您可以使用工作流按您定义的顺序执行服务:工作流。将 Google Cloud 服务、Cloud Run functions 或 Cloud Run 上托管的自定义服务以及任何基于 HTTP 的 API 的强大功能结合使用,来创建灵活的无服务器应用。工作流不需要进行基础架构管理,并且可以无缝地按需扩缩,包括缩减至零。了解详情


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Cloud CDN → http://goo.gle/3tkyi3I Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) uses Google's globally distributed edge points of presence to cache external HTTP(S) load balanced content close to your users. In this video, we demo Cloud CDN, showing you how

Cloud CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a tool that uses Google's globally distributed edge points of presence to cache external HTTP(S) load balanced content close to your users. In this video, we give you a brief overview of how this tool works and

Google Cloud CDN is delivered on Google’s high performance global network and edge infrastructure. Cloud CDN uses Google's globally distributed points of presence to secure and accelerate video and web content delivery for applications served out of

In this video, Aja Hammerly (@the_thagomizer) shows you how to get started with Cloud CDN on Google Cloud Platform. More information on Cloud CDN is available here: https://cloud.google.com/cdn/docs/ #CloudMinute

Google Cloud CDN, built initially to support services like Google Search and Gmail, enhances the user experience by caching content in many global edge locations. With enterprise-level security, developer tools, and proven expertise in serving

Cloud Media CDN → https://goo.gle/3NbPcdy The cloud is growing to meet the needs of modern video streaming! Introducing Cloud Media CDN to efficiently scale and deliver media content to anyone, anywhere globally. It uses the same infrastructure that