The guide shows you how to deploy Redis Enterprise to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters.
Redis is an open source in-memory NoSQL database primarily used for caching. It has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, on-disk persistence, and high availability.
Redis Enterprise is an enterprise-grade solution that extends the Redis open-source with simplified management including geo-replicated data distribution, linear scaling of operations throughput, data tiering, advanced security features, and more.
Redis Enterprise has different pricing for each deployment option, including: Software, Cloud, or Hybrid and Multi-cloud.
This guide is intended for platform administrators, cloud architects, and operations professionals interested in deploying Redis Enterprise on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
- Plan and deploy GKE infrastructure for Redis
- Deploy the Redis Enterprise Operator
- Deploy a Redis Enterprise Cluster
- Create a Redis Enterprise Database
- Demonstrate database authentication
Redis Enterprise offers the following benefits:
- A Kubernetes-native way to manage Redis Enterprise Cluster (REC) lifecycle and Redis Enterprise Databases (REDBs)
- Resource utilization by co-locating multiple Redis databases within a single Kubernetes Pod
- Reduced operational overhead by handling routine maintenance tasks such as patching and upgrades
- Support for Redis software images from private container registries, such as Artifact Registry, to enhance the security and availability of containers
- Support for Google Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus for database monitoring and observability
- Enhanced security features such as encryption, access controls, and integration with Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
- Advanced authentication methods including LDAP and third party credential managers like Vault
- Ability to configure scheduled backups
Deployment architecture
Redis Enterprise manages the following Kubernetes resources:
- The Enterprise cluster and its configuration in a StatefulSet. The cluster consists of Redis nodes (Pods) with installed Redis packages. These nodes have running processes to ensure the node is part of a cluster. Each node provides a container to run multiple database instances (shards). Although Kubernetes best practices state that a Pod should represent one application with one container, Redis Enterprise deploys multiple Redis databases to a single container. This approach provides better resource utilization, performance, and network throughput. Each container also has a zero-latency proxy to route and manage traffic to specific Redis database processes within a container.
- The
(REDBs) custom resource that represents the Redis database instances created within the REC - Kubernetes Services that serve REDB instances as database endpoints
- A controller Pod called Service Rigger that creates and deletes database endpoints when a database is created or deleted
In this tutorial, you create a one-to-many deployment by deploying a REC into a dedicated namespace and using separate namespaces for application deployments for better isolation.
The following diagram describes Redis Enterprise components and how they are interconnected:
In this tutorial, you configure Redis Enterprise Cluster to be highly available. To accomplish this, the REC requires an odd number of nodes and a minimum of three nodes. You also set affinity, anti-affinity rules, and node taints that ensure that each Redis node is placed in a different Kubernetes node and the Redis nodes are spread evenly across the Kubernetes cluster.
Using multiple nodes and zones is crucial for achieving a high-available GKE cluster for the following reasons:
- Fault tolerance: Multiple nodes distribute the workload across the cluster, ensuring that if one node fails, the other nodes can take over the tasks, preventing downtime and service interruptions.
- Scalability: Having multiple nodes allows for horizontal scaling by adding or removing nodes as needed, ensuring optimal resource allocation and accommodating increased traffic or workload demands.
- High availability: Using multiple zones within a region ensures redundancy and minimizes the risk of a single point of failure. If an entire availability zone experiences an outage, the cluster can continue running in other zones, maintaining service availability.
- Geographic redundancy: By spanning nodes across regions, the cluster's data and services are geographically distributed, providing resilience against natural disasters, power outages, or other local disruptions that might impact a single zone.
- Rolling updates and maintenance: By using multiple nodes, you can perform rolling updates and maintenance on individual nodes without impacting the overall availability of the cluster. This ensures continuous service while allowing you to perform necessary updates and apply patches seamlessly.
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Google Cloud provides SLAs for multi-zone deployments, guaranteeing a minimum level of uptime and availability.
In this document, you use the following billable components of Google Cloud:
To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage,
use the pricing calculator.
When you finish the tasks that are described in this document, you can avoid continued billing by deleting the resources that you created. For more information, see Clean up.
Before you begin
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
If you're using an external identity provider (IdP), you must first sign in to the gcloud CLI with your federated identity.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
Create or select a Google Cloud project.
Create a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects create
with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating. -
Select the Google Cloud project that you created:
gcloud config set project
with your Google Cloud project name.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Compute Engine, IAM, GKE, and Resource Manager APIs:
gcloud services enable -
Grant roles to your user account. Run the following command once for each of the following IAM roles:
roles/compute.securityAdmin, roles/compute.viewer, roles/container.clusterAdmin, roles/container.admin, roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin, roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding
PROJECT_ID --member="user:USER_IDENTIFIER " --role=ROLE - Replace
with your project ID. -
with the identifier for your user account. For example,
. - Replace
with each individual role.
- Replace
Set up your environment
In this tutorial, you use Cloud Shell to manage resources hosted on
Google Cloud. Cloud Shell comes preinstalled with the software you need
for this tutorial, including
, the
gcloud CLI, and Terraform.
To set up your environment with Cloud Shell, follow these steps:
Launch a Cloud Shell session from the Google Cloud console, by clicking
Activate Cloud Shell in the Google Cloud console. This launches a session in the bottom pane of the Google Cloud console.
Set environment variables:
export PROJECT_ID=
PROJECT_ID export KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX=redis export REGION=us-central1Replace
: your Google Cloud with your project ID.Clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
Change to the working directory:
cd kubernetes-engine-samples/databases/redis-enterprise-operator
Create your cluster infrastructure
In this section, you run a Terraform script to create a private, highly-available, regional GKE cluster and VPC.
The following diagram shows a private regional Standard GKE cluster deployed across three different zones:
To deploy this infrastructure, run the following commands from the Cloud Shell:
cd terraform/gke-standard
export GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
terraform init
terraform apply -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \
-var region=${REGION} \
-var cluster_prefix=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}
When prompted, type yes
. It might take several minutes for this command to
complete and for the cluster to show a ready status.
Terraform creates the following resources:
- A VPC network and private subnet for the Kubernetes nodes
- A router to access the internet through NAT
- A private GKE cluster in the
region - One node pool with auto-scaling enabled (One to two nodes per zone, one node per zone minimum)
The output is similar to the following:
Apply complete! Resources: 14 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Connect to the cluster
Using Cloud Shell, configure kubectl
to communicate with the cluster:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}-cluster --region ${REGION}
Deploy the Redis Enterprise operator to your cluster
In this section, you deploy the Redis Enterprise operator to your Kubernetes cluster.
Create namespaces for the REC and its applications:
kubectl create namespace rec-ns kubectl create namespace application
Label the namespaces:
kubectl label namespace rec-ns connection=redis kubectl label namespace application connection=redis
Get the latest version of the Redis Enterprise Operator bundle:
VERSION=`curl --silent | grep tag_name | awk -F'"' '{print $4}'`
Install the Redis Enterprise operator:
kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f$VERSION/bundle.yaml
The output is similar to the following: created created serviceaccount/redis-enterprise-operator created service/admission created created created created created deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator created
Deploy Redis Enterprise Cluster
Apply the manifest to your cluster:
kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/rec.yaml
The command might take several minutes to complete.
Check the status of the REC deployment:
kubectl get rec -n rec-ns
The output is similar to the following:
The cluster is ready when
Optional: Configure the admission controller
You can optionally configure infrastructure for the database validation on deployment.
Setup the admission controller and check if the admission tls Secret is present:
kubectl get secret admission-tls -n rec-ns
Get the certificate:
export CERT=$(kubectl get secret admission-tls -n rec-ns -o jsonpath='{.data.cert}')
Copy the certificate into the
file:sed -i -e 's/CRT/'$CERT'/g' manifests/01-basic-cluster/webhook.yaml
Deploy the validation webhook:
sed -i -e 's/CRT/'$CERT'/g' manifests/01-basic-cluster/webhook.yaml
The admission controller validates database syntax on labeled namespaces.
Verify the admission controller by creating a non-functional database:
kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f - << EOF apiVersion: kind: RedisEnterpriseDatabase metadata: name: redis-enterprise-database spec: evictionPolicy: illegal EOF
The output is similar to the following:
Error from server: error when creating "STDIN": admission webhook "redisenterprise.admission.redislabs" denied the request: 'illegal' is an invalid value for 'eviction_policy'. Possible values are ['volatile-lru', 'volatile-ttl', 'volatile-random', 'allkeys-lru', 'allkeys-random', 'noeviction', 'volatile-lfu', 'allkeys-lfu']
Create namespaces
By default, the Redis Enterprise Operator has no privileges to perform actions outside its own namespace. To allow the Redis Enterprise Operator to create REDB and database endpoints in other namespaces, you must configure RBAC.
Apply the corresponding role and role binding in the application namespace:
kubectl apply -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/role.yaml -n application kubectl apply -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/role-binding.yaml -n application
Create cluster role and cluster role binding in the
namespace:kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/cluster_role.yaml kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/cluster_role_binding.yaml
Edit the REC ConfigMap to add control over the application namespace:
kubectl patch ConfigMap/operator-environment-config --type merge -p '{"data": {"REDB_NAMESPACES_LABEL": "connection=redis"}}' -n rec-ns
Each namespace labeled as ConfigMap is patched.
Check the status of the resources in your Redis infrastructure in the
namespace:.kubectl get pod,deploy,svc,rec,statefulset,cm,secrets -n rec-ns
The output is similar to the following:
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/gke-rec-0 2/2 Running 0 172m pod/gke-rec-1 2/2 Running 0 171m pod/gke-rec-2 2/2 Running 0 168m pod/gke-rec-services-rigger-5f885f59dc-gc79g 1/1 Running 0 172m pod/redis-enterprise-operator-6668ccd8dc-kx29z 2/2 Running 2 (5m58s ago) 5h NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/gke-rec-services-rigger 1/1 1 1 172m deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator 1/1 1 1 5h NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/admission ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 5h service/gke-rec ClusterIP <none> 9443/TCP,8001/TCP 172m service/gke-rec-prom ClusterIP None <none> 8070/TCP 172m service/gke-rec-ui ClusterIP <none> 8443/TCP 172m NAME NODES VERSION STATE SPEC STATUS LICENSE STATE SHARDS LIMIT LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE AGE 3 7.2.4-52 Running Valid Valid 4 2023-10-05T11:07:20Z 172m NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/gke-rec 3/3 172m NAME DATA AGE configmap/gke-rec-bulletin-board 1 172m configmap/gke-rec-health-check 5 172m configmap/kube-root-ca.crt 1 5h2m configmap/operator-environment-config 1 5h NAME TYPE DATA AGE secret/admission-tls Opaque 2 5h secret/gke-rec Opaque 2 172m
Deploy Redis Enterprise Databases
Create Redis Enterprise Databases in the application namespaces:
kubectl apply -f manifests/01-basic-cluster/a-rdb.yaml -n application
Check the REDB status:
kubectl get redb --all-namespaces
The output is similar to the following:
NAMESPACE NAME VERSION PORT CLUSTER SHARDS STATUS SPEC STATUS AGE application app-db 7.2.0 12999 gke-rec 1 active Valid 15s
Verify that the Services for each REDB are running:
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
The output is similar to the following:
NAMESPACE NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE application app-db ExternalName <none> redis-12999.rec-ns.svc.cluster.local 12999/TCP 72m
Verify that the Secret was created:
kubectl get secrets -n application
The output is similar to the following:
NAME TYPE DATA AGE redb-app-db Opaque 3 96m
Authenticate using passwords
You can connect to REDB using a Pod with redis-cli
in the application
namespace. The client Pod uses the secrets available in the application
namespace (REDB) to establish a connection.
Databases created with the Custom Resource REDB only support password authentication without ACL.
Create the client Pod:
kubectl apply -n application -f manifests/03-auth/client_pod.yaml
Connect to the client Pod:
kubectl exec -n application -i -t redis-client -c redis-client -- /bin/sh
Connect to the database:
redis-cli -h $SERVICE -p $PORT --pass $PASS
Create a key:
SET mykey "Hello World"
The output is similar to the following:
Get the key:
GET mykey
The output is similar to the following:
"Hello World"
Exit the Pod shell
Understand how Prometheus collects metrics for your Redis cluster
The following diagram shows how Prometheus metrics collecting works:
In the diagram, a GKE private cluster contains:
- A Redis Pod that gathers metrics on path
and port8070
- Prometheus-based collectors that process the metrics from the Redis Pod
- A
resource that sends metrics to Cloud Monitoring
The Redis Enterprise operator exposes cluster metrics in Prometheus format.
Create the metrics-proxy Deployment:
kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/02-prometheus-metrics/metrics-proxy.yaml
Because the operator only provides an HTTPS endpoint with the self-signed certificate and the
resource doesn't support disabling TLS certificate verification, you use themetrics-proxy
Pod as a reverse proxy for this endpoint to expose the metrics on the HTTP port.Create the PodMonitoring resource to scrape metrics by
:kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/02-prometheus-metrics/pod-monitoring.yaml
In the Google Cloud console, go to the GKE Clusters Dashboard page.
The dashboard shows non-zero metrics ingestion rate.
Create a Dashboard
You can view the metrics by creating a dashboard.
Create the dashboard:
gcloud --project "${PROJECT_ID}" monitoring dashboards create --config-from-file monitoring/dashboard.json
The output is similar to the following:
Created [f4efbe4e-2605-46b4-9910-54b13d29b3be].
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Dashboards page.
Open the Redis Enterprise Cluster dashboard. It might take several minutes for the dashboard to auto-provision.
Verify the exported metrics
To verify the metrics, create new database and examine the metrics.
Open the Redis Enterprise Cluster dashboard.
Create an additional Redis database:
kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/02-prometheus-metrics/c-rdb.yaml
The Database Count on the dashboard should update.
Create a client Pod to connect to the new database:
kubectl apply -n rec-ns -f manifests/02-prometheus-metrics/client_pod.yaml
Connect to the client Pod and prepare variables:
kubectl exec -it redis-client-c -n rec-ns -- /bin/bash
Use the
tool to create new keys:for i in {1..50}; do \ redis-cli -h $SERVICE -p $PORT -a $PASS \ --no-auth-warning SET mykey-$i "myvalue-$i"; \ done
Refresh the page and observe that graphs have been updated to show the actual database state.
Exit the Pod shell
Clean up
Delete the project
Delete a Google Cloud project:
gcloud projects deletePROJECT_ID
Delete individual resources
Set environment variables.
export PROJECT_ID=${PROJECT_ID} export KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX=redis export REGION=us-central1
Run the
terraform destroy
command:export GOOGLE_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token) cd terraform/gke-standard terraform destroy -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} \ -var region=${REGION} \ -var cluster_prefix=${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}
When prompted, type
.Find all unattached disks:
export disk_list=$(gcloud compute disks list --filter="-users:* AND${KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_PREFIX}-cluster" --format "value[separator=|](name,zone)")
Delete the disks:
for i in $disk_list; do disk_name=$(echo $i| cut -d'|' -f1) disk_zone=$(echo $i| cut -d'|' -f2|sed 's|.*/||') echo "Deleting $disk_name" gcloud compute disks delete $disk_name --zone $disk_zone --quiet done
Delete the GitHub repository:
rm -r ~/kubernetes-engine-samples/
What's next
- Explore reference architectures, diagrams, and best practices about Google Cloud. Take a look at our Cloud Architecture Center.