使用 Terraform 创建集群并部署工作负载

Kubernetes 集群可为应用提供计算、存储、网络和其他服务,类似于一个虚拟数据中心。在 Kubernetes 中运行的应用及其关联的服务称为工作负载

本教程可让您快速查看正在运行的 Google Kubernetes Engine 集群和示例工作负载,所有这些都使用 Terraform 进行设置。然后,您可以在 Google Cloud 控制台中探索工作负载,然后继续学习更深入的学习路线,或开始规划和创建自己的生产就绪集群。 本教程假定您已熟悉 Terraform。

如果您希望在 Google Cloud 控制台中设置示例集群和工作负载,请参阅在 Google Cloud 控制台中创建集群


请按照以下步骤启用 Kubernetes Engine API:

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the GKE API.

    Enable the API

  5. Make sure that you have the following role or roles on the project: roles/container.admin, roles/compute.networkAdmin, roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.

      Go to IAM
    2. Select the project.
    3. In the Principal column, find all rows that identify you or a group that you're included in. To learn which groups you're included in, contact your administrator.

    4. For all rows that specify or include you, check the Role column to see whether the list of roles includes the required roles.
    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the IAM page.

      进入 IAM
    2. 选择项目。
    3. 点击 授予访问权限
    4. 新的主账号字段中,输入您的用户标识符。 这通常是 Google 账号的电子邮件地址。

    5. 选择角色列表中,选择一个角色。
    6. 如需授予其他角色,请点击 添加其他角色,然后添加其他各个角色。
    7. 点击 Save(保存)。


在本教程中,您将使用 Cloud Shell 来管理Google Cloud上托管的资源。Cloud Shell 预安装了本教程所需的软件,包括 TerraformkubectlGoogle Cloud CLI

  1. 点击 Cloud Shell 激活图标 激活 Cloud Shell 激活 Shell 按钮,从 Google Cloud 控制台启动 Cloud Shell 会话。此操作会在 Google Cloud 控制台的底部窗格中启动会话。


  2. 在运行命令之前,请在 gcloud CLI 中使用以下命令设置默认项目:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

    请将 PROJECT_ID 替换为您的项目 ID

  3. 克隆 GitHub 代码库:

    git clone https://github.com/terraform-google-modules/terraform-docs-samples.git --single-branch
  4. 切换到工作目录:

    cd terraform-docs-samples/gke/quickstart/autopilot

查看 Terraform 文件

Google Cloud 提供程序是一款插件,可让您使用 Terraform 管理和预配 Google Cloud 资源。它充当 Terraform 配置与 Google Cloud API 之间的桥梁,可让您以声明方式定义基础设施资源,例如虚拟机和网络。

本教程的集群和示例应用在两个使用 Google Cloud 和 Kubernetes 提供程序的 Terraform 文件中指定。

  1. 查看 cluster.tf 文件:

    cat cluster.tf


    resource "google_compute_network" "default" {
      name = "example-network"
      auto_create_subnetworks  = false
      enable_ula_internal_ipv6 = true
    resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "default" {
      name = "example-subnetwork"
      ip_cidr_range = ""
      region        = "us-central1"
      stack_type       = "IPV4_IPV6"
      ipv6_access_type = "INTERNAL" # Change to "EXTERNAL" if creating an external loadbalancer
      network = google_compute_network.default.id
      secondary_ip_range {
        range_name    = "services-range"
        ip_cidr_range = ""
      secondary_ip_range {
        range_name    = "pod-ranges"
        ip_cidr_range = ""
    resource "google_container_cluster" "default" {
      name = "example-autopilot-cluster"
      location                 = "us-central1"
      enable_autopilot         = true
      enable_l4_ilb_subsetting = true
      network    = google_compute_network.default.id
      subnetwork = google_compute_subnetwork.default.id
      ip_allocation_policy {
        stack_type                    = "IPV4_IPV6"
        services_secondary_range_name = google_compute_subnetwork.default.secondary_ip_range[0].range_name
        cluster_secondary_range_name  = google_compute_subnetwork.default.secondary_ip_range[1].range_name
      # Set `deletion_protection` to `true` will ensure that one cannot
      # accidentally delete this instance by use of Terraform.
      deletion_protection = false


  2. 查看 app.tf 文件:

    cat app.tf


    data "google_client_config" "default" {}
    provider "kubernetes" {
      host                   = "https://${google_container_cluster.default.endpoint}"
      token                  = data.google_client_config.default.access_token
      cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(google_container_cluster.default.master_auth[0].cluster_ca_certificate)
      ignore_annotations = [
    resource "kubernetes_deployment_v1" "default" {
      metadata {
        name = "example-hello-app-deployment"
      spec {
        selector {
          match_labels = {
            app = "hello-app"
        template {
          metadata {
            labels = {
              app = "hello-app"
          spec {
            container {
              image = "us-docker.pkg.dev/google-samples/containers/gke/hello-app:2.0"
              name  = "hello-app-container"
              port {
                container_port = 8080
                name           = "hello-app-svc"
              security_context {
                allow_privilege_escalation = false
                privileged                 = false
                read_only_root_filesystem  = false
                capabilities {
                  add  = []
                  drop = ["NET_RAW"]
              liveness_probe {
                http_get {
                  path = "/"
                  port = "hello-app-svc"
                  http_header {
                    name  = "X-Custom-Header"
                    value = "Awesome"
                initial_delay_seconds = 3
                period_seconds        = 3
            security_context {
              run_as_non_root = true
              seccomp_profile {
                type = "RuntimeDefault"
            # Toleration is currently required to prevent perpetual diff:
            # https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-kubernetes/pull/2380
            toleration {
              effect   = "NoSchedule"
              key      = "kubernetes.io/arch"
              operator = "Equal"
              value    = "amd64"
    resource "kubernetes_service_v1" "default" {
      metadata {
        name = "example-hello-app-loadbalancer"
        annotations = {
          "networking.gke.io/load-balancer-type" = "Internal" # Remove to create an external loadbalancer
      spec {
        selector = {
          app = kubernetes_deployment_v1.default.spec[0].selector[0].match_labels.app
        ip_family_policy = "RequireDualStack"
        port {
          port        = 80
          target_port = kubernetes_deployment_v1.default.spec[0].template[0].spec[0].container[0].port[0].name
        type = "LoadBalancer"
      depends_on = [time_sleep.wait_service_cleanup]
    # Provide time for Service cleanup
    resource "time_sleep" "wait_service_cleanup" {
      depends_on = [google_container_cluster.default]
      destroy_duration = "180s"



示例的 Terraform 文件描述了具有内部 IP 地址的应用,只能通过与示例应用相同的 Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) 访问该应用。如果您想通过互联网(例如,通过笔记本电脑)访问正在运行的演示版应用的网页界面,请在创建集群之前修改 Terraform 文件以创建公共 IP 地址。您可以直接在 Cloud Shell 中使用文本编辑器,也可以使用 Cloud Shell Editor 来执行此操作。


  1. cluster.tf 中,将 ipv6_access_typeINTERNAL 更改为 EXTERNAL

    ipv6_access_type = "EXTERNAL"
  2. app.tf 中,通过移除 networking.gke.io/load-balancer-type 注解来配置外部负载均衡器。

     annotations = {
       "networking.gke.io/load-balancer-type" = "Internal" # Remove this line


  1. 在 Cloud Shell 中,运行以下命令以验证 Terraform 可用:



    Usage: terraform [global options] <subcommand> [args]
    The available commands for execution are listed below.
    The primary workflow commands are given first, followed by
    less common or more advanced commands.
    Main commands:
      init          Prepare your working directory for other commands
      validate      Check whether the configuration is valid
      plan          Show changes required by the current configuration
      apply         Create or update infrastructure
      destroy       Destroy previously-created infrastructure
  2. 初始化 Terraform:

    terraform init
  3. 规划 Terraform 配置:

    terraform plan
  4. 应用 Terraform 配置

    terraform apply

    出现提示时,输入 yes 以确认操作。此命令可能需要几分钟才能完成。输出类似于以下内容:

    Apply complete! Resources: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.



  1. 进入 Google Cloud 控制台中的工作负载页面:


  2. 点击 example-hello-app-deployment 工作负载。系统会显示 Pod 详情页面。此页面显示有关 Pod 的信息,例如注解、Pod 上运行的容器、公开 Pod 的服务,以及 CPU、内存和磁盘用量等指标。

  3. 进入 Google Cloud 控制台中的 Service 和 Ingress 页面。

    打开“Service 和 Ingress”

  4. 点击 example-hello-app-loadbalancer LoadBalancer Service。系统会显示 Service 详情页面。此页面显示有关 Service 的信息,例如与 Service 关联的 Pod 以及 Service 使用的端口。

  5. 外部端点部分中,点击 IPv4 linkIPv6 link 以在浏览器中查看 Service。输出类似于以下内容:

    Hello, world!
    Version: 2.0.0
    Hostname: example-hello-app-deployment-5df979c4fb-kdwgr


为避免因本页中使用的资源导致您的 Google Cloud 账号产生费用,请按照以下步骤操作。


  • 在 Cloud Shell 中,运行以下命令以删除 Terraform 资源:

    terraform destroy --auto-approve


如果您看到类似于 The network resource 'projects/PROJECT_ID/global/networks/example-network' is already being used by 'projects/PROJECT_ID/global/firewalls/example-network-yqjlfql57iydmsuzd4ot6n5v' 的错误消息,请执行以下操作:

  1. 删除防火墙规则:

    gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="NETWORK:example-network" --format="table[no-heading](name)" | xargs gcloud --quiet compute firewall-rules delete
  2. 重新运行 Terraform 命令:

    terraform destroy --auto-approve
