Cloud Billing documentation
Cloud Billing is a collection of tools that help you track and understand your Google Cloud spending, pay your bill, and optimize your costs.
A Cloud Billing account defines who pays for a given set of Google Cloud resources. To use Google Cloud services, you must have a valid Cloud Billing account, and must link it to your Google Cloud projects. Your project's Google Cloud usage is charged to the linked Cloud Billing account.
You must have a valid Cloud Billing account even if you are in your free trial period or if you only use Google Cloud resources that are covered by the Google Cloud Free Tier.
You also need a Cloud Billing account to pay for your use of the Google Maps Platform APIs.
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Documentation resources
Manage your billing account
Create a Cloud Billing account
Modify your Cloud Billing account
Close or reopen your Cloud Billing account
View projects linked to your Cloud Billing account
Manage your payment methods
Get an invoice, statement, or receipt
Understand your monthly invoice
Pay your invoice
Resolve Cloud Billing issues
Cost management tools
Create, edit, or delete a budget
Manage programmatic budget alert notifications
View your billing reports and cost trends
Understand your invoice: Cost Table reports
Understand your savings: Cost Breakdown reports
View and download your price lists
View your committed use discount (CUD) reports
Export Cloud Billing data to BigQuery
Related resources
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