Backups overview

This document provides an overview of Spanner backups and backup schedules.

Spanner lets you create full backups of databases on demand and full or incremental backups using a backup schedule. Full backups store the entire data of a database, whereas incremental backups contain only the data that has changed since a previous backup.

You can restore the backups when operator or application errors cause logical data corruption.

Backups are highly available, encrypted, and can be retained for up to a year from the time they are created. When you create a backup, the backup resides in the same instance, region, and project as its source database. If you need to restore the backup in a different region or project for compliance or business continuity reasons, you can copy the backup to an instance in a separate region or project.

Key features

  • Data consistency: Backups of a Spanner database are transactionally and externally consistent at the versionTime of the backup.

  • Replication: Backups reside in the same instance as their source database and are replicated in the same geographic locations. For regional instances, the backup is stored in each of the three read-write zones. For dual-region and multi-regional instances, the backup is stored in all zones that contain either a read-write or read-only replica. If you need to store the backup of your database in a different region or project, you can copy the completed backup from the source instance to a destination instance located in a different region or project. For more information, see copy a backup.

  • Automatic expiration: All backups have a user-specified expiration date which determines when it is automatically deleted. Spanner deletes expired backups asynchronously, so there might be a lag between when a backup is expired and when it's actually deleted.

Backup creation

When you create a backup, the backup resides in the same instance, region, and project as its source database. A backup contains the following information from the database at the versionTime of the backup:

  • A full backup contains all of the data. An incremental backup contains only the data that has changed since a previous backup.
  • Schema information, including table names, fields, data types, secondary indexes, change streams, and the relationships between these entities.
  • All database options that are set with the ALTER DATABASE SET OPTIONS command.

A Spanner backup does not include the following information:

  • Any modifications to the data or schema after the versionTime.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.
  • Change stream data records. Although the change streams schema is stored, the change stream data is meant to be streamed out and consumed near-simultaneously with the changes it describes.

To help ensure external consistency of the backup, Spanner pins the contents of the database at versionTime. This prevents the garbage collection system from removing the relevant data values for the duration of the backup operation. Then, every read-write and read-only zone in the instance begins copying the data in parallel. If any zone is temporarily unavailable, the backup is not complete until the zone comes back online. Backups are restorable as soon as the operation is complete. For multi-region instances, all read-write and read-only zones in all regions must complete their backup replicas before the backup is marked as restorable.

Backup schedules

Spanner lets you schedule full or incremental backups for databases. An incremental backup contains only the data that has changed since a previous backup, whereas full backups store the entire contents of the database. You can specify the backup schedule type (full or incremental) and frequency for Spanner to create backups.

A full backup schedule can create a backup every 12 hours or more. An incremental backup schedule can create a backup every 4 hours or more.

Spanner offers incremental backups for your database through a backup schedule. You can't create an incremental backup on demand.

The backup creation begins within a four-hour window of the scheduled time. You can have a maximum of four backup schedules per database.

Incremental backups

Incremental backups form chains between full backups. The first backup created by an incremental backup schedule is a full backup. The consecutive backups created in the chain are incremental backups, each containing only the data that has changed since the previous backup in the chain.

Spanner permits up to 13 incremental backups per chain, in addition to the initial full backup. A chain is identified by the corresponding incrementalBackupChainId value. When a chain reaches its maximum length, Spanner creates a new chain, beginning with the initial full backup.

In some scenarios, Spanner might create a new chain before the maximum chain length occurs. The following are a few of the scenarios:

  • The oldest full backup was taken 28 or more days ago.
  • The newest backup in the chain is deleted.
  • The incremental backup schedule is modified.

Here are some factors that can help you make a decision about using incremental backups:

  • Encryption: Incremental backups support encryption using Google-managed keys only, even if the database is encrypted by a customer-managed encryption key (CMEK).

  • Restoration: Restoring an incremental backup might take longer than restoring a full backup that contains the same data.

  • Deletion: If you delete a backup in a chain or it expires, Spanner might still keep the backup to support newer backups in the chain, if any exist. Spanner needs all the older backups in the chain to restore an incremental backup. To delete all the data in a chain of backups, including that of expired or deleted backups, delete all the backups in the chain.

  • Retention: Each backup schedule has the following terms that offer information about the schedule:

    • creation_interval: represents the specified schedule frequency for the backup schedule.
    • retention_duration: represents how long the backups created by the schedule are retained. For a given chain, the oldest full backup is retained past its original expiration date if it is needed to support newer backups in the chain. The total retention duration for the full backup is at most the lower of the following values:
      • retention_duration + 28 days
      • retention_duration + (creation_interval*14)
  • Backup copy: When you copy an incremental backup, Spanner copies the chain of backups, starting from the initial full backup and ending with the specific incremental backup you want to copy. Spanner charges you based on the total storage used.

For more information about creating incremental backups, see Create and manage backup schedules.

Storage costs for full and incremental backups

Each Spanner backup has the following fields that offer information about storage consumption:

  • exclusiveSizeBytes: shows the number of bytes required by the backup. This size represents the billable size of the backup.
  • freeableSizeBytes: shows the number of bytes that are released if you delete the backup.
  • oldestVersionTime: shows the versionTime of the oldest full backup in the chain, even if that backup has expired. You can use this field to understand which data is being stored.

Incremental backups can save you storage costs. An incremental backup might have a significantly smaller exclusiveSizeBytes field than a full backup as the incremental backup only needs to store the changes since the previous backup in the chain. Adding this field value for each backup in the chain reflects the total number of bytes used by the backups in the chain.

An incremental backup is dependent on all older backups in the same chain for restoration. This means that if a newer incremental backup exists, the data of all older backups in the chain cannot be deleted from the system and the freeableSizeBytes field for all older backups in the same chain is zero.

Consider that you created a full backup schedule and an incremental backup schedule for a database that has a size of 100 GB and increases by 10 GB every day. The following table shows possible storage costs for these backup schedules:

Day Full schedule backup size Incremental schedule backup size
1 100 GB 100 GB
2 110 GB 10 GB
3 120 GB 10 GB
4 130 GB 10 GB
5 140 GB 10 GB

Over 5 days, the full backup schedule uses 600 GB of storage, while the incremental backup schedule uses about 140 GB of storage. For an incremental backup schedule, the full backup size is the sum of the sizes of all backups in the chain, up to that backup and is reflected in the sizeBytes field.

How backup copying works

Spanner backup and restore lets you copy a backup of your Spanner database from one instance to another instance in a different region or project, to provide additional data protection and compliance capabilities. The copied backup has the same key features as the original backup. Additionally, you can restore a copied backup in the same instance as the copied backup to support cross-region and cross-project backup and restore use cases.

Where Spanner backups are stored

Backups are resources in Spanner. Each backup resource is organized under the same instance as its source database in the resource hierarchy and has a resource path that uses the following format:


Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID.
  • INSTANCE_ID: the instance ID.
  • BACKUP_NAME: the backup name.

A backup continues to exist even after its source database has been deleted, but it can't outlive its parent instance. To prevent accidental deletion of backups, you can't delete a Spanner instance if it has backups. If you want to delete the instance, we recommend restoring the backup, then exporting the restored database, before deleting the backup and the instance.


Spanner backups, like databases, are encrypted by either Google-managed encryption keys or by customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK). By default, a backup uses the same encryption configuration as its database, but you can override this behavior by specifying a different encryption configuration when creating the backup. If the backup is CMEK-enabled, it is encrypted using the primary version of the KMS key at the time of backup creation. After the backup is created, its key and key version can't be modified, even if the KMS key is rotated. For more information, see create a CMEK-enabled backup.

A copied backup uses the same encryption configuration, either Google-managed or customer-managed (CMEK), as its source backup encryption. You can override this behavior by specifying a different encryption configuration when copying the backup. If you want the copied backup to be encrypted with CMEK when copying across regions, specify the Cloud KMS key key corresponding to the destination region.

You can specify the encryption configuration when creating or modifying the backup schedule. If you want the backup schedule to create backups that are encrypted by CMEK keys, you need to specify the key path.

Incremental backups support encryption using only Google-managed keys, even if the database is encrypted by a CMEK key.


This section describes optimal backup performance in Spanner.

Performance when backing up

When performing a backup, Spanner creates a backup job to copy data directly from the database to backup storage, and sizes this job based on the size of the database. This backup job does not use CPU resources allocated to the database's instance so it does not affect the instance's performance. Moreover, compute load on the database's instance does not affect the speed of the backup operation. To track the progress and completion of a backup operation, see Show backup progress.

Generally, most backups take 1-4 hours. Some backups might take longer due to their size or because there is internal queueing for resources. If a backup is taking longer than usual when no other factors have changed, it might be due to a delay in scheduling the backup task in a zone. This can sometimes take up to 30 minutes. We recommend that you do not cancel and restart the backup, as it's likely you'll encounter the same scheduling delay with the new backup operation.

Performance when copying a backup

The time it takes to copy a backup depends on factors such as the size of the source backup and the destination region chosen for the copied backup. Generally, most copies complete in 1-4 hours. Some copies might take longer depending on the backup size and destination region. Copying a backup doesn't have any performance implications on the source instance or database. You can make multiple concurrent copies of the source backup to instances in different regions without any performance implications issues.

When you copy an incremental backup, Spanner copies all of the newer backups in the chain. Instead of copying the chain of backups one by one, Spanner copies all the backups simultaneously for improved performance.

Delete a backup

When you delete an incremental backup, you might not recover storage if there are newer incremental backups present in the same chain. The newer incremental backups depend on the data present in the deleted incremental backup and the older backups in the chain. Spanner retains the data and only releases the storage when all the newer incremental backups expire. The freeableSizeBytes field shows how much storage space you can regain if you delete the backup.


You are billed based on the amount of storage used by your backups per unit time. Billing begins after the backup operation is complete and continues until the backup is deleted. A completed backup is billed for a minimum of 24 hours. If you create a backup and then delete it soon after it finishes, you are still billed for 24 hours.

A copy of a backup is subject to the same storage costs as an original backup. If you create a copy between two instances that occupy different regions, then outbound data transfer costs apply.

For example, if you copy your database from the source multi-region instance configuration nam7 to the destination multi-region instance configuration nam-eur-asia3, the following charges apply:

  • No charge for overlapping us-central1 region
  • No charge for witness us-central2 region
  • Inter-continental data transfer charge apply twice: once for each new continent (Europe and Asia)
  • Data transfer between regions within the same continent charge apply once for us-east1
  • Data transfer between regions within the same continent charge apply once in Europe

Spanner optimizes the copying process to minimize the number of cross-region transfers. This helps to minimize the data transfer costs while providing a fast copy backup experience.

Backups are stored and billed separately. Backup storage does not affect billing for database storage or database storage limits. For more information, also see Storage utilization metrics.

For more complete information on backup costs, see Spanner pricing.

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