
本页面介绍了 Spanner 定向读取及其使用方法。

Spanner 中的定向读取提供了灵活的路由选择 只读事务单次读取操作 多区域实例配置中的副本类型或区域,或自定义的 具有可选只读区域的区域级配置。



  • 更好地控制跨多个区域的负载均衡工作负载,以实现更均衡的 CPU 利用率,并避免过度预配 Spanner 实例。
  • 启用工作负载隔离。您可以将分析工作负载和 将读取流式传输到特定实例 Spanner 副本可最大限度地降低对事务性工作负载的影响 在同一个 Spanner 数据库上运行。


查询操作 是否支持定向读取?

读写事务分区 DML 类型的批量更新不支持有针对性地读取。这是因为读写事务必须在主区域中处理。如果在读写事务中使用有针对性读取,则事务会失败并出现 BAD_REQUEST 错误。


Spanner 有向读取具有以下限制:

  • 您只能在满足以下条件的 Spanner 实例中使用定向读取: (采用多区域实例配置) 或具有可选只读区域的自定义区域配置
  • 您无法将定向读取与读写请求搭配使用,因为写入请求始终由主区域处理。
  • 您无法在 Google Cloud 控制台或 Google Cloud CLI 中使用定向读取。时间是 可使用 RESTRPC API 和 Spanner 客户端库。
  • 您可以在单个定向读取中最多指定 10 个副本。



  • 如果您将读取路由到距离应用最近的副本或区域以外的副本或区域,应用可能会产生额外的延迟时间。
  • 您可以根据以下条件路由流量:
    • 地区名称(例如:us-central1)。
    • 副本类型(可能的值:READ_ONLYREAD_WRITE)。
  • 有选择性读取中的自动故障切换选项默认处于启用状态。当自动故障转移选项处于启用状态且所有指定的副本均不可用或运行状况不佳时,Spanner 会将请求路由到 includeReplicas 列表之外的副本。如果您停用了自动故障转移选项,并且所有指定的副本均不可用或不健康,则定向读取请求会失败。


如果您使用 REST 或 RPC API 执行定向读取,则必须定义 directedReadOptions 参数中的这些字段。您只能包含 includeReplicasexcludeReplicas 之一,不能同时包含这两者。

  • includeReplicas:包含一组重复的 replicaSelections。此列表指明了系统应考虑对特定区域或副本类型执行有针对性读取的顺序。您最多可以指定 10 个 includeReplicas

    • replicaSelections:由主副本 location 或读取副本 type 处理定向读取请求。如果您使用 includeReplicas,则必须至少提供以下字段之一:

      • location:传送定向读取请求的位置。通过 位置必须是多区域位置中的一个区域 数据库配置如果该位置不属于 数据库多区域配置内的区域 请求的路由。而是由 最近的区域例如,您可以在多区域实例配置 nam6 中将读取操作定向到数据库的位置 us-central1

        您还可以使用 leaderlocation non-leader 字符串字面量。如果您输入 leader 值, Spanner 会将您的请求定向到数据库的 主副本。反之,如果您输入 non-leader 值,Spanner 会在距离最近的非主副本中执行请求。

      • type:处理定向读取请求的副本类型。可能的类型包括 READ_WRITEREAD_ONLY

    • autoFailoverDisabled:默认设置为 False,表示自动 已启用故障切换。启用自动故障切换选项后,且所有 指定副本不可用或运行状况不佳,Spanner 将请求路由到 includeReplicas 列表之外的副本。如果您 停用自动故障切换选项,并且所有指定的副本均已 不可用或运行状况不佳,则定向读取请求将失败。可能的值 包含 TRUE(表示已停用),FALSE(表示已启用)。

  • excludeReplicas:包含一组重复的 replicaSelections,这些 replicaSelections 会从广告投放请求中排除。Spanner 不进行路由 副本数量请求。

    • replicaSelections:排除的位置或副本类型 以阻止传送定向读取请求如果您使用的是 excludeReplicas,则必须至少提供以下字段之一:
      • location:从处理定向读取请求中排除的位置。
      • type:从处理定向读取请求中排除的副本类型。可能的类型包括 READ_WRITEREAD_ONLY

如需查看 REST 请求正文示例,请点击使用有针对性读取部分中的 REST 标签页。


您可以使用 Spanner 客户端库以及 REST API 和 RPC API 来 执行定向读取操作



void DirectedRead(std::string const& project_id, std::string const& instance_id,
                  std::string const& database_id) {
  namespace spanner = ::google::cloud::spanner;

  // Create a client with a DirectedReadOption.
  auto client = spanner::Client(
          spanner::Database(project_id, instance_id, database_id)),

  spanner::SqlStatement select(
      "SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums");
  using RowType = std::tuple<std::int64_t, std::int64_t, std::string>;

  // A DirectedReadOption on the operation will override the option set
  // at the client level.
  auto rows = client.ExecuteQuery(
  for (auto& row : spanner::StreamOf<RowType>(rows)) {
    if (!row) throw std::move(row).status();
    std::cout << "SingerId: " << std::get<0>(*row)
              << " AlbumId: " << std::get<1>(*row)
              << " AlbumTitle: " << std::get<2>(*row) << "\n";
  std::cout << "Read completed for [spanner_directed_read]\n";


using Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data;
using Google.Cloud.Spanner.V1;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class DirectedReadsAsyncSample
    public class Album
        public int SingerId { get; set; }
        public int AlbumId { get; set; }
        public string AlbumTitle { get; set; }

    public async Task<List<Album>> DirectedReadsAsync(string projectId, string instanceId, string databaseId)
        string connectionString = $"Data Source=projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}/databases/{databaseId}";
        using var connection = new SpannerConnection(connectionString);

        using var cmd = connection.CreateSelectCommand("SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums");
        // Set directed read options on a query or read command.
        cmd.DirectedReadOptions = new DirectedReadOptions
            IncludeReplicas = new DirectedReadOptions.Types.IncludeReplicas
                AutoFailoverDisabled = true,
                ReplicaSelections =
                    new DirectedReadOptions.Types.ReplicaSelection
                        Location = "us-central1",
                        Type = DirectedReadOptions.Types.ReplicaSelection.Types.Type.ReadOnly

        var albums = new List<Album>();
        using var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
        while (await reader.ReadAsync())
            albums.Add(new Album
                AlbumId = reader.GetFieldValue<int>("AlbumId"),
                SingerId = reader.GetFieldValue<int>("SingerId"),
                AlbumTitle = reader.GetFieldValue<string>("AlbumTitle")
        return albums;


import (

	sppb "cloud.google.com/go/spanner/apiv1/spannerpb"

//	Shows how to run a query with directed read options.
//	Only one of ExcludeReplicas or IncludeReplicas can be set
//	Each accepts a list of ReplicaSelections which contains Location and Type
//	* `location` - The location must be one of the regions within the
//	multi-region configuration of your database.
//	* `type` - The type of the replica
//	Some examples of using replica_selectors are:
//	* `location:us-east1` --> The "us-east1" replica(s) of any available type
//		will be used to process the request.
//	* `type:READ_ONLY`    --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s) in nearest
//	available location will be used to process the
//	request.
//	* `location:us-east1 type:READ_ONLY` --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s)
//	in location "us-east1" will be used to process the request.
//		IncludeReplicas also contains an option for AutoFailoverDisabled which when set
//	Spanner will not route requests to a replica outside the
//	IncludeReplicas list when all the specified replicas are unavailable
//	or unhealthy. The default value is `false`

func directedReadOptions(w io.Writer, db string) error {
	// db = `projects/<project>/instances/<instance-id>/database/<database-id>`
	ctx := context.Background()
	directedReadOptionsForClient := &sppb.DirectedReadOptions{
		Replicas: &sppb.DirectedReadOptions_ExcludeReplicas_{
			ExcludeReplicas: &sppb.DirectedReadOptions_ExcludeReplicas{
				ReplicaSelections: []*sppb.DirectedReadOptions_ReplicaSelection{
						Location: "us-east4",
	// DirectedReadOptions can be set at client level and will be used in all read-only transaction requests
	client, err := spanner.NewClientWithConfig(ctx, db, spanner.ClientConfig{DirectedReadOptions: directedReadOptionsForClient})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer client.Close()

	// DirectedReadOptions set at Request level will override the options set at Client level.
	directedReadOptionsForRequest := &sppb.DirectedReadOptions{
		Replicas: &sppb.DirectedReadOptions_IncludeReplicas_{
			IncludeReplicas: &sppb.DirectedReadOptions_IncludeReplicas{
				ReplicaSelections: []*sppb.DirectedReadOptions_ReplicaSelection{
						Type: sppb.DirectedReadOptions_ReplicaSelection_READ_ONLY,
				AutoFailoverDisabled: true,

	statement := spanner.Statement{SQL: `SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums`}
	// // Read rows while passing directedReadOptions directly to the query.
	iter := client.Single().QueryWithOptions(ctx, statement, spanner.QueryOptions{DirectedReadOptions: directedReadOptionsForRequest})
	defer iter.Stop()
	for {
		row, err := iter.Next()
		if err == iterator.Done {
			return nil
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var singerID, albumID int64
		var albumTitle string
		if err := row.Columns(&singerID, &albumID, &albumTitle); err != nil {
			return err
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d %d %s\n", singerID, albumID, albumTitle)


import com.google.cloud.spanner.DatabaseClient;
import com.google.cloud.spanner.DatabaseId;
import com.google.cloud.spanner.Options;
import com.google.cloud.spanner.ResultSet;
import com.google.cloud.spanner.Spanner;
import com.google.cloud.spanner.SpannerOptions;
import com.google.cloud.spanner.Statement;
import com.google.spanner.v1.DirectedReadOptions;
import com.google.spanner.v1.DirectedReadOptions.ExcludeReplicas;
import com.google.spanner.v1.DirectedReadOptions.IncludeReplicas;
import com.google.spanner.v1.DirectedReadOptions.ReplicaSelection;

public class DirectedReadSample {
  static void directedRead() {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    final String projectId = "my-project";
    final String instanceId = "my-instance";
    final String databaseId = "my-database";
    directedRead(projectId, instanceId, databaseId);

  static void directedRead(String projectId, String instanceId, String databaseId) {
    // Only one of excludeReplicas or includeReplicas can be set
    // Each accepts a list of replicaSelections which contains location and type
    //   * `location` - The location must be one of the regions within the
    //      multi-region configuration of your database.
    //   * `type` - The type of the replica
    // Some examples of using replicaSelectors are:
    //   * `location:us-east1` --> The "us-east1" replica(s) of any available type
    //                             will be used to process the request.
    //   * `type:READ_ONLY`    --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s) in nearest
    // .                            available location will be used to process the
    //                             request.
    //   * `location:us-east1 type:READ_ONLY` --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s)
    //                          in location "us-east1" will be used to process
    //                          the request.
    //  includeReplicas also contains an option called autoFailoverDisabled, which when set to true
    //  will instruct Spanner to not route requests to a replica outside the
    //  includeReplicas list when all the specified replicas are unavailable
    //  or unhealthy. Default value is `false`.
    final DirectedReadOptions directedReadOptionsForClient =

    // You can set default `DirectedReadOptions` for a Spanner client. These options will be applied
    // to all read-only transactions that are executed by this client, unless specific
    // DirectedReadOptions are set for a query.
    // Directed read can only be used for read-only transactions. The default options will be
    // ignored for any read/write transaction that the client executes.
    try (Spanner spanner =
            .getService()) {
      final DatabaseClient dbClient =
          spanner.getDatabaseClient(DatabaseId.of(projectId, instanceId, databaseId));

      // DirectedReadOptions at request level will override the options set at
      // client level (through SpannerOptions).
      final DirectedReadOptions directedReadOptionsForRequest =

      // Read rows while passing DirectedReadOptions directly to the query.
      try (ResultSet rs =
                  Statement.of("SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums"),
                  Options.directedRead(directedReadOptionsForRequest))) {
        while (rs.next()) {
              "SingerId: %d, AlbumId: %d, AlbumTitle: %s\n",
              rs.getLong(0), rs.getLong(1), rs.getString(2));
        System.out.println("Successfully executed read-only transaction with directedReadOptions");


// Imports the Google Cloud Spanner client library
const {Spanner, protos} = require('@google-cloud/spanner');

// Only one of excludeReplicas or includeReplicas can be set
// Each accepts a list of replicaSelections which contains location and type
//   * `location` - The location must be one of the regions within the
//      multi-region configuration of your database.
//   * `type` - The type of the replica
// Some examples of using replicaSelectors are:
//   * `location:us-east1` --> The "us-east1" replica(s) of any available type
//                             will be used to process the request.
//   * `type:READ_ONLY`    --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s) in nearest
//.                            available location will be used to process the
//                             request.
//   * `location:us-east1 type:READ_ONLY` --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s)
//                          in location "us-east1" will be used to process
//                          the request.
//  includeReplicas also contains an option for autoFailover which when set
//  Spanner will not route requests to a replica outside the
//  includeReplicas list when all the specified replicas are unavailable
//  or unhealthy. The default value is `false`
const directedReadOptionsForClient = {
  excludeReplicas: {
    replicaSelections: [
        location: 'us-east4',

// Instantiates a client with directedReadOptions
const spanner = new Spanner({
  projectId: projectId,
  directedReadOptions: directedReadOptionsForClient,

async function spannerDirectedReads() {
  // Gets a reference to a Cloud Spanner instance and backup
  const instance = spanner.instance(instanceId);
  const database = instance.database(databaseId);
  const directedReadOptionsForRequest = {
    includeReplicas: {
      replicaSelections: [
          type: protos.google.spanner.v1.DirectedReadOptions.ReplicaSelection
      autoFailoverDisabled: true,

  await database.getSnapshot(async (err, transaction) => {
    if (err) {
    try {
      // Read rows while passing directedReadOptions directly to the query.
      // These will override the options passed at Client level.
      const [rows] = await transaction.run({
        sql: 'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums',
        directedReadOptions: directedReadOptionsForRequest,
      rows.forEach(row => {
        const json = row.toJSON();
          `SingerId: ${json.SingerId}, AlbumId: ${json.AlbumId}, AlbumTitle: ${json.AlbumTitle}`
        'Successfully executed read-only transaction with directedReadOptions'
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('ERROR:', err);
    } finally {
      // Close the database when finished.
      await database.close();


use Google\Cloud\Spanner\SpannerClient;
use Google\Cloud\Spanner\V1\DirectedReadOptions\ReplicaSelection\Type as ReplicaType;

 * Queries sample data from the database with directed read options.
 * Example:
 * ```
 * directed_read($instanceId, $databaseId);
 * ```
 * @param string $instanceId The Spanner instance ID.
 * @param string $databaseId The Spanner database ID.
function directed_read(string $instanceId, string $databaseId): void
    $directedReadOptionsForClient = [
        'directedReadOptions' => [
            'excludeReplicas' => [
                'replicaSelections' => [
                        'location' => 'us-east4'

    $directedReadOptionsForRequest = [
        'directedReadOptions' => [
            'includeReplicas' => [
                'replicaSelections' => [
                        'type' => ReplicaType::READ_WRITE
                'autoFailoverDisabled' => true

    $spanner = new SpannerClient($directedReadOptionsForClient);
    $instance = $spanner->instance($instanceId);
    $database = $instance->database($databaseId);
    $snapshot = $database->snapshot();

    // directedReadOptions at Request level will override the options set at
    // Client level
    $results = $snapshot->execute(
        'SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums',

    foreach ($results as $row) {
        printf('SingerId: %s, AlbumId: %s, AlbumTitle: %s' . PHP_EOL,
            $row['SingerId'], $row['AlbumId'], $row['AlbumTitle']);


# instance_id = "your-spanner-instance"
# database_id = "your-spanner-db-id"

directed_read_options_for_client = {
    "exclude_replicas": {
        "replica_selections": [
                "location": "us-east4",

# directed_read_options can be set at client level and will be used in all
# read-only transaction requests
spanner_client = spanner.Client(
instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)
database = instance.database(database_id)

directed_read_options_for_request = {
    "include_replicas": {
        "replica_selections": [
                "type_": DirectedReadOptions.ReplicaSelection.Type.READ_ONLY,
        "auto_failover_disabled": True,

with database.snapshot() as snapshot:
    # Read rows while passing directed_read_options directly to the query.
    # These will override the options passed at Client level.
    results = snapshot.execute_sql(
        "SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums",

    for row in results:
        print("SingerId: {}, AlbumId: {}, AlbumTitle: {}".format(*row))


require "google/cloud/spanner"

# This is a snippet for showcasing how to pass in directed read options.
# @param project_id  [String] The ID of the Google Cloud project.
# @param instance_id [String] The ID of the spanner instance.
# @param database_id [String] The ID of the database.
def spanner_directed_read project_id:, instance_id:, database_id:
  # Only one of exclude_replicas or include_replicas can be set.
  # Each accepts a list of replica_selections which contains location and type
  #   * `location` - The location must be one of the regions within the
  #      multi-region configuration of your database.
  #   * `type` - The type of the replica
  # Some examples of using replicaSelectors are:
  #   * `location:us-east1` --> The "us-east1" replica(s) of any available type
  #                             will be used to process the request.
  #   * `type:READ_ONLY`    --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s) in the nearest
  # .                            available location will be used to process the
  #                             request.
  #   * `location:us-east1 type:READ_ONLY` --> The "READ_ONLY" type replica(s)
  #                          in location "us-east1" will be used to process
  #                          the request.
  #  include_replicas also contains an option for auto_failover_disabled. If set
  #  Spanner will not route requests to a replica outside the
  #  include_replicas list even if all the specified replicas are
  #  unavailable or unhealthy. The default value is `false`.
  directed_read_options_for_client = {
    include_replicas: {
      replica_selections: [{ location: "us-east4" }]

  # Instantiates a client with directedReadOptions
  spanner = Google::Cloud::Spanner.new project: project_id
  client  = spanner.client instance_id, database_id, directed_read_options: directed_read_options_for_client

  directed_read_options = {
    include_replicas: {
      replica_selections: [{ type: "READ_WRITE" }],
      auto_failover_disabled: true

  result = client.execute_sql "SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums", directed_read_options: directed_read_options
  result.rows.each do |row|
    puts "SingerId: #{row[:SingerId]}"
    puts "AlbumId: #{row[:AlbumId]}"
    puts "AlbumTitle: #{row[:AlbumTitle]}"
  puts "Successfully executed read-only transaction with directed_read_options"


您可以使用以下 REST API 执行有针对性地读取:

例如,如需使用 executeSQLus-central1 中执行有针对性的读取,请执行以下操作:

  1. 点击“projects.instances.databases.sessions.executeSql”。

  2. 对于 session,输入:



    • PROJECT-ID:项目 ID。
    • INSTANCE-ID:实例 ID。
    • DATABASE-ID:数据库 ID。
    • SESSION-ID:会话 ID。 您在创建会话时会收到 SESSION-ID 值。
  3. 对于 Request body,使用以下内容:

      "directedReadOptions": {
        "includeReplicas": {
          "replicaSelections": [
              "location": "us-central1",
      "sql": "SELECT SingerId, AlbumId, AlbumTitle FROM Albums"
  4. 点击 Execute。该响应会显示查询结果。


您可以使用以下 RPC API 执行有针对性地读取:


Spanner 提供了一个延迟时间指标,帮助您监控 读取实例中的 activity。该指标适用于 Cloud Monitoring

  • spanner.googleapis.com/api/read_request_latencies_by_serving_location

您可以使用 /serving_location/is_directed_read 字段。/serving location 字段用于指明 请求来源的 Spanner 服务器的位置。/is_directed_read 字段指示是否启用了定向读取选项。

如需查看可用指标的完整列表,请参阅 Spanner 的指标列表
