 25% (of the node pool size)BATCH_SOAK_DURATION
= 1800s
gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
--enable-blue-green-upgrade \
--standard-rollout-policy=batch-percent=0.25,batch-soak-duration=10s \
Switching back to surge upgrades
You can change the behavior of blue-green upgrades with settings, and control the upgrade process with commands.
However, if you want to use surge upgrades instead, run the following command to switch back to surge upgrades:
gcloud container node-pools update NODE_POOL_NAME \
--cluster=CLUSTER_NAME \
Inspect the upgrade settings of a node pool
To inspect the current upgrade settings of a node pool, you can use the following command to describe the node pool:
gcloud container node-pools describe NODE_POOL_NAME \
The following snippet is an example output of the command. The strategy
indicates the upgrade strategy in use: SURGE indicates that the surge
upgrade strategy is enabled, and BLUE_GREEN indicates that the blue-green
upgrade strategy is enabled.
nodePoolSoakDuration: 1800s
batchNodeCount: 1
batchSoakDuration: 10s
strategy: BLUE_GREEN
This command also shows you the current phase of an in-progress blue-green upgrade. Learn more about checking the upgrade settings of a node pool.
What's next
- Learn more about node upgrade strategies.
- Learn how to manually upgrade your node pools.