Detailed disbursements reports

The Detailed disbursements report details the money that is transferred from Google to you for the month, with a more detailed breakdown when compared to the disbursements report. The charges listed in the detailed disbursements report match the charges from your customer's invoice for the month.

Report frequency

This report is generated by the tenth business day of every month in the destination that you set up. It includes the details of usage and revenue for the previous month. Its name uses the following format: YYYY-MM-DD Detailed Disbursements Report.

For example, the name 2023-04-01 Detailed Disbursements Report indicates that the report is for the usage that happened in April 2023.

Report fields

This report is organized into rows, based on the values of the sku_id, account_id, and private_offer_id fields and the status of the related payout.

The report contains the following information, starting from January 2024:

Category Date first added Column name Description
Product info February 2024 sku_id The SKU that the customer was charged for. Depending on how a product is configured, a single deployment might have multiple SKU IDs. For example, one SKU ID might cover the cost of using CPUs in the deployment, and another SKU ID might cover the cost of using RAM.
Product info February 2024 sku_description The description of the SKU. For example, if a customer deploys a WordPress product that's charged by the number of CPU cores, the SKU description is similar to "Licensing Fee for Click to Deploy Wordpress (CPU cost)".
Product info February 2024 solution_id* The ID of the product that the customer is charged for. For VM products, this field is empty.
Product info February 2024 solution_name The name of the product that the customer is charged for.
Usage info February 2024 usage_quantity The quantity of resources that the customer used.
Usage info February 2024 usage_unit The unit by which usage is measured, such as hour or gibibyte-hour.
Usage info February 2024 min_usage_start_time* The earliest time in the invoice month when usage for the SKU occurred. If service usage is reported or processed late, this might include usage from the previous month.
Usage info February 2024 max_usage_start_time* The latest time in the invoice month when usage for the SKU occurred. If service usage is reported or processed late, this might be before the end of the invoice month.
Payout info February 2024 disbursement_entity The name of the Google corporate entity that's issuing the payment. For manual disbursements, this field is empty.
Payout info February 2024 aggregated_payout The amount that you receive for the usage.
Deductions February 2024 total_deductions* This is the total amount that was deducted before the payout was made to you. This is computed as follows:
trial_credits_used + reseller_discount + marketplace_fee_amount + cud_credits_used + partner_testing_discount
Deductions February 2024 trial_credits_used Total free trial credits and coupon credits consumed. These are credits configured for all first-time users of the product, or requested by you for a specific customer account.
Deductions February 2024 reseller_discount The amount of the reseller discount that you configured.
Deductions February 2024 marketplace_fee_amount* The amount that Cloud Marketplace keeps as part of the Revenue Share agreement that you have with Google.
Deductions February 2024 marketplace_fee_percent* The percentage fee that Cloud Marketplace keeps as part of the Revenue Share agreement that you have with Google.
Deductions February 2024 cud_credits_used* The amount of Committed use discount (CUD) credits applied. This includes both prepay and postpay credits.
Deductions February 2024 partner_testing_credit* This is only applicable for products that were procured using a Cloud Billing account linked to your partner projects. The value of this field represents an amount.
Refund info February 2024 first_refund_date The first day that corresponds to the usage used to compute the amount of a refund from Google to a customer, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Refund info February 2024 last_refund_date The last day that corresponds to the usage used to compute the amount of a refund from Google to a customer, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Refund info February 2024 refund_balance_deducted The amount that Google subtracted from the payout amount for this month due to customer refunds.
Refund info February 2024 refund_balance_outstanding If the offset related to a customer's refund is greater than the month's payout, this is the offset amount remaining after the payout.
Refund info February 2024 refund_reason The reason why the customer received a refund.
Withholding info February 2024 withheld_amount If a Google Cloud customer's Cloud Billing account is placed on probation due to lack of payment, Google withholds disbursements until the account is back in good standing. This column tells you how much we would have paid you if we'd collected it from the customer. When the Cloud Billing account is back in good standing, we release the withheld funds in the next payment to you. If it never returns to good standing, we abandon the withheld funds.
Withholding info February 2024 released_amount If Google withheld funds, this column shows the total of the funds that were released to you because the customer's Cloud Billing account returned to good standing.
Withholding info February 2024 abandoned_amount If Google withheld funds, this column shows total of the funds are abandoned because we terminated the Cloud Billing account.
Withholding info February 2024 probation_start_date The first day that Google started withholding funds, in YYYY-MM-DD format. If we're releasing or abandoning funds, this might be in an earlier month. If the Cloud Billing account is still on probation, this is the first day in the current month where we withheld funds, which might not be the very first day that we started to withhold funds.
Withholding info February 2024 probation_end_date The last day that Google withheld funds, in YYYY-MM-DD format. The day after this, the Cloud Billing account either returned to good standing or was closed by Google. If this is blank, then the Cloud Billing account is still on probation.
Channel info February 2024 channel This indicates the sales channel, and has a value of either RESOLD or DIRECT.
Channel info February 2024 transaction_type Describes the relationship between the buyer, seller, and Google for the transaction. This can have the value THIRD_PARTY_RESELLER (Google is selling your products directly to customers) or THIRD_PARTY_AGENCY (Google is acting as an agent for you).
Private offer info February 2024 entitlement_id* Offer entitlement ID associated with the purchase made by the customer.
Private offer info February 2024 private_offer_id Private Offer ID associated with the purchase made by the customer. For purchases that aren't private offers, such as purchases made directly through Cloud Marketplace by customers, this field is empty.
Private offer info February 2024 private_offer_creator The person in your organization who initiated the private offer.
Private offer info February 2024 private_offer_notes Any internal notes that were captured as part of the private offer creation process.
Private offer info February 2024 discount_offered If the usage is related to a private offer that includes metric discounts for this SKU, then this is the discount percentage that can be applied, depending on the pricing model of the offer. This discount can apply to all usage, or only to usage considered overage, as determined by the terms of the offer. If there isn't a metric level discount for this SKU in the associated offer, the value is NULL.

Note: If other types of discounts, such as commitment or usage discounts, are configured for the private offer, they don't appear in this field. This field only contains metric discounts, if they're configured.
Private offer info February 2024 private_offer_acceptance_date The date on which the private offer was accepted by the customer.
Private offer info February 2024 entitlement_start_date The first day that the entitlement is active, in YYYY-MM-DD format. The date is determined by the associated subscription or private offer for the entitlement.
Private offer info February 2024 entitlement_end_date The last day that the entitlement is active, in YYYY-MM-DD format. The date is determined by the associated subscription or private offer for the entitlement.
Private offer info February 2024 order_start_date The first day that the private offer is active, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Private offer info February 2024 order_end_date The last day that the private offer is active, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Private offer info February 2024 total_contract_value The current total contract value of the offer, calculated from the start date of the life of the offer to the end date of the current term.
Private offer info April 2024 term_total_contract_value The total contract value of the offer's current term, calculated from the start date to the end date of the current term.
Private offer info April 2024 billing_frequency Describes the recurring billing interval selected at the time of offer creation. Can have the value monthly, quarterly, yearly, pay_go, or custom.

Note: For private offers which use payment schedules (prepay or postpay) instead of billing frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually or custom) at the time of their creation, this has the value of prepay or postpay .
Private offer info April 2024 installment_count The number of installments in the offer's current term.
Private offer info April 2024 first_installment_date The start date of the first installment of the offer's current term, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Private offer info April 2024 final_installment_date The end date of the final installment of the offer's current term, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Private offer info February 2024 cust_remaining_commit* The value, in USD, of the commitment credit that the customer has remaining for use towards your product.
Private offer info February 2024 replaced_private_offer_id* The Private Offer ID of an offer which was replaced by a new offer for the same entitlement, represented in this report as private_offer_id.
Private offer info February 2024 refund_processed_date* Date that the customer refund was processed by Google.
Private offer info February 2024 payment_schedule Describes if the offer's payment schedule is prepay or postpay.

Note: For private offers which use billing frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually or custom) instead of payment schedules at the time of their creation, this field is empty. For these offers, we recommend that you use the billing_frequency column instead.
Private offer info May 2024 offer_title The text that you enter in the private offer's Offer Title field when you create the offer. This is visible to your customers. You can't edit the contents of this field after the offer is published, even if you amend the offer. If the customer has purchased multiple private offers for the same product using the same Cloud Billing account, you can use this field to differentiate between those offers in your offer table and reports. For private offers that were created before this field was made available, this field has been backfilled with the product name for the offer.
Private offer info May 2024 wholesale_charges For resold private offers(the channel field has a value of RESOLD), this shows the value: cust_charges - reseller_discount.
For private offers made directly to end customers (the channel field has a value of DIRECT), this field has the value NULL.
Customer charges February 2024 cust_charges The customer's costs for using your product.
Customer info February 2024 account_id A unique ID associated with the customer's Cloud Billing account. You can use this ID to track metrics like churn or trial conversions. This account ID isn't the same as the customer's Cloud Billing account ID, but it is specific to the customer's Cloud Billing account.
Customer info February 2024 cust_organization* This is the name of the customer's organization, which was entered in the Customer Details section when the private offer was created.
Customer info February 2024 organization_id A unique ID associated with the customer's Google Cloud organization. You can use this ID to track metrics by organization. This organization ID isn't the same as the actual ID of the customer's Google Cloud organization, but it is specific to the customer's Google Cloud organization.
Customer info February 2024 cust_identity This is a customer name identifier that Google sets. This might be different from cust_organization, which is the name that the offer creator entered when they created the private offer.
Customer info February 2024 domain The email domain for the organization's Cloud Billing administrator. If there are multiple administrators associated with the Cloud Billing account, the domain in the report is the domain used by most of the administrators. If the customer is using a personal account, the domain is excluded from the report.
Customer info February 2024 state_or_province The customer's state or province, if applicable.
Customer info February 2024 country The customer's country.
Customer info February 2024 postal_code The customer's postal code, if applicable. If the customer is using a personal account, the postal code is excluded from the report.
Report info February 2024 report_creation_date The date when the report was generated. Each report only has one value for this field, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Report info February 2024 report_timezone* This displays the UTC time offset in which the report was generated. This always has a value of -0800.
Report info February 2024 insights_account_id This maps to the external_account_id field generated for the Cloud Billing account associated with the customer. If you're comparing information between this report and the insights report, use this field to match data.
Customer info February 2024 c_u_account_id When applicable, this field maps to the account_id field in the Charges & Usage report.
Notes July 2024 extraordinary_payment_note If an extraordinary payment is issued, this field contains its corresponding notes and additional information, such as the approval date and processing date.

* These fields are unique to the detailed disbursements report.