Optimize Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver for GKE performance

This guide shows you how to optimize the performance of the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

While Cloud Storage FUSE offers flexibility and scalability, careful configuration and tuning are crucial to achieve optimal performance. The performance of Cloud Storage FUSE can differ from a POSIX file system in terms of latency, throughput, and consistency. The goal of tuning is to minimize the overhead of metadata operations and maximize the efficiency of data access. If you are running AI/ML applications that consume data in Cloud Storage buckets, tuning the CSI driver can lead to faster training and inference times for your AI/ML applications.

This guide is for Developers and Machine learning (ML) engineers who want to improve the performance of their applications that access data stored in Cloud Storage buckets.

Before reading this page, ensure you're familiar with the basics of Cloud Storage, Kubernetes, and the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver. Make sure to also check the GKE version requirements for specific features you want to use.

Configure mount options

The Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver supports mount options to configure how Cloud Storage buckets are mounted on your local file system. For the full list of supported mount options, see the Cloud Storage FUSE CLI file documentation.

You can specify mount options in the following ways, depending on the type of volume you are using:

CSI ephemeral volume

If you use CSI ephemeral volumes, specify the mount options in the spec.volumes[n].csi.volumeAttributes.mountOptions field of your Pod manifest.

You must specify the mount options as a string, with flags separated by commas and without spaces. For example:

  mountOptions: "implicit-dirs,file-cache:enable-parallel-downloads:true,file-cache:download-chunk-size-mb:3"

Persistent volume

If you use persistent volumes, specify the mount options in the spec.mountOptions field in your PersistentVolume manifest.

You must specify the mount options as a list. For example:

    - implicit-dirs
    - file-cache:enable-parallel-downloads:true
    - file-cache:download-chunk-size-mb:3

Mount considerations

Use the following considerations when configuring mounts with the CSI driver:

General considerations

  • The following flags are disallowed: app-name, temp-dir, foreground, log-file, log-format, key-file, token-url, and reuse-token-from-url.
  • Cloud Storage FUSE doesn't make implicit directories visible by default.
  • If you only want to mount a directory in the bucket instead of the entire bucket, pass the directory relative path by using the only-dir=relative/path/to/the/bucket/root flag.

Security and permissions

  • If you use a Security Context for your Pod or container, or if your container image uses a non-root user or group, you must set the uid and gid mount flags. You also need to use the file-mode and dir-mode mount flags to set the file system permissions. Note that you can't run chmod, chown, or chgrp commands against a Cloud Storage FUSE file system, so use uid, gid, file-mode, and dir-mode mount flags to get access for a non-root user or group.

Linux kernel mount options

  • If you need to configure the Linux kernel mount options, you can pass the options using the o flag. For example, if you don't want to permit direct execution of any binaries on the mounted file system, set the o=noexec flag. Each option requires a separate flag, for example, o=noexec,o=noatime. Only the following options are allowed: exec, noexec, atime, noatime, sync, async, and dirsync.

Configure caching

This section provides an overview of caching options available with Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver to enhance performance.

File caching

You can use the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver with file caching to improve the read performance of applications that handle small files from Cloud Storage buckets. The Cloud Storage FUSE file cache feature is a client-based read cache that allows repeated file reads to be served more quickly from cache storage of your choice.

You can choose from a range of storage options for the read cache, including Local SSDs, Persistent Disk-based storage, and RAM disk (memory), based on your price-performance needs.

Enable and use file caching

By default, the file caching feature is disabled on GKE. You must opt-in to enable file caching with the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver.

To enable and control file caching, set the volume attribute fileCacheCapacity or use the file-cache:max-size-mb mount option.

GKE uses an emptyDir volume by default for Cloud Storage FUSE file caching backed by the ephemeral storage configured on the node. This could be the boot disk attached to the node or a Local SSD on the node. If you enable Local SSD on the node, GKE uses the Local SSD to back the emptyDir volume.

You can configure a custom read cache volume for the sidecar container to replace the default emptyDir volume for file caching in read operations.

To learn more about best practices for file caching, see Cloud Storage FUSE performance.

Select the storage for backing your file cache

To select the storage for backing your file cache, refer to these considerations:

  • For GPU and CPU VM families that support Local SSD (for example, A3 VMs), we recommend using Local SSD.

    • For A3+ VMs, GKE automatically sets up Local SSD for your Pods to consume.
    • If your VM family does not support Local SSD, GKE uses the boot disk for caching. The default disk type for the boot disk on GKE is pd-balanced.
    • If your VM family supports Local SSD but doesn't have the ephemeral storage on Local SSD enabled by default, you can enable Local SSD in your node pool. This applies to first and second generation machine families such as N1 and N2 machines. To learn more, see Create a cluster with Local SSD.

      To check if your node has ephemeral storage on Local SSD enabled, run the following command:

      kubectl describe node <code><var>NODE_NAME</var></code> | grep "cloud.google.com/gke-ephemeral-storage-local-ssd"
  • For TPU VM families, especially v6+, we recommend using RAM as a file cache for the best performance as these VM instances have larger RAM.

    • When using RAM, pay attention to out-of-memory (OOM) errors as they cause Pod disruptions. Cloud Storage FUSE consumes memory, so setting up a file cache to consume the sidecar container can result in OOM errors. To prevent such scenarios, adjust your file cache configuration file-cache:max-size-mb field to a smaller value.
    • For other TPU families, we recommend using pd-balanced or pd-ssd. The default disk type for the boot disk on GKE is pd-balanced.
  • Avoid using the boot disk for caching as it can lead to reduced performance and unexpected terminations. Instead, consider using a PersistentVolume backed by a Persistent Disk.

Use RAM disk-based file caching

You can use RAM disk for file caching or parallel download to reduce the overhead of using a boot disk or a Persistent Disk, if you are using a TPU VM with sufficiently large RAM.

To use a RAM disk with the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver, add the following to your manifest:

  - name: gke-gcsfuse-cache
      medium: Memory

Stat cache

The Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver enhances performance by caching file metadata, like size and modification time. The CSI driver enables this stat cache by default and reduces latency by storing information locally instead of repeatedly requesting it from Cloud Storage. You can configure its maximum size (the default is 32 MB) and how long the data stays in the cache (the default is 60 seconds). By fine-tuning the metadata cache, you can reduce API calls to Cloud Storage, to improve application performance and efficiency by minimizing network traffic and latency.

To learn more about best practices for stat caching, see the Cloud Storage FUSE caching overview.

Use metadata prefetch to pre-populate the metadata cache

The metadata prefetch feature lets the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver proactively load relevant metadata about the objects in your Cloud Storage bucket into Cloud Storage FUSE caches. This approach reduces calls to Cloud Storage and is especially beneficial for applications accessing large datasets with many files, such as AI/ML training workloads.

This feature requires GKE version 1.32.0-gke.1538000 or later.

To see performance gains from metadata prefetch, you must set the time to live (TTL) value of metadata cache items to unlimited. Typically, setting a TTL prevents cached content from becoming stale. When you set TTL to unlimited, you must take precaution not to change the contents of the bucket out-of-band (meaning allowing a different workload or actor to modify the workload). Out-of-band changes are not visible locally and could cause consistency issues.

To enable metadata prefetch, make the following configuration changes. We recommend enabling this feature on volumes that are heavily read.

For an example, see the code sample in Improve large file read performance using parallel download.

List cache

To speed up directory listings for applications, you can enable list caching. This feature stores directory listings in memory so repeated requests can be served faster. The list cache is disable by default; you can enable it by setting the kernel-list-cache-ttl-secs parameter in your mount options. This defines how long listings are cached.

Improve large file read performance using parallel download

You can use Cloud Storage FUSE parallel download to accelerate reading large files from Cloud Storage for multi-threaded downloads. Cloud Storage FUSE parallel download can be particularly beneficial for model serving use cases with reads over 1 GB in size.

Common examples include:

  • Model serving, where you need a large prefetch buffer to accelerate model download during instance boot.
  • Checkpoint restores, where you need a read-only data cache to improve one-time access of multiple large files.
Best practice:

Use parallel download for applications that perform single-threaded large file reads. Applications with high read-parallelism (using more than eight threads) may encounter lower performance with this feature.

To use parallel download with the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver, follow these steps:

  1. Create a cluster with file caching enabled, as described in Enable and use file caching.

  2. In your manifest, configure these additional settings using mount options to enable parallel download:

    1. Set file-cache:enable-parallel-downloads:true.
    2. Adjust file-cache:parallel-downloads-per-file, file-cache:parallel-downloads-per-file, file-cache:max-parallel-downloads, and file-cache:download-chunk-size-mb as needed.
  3. (Optional) If needed, consider tuning these volume attributes:

Reduce quota consumption from access control checks

By default, the CSI driver performs access control checks to ensure that the Pod service account has access to your Cloud Storage buckets. This results in additional overhead in the form of Kubernetes Service API, Security Token Service, and IAM calls. Starting in GKE version 1.29.9-gke.1251000, you can use the volume attribute skipCSIBucketAccessCheck to skip such redundant checks and reduce quota consumption.

Inference serving example

The following example shows how to enable parallel download for inference serving:

  1. Create a PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim manifest with the following specification:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
      name: serving-bucket-pv
      - ReadWriteMany
        storage: 64Gi
      persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
      storageClassName: example-storage-class
        namespace: NAMESPACE
        name: serving-bucket-pvc
        - implicit-dirs #avoid if list cache enabled and doing metadata prefetch
        - metadata-cache:ttl-secs:-1
        - metadata-cache:stat-cache-max-size-mb:-1
        - metadata-cache:type-cache-max-size-mb:-1
        - file-cache:max-size-mb:-1
        - file-cache:cache-file-for-range-read:true
        - file-system:kernel-list-cache-ttl-secs:-1
        - file-cache:enable-parallel-downloads:true
        - read_ahead_kb=1024
        driver: gcsfuse.csi.storage.gke.io
        volumeHandle: BUCKET_NAME
          skipCSIBucketAccessCheck: "true"
          gcsfuseMetadataPrefetchOnMount: "true"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: serving-bucket-pvc
      namespace: NAMESPACE
      - ReadWriteMany
          storage: 64Gi
      volumeName: serving-bucket-pv
      storageClassName: example-storage-class

    Replace the following values:

    • NAMESPACE: the Kubernetes namespace where you want to deploy your Pod.
    • BUCKET_NAME: the Cloud Storage bucket name you specified when configuring access to the Cloud Storage buckets. You can specify an underscore (_) to mount all buckets that the Kubernetes ServiceAccount can access. To learn more, see Dynamic mounting in the Cloud Storage FUSE documentation.
  2. Apply the manifest to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f PV_FILE_PATH

    Replace PV_FILE_PATH with the path to your YAML file.

  3. Create a Pod manifest with the following specification to consume the PersistentVolumeClaim, depending on whether you are using Local SSD-backed file caching or RAM disk-backed file caching:

    Local SSD

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: gcs-fuse-csi-example-pod
      namespace: NAMESPACE
        gke-gcsfuse/volumes: "true"
        gke-gcsfuse/cpu-limit: "0"
        gke-gcsfuse/memory-limit: "0"
        gke-gcsfuse/ephemeral-storage-limit: "0"
        # Your workload container spec
        - name: serving-bucket-vol
          mountPath: /serving-data
          readOnly: true
      serviceAccountName: KSA_NAME
      - name: serving-bucket-vol
          claimName: serving-bucket-pvc

    RAM disk

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: gcs-fuse-csi-example-pod
      namespace: NAMESPACE
        gke-gcsfuse/volumes: "true"
        gke-gcsfuse/cpu-limit: "0"
        gke-gcsfuse/memory-limit: "0"
        gke-gcsfuse/ephemeral-storage-limit: "0"
        # Your workload container spec
        - name: serving-bucket-vol
          mountPath: /serving-data
          readOnly: true
      serviceAccountName: KSA_NAME 
        - name: gke-gcsfuse-cache # gcsfuse file cache backed by RAM Disk
            medium: Memory 
      - name: serving-bucket-vol
          claimName: serving-bucket-pvc
  4. Apply the manifest to the cluster:

    kubectl apply -f POD_FILE_PATH

    Replace POD_FILE_PATH with the path to your YAML file.

Configure volume attributes

Volume attributes let you configure specific behavior of the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver.

The Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver doesn't allow you to directly specify the Cloud Storage FUSE configuration file. You can configure some of the fields in the configuration file using the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI volume attributes. The CSI driver handles translating the volume attribute values to the configuration file fields.

For the full list of supported volume attributes, see the Volume attributes reference.

You can specify the volume attributes in the following ways:

  • In the spec.csi.volumeAttributes field on a PersistentVolume manifest, if you use persistent volumes.
  • In the spec.volumes[n].csi.volumeAttributes field, if you use CSI ephemeral volumes.

In the manifest, the volume attributes can be specified as key-value pairs. For example:

  mountOptions: "implicit-dirs"
  fileCacheCapacity: "-1"
  gcsfuseLoggingSeverity: warning

Cloud Storage FUSE metrics

The following Cloud Storage FUSE metrics are now available through the GKE Monitoring API. Details about Cloud Storage FUSE metrics such as labels, type, and unit can be found in GKE System Metrics. These metrics are available for each Pod that uses Cloud Storage FUSE and you can use metrics to configure insights per volume and bucket.

Metrics are disabled by default. To enable them, set the volume attribute disableMetrics to "false".

File system metrics

File system metrics track the performance and health of your file system, including the number of operations, errors, and operation speed. These metrics can help identify bottlenecks and optimize performance.

  • gcsfusecsi/fs_ops_count
  • gcsfusecsi/fs_ops_error_count
  • gcsfusecsi/fs_ops_latency

Cloud Storage metrics

You can monitor Cloud Storage metrics, including data volume, speed, and request activity, to understand how your applications interact with Cloud Storage buckets. This data can help you identify areas for optimization, such as improving read patterns or reducing the number of requests.

  • gcsfusecsi/gcs_download_bytes_count
  • gcsfusecsi/gcs_read_count
  • gcsfusecsi/gcs_read_bytes_count
  • gcsfusecsi/gcs_reader_count
  • gcsfusecsi/gcs_request_count
  • gcsfusecsi/gcs_request_latencies

File cache metrics

You can monitor file cache metrics, including data read volume, speed, and cache hit rate, to optimize Cloud Storage FUSE and application performance. Analyze these metrics to improve your caching strategy and maximize cache hits.

  • gcsfusecsi/file_cache_read_bytes_count
  • gcsfusecsi/file_cache_read_latencies
  • gcsfusecsi/file_cache_read_count

Best practices for performance tuning

This section lists some recommended performance tuning and optimization techniques for the Cloud Storage FUSE CSI driver.

  • Leverage Hierarchical Namespace (HNS) buckets: Opt for HNS buckets to achieve a substantial 8x increase in initial Queries Per Second (QPS). This choice also facilitates swift and atomic directory renames, a crucial requirement for efficient checkpointing with Cloud Storage FUSE. HNS buckets ensure a better file-like experience by supporting 40,000 object read requests and 8,000 object write requests per second, a significant improvement compared to the 8,000 object read requests and 1,000 object write requests per second offered by flat buckets.

  • Mount specific directories when possible: If your workload involves accessing a specific directory within a bucket, use the --only-dir flag during mounting. This focused approach expedites list calls, as it limits the scope of LookUpInode calls, which involve a list+stat call for every file or directory in the specified path. By narrowing the mount to the required subdirectory, you minimize these calls, leading to performance gains.

  • Optimize metadata caching: Configure your metadata caches to maximize their capacity and set an infinite time to live (TTL). This practice effectively caches all accessed metadata for the duration of your job, minimizing metadata access requests to Cloud Storage. This configuration proves particularly beneficial for read-only volumes, as it eliminates repeated Cloud Storage metadata lookups. However, verify that the memory consumption associated with these large metadata caches aligns with your system's capabilities.

  • Maximize GKE sidecar resources: Cloud Storage FUSE operates within a sidecar container in a GKE environment. To prevent resource bottlenecks, remove limitations on CPU and memory consumption for the sidecar container. This allows Cloud Storage FUSE to scale its resource utilization based on workload demands, preventing throttling and ensuring optimal throughput.

  • Populate the metadata cache proactively: Enable metadata prefetch for the CSI driver. This efficiently populates the metadata and list caches, minimizing metadata calls to Cloud Storage and accelerating the initial run. Many ML frameworks perform this automatically, but it's crucial to ensure this step for custom training code. To learn more, see Use metadata prefetch to pre-populate the metadata cach.

  • Utilize file cache and parallel downloads: Enable the file cache feature, especially for multi-epoch training workloads, where data is read repeatedly. The file cache stores frequently accessed data on local storage (SSD in the case of A3 machines), improving read performance. Complement this with the parallel downloads feature, particularly for serving workloads, to expedite the download of large files by splitting them into smaller chunks and downloading them concurrently.

  • Optimize checkpoints: For checkpointing with Cloud Storage FUSE, we strongly recommend using an HNS bucket. If using a non-HNS bucket, set the rename-dir-limit parameter to a high value to accommodate the directory renames often employed by ML frameworks during checkpointing. However, be aware that directory renames in non-HNS buckets might not be atomic and could take longer to complete.

  • Enable list caching: Engage list caching using the --kernel-list-cache-ttl-secs flag to further enhance performance. This feature caches directory and file listings, improving the speed of ls operations. List caching is especially beneficial for workloads involving repeated full directory listings, common in AI/ML training scenarios. It's advisable to use list caching with read-only mounts to maintain data consistency.

  • Increase kernel read ahead: For workloads that primarily involve sequential reads of large files, such as serving and checkpoint-restore, increasing the read-ahead size can significantly enhance performance. To increase Cloud Storage FUSE read-ahead, specify the read_ahead_kb flag in mountOptions and set it to 1MB (e.g. read_ahead_kb=1024). This feature requires GKE version 1.32.2-gke.1182000 or later.

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