Cloud Monitoring metric export

Last reviewed 2024-08-14 UTC

This article describes a solution for exporting Cloud Monitoring metrics for long-term analysis. Cloud Monitoring provides a monitoring solution for Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Cloud Monitoring maintains metrics for six weeks because the value in monitoring metrics is often time-bound. Therefore, the value of historical metrics decreases over time. After the six-week window, aggregated metrics might still hold value for long-term analysis of trends that might not be apparent with short-term analysis.

This solution provides a guide to understanding the metric details for export and a serverless reference implementation for metric export to BigQuery.

The State of DevOps reports identified capabilities that drive software delivery performance. This solution will help you with the following capabilities:

Exporting metrics use cases

Cloud Monitoring collects metrics and metadata from Google Cloud, AWS, and app instrumentation. Monitoring metrics provide deep observability into performance, uptime, and overall health of cloud apps through an API, dashboards, and a metrics explorer. These tools provide a way to review the previous 6 weeks of metric values for analysis. If you have long-term metric analysis requirements, use the Cloud Monitoring API to export the metrics for long-term storage.

Cloud Monitoring maintains the latest 6 weeks of metrics. It is frequently used for operational purposes such as monitoring virtual machine infrastructure (CPU, memory, network metrics) and application performance metrics (request or response latency). When these metrics exceed preset thresholds, an operational process is triggered through alerting.

The captured metrics might also be useful for long-term analysis. For example, you might want to compare app performance metrics from Cyber Monday or other high-traffic events against metrics from the previous year to plan for the next high-traffic event. Another use case is to look at Google Cloud service usage over a quarter or year to better forecast cost. There might also be app performance metrics that you want to view across months or years.

In these examples, maintaining the metrics for analysis over a long-term timeframe is required. Exporting these metrics to BigQuery provides the necessary analytical capabilities to address these examples.


To perform long-term analysis on Monitoring metric data, there are 3 main requirements:

  1. Export the data from Cloud Monitoring. You need to export the Cloud Monitoring metric data as an aggregated metric value. Metric aggregation is required because storing raw timeseries data points, while technically feasible, doesn't add value. Most long-term analysis is performed at the aggregate level over a longer timeframe. The granularity of the aggregation is unique to your use case, but we recommend a minimum of 1 hour aggregation.
  2. Ingest the data for analysis. You need to import the exported Cloud Monitoring metrics to an analytics engine for analysis.
  3. Write queries and build dashboards against the data. You need dashboards and standard SQL access to query, analyze, and visualize the data.

Functional steps

  1. Build a list of metrics to include in the export.
  2. Read metrics from the Monitoring API.
  3. Map the metrics from the exported JSON output from the Monitoring API to the BigQuery table format.
  4. Write the metrics to BigQuery.
  5. Create a programmatic schedule to regularly export the metrics.


The design of this architecture leverages managed services to simplify your operations and management effort, reduces costs, and provides the ability to scale as required.

Architecture diagram of products used in solution

The following technologies are used in the architecture:

  • App Engine - Scalable platform as a service (PaaS) solution used to call the Monitoring API and write to BigQuery.
  • BigQuery - A fully-managed analytics engine used to ingest and analyze the timeseries data.
  • Pub/Sub - A fully-managed real-time messaging service used to provide scalable asynchronous processing.
  • Cloud Storage - A unified object storage for developers and enterprises used to store the metadata about the export state.
  • Cloud Scheduler - A cron-style scheduler used to execute the export process.

Understanding Cloud Monitoring metrics details

To understand how to best export metrics from Cloud Monitoring, it's important to understand how it stores metrics.

Types of metrics

There are 4 main types of metrics in Cloud Monitoring that you can export.

Each of these metric types have a metric descriptor, which includes the metric type, as well as other metric metadata. The following metric is an example listing of the metric descriptors from the Monitoring API projects.metricDescriptors.list method.

  "metricDescriptors": [
      "name": "projects/sage-facet-201016/metricDescriptors/",
      "labels": [
          "key": "response_class",
          "description": "A classification group for the response code. It can be one of ['ack', 'deadline_exceeded', 'internal', 'invalid', 'remote_server_4xx', 'remote_server_5xx', 'unreachable']."
          "key": "response_code",
          "description": "Operation response code string, derived as a string representation of a status code (e.g., 'success', 'not_found', 'unavailable')."
          "key": "delivery_type",
          "description": "Push delivery mechanism."
      "metricKind": "DELTA",
      "valueType": "INT64",
      "unit": "1",
      "description": "Cumulative count of push attempts, grouped by result. Unlike pulls, the push server implementation does not batch user messages. So each request only contains one user message. The push server retries on errors, so a given user message can appear multiple times.",
      "displayName": "Push requests",
      "type": "",
      "metadata": {
        "launchStage": "GA",
        "samplePeriod": "60s",
        "ingestDelay": "120s"

The important values to understand from the metric descriptor are the type, valueType, and metricKind fields. These fields identify the metric and impact the aggregation that is possible for a metric descriptor.

Kinds of metrics

Each metric has a metric kind and a value type. For more information, read Value types and metric kinds. The metric kind and the associated value type are important because their combination affects the way the metrics are aggregated.

In the preceding example, the metric metric type has a DELTA metric kind and an INT64 value type.

Push request

In Cloud Monitoring, the metric kind and value types are stored in metricsDescriptors, which are available in the Monitoring API.


timeseries are regular measurements for each metric type stored over time that contain the metric type, metadata, labels and the individual measured data points. Metrics collected automatically by Monitoring, such as Google Cloud and AWS metrics, are collected regularly. As an example, the metric is collected every 60 seconds.

A collected set of points for a given timeseries might grow over time, based on the frequency of the data reported and any labels associated with the metric type. If you export the raw timeseries data points, this might result in a large export. To reduce the number of timeseries data points returned, you can aggregate the metrics over a given alignment period. For example, by using aggregation you can return one data point per hour for a given metric timeseries that has one data point per minute. This reduces the number of exported data points and reduces the analytical processing required in the analytics engine. In this article, timeseries are returned for each metric type selected.

Metric aggregation

You can use aggregation to combine data from several timeseries into a single timeseries. The Monitoring API provides powerful alignment and aggregation functions so that you don't have to perform the aggregation yourself, passing the alignment and aggregation parameters to the API call. For more details about how aggregation works for the Monitoring API, read Filtering and aggregation and this blog post.

You map metric typeto aggregation type to ensure that the metrics are aligned and that the timeseries is reduced to meet your analytical needs. There are lists of aligners and reducers, that you can use to aggregate the timeseries. Aligners and reducers have a set of metrics that you can use to align or reduce based on the metric kinds and value types. As an example, if you aggregate over 1 hour, then the result of the aggregation is 1 point returned per hour for the timeseries.

Another way to fine-tune your aggregation is to use the Group By function, which lets you group the aggregated values into lists of aggregated timeseries. For example, you can choose to group App Engine metrics based on the App Engine module. Grouping by the App Engine module in combination with the aligners and reducers aggregating to 1 hour, produces 1 data point per App Engine module per hour.

Metric aggregation balances the increased cost of recording individual data points against the need to retain enough data for a detailed long-term analysis.

Reference implementation details

The reference implementation contains the same components as described in the Architecture design diagram. The functional and relevant implementation details in each step are described below.

Build metric list

Cloud Monitoring defines over a thousand metric types to help you monitor Google Cloud, AWS, and third-party software. The Monitoring API provides the projects.metricDescriptors.list method, which returns a list of metrics available to a Google Cloud project. The Monitoring API provides a filtering mechanism so that you can filter to a list of metrics that you want to export for long-term storage and analysis.

The reference implementation in GitHub uses a Python App Engine app to get a list of metrics and then writes each message to a Pub/Sub topic separately. The export is initiated by a Cloud Scheduler that generates a Pub/Sub notification to run the app.

There are many ways to call the Monitoring API and in this case, the Cloud Monitoring and Pub/Sub APIs are called by using the Google API Client Library for Python because of its flexible access to the Google APIs.

Get timeseries

You extract the timeseries for the metric and then write each timeseries to Pub/Sub. With the Monitoring API you can aggregate the metric values across a given alignment period by using the project.timeseries.list method. Aggregating data reduces your processing load, storage requirements, query times, and analysis costs. Data aggregation is a best practice for efficiently conducting long-term metric analysis.

The reference implementation in GitHub uses a Python App Engine app to subscribe to the topic, where each metric for export is sent as a separate message. For each message that is received, Pub/Sub pushes the message to the App Engine app. The app gets the timeseries for a given metric aggregated based on the input configuration. In this case, the Cloud Monitoring and Pub/Sub APIs are called by using the Google API Client Library.

Each metric can return 1 or more timeseries. Each metric is sent by a separate Pub/Sub message to insert into BigQuery. The metric type-to-aligner and metric type-to-reducer mapping is built into the reference implementation. The following table captures the mapping used in the reference implementation based on the classes of metric kinds and value types supported by the aligners and reducers.

Value type GAUGE Aligner Reducer DELTA Aligner Reducer CUMULATIVE2 Aligner Reducer
INT64 yes ALIGN_SUM none yes ALIGN_SUM none yes none none
DOUBLE yes ALIGN_SUM none yes ALIGN_SUM none yes none none
STRING yes excluded excluded no N/A N/A no N/A N/A
DISTRIBUTION yes ALIGN_SUM none yes ALIGN_SUM none yes none none
MONEY no N/A N/A no N/A N/A no N/A N/A

It's important to consider the mapping of valueType to aligners and reducers because aggregation is only possible for specific valueTypes and metricKinds for each aligner and reducer.

For example, consider the metric type. Based on the DELTA metric kind and INT64 value type, one way that you can aggregate the metric is:

  • Alignment Period - 3600s (1 hour)
  • Aligner = ALIGN_SUM - The resulting data point in the alignment period is the sum of all data points in the alignment period.
  • Reducer = REDUCE_SUM - Reduce by computing the sum across a timeseries for each alignment period.

Along with the alignment period, aligner, and reducer values, the project.timeseries.list method requires several other inputs:

  • filter - Select the metric to return.
  • startTime - Select the starting point in time for which to return timeseries.
  • endTime - Select the last time point in time for which to return timeseries.
  • groupBy - Enter the fields upon which to group the timeseries response.
  • alignmentPeriod - Enter the periods of time into which you want the metrics aligned.
  • perSeriesAligner - Align the points into even time intervals defined by an alignmentPeriod.
  • crossSeriesReducer - Combine multiple points with different label values down to one point per time interval.

The GET request to the API includes all the parameters described in the preceding list.

The following HTTP GET provides an example call to the projects.timeseries.list API method by using the input parameters:

The preceding Monitoring API call includes a crossSeriesReducer=REDUCE_SUM, which means that the metrics are collapsed and reduced into a single sum as shown in the following example.

  "timeSeries": [
      "metric": {
        "type": ""
      "resource": {
        "type": "pubsub_subscription",
        "labels": {
          "project_id": "sage-facet-201016"
      "metricKind": "DELTA",
      "valueType": "INT64",
      "points": [
          "interval": {
            "startTime": "2019-02-08T14:00:00.311635Z",
            "endTime": "2019-02-08T15:00:00.311635Z"
          "value": {
            "int64Value": "788"

This level of aggregation aggregates data into a single data point, making it an ideal metric for your overall Google Cloud project. However, it doesn't let you drill into which resources contributed to the metric. In the preceding example, you can't tell which Pub/Sub subscription contributed the most to the request count.

If you want to review the details of the individual components generating the timeseries, you can remove the crossSeriesReducer parameter. Without the crossSeriesReducer, the Monitoring API doesn't combine the various timeseries to create a single value.

The following HTTP GET provides an example call to the projects.timeseries.list API method by using the input parameters. The crossSeriesReducer isn't included.

In the following JSON response, the metric.labels.keys are the same across both of the results because the timeseries is grouped. Separate points are returned for each of the resource.labels.subscription_ids values. Review the metric_export_init_pub and metrics_list values in the following JSON. This level of aggregation is recommended because it allows you to use Google Cloud products, included as resource labels, in your BigQuery queries.

    "timeSeries": [
            "metric": {
                "labels": {
                    "delivery_type": "gae",
                    "response_class": "ack",
                    "response_code": "success"
                "type": ""
            "metricKind": "DELTA",
            "points": [
                    "interval": {
                        "endTime": "2019-02-19T21:00:00.829121Z",
                        "startTime": "2019-02-19T20:00:00.829121Z"
                    "value": {
                        "int64Value": "1"
            "resource": {
                "labels": {
                    "project_id": "sage-facet-201016",
                    "subscription_id": "metric_export_init_pub"
                "type": "pubsub_subscription"
            "valueType": "INT64"
            "metric": {
                "labels": {
                    "delivery_type": "gae",
                    "response_class": "ack",
                    "response_code": "success"
                "type": ""
            "metricKind": "DELTA",
            "points": [
                    "interval": {
                        "endTime": "2019-02-19T21:00:00.829121Z",
                        "startTime": "2019-02-19T20:00:00.829121Z"
                    "value": {
                        "int64Value": "803"
            "resource": {
                "labels": {
                    "project_id": "sage-facet-201016",
                    "subscription_id": "metrics_list"
                "type": "pubsub_subscription"
            "valueType": "INT64"

Each metric in the JSON output of the projects.timeseries.list API call is written directly to Pub/Sub as a separate message. There is a potential fan-out where 1 input metric generates 1 or more timeseries. Pub/Sub provides the ability to absorb a potentially large fan-out without exceeding timeouts.

The alignment period provided as input means that the values over that timeframe are aggregated into a single value as shown in the preceding example response. The alignment period also defines how often to run the export. For example, if your alignment period is 3600s, or 1 hour, then the export runs every hour to regularly export the timeseries.

Store metrics

The reference implementation in GitHub uses a Python App Engine app to read each timeseries and then insert the records into the BigQuery table. For each message that is received, Pub/Sub pushes the message to the App Engine app. The Pub/Sub message contains metric data exported from the Monitoring API in a JSON format and needs to be mapped to a table structure in BigQuery. In this case, the BigQuery APIs are called using the Google API Client Library..

The BigQuery schema is designed to map closely to the JSON exported from the Monitoring API. When building the BigQuery table schema, one consideration is the scale of the data sizes as they grow over time.

In BigQuery, we recommend that you partition the table based on a date field because it can make queries more efficient by selecting date ranges without incurring a full table scan. If you plan to run the export regularly, you can safely use the default partition based on ingestion date.

Screenshot of partitioning in BigQuery

If you plan to upload metrics in bulk or don't run the export periodically, partition on the end_time, which does require changes to the BigQuery schema. You can either move the end_time to a top-level field in the schema, where you can use it for partitioning, or add a new field to the schema. Moving the end_time field is required because the field is contained in a BigQuery record and partitioning must be done on a top-level field. For more information, read the BigQuery partitioning documentation.

BigQuery also provides the ability to expire datasets, tables, and table partitions after an amount of time.

Screenshot of data expiration setting in BigQuery

Using this feature is a useful way to purge older data when the data is no longer useful. For example, if your analysis covers a 3-year time period, you can add a policy to delete data older than 3 years old.

Schedule export

Cloud Scheduler is a fully-managed cron job scheduler. Cloud Scheduler lets you use the standard cron schedule format to trigger an App Engine app, send a message by using Pub/Sub, or send a message to an arbitrary HTTP endpoint.

In the reference implementation in GitHub, Cloud Scheduler triggers the list-metrics App Engine app every hour by sending a Pub/Sub message with a token that matches the App Engine's configuration. The default aggregation period in the app configuration is 3600s, or 1 hour, which correlates to how often the app is triggered. A minimum of 1 hour aggregation is recommended because it provides a balance between reducing data volumes and still retaining high fidelity data. If you use a different alignment period, change the frequency of the export to correspond to the alignment period. The reference implementation stores the last end_time value in Cloud Storage and uses that value as the subsequent start_time unless a start_time is passed as a parameter.

The following screenshot from Cloud Scheduler demonstrates how you can use the Google Cloud console to configure the Cloud Scheduler to invoke the list-metrics App Engine app every hour.

Configuration of Cloud Scheduler

The Frequency field uses the cron-style syntax to tell Cloud Scheduler how frequently to execute the app. The Target specifies a Pub/Sub message that is generated, and the Payload field contains the data contained in the Pub/Sub message.

Using the exported metrics

With the exported data in BigQuery, you can now use standard SQL to query the data or build dashboards to visualize trends in your metrics over time.

Sample query: App Engine latencies

The following query finds the minimum, maximum, and average of the mean latency metric values for an App Engine app. The metric.type identifies the App Engine metric, and the labels identify the App Engine app based on the project_id label value. The point.value.distribution_value.mean is used because this metric is a DISTRIBUTION value in the Monitoring API, which is mapped to the distribution_value field object in BigQuery. Theend_time field looks back over the values for the past 30 days.

  metric.type AS metric_type,
  EXTRACT(DATE  FROM point.INTERVAL.start_time) AS extract_date,
  MAX(point.value.distribution_value.mean) AS max_mean,
  MIN(point.value.distribution_value.mean) AS min_mean,
  AVG(point.value.distribution_value.mean) AS avg_mean
  UNNEST(resource.labels) AS resource_labels
   point.interval.end_time > TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 30 DAY))
  AND  point.interval.end_time <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
  AND metric.type = ''
  AND resource_labels.key = "project_id"
  AND resource_labels.value = "sage-facet-201016"

Sample query: BigQuery query counts

The following query returns the number of queries against BigQuery per day in a project. The int64_value field is used because this metric is an INT64 value in the Monitoring API, which is mapped to the int64_value field in BigQuery. The metric.typeidentifies the BigQuery metric, and the labels identify the project based on the project_id label value. The end_time field looks back over the values for the past 30 days.

  EXTRACT(DATE  FROM point.interval.end_time) AS extract_date,
  sum(point.value.int64_value) as query_cnt
  UNNEST(resource.labels) AS resource_labels
   point.interval.end_time > TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 30 DAY))
  AND  point.interval.end_time <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
  and metric.type = ''
  AND resource_labels.key = "project_id"
  AND resource_labels.value = "sage-facet-201016"
group by extract_date
order by extract_date

Sample query: Compute Engine instances

The following query finds the weekly minimum, maximum, and average of the CPU usage metric values for Compute Engine instances of a project. The metric.type identifies the Compute Engine metric, and the labels identify the instances based on the project_id label value. The end_time field looks back over the values for the past 30 days.

  EXTRACT(WEEK  FROM point.interval.end_time) AS extract_date,
  min(point.value.double_value) as min_cpu_util,
  max(point.value.double_value) as max_cpu_util,
  avg(point.value.double_value) as avg_cpu_util
   point.interval.end_time > TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 30 DAY))
  AND  point.interval.end_time <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
  AND metric.type = ''
group by extract_date
order by extract_date

Data visualization

BigQuery is integrated with many tools that you can use for data visualization.

Looker Studio is a free tool built by Google where you can build data charts and dashboards to visualize the metric data, and then share them with your team. The following example shows a trendline chart of the latency and count for the metric over time.

Graph of App Engine trends over time

Colaboratory is a research tool for machine learning education and research. It's a hosted Jupyter notebook environment that requires no set up to use and access data in BigQuery. Using a Colab notebook, Python commands, and SQL queries, you can develop detailed analysis and visualizations.

Graph of CPU usage

Monitoring the export reference implementation

When the export is running, you need to monitor the export. One way to decide which metrics to monitor is to set a Service Level Objective (SLO). An SLO is a target value or range of values for a service level that is measured by a metric. The Site reliability engineering book describes 4 main areas for SLOs: availability, throughput, error rate, and latency. For a data export, throughput and error rate are two major considerations and you can monitor them through the following metrics:

  • Throughput -
  • Error rate -

For example, you can monitor the error rate by using the log_entry_count metric and filtering it for the App Engine apps (list-metrics, get-timeseries, write-metrics) with a severity of ERROR. You can then use the Alerting policies in Cloud Monitoring to alert you of errors encountered in the export app.

Alerting policies

The Alerting UI displays a graph of the log_entry_count metric as compared to the threshold for generating the alert.

Graph of conditions

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