Cloud Monitoring 会通过 Google Cloud、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、合成监控工具和应用插桩收集指标、事件和元数据。Cloud Monitoring 会提取这些数据进行处理,并通过信息中心、图表和提醒为您提供数据洞见。

如需从 Compute Engine 实例收集指标数据,请创建代理政策,以便在您的虚拟机队列中自动安装和维护 Google Cloud Observability 代理。


利用免费试用赠金和 20 多种产品的每月免费用量,构建和测试概念验证。

探索 Google Cloud Skills Boost 中的自主培训、应用场景、参考架构和代码示例,并了解有关如何使用和连接 Google Cloud 服务的示例。


Cloud services that have a CMEK integration → Protection levels → Learn how Google Cloud's Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) simplify data security by managing key access and inventory. This video

Cloud KMS Keys Best Practices → Encrypt Resources Easily with Cloud KMS Autokey → Learn how to optimize your use of Cloud Key Management System (KMS) with these best practices for setting up and using

What’s new with Google Cloud? Welcome to our weekly series where we serve you the lowest latency news. This week, we’re talking about data quality, customer managed encryption keys, and Cloud Run targets Find more information on all stories→